reading comprehension for grade 2
Simply click on the DOWNLOAD link below … Going to the Movies Fiction, 150 words. It's Jennifer's 8th birthday! A boy's sister is following him all over the house and chasing him up and down stairs. This worksheet includes comprehension questions, vocabulary words, and a writing prompt. Students read a short, non-fiction paragraph about cheetahs and answer the questions that follow. The 60-page workbook reinforces reading skills through short reading … An entertaining readers' theater about a girl who earns money and saves up for a purple basketball. Anna's kite is caught high up in a tree. Grade 2 Reading Comprehension Worksheets. Dave's mother gives him some bean seeds to plant. Reading comprehension questions, writing prompt, and vocabulary words are included. It's a windy and cold morning when Mr. Steve pulls up with the big yellow school bus. As if now, there is 1 set of worksheets available for you to download. Quickly access your most used files AND your custom generated worksheets! People throw colored water at each other for fun on this day. Ethan tells his parents that he would like fifteen minutes of pie... but what does this mean? 3rd Grade Reading Comprehension. Mia and Alex search the seashore for a treasure chest full of gold. Mia and Max are determined to help Mrs. Wilson find her missing earring. Grade 2 Home Learning Packet The contents of this packet contains 10 days of activities in paper copy. A good way to get second graders excited about reading is to introduce them to our second grade reading comprehension worksheets. Students read the passage and check their understanding by answering the questions that follow. Sammy is having a magical time in the Cayman Islands! Joey is dressed up as a superhero and all set to attend a party. K5 Learning offers free worksheets, flashcards and inexpensive workbooks for kids in kindergarten to grade 5. Select: See All. Use the information that follows to introduce the reading comprehension skills covered in this book. Kate and Will eat lunch together. 2nd grade. When students reach the second grade they begin to work on their reading fluency and towards building their reading endurance. This page contains all our printable worksheets in section Reading Comprehension of Second Grade English Language Arts.As you scroll down, you will see many worksheets for literary response and analysis, comprehension … Will he enjoy flying? Finally, in our grade 3 “more reading … Tommy, Clara, and Colin are playing in the snow. Does it ever pay to be "chicken"? And who wins the race? The reading comprehension activities are difficult for 2nd grade and offer no variety. Comprehension … Answer key also included. Angela is supposed to be helping her family prepare for a backyard picnic when she is distracted by her pet cat. Then she makes paper boats. But when Dad gets sick and can't tell her a bedtime story, will they miss story time? First Emma makes two hats. Over 20 free children's stories followed by comprehension questions. Jen can't play because she has to clean her room, but her brother turns it into a fun game. Emma and her brother Alex are playing Hide-and-Seek. Over 20 free children's stories followed by comprehension questions. build good study habits and excel in school. Sight Words – Recognizing and completing sentences using Grade 2 level sight words such as ‘always’, ‘around’, ‘because’, ‘would’, ‘right’ and ‘before’. A boy gets a dog for his birthday and wonders why the dog's nose is always wet and cold. This reading comprehension includes comprehension questions, a writing prompt, and vocabulary words. Katy is always in a hurry. Comprehension exercises for second grade. Our free printable reading comprehension worksheets for grade 2 kids are effective in multiple ways. Which word … Alex and Emma are in the park making things with folded newspaper. Grain c. Birds 3. Learn about elephants' trunks, teeth, and tusks. Holi is a holiday from India. A nervous girl walks into her new classroom for the first time. Do they find the spider? For complete access to thousands of printable lessons click the button or the link below. 2. Technical Reading Comprehension Worksheets In these reading comprehension worksheets, students are asked questions about the meaning, significance, intention, structure, inference, and vocabulary … Bananas and Pineapples (Compare & Contrast), Tall Mary & Short Harry (Compare & Contrast), First Grade Reading Comprehension Worksheets, Third Grade Reading Comprehension Worksheets, Fourth Grade Reading Comprehension Worksheets, Fifth Grade Reading Comprehension Worksheets, Literature Circle and Book Club Worksheets. In 2 nd grade… The 2nd grade reading comprehension activities below are coordinated with the 2nd grade spelling words curriculum on a week-to-week basis, so both can … What do they eat in the spring? Jim loves reading and Meg loves math, so they find a way to help each other. Jacob and Ruby have lost their dog on a foggy night. Explore the natural world on a scenic nature hike. In our “more reading worksheets” section for grade 2 we have added the following stories: Alien Money Cardboard Town Draw a Shark Giving Pen Pals. … Plants b. Seth pretends he's a kitten, but when he chases dragonflies outside, he ends up covered in mud. They soon discover that they see things quite differently! Read the poem about summertime, then answer the reading comprehension questions that follow. Emily's animal neighbors enjoy most of her garden harvest, but Emily thinks up a spicy ending to the growing season. Here is a collection of high-interest non-fiction articles, fiction stories, readers' theater scripts, and poems, that your students are sure to enjoy. The Big Book of Reading Comprehension Activities, Grade 2: 120 Activities for After-School and Summer Reading Fun Hannah Braun M.Ed. Read the story and write the answers to the comprehension questions. These focus on standards RL 2.1 - 2.3. Eve's mother is sick of winter. Reading skills grade 2 students learn include: Phonics – Identifying sounds associated with consonant diagraphs, vowel diagraphs, diphthongs and r-controlled vowels. Creatures of the Night - It sounds scary, but we are really talking about animals. Reading comprehension questions, a writing prompt, and vocabulary words are included. Create art from junk you have around the house; Cute, fun poem for crafty kids. Most passages are 150-200 words... Fables for Reading comprehension questions and vocabulary words included. Nina thinks a monstrous spider has landed on her. With story passages that capture (and keep) their interest and … A fox will eat a. How can her kitty help get the kite down? Will her nighttime visitors find a way to lull her into sweet dreams - without counting sheep? Reading Comprehension Worksheets For Grade 2. Reading Comprehension Worksheets For Grade 2 All of the work on this page is focused on the Grade 2 core reading standards. Fiction stories, expository articles, and poems for practicing third grade reading skills, Fourth grade reading comprehension worksheets include stories, poems, and non-fiction articles, Poems, stories, and articles for mastering fifth grade reading skills, Reading worksheets, book bingo, and literature circle role sheets. C. during the concert. Her fearless brother Ben follows her around and makes a collection of his own. Even though they look alike, these twins are very different people. In this story, Sammy gets a phone call from his friend Raj. In this story, Katy learns that first isn't always the best. Snakes glide from side to side, and use their tongues to pick up scents in the air. Anna's Kitty has gone missing. Max, Pops, and Gram work together to build sock puppets so they can put on a puppet show. Download for FREE these Reading Comprehension Worksheets for Grade 2. Did you know that the Tyrannosaurus Rex is as long as a school bus and as tall as a house? Anna is practicing her yo-yo for the future Olympics. Several friends earn money by shoveling snow for their neighbors. Read this fun story to find out! In this story Anna and Kitty have a plan to catch a glimpse of Santa before he's on to the next house! Claire and Anna discover that reading can take you on unexpected adventures—even inside the pages of a good book! There are a number of things that parents can do to help support the classroom reading … They provide pleasure and profoundly inform. Jimmy discovers a treasure in his own backyard! She finds an egg behind a bush that might be old? 4.7 out of 5 stars 1,689 Read the paragraphs and choose the main ideas. Will finds an unusual surprise in his lunchbox. Short poem about someone who enjoys reading all different kinds of books. While racing her brother, Nina runs right into a spider web. How does a chicken take a bath? A girl chases a bat across her backyard and tried to discover where it lives. Students read the story and then complete the check-for-understanding questions. Grandpa isn't catching any fish down by the seashore. Reading Comprehension Grade 2 Made Easy All of the above approaches work well and have been proven effective. Anna searches for Kitty and finds her tangled up in a ball of yarn. They teach great life lessons. Playing Catch Fiction, 154 words. Hayley and Ben play a game to see who can fit more items into their coat pockets. Debbie and Stephen talked about the music A. the next day. Anna must go up to the spooky attic to find Kitty. Reading comprehension questions, vocabulary words, and a writing prompt are included. Uh-oh! Reading comprehension worksheets focused on specific comprehension topics such as the "main idea versus details" of a text, sequencing and story elements (characters, setting, plot). Sam is collecting eggs in the hen house, but one egg seems a little strange. Read the passage and answer the comprehension questions that follow. Comprehension questions, writing prompt, and vocabulary words are included. but this isn’t obvious to weaker readers. This reading activity includes comprehension questions and a vocabulary activity. Alien Money Fiction, 260 words. Did you know that skunks are actually very shy? Reading Comprehension for Grade 2 - Your Home Teacher Share this on WhatsAppThis worksheet contains 5 different Reading Comprehension for Grade 2. These grade 2 leveled stories are taken from our series of leveled reading workbooks. Seeing Kitty like that gives Anna a great idea for a Halloween costume for Kitty! Changes Non-fiction, 181 words… Where could Alex be? A mole is burying his food in the ground, but his animal friends don't seem to understand why. After riding the Ferris wheel at the county fair, Taylor tries to win a stuffed pony. 2nd Grade Reading Comprehension Worksheets. Children's stories. Discover this and much more! 2nd Grade Reading Comprehension Games. Eve finds a way to give her mom flowers, even with all of the snow. While they walk home from school, Jake teaches his younger brother Ben a secret for adding big numbers. Will Kitty show up in time to watch the fun? The Big Book of Reading Comprehension Activities, Grade 2: 120 Activities for After-School and Summer Reading Fun by Hannah Braun M.Ed. Reading comprehension is designed to help kids bui.. ... Reading comprehension is designed to help kids bui.. 40,995 Plays Grade 2 (634) Comprehension - A Bundle of Hay. Jill is a rock collector who is afraid to pick up rocks with bugs on them. Emma and Alex are looking for pictures in the clouds. Being an avid reader is only one of the components of helping your comprehension. Filled with fun stories, … Grandpa has lost his socks, and Alex and Emma are on the case! We also have some short plays and drama exercises which can be fun way of building comprehension skills. All she has to do to win the prize is throw a baseball at a bottle and knock it down. Students should be completing this packet, along with completing lessons on their math/reading … Taylor discovers that winning the game is harder than it seems. Can they solve the mystery of Grandpa's missing socks? Jake is going on his first plane trip, and he's telling everyone all about it, even his stuffed panda. The concepts are about “The Sea”, “Picnic … For additional reading comprehension practice, I included Reading Comprehension, Grade 2: Gold Star Edition (Home Workbooks) in our reading lessons. Find out what happens when a family of four goes into a pet store and cannot agree on the perfect pet. An opossum moves a. How do they prepare for hibernation? Libby is watching her brother Max make cookies. Rooster has a problem with over-sleeping, and he can't wake up all the other animals! Detectives Emma and Alex are on the case, and they find out what happened to the fish. Read this cute story to find out. We help your children build good study habits and excel in school. To improve reading comprehension for 2 nd graders, organize your instruction around the following five understandings: Understanding 1 – What I Read Should Make Sense. | Jul 30, 2019 4.7 out of 5 stars 1,709 Chloe and Joey are looking around their backyard. Story includes comprehension questions, vocabulary words, and a writing prompt. Slowly b. When Emma doesn't have the money to buy one she improvises! Hint: It's black and white and smells like flowers. Learn how bananas and pineapples are similar and different. Please login to your account or become a member and join our community today to utilize this helpful feature. Up until now, they often had to rely mostly on the school and when they had time free to go through such activities. Will he have time to fit in all the grand adventures he wants to go on? But why? Reading … Learn all about the springtime tulips that grow in your garden. These worksheets introduce basic comprehension concepts and skills such as identifying the main ideas of a text and their supporting details, relating cause and effect, making predictions based on what has been read and distinguishing between fact and fiction and between fact and opinion… Please Log In to Super Teacher Worksheets. In this poem, a tourist has a close encounter with awe-inspiring whales. Here is a poem about animals and the noises they make. Will his costume win first prize? 2nd Grade Reading Comprehension. Reading Games . While they don't find gold, they find many other treasures along the beach. Rory can hardly wait to read her new favorite book from the school library, but somebody is already reading it! Whose will be the tallest? Emma searches for Alex but can't find him anywhere. What will happen when Anna is asked to bring her class pet home for a long weekend? 5. Pupils will read the passages and answer the questions. Is the book going to be worth the wait? Use these free, printable worksheets to practice and improve reading comprehension, vocabulary and writing. Rosie thinks it's too quiet, but when her dad says it's too loud, she learns about all the sounds happening around her. Is it a good egg or a bad egg? Practice with 3 activites. Have you ever hoped to see Santa on Christmas Eve? Grade 2 Reading Comprehension This is where we start to ask students real questions from page long passages. 2nd Grade Reading Practice Test Suzy Skelton Second Grade Reading 2 Test. Find out in this reading comprehension passage about a bunch of barnyard animals and their picnic plans. The boy's dad explains why dogs' noses are wet. She has to learn a lesson about teamwork before she can complete her puzzle. The only problem is: she can't find where her yo-yo, or her kitty, went! It also had 60 sharp teeth that were as large as bananas. Anna thinks Kitty took her missing puzzle piece. Aunt Lee has a trick that may help find the answer. Each worksheet includes a short fiction or non-fiction passage followed by some questions. Max soon discovers that Libby really IS a big help in the kitchen. The Big Book of Reading Comprehension Activities, Grade 2 is bursting with more than 100 awesome reading comprehension lessons perfect for after-school and summer practice. It will help them improve their reading and writing skills. Blessie and her mother make brownies for a bake sale. She misses sunshine, birds and flowers. How will he solve his problem? Another quick-read with facts and questions about orcas. Each one of them is building a snowman. Read this cute story of two very different friends. They make kids reading-fluent. Each successive level provides a greater reading challenge. This page has reading passages written at a first grade level. Read about her birthday party and answer the questions. B. after the concert. You might be thinking Thanks a lot, Captain Obvious! Finally, they test children's reading skills … Compare and contrast a vacation at the beach to a vacation in the mountains. Emma wants a new lunch box like her friend, Alice. This is a clever, fall-themed reading comprehension activity with follow-up questions. My son really likes the US Facts … What does he do to make them grow? Each passage includes a series of comprehension questions as well as a vocabulary-building activity. Annie can't fall asleep. Are they up to the task? Logged in members can use the Super Teacher Worksheets filing cabinet to save their favorite worksheets. 2 nd. Anna tries to earn forty dollars so she can buy a dollhouse. How will the animals wake up in time to start their day on the farm? Her kitten helps her choose the best items to pack. Where will she find her? Who will win? Why and where do bears hibernate? Most passages are 150-200 words long; questions ask students to recall what they have read. EZSchool's Grade 2 English - Reading Comprehension: Learn to read and understand the content. Anna is worried Kitty will miss the 4th of July parade! Students read the story and then complete the check-for-understanding questions. It might be a great book for a 3rd grader or a 2nd grader already strong with inferences. It's too far for her to climb. 6. The animal that dams up streams is the a. Porcupine b. Beaver c. Raccoon 5. Students will learn to compare and contrast characters. She wants to help, but Max says she's too little. Each historical passage or fable is followed by 4 questions focused on recalling information directly from the text. Grade 2. When she find out how difficult it is to earn that much money, she has another idea. Grade 3 Reading Comprehension Worksheets. Cardboard Town Fiction, 287 words. Discover the "noisy silence" Rosie hears in this reading comprehension worksheet. An animal that can fly is the ... Reading Comprehension Grade 2 Created Date: 8/2/2012 2… Text for students who are reading at a third grade reading … Learn all this and more, in this non-fiction hibernation article. Using context clues to develop strategies to identify tricky words. Students will enjoy learning about animal "voices" in this witty poem. These worksheets are at a 2nd grade level. This poem includes comprehension questions, a writing activity, and a vocabulary page. Quickly c. Very fast 4. In this language arts worksheet, your child will read the poem aloud and then answer a series of reading comprehension questions about key details, overall meaning, and mechanics of the poem. 1st grade reading comprehension worksheet. Dave and Grant Love Kayaking Fiction, 155 words. Learn many fascinating facts about skunks! Cindy is helping Aunt Lee by collecting chicken eggs. Second Grade Reading Comprehension Worksheets. 1 2 Will they be able to find their beloved canine, Coco? Where is Kitty? Raj wants him to come over and wear old clothes. Rosie loves to hear her dad's bedtime stories. A family helps each other as they prepare for dinner. English Created … Then she makes some paper airplanes. They see one that looks like a duck, another that looks like a man with a beard, and a gray one that looks like rain. This exciting lesson plan will introduce your second grade students to two different versions of the well-loved Cinderella story while also teaching them about making inferences and comparing and contrasting stories. However, parents and carers don’t always have the time to work on reading comprehension for grade 2 students. Then, compare and contrast the two characters. Anna is preparing to visit her grandma, who lives by the beach. Reading Comprehension Strategies. A set of articles and stories for students at a second grade reading level. 2nd grade reading comprehension worksheet. Coat pockets four goes into a pet store and can not agree on case... Seeds to plant side, and Gram work together to build sock so. White and smells like flowers items to pack seeds to plant him bean! Fun poem for crafty kids each historical passage or fable is followed by some questions story comprehension! Always wet and cold morning when Mr. Steve pulls up with the big yellow school and... 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