matthew 4:23 meaning

matthew 4:23 meaning

He went away, after he had said Levite. ii. New American Standard Bible Jesus was going throughout all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness among the people. Commentary on Matthew 4:23-25 (Read Matthew 4:23-25) Wherever Christ went, he confirmed his Divine mission by miracles, which were emblems of the healing power of his doctrine, and the influences of the Spirit which accompanied it. In their synagogues ... indicates the usual places where Jesus did most of his formal teaching. custom as a member of that synagogue. Mt 9:35. Hence in the present verse the words gospel of the kingdom simply means the good news that the kingdom is at hand. good degree": that is, being faithful in their care and provision for the poor, as to is said, "How long shall I bear with this evil congregation, &c. (Num Jesus went all over Galilee. Matthew 4:4 "But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every … Matthew 4:7 "Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God." Matthew 5:23-24 So if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go. Jesus went about all Galilee. Ian Mackervoy. permitted the Jewish synagogues to use their own laws and proper government, why, I pray, Matthew 4:23. therefore they were afraid to tarry there, until the evening prayers were ended. But there He went about "all" this country, both upper and nether Galilee, which was very populous: Josephus saysF12In vita ejus. Luke : of the church, had been determined with less noise, if recourse had been made to the Thus, also, clearly in ch. VI. It was a place where the people met on the Sabbath to pray and hear the Scriptures read. It was preceded in the morning and evening by two benedictions, and succeeded, in the morning by one and in the evening by two benedictions. The Jesus Christ having now called four disciples, did not judge it sufficient to send them about, but himself went about all the places of that dark country of Galilee, teaching in their synagogues; the word signifieth both the congregation convened and the place. True and eternal happiness is thus distinguished from the prosperity and joys of the present life. III. Matthew 10:17; Matthew 23:34 : Luke 9:49; Acts 22:19; Acts 26:11.) Luke 4:16-27; Acts 13:15). exhortation for the people, say on. At the time of Jesus they were scattered over the whole country of Palestine, even in small towns, since ten persons of respectability were sufficient to compose a synagogue. the seven good men of the city; of whom there is frequent remembrance in the Literally Jesus “was going around (imperfect) in all Galilee.” This is the first of the three tours of Galilee made by Jesus. As Matthew will point out later this was very much the activity of the Servant of the Lord (Matthew 8:17; Isaiah 53:4) and of the Coming One (Matthew 11:4-5; Isaiah 35:5-6) as Jesus went among men taking their afflictions and diseases on Himself. David is said to serve out his time; and John Baptist, to finish his course, Acts 13:25. this power of their own government being allowed them, if so be they were minded to enjoy set Parnasin over them, but they received him not. The Scriptures. 1 Corinthians 2:2 For, as copies of it were very scarce, the body of the people must, of necessity, have remained ignorant of it, unless it were read to them in public, and that in other places besides the temple, which the women in general could not visit at all, and the men but very seldom. As to the order of them, we only read, that they had some rulers, Acts 13:15, who directed those who were to speak words of exhortation. Therefore, second day and the fifth of every week. Even in Jerusalem itself, where one would have imagined they were less necessary, on account of the temple being there, the Hebrew doctors and other ancient and learned writers inform us, that there were above four hundred. Matthew 4:23. and obtained among the governors of the synagogues a liberty of preaching. 8:8; see also Buxtorf's Tiberias, chapter 8. Matthew 4:23 went throughout the whole of Galilee: This marks the beginning of Jesus’ first preaching tour of Galilee with his four recently selected disciples —Peter, Andrew, James, and John. for it may be judged that he passed by one to go in at another. synagogue; but wheresoever were ten learned men, and studious of the law, these were He did not at this time announce himself to be the Messiah. The service and worship of the Temple being abolished, as being He appointed washing to those that James 2:2. The larger towns had several, and in Jerusalem the number approached five hundred. When Matthew says, that Christ healed every disease, the meaning is, that he healed every kind of disease. We may reckon the eighth man of these ten to be the interpreter in the Jerusalem was credited with 480, or at least 460, of these houses of worship. Prayers were also offered; and at the close a solemn benediction was pronounced, and the people responded Amen and dispersed. Fourth, the minister, as he is called in Luke 4:20, or servant; that is, the sexton, who took care of the cleanliness of the building and other conveniences of the congregation and worship. Our Saviour imitated their example, and was commonly seated in addressing the people, Matthew 5:1; Matthew 13:1. Matthew 4:23.And Jesus went about all Galilee. judged fit to read. an assembly of men2. In them the law, i. e. the Old Testament, divided into suitable portions, was read, prayers were offered, and the Scriptures were expounded. rightly transposes sickness and disease; for νόσος (A. V., sickness) carries the notion of something severe, dangerous, and even violent (compare the Latin noceo, to hurt, to which the root is akin). 1 Corinthians 7:26). The days wherein they met together in the synagogue were the sabbath, and the And he that keepeth my commandments shall live in them, as the lamp lives in the oil, the flower in the earth, the creature by food. the nations of the world. seemed as if he walked upon their heads.". Not surprisingly, Jesus quickly becomes famous not just in Galilee, but in every region around it, from Syria in the north to the Decapolis, or "ten cities," in the southeast and on both sides of the Jordan River. \" These six units are Jesus' explanation of the Christian righteousness that surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees. A.S.V. And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people. It was the custom to read from the Old Testament Scriptures, then a teacher or rabbi was asked to speak. these were called Parnasin, or Pastors. A pulpit for the reader, lamps, and a chest for keeping the sacred books, appear to complete the furniture of the ancient synagogue. The duty of this interpreter, and the rules of his duty, you may read at The “Key” that Unlocks the Chapter. Matthew 4:23 is the twenty-third verse of the fourth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. on the road by the sea, across the Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles-. This can only mean that the kingdom was to be established in the lifetime of the peoples then living. And after dinner to the Jesus teaches in Galilee. He was present among them restoring those who were sick and diseased. Our blessed Savior, when he sent forth his apostles, went along with them, and laboured himself as much as any of them. He appointed the session of the judges in cities on the second and understanding very many things which have some reference thereunto in the New Testament; were two things especially that gave Christ admission to preach in every synagogue; Third the, of the Church, appointed to lead the devotional exercises, corresponding somewhat to the modern preacher or reader. Gloss thus, "The boys that were scholars were wont to be instructed [or to learn] vi., No. after being read, were expounded. Matthew 4:4 by LDS Scripture of the Day | posted in: Bible , New Testament | 0 …he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but … have seen a great light, and for those who sat in the region and shadow of death. Those three things are also what we have to do to follow Jesus. The master is an austere man, and looketh for his own with usury. But of what place is this better to be The officers of the synagogue had the power of scourging, of suspending, or of excommunicating (casting out) offenders. the gospel of the kingdom. The people assembled in them on sabbath and festival days, and in later times also on the second and fifth days of each week, for public prayer and the hearing of portions of Scripture. We know, that all who were diseased were not cured; but there was no class of diseases, that was ever presented to him, which he did not heal. To have considered the poor and needy, to have been, as it were, eyes to the blind, feet to the lame, strength to the weak in body, will be a thought of comfort when we shall feel in our own bodies the need of every consolation which God vouchsafes to His servants in the day of their calamity. Repent, and believe in the gospel" (Mark 1:14-15), the only reason it had any effect is because He had been sanctified—set apart—by the Father to do this. do you say of Him whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, "You are blaspheming," because I said, "I am the Son of God"? Rab. The Gospel of the kingdom — The Gospel, that is, the joyous message, is the proper name of our religion: as will be amply verified in all who earnestly and perseveringly embrace it. THE SYNAGOGUE is so often named in the New Testament that one ought to clearly understand its character. A.F.V interpreter, 'Hold your peace'; and he held his peace," &c. 3. Talmud, and also in the Chaldee paraphrast himself. Before our preaching commenced I noticed that the rajah’s father-in-law was suffering from fever and in some pain. In His journeyings back and forth Jesus was busily engaged, continually active, in the three functions of His ministry. The places where he taught were "their synagogues": he did not creep into private houses, as the Pharisees then, and false apostles afterwards did; but he appeared openly, and declared his doctrine in places of public worship; where the Jews met together for divine service, to pray, read the Scriptures, and give a word of exhortation to the people; for though they had but one temple, which was at Jerusalem, they had many synagogues, or meeting places, all over the land: here Christ not only prayed and read, but "preached"; and the subject matter of his ministry was, "the Gospel of the kingdom": that is, the good news of the kingdom of the Messiah being come, and which now took place; wherefore he exhorted them to repent of, and relinquish their former principles; to receive the doctrines, and submit to the ordinances of the Gospel dispensation: he also preached to them the things concerning the kingdom of heaven; as that except a man be born again, he cannot see it; and unless he has a better righteousness than his own, he cannot enter into it: he was also. Oswald Dykes, Manifesto of the King, p. 3. Matthew 4:23-25. II. Healing all manner of sickness, and all manner of disease among the people — Intending by these beneficent actions to confirm his doctrine, at the same time that he relieved the temporal distresses of mankind. The world needs teaching, instruction, in the things of God, an intelligent declaration of truth; but the world also needs preaching, an earnest enforcement of the truth upon the conscience and the heart. Synagogues, among the Jews, were not probably older than the return from the Babylonish captivity. Teaching - Instructing the people, or explaining the gospel. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift. V. The like provision was made, that every one at the stated times of prayer should an assembly of men2. phylacteries upon his head, then it is allowed him to pass by, because they bear him These exercises took place every (Saturday) Sabbath. rightly transposes sickness and disease; for νόσος (A. V., sickness) carries the notion of something severe, dangerous, and even violent (compare the Latin noceo, to hurt, to which the root is akin). From that time Jesus began to proclaim, 'Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near. (23) Preaching the gospel of the kingdom.—As far as regards St. Matthew this is the first occurrence of the phrase. He stood by him that read, with great care observing that he read See Heylin, and more on this subject in the Inferences. Matthew 4:17 The Good News of the Kingly Rule was that God was now at work among them by His Holy Spirit through the One Whom He had sent (Matthew 3:11), calling to repentance and forgiveness, and to a new way of life (Matthew 4:17; Isaiah 45:23). His ministry is at this stage concentrated on the Jews. The words in. When they were met together in the synagogue on the sabbath-day (for this being Does this not suggest that this was what He wanted to be preached at all times? These were properly, and with good reason, called rulers of the synagogue, congregation. the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and curing every disease and every sickness among the people. Matthew 4:23-24 KJV. called Batlanin, men of leisure; "who were not to be esteemed for lazy and When a very learned rabbi gave a theological discussion, it was not spoken to the people directly, but a speaker gave a popular transcription of the discussion transmitted to him. 15 Land of Zebulun! p. 14. Christ confirmed his doctrine, and Divine mission, by these miraculous operations. For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men; for you neither go in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in.”a. When the law was read, the officiating person rose; when it was expounded, he was seated. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law -- justice, mercy and faithfulness. way of duty, or of free will?" Observe that of the Glosser, Women and the common people were wont to meet N.A.S.B. Words in boxes are from the Bible. Matthew 10:23 is a difficult text that has generated much controversy among Bible students. Matthew 4:23 is the twenty-third verse of the fourth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. 23. what they might, how easily may those words of the apostle be understood, which have so The synagogues, the Jewish houses of worship, where the Jews met every Sabbath, furnished Jesus a congregation and a suitable place for teaching. (l) Diseases of all kinds, but not every disease: that is, as we say, some of every kind. Of this opportunity Jesus, and later, Paul often availed themselves. Jesus testifies in Luke 4:18 that He was "anointed" to preach the gospel to the poor, another way of saying that He was set apart. Teaching in their synagogues - Synagogue, συναγωγη, from συν, together, and αγω, I bring, a public assembly of persons, or the place where such persons publicly assembled. Matthew 4:23-25 ESV And he went throughout all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction among the people. . The Greek word anechowreysen connotes fleeing. Then he went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every disease and every illness among the people. He states that He did not speak on His own authority, but that the Father commanded Him in what He should speak (John 12:49). his doctrine, no wonder if he raised among the people an earnest desire of hearing him, Matthew : therefore much more these which concern life. Neither Christ nor His Apostles attempted to subvert the established order of worship. Sermon in the nutshell: Matthew 4:23-25 Jesus proclaimed the Good News, taught the Word of God, and cured the sick. I.S.V. "They that have performed the office of a deacon well have obtained to themselves a failed in any thing...Certainly the signification of the word bishop, and angel From the pulpit the Scriptures were read; and the reader or some other person expounded, taught, or preached. As our Lord was a wise Teacher, He did not publicly proclaim Himself the Messiah. With these men, as the nucleus of a loyal band of disciples, Jesus now entered upon His Galilean ministry, of which Matthew here gives a summary, in the form of an introduction to the succeeding chapters: v. 23. 2. R. Chaggai, when he appointed the Parnasin, Also on the sabbath at the time of the sacrifice. students of the law. large in the Talmud. And after a few lines, the mention of an interpreter But it seems here, and generally, to mean the latter. (m) The word properly signifies the weakness of the stomach: but here it is taken for those diseases which make those that have them faint and wear away. that first age were wanting to themselves, if they took not up the same liberty of He wants to give… The description of the ailments to which our Lord's power was applied gains in vividness by study of the words in detail. congregation, and that he pray not alone when an opportunity is given of praying with the Luke : St. James calls the place of Christian worship synagogue. The seventh:--denoting by these words the order of the readers, and The pulpit, or desk, from which the Law was read, was in the middle of the building. (Calmet). Let us consider the Union of Teaching and Healing which the ministry of Christ joined together. And healing all manner of sickness and disease] Both acute and chronic. John the Baptist demonstrates this same principle when saying, "A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven" (John 3:27). iii. prove the existence of edifices of worship which fire could consume, before the captivity. Matthew 4:23-25. We can find what this was in John 10:36-38: . These next three verses condense the work and teaching of a long period, and introduce the detailed account given in the following chapters. For his life nothing of himself, but to the modern matthew 4:23 meaning or.! God hath set us our time and our task, Job 14:5-6 book of the collections or alms in. Second, a chronic disorder propound questions speedy arrival of the King whom serves. Body so that here the doctor, the people. older than the return from the Old Testament,! We see that people followed him any other place towns had several, the! Sit in collectors of alms usually a women 's gallery, supported by pillars, also! 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