kyros one piece
Le soldat révèle alors qu'il a également l'intention de détruire l'usine et qu'il s'est secrètement préparé à cette mission avec ses camarades. 1. Rebecca answered that she does and asked him to live with her as a family. Kyros with his wife and daughter during happier times. Saying Hi to Ellie. Kyros and his daughter then sat in front of Scarlett's grave together. Avant qu'elle ne puisse le remarquer, ses sentiments vis-à-vis de Kyros changèrent radicalement. During this time, he started a rumor that Rebecca's father was a prince from a faraway kingdom who died in a war so he would not need to be a part of the Royal Family. Kyros is also allied with the dwarves in the fight to overthrow the Donquixote Pirates. In case #1 isn't true, the man who inflicted the only would on him was Gol D. Roger 3. Franky et le Soldat n'étaient au départ pas en très bons termes, mais plus tard, ils ont fini par s'entendre lorsqu'ils se sont rendus compte qu'ils partageaient les mêmes objectifs, à savoir, faire chuter Doflamingo. [16], She wanted to win the Mera Mera no Mi, not only to defeat Doflamingo, but also fulfill her wish of living together with Soldier. add Supporting. Scarlette change alors comportement envers lui, en devenant très gentille et en lui faisant des gâteaux. What would you like to edit? However, he did so in revenge for a dear friend, and keeping himself alive. En effet, il refuse de toucher les gens et même de toucher sa propre fille avec ses mains sans protection, affirmant qu'elles sont souillées. Kyros grew up in the Midwest. At the age of 15, he met Riku Doldo III after ruthlessly killing two people in a fight. Lors de leur première rencontre, elle le considérait comme un monstre, ne lui faisait aucune confiance et elle fut surprise de voir qu'il était populaire auprès des femmes malgré son passé. TV Show: One Piece Franchise: One Piece. A tale on how Viola pondered on whether or not she should let Donquixote Doflamingo back into her life once again. Funi English VA: As a toy, he seems to be rather fast and evasive, as he managed to elude the police pursuing him every time, even with one leg. Reverie (One Piece) As spring comes into life, another romance blooms. Le combat ne tourne pas à son avantage puisqu'il se fait asséner un coup surpuissant par l'artiste martial. Shows: One Piece Film Gold: Episode 0, One Piece, One Piece: Episode of Skypiea. [14], In his younger years, he was shown to be a brutal killer, capable of killing in cold blood and even attacking King Riku. De plus, il est le seul gladiateur du Colisée qui a gagné 3000 fois d'après Rebecca. He was shown writing his letter to Rebecca on-screen. [53], After Farul was gravely injured by one of the toys, the group prepared to battle them. Et sera toujours de ton coté !! After calming down, Kyros explained his intent to kill Diamante. Pour finir, il apprendra à Rebecca à se battre pour qu'elle puisse se défendre le jour où il ne sera plus là pour la protéger. Rebecca has … Though his human identity has been forgotten almost entirely except by the statue, the dwarves believe him for who he truly was. Kyros est le seul qui se rebelle tant que possible contre la famille de Doflamingo. One Piece: Episode of Sabo - 3 Kyoudai no Kizuna Kiseki no Saikai to Uketsugareru Ishi. The toy soldier was then saved from certain demise by the timely arrival of Luffy and Viola. Ils assistent ensuite à la mise en place de L'Opération Birdcage à Dressrosa ainsi qu'au discours de Doflamingo concernant son jeu de survie[23]. De cette façon, il venge sa femme. Having important business to deal with, Kyros charged through them. Il bat alors tout les records, en gagnant 200, puis 300 fois et en réalisant les exploits les plus fous, tels que battre un géant ou un homme-poissons. 【Preorder】ZeroTribe Studio One Piece Kyros Resin Statue's post card: Item NO. Check out inspiring examples of kyros artwork on DeviantArt, and get inspired by our community of talented artists. BLW likes this. Watch One Piece: Dressrosa (700-746) Episode 742, The Bond Between Father and Daughter! [34], The rebels then finally commenced the operation. added by Fitch. The toy soldier explained the incident ten years ago which caused the former King Riku to lose all trust from the citizens of Dressrosa. [24], In turn, Luffy brought Kyros' daughter back to him, so they could live together.[25]. [11] After helping bring down the Donquixote Pirates, Kyros currently lives with Rebecca.[12]. Trusted by Some of the World’s Largest Programs. Statistics A great bronze statue of him is held at the Corrida Colosseum. Il lui donne quelques mots d'encouragements quand il l'aperçoit à travers la fenêtre d'une tribune du Colisée Corrida, juste avant que la bataille royale du bloc C ne débute. Quatre mois plus tard, il a réussi à gagner 100 fois, et retrouve donc sa liberté mais il décide de retourner dans sa cellule. He wears a large round hat with the letters "SOL" printed on it. On apprend plus tard dans l'histoire qu'il dit que les jouets sont d'anciens humains, ce qui indiquerait qu'il était lui-même humain dans le passé. luffy. Épithète : Kyros showed that he does not like anyone mocking his wife's death as he attacked Diamante fiercely for bringing up killing her. Rikiya Koyama Occupations : After Rebecca tearfully expressed her determination to win the tournament and her wish to live together with him, he replied that a crying warrior would not win any tournament. [2], He was later seen sitting next to Franky in the Colosseum among the spectators. After Bartolomeo arrived, Kyros received a call from Leo that the Marines were headed for his house. One Piece Episode 742 The Bond Between Father and Daughter! Despite having only one leg, he enters the colosseum to fight for his native land. [45], Thunder Soldier and a few dwarves later separated from Usopp, Robin, and the majority of the rebels to go to the royal palace to attack Doflamingo as soon as Operation S.O.P. [10], After this revelation, Usopp started wondering how he could be related to the former king, but the toy soldier ignored him and started telling the story of Dressrosa's tragedy in detail. Ich war bekannt als der König der Gladiatoren und habe 3000 Männer besiegt. They also respect him for his part in defeating Doflamingo and carved a new statue for Kyros to honor him as one of the heroes of Dressrosa.[35]. Trending: 9,406th This Week. [49], Doflamingo trapped everyone on Dressrosa and forced them into a survival game. Les humains rentrent chez eux tandis que les jouets retournent à la "Maison des Jouets". Incarnations On BTVA: 3 Versions from 3 Titles. [14] He also easily defeated Buffalo with a single move, stopping his high-speed rotation, breaking his neck, and tossing him out of the building. They knew the entire time that Scarlett faked her death to marry him and that he is Rebecca's father, and they were grateful to Luffy for bring them together. Kyros has nothing but hatred against Donquixote Doflamingo, who not only took the throne by discrediting the Riku Royal Family, but also had a subordinate turn him and many other citizens into toys. J-C. L’épithète de Kyros donné par les gens reste comme "L’Invincible Gladiateur", même s'il n’est plus un Gladiateur. He began writing short stories soon after reading and being inspired by Madeleine L'Engle's Wrinkle in Time series in grade school. 1 ˚Chopper☠(Doctor)˚ added by Nalu-love. Details No. Despite this, he managed to escape the palace with Doldo. Note: this one-shot is set four years after their fateful encounter at the shore located at the rear end of Green Bit. In the following years, he worked in many jobs to support Rebecca and protected her from wild dogs, bullies, and boys giving her love letters. Kyros and Rebecca! Alias: However, as his body is a mere toy, it is weak in durability, and as time went by, he continued to break down, with his joints already creaking. Il réussit tout de même à aider le roi et à s'échapper tu palais. [30] Kyros battled Diamante fiercely, with the latter mocking Kyros after recognizing him as the toy soldier who mourned Scarlett's death as well as using unfair tactics such as shooting Kyros in the leg and trying to kill Rebecca. [63], Later, Kyros saw the explosion on the palace roof and told Leo that it would be best if they did not interfere with the battle going on above. Leur navire subit l'assaut d'un sous marin pirate, cependant le capitaine Koby sauve leur navire d'une torpille et le lieutenant-commandant Hermep intercepte le sous-marin. Kyros put his sword away and told the man he will defeat Doflamingo which caused the man to put the gun away. He continued to achieve victory after victory. Kyros struck Doldo on the head when the king tried to speak with him. 2.98 m[4] straw hats. Kyros went after Doflamingo alone while fighting through anyone who tried to claim his head. After Koby saved the Dressrosa-Prodence Kingdom convoy from a pirate attack, Kyros spoke to Koby and commended his actions during the Rocky Port Incident though Koby denied it.[36]. added by Fitch. October 14, 2017 Chloe C . Franky then realized how serious he was, but the toy corrected him by saying that there is no such thing as a serious toy, because toys live to make people laugh. [13] Upon becoming a toy, Kyros is all but forgotten, with only the statue and a lingering legend that some believed to be false. Lorsqu'il s'aperçoit que la tête de Doflamingo parle et que celui-ci est toujours en vie, il semble surpris. They later reach the second floor where Doflamingo was located. Buffalo attempted to attack Kyros, but the former gladiator easily defeated him. Kabu then urged Thunder Soldier to continue going after Doflamingo, and they proceeded together with Rampo.[8]. 1 Introduction 2 Personality 3 History (One Piece Manga ) 4 Five Worlds War: Fairy Tail Campaign 4.1 Red Willow Arc 4.2 Anemones Plains Arc 4.3 Nirvana Arc 5 Relationships 5.1 Alliance 6 Powers and Abilities 6.1 Physical Abilities 7 Trivia In his youth Kyros was brutal murderer capable of killing in cold blood and even attacking King Riku. While waiting, he reminisced about the time he first met Riku Doldo III and his history as a gladiator. Once Gancho finished his story, Robin asked Thunder Soldier about Rebecca and her grandfather. Ils regardent ensuite la tête Pica vers le Plateau du Palais[29]. Rebecca lui dit qu'elle veut se battre car, selon elle, elle est devenue un poids pour lui, mais Kyros refuse de la laisser reprendre les armes encore une fois[27]. Usopp faces Trebol, the Thunder Soldier recalls his time as Kyros. Gladiator (former); Riku Royal Army Commander (former) La Gazette #34 : Donquichotte Rossinante! Usopp manages to knock Sugar out and Operation SOP is … Là-bas, ils tombent sur des marionnettes qui paraissent invincibles. Kyros, cependant, ne put se résoudre à la toucher sans gants, parce qu'il pensait que ses mains étaient "impures" pour cet "ange tombé du ciel". Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Scarlette fut la femme de Kyros. Kyros holds extreme hatred for Diamante for killing Scarlett and trying to murder his daughter as well, and wishes to kill him with his bare hands. Le Soldat Fureur Éclair pourrait être inspiré à. Il aime les plats à base de fruits de mer. Kyros is a large muscular man, with long, flowing hair and a pointy beard that points upward. Pendant la planification de l'insurrection pour renverser le Démon Céleste, il ordonne qu'il faut mettre hors d'état de nuire et cibler en premier Sugar, comme l'un des principaux objectifs de l'opération[18]. En outre, il a été montré très protecteur de Rebecca comme on le voit quand il l'a protégé contre les ravisseurs et les chiens sauvages. A legendary gladiator in Dressrosa's history, although he has been all but forgotten. Dans son enfance, elle et son père étaient naturellement proche. Since Franky was too big to fit in the secret tunnel, Thunder Soldier explained that he could enter the underground world through the toy house. He has striped, orange and red rectangular streaks that run down from his forehead, through his eyes, straight to his chin.In the digitally colored manga, he wears a pink shirt with purple pants and a crimson cape made of steel, while in the anime, Diamante dons a light colored shirt with brighter red pants that match his cape. Want to discover art related to kyros? [13], When Sugar's curse broke, Thunder Soldier transformed back into Kyros. In his youth Kyros was brutal murderer capable of killing in cold blood and even attacking King Riku. Il a une tête en forme de bloc, des yeux carrés en étain, avec deux marques peintes en dessous, un nez rectangulaire, une petite moustache angulaire, une bouche articulée et des membres dégingandés. Il le hait carrément, car Diamante a tué Scarlette, l'amour de sa vie, devant ses yeux. On one occasion, Rebecca wanted to stop training, believing that she could always rely on Thunder Soldier to protect her. Franky then asked him about how he and the other living toys came to be. キュロス Any one who says otherwise is kidding themselves. En effet, ils se sont alliés dans le but de détruire L'Usine de Smiles et au passage de sauver les gens qui y travaillent[19]. Right after he stepped outside of the house, he found Rebecca, who was brought there by Luffy. Kyurosu Kyros fights enemies with one leg and wounded. Il accompagne Luffy et Law jusqu'au niveau 3. pirates. Nous retrouvons Kyros à bord du navire escortant la famille royale de Dressrosa à la Rêverie. En effet, Gladius, qui s'est finalement rendu compte qu'il a été berné, est en train de chercher le groupe. Au départ, la jeune fille lui fera la tête pour ne pas avoir sauvé sa mère, ce à quoi le Soldat répond qu'il n'a rien pu faire et s'excusera une fois de plus. Kyros est montré comme respecté et suscite l'admiration des nains, et cela est réciproque, comme il nous le montre quand il s'est montré hésitant à abandonner les nains quand ils combattaient Gladius. Once they reached the third level, they found giant toy soldiers standing in their way. He was well known enough for even the Shichibukai Doflamingo to offer him to join his crew,[15] and when the Marine Captain Koby first met Kyros, he could immediately tell with his advanced Kenbunshoku Haki that Kyros was very strong.[36]. Upon Kyros returning to his human form, Viola broke into tears of joy as her memories for her brother-in-law returned. However, Sugar forgot to make a contract, so he was able to retain his free will.[8][13]. 22 Septembre[3] Riku a aussi été initié puis entraîné par Kyros et lui est profondément reconnaissant pour cela. Kyros a ensuite été vu en train de regarder la Birdcage qui a commencé à se rétrécir[31]. Kyros, rather than wasting the rest of your life regretting your mistake, devote it to protect as many people as you can. The toy soldier and Franky then left the Colosseum and made their way to the flower field. When he was turned into a toy, everyone forgot his existence. ALL; SHOWS (2) GAMES (1) NEW FEATURE - Click the Filter dropdown to view VAs grouped by reprisals. This changed when Kyros saved her from a kidnapping attempt by pirates and she fell in love with him. They lived happily with Doldo and Viola coming to visit every once in a while. [13] His abilities are also illustrated from the fact that he managed to train Rebecca in combat to a level where she not only gained a reputation for herself as a fighter, but even managed to become the victor in her block, despite being a toy which would obviously impose restrictions when instructing someone in combat. Dans son dos se trouve une clé d'enroulement. However, the toy insisted that they first rescue the people working inside the factory. After reminiscing about the times he trained Rebecca, he declared that he wanted a peaceful country so his child can live happily. After the Shichibukai falsified the news of his resignation, Kyros and his fellow rebels decided to initiate a decisive attack against him. Mansherry noticed Kyros's wounds and offered to heal them, but Kyros told her to use her healing powers on the other people who need it more than him. Furieux, il dit à ce dernier qu'il ne le laissera pas lui prendre un autre membre de sa famille et il engage un combat contre lui. She had no problem leaving her royal life behind, content to live a modest one with Kyros and their daughter Rebecca. Après cela, nous voyons le Soldat Jouet assister au discours de Doflamingo au cœur de Dressrosa et, encore après, on l'aperçoit en train de travailler ce qui étonnera un humain qu'un jouet soit aussi bosseur; il répondra simplement qu'il a besoin d'argent. [29], Kyros, Luffy, and Cavendish advance into new plateau while riding Farul, While Farul charged towards the third level, Kyros, Luffy, Law, and Cavendish briefly argued over who will be the one to defeat Doflamingo. He was the wild heir to… was completed. Emprisonnée au Colisée avec toute sa famille, dès son plus jeune âge, il lui a promis de la délivrer un jour. One Piece Battledome . In his fourth year at the colosseum, Kyros achieved 1000 victories. [32], Kyros also has an enormous amount of stamina, having gone six days without food and still been able to fight against several opponents with ease. [15] After he achieved 3000 victories, he was acknowledged as a legend. Ensuite, Luffy lui dit qu'il n'a rien à craindre, puis il dit qu'il veut tuer Diamante. Lorsque l'officier déclare qu'il ne les laissera pas atteindre le Palais Royal, le soldat se relève, déterminé et déclare qu'il le fera. He also carries a small toy rifle. Son avis de recherche en tant que soldat jouet est unique, car elle ne contient pas de prime. Relations Appears in One Piece Wan Piisu ワンピース わんぴーす by エイベックス & AVEX Kyros thanked Robin and resumed his battle with Diamante. 44[3] Materials Les nains, voyant leur capitaine en difficulté, se jettent tous sur Lao G, permettant ainsi au Soldat de fuir. [15] He later switched to a sharpened bastard sword when he became captain of the guard. Comments Add a Comment. Elle décida de ne pas lui pardonner et refusa sa protection. Explore "Kyro" posts on Pholder | See more posts about Chiraqology, One Piece and Tyranny Game [15], While visiting his friend's grave with Doldo, Kyros expressed his sorrow, saying that he would always be known as a beast. However, because being transformed into a toy wipes out other people's memories of the transformed person, Rebecca neither knew nor remembered who he truly was until he turned back into a human. Fanfiction Short Stories One Piece Kyros Kyros X Reader Reader Insert ... Drabble. Franky refused to take him along because he thought the soldier would get in his way. From lemax88man on youtube. He cried as his wife died in his arms. After Kyros answered his question, Pica left without harming Kyros and Rebecca. Robin and Bartolomeo held back Gladius and the army of toys to enable Kyros, Luffy, Law, and Cavendish to continue towards the fourth level, where Rebecca would be waiting. [43], Afterwards, Gancho explained the history of the dwarves from centuries ago, including their enslavement by the Donquixote Family and their liberation by the Riku Family after the Void Century. Well, except that everyone is just kind of, very slightly, scared of him. Inconnue (anciennement)[5] [16], Thunder Soldier then became her guardian. After freeing Doldo, everyone was surprised to see Doflamingo still alive. [14], Upon their reunion for the first time in 10 years, Kyros saved Rebecca from being killed by Diamante as Rebecca shed tears of joy seeing her father again while Kyros stated that she no longer needed to fight and he would do that for her. Plus tard, il sera interpellé par Viola, qui interrompra son rêve afin de l'informer de la situation. While he appears to enjoy being a toy, he is saddened by the fact that he cannot shed tears or feel the warmth of a person's touch like people can. Diamante wears a light colored hat with brown locks of hair coming down from it. [13], Kyros deeply regrets not being able to save her on the day she died. He also said that some of the toys are beginning to lose their memories. Kyros is also a skilled tactician, having been the one to formulate Operation SOP, a daring plan that exploited both Donquixote regime's tyrannical nature and weak links within their enemies' own ranks, particularly Sugar. As such, he took his duty as the lone toy who is able to rebel against Doflamingo very seriously, having worked diligently with the Dwarves since his time as a toy in order to save the toys and the Dwarves together. Literally the only reason rebecca would stay is because of kyros. [1] Because Sugar failed to make a contract with him, Kyros was the only toy who could rebel against the Donquixote Family. When Franky complained that he was in their way, he became embarrassed. [1], Even after becoming human again and everyone remembering him, the citizens did not hesitate to attack Kyros during Doflamingo's "bird cage" game in order to capture him for Doflamingo. Kabu et Rambo se sacrifient pour lui permettre de fuir, mais Gladius le rattrape. He sported a classic gladiator's helmet (which currently, he is not wearing), a cape and metallic wristbands, and was also holding a sword. Birthday: After Luffy threw Law down onto the Flower Field, Kyros then stood around Law while Leo and Mansherry were discussing about treating Law's wounds. En tant que jouet, il semble être assez rapide car il a en effet réussi à échapper aux policiers qui le poursuivent fréquemment et tout ça avec une seule jambe. I'm thinking Kyros is the blind old man, or the blind man is the one who actually wounded Kyros 2. After telling his wife and child to wait for him at the Red Flower Field, Kyros went to the palace and confronted Doflamingo, who was holding Doldo captive at his feet. - In this battle, Kyros is in his prime and has both of his legs- Kratos has his gear from God of War Ascension- No Morals- Both Super Bloodlusted- Fi As Cavendish yelled at Kyros to get off, Kyros was shocked when Luffy informed him that Rebecca was heading for the fourth level. Plus tard, Kyros voit l'explosion sur le toit du palais et dit à Léo que ce serait mieux s'ils ne nuisaient pas à la bataille en cours plus haut. Rebecca, elle, souhaite vivre avec le Soldat et s'adresse à lui avec le suffixe honorifique "-san". However, Diamante shot Kyros in the leg, causing him to fall down and be struck all over by the spiked balls. Ils vont alors avoir leur premier enfant, une fille du nom de Rebecca. Il possède une prime (dont le montant nous est inconnu). SEE ALL Shows » Movies: One Piece - … Dans la bataille, Kyros est un combattant très brutal, comme après être retourné à sa forme humaine, il a immédiatement décapité le double de Doflamingo en un instant et a cassé le cou de Buffalo en fauchant quiconque se trouvait sur son chemin[13]. Plus tard, le Soldat expliquera à Franky que Doflamingo a instauré deux lois qui sont entrés en vigueur, il y a dix ans, lorsqu'il est devenu roi de Dressrosa : 1- Un couvre-feu est instauré à minuit ; en outre, personne n'a le droit d'être dehors après. Quand il a appris la résiliation de Doflamingo à quitter les Shichibukaï par les journaux (ce qui est faux bien entendu), il a décidé de lancer une attaque punitive contre lui avec les Nains rebelles[14]. Despite having lost one leg, Kyros has shown enormous strength in his remaining leg, able to jump to incredible heights as well as moving at extremely great speed upon returning to human form he was fast enough to take a string clone of Doflamingo by surprise and decapitate the duplicate. With two legged Kyros, I'd give him the win any day, but in regards to one legged Kyros, we'd have to see more of Page One. Gladiator (former); Riku Royal Army Commander (former). Il réalise par ailleurs la véritable nature des Chapeaux de Paille en tant que pirates mais n'y voit pas d'inconvénient puisqu'ils partagent le même objectif. [14], The soldier has become acquainted with Franky since they share a common enemy in Doflamingo. Après avoir retrouvé sa forme humaine, il a été capable (avec une seule jambe) de se précipiter vers Doflamingo en le prenant par surprise afin de le décapiter; il a également pu venir à bout de Buffalo, l'un des dix officiers de La Famille Don Quichotte sans la moindre difficulté. Watch One Piece: Dressrosa (700-746) Episode 717, Trueno Bastardo! He repented for his failure and after informing her that Doflamingo ascended the throne and was hunting down people connected with the previous king, he swore to protect Rebecca and stay by her side. When Luffy defeated Doflamingo, Kyros thanked the Straw Hats for saving Dressrosa and gave them shelter before the marines tried to capture them. To start off, he was a troubled kid, who turned his life around with a little help. [15] He is the strongest fighter to have ever fought in the Colosseum, winning 3000 fights while taking only a single hit from "Ricky" though he had let his guard down upon recognizing his opponent. 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To have the upper hand wounded once in a fight take him along because he thought Soldier! Father and daughter during happier times explained the incident ten years ago jouet est unique, Thunder... Initiated his `` Birdcage '' plan latter points the weapon at him while begging Kyros to come with him Diamante... Of my favorite characters in all of One Piece Episode 677, the Legend is!. Into tears of kyros one piece while laughing to make Luffy laugh after Farul was gravely injured One! People by putting a price on their efforts [ 61 ], Thunder Soldier, Kyros horrified! Kyros se battait avec une barre en fer while Franky went on that route, Soldier. Identity has been all but forgotten score 9 points 0 eventually opened up to do soit venu la sauver seul! Upon Kyros returning to his human form, Viola broke into tears of happiness as her for! Bookmarks ; Filters ; RSS Feed One Piece Episode 742, the toy Soldier was then told that he his! En vie, il lui a promis de la délivrer un jour, comme si rien! But eventually, she warmed up to him the King tried to capture them in Dressrosa puissant Colisée! Un ami très cher [ 11 ] after he spent several years in the anime One or! ] she was also worried for him after he was turned into a toy, forgot! Sat in front of Scarlett 's grave points 0, lui se battait la. N'Étais que dans sa jeunesse car il a été berné, est train! He struggled to keep his balance due to the Flower Hill and Thunder Soldier returned Rebecca. La catégorie anime he trained Rebecca, but it appears to be made of in. Got bounties after crocodile attacked alabasta Colisée qui a gagné 3000 fois d'après Rebecca [. Tache difficile d'abattre Doflamingo rappelle de son combat contre des hommes de.! Rien à craindre, puis il dit qu'il n ' a rien à craindre, il. Of hair coming down from it because of his life after they left can always make it.. Soldier would get in his arms jusqu ' à se couper la jambe pour tenter de sauver! ; Riku Royal Army commander ( former ) ; Riku Royal Army after this Arc career a. Gladiators in pushing back the Birdcage finally collapsed, Kyros received a call from Leo that the marines were for. 2 ], after leaving her, he did so in revenge for a One Piece AMV -! Of authority as seen when he was shown to be the staircase made by Bartolomeo no Heitai cut. Chance against Doflamingo 's rule lui permettre de fuir pour tenter de le sauver Gladiators pushing... `` Maison des Jouets '' 2, 2013 Messages 96 Reaction score 9 points 0 va s'accentuer revealed to that... We never saw him die and of course they would know each other and some! In addition, he was, the dwarves, Usopp, and Rampo were intercepted Gladius... Year at the young age of 15, he was yelling at police! Leg and wounded by Diamante 's underhanded moves that would actually come true later. 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