hercules gene wiki
Narrator: Long ago, in the faraway land of ancient Greece, there was a golden age of powerful gods and extrodinary heroes. Hercules is known for his many adventures, which took him to the far reaches of the Greco-Roman world. But what is the measure of a true hero? The following is a list of episodes from Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, a television series, filmed in New Zealand and the United States, starring Kevin Sorbo as Hercules.It is very loosely based on the tales of the classical Greek culture hero Heracles.It ran for 111 episodes over six seasons. 1 Personality 2 History 2.1 The Spear of Selene! [19] Mapplethorpe's work with black model Derrick Cross can be seen as a reaction to neo-classical colourism, resisting the portrayal of Hercules as white. In Roman mythology, although Hercules was seen as the champion of the weak and a great protector, his personal problems started at birth. He is voiced by Raymond S. Persi. Eugene V. "Gene" Frankel (December 23, 1919 – April 20, 2005) was an American actor, theater director, and acting teacher especially notable in the founding of the off-Broadway scene. When applied to myoblasts, myostatin inhibits their differentiation into mature muscle fibers. The downstream signalling cascade enhances the expression of RANKL-dependent integrin αvβ3, DC-STAMP, calcitonin receptors, and NFATc1 (which is part of the initial intracellular complex that starts the signaling cascade, along with R-Smad2 and ALK4 or ALK5).[49][47]. [53] However, increases in cardiac myostatin can increase its serum concentration, which may cause skeletal muscle atrophy. Tacitus records a special affinity of the Germanic peoples for Hercules. Hercules' name was also used for five ships of the US Navy, four ships of the Spanish Navy, four of the Argentine Navy and two of the Swedish Navy, as well as for numerous civilian sailing and steam ships – see links at Hercules (ship). Only a few monthes after birth, Hera sent two serpent… Hebe is the cup-bearer of the Gods and the Goddess of Youth in the Olympian Pantheon. Hybridization:Extract genes from Bears, Cats, Chickens, Boomalopes, Muffalos, Wolves, Rodents, Reptiles, Insectoids, Thrumbos and Mechanoids, and create hybrids of these species. Duramold er et komposittmateriale utviklet av Virginius E. Clark. The Etruscan form Herceler derives from the Greek Heracles via syncope. Six successive ships of the British Royal Navy, from the 18th to the 20th century, bore the name HMS Hercules. He doesn't treat Ralph as badly as the Nicelanders do and even seems to be a bit sympathetic and caring for him. [54], Myostatin is produced as promyostatin, a precursor protein kept inactive by the latent TGF-β binding protein 3 (LTBP3). In classical mythology, Hercules is famous for his strength and for his numerous far-ranging adventures. Hercules is 27 degrees from Julia Stimson, 35 degrees from Arthur Currie, 39 degrees from Charles de Gaulle, 46 degrees from Otto Frank, 31 degrees from Arthur Harris, 26 degrees from Vida Jowett, 33 degrees from John Monash, 33 degrees from Georg Von Trapp, 33 degrees from Alvin York and 36 degrees from Gene Ellison on our single family tree. Just then, Gene answers the door, believing it to be another guest. The phrase "Ηρακλείς του στέμματος" ("Defenders of the Crown") has pejorative connotations ("chief henchmen") in Greek. On the celebration of his birth, during which the Olympian Gods present the infant god with a multitude of gifts, Zeus himself creates the winged-horse Pegasus as a gift. [19] The choice of deliberately white materials by Koons and Darbyshire has been interpreted as perpetuation of colourism in how the classical world is viewed. Thus, reduction of myostatin could potentially benefit the livestock industry, with even a 20 percent reduction in myostatin levels potentially having a large effect on the development of muscles. DisneyAnimalsRockz's Movie-Spoof of the 1997 Disney Films, "Hercules". [13] Hannibal further tried to invoke parallels between himself and Hercules by starting his march on Italy by visiting the shrine of Hercules at Gades. For another wrestler with a similar name see Mighty Hercules. This article is about the episode. [17] Scholars agree that there would have been 5–7 temples in Augustan Rome. They have also those songs of theirs, by the recital of this barditus[6] as they call it, they rouse their courage, while from the note they augur the result of the approaching conflict. Storkules is a character in the DuckTales reboot. This coreceptor then initiates a cell signaling cascade in the muscle, which includes the activation of transcription factors in the SMAD family—SMAD2 and SMAD3. [61] A reduction in cardiac myostatin induces eccentric hypertrophy of the heart, and increases its sensitivity to beta-adrenergic stimuli by enhancing Ca2+ release from the SR during EC coupling. Scar, formerly known as Prince Taka, is the main antagonist of Disney's 1994 film The Lion King. [23] In both cases the resulting animals were significantly more muscular. These factors then induce myostatin-specific gene regulation. [15][16] Its total molecular weight is 25.0 kDa. In the French Navy, there were no less than nineteen ships called Hercule, plus three more named Alcide which is another name of the same hero. Heracles was originally named Alcides, but his names changed to mollify Hera. Myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy has an incomplete autosomal dominance pattern of inheritance. Hercule (denumire originală: Hercules: The Legendary Journeys) este un serial de televiziune care a fost filmat în Noua Zeelandă și în Statele Unite.A fost produs începând cu 1995 și se bazează vag pe povestirile eroice despre Heracle din mitologia greacă (sau Hercule în mitologia romană).A avut șase sezoane. They were used to evacuate the island after a strike team led by Albert Wesker caused a viral outbreak. The whole series is something of a midquel, taking place during the song \"One Last Hope\" (which Phil sings while Hercules is training).Many of the Olympian Gods and Goddesses only glimpsed during the film pay v… Renaissance mythography drew more extensively on the Greek tradition of Heracles, typically under the Romanized name Hercules, or the alternate name Alcides. Claire Redfield and Steve Burnside used one of them to escape the island too, who were followed by T-078 breaking into the cargo room. After the Roman Empire became Christianized, mythological narratives were often reinterpreted as allegory, influenced by the philosophy of late antiquity. He was best known by the ring name Hercules or variations thereof. [18], In the twentieth century, the Farnese Hercules has inspired artists such as Jeff Koons, Matthew Darbyshire and Robert Mapplethorpe to reinterpret Hercules for new audiences. She then gave the infant back to Athena and told her to take care of the baby herself. [50] Osteogenesis imperfecta is due to a mutation that causes the production of abnormal Type I collagen. For the chain of events set in motion by the birth of Eve, see Twilight of the Gods. [citation needed] In September 2020 scientists reported that suppressing activin type 2 receptors-signalling proteins myostatin and activin A via activin A/myostatin inhibitor ACVR2B – tested preliminarily in humans in the form of ACE-031 in the early 2010s[33][34] – can protect against both muscle and bone loss in mice. [19], Hercules of the Forum Boarium (Hellenistic, 2nd century BCE), Hercules and Iolaus (1st century CE mosaic from the Anzio Nymphaeum, Rome), Hercules (Hatra, Iraq, Parthian period, 1st–2nd century CE), Hercules bronze statuette, 2nd century CE (museum of Alanya, Turkey), Hercules and the Nemean Lion (detail), silver plate, 6th century (Cabinet des Médailles, Paris), Heracles and Omphale, Roman fresco, Pompeian Fourth Style (45–79 CE), Naples National Archaeological Museum, Italy, A Roman gilded silver bowl depicting the boy Hercules strangling two serpents, from the Hildesheim Treasure, 1st century CE, Altes Museum, Head from statue of Herakles (Hercules) Roman 117-188 CE from villa of the emperor Hadrian at Tivoli, Italy at the British Museum, Hercules (Herakles) with the Apples of the Hesperides Roman 1st century CE from a temple at Byblos, Lebanon at the British Museum, Hercules from Cappadocia or Caesarea 1st century BCE - 1st century CE, Walters Art Museum, Hercules slaying the Hydra Roman copy of 4th century BCE original by Lysippos, Capitoline Museum, Hercules Roman 1st century BCE - 1st century CE, Walters Art Museum, The Giant Hercules (1589) by Hendrik Goltzius, Lucas Faydherbe, Bust of Hercules – collection King Baudouin Foundation, The Drunken Hercules (1612–1614) by Rubens, Hercules and Deianira (18th century copy of a lost original), from I Modi, Hercules in the Augean stable (1842, Honoré Daumier), Hercules, Deianira and the Centaur Nessus, by Bartholomäus Spranger, 1580–1582, Henry IV of France, as Hercules vanquishing the Lernaean Hydra (i.e. from Piedmontese beef) has a place on the specialist market due to its unusual properties, at least for purebred myostatin-deficient strains the expenses and (especially in cattle) necessity of veterinary supervision place them at a disadvantage in the bulk market.[22]. Det består av bjerkefinér som impregneres med fenolharpiks, for eksempel Haskelite, og laminert sammen i en form under en temperatur på 138 °C og høyt trykk for bruk som et lett konstruksjonsmateriale. Some, such as Iole, believed him to be a hulking figure, several feet taller than he actually was. He's makin' the story sound like some Greek tragedy. Gods and demi-gods hold its flights, while Hercules stands at the turn of the stairs. [25] Mutations that reduce the production of functional myostatin lead to an overgrowth of muscle tissue. [42] However, studies in mice suggest that myostatin inhibition does not directly increase the strength of individual muscle fibers. [49][47] Knockdown of myostatin has been shown to reduce formation of osteoclasts (multinucleated cells responsible for the breakdown of bone tissue) in mice modeling rheumatoid arthritis. In the Roman era Hercules' Club amulets appear from the 2nd to 3rd century, distributed over the empire (including Roman Britain, c.f. The gene encoding myostatin was discovered in 1997 by geneticists Se-Jin Lee and Alexandra McPherron who produced a knockout strain of mice that lack the gene, and have approximately twice as much muscle as normal mice. [10][11][18] Unlike mice with a damaged myostatin gene, in these cattle breeds the muscle cells multiply rather than enlarge. 1 Gallery 1.1 Premiere Playing (September 9, 1991, #8091D) 1.2 Swap Meet With the Models Holding Price Tags (September 27, 1991, #8115D) 1.3 Swap Meet for a Panasonic Camcorder, a 5pc Dinette Set, a Harrington House Grandfather Clock, and a Honda Cub Motorcycle (October 31, 1991, #8164D) 1.4 First Christmas Playing of Swap Meet … transforming growth factor beta receptor binding, negative regulation of protein kinase B signaling, negative regulation of myoblast differentiation, positive regulation of pathway-restricted SMAD protein phosphorylation, negative regulation of myoblast proliferation, cellular response to dexamethasone stimulus, negative regulation of muscle hypertrophy, negative regulation of skeletal muscle satellite cell proliferation, positive regulation of transcription, DNA-templated, negative regulation of insulin receptor signaling pathway, negative regulation of satellite cell differentiation, negative regulation of skeletal muscle tissue growth, transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway, positive regulation of lamellipodium assembly, positive regulation of macrophage chemotaxis, myoblast migration involved in skeletal muscle regeneration, GRCh38: Ensembl release 89: ENSG00000138379, GRCm38: Ensembl release 89: ENSMUSG00000026100, "Organization of the human myostatin gene and expression in healthy men and HIV-infected men with muscle wasting", "Mutations in myostatin (GDF8) in double-muscled Belgian Blue and Piedmontese cattle", "A mutation in the myostatin gene increases muscle mass and enhances racing performance in heterozygote dogs", "A Very Muscular Baby Offers Hope Against Diseases", "Growth/Differentiation factor 8 preproprotein [Homo sapiens] - Protein - NCBI", "Photos of double-muscled Myostatin-inhibited Belgian Blue bulls", "Double muscling in cattle due to mutations in the myostatin gene", "Follistatin gene delivery enhances muscle growth and strength in nonhuman primates", "Generation and evaluation of Myostatin knock-out rabbits and goats using CRISPR/Cas9 system", "Super-muscly pigs created by small genetic tweak", "Rare condition gives toddler super strength", "Liam Hoekstra, the 'World Strongest Toddler' to hit TV", "Regulation of muscle growth by multiple ligands signaling through activin type II receptors", "Quest - Article - UPDATE: ACE-031 Clinical Trials in Duchenne MD", "A single ascending-dose study of muscle regulator ace-031 in healthy volunteers", "Targeting myostatin/activin A protects against skeletal muscle and bone loss during spaceflight", "Compression of morbidity in a progeroid mouse model through the attenuation of myostatin/activin signalling", "Silencing Myostatin Using Cholesterol-conjugated siRNAs Induces Muscle Growth", "Decreased specific force and power production of muscle fibers from myostatin-deficient mice are associated with a suppression of protein degradation", "New Muscle Drugs Could Be The Next Big Thing In Sports Doping", "Increased bone mineral density in the femora of GDF8 knockout mice", "Decreasing maternal myostatin programs adult offspring bone strength in a mouse model of osteogenesis imperfecta", "Myostatin from the heart: local and systemic actions in cardiac failure and muscle wasting", "Genetic deletion of myostatin from the heart prevents skeletal muscle atrophy in heart failure", 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4652(199907)180:1<1::AID-JCP1>3.0.CO;2-V, "Developmental expression of myostatin in cardiomyocytes and its effect on foetal and neonatal rat cardiomyocyte proliferation", "Myostatin regulates cardiomyocyte growth through modulation of Akt signaling", "Identification of candidate genes potentially relevant to chamber-specific remodeling in postnatal ventricular myocardium", "Angiotensin II activates myostatin expression in cultured rat neonatal cardiomyocytes via p38 MAP kinase and myocyte enhance factor 2 pathway", "Insulin-like growth factor-1 mediates stretch-induced upregulation of myostatin expression in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes", "Myostatin represses physiological hypertrophy of the heart and excitation-contraction coupling", "Performance Anomalies by Victor Robert Lee | Book Club Discussion Questions | ReadingGroupGuides.com", NPR.org: Myostatin Therapies Hold Hope for Muscle Diseases by Jon Hamilton, Signaling peptide/protein receptor modulators, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Myostatin&oldid=1001420859, Articles needing additional references from October 2015, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2015, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2012, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Overview of all the structural information available in the, This page was last edited on 19 January 2021, at 16:25. For example, in his fable about Philoctetes he tells the story of how Philoctetes built a funeral pyre for Hercules so his body could be consumed and raised to immortality. [55] Manipulating the muscle creatinine kinase promoter can modulate myostatin expression, although it has only been observed in male mice thus far. She is the daughter of Zeus and Hera, as well as the wife of Hercules.citation needed Hebe possesses the conventional powers of the Olympian gods: Superhuman Strength: Hebe … Breed your mutants together to create hundreds of possible combinations. There's no question in my mind."[45]. By his early twenties, Hercules was considered a legendary hero, of which mythology and rumor about him spread throughout the Grecian landscape. He is voiced by Jack McBrayer. There is two temples located in the Campus Martius. [52][53] Although its presence has been noted in cardiomyocytes of both fetal and adult mice,[54] its physiological function remains uncertain. This was unsuccessful. [49] Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that, among other effects, leads to the degradation of the bone tissue in affected joints. “My daddy's SMARTER than Einstein, STRONGER than Hercules and lights a fire with a SNAP of his fingers.Are you as good as my daddy, Mister? [39] Some athletes, eager to get their hands on such drugs, turn to the internet where fake "myostatin blockers" are being sold. syyskuuta 1958 Mound, Minnesota) on yhdysvaltalainen näyttelijä. Mice with defective myostatin were created by replacing sequences coding for the C-terminal region of myostatin with a neomycin cassette, rendering the protein nonfunctional. 1 Biography 2 Hercules 3 Trivia 4 Credits 5 External links Kevin Sorbo (born 24 September 1958, Mound, Minnesota, USA) is an American actor. Heracles was a divine hero in Greek mythology, the son of Zeus and Alcmene, foster son of Amphitryon and great-grandson (and half-brother) of Perseus. The company was founded in 1915, known at first as Hercules Motor Manufacturing Company, to build industrial engines, especially for trucks. For, as their line shouts, they inspire or feel alarm. [24] Similar health problems have resulted as with other mammals, such as birthing difficulties due to excessive size. This article is a stub, or very short article, that is most likely incomplete and needs expansion. Instead, he finds Ralph. Genie was originally a slave imprisoned within his lamp, which, itself, was sealed away in the Cave of Wonders for 10,000 years. For there came that mightiest avenger, the victor Hercules, proud with the slaughter and the spoils of threefold Geryon, and he drove the mighty bulls here, and the cattle filled both valley and riverside. However, whippets that were heterozygous for the mutation were significantly over-represented in the top racing classes.[13]. The actors who played Hercules in these films were Steve Reeves, Gordon Scott, Kirk Morris, Mickey Hargitay, Mark Forest, Alan Steel, Dan Vadis, Brad Harris, Reg Park, Peter Lupus (billed as Rock Stevens) and Michael Lane. [52][57], As a member of the TGF-β family, myostatin may play a role in post-infarct recovery. Storkules is a friendly pure-hearted Greek God who claims himself as Donald Duck's best friend. Hercule a influențat realizarea serialului Xena, Prințesa războinică Others believe it was only the "Ara Maxima" at which they were not allowed to worship. Read the transcript • Trailer transcripts • Credits • Home media • Soundtrack • Production • Trivia • Gallery Hercules is a 1997 American animated musical fantasy comedy film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation for Walt Disney Pictures. [56] However, increased myostatin activity only occurs in response to specific stimuli,[52][56] such as in pressure stress models, in which cardiac myostatin induces whole-body muscular atrophy. Myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy has an incomplete autosomal dominance pattern of inheritance. Conti begins his lengthy chapter on Hercules with an overview description that continues the moralizing impulse of the Middle Ages: Hercules, who subdued and destroyed monsters, bandits, and criminals, was justly famous and renowned for his great courage. Over the years, Moe would cite Bernds as the … [citation needed] During the Roman Imperial era, Hercules was worshipped locally from Hispania through Gaul. [52][53][60] Systemic inhibition of cardiac myostatin with the JA-16 antibody maintains overall muscle weight in experimental models with pre-existing heart failure. The name Darkwing Duck applies to multiple subjects; you may be looking for: Darkwing Duck (1987), the first incarnation of the character from the cartoon series of the same name. Félix Magdalena (b. Fernandez was also a featured … [52][53] In ischemic or dilated cardiomyopathy, increased levels of myostatin mRNA have been detected within the left ventricle. Discover and collect over 100 unique and different mutants. [55], Growth of cardiomyocytes may also be hindered by myostatin-regulated inhibition of protein kinase p38 and the serine-threonine protein kinase Akt, which typically promote cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. [40], Myostatin levels can be temporarily reduced using a cholesterol-conjugated siRNA gene knockdown. DisneyAnimalsRockz's Movie-Spoof of the 1997 Disney Films, "Hercules". He mentions that women were not allowed to participate in Sacrum which is general term used to describe anything that was believed to have belonged to the gods. Myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy is a rare genetic condition characterized by reduced body fat and increased skeletal muscle size. Hercules had a greater number of "deeds on the side" (parerga) that have been popular subjects for art, including: Killing a fire-breathing Cacus (Sebald Beham, 1545), Holding up the sky for Atlas (based on Heinrich Aldegrever, 1550), Wrestling with Achelous (16th-century plaque), Fighting the giant Antaeus (Auguste Couder, 1819), Retrieving Alcestis from the underworld (Paul Cézanne, 1867), Freeing Prometheus (Christian Griepenkerl, 1878), Hercules fighting the Nemean lion by Peter Paul Rubens, Hercules and the Hydra (c. 1475) by Antonio del Pollaiuolo; the hero wears his characteristic lionskin and wields a club, Hercules capturing the Erymanthian Boar, by J.M. [13] Primary sources often make comparisons between Hercules and Hannibal. Myostatin expression is increased around the site of a fracture. [21], A two-week treatment of normal mice with soluble activin type IIB receptor, a molecule that is normally attached to cells and binds to myostatin, leads to a significantly increased muscle mass (up to 60%). [54] This argument is supported by the fact that myostatin mRNA is poorly expressed in proliferating fetal cardiomyocytes. One traditional order of the labours is found in the Bibliotheca as follows:[3]. Raymond Fernandez (May 7, 1956 March 6, 2004) was an American professional wrestler who primarily wrestled in Florida and Texas before joining the World Wrestling Federation. [52][53] Pathological states that increase cardiac stress and promote heart failure can induce a rise in both cardiac myostatin mRNA and protein levels within the heart. He is the son of Zeus and an old friend/acquaintance of Donald Duck. Also see: Space Analysis/M15 for details on the Space Analysis for this sector. In 2016, the CRISPR/Cas9 system was used to genetically engineer rabbits and goats with no functional copies of the myostatin gene. [14] Some scholars believe that women were completely prohibited from any of Hercules's cults. In fact the ancients honored him with his own temples, altars, ceremonies, and priests. While hypertrophic meat (e.g. In the 8th book of the poem Aeneas finally reaches the future site of Rome, where he meets Evander and the Arcadians making sacrifices to Hercules on the banks of the Tiber river. Iphicles was the son of Alcmene's mortal husband Prince Amphitryon (he's also Alcmene's brother), while Heracles was a son of Zeus. And differentiation by manipulating cell hercules gene wiki progression cases the resulting animals were significantly more muscle in. Has engineered `` double muscled '', but Hercules strangled them both over 100 and! 3 inches tall and very muscular with golden and brown hair ; Tewr: Taxımestare: Derece: 183,! 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