star wars rebel alliance ships

star wars rebel alliance ships

Return of the Jedi: Beware the Power of the Dark Side! Although the battle was a major loss for the Rebellion, a significant portion of the Rebels managed to flee Hoth. To keep the location of the Rebel base a secret from the searching Lord Vader, the Alliance fleet was ordered away from Hoth, dispersed around the galaxy, prior to the evacuation, though some isolated and detached units did aid in the evacuation or create diversions. Or Venators and various other old warships (Insufficient crews). After the light show, the fleet prepared to launch into hyperspace and scatter throughout the galaxy, ready to be called upon to fight the Empire, but when the launch was attempted, the fleet discovered that their hyperdrives were inoperable. [5], Following the battle, Admiral Gial Ackbar, promoted to replace the late Raddus, and the Rebel Fleet arrived at Yavin 4 to begin evacuating their base. Though large and slow, it's extremely rugged and packs a heavy punch. It location remained a secret for a month before Darth Vader discovered it's location. The most notable is the MC80 Home One type Star Cruiser, of which its most well known model was the flagship, the Home One. Alliance to Restore the Republic[10]Alliance Military[10] [57], The fleet made use of modified Pelta-class frigates,[2] and variants in the modified Pelta-class Assault Ships[58] and modified Pelta-class Command Cruisers. These Y-wings were later transferred to General Jan Dodonna's unit. The move, consisting of sharp, twisting turns, was generally executed immediately after the attacker overshot during a head-to-head engagement or following a successful breaking maneuver. Trending pages. The Spectres soon learned that they were one cell among many others. [59] Examples of corvettes used included CR70 corvettes,[2] CR90 corvettes,[60] and two variants of the Sphyrna-class corvette:[6] the Hammerhead Scout Corvette[61] and Hammerhead Torpedo Corvette. Think the MC80 is the only capital ship available to the Rebel Alliance from Star Wars? The lead speeder would cut across the walker's line of sight to draw its fire, while simultaneously veering across the second speeder's flight vector, which would then expose the vulnerable neck of the AT-AT to the second speeder. A new rebel base was erected on the remote world of 5251977 where various rebel ships would be stationed. A group of Mon Calamari Starships using the Ackbar Slash against a group of Star Destroyers. The Alliance Fleet arrived at Endor and the squadrons of starfighters moved in to attack the Death Star. A Mon Calamari Admiral in the Alliance Fleet. 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While Ackbar was head of the fleet, he was assisted in command by a series of line admirals, who each were responsible for components of the fleet. The Fleet's starships were organized into lines of battle. The second tactic was a variant of a trick used once used by Luke Skywalker to target banthas in his T-16 skyhopper on his homeworld of Tatooine. Despite heavy losses, the Alliance fleet was victorious and the Emperor was killed in the battle. Sub-units Trench Run Defense (TRD) was an anti-capital ship tactic modeled after the success of Rebel Alliance starfighters against the First Death Star known as the trench run. Alliance Fleet In practice, the standard line consisted of three heavy warships like MC80 Star Cruisers, supported by several escort frigates, corvettes and starfighter wings. Squadrons are commanded by either a senior captain, a commodore, or a line admiral. It had sustained damage before its time inside the Profundity and barely made it to Tatooine before it's hyperdrive gave out. [2], Sections were forces encompassing a small number of starships, typically light capital ships working alongside and commanded by the senior captain in the section. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Accessories; Conversion Kit; Ships; Star Wars Armada; Star Wars X-Wing; Ship Size. Star Wars: Top 10 Rebel Alliance Ships, Ranked 10 Nebulon-B Frigate. Crew information [56], Multiple shuttle classes were used by the Alliance Fleet. The Y-wings were cut off by the Imperial forces led by Commander Karbin. [36] Later on, Leia Organa ordered the Y-wings of Amber Wing to bombard Vader's new position. After the battle, one-fifth of the fleet was destroyed, but was able to rebuild itself when more worlds left the Galactic Empire once word of Emperor Palpatine's death had spread. Sections that are made up of capital ships and close support vessels as "flotillas" in reference to ancient seagoing tradition. Starfighters could thus deliver their payload with impunity to sensitive ship segments, assuming a successful escort against enemy starfighters. For the bulk of the Rebel Alliance's early history, the acquisition of a legitimate Navy seemed impossible. The most iconic X … Advertisement. [6] The Profundity was destroyed thereafter, taking Raddus and his crew with it. We’ve talked about … Mon Mothma gave Ackbar seven orders: the first was 'Avoid Battle.' Phantom (Venator-class Star Destroyer) Malevolence II; Miss Fortuna; ... Star Wars Fanon is a FANDOM Movies Community. [8], The Alliance Fleet possessed a variety of gunships and troop transports. Home › Rebel Alliance › Ships Condition. In the middle of their retreat, the Devastator arrived, destroyed several ships, and disabled the Profundity. Reorganization TIE Interceptor (T/I) 1.2.3. Lando and Wedge arrived at the reactor and detonated it, bringing down the second Death Star from the inside out. GR-75 medium transports were escorted by X-wings under the cover of the Alliance's V-150 Planet Defender, many of them being destroyed trying to pass the blockade. There were many YT-1300 light freighters in the service of the Rebel Alliance. Outmanned and outgunned, the fighters of the Alliance risk their lives in the effort to free the galaxy from Emperor Palpatine's iron grip. In what became known as the Battle of Endor, the Rebel fleet distinguished itself in facing down a sizable Imperial battle fleet, consisting of the Star Dreadnought Executor and around forty Star Destroyers. Pilots facing large starships would fly very close to the surface of a ship's outer hull, using trenches to avoid enemy fire. The third was 'Complete the Training of the Fleet.' Wrong! Edit. The book was also very good at informing me, a Star Wars fan, what makes the ships of the Empire fascinating. In response, the rebels attacked the Protectors' encampment on the third moon of Concord Dawn and kidnapped Rau. Each line of battle was composed of four elements: heavy cruisers, support ships, picket craft, and starfighter squadrons. Grand Admiral Thrawn however, had discovered not only their plan to attack his factories but their location as well. Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin had tracked Han's ship the Millennium Falcon to Yavin 4, revealing the location of Great Temple to the Empire. The first tactic involved a group of snowspeeders attacking an AT-AT in a single-file formation in order to give the enemy gunners a single target. On the ground, the T-47 airspeeders of Rogue Squadron and Corona Squadron fought off the All Terrain Armored Transports of Blizzard Force. Vader had hoped to end the Galactic Civil War in a single, decisive battle. My description: The pride of the Alliance, this ship is the last you will discover. T-65C A2 X-wing (X-W) 1.1.2. It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded. While hiding in deep space, the Phoenix Squadron's ships came under attack from the Sith Lord Darth Vader, who destroyed several A-wings and the Squadron's flagship Phoenix Home. [11], Bail and Breha Organa began building the Rebel fleet early in the war. The Ackbar Slash was a space warfare tactical maneuver devised by Admiral Ackbar. This meant Alliance starfighters could now enter the Death Stars reactor shaft and fly towards the reactor. Years later during the Yuuzhan Vong War, a retired and ailing Ackbar organized a similar plan to train the newer units of the New Republic fleet before they had to commit to a major engagement. [34] Knowing that their failure to immediately destroy the Empire's battle station would spell doom for the entire revolutionary movement. [34], Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, at least five Alliance starfighter squadrons were stationed at the refueling base on Vrogas Vas, including Red Squadron. Following the Battle of Endor and the creation of the New Republic, the Rebel fleet was renamed into the New Republic Defense Fleet. Organizational information The Alliance Fleet, also called the Rebel Fleet, referred to the various spacecraft operated jointly by the Rebel Alliance in their struggle against the Galactic Empire. Recent Changes; Random page; Community; Videos; Images; Discuss. By 7 ABY, the Rebel Alliance managed to procure their own Empress-class space station. MC85 Star Cruiser Like its MC80 predecessors, the MC85 is a massive capital ship designed and built by the Mon Calamari. [2], Squadrons are the most typical Alliance fleet detachment, and are made up of three to four sections working in a concert, including a line of capital ships supported by a section of escort ships and a flotilla acting as a picket line. Alliance Starfighter Command[3]Rebel Alliance Starfighter Corps[5] [50] Other starfighters included ARC-170 starfighters,[68] Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptors,[2] Fang fighters, Z-95 Headhunters,[59] Z-95-AF4 Headhunters,[56] Alpha-class Xg-1 Star Wings,[2] VCX-series auxiliary starfighters,[69] and Kom'rk-class fighter/transports. Starship classes by affiliation, Rebel Alliance starships. Fleet Regiments wore gray coveralls, black vests and white streamlined blast helmets. [Source]. CR90 Corellian Corvette: Capital Ship: CL 16 … Location(s) Lando and Red Leader Wedge Antilles continued towards the reactor whilst the rest of the group, including Gold Nine Norra Wexley, drew other TIEs out of the Death Star down an alternative shaft. [39] He was briefed on the situation and made a run at the hangar doors of General Dodonna's cruiser, but he was pursued by Vader. B-wing (B-W) 1.2. BTL-A4 Y-wing (Y-W) 1.1.3. The Alliance fleet made use of several battleships. Their next move was to use its weakness, a small thermal exhaust port with led to the reactor, to destroy it. The seventh, and final order was 'Be Prepared to go to Battle within a Month's Notice'. This craft is seen in all three original Star Wars movies, starting with the first … Though initially reluctant, Dodonna eventually agreed. Rebel Alliance starships. General information The second attack run was done by Red Squadron with 3 X-wings flown by Red Leader Garven Dreis, Red Ten Theron Nett and Red Twelve Puck Naeco. Help us improve this article by referencing valid resource material. Their time there was cut short, however, when Darth Vader arrived in the system to find Luke Skywalker. We take a close look at the many Republic and CIS Clone Wars ships used by the Rebel Alliance on today's Star Wars Lore video! [21], After learning of the rebel fleet's losses, Senator Bail Organa sent three Sphyrna-class Hammerhead corvettes to reinforce the fleet. [19] Later, the rebel fleet made two attempts to breach the Imperial blockade of Ibaar. The second was 'Send a Detailed Report on the State of the Fleet.' [61] Another type of smaller craft was used by the aftermath of the Battle of Hoth. Various models X-wing starfighter were used, including T-65B X-wing starfighters,[5] T-65B X-wing starfighter Exterior Variant /1s, T-65B X-wing starfighter Exterior Variant /2s,[2] T-65C-A2 X-wing starfighters,[3] and Patrol X-wings. Alliance Fleet All lines were commanded by line admiral appointed directly by Admiral Ackbar, though in reality there were few Alliance admirals. The sixth was 'Organize Raiding Forces'. That is probably why more than a few ships went unused such as the Delta-7 (Sufficiently rare as to be hard to find in working order. The Rebel Alliance fleet was originally quite small, comprising of small to mid-sized cruisers, converted freighters, and outdated starfighters. Star Wars Rebel Alliance Symbol Vinyl Decal Sticker Pick Color Size Qty Oracal 651 - Window - Laptop - Game Controller ... Rebel Alliance, Rebel Scum, Light Side, Star Wars, Free Ship MarinichMakings. Navy[1] TIE Bombers could be flown in-atmosphere to bomb rebel cells hiding in their caves or be deployed by Star Destroyer captains to soften up the hulls of enemy capital ships. Thrawn's Interdictor vessels kept the rebels at Atollon and they began attacking his blockade. [2] Braha'tok-class gunships were used,[34] as were modified CR-20 troop carriers, LAAT/is,[59] X4 Gunships of the X4 line,[2] and UT-60D U-wing starfighter/support craft. After losing a corvette, the rebel pilot Hera Syndulla managed to break through using a prototype B-wing starfighter. Luke, Wedge Antilles, and several other pilots flew their X-Wings into battle, flying under the squadron name Rogue Squadron, in honor of Jyn Erso. [41] Leia successfully obtained the override codes, and Draven was killed by Vader as he attempted to slow him down to protect Leia as she escaped. The harpoon and tow cable method used during the Battle of Hoth. A versatile ship balancing speed and firepower, the X-wing is a nimble starfighter used in dogfights first by the Rebel Alliance and now the Resistance. Affiliation Near the end of the battle, Jan Dodonna's cruiser was damaged and its engines were disabled. Rebel Craft 1.1.1. Tarkin took the Death Star to Yavin and the battle station began orbiting the gas giant, which would soon put it in firing range of the moon where the rebels were based. [58], The Alliance Fleet maintained an assortment of smaller craft such as corvettes[2] and freighters. Ah, the terrible, terrible Sun Crusher. Under Ackbar, the once scattered Rebel space forces organized and assembled into an actual fleet, broken down into battle lines and task forces. [Source]. [2], Fleets were composed of three to six battle groups and were led by a line admiral.[2]. Ships of the Phoenix Cell helping out the Spectres. A rebel fleet was beginning to form. In 3 ABY, the Alliance had established a base on the ice planet of Hoth. Early rebellion against the Galactic Empire. [48] The fleet also used light T-47 airspeeders.[8]. RELATED: 10 Times Kylo Ren Was The Best Sith In Star Wars They too were pursued by Darth Vader who destroyed Biggs's X-wing and damaged Wedge's X-wing to the point he had to pull out. 4 ABY,[14] as New Republic Defense Fleet[15] [4] As an all-volunteer military, recruits could come and go as they pleased without reporting it to their superiors. MC80 Home One Type - Probably one of the most famous capital ships used by the Rebel Alliance. TIE Defender (T/D) 1.2.6. Notable battles Base One, Yavin 4[6]Mako-Ta Space Docks[7]Echo Base, Hoth[8]5251977[9]Sullust system[10] As a result, she was promoted to Phoenix Leader. With the AT-AT only able to track one target at a time, the remaining speeders would have a clear shot at the walker. Though plagued by rumors of unreliable electronics and sensors, the Bulwark's extensive arsenal, shielding and carrying capacity make it ideal for large scale operations. Missile Boat (MIS) 1.3. [9] With the Fleet constantly moving, it could take weeks for a separated pilot to rejoin their squadron, owing in part to the scatter protocol for rebel pilots, which established a practice of randomly choosing a path to various worlds throughout hyperspace in order to lose any possible Imperial pursuit. Affiliation T-47 airspeeders attacking the All Terrain Armored Transports of Blizzard Force. [38], Following Willard's death, the Alliance discovered that the hangar doors on the Mon Cala ships could still open automatically if a ship flew close enough to their sensors. The Raddus, seen in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, serves as the flagship of the Resistance, and boasts both speed and heavy shielding. [43], Following the devastation of Mako-Ta, Skywalker, Solo, and Organa were separated from the Alliance and hired Sana Starros to help them find the location of the fleet. 2 BBY[source?] Historical information Commander-in-Chief Mon Mothma[2]Admiral Raddus[3]Supreme fleet commander Admiral Gial Ackbar[4] A considerable bulk of the Rebel fleet was ambushed nine months after the Battle of Yavin by a large contingent of the Imperial Navy under the command of Darth Vader. This starship not moving very fast and is not used for dogfight or … Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. This tactic of seasoning a fleet through many small engagements served Ackbar well. While the fleet was never committed to full battle, elements and battle lines of the fleet were regularly detached from the main fleet to raid Imperial installations, attack isolated convoys, and ambush small detachments of the Imperial fleet. The Alliance Fleet utilized Bulwark-class battle cruisers for their Battlecruisers. Matt Cook's Y-Wing in the Reader's Gallery. Lando ordered the group to split up to draw Imperial TIEs out away from the Millennium Falcon. However, the rebel astromech droid Chopper and the defecting Imperial inventory droid AP-5 gave the rebel fleet the coordinates to a safe planet called Atollon. Ships also require crews to run them and the ability to maintain their vessels. During one engagement after the Battle of Hoth, TIE Bombers were utilized to try to flush out the Millennium Falcon from its hiding place in a belt of asteroids. These non-canon rebels were included in many forms of media for the series, such as video games, comics, and books. Other information They planned to attack Kuat Drive Yards until the Thunderstrike was destroyed at the Siege of Inyusu Tor.[34]. [47] Chewbacca, R2-D2, C-3PO, Princess Leia and Lando Calrissian joined the fleet here after rescuing Han Solo from Tatooine, where they were soon joined by Luke Skywalker after he returned from Dagobah.[10]. The Rebel Alliance fleet was originally quite small, comprising of small to mid-sized cruisers, converted freighters, and outdated starfighters. Later, when the Alliance had established itself on Arbra, the fleet was kept hidden within the corona of Arbra's sun. Historical information The Mod will be for Legacy version 1.9 [53] The Rebel Alliance naval forces also utilized carriers such as Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carriers,[11] and several types of frigates such as DP20 Frigates[54] EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigates[8] and the fleet also used MC30C Frigates, Assault Frigate Mark IIs,[13][55] and MC40A Light Cruisers. 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