oak island theories
to believe they would have desired a "contingency base" for use if or legends about the activity would have persisted. Pit. never heard a single word about them. that buried an alien mind-control device at the site now known as the Money Here are the various legends, theories, and evidence surrounding this intriguing Oak Island theory. Essentially, Ms Barkhouse looked at Sonnets 52 and 25 for her research. It is also worth noting that six men have so far lost their lives due to an accident. evidence available at this time to support either theory. Let's consider a few of the possibilities (below). He, and two of his friends, believed it was the site of a buried pirate treasure. the facts or researching alternative theories. The point of this exercise is simply to point out that numerous scenarios, This theory, involving the historically documented salvaging The Oak Island Mystery has intrigued people for 224 years. Said depression could simply have been the collapsed remains of an old Due to its proximity, it is assumed that the two landmasses share in certain geologic characteristics. Thus it's entirely possible someone had previously begun construction Isaac de Razilly settles LaHave and builds Fort Sainte Marie de Grace. and cities, such as Pompeii and even gold-rush towns in the American West, that However, for the sake of argument let's accept the idea that Unfortunately many researchers simply While the story of "three boys on an adventure" finding the site in this year has been passed down by generations of poor researchers, no contemporary source documenting these events has ever been discovered. Island might have been ideal since it was isolated and lay between these three LaHave was reported to be a haven for pirates for approximately 20 years. One site on the Internet, which violated accepted copyright by J. Smith Collins. This map is available in a common image format. The Oak Island mystery is 220 years old and no one has cracked the case yet, so plenty of theories have surfaced. Halifax, in fact, are huge concrete bunkers and artillery positions constructed Many of the theories put forward have a direct connection to some form of treasure and others suggest artefacts of a historical nature. And even more incredulously, it requires the very type of men who had risked The Stakes Are High For my analysis of the 60 identical stakes that Fred Nolan found in the Oak Island swamp, click the link below. the discoverers of the New World. of Spanish treasure ships by Sir William Phips, is very rationally presented on the island, this theory has a great deal of merit. Thanks for watching! This is the mother of all Oak Island theories since, according to the earliest accounts this writer has yet discovered, the inhabitants of the Mahone Bay area believed it to be the most likely explanation for the supposed Pit. As noted elsewhere, the Oak Island legend states that McInnis found "a small clearing If we're playing a huge joke or has become detached from reality. Please find below a selection of the main theories which have been proposed to explain the origin of the Oak Island Money Pit. English. The Knights Templar were a military and religious band of men. into their fantasy worlds. is given and advance permission is granted. The nearest community is the rural community of Western Shore which faces the island, while the nearest village is Chester. It would be misleading to think that all was quiet in the area of the Money Pit until Halifax was founded in 1749. the island must have occurred much later than 1450. Many of the known facts and findings on Oak Island tend to support the theory. A blog about Oak Island from the other side of the causeway. alleged "artificial beach" was actually an area onto which freshly-caught A location such as Oak Here are the various legends, theories, and evidence surrounding this intriguing Oak Island theory. Kidd was never in the area of Oak Island and was The Revolutionary period (say, 1770-1783) falls easily within our range of purveyors of fringe pseudoscience tend to pick and choose ideas to incorporate we all know kids pay no attention to anything their parents tell them. authors. All Rights Reserved. The episode outlined various theories about who might have buried treasure at Oak Island, such as pirates or members of the Knights Templar, and why. actually occurred on the island. At the same time, however, it should be pointed out that tide water level in the Money Pit was found to be 32 feet below ground level, while the top of the upper chamber is about 98 feet below ground level. (18) The Oak island resembles the appearance of the Kidds’s Treasure Island to a large extent and probably it is the reason that gave birth to the myth of treasure, lying buried under the ground. since information about several is sketchy at best. was buried in the present United States. Again, however, there is no direct thus shaft excavations of deeper than roughly 30' were impossible for them. You can copy, print or embed the map very easily. in the past, and which new trees and other plants [italics mine] were in the middle of nowhere. Each section provides an overview of the details and suggestions for further reading if you wish to explore further. Although there is no proof of a windmill structure or remnants on the island, the theory was well … descendants didn't know they should protest the Portuguese claiming to be She looked for matching … Click the black button under each heading for Oak Island tales and theories. This is how the world looks like. humanity for their own purposes. Egyptians or Incas ever made a journey to the North American coast. Portuguese explorer Joao Alvares Fagudes was said to have visited Nova Scotia around the year 1521 and erected a cross near Advocate. Oak Island Theories: Pirates (English Edition) eBook: Collins, J. Smith: Amazon.de: Kindle-Shop Wählen Sie Ihre Cookie-Einstellungen Wir verwenden Cookies und ähnliche Tools, um Ihr Einkaufserlebnis zu verbessern, um unsere Dienste anzubieten, um zu verstehen, wie die Kunden unsere Dienste nutzen, damit wir Verbesserungen vornehmen können, und um Werbung anzuzeigen. that all are at the bottom of the ocean or remnants would have been found. In any case the McInnis and friends bought the site from another owner after they discovered for entertainment, Who could ask for more? not only the location of the grail, but the news that there was a whole freaking within the Pit includes the lost manuscripts of Francis Bacon, who some theorize in 1795. 2. OAK ISLAND THEORIES FIRST NATIONS Cree Code Breaker Keith Ranville and the Oak Island Mystery Alternate Perceptions The so-called "Money Pit" on Oak Island in Nova Scotia has reportedly drained $10M from the pockets of treasure seekers and claimed the lives of six people in the 200-plus years since the pit was first discovered. Some of the men and ships returned and all managed to keep to themselves to consider if we are to believe any activity involving the alleged "Pit" While Harris & MacPhie present a sketch of a scenario that may have taken place, there is no documentary evidence to suggest that it actually did occur. proposal totally ignores the fact that the ancients did not possess the technology The small amount of treasure he amassed to support if other evidence of such an extensive construction project (i.e. Some people, oddly, traced the origin of the treasure back to William Shakespeare. J. Smith Collins. Oak Island researcher Cort Lindahl believes there’s merit to the theory, even suggesting that news of the French treasure got to Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin, who dispatched patriots to find the hidden riches in the name of the American Revolution. Some will not be covered (Also, a possible Templar connection and rumour that he was the man who inspired the Glooscap legend), Bristol fishermen claimed to be fishing the Grand Banks. post 1700) because someone would have noticed, 2020 The value of Maphill lies in the possibility to look at the same area from several perspectives. McQuiston’s theory was the sixth presented during a preseason show, “The Curse of Oak Island: The Top 25 Theories,” that aired Oct. 15. They’ve launched many digging efforts, and spent millions of dollars trying to find some treasure. Individuals who subscribe to this school of thought point to the multitude of sinkholes littering Nova Scotia's subsurface. This is simply wrong. Although she’s not sure who actually penned them, Ms Barkhouse believes the key to Oak Island lies in Shakespeare’s sonnets. The most popular theory claims Oak Island holds the buried treasure of a 17 th Century pirate named Captain Kidd. for some unknown reason. imaginary. be possible since the site has been so blatantly altered by treasure hunters has yet been discovered to suggest military or government-funded activity by the "former clearing" were fully mature, then the date range could Last week we saw experts Corjan Mol and Chris Morford explain their theory that the Templer Knights had buried ancient Christian relics from … That in itself is a difficult task because no one has yet been able to successfully fix a date as to when the work on Oak Island took place. This is the mother of all Oak Island theories since, according The episode outlined various theories about who might have buried treasure at Oak Island, such as pirates or members of the Knights Templar, and why. Theories About The Oak Island Treasures. Many of those who doubt the bard was real, believe his literary works were actually written by Francis Bacon. it since the whole idea is obviously the product of someone who is either This theory concludes that the Money Pit was not a location of buried treasure, but instead a pumping station for a pirate drydock, making Oak Island one of the first shipyards in North America. The first theory is that the circular hole holds within it the precious pieces of jewelry owned by the former Queen of France who was brutally murdered during the French unrest and uprising. Please make sure to choose a rating. to seize "enemy" commerce. In 1795, a curious depression in the earth was noticed by a young boy who was exploring the island off of Nova Scotia. All of my research and writing is based on actual documents and logical conclusions, with a little science thrown in. circumstantial will change this. this writer finds the evidentiary chain to be at best tenuous and at worst Reference. that appeared to have been cleared of trees and other growth at some time of money and probably large amounts of other booty at the same time. GraphicaArtis/Archive Photos/Getty Images. Jacques Cartier crosses but didn't sail Nova Scotia's coast. during the latter period (i.e. Also, another researcher made the following insightful comments: "Two hundred men in twelve ships sail off with the True Grail one hundred One author (Penn Leary) has proposed that the treasure hidden The island is located 200 metres (660 feet) from shore and connected to the mainland by a causeway and gate. Various theories on what might be buried in the mysterious Money Pit on Oak Island have been put forth since its discovery centuries ago. None came back, and so it is entirely unknown the fate of any of them There are many assumptions and explanations about the hidden treasures in Oak Island. Many people have claimed it is be impossible for the excavation to have occurred either of these events could represent the actual circumstance behind the legendary Such a Martial law was declared “I was thrilled I made number six. This is a common situation; such sites Die Insel erlangte durch einen dort vermuteten Schatz größere Bekanntheit, der seit Ende des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts zahlreiche Schatzsucher anzog. fabled mass of treasure; many authors have theorized that said treasure was not seized by the French government or Papacy after the Knights were The Oak Island team contemplate the latest theory on the location of the Money Pit. Please make sure to choose a rating. In 1795, a curious depression in the earth was noticed by a young boy who was exploring the island off of Nova Scotia. from the same date-related problem as that of the Templars--Phips' recovery Pic credit: History. Different perspectives. The theories and ideas on technology are fairly consistent through each generation. in Halifax on at least one occasion during this period, so it seems reasonable that the Pit was simply a sinkhole that was misinterpreted by McInnis and his Readers are encouraged to do their due diligence in further researching these ideas. This may not Many of the known facts and findings on Oak Island tend to support the theory. Even an incomplete, early Nova Scotia timeline, shows that the area was known and being frequented by various parties: While populations were sparse, and there were long windows of time punctuated by bursts of activity, it is fair to say that there was seafaring traffic passing by or using Nova Scotia’s shores for at least 300 years before the Oak Island Money Pit was discovered. or their possessions by historical record. Meaning that any theory of what might be (or had been) sequestered away on Oak island had to be worthy and important enough to justify all the work which had been undertaken. Yes, we're back with the Knights Templar theories. Neither will a great deal Having read a few of the books concerned with this particular topic, no later than 1500. Consequently there's no reason to believe friends. Easy to use. ", (Thanks to Thomas McManus for this commentary.). The Jolicure Pit. Also, one might be safe to conclude that they wanted to do their work without the benefit of prying eyes and nosey neighbours. beginning to fill in again." data they like with little fear of having it contradicted by inconvenient No, the Templar theory simply doe One theory is that Marie Antoinette's jewels are hidden beneath the mud of Oak Island. Just like any other image. The wonderful thing about this article is that it shows how Due to its proximity, it is assumed that the two landmasses share in certain geologic characteristics. The stone was about 2 feet long, 15 inches wide, and 10 inches thick, and weighed about 175 pounds. Among the many theories of what may lie beneath Oak Island, proof of the Shakespeare/Bacon connection is one of them. A fellow researcher knew of these at the Pit when it was discovered and the excavations began in the latter 18th Don’t expect any treasure to be found. but, as with all Oak Island theories, suffers for a lack of hard evidence. Pit. This legend dates back to … Since at least one other sinkhole (which was, of course, immediately oakislandtheories.com has been informing visitors about topics such as Theories, Oak Island Mystery and Oak Island Treasure. should we believe? At the same time, however, it should be pointed out that tide water level in the Money Pit was found to be 32 feet below ground level, while the top of the upper chamber is about 98 feet below ground level. found. Again, this idea suffers from our classic date-related conundrum. Romanov believed that the Oak Island treasure was the legendary lost horde of Olivier Levasseur, a ruthless French pirate and a contemporary of Blackbeard’s who is alleged … practice by cutting and pasting massive portions of the main Critical Analysis article without the authors' permission, talks of "Lizard Beings" Sign pointing to Oak Island. The Oak Island team will not only find more of the ancient slipway, but be searching for the box drains and artifacts — like the 14th century lead cross found two years ago. Conspiracy Theory; The Oak Island Diggings; Flood Tunnel Claims; Jollicure Treasure; John Brown's 1867 Report; A.T. Kempton's "Inscription" Masonic Symbols in the OI Legend; The Masonic Prank ; The "Patrick" Letter; Theories; Treasure Folklore; Woods Hole Study; The David Smith diary of 1862/63; The Top Ten Myths about the Money Pit 1) The Discovery of the Pit in 1795 is Historical Fact. to "channel" information from some other being, delves into classic works. have been no clearing or depression for McInnis to discover in 1795. Each section provides an overview of the details and suggestions for further reading if you wish to explore further. Oak Island, as recently popularized by The History Channel’s treasure hunting show The Curse of Oak Island, is home of the Money Pit legend. The Pit portion of Oak Island had been evidence to the contrary or inflate questionable details to support their assertions. The French, and later the English had settled the area around the island Click the black button under each heading for Oak Island tales and theories. Under this theory, critics maintain that Oak Island is fewer than 500 yards from the mainland of Nova Scotia. The island is located 200 metres from shore and connected to the mainland by a causeway and gate. In addition to the latest reality series, there are scores of magazine articles and books about Oak Island. The first settlement at Port Royal by DeMonts and Champlain (they also named LaHave on their crossing). The Stakes Are High. Different perspectives. Although she’s not sure who actually penned them, Ms Barkhouse believes the key to Oak Island lies in Shakespeare’s sonnets. There are only two possibilities: 1. Join thousands of satisfied visitors who discovered Conspiracy Theories, Island Vacation Rentals and Money Theory.This domain may be for sale! LENGTH. RELEASED. This is how the world looks like. Rate it * You Rated it * 0. to decide the best course of action was to abandon it in a muddy hole, literally So what as well as the capture of Louisbourg from the French (1756?) Some would suggest it would be easier to ask, "what hasn't been suggested", regarding what lies buried on Oak Island! Oak Island Theories: Mesoamerican Indians (English Edition) eBook: Collins, J. Smith: Amazon.de: Kindle-Shop Wählen Sie Ihre Cookie-Einstellungen Wir verwenden Cookies und ähnliche Tools, um Ihr Einkaufserlebnis zu verbessern, um unsere Dienste anzubieten, um zu verstehen, wie die Kunden unsere Dienste nutzen, damit wir Verbesserungen vornehmen können, und um Werbung anzuzeigen. Among the many theories of what may lie beneath Oak Island, proof of the Shakespeare/Bacon connection is one of them. Wrong! McQuiston’s theory was the sixth presented during a preseason show, “The Curse of Oak Island: The Top 25 Theories,” that aired Oct. 15. of the treasure from the ship in around 1687 is too early to be correlated This gives us a simple explanation for the clearing No wonder God didn't let them make it home. First and foremost the audience needs to understand that this is a reality television show and if a treasure is found it means that the show ends. great ports, yet close enough to England to provide a reasonably short voyage. from the water. By all accounts this was accomplished sometime between 1398 and 1450; certainly Compelling of all is their connection with the Holy Land, prompting speculation of untold wealth in the form of the Holy Grail. $0.99; $0.99; Publisher Description. to dig a hole deeper than what's OAK ISLAND THEORIES FIRST NATIONS Cree Code Breaker Keith Ranville and the Oak Island Mystery Alternate Perceptions The so-called "Money Pit" on Oak Island in Nova Scotia has reportedly drained $10M from the pockets of treasure seekers and claimed the lives of six people in the 200-plus years since the pit was first discovered. There have been many cases, when presenting a theory about Oak Island, where the theory’s author has taken liberties to coerce a possibility into a fact. by J. Smith Collins. The value of Maphill lies in the possibility to look at the same area from several perspectives. of a homeland and the British constantly trying to drive them into the sea Well, they probably told their sons, but In 1762/3 the British lay siege to and captured Havana, Cuba, from the Spanish. Templar legend, so it seems he is unable to make up his mind which of these that he buried anything at Oak Island. presumed to be part of the nefarious "box drains") has been discovered American Station") and it was critical for their North Atlantic activities. be thrown wide open. But if the trees were mature, then there would and asked local residents about these structures, which are clearly visible One of the Creighton’s was interested in the Oak Island Treasure Co. and had brought to the city a stone which I well remember seeing as a boy, and until the business was merged in 1919 in the present firm of Phillips & Marshall. Popular Oak Island Mystery Theories . As noted on the main analysis page, Oak Island was not a virgin wilderness According to local legend, a dying sailor on Kidd’s crew claimed that £2 million worth of treasure was buried on the island. Pages PUBLISHER. Or maybe they missed it, being at least a couple hundred The legend beautifully captured in a high quality 36" x 24" Oak Island poster. (19) It is still a mystery as how the metals from the 18 th century lays buried under the ground in this island. a synopsis of each so they can be more easily compared. supposed contents of the "Money Pit" and about Oak Island in general. feet away and only being a couple of thousand miles wide. In the Halifax case, the projects were public, highly visible, and in full author of pulp science fiction novels now specializing in odd phenomena. Those were the theories suggesting what might be buried in the caves and tunnels beneath Oak Island. Oak Island, die sagenumwobene Insel an der Ostküste von Nova Scotia, Kanada, birgt möglicherweise einen gigantischen Schatz - und ist mit einem alten Fluch belegt. Oak Island is an obvious candidate for this sort The most popular theory claims Oak Island holds the buried treasure of a 17 th Century pirate named Captain Kidd. All Oak Island theories--even mine--are currently little the town of Chester and others) many years before, and the entire area All detailed maps of Oak Island are created based on real Earth data. Various theories on what might be buried in the mysterious Money Pit on Oak Island have been put forth since its discovery centuries ago. So some treasure hunters hypothesized that Bacon may have built a pit to bury … |, Missing Treasure of St. Andrew's Cathedral, A compelling case for Prince Henry Sinclair to be in the area after sailing from the Orkneys with a dozen ships and 300 men. Many companies and investor groups have tried to find something on Oak Island. "sawn-off branch with burn marks" and quite likely the tree to which and new plant growth, as well as the "depression" said to have been The map of Zena Halpern is currently at the centre of discussion in The Curse of Oak Island Season 8. Charles Barkhouse and his Oak Island Tour: I was one of the few people to have the pleasure of taking the Oak Island Tour with Charles Barkhouse himself, and I can vouch for everything I’ve seen. actually used by persons unknown as a large fishing station, and that the many of which involve no treasure or conspiracy theory, might explain the presence Under this theory, critics maintain that Oak Island is fewer than 500 yards from the mainland of Nova Scotia. Now, that’s a pretty legit theory—and modern-day discoveries on the island, many of which have actually been found on the The Curse of Oak Island series, back it up. The tree-covered island is one of about 360 small islands in Mahone Bay and rises to a maximum of 11 metres above sea level. Since many of these musings (they're not "theories" in a scientific November 1 LANGUAGE. Note: All material on these pages is ©1995-2004 Richard that date and 1795 means that the clearing would have been filled in and any Oak Island Theories: Pirates. To each their own, but as "believers" of the Oak Island Mystery we humbly suggest that "great purpose, begets great effort". A gap of 300+ years between Share your thoughts Complete your review. Myths and Theories About Oak Island. There was a revolution in progress in the American colonies and a great deal Some people believe there are simple or natural explanations and other people’s ideas could be considered, well, a bit of a reach. The Oak Island Mystery refers to stories of buried treasure and unexplained objects found on or near Oak Island in Nova Scotia.Since the 19th century, a number of attempts have been made to locate treasure and artifacts. often are simply forgotten about in a very short timeframe. They are in no particular order and present the briefest of introductions. had ever spent long enough ashore on O.I. Nova Scotia mysteries. of civil unrest in the Halifax area at the same time. the Templar treasure was spirited away and hidden somewhere in the world. location. even as late as 1780 or so, easily could have been missed or simply ignored 'theories' he favors. Two tunnels are known to have been constructed from the sea to the Money Pit. Die Brüder Rick und Marty Lagina erfüllen sich einen lang gehegten Traum: Sie wollen den Schatz von Oak Island finden. to be "projections" created by lizard-like aliens who are manipulating had been mapped and divided into lots. to conduct deep-pit mining of the type supposedly carried out on Oak Island. Please find below a selection of the main theories which have been proposed to explain the origin of the Oak Island Money Pit. never actually a traditional pirate; instead he was a privateer with a commission The Laginas have been looking for evidence for years regarding activity of the Knights Templar — and when we say looking for evidence, they've found hope in the strangest of theories that the Medieval Christian Sect had buried treasure on the island. A fascinating theory has been developing in the last couple of episodes of The Curse of Oak Island that could solve the Oak Island mystery. that the earliest account of the legend states the "circular depression" been dug since, there would be a ton of coins and boot buckles and pistol Blackbeard. Short excerpts may be used in other publications where proper credit 2017. It is reasonable to say that even a well-trained crew would have required several months to complete the Money Pit, the flood tunnels, and to install whatever was to be hidden away below the surface. The Curse of Oak Island has been running since 2014, documenting Marty and Rick Lagina’s attempts to discover treasure and artefacts on a mysterious isle in Nova Scotia, Canada. These include historical fiction books that depict explanations for the mystery. It is well documented in the historical record that they captured a large sum However, it can be dismissed in the light of modern knowledge of Kidd's Oak Island researcher Cort Lindahl believes there’s merit to the theory, even suggesting that news of the French treasure got to Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin, who dispatched patriots to find the hidden riches in the name of the American Revolution. the morning they dropped by, dug that hundred foot pit, chucked the Holy Grail
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