culture of different countries ppt

culture of different countries ppt

When comparing the national culture of countries, it is very important point is Hofstede’s culture dimension. Ram" etc. Culture also appears to influence the way the self is represented in our brains. If so, share your PPT presentation slides online with Greetings: How business etiquette is different in different cultures: International business travel can be complicated enough at the best of times, with flight arrangements, accommodation and connections to arrange, one would hope that the business meetings themselves would take care of themselves. - Managing diversity in a changing environment A cross cultural comparison with Germany Agenda Diversity comparison A comparative study Differences 12/6/2011 National ... | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view. Or use it to find and download high-quality how-to PowerPoint ppt presentations with illustrated or animated slides that will teach you how to do something new, also for free. - DIVERSITY Means different or varied. - Beautifully designed chart and diagram s for PowerPoint with visually stunning graphics and animation effects. Encourage your learner to look at the food items, name them and tell you where they come from. People will tend to look at their own people in their culture as beautiful because people in different cultures tend to have different notion of beauty. charhoti,Durga poja and Holi,rath yatra,are also very popular. Culture of Zambia - history, people, clothing, women, beliefs, food, customs, family, social To-Z ... and European descent. We love people, we love difference, we love languages, we love our world! If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Asian on December 11, 2011: This is indeed a very good way of articulating cultural difference. From a 'thumbs up' to looking at your watch – here's what 6 hand gestures mean in different cultures and countries. Arctic Circle Countries (region) Central America (region) Eastern Europe (region) Latin America (region) Middle East/N. At the same time, we were counting the change in our pocket. Here are few examples of brands and businesses which failed because of Culture. No doubt, one important aspect of just about any given culture is its code of etiquette. The collective sum of the individual differences, life experiences, knowledge, inventiveness, innovation, self-expression, unique capabilities and talent that our employees invest in their work, represents a significant part of not only our culture, but our reputation and the company’s achievement as well. It expresses the feelings and emotions of the artist and it can be interpreted in different ways by different … - Cultural Diversity: Issues in Education and Practice Nataliya Lishchenko Cultural Diversity and Health Care We All Have It! The reality is that how you communicate depends on where you live, what culture you’re from and how you communicate in general. Canada. numbers of different leadership styles in different countries and various cultures, and many researches have done many surveys in the field of leadership in which the relation of leadership style with situations conditions has been emphasized. Every organization has a culture unique to itself, and this is true of divisions within large corporations. Gender Roles in Society. Do you have PowerPoint slides to share? Meaning of Culture: Culture describes a certain set of customs, ideas and social behavior of a group of similar people in a society. Culture of India: Working effectively with different cultures is a necessary skill for anyone in a culturally diverse work environment. India's languages, religions, greetings, festivals, food and customs differs from place to place within the country. Some religion such as Muslims, consider eating pork as a dirty food, and people should not eat them. Countries Free Presentations in PowerPoint format. This is because each culture has its own way of thinking, its own values and beliefs, and different preferences placed on a variety of different factors. Culture also impacts you if you’re sourcing from different countries, because culture impacts communications. Gender Roles in Different Countries By Sheyenne Grenier. American culture is a diverse mix of customs and traditions from nearly every region of the world. Apart from difference in countries and geographies, there is one very major difference in different parts of the world i.e Culture. Getting pupils to think about what influences their culture and see what is the same for them & others in the class. We were standing in front of an elevator waiting for it to come down. particular community, period, class, or population: Edwardian culture; Japanese culture; the culture of poverty. Find PowerPoint Presentations and Slides using the power of, find free presentations research about Traditions Of Countries PPT Indian Culture has a variety of religions like Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Christianity, etc. Vignette 1 Goals and limitations of this seminar How can we make the most of it? Different countries, different work cultures.  Popular religious festivals include the Hindu festivals of diwali, Maha shivratri,ganesh Hindus. • Ask if your learner can think of any more international food. Although essentially similar, these countries in Africa have some subtle differences in their culture. And if it is, what can we do about it? Linking it back to Identity lesson. Different Cultures of the World 1. Are Germans more impressed by hierarchies or titles?  Sweets are also very popular among Indians. In Thailand, the head is considered to be the most sacred part of the body (NEVER touch a Thai person on their head), and the feet are considered to be the dirtiest. while in Western Culture the people mostly belong to Christianity. Culture is learned . Brazil. panche (in Kannada) for men. This custom is known as Pranama. Auxiliary Diversity Policy Statement. Organizational Culture The different attributes of culture have been arranged on basis of norms and attitudes which help in differentiating one firm from another. Try these curated collections . Learn all about body language and discover 10 ways that people from around the world express themselves... without ever opening their mouths! The culture, widespread in the western countries is known as Western Culture. This is due to its being a melting pot of nationalities, as a result of centuries of European domination as well as slavery, which brought hordes of African migrants across Brazil’s borders to live in and influence the local cultures with their ancient customs and ideas. - Cultural Diversity and its Effects on Learning and Teaching Monica A. Devanas Teaching Excellence Center Rutgers University Diverse Students motivational and learning ... - Chapter 12 Modern Human Diversity: Race and Racism Thrifty Genotype Populations that are lactose intolerant retain the thrifty genotype. There are so-called masculine cultures and there are feminine cultures. Botswana. Culture is defined as the ways of living of different people at the same time in different parts of the same region. eastern. And they’re ready for you to use in your PowerPoint presentations the moment you need them. This cross border trade has put an impact on life style, habits and culture of people in one or another way. javanti, are celebrated with zeal and enthusiasm across India.  Popular styles of dress include draped garments such as sarifor women and dhoti or lungior We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. However, the opposite happens when negative feedback is to be given. Here is a brief overview of American holidays, food, clothing and more. The continent of Africa is a vast one and it contains as many as 53 countries. Right and wrong are only matters of opinion, and opinions vary from culture to culture. Power point on what is culture. In some African countries, a big body and big buttocks would be considered beautiful for women. Within one country different levels of culture may be distinguished according to for example gender, generation, religion, social class, ethnic group. Food: Every organization has a culture unique to itself, and this is true of divisions within large corporations. Warning! It's a typical Madrasi Food for North Indians. In a well-written paragraph, tell me about some of the different cultures that you have seen in Michigan. is a leading presentation/slideshow sharing website. Festivals: Some cultures, notably the French and Italians, tend toward deductive arguments, focusing on theories and complex concepts before presenting a fact, statement, or opinion. When people from two different countries live together or share a common land, a mix and blending of culture always takes place. Canada shares the world's longest land border with the United States. With over 23 million Christians, of which 17 million Diversity Quiz. Linguistic Affiliation. There are a number of African tribes in the African continent. CrystalGraphics 3D Character Slides for PowerPoint, - CrystalGraphics 3D Character Slides for PowerPoint. Nevertheless, many nations form historically developed entities even if they consist of clearly different groups and even if they have less integrated minorities. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Men hold hands to show their friendship to each other and it is completely normal for them. Many of them are also animated. It's important to adapt to different cultures when visiting different countries. While visiting a new city or country, it is … For instance, in the United States people used to shake hands when they meet someone, in India people join their hands, in Japan and China people bow down from the waist, in Belgium kiss on one cheek is a way to greet someone irrespective of the gender. Pen-in-bottle, Sweden.  The three national holidays in India the Independence day, the republic day and the gandhi Africa (continent) Albania (Europe) Antarctica (continent) Arctic Circle Countries (region) Asia (continent) Australia (continent and country) Austria. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. Characteristics of Culture. Geographical borders usually segregate cultures. Different culture has different religion, different religion has different custom and food is an important part of a religion. Different lift techniques are used ranging from piggy-back to fireman’s lift to the Estonian carry (seen in the above photograph). the names of some of the countries covered in Unit 1 of this pack. Differences in political culture amongst them develop due to the difference in education, political training, economic and social background.  Christianity is India's third largest religion. Immigration increased from 35,051 in 1988 to 50,105 in 1997. Christmas and good Friday as public holidays. They argue from facts about differences between cultural outlooks to making conclusions about the status of morality For example: Premises: Different cultures have different moral codes Therefore, there are no objective truth in morality. They'll give your presentations a professional, memorable appearance - the kind of sophisticated look that today's audiences expect. What may elicit a thumbs up from Miss Manners in the U.S. may not elsewhere in the world. On top of that, their respect to the King is unsurpassed so this story will make you giggle. As you learn more about cultural differences, you will encounter several more concepts, such as low-context and high-context cultures. "The Culture Map" Scheduling. African Tribes. • Place your items of food realia on the table.  Reverentially bowing to their elders. If you’re planning on seeing these beautiful clothes in person by traveling to the country that wears them earn frequent flyer miles on sightseeing tours and attractions. The Brazilian culture is one of the world’s most varied and diverse. Book on today! Some business cultures are relaxed in nature, while others are serious or regimented. Central America (region) China. Where and how you are touched or touch changes the meaning of touch. This is a full lesson powerpoint on culture and it explores how culture adds to the meaning of certain Media Texts. New Voices/ Nuevas Voces Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Early Childhood, - New Voices/ Nuevas Voces Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Early Childhood FPG Child Development Institute University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, HCA 340 Week 5 DQ 1 Cultural Diversity in Healthcare, - HCA 340 Week 5 DQ 1 Cultural Diversity in Healthcare Check this A+ tutorial guideline at, The Cultural Aspects of Community Nursing Practice. Cultures of different countries 1. Middle Eastern countries take touch between people from opposite genders is taken as bad character. Find PowerPoint Presentations and Slides using the power of, find free presentations research about Cultures Of Countries PPT As the doors began to open, one of the coins had sli… Standing Ovation Award: "Best PowerPoint Templates" - Download your favorites today! The author, a professor at IMD, has surveyed … You might think the gestures you grew up with are universal, but chances are, the innocent gesture you make at home means something very different in another country. There are different forms of art like painting, sculpture, literature, architecture, music, dance, theater, photography and films. We believe that human capital is our most valuable asset. the second largest religion with over 172 million Muslims, according to India's 2011 census.  Greetings include Namaste (Hindi and Sanskrit) Namaskaris considered slightly more formal They found that people from different cultures aren't just randomly different from one another; they differ in very specific, even predictable, ways. Men and women would That's why we are so passionate about cultural understanding. Therefore the backward develop a political sub-culture of their own. In low-context cultures like the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada, communication is explicit and clear while in a high-context culture like Russia, communication is nuanced and implicit and there is more shared content. Managing diversity in a changing environment. WHAT IS CULTURE? Think about where your friends are from, what language they speak, what foods do they eat or what religions they practice… Think about just how many different cultures you … 3. One should always try and tailor their presentation style to meet the needs of the target culture. Obvious Manifestations: Religion Ethnicity (Race) National Origin (language ... - Cultural Diversity S. Micheal Pope, CEO ASEB-Alzheimer s Services of the East Bay Introduction Purpose of this training is to help create an open environment that ... - CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN THE WORKPLACE Definition of Culture Culture refers to the cumulative deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes and religion ... How diversity & inclusion use for business learn | Ampcus Inc. - Ampcus is committed to fostering, cultivating and preserving a culture of diversity and inclusion globally. Share a common land, a mix and blending of culture have been arranged on basis norms! 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