cordon tomatoes varieties

cordon tomatoes varieties

These are the easiest varieties to grow, needing little or no pruning, and require supporting only when heavily laden with fruit. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. A very, very old variety producing bright red deeply pleated fruits. Large sized plum tomatoes have deep red skin and a rich dense flesh ideal for pasting. Produces a large, heart shaped, ribbed red tomato which is excellent for tomato juice and salads. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Firm and meaty texture. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety. Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds. Produces good yields of flavoursome fruit. Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds. Growing tomatoes is easy, and there are varieties suitable for greenhouses, for pots on sunny patios and even for window boxes. Arguably the most blight resistant variety of tomato currently available. Cordon (Vine) Tomato, a beautiful blue-black cherry-sized fruit that is packed full of antioxidants and goodness. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Perfect for stuffing. Masses of golden-orange cherry tomatoes. Available Now Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Other Names - Cherry Tomatoes, Indeterminate, Cordon, Outdoor, Indoor Tomatoes… Sungold with it's deep orange shiny fruits is a difficult variety to beat for flavour. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety. Available Now Byles respectively, both of West Virginia. A cherry tomato that looks like a pear! They crop well and the bite-sized fruit are addictive! Suitable for both outdoor and protected growing. Very heavy cropping. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety. The largest early-fruiting tomato there is, and with a great flavour too! Large, smooth fruits have crimson skin and a really sweet flavour. TN25 4DG England, UK, Telephone: 01233 740529 Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety. All are easy to grow, and rarely grow more than 1.4m up a cane. Some tomatoes, especially beefsteak types, have a habit between that of an indeterminate (vine or cordon) and a determinate (bush) type. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. A dehybridised reselection, and now open pollinated. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Available Now Supplied as a packet of approximately 25 seeds. Once this first flush of fruit has ripened, the plant will begin to diminish in vigor and will set little to no new fruit. F1 Hybrid. Determinate Tomatoes . Cordon (Vine) Tomato. 5" - 6" long tapered bright red fruits. Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Medium-sized fruits have a fine flavour - some say the finest. See below for our full list of Cherry tomato varieties: See below for our full list of Salad tomato varieties: See below for our full list of Beefsteak tomato varieties: See below for our full list of Plum tomato varieties: How to Grow Tomatoes from Plug Plants Video, The smallest and often sweetest tomatoes, from grape size to 25g fruits, Cherry tomatoes are ideal for adding to salads, pasta dishes or for roasting whole, These are good all-round tomatoes in the kitchen. Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds. Indeterminate / Cordon (tall varieties) Home; Vegetables; Tomato; Indeterminate / Cordon (tall varieties) Sort by: Tomato Seeds - Ailsa Craig. These are similar to indeterminate varieties (grown as cordons) only they produce shorter plants. Large beefsteak fruits have smooth deep red skin and a rich dense flesh. Available Now Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds. More... That little bit of extra work you'll need to do with cordon tomatoes (side-shooting and providing support) will pay off with the diversity of fruit sizes, colour and even flavours available - from tiny little cherry tomatoes to huge beefsteaks, and and don't forget plum tomatoes. Full of goodness and antioxidants this variety ripens to a deep brown/black colour on the top (paler at the bottom) and has incredible flavour. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds. 50 Seeds. TN25 4DG England, UK, I would like to thank the nursery and staff for the order I received this morning Wednesday 17th July . Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds. Open pollinated. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. We offer our selection of heirloom and modern variety cordon tomatoes as both tomato seeds and tomato plants (supplied in season). SOLD OUT UNTIL 2022 This year I'll do better by my plants! Vine / Cordon (Indeterminate) €1.74 + Wishlist ... Ailsa Craig is still considered to be one of the finest tomato varieties. Gorgeously sweet cherry tomatoes are born on very neat and compact trusses. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety. They produce vigorous lateral shoots that often terminate in a flowering truss and, so, these are not usually removed, except to curb unruly growth. Available Now Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Indeterminate (or ‘cordon’) tomatoes have a growing habit that, given the right conditions, will continue growing almost indefinitely. Bell pepper-shaped bright red fruits are striped golden orange. However, some varieties of tomatoes stay green, even when they’re ripe. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds. The Cherry Tomatoes - these come in a range of fruit colour and flavours. Supplied as a packet of approximately 10 seeds. The next step is to sow your tomato seeds or pot on your tomato plug plants. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Heavy crops of billiard ball sized fruits with a good flavour. Medium-sized golden yellow fruits with thick walls but very little flesh, ideal for stuffing. Excellent for cooler growing conditions, early and heavy cropping! Be careful when pinching out these shoots that you preserve laterals, which will flower and bear fruit. The two most famous varieties were developed in 1922 and 1930s by William Estler and M.C. Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds. Growing tomatoes is easy, and there are varieties suitable for greenhouses, for pots on sunny patios and even for window boxes. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Dusky dark red beefsteak fruits have an earthy and sweet flavour. Indeterminate (cordon) varieties are often called 'greenhouse' tomatoes, but this is a little misleading, as most will also produce a good crop outside in a favourable position. Masses of gorgeously sweet fruits. An excellent variety for outdoor growing. Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Ugly purple-blue fruits have a pleasantly sharp tomato flavour. Available Now Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety. Juicy and sweet fruits almost melt in the mouth. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Available Now Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds. £1.58. are pinched out. Making it easier. Bush/Determinate All tomato plants can be grown in the ground, grow bags or in patio containers; however the shortest varieties are the most suitable for containers as they don't require staking. Similarly, most varieties can be grown under protection or outside, though it goes without saying that the extra warmth given by growing under protection will increase yields. Available Now A highly blight resistant variety cocktail tomato suitable for both outdoor and protected growing. All are open pollinated heritage (heirloom) varieties. Excellent flavour and reliable even in cooler years. For more information on tomato blight click here. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. 4 " (10 cm) long, bright yellow banana shaped fruits. Open pollinated. The varieties here are Mountain Magic (the round red ones), Tutti Frutti (the plum-shaped ones) and Sungold (the golden ones) I love growing edible plants from seed in my garden and small greenhouse. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. I try growing different things each year, but one thing I grow every year is tomatoes. Cordon (or indeterminate) tomatoes can be grown in containers or border soil - they are not fussy. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Lycopene is more readily dissolved in fats than water so it is recommended to serve your tomatoes with a small amount of olive oil dressing. Once we have finished clearing one of the overgrown flower beds our new plants will hopefully produce a good display for several years . Cordon (Vine) Tomato. How to Use Green Tomatoes. Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds. Available Now Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety. Sweet and delicious cherry tomatoes are born on open trusses. Commonly available cordon tomato varieties. Available Now Available Now Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. All rights reserved. Open pollinated heritage (heirloom) variety. Indeterminate tomato plants continue to grow and set the fruits throughout the growing season until killed by frosts. A tried and trusted old variety. Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Challock, Ashford, Kent. Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds. Determinate tomatoes are varieties that grow to a fixed mature size and ripen all their fruit in a short period (usually about two weeks). Perfect for salsas. Available Now 12 Seeds. Now exclusive to us! Available Now Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Sets well even in low light. You can't beat the taste of your own tomatoes, picked still warm from the sun and eaten fresh. Available Now Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Large trusses of bright red 'fig'-shaped'cherry tomatoes are produced in profusion. Also suitable for protected. Very heavy cropping. You can sow seed from late March to early April if you will be growing the plants outdoors. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety. Suitable for indoor or outdoor cultivation. Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds. Mixed home grown tomatoes from my garden. There are regular leaf varieties and potato leaf varieties, and types more suited to greenhouse or outdoor growing. Long, red heart-shaped to banana-shaped fruits are sweetly flavoured. Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds. Cordon tomatoes - an experiment I've always muddled along with tomatoes, never really focusing enough on pinching out and stopping, and ending up in August with an inadequate support for laden plants. All the doubts have proved unfounded, not only did the order arrive on the day but it came early enough for me to pot the plants before going off to work .The size and quality of the plants are first class and are real value for money . Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds. To grow your tomatoes in this fashion you will need some sturdy canes or a system of wires strung from, for example, the crop bars on a polytunnel. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Early into cropping. Available Now Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds. F1 Hybrid. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. With 10,000 varieties to choose from, it can be hard to know which are the best tomato varieties to grow. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Vine tomatoes can be compact, intermediate or tall. One slice will fill a sandwich. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds. Purportedly descended from seeds found in an Egyptian tomb. Tomato plants fall into two growing categories: cordon and bush. Suitable for protected growing only. Supplied as a packet of approximately 5 seeds. If growing cordon varieties, they may need some support and guidance with more delicate and precise tasks like taking out side-shoots and tying in. Early to ripen.Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds. The other name for cordon tomatoes is “indeterminate”, meaning they could grow on and on as long as … Produces lovely bunches of red grape-sized fruits, 10-20 per cluster. A superior form of 'San Marzano'. Huge Beefsteak fruits are filled with juicy, meaty flesh. Suitable for protected and outdoor growing. Good disease resistance. Sometimes known as vine or indeterminate tomatoes, many novice gardeners are put off growing them because of concerns about complicated side shooting and training; the reality is that growing cordon tomatoes is very easy indeed and to help you along the way we have put together some handy videos on growing tomatoes. Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds. Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Available Now Available Now Cordon (Vine) Tomato. Large, slightly flattened tomatoes in clusters of two with a delicious flavour. The sweet flavoured cherry tomatoes... More. There are four main types of tomatoes, each with their own culinary uses as explained below: Cordon/Indeterminate tomatoes Available Now Billiard ball sized ruits are red striped with green. Supplied as a packet of approximately 15 seeds. Open pollinated, heritage (heirloom) variety. Available Now Available Now Tomatoes can be bush, cordon (single stemmed) or vine varieties. *Your 20% discount only applies to plants, bulbs and seeds.© 2021 Thompson & Morgan. Sort By: Show out of stock items? A little bit of fun! After placing my order on Sunday I began to have doubts ,this was due to a bad experience with a large producer of plug size bedding plants earlier this year . Available Now Cordon (vine) tomato seed. Without a doubt the most blight resistant variety cocktail tomato suitable for greenhouses, for pots on sunny patios even. Home grown tomatoes picked at the peak of their ripeness sized... more in... Board `` varieties of tomatoes '' on Pinterest pictures with uson Instagram using! Plants outdoors 30, 2020 - Explore Jeanie Wilson 's board `` varieties of tomatoes '' on Pinterest that quite. On a nutritious, balanced diet, read our How to grow, needing little no. 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