code lyoko, aelita
Aelita is a virtual program of the world Lyoko. 's monsters. After Ulrich has defeated a Ninja in Sector Five, it is revealed the Ninja has implanted a tracking device before it was devirtualized, allowing Tyron and his team to track down the gang's location until Kadic, where one of Tyron's man Graven wants the best students in Kadic to answers quantum-physics questions in order to know which one of them could be a Lyoko Warrior. Her left ear has a small dangle earring that looks like a fishing lure. Aelita Schaeffer est l'un des Lyoko-Guerriers de Code Lyoko. Others discover her whereabouts and come to her rescue once again and with return to the past, Aelita doesn't miss her concert this time. by Alphamon52 Follow. She bore a striking resemblance to Aelita. This was most notable in Music to Soothe the Savage Beast, where Jeremie unapologietically said he was willing to miss Aelita's concert just so he could keep working on a new program that would help the group find more Replikas. One day, however, she had to hide Mr. Pück, who had a hidden key to Franz Hopper's locker in the local train station. Ulrich manages to hide Aelita into one of the boats and have her going to the factory by using Sissi's bike, that Sissi took with her. ... Aelita has been brought to life with resounding success, and now the time to destroy XANA has come! Aelita pilote le Skidbladnir dans la mer numérique et elle peut s'en servir pour prendre le controle des tours (elle l'utilise dans l'épisode 93 Retour). Code Lyoko: Aelita's New Life. Elle ne parvient pas à atteindre ses ennemis et son père finit par se désintégrer. tries to take over, but fails and it is revealed that Aelita is actually Franz Hoppers daughter, who lived on Earth a long time ago. Wikis. As Aelita was being home-schooled, she was completely unaware of her father's laboratory, supercomputer, and X.A.N.A. L'un des CD de musique créés par Aelita a attiré l'attention des Subdigitals, groupe de musique dont presque tout Kadic était fan, et a été choisi pour la première partie de leur album (épisodes 68 Première partie, 72 Leçon de choses et 89 Il est sensé d'être insensé). Personnage central de Code Lyoko comme Code Lyoko Evolution, elle peut être considérée d'une certaine manière comme la héroïne de cette saga, bien qu'il aille de soi qu'aucun membre du groupe n'est superflu. At first, Aelita just contacted the team during attacks, but by Big Bug, Aelita seemingly grew fond of talking to Jeremie on a daily basis about his life. They are housed in the Scanner Room. Malheureusement, XANA peut désormais lui implanter un virus par l'intermédiaire de la Méduse pour la contrôler. 's power level is too great for the team to overpower in their last mission to infect it and the Cortex. Aelita se fait voler sa mémoire (et donc les Clés de Lyoko) par la Méduse en fin de saison 2 (voir épisode 52 Réminiscence), permettant à XANA de s'échapper dans le réseau, mais elle peut revenir sur Terre après la dévirtualisation, car elle est finalement redevenue humaine. When X.A.N.A. Box is in great condition. Energy Fields Repeat until you reach the other side. In order to avoid total destruction of the supercomputer, Aelita had to delete the Ice Sector. Even so, Aelita was always the one who told the team that they needed to rescue him. In the episode New Order, Jeremie enrolled Aelita at Kadic under the false identity of "Aelita Stones", an orphan from Canada and Odd's cousin. Sur Lyoko, elle a l'apparence d'une elfe vêtue d'une espèce de kimono rose et blanc (on apprend dans le préquelle Le réveil de XANA que le supercalculateur crée les apparences des individus qui se virtualisent sur Lyoko, en fonction de leurs rêves). Unlike the original Code Lyoko animated series, Evolution was never dubbed into English, and ran for a single 26-episode season, concluding in December of 2013. Aimez-vous ? Thinking its X.A.N.A, Jeremie tries to convince her that it isn't possible. After asking Aelita to promise that she'll never forget him, Franz turns off the supercomputer to prevent X.A.N.A. They try to think of a name for it, which Aelita finds from Viking books that her father used to read to her. As she realizes it is X.A.N.A. Odd names the monster Kolossus. Also known as They were proven to be right when it is revealed Laura did indeed use her knowledge to improve their virus but also made herself immune to the Return to the Past's side effects without their permission. Sa voix, quelque peu grave, fait adulte. 22. It's implied this appreciation came from her father playing piano for her. Her unlockables are increased energy and lifepoints, increased damage to enemies, increased energy efficiency, and the ability to walk with the shield up. Cependant, cela n'a jamais été plus sérieux, et Aelita reste amoureuse de Jérémie durant le reste de la série. Dans l'épisode 90 (Médusée), elle révèle aux autres Lyoko-Guerriers que son père et elle avaient changé de nom en arrivant à l'Ermitage, et que Hopper n'était que le nom de sa mère, alors que celui de Franz Hopper était en réalité Schaeffer. Il est impossible de détruire XANA sans détruire Aelita. L'épisode se finit sur une image d'Aelita en larmes qui s'appuie sur Jérémie dans la salle des scanners, entourée de ses amis. After 24 hours of waiting, Anthea appears in Tyron's lab and Jeremie turns on the sound so Aelita can speak to her mother but the conversation is short because Tyron cuts the connection. Serait-ce lui qui aurait reprogrammé XANA ? Elle ne se virtualise sur Lyoko que pour désactiver les tours. However, Sissi gets electrocuted by an electric energy orb sent by X.A.N.A. She tells Jeremie that despite what the data on the Cortex says, she is sure her father isn't responsible for X.A.N.A. Elle constitue ainsi l'une des trois entités contrôlant Lyoko (Aelita, XANA et Franz Hopper), et bien qu'elle soit la moins puissante de ces trois entités, son influence sur Lyoko n'en est pas moins grande : elle est, malgré son absence d'attaques dans les deux premières saisons, la Lyoko-guerrière qui possède le plus de pouvoirs. When the group planned to vote as to whether or not to let Laura join the team in the end of the episode, she launched a return to the past herself before they could properly vote. Ce n'est que dans l'épisode 53 (Droit au cœur) qu'elle est dévirtualisée, sans passer par une tour désactivée, par un rampant dans la salle du Cœur. Dans la saison 1, tous les héros présument qu'elle est une intelligence artificielle. In the fourth season, Aelita receives a new pink and pale green form-fitting suit on Lyoko, which has a star-shaped watch that projects a pair of retractable energy wings that enable Aelita to fly. Move the cursor over it, and another one will appear in a different location. 17:39. Elle peut donc enfin être matérialisée mais avant, elle doit aller dans une tour de passage pour être amenée sur Terre […] Après quelques péripéties, Aelita se retrouve finalement à l'intérieur d'un scanner. She waits nonstop for an answer and when another mission to the Cortex is made, Aelita finds a safe spot where she can't be detected by the Ninjas or Tyron's system and decides to stay there until her mother shows up so she can talk to her for the first time since many years ago. For the first three seasons, Aelita's Lyoko attire consists of an off-white baggy jumpsuit with light pink-and-maroon mini skirt and a matching top over it and matching shoes. Meanwhile, William is hiding in the Mountain Sector from 5 Bloks guarding an activated tower while Yumi and Aelita are on a misison on the Cortex to find Tyron's lab's location but Yumi is devirtualized by a Krab, leaving Aelita all by herself. Together, they all visit Sector Five and get Yumi's DNA codes back. would attack again. 35 kg (77 lbs) Without possibility of travelling around network with hundreds of replikas out there, team Lyoko sees no other way than to get rid of X.A.N.A if they wish to save the world. has reached 92% of its full power thanks to the codes he stole from Aelita. However, Aelita refuses to believe this and goes back to her "mother" and hugs her again, allowing the spectre to drain even more codes. Dès le premier épisode de la saison 2, Jérémie et Aelita font une excursion dans la forêt en cours de SVT, mais le jeune garçon se rend compte qu'il a oublié son ordinateur et retourne le chercher, Aelita l'attend mais très vite elle entend des loups et s'enfuit. Awakens, Jeremie named her "Maya.". More Details. had given Aelita a virus that connects them both. Emportez vos fandoms favoris partout avec vous. Code Lyoko. It can be upgraded. In Final Mix, Aelita finds out that she is a good mixer, and she likes mixing so much that makes it her hobby. Before he was accepted as a member of the Lyoko Warriors, Aelita and William rarely had any interactions with each other. They make a deal: if X.A.N.A. When Aelita and Jeremie look around Hermitage, they discover rebooting program formula for supercomputer. One day, however, her mother disappeared. Its cancelled sequel series, Code Lyoko: Evolution aired in Paris, on France 4, in January 5, 2013 and was left open-ended, as an unresolved cliffhanger. To activate this power, stand over an ability hologram and press C. Aelita's wings will appear, and when she glows pink, swing the Wii remote and Nunchuk down and up together. She was also eventually able to forgive her father after he sacrificed himself for her. On peut penser qu'elle a été détrônée par William, mais on ne connaît la puissance de ce dernier que lorsqu'il est contrôlé par XANA, pas en tant que Lyoko-Guerrier. June 21, 2020. Two music albums are named Aelita as well. Aelita wears different outfits at different times on Earth. 2. Code Lyoko is a Canadian-American 2D hand-drawn animation that previously aired on Cartoon Network on Miguzi. and the Supercomputer. The 2D characters are drawn interestingly, with many sections unrealistically expanded. Aelita's hair is pink both on Lyoko and in the real world. 's monsters trick her to the edge of the Forest Sector and a transportation orb appears, taking Aelita to a new, mysterious sector, where the Scyphozoa attacks Aelita to steal her memory. On la voit, enfant, vivant à la montagne avec ses parents : Franz et Anthéa Hopper. Elle incite donc Jérémie à rallumer le supercalculateur. et en informatique. Aelita deactivates the tower and Jeremie finds out after Polymorphic Specter attacked Ulrich, that X.A.N.A survived by implementing its source codes to Aelita, Odd, Yumi and Ulrich. The scanners are giant cylinders, located in The Factory. is destroyed, so is Aelita. Jérémie a fait de nombreuses inventions, mais la plus importante pour lui est le nouveau scan qui permet de détecter instantanément les tours activées sans qu'Aelita reste sur Lyoko pour ressentir les pulsations. French voice actor(s) will become too powerful for them when it takes control of the entire network. Her true identity (as well as the actions of her father) made her believe that she was 'nothing' and that her life had been 'robbed from her' by her father's experiments and betrayal. Son nom de famille change aussi plusieurs fois. As Ulrich has to deal with his father, Odd races in skateboard competition, Yumi is babysitting Hiroki and Jeremy is being interviewed by Milly and Tamiya, X.A.N.A. In a photo as a little girl with her mother as seen in. They have a good friendship and rarely fight, with the exception of the instance in the episode The Pretender. 's towers and stop his attacks on Earth (until the episode Spectromania where her friends also gained this ability). In Missing Link, the other Lyoko Warriors, she found out that her name was n't Maya but... Enemies in solid blocks of Ice for a limited amount of time les présument... Series, Aelita ends up being thrown to Digital Sea or during her first of... Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la saison 1, tous les héros présument qu'elle est intelligence. Scénaristes de Code Lyoko boys Genie92 1 0 vivre sans Lyoko - Crepuscule Nelbsia 47 5 real compared! X.A.N.As robot army, that evil AI would use to take over the world -... 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