esteemed in a sentence
Esteem definition, to regard highly or favorably; regard with respect or admiration: I esteem him for his honesty. You've pressed charges against such an esteemed University. Possessed of immense wealth, which he had himself acquired in commerce, and held in high esteem as a judge, an interpreter of dreams and a depositary of the traditions of his race, his early accession to Islamism was a fact of great importance. aureoreticulata is esteemed "r for its charmingly varie Yin, gated leaves netted with golden yellow. He was greatly esteemed by Hadrian, who appointed him governor (legatos) of Cappadocia (131-137), in which capacity he distinguished himself in a campaign against the Alani. octocinctus), which is highly esteemed for its flesh. The wines of Rioja are highly esteemed and are an important source of income for the district. One reason why chalcedony has been so highly esteemed is that it lends itself to a variety of decorative treatments. Among lyricists were: Coloman Toth, who is also the author of several epic and dramatic pieces; John Vajda, whose Kisebb Koltemenyek (Minor Poems), published by the Kisfaludy society in 1872, are partly written in the mode of Heine, and are of a pleasing but melancholy character; Joseph Levay, known also as the translator of Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus, Taming of the Shrew and Henry I V.; and Paul Gyulai, who, not only as a faultless lyric and epic poet, but as an impartial critical writer, is highly esteemed, and whose Romhdnyi is justly prized as one of the best Magyar poems that has appeared in modern times. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. 2. 1. Rice of a kind not much appreciated in Persia, but much esteemed in Gilan and Russia, is largely cultivated and a quantity valued at about £120,000 was exported to Russia during 1904-1905. According to analysts, the esteemed fashion brand will sell for over one hundred million dollars. Some of the small fish along the coast are highly esteemed for their flavour. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Examples of esteemed in a sentence: 1. See more. esteemed meaning: highly respected: . In one of the most esteemed varieties, the wing and tail feathers are at first black - a peculiarity, however, which disappears after the first moulting. The Cypselus esculentus, or edible-nest swift, is very common, and the nests, which are built mostly in limestone caves, are esteemed the best in the archipelago. 2. But he was not able to dismount the horse which carriedhim straightinto hell through a volcano.56Another variant of this legend says it was the Pope and the consul themselves who threw Theoderic into the fiery mouth of hell,57but the hunting-versionwas more esteemedin the arts, for example on a relief of the 13th century at the charnel-houseof What are synonyms for esteemed? Schism esteemed the deadliest of sins, 142, 197. It is by many esteemed as the best of all the edible fungi found in Great Britain. Esteem definition, to regard highly or favorably; regard with respect or admiration: I esteem him for his honesty. The colour of the normal sapphire varies from the palest blue to deep indigo, the most esteemed tint being that of the blue cornflower. That which occurs in globular drops is, he says, termed " male frankincense "; the most esteemed, he further remarks, is in breast-shaped drops,. What does esteem mean? The grain produce, consisting mainly of wheat, oats, rye and Indian corn, exceeds the consumption, and the vineyards yield an abundant supply of both white and red wines, those of Limoux and the Narbonnais being most highly esteemed. Change your default dictionary to American English. When ripe the seeds are much esteemed as a delicacy, while in France much oil of fine quality is extracted from them by pressure. Intellectual interests of a high order have always characterized, Leipzig, and what Karl von Holtei once said of it is true to-day: "There is only one city in Germany that represents Germany; only a single city where one can forget that he is a Hessian, a Bavarian, a Swabian, a Prussian or a Saxon; only one city where, amid the opulence of the commercial world with which science is so gloriously allied, even the man who possesses nothing but his personality is honoured and esteemed; only one city, in which, despite a few narrownesses, all the advantages of a great, I may say a world-metropolis, are conspicuous ! It is esteemed for the solidity of its flesh, and for its earliness and productiveness. How highly Casaubon esteemed Grotius appears from a letter of his to Daniel Heinsius, dated London, 13th of April 1613. He was one of the most esteemed university teachers and influential writers of his day. Natal has now about 5000 acres under tea giving a fairly large yield, but of quality pot highly esteemed outside of South Africa, where it benefits to the extent of 4d. µbppa; the Arabic murr, bitter, was applied to the substance from its bitterness), a gum-resin highly esteemed by the ancients as an unguent and perfume, used for incense in temples and also in embalming. At the end of the 17th century the market was esteemed the second market in the county. Aristotelia - A. macqui is a hardy Chilian shrub of the Lime Tree family, chiefly esteemed for its handsome evergreen foliage. Fabiani was highly esteemed and appreciated by his fellow cast members. surprise. Coca is highly esteemed by the natives, who masticate the leaf, and is also an article of export for medicinal purposes. The Sokotran aloe is highly esteemed; in the middle ages the trade was mostly in these products and in ambergris. my esteemed colleague definition in English dictionary, my esteemed colleague meaning, synonyms, see also 'esteem',Este',ester',est'. He was highly esteemed in devout circles as the author of De la aficiOn y amor de Jesus (1630), and De la aficion y amor de Maria (1630), both of which were translated into Arabic, Flemish, French, German, Italian and Latin. Adjectives for esteemed include esteemable, esteemed, estimable, estimative, esteeming, estimated and estimating. How do you spell esteemed in a sentence? Be warned. Whilst reinviting all the esteemed invitees I hope through active presence and participation in this forum, international convergence and cooperation on Asia-Europe transport would be duly provided. What does esteem mean? esteemed Quesnay much, and used to call him his thinker; when he ennobled him he gave him for arms three flowers of the pansy (pensee), with the motto Propter excogitationem mentis. Ex : garçon - nm > On dira "le garçon" ou "un garçon". Shall I write "esteemed department" or "esteemed agency" or … OpenSubtitles2018.v3. The extensive pastures support large herds of sheep and cattle, including a noteworthy breed of merino sheep. The vine flourishes chiefly on the hills of the south-east; the wines of Les Riceys, Bar-sur-Aube, Bouilly and Laines-aux-Bois are most esteemed. Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. Under the head of statute law Burn includes ` the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion, agreed upon in Convocation in the year 1562; and in like manner the Rubric of the Book of Common Prayer, which, being both of them established by Acts of Parliament, are to be esteemed as part of the statute law.'" : Her assisting in the escape of prisoners of war added powerfully to the public esteem of women in general. The most esteemed is the pato real, a large duck. : The animated hit has had five song-filled … You will also note, via the official Colts site, that being a member of the Colts cheerleaders will involve everything from an annual swimsuit gallery to the esteemed honor of being the "Cheerleader of the Week". On the whole the remarks of this esteemed author do not go much beyond such as might occur to any one who had made a study of a good series of specimens; but many of them are published for the first time, and the author is careful to insist on the necessity of not resting solely on sternal characters, but associating with them those drawn from other parts of the body. Highflyer is represented through his greatly esteemed son Sir Peter Teazle, commonly called Sir Peter (1784), whose dam was Papillon by Snap. This seems to be sufficiently attested by the fact that he was greatly liked and esteemed, not only in the pulpit but in private intercourse, by cultivated women like the countess of Biickeburg, the duchess of Weimar and Frau von Stein, and, what perhaps is more, was exceedingly popular among the gymnasium pupils, in whose education he took so lively an interest. Even rood years after this period, the dog was highly esteemed in Egypt for its sagacity and other excellent qualities; for when Pythagoras, after his return from Egypt, founded a new sect in Greece, and at Croton in southern Italy, he taught, with the Egyptian philosophers, that at the death of the body the soul entered into that of various animals. esteemed hospital. Synonyms: 1.Legal: 1. The Manila selfie museum encouraging visitors to take pictures with art Have you ever liked a piece of art so much you feel like you’re part of it? TBC. It is a fine fish, but little esteemed for food, and rarely exceeds 12 in. In earlier days Phoenicia produced excellent wine, that of Sidon being specially esteemed; it is mentioned in an Aramaic papyrus from Egypt (4th century B.C., N.S.I. In fact, a group of esteemed writers from TIME magazine once declared that reality TV shows were "the best thing to happen to television in several years.". 31. esteemed leader n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. Mules are bred in Piura and Apurimac, and are highly esteemed for mountain travel. That prepared in Korea is now the most esteemed variety. When these fires occur while the trees are full of sap, a curious mucilaginous matter is exuded from the half-burnt stems; when dry it is of pale reddish colour, like some of the coarser kinds of gum-arabic, and is soluble in water, the solution resembling gumwater, in place of which it is sometimes used; considerable quantities are collected and sold as " Orenburg gum "; in Siberia and Russia it is occasionally employed as a semi-medicinal food, being esteemed an antiscorbutic. The marbles of Shemtu are the finest pink Numidian marbles, which were much esteemed by the Carthaginians and Romans. Sheikhi of Kermiyan, a contemporary of Mahommed I.and Murad II., wrote a lengthy and still esteemed mesnevi on the ancient Persian romance of Khusrev and Shirin; and about the same time Yaziji-oghlu gave to the world a long versified history of the Prophet, the Muha.mmediya. His singular dramas, The Bacchantes (1822), Sigurd Ring, which was posthumous, and The Martyrs (1821), are esteemed by many critics to be his most original productions. In Trinidad the young are esteemed a great delicacy for the table by many, though some persons object to their peculiar scent, which resembles that of a cockroach (Blatta), and consequently refuse to eat them. It is esteemed by the Hindus as one of the holiest places in southern India, ranking among the seven sacred cities of India, and is remarkable for the number of its temples and shrines. These enthusiastic evangelists esteemed zeal a higher virtue than discipline and decorum, and put small emphasis on church systems as compared with conversions. esteemed in a sentence - Use "esteemed" in a sentence 1. As Henderson was forced upon his parish by Archbishop George Gladstanes, and was known to sympathize with episcopacy, his settlement was at first extremely unpopular; but he subsequently changed his views and became a Presbyterian in doctrine and 'church government, and one of the most esteemed ministers in Scotland. The cheese of the Emme valley is locally much esteemed. He was highly esteemed by Cyprian, bishop of Carthage; Novatian refers to his nobilissimae memoriae, and he corresponded with Origen. The so-called red garnet, a pretty fish, with hues of carmine and blue stripes on its head, is much esteemed for the table. As the esteemed Mr. Barnum said, there's one born every minute. His vague dualism works a very distinct advance upon the crude hylozoism of the early Ionians (see Atom), and the criticisms of Plato and Aristotle show how highly his work was esteemed. About the beginning of the Christian era a great trade was carried on in coral between the Mediterranean and India, where it was highly esteemed as a substance endowed with mysterious sacred properties. This is the British English definition of esteemed.View American English definition of esteemed. {{#verifyErrors}} {{message}} {{/verifyErrors}} {{^verifyErrors}} {{#message}} Franklin's reputation," wrote John Adams with characteristic extravagance, " was more universal than that of Leibnitz or Newton, Frederick or Voltaire; and his character more esteemed and beloved than all of them.. At Mantua he designed the church of Sant' Andrea and at Rimini the celebrated church of San Francesco, which is generally esteemed his finest work. Champignons are highly esteemed (and especially is this the case abroad) for adding a most delicious flavour to stews, soups and gravies. Find another word for esteemed. Search my esteemed colleague and thousands of other words in English Cobuild dictionary from Reverso. But he was highly esteemed in the West Riding, and in 1861 he was returned unopposed for Bradford. The even silvery sorts are highly esteemed, and the fur is one of the most effective and precious. After this important conquest, Eugene and Marlborough proceeded to the Hague, where they were received in the most flattering manner by the public, by the states-general, and above all, by their esteemed friend the pensionary Heinsius. Meaning of esteemed. The esteemed fashion school has cancelled the course due to curricular disagreements with the disgraced designer. Example sentences with "esteemed university", translation memory. Synonym Discussion of esteem. Check the meaning of esteemed. 8), " Let that be esteemed a valid Eucharist which is celebrated in the presence of the bishop or of some one commissioned by him," is really inconsistent with any firmly established principle that celebration by a layman was in itself absolutely null (see also Eucharist). Breitling watches are made by the esteemed Switzerland-based watch and chronograph company. If the statement in the life of Terence by Suetonius is correct and the reading sound, Caecilius's judgment was so esteemed that he was ordered to hear Terence's Andria (exhibited 166 B.C.) celebrities, people in the community or family members. Learn more. Not only were they lodged in cages of tortoise-shell and ivory, with silver wires, but they were professedly esteemed as delicacies for the table, and one emperor is said to have fed his lions upon them! An earthly inheritance is highly esteemed among men. How to use esteem in a sentence. 14. 10. The breeds of buffaloes and horses in this state are highly esteemed. 21. examples "Action is needed, O esteemed Commission" "And here's our esteemed leader now" "I have been receiving your esteemed fortnightly" "I heard you had an esteemed guest" "My esteemed royal sovereign of the realm" "Our esteemed … It's difficult to see esteemed in a sentence . put off. Prediction by esteemed scientists on water resources in the 21st century. Sentence examples similar to from your esteemed company from inspiring English sources similar ( 60 ) I am writing in regards to your search for a new sales manager at your esteemed … Beautiful and popular spring flowers, of which many forms are highly esteemed in most gardens. read and to pronounce an opinion upon it. esteemed education. No wonder that dancing and profuse perspiration were esteemed a necessary adjunct to feeding! The most esteemed Syrian galls, according to Pereira, are those of Mosul on the Tigris. snowflake-0.6%. But their religion makes little difference in their manner or conduct. Most of the species are esteemed good eating by the natives of the countries in which they live. Greenock-built vessels have always been esteemed, and many Cunard, P. & O. They do not represent the opinions of Found 134 sentences matching phrase "esteemed guest".Found in 8 ms. He is the most highly esteemed and respected person among them. The elder Darer was an esteemed craftsman and pious citizen, sometimes, as was natural, straitened in means by the pressure of his numerous progeny. Mr. When the Arabs possessed themselves of the scattered remains of Greek culture, the works of Galen were more highly esteemed than any others except those of Aristotle. Esteem definition is - the regard in which one is held; especially : high regard. There are plenty of "poor" that are accepted, liked and even esteemed. Sentence Examples for esteemed. Such remedies are termed antiphlogistic. Pastry, sweetmeats and fruit are highly esteemed. How to use Esteemed in a sentence? In 2008, esteemed reporter Barbara Walters ran a special on ABC News entitled, "Live to 150, Can You Do It? 9. The old professor was greatly loved and esteemed. largesse. , According to analysts, the esteemed fashion brand will sell for over one hundred million dollars. So lightly was the acquisition esteemed in England, and so unsuccessful was the administration of the crown officers, that in 1668 Bombay was transferred to the East India Company for an annual payment of X10. 2. High quality example sentences with “esteemed university” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English He was not one of those many diplomats who are esteemed because they have certain negative qualities, avoid doing certain things, and speak French. Esteemed definition: You use esteemed to describe someone who you greatly admire and respect . The Swiss professor, Konrad Gesner (1516-1565), is the most voluminous and instructive of these earliest writers on systematic zoology, and was so highly esteemed that his Historia animalium was republished a hundred Gesner. 14.7%. spelling of esteemedw . The best sea otters have very dark coats which are highly esteemed, a few with silver hairs in parts; where these are equally and evenly spread the skins are very valuable. spelling of esteemedw . esteemed firm in a sentence - Use "esteemed firm" in a sentence 1. As verbs the difference between esteemed and distinguished is that esteemed is (esteem) while distinguished is (distinguish). , We are going to name our new football field after our esteemed coach. He subsequently professed himself a convert to the Anglican Church, and published a number of works, but was more esteemed for his ability than for his moral character. The nut was long known only from sea-borne specimens cast up on the Maldive and other coasts, was thought to grow on a submarine palm, and, being esteemed a sovereign antidote to poisons (Lusiad, x. To the virtues of liberality, charity and clemency he added the Machiavellian qualities of falsehood and shrewdness, so highly esteemed by the princes of his time. What is the meaning of esteemed? 99 examples: He denied that sanctification could be esteemed as vouchsafing ' evidence ' of… The territories of the Gran Chaco, however, are covered with a characteristic tropical vegetation, in which the palm predominates, but intermingled south of the Bermejo with heavy growths of algarrobo, quebracho-colorado, urunday (Astronium fraxinifolium), lapacho (Tecoma curialis) and palosanto (Guayacum officinalis), all esteemed for hardness and fineness of grain. His Problemas de geometria analitica (1865) and Teorias modernas de la fisica unidad de las fuerzas materiales (1867) are said to be esteemed by competent judges. gift. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Mr Watts, who was the village squire, was highly esteemed; not only in North Bucks, throughout the country generally. Augustine was an auditor for nine years, while Faustus was at that time the most esteemed Manichaean teacher in the West. How to use esteemed in a sentence. Follow @englishpedia1 Share on Facebook. Esteemed in a sentence. What is the definition of esteemed? I am writing a cover letter for an internship position posted by a government body, but I am not sure if the phrase "at your esteemed organization" suitable for this application. 18. Kim Jong Il likes to be referred to as his country's esteemed leader. The Teal is the Anas crecca of Linnaeus, Nettion crecca of modern ornithology, and the smallest of the European Anatidae, as well as one of the most abundant and highly esteemed for the table. esteemed / examples. Cast iron, brought to perfection by the Coalbrookdale Company about 1860, but now little esteemed, owing to the poverty of design which so often counterfeits smiths' work, presents great opportunities to founders possessing taste or willing to submit to artistic control. In the reign of Akbar the chiefs of Bikanir were esteemed among the most loyal adherents of the Delhi empire, and in 1570 Akbar married a daughter of Kalyan Singh. How to use highly esteemed in a sentence. Name 3 esteemed people. See more. 3. 32. definitions. On the surface, he was a very outgoing man, frequently in the company of esteemed names from the showbusiness profession. (adjective) Dictionary ! Since her marriage with Lord Edward she had been greatly beloved and esteemed by the whole Fitzgerald family; and although after her second marriage her intimacy with them ceased, there is no sufficient evidence for the tales that represented her subsequent conduct as open to grave censure. His knowledge of medieval literature and his appreciative sympathy with medieval life admirably qualified him for his work, and his scholarly attainments are still highly esteemed. As he always kept the useful in his eye in all his disquisitions, he esteemed the employments of men only in proportion to the good they were capable of producing; for which cause he had no great value for the critics who waste their lives in composing words and phrases in coming to the choice of a various reading, in a passage that has after all nothing important in it. Maintaining their esteemed place at the forefront of watch technology, Tissot recently introduced computer reminiscent touch technology to their timepiece. A large species of barnacle, Balanus psittacus, is found in great abundance from Concepcion to Puerto Montt, and is not only eaten by the natives, by whom it is called Pico, but is also esteemed a great delicacy in the markets of Valparaiso and Santiago. Find more ways to say esteemed, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. The former is generally admired and revered by the common people; the latter is commonly more esteemed and … While tradition is still very much esteemed in many Asian cultures, most families will find a fusion of traditional attire and contemporary gowns. Since Greek and Roman times dolphins have been highly esteemed sea creatures. All Rights Reserved. So highly was he now esteemed for his courage, abilities and integrity, that all parties were anxious to have him on their side (Eloge, by Montesquieu). Discover . On the European continent the Hagenau pine of Westphalia is esteemed for the straightness and good quality of its timber. Examples of esteem in a sentence, how to use it. The mackerel most esteemed as food is the common species, and individuals from 10 to 12 in. Definition of esteemed in the dictionary. Setting aside, however, the strong improbability that a style of decoration so widely practised and so highly esteemed could have remained unknown during a century and a half to experts working for one of the most puissant chieftains in Japan, we have the evidence of trustworthy traditions and written records that enamelled faience was made by the potters at Tatsumonjithe principal factory of Satsuma-ware in early daysas far back as the year 1676. He was esteemed by his neighbours. He had become such a thorough Englishman in his views and prejudices, that by 1250 he was esteemed the natural exponent of all the wrongs of the realm. Esteemed: having a good reputation especially in a field of knowledge. They are only used for floor rugs, and the males are more highly esteemed on account of the set-off of the mane. The region enclosed by these ranges is extremely rugged in character, but it is esteemed highly for its fertile valleys and its fine climate, and is called the " Bolivian Switzerland.". antonyms. Esteemed quotes from YourDictionary: I like the Albanians much; they are not all Turks; some tribes are Christians. Notwithstanding this terrible disaster, Alexandria soon recovered its former splendour, and for some time longer was esteemed the first city of the world after Rome. He was so highly esteemed by Pericles that he was entrusted with the task of framing laws for the new colony of Thurii (Plut. View Esteemed usage in sample sentences. The fur is most highly esteemed in Russia and China; in the latter country it is used to trim mandarins' state robes. His sketches and studies for his pictures are numerous and very highly esteemed. Forestry is greatly developed; the breed of sheep in the Carpathians is of an improved quality, and the horses bred in the plain of the Hanna are highly esteemed. regarded university. Found 218 sentences matching phrase "esteemed university".Found in 12 ms. 2. Log in. It is very common on the coasts of Europe and eastern North America, but its flesh is much less esteemed than that of the true Gadi. Basic education is provided along with digital inclusion and English literacy classes with certification from an esteemed university. Definition of esteemed : highly regarded an esteemed author my esteemed colleagues our esteemed leader/guests He also wrote to Richard Randolph's stepfather, the esteemed lawyer St. George Tucker … As a didactic and elegiac poet Stephen Kohari is much esteemed. esteemed: See: famous , important , influential , outstanding , popular , prominent , reputable , valuable Information and translations of esteemed in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. token. Garrard Jewellers is the oldest jewelry house in the world, and with its esteemed status as the official Crown Jeweller for Britain's royalty, an engagement ring from Garrard is sure to make any bride-to-be feel like a princess. collections formed by a certain nobleman who had travelled in Eastern Europe, Western Asia and Egypt - possible Breidenbach, an account of whose travels in the Levant was printed at Mentz in 1486 - it is really a medical treatise, and its zoological portion is mainly an abbreviation of the writings of Albertus Magnus, with a few interpolations from Isidorus of Seville (who flourished in the beginning of the 7th century, and was the author of many works highly esteemed in the middle ages) and a work known as Physiologus. View Esteemed usage in sample sentences. In the early days of the Roman republic land in Italy was held largely by small proprietors, and agriculture was highly esteemed and classed with war as an occupation becoming a free man. He declines, again preferring to be esteemed … The ascetic instinct is probably as old as humanity, yet we must not forget that early religious practices are apt to be deficient in lofty spiritual meaning, many things being esteemed holy that are from a modern point of view trifling and even obscene. The cherry (sakura) is even more esteemed. The fruit of the kurarina, a tree found almost exclusively in Shoa, yields a black grain highly esteemed as a spice. , When Ann was recognized as a National Scholar, she found herself in the esteemed company of the best students in the country. Venesection (blood-letting) at one time was highly esteemed as an antiphlogistic measure, and while it is possible that it has now fallen too much into disuse, there can be no doubt that at one time it was very greatly abused, and was carried to such an excess as to kill many patients who would have recovered perfectly had they been let alone. With them, as with the bulk of the Christians of the 1st and 2nd centuries, apocryphal books as such were highly esteemed. But their religion makes little difference in their manner or conduct. The larger shrimp-like crustacea are generally known as "prawns," the name being especially applied in Britain to the species Leander serratus, formerly called Palaemon serratus, which is highly esteemed for the table. Commentaries were greatly esteemed for his honourable, kindly and straightforward character are honored present... Be referred to as his country 's esteemed leader n noun: Refers to person, place,,! This preview shows page 29 - 35 out of some of these cookies be. Also a man of learning and culture, and individuals from 10 to 12 in for some of cookies... ) is even more esteemed than its true spiritual fathers and mothers Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 75 related words definitions! Resident DJ at the end 's Chew the Fat leader n noun: Refers to his nobilissimae,... 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