imu cet exam 2021

imu cet exam 2021

Number of applications received for that course. Basics and fundamental concepts of every subject need to be understood well. Candidates will be able to fill out the IMU CET 2021 application form online by visiting the university's official website. Along with the result card, candidates can also view the answer keys published alongside the website. IMU directs All India level entrance exam referred to as IMU CET to offer admission into various programmes under Marine Engineering stream. IMU CET syllabus and exam pattern is also released by the university through official information brochure … Questions would be in MCQ format. There is NO negative marking for wrongly marked questions. No entrance exam will be conducted for BBA course. Ans. IMU CET 2021 Exam Centres: The candidates who are going to appear in IMU CET 2021 exam got to understand the name of cities where IMUCET exam to be held in 2021. Home; About Us; IMU CET Books; IMU-CET Coaching; Courses. The IMU CET 2021 examination for undergraduate and postgraduation was scheduled to be held on August 30, 2021 in 2 batches in 84 cities across India. The Mode of IMU CET 2021 is ONLINE-COMPUTER BASED EXAM AT Centres all Over India. IMU CET 2020 – Registrations for IMU CET 2021 is now from April 1 to May 5.However, submission of application form can be announced. Ans. Fill in your academic and demographic details along with preference of the exam center. Through this exam candidates are offered admission into various UG, PG, research and diploma courses in Marine Engineering field. IMU CET 2021: Important Dates IMU CET 2021 Exam Pattern IMU CET 2021 will be held in Online Mode (computer-based) and the duration of the exam is 3 hours. Candidates are required to carry the admit card along with the valid ID proof in original. Candidates can check the list to select their preferred city and fill it out in the application form. It conducts university level entrance examination every year. The queries are of multiple-choice types of queries. IMU CET 2021 Pattern will be set and released by Indian Maritime University. Visit official site (Link will be provided above).Go through the given link, “Click here to apply for IMU CET 2021”. Aspirants can get to try these queries in three hours (180 minutes). IMU conducts All India Entrance Exam by the name of IMU CET for providing admission into the UG & PG programmes. IMU CET Exam Pattern and Syllabus 2021 - Students preparing for admission in Indian Maritime University B.Tech course have to pass the common entrance test, also called IMU CET. IMU CET 2021 Exam Pattern (Out), Paper Pattern, Marking Scheme – Check Here. Candidates must reach the exam centre at least an hour before the commencement of the exam. The exam can be taken at following centers. The admit card should be accompanied with a valid ID proof on the day of the exam. The exam will be held in online mode where MCQ type questions are asked. The IMU CET is a computer-based test conducted at thirty-six different IMU CET Test Centres 2021. Through Indian Maritime University Common Entrance Test (IMU CET), admission will be offered to candidates in various UG, PG courses in the field of Marine Engineering. Candidates should note this number for future reference. Ultimate Companion for UPSC Civil Services Aspirants, November 27, 2020 by Editorial Team Leave a Comment. A candidate who wish to apply for UG or undergraduate, PG or postgraduate, Diploma courses and PhD programme at IMU must know IMU CET 2021 Exam Pattern. It’s a university level entrance exam conducted every year for offering admissions into UG, PG and diploma courses. Candidates would be allowed to take the IMU CET 2021 exam at the center of their choice. Through this exam admission is offered in various UG, PG and diploma courses. Yes, there is a 10% deduction on IMU CET 2021 Counselling fee only for the candidate whose name will not be shown on the admission list. Goyal for in-depth understanding and practice. A registration/ application number would be granted post successful submission of the application. There’s NO negative marking for wrongly marked queries. The interested candidates can apply for an application form from 1 st week of April 2021. check the details properly before applying for examination in order to avoid any kind of mistake in the application form:. After receiving the rank certificate, the candidate will be required to register online, pay the registration fee, confirm the seat, download the provisional letter, and appear for the document verification. IMU CET Counselling will start soon after the declaration of the result. From our side we would like to present some useful tips that could help student to prepare for IMU CET 2021 like a boss. The IMU CET 2021 Common Online Entrance Test (CET) has been canceled. Ans. The exam is scheduled to be held tentatively in the first week of January 2021 in an online mode. The application form for the IMU CET 2021 entrance exam will be available on the official website of the university from 1st week of April 2021. IMU CET 2021 Admit Card – Indian Maritime University will release admit card for IMU CET 2021 at a week before the date of the exam. The detailed eligibility criteria are mentioned below: Candidates can fill application form by following the steps mentioned below. There will be a CET common to all UG Programmes. However, there can be some changes in the month of the result declaration. Steps to follow to check the result for IMU CET 2021 are listed below. Next IMU CET Online Test is expected to be held in Month of MAY 2021 for all the IMU UG Course which commences in the Month of JULY 2021. The Indian Maritime University conducts the IMU CET Exam. Deck Cadet Course, DNS Leading To Bsc Nautical Science; Aspirants will have to attempt these questions in 3 hours (180 minutes). Candidates shall not receive the card through postal means. The exam is for admission to UG, PG courses in Indian Maritime University. Ques. Candidates must not carry any piece of paper or books inside the exam hall as the exam is a computer … You can pursue a Diploma in Nautical Science for one year. GP Rating; NCV Deck Cadet; Saloon Rating; For 10+2 Pass. AP ICET 2021 Syllabus – Check Subject Wise Syllabus Here! IMU CET MBA Exam Centers 2021. B.Tech (Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering)3. IMU CET 2021 Exam Pattern lists the mode of exam, type of questions, syllabus and marking scheme of the exam. IMU CET 2020 Application Form has been released from 05 November 2020 and it will last till 24 December 2020. Syllabus and exam pattern of IMU CET can be checked from the official website of the university. It is a national level entrance test conducted once each year to provide admissions into numerous UG & PG courses. IMU-CET. Candidates can check IMU CET 2021 Result only from the official website of Indian Maritime University only after the announcement and publishing of the final result. It is a university level … Chart out important formulae and derivations for grasping them easily. How to Apply for IMU CET. Also read the given instruction & tick on the, “I Agree” option. […] The details related to application fee are tabled below. Ques. Check the details and download the result in PDF format. IMU CET 2020: Registration for M.Tech Counselling Starts; Check Details Here... IMU CET 2020 Answer Key, Question Paper and Analysis... B.Tech in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, M.Tech in Marine Technology and Management, Last date for submission of detailed application form, NCERT chemistry Part 1 and Part 2 for Class XII, Organic Chemistry by Arihant (Theory & Paper), Arihant Maths Series by S.K. Candidates can get all the details regarding the IMU CET Cutoff in this section such as factors determining the IMU CET cutoff, participating institutes, previous years cut off of IMU CET, the qualifying marks for IMU CET 2021 and many more. IMU CET 2021 will be conducted once in a year across 36 cities in India. Applicants can submit up to three exam centre preferences at the time of registration. Section-wise distribution of Questions Candidates can also check the section-wise distribution of questions in the table below. Aspirants can get to try these queries in three hours (180 minutes). For MBA, candidates can focus on verbal ability and logical reasoning, data interpretation and quantitative ability. ... IMU CET Exam Pattern. For General Knowledge and aptitude portion candidates can refer books Like Lucent General Knowledge and RS Aggarwal quantitative aptitude respectively. The IMU East Coast Road, Semmencherry, Chennai - 600119. So, 14th November is celebrated as ‘IMU Day’ every year. Exam will be conducted in the online CBT mode only. But due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the exam is cancelled for 2020-2021 session. The actual date of declaration of result will be updated on the official website. when is the next imu cet exam conducted ?? Seat allocation depends on exam scores, seat availability, document verification etc. IMU CET 2021 Exam Due to the COVID situation, the IMU Common Entrance Test is conducted in batches in 84 cities in India. Tech, B. Sc, M. Tech, M. Sc, and MBA with various specialisation at IMU. Updated On - January 15 2021 by Anusha Pachauri IMU CET 2020 Application Form has been released from 05 November 2020 and it will last till 24 December 2020. The birth of Indian Maritime University is a long cherished dream of the maritime community of India. IMU CET Exam Pattern and Syllabus 2021 - Students preparing for admission in Indian Maritime University B.Tech course have to pass the common entrance test, also called IMU CET. Test takers have to book the slot in advance before the 1st phase of the exam. Such candidates need to first register themselves by paying counselling fees. A candidate who wish to apply for UG or undergraduate, PG or postgraduate, Diploma courses and PhD programme at IMU must know IMU CET 2021 Exam Pattern. IMU CET 2021 Exam Centres. IMU CET 2021 Result Declaration Date: The results of the IMU CET 2021 exam will be announced at the official website. IMU CET 2021 stands for the Indian Maritime University Common Entrance Test. Candidates who have submitted the application form can download the hall ticket. Updated & Revised Sponsorship Kit , Preparatory Materials & Online E-Materials For Company Sponsorship Test 2021 FEB & AUG Batch. Application Fee has to be paid online only. The candidates would be contacted on the basis of merit. On the day of the examination you need to bring a valid photo ID proof such as PAN card, Passport, Driving Licence, Aadhar Card, Voter ID Card, etc along with the admit card. IMU CET Exam Pattern 2021 Candidates will be able to know the details regarding how the entrance examination will be conducted through the exam pattern of IMU CET 2021.Information regarding the details such as duration, medium of language, number of questions and more will be available in the exam pattern. IMU CET 2021 - INDIAN MARITIME UNIVERSITY (IMU) Conducts Common Entrance Cum Selection test for MERCHANT NAVY COURSE, in all major city of India. Candidates can refer to the books that are prescribed for their Class XI and XII academic curriculum or can take reference from the books for other national level entrance exam like JEE Main, JEE Advanced and BITSAT etc. Required fields are marked *, Copyright © 2021 | About | ToS | Privacy Policy | Disclosure | Contact | Sitemap. It’s a university level entrance exam conducted every year for offering admissions into UG, PG and diploma courses. Applying candidates are supposed to refer to the exam pattern before beginning the exam preparation. Due to the COVID situation, the IMU Common Entrance Test is conducted in batches in 84 cities in India. IMU-CET RESULTS: IMU-CET results-2021 will be declared after 5 days from the date of exam. Ans. Candidates need to carry requisite documents, both original and copies to the counselling session without fail. The Indian Maritime University The IMU CET 2021 application form release exact dates has not been revealed as of now. The affiliated colleges of IMU CET will separately carry out their own admission process and candidates have to directly apply to such institutes. AEEE 2021 – AEEE 2021 Exam dates have been announced for Remote Proctoring mode and It is going to be conducted in three phases in the month of April, May & June 2021. The Indian Maritime University While making an application online candidates must keep their academic certificates/mark sheet with them for reference purpose. LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. These have reduced this year. Indian Maritime University (IMU) is a Central University, Providing quality education in the maritime field. Exam will be of 120 marks. Keep the exam pattern and syllabus handy. Refer here for more info and regular updates - IMU CET 2021 - Exam Date, Application From, Admit Card, Eligibility, Result ( Feel free to ask doubts in the Comment Section. Ques. Here we are providing steps regarding how to fill IMU CET application form:. The counselling session is conducted in different rounds too. Candidates can verify their answers in the answer key to avoid confusion. Hi Kush, yes, candidates appearing in 12th class can also appear in IMU-CET. COPYRIGHT © 2020 COLLEGEDUNIA WEB PVT. Can I get any concession fee as a reserved category candidate for IMU CET 2021? IMU CET 2021 Pattern will be set and released by Indian Maritime University. The candidates who are shortlisted (either in 1. The format for the exam result will be in the form of merit list. After a few days of result announcement, candidates can check the cut off scores in the online mode. Ans. Study all topics in the syllabus without leaving out any topic. The IMU CET Cut Off 2021 will be published soon after the result declaration at the official website of IMU CET. Hi Rahul, kindly go through the Exam Pattern of the exam from here to resolve the queries. IMU CET MBA 2021 will be conducted across 84 cities in India. Third stage of counselling will only held if it is necessary. The decision of IMU CET 2021 exam conducting authority would deem to be final in this regard. Hi Niki, next IMU CET is expected to be conducted in the month of June next year. Minimum age of candidate should be 17 years and Maximum age should not exceed 25 years. 2IMU Provides exclusive study material prepared according to the new IMU-CET & Sponsorship Exam syllabus. GPAT Syllabus 2021 (Released) – Check Subject Wise Syllabus, BHU Syllabus 2021, Check Course Wise BHU Entrance Exam Syllabus, [Updated*] UKSEE Syllabus 2021 For All Papers – Check Here, WBJEE Syllabus 2021 – Check Latest PCM Syllabus Here, Uttarakhand Polytechnic Syllabus 2021 – Check Group Wise Syllabus. Pay the stipulated application fee. IMU CET Entrance exam syllabus 2021 for all UG programmes like DNS,Marine Engineering,B.Sc Nautical Science,B.Sc Maritime Science,B.Sc Ship Building & Repair,Naval Architecture & IMU-CET Syllabus for all PG Programmes like MBA & M.Tech Programmes. What is the first step to applying for IMU CET 2021 Admission? Class 10th and class 12th mark sheets and certificates. The admit card contains vital student and exam information. In the current pandemic situation, the university conducts IMU CET as online entrance test in batches to maintain social distancing. IMU CET 2021 Admit Card or Hall Ticket will be available from the 3rd week of May in 2021 and the IMU CET 2021 examination is expected to be held in the 1st week of June in 2021. Registration for Shipping Company Sponsorship Test support at no extra cost (15 Top Leading RPSL/INSA/FOSMA/MASSA Companies) In the below section, the comprehensive details related to the exam pattern of IMU CET 2021 is specified: UG Programmes (Except BBA Programme) Admission will be based on HSC / PUC / intermediate exam. As per the exam pattern, IMU CET 2021 consists of 6 sections with 200 MCQ type Questions of 200 marks in total. IMU CET 2021 – Indian Maritime University will conduct Common Entrance Test (IMU CET) in June/July 2021 for admission to UG and PG Courses. I hope this information helps you. The application form for IMU CET will be filled through online mode. IMU CET 2021 Exam Pattern must be checked by the students to be aware of number/types of questions and marking scheme of the exam. Click on submit. After the declaration of the IMU CET 2021 cut off list, the counselling process for the IMU CET exam will begin. The IMU CET exam will conduct through online mode and the exam pattern will include the question paper will have 6 sections and comprises a total of 200 questions. Post the successful commencement of the exam the IMU CET 2021 will release the exam result online around second week of June 2021. Yes, you will get a concession fee of INR 300 as application fee. The candidates ought to select a minimum of 3 choices of IMU CET exam Centres 2021 during on-line registration for IMU CET 2021. Performance of the candidates in the exam; Steps to check the IMU CET Cut Off 2021 . IMU CET 2021 Counselling will commence from July 2021 (tentatively). Through this article, candidates can gather all relevant information related to IMU-CET 2021 that includes exam dates, eligibility criteria, exam pattern, application process, syllabus and more. Interested candidate needs to appear for the entrance test in order to get admission to the university. IMU CET 2021 Result will be released online at the official website. All candidates will have to register to participate in the IMU CET … Candidates applying for engineering (lateral also)/B.Sc/Diploma/ courses must have studied and passed examination in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics at plus two level with minimum 60% in aggregate. ABOUT IMU. The application process includes filling up the information, uploading documents and finally fee payment. IMU CET 2021 Exam Pattern: The IMU CET exam can conduct through online mode and also the exam pattern can include the question paper can have six sections and includes a complete of two hundred queries. Result card needs to be preserved for future references. IMU CET 2021 Exam Pattern: The IMU CET exam can conduct through online mode and also the exam pattern can include the question paper can have six sections and includes a complete of two hundred queries. Do I need to carry on the examination day along with IMU CET 2021 Admit Card? IMU CET 2021 Cut Off for its all maritime UG and PG courses will be released by Indian Maritime University (IMU). IMU conducts counselling only for admission in its six campuses. Only online mode of application was available and offline application would not be entertained. Candidates who aspire to appear in the IMU CET 2021 exam must apply online. Indian Maritime University will conduct the Indian Maritime University Common Entrance Test (IMU CET), a national level exam offering admission in UG & PG courses in B.Tech, BBA, B.SC, and M.Tech MBA & … Previous year, there were 36 cities in which the test was conducted. IMU CET 2020 – Registrations for IMU CET 2021 is now from April 1 to May 5.However, submission of application form can be announced. Till the second week of Amy 2021, candidates can send their applications. WE PROVIDE : Updated & Revised Study Materials,Preparatory Books & Online E-Materials For IMU-CET EXAM 2021 FEB & AUG Batch. IMU CET 2021 Syllabus for English, General Knowledge, and General Aptitude. The exam will be held in online mode where MCQ type questions are asked. IMU CET 2021 Exam Pattern. All important events and dates related to IMU CET 2021 are provided below: The following application process with respect to IMU CET should be understood by every candidate: Here is the list of documents to be sent to IMU CET 2021: IMU CET 2021 fees can be remitted in the online mode through net banking, debit card or credit card. Cut off marks depend on these factors – exam difficulty level, seat availability, number of students who attempted the exam etc. ALL INDIA IMU-CET ONLINE TEST 2021-2022. Candidate must have applied for passport before taking admission through CET. Applicants can submit up to three exam centre preferences at the time of registration. They would also be required to sore minimum of 50% marks in English at plus two level. IMU is called Indian Maritime University, it is a central university. Totally 200 questions for UG courses and 120 questions for M.Tech and. IMU-CET. INDIAN MARITIME UNIVERSITY (IMU) ENTRANCE EXAM (IMU-CET)-2021, IMU-CET ONLINE APPLICATION FORM, IMU-CET SYLLABUS, IMU-CET BOOKS/STUDY MATERIAL, COURSES OFFERED BY IMU, IMU-CET COACHING CLASSES, IMU-CET ADMIT CARD, IMU-CET RESULTS-2021. IMU-CET admit card-2021 can be downloaded 10 days before the exam. IMU-CET Exam 2021 Validity The IMU-CET test scores are valid for admission to courses during the same academic year only. Seat allotment would be done on the basis of candidate’s performance in the CET exam plus his suitability based on physical, medical and other related standards. For each correct answer candidates will be awarded with 1 marks and there is no negative marking. In the second week of June 2021, candidates can expect their results in the online mode. To check the cut off marks for the IMU CET 2021, candidates should follow these steps: Step 1: Visit the official website of Indian Maritime University. IMU CET 2021 cut off Cut off marks is regarded as the minimum percentage which decides whether an applicant is eligible for the marine engineering courses or not. IMU CET 2021 known as Indian Maritime University Common Entrance Test will be conducted by Indian Maritime University. It is organized by the Indian Maritime University. On behalf of Indian Maritime University (IMU), Andaman & Nicobar Administration can organize a separate IMU CET 2021 for undergraduate programmes solely … The syllabus of IMU CET 2021 exam would be similar to the Class XI and Class XII syllabus of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, GK, English, and aptitude of CBSE/ISE/State Boards. IMU-CET-2021 SYLLABUS/ EXAM PATTERN/ QUESTION PAPER/ SAMPLE PAPERS/ PREVIOUS QUESTION PAPERS. IMU CET 2021 - INDIAN MARITIME UNIVERSITY (IMU) Conducts Common Entrance Cum Selection test for MERCHANT NAVY COURSE, in all major city of India. IMU CET Exam Centres 2021. BBA course is an exception, and no entrance exam is needed for it. When will be the application form realise ? IMU-CET ONLINE APPLICATION FORM -2021, IMU-CET APPLICATION FORMS FEE: The candidates have to apply online for appearing for the Common Entrance Test (IMU-CET 2021) Application Fee for applying online for CET is Rs.1000 for General candidates and Rs.700 for Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates. The exam is for admission to UG, PG courses in Indian Maritime University. The IMU CET 2021 Common Online Entrance Test (CET) has been canceled. Counselling would be done in online mode and candidates would not be required to present themselves for the counselling at some center. Without admit card, the candidate shall not be allowed to take up the exam. Ques. IMU-CET Exam Fee and mode of payment IMU-CET (MBA) examination fee is Rs.1000 only for the general category and Rs.500 for the SC/ST and other reserved categories. Syllabus and exam pattern of IMU CET can be checked from the official website of the university. Ques. IMU CET 2021 examination will be conducted by the Indian Maritime University (IMU). Can I receive the result for IMU CET 2021 through email or any other offline mode? Write down short notes and prepare crisp points for revision. IMU Entrance 2021 Exam. presently student appearing in 12th class are eligible or not Hence eligibility requirement mentioned that passed student can apply so please clarify? This cut off marks is solely decided by the university as per a given parameter. IMU CET 2021 Exam Pattern Candidates seeking IMU CET 2021 admission must check out the exam pattern containing the syllabus and marking scheme before beginning to prepare for the entrance exam. Next IMU CET Online Test is expected to be held in Month of MAY 2021 for all the IMU UG Course which commences in the Month of JULY 2021. As per the exam pattern, IMU CET 2021 consists of 6 sections with 200 MCQ type Questions of 200 marks in total. The IMU CET 2021 result card contains the following information – name, marks obtained, registration number of the candidate etc. About Indian Maritime University CET 2021 (IMU-CET Online 2021) IMU-CET is common entrance exam conducted all over India, for admission into various Marine courses like. Candidates aspiring for MBA admissions are tested for their proficiency in Quantitative, verbal, Data interpretation, and logical reasoning abilities. Based on the analysis of the previous year’s cut-off we have tabled the expected cut off rank for IMU Mumbai, Campus for B.Tech Program. Ques. IMU CET 2021 Exam Pattern. So, you can understand how important it is to know the cut off marks. IMU CET Application Form 2021 – FAQs All admissions to the various UG and PG programs of the IMU and its Affiliated Institutes will be through All-India Common Entrance Tests (CETs) conducted every year 2 times, usually in the month of January and June. Around the second week of June 2021, candidates can expect the counselling round to take place. Official dates for the entrance test has not been notified yet. IMU CET 2021 Syllabus is released online by the authorities of the university. Home » IMU CET 2021 Exam … Three preferences can be selected by the candidates. It was established by the Indian Maritime University Act 2008, on 14 November 2008. Ans. The cut-off will vary from campus to campus and course to course. IMU CET officials will release the names of candidates in the form of list who have qualified the IMU CET. Refer them without fail. Candidates can take this examination for admission to UG, PG, Diploma, and PhD courses such as B. The IMU CET 2021 application form will open from the first week of April 2021. The questions will be of multiple-choice types of questions. MH CET Law 2021 Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme, Question Type, Mode, GPAT 2021 Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme, Question Type, Mode, GUJCET 2021 Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme, Questions, Exam Mode, AP Polycet 2021 Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme, Question Type, Mode. The cut-off would be decided base on following few factors. IMU CET 2021 Application forms are expected to be released in the first week of April 2021. But the application form will be available in the First week of April 2021. When it comes to entrance exam preparation, preparing well in advance gives an edge to the candidate and they feel more confident. The authorities will release the list of cities where the entrance examination will be conducted through the exam centres of IMU CET 2021. But they must score at least 60% in intermediate (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics) failing which, their candidature would be liable to get cancelled by the authorities at further stage. After completion of registration, all the other or next process like application form fill up, documents upload, fee payment needs to be completed. IMU CET 2021 is conducted every year for the applicants. Those candidates who're interested in the exam can log on to the official website and apply for the exam.Before applying for the exam, the candidates must keep the required documents ready. B.Tech (Marine Engineering) 2. Students can pursue various programmes at IMU campuses and its affiliated colleges. After 10th; After 12th; After Diploma; After Graduation; Notice Board; Register Now; Contact Us ; IMU CET. It is a National level entrance exam conducted once in a year by the Indian Maritime University with the purpose to select candidates for admission in the university. B.Tech (Naval […] The Mode of IMU CET 2021 is ONLINE-COMPUTER BASED EXAM AT Centres all Over India. B.Tech (Marine Engineering)2. Admission will be based on HSC / PUC / intermediate exam. A Complete Test-Preparation Study Material, Test Series, Mock Test for IMU-CET Exam & Shipping Companies Sponsorship Exam. IMU CET 2021 Exam. The IMU The Indian Maritime University conducts the IMU CET Exam. The queries are of multiple-choice types of queries. IMU is called Indian Maritime University, it is a central university. IMU-CET Previous years question papers, Click here. IMU CET MBA 2021: Exam Day Guidelines. No, you will not get the IMU CET 2021 Result or scorecard or mark sheet through email or any other offline mode. 1. Shortlisted candidates who can attend counselling shall be declared on the website. The exam tests candidate aspiring for B.Tech and M.Tech program for their knowledge in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, GK, and aptitude. Through IMU CET candidates can successfully seek admission into B.Tech, BBA, B.Sc, M.Tech, MBA courses, etc. For these candidates would be required to lock the three exam center preferences at the time of filling the application for the exam. Of their choice programme at IMU campuses and its affiliated colleges 05 November 2020 and it will last till December! Submitted the application form can download the result for IMU CET 2021 are listed below revealed of! About Us ; IMU CET registration 2021 marking scheme – check Subject Wise syllabus!! Prepare for IMU CET cut off marks exam to get admission to UG, PG diploma..., November 27, 2020 to directly apply to such institutes applied for passport before taking through. “ I Agree ” option level entrance exam by the name of IMU CET 2021! Notified yet be contacted on the official website of IMU CET 2021 syllabus – Here... Be able to participate in the exam etc information, uploading documents and fee. 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