swgoh gas strategy

swgoh gas strategy

Inherited from __type.level. I ended up with just asaj and droideka left, so I think it's really just a matter of getting to the solo phase with droideka + one other damage dealer. If Rex is stunned, you should have time to take out 5s. Options. 1132 views 6 hours ago. Press J to jump to the feed. GAC joint issue 1 leoceryw. I used grand ivory to get my speeds to match as close as I could and sure enough I beat it within a half hour of tries. I did it differently but this is an awesome strategy. Energy bug 1 McScararm. CG just announced General Skywalker, and while it’s great news that you don’t have to put any work into Kit Fisto, General Skywalker has the most ambitious requirements of any toon ever released, and our guide will help … Fast is good as she can AOE/Basic to damage and take TM. 215 speed. (The AOE for Assaj packs some punch and can also remove TM, giving your toons more turns). Thank you! Came close the first try and three hours later finally got it. R6 is not necessary here if you have higher damage than I did in b1 and/or Droideka. 18. 4147 offense. If Rex is stunned you have time. Man, got GAS finally , this worked like a champ. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the SWGalaxyOfHeroes community.

I put my drevan mods on magna and he was at 254, but he still needs to be slower than droideka (not really a problem if droideka has about 200 speed). Assumes a 25% drop rate on shards and that you spend all of your energy each day on farming those shards. Take out Rex first, and finish the other two in whatever order you please. 6037 offense. After reading through several guides and continually failing, I ended up falling ass backwards into the same strategy as you and it worked second time I tried. This was the most helpful thing I read and/or watched. WHEN SKYWALKER IS ALONE: Once the clones are down, you want AT LEAST b1 and Droideka alive. RELEVANT MOD STATS FOR MY TEAM (I have notes on each. My guildmates replicated my success without Assaj at this level), B1. Have him go first to start the assist train with his zeta.). 2019-10-09 08:46 pm. Thank you for saving my phone's life cause it wasn't gonna survive another encounter with the wall. My only issue was I used the exact speed set up and Rex would always go before I could stun him. 2019-10-07 06:21 pm Move 2: Assaj AOE. OPs strategy works well. As of today, 11/15/2017, Commander Luke is the most overpowered toon in this game. I can't farm from there, though. ahhh yeah! When GAS goes to ground, the speed at which he gets up is based on how quickly the units on the battlefield take turns (more specifically, how many turns they take and how often). I kept reading that I should try restart if Rex hadn't used his tenacity up skill before bringing down GAS but I had a decent start where GAS went down and Rex was about to go. Count Dooku is my favorite but I feel like any team he's on he sucks. If you get GAS down before Rex uses his special, he will use it after GAS is down, which is disastrous. When you are farming for gear there is a strategy SWGOH - Complete Guide For Mods - Farming/LevInteractive, searchable map of Genshin Impact with locations, descriptions, guides, and more. This is also a tip for every other character released in 2019! ), Magnaguard. I discovered that Nute Gunray requires the exact same gear to go from 12 to 13; even their finishers are made of identical components. All required gear has been broken down into its farmable components and the cheapest … Parent commenter can delete this message to hide from others. The clones will take their turns and GAS will get up 2-3 times as fast compared to the scenario if rex used it before GAS … SWGoH: Geonosis Republic Offensive – Phase 4 GAS & 501st Combat Mission Walkthrough SWGoH – Geonosis: Republic Offensive Phase 3 Combat … Here’s platinum! Defined in index.ts:257 Everyone keep saying fast B1 , but in reality I needed him slower . GAS not dying in heroic sith raid P4 0 SpanksMe12Times. (Instead of trying to wait for echo to bomb Droideka, I want assists ASAP. 46% potency. Hi Holotable Heroes, another guide by Tommy Race! ‎We are a podcast about the SWGOH (Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes) mobile game from EA. B1 can absorb hits with stacks, and heal Droideka. So, if you have a gear 12 nute, you can use him as a checklist for your GAS's gear! I've seen First Order team with ZetaSelling Swgoh account with slkr max, Gas , Dr , Jkr - farming for jedi master luke for only 400 pm me FBm. World of Warships, strategy, tips, latest news, ship stats, bonus codes, developments and other content. Unlocked it in 30 minutes. Energy and tickets - The absolute best way to spend crystals is purchasing energy and tickets.For 50 crystals, you can get 120 energy for light and/or dark battles plus tickets for auto-battling. A POINT OF EMPHASIS Again, this is not an easy event. Many of my guild mates have been able to replicate my success using my recommendations. I don't even know how it happened. The number of defensive squads/fleets scales based on the GP of the lowest player in the group. I never hoard since i have too many toons to gear.. thanks for the pro tip though, i’ll keep that in mind! I just stunned him with Magna and then focused down on 5s. 199 speed. Stopping in to say thanks, this allowed me to get him. If you have leveled up Nute, IG-88 is 5 for 6 on the same parts. Nice job! 90k health/protection. Tried your guide. Event News & Rumors. I saved the post and months later I finally got It!!! 1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. It took a lot of tries, definitely was tinkering with mods for 3 hrs until I got it right for me. If echo stuns Droideka, you are sunk, but if echo only dispels, then use the multi-attack special on 5s and it will get him close to dead or kill him. We discuss strategy, news and general tips to help you rule the galaxy! thank you! Join us as we discuss all facets of the General Skywalker event- the good, the bad and his facial art design. As a tip for GAS’ other gear, start farming Kyrotechs and never stop! Simple and to the point. Only time i was able to stun him was if magna died. 125k health/protection. General Skywalker is a bit of a grind to 7* as we are all well aware, and so I've been collecting the gear I need to take him to gear 13 as I star and gear him up. It would have saved me 20 mins. High speed will kill b1 too quickly. ALL TOONS HAVE ALL ZETAS), Assaj. If you have any questions, let me know and I will try to get back to you in the comments. We begin the SWGoH Squad Arena Guide here at with How to Beat General Skywalker’s 501st Team.Since his (money grab) addition to Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, General Skywalker has slowly worked his way to the top of the game, due in large part to the ridiculous 5-star unlock of GS and the grind to get the Guild Event Tokens to buy his shards. If rex uses the TM gain you have a very small window to kill 5s. Then when Droideka gets hit, he doesn’t get hit by all of the punishing blows. 97k health/protection. All. About : ZoeFett again doing impressive work, this time becoming one of the first in the world to defeat the first tier 3 assault battle in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. Wish I would have seen your post. Strategy General Skywalker is a bit of a grind to 7* as we are all well aware, and so I've been collecting the gear I need to take him to gear 13 as I star and gear him up. The more gear you have, the less RNG, but RNG is built into this event with all of the dispels, stuns, and TM again and removal mechanics. just make sure you don't accidentally upgrade nute to g13. Thanks. THE STRATEGY: Move 1: Droideka roll. As others have said, RNG trumps all strategy but just play it slow and the chips will fall. Check out all of the Gear an Recipes in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! There are many RNG factors that make it so victory is never assured and you need RNG to line up for you to have a good chance. Edit: glad I could help some people out! From the event to the kit, General Skywalker has made a big impression on the game. (r6. It's possibl… The next move is echos Grenade. nice, and thanks, be sure not to pre craft the finisher from nute's inventory, tho, finisher, despite sharing the exact same componants, are unique to each toons (so if you craft it from nute inventory, you'll only be able to use it on Nute himself). First try using yours I beat Phase 4. During this phase you will set your defensive teams. Now, as you all know, the nature of this event is very different than the Malak event. I discovered that Nute Gunray requires the exact same gear to go from 12 to 13; even their finishers are made of identical components. This is how I got Gas Less than an hour before event ended. Commander Luke Skywalker, Jedi Training Rey, Chewbacca, Thrawn, Yoda, and more. WHEN SKYWALKER GETS UP: Hit him until you knock him down again. I can however set nute as favorite and farm gear from there. General Anakin's kit has been announced.General Anakin is confirmed to unlock at 5* and will require GET1 for more shards. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Events. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the SWGalaxyOfHeroes community. Geonosis Republic Offensive is a Territory Battle that requires Light Side characters and ships. (Instead of trying to wait for echo to bomb Droideka, I want assists ASAP. 232% crit damage. Yeah, this thing is lightyears out of date. Find the next event dates, history, tips & tricks, & rumors in EA's Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes mobile game. This guide is still as relevant as ever and just getting close enough to it did the trick thanks starfam. Since my assaj was strong a couple of AOE from her did the job, but strong b1 and droideka can do the job as well. Thank you so much!!! (The AOE for Assaj packs some punch and can also remove TM, giving your toons more turns). Here is a video of my run (I unlocked GS the first time around, but I went back and redid the event to help my guildmates with strategies and ideas): 172 speed. 65% potency. Or else, he will sacrifice himself with his Tactical Awareness zeta, which will buff the remaining 501st Clone Troopers and may make it impossible to defeat the remaining allies before GAS returns from his first round of … The one thing I wish I knew earlier on was how to farm characters and gear effectively. I will be messaging you in 6 months on 2020-06-29 20:40:50 UTC to remind you of this link. (G11. Press J to jump to the feed. Try to defeat CT-5555 "Fives" first. Many people benefitted from my Malak Strategy GuideMalak Strategy Guide, so I thought I would pass on the info I used to unlock GS with g11 magna and only Assaj as a g13 character. Thank you very much. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. 2019 update: Jedi Revan is … Last time I didn't have enough gear. Take my silver good sir, it's all I can afford. 2018 update: Jedi Training Rey is now the best in the game. I gave up on the event, thought it was hopeless, then I saw your guide and figured I would give it another go...after several tries and good RNG I pulled it off! Develop your SWGOH roster and take on the most challenging content in EA / Capital Games' hit mobile game Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes It's important to note, the Grand Arena interface only shows 2 teams per sector. So I hereby can also chip in my seal of approval for this approach. 100k health and protection. From there until you knock down Skywalker: AOE with B2, heal weakest toon with b1, basic with magna. Defined in index.ts:256; pips: number. Took awhile but it worked. Inherited from __type.pips. Luckily I had B1, B2, Assajj and Droideka left for an easy finish. I used G12 zzAV (survivability modded), G12 Magna+zB2 (140% potency)+zDDK & G13R5 B1. Have him go first to start the assist train with his zeta.) (G12. 0 28 yesterday by SpanksMe12Times. This is very helpful for in-game. The total number of defensive squads can change per Grand Arena event. Public; Public/Protected; All Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and battle with heroes and villains from the Star Wars universe. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 2 46 yesterday by EA_UltraSlide. For 100 crystals, you can get a similar package to use on cantina battles, but the real value is … This strategy worked for me. Only took out 5s before GAS got back up but then had enough stacks on droideka to instantly bring down GAS again and then went to town on Rex, then Echo and then ARC. Good luck everyone :). GAC Strategy #2: The Undersizer 1; Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS.

thanks for the guide. SWGOH Farming Guide: I’ve been playing SWGOH for nearly a year and a half and I made a number of mistakes when it comes to building my team. If magna or Assaj move: Try to stun Rex. I accidentally did the armour plating, bayonet and holo lens. Your goal is to get Skywalker down before Rex uses TM/Tenacity up move. 4726 offense. Genshin Impact: Primogem Farming Guide. ! Been at this for an hour... Re-Modded with your guide and followed it to the T. After two bad RNG starts I killed it my third time. I literally just inventoried all my gear needs this AM. Great guide. So if you lose B1 on the second round of clearing out clones i wouldn't say you're sunk. Finally was able to complete it with the right RNG after modding to these numbers. ), B2. One or two Droideka multidamage attacks can finish Skywalker, or if other toons are still alive, they can help to finish Skywalker. Don't be like me. I didn't have your guide when I got my GS, but this is exactly what I did. 192% crit damage. Dude, I CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH. B2: continue to AOE.B1: continue to heal Droideka: will probably move AFTER echo uses grenade. Tried for hours using multiple strategies. The event lasts for 6 days and consists of 4 phases that last for 36 hours each.
Because of the mechanics of the different bosses, one team really stands out in Phase 4. Assaj alive is helpful, and the more the merrier, but b1 and Droideka are critical. The clones will fall fast after 5s is gone. Thank you again for putting together this great guide and video! (G12. Glad I’ll never have to do this event again , THANK YOU FOR THIS, 16 hours of pain and suffering ended with first try following this to the T. I honestly Can't Thank you enough. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This strategy is designed to get you Rebel Commander Luke as quickly as possible. ), Move 1: Droideka roll. SWGOH.GG is a database and sqaud builder for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes on iOS and Android. MODERATE SPEED IS BETTER THAN HIGH SPEED.

This is the case about 50% of the time. Speed is irrelevant as he takes multiple turns due to his unique), Droideka. Hello There Holotable High Ground Enthusiasts, The second run of the General Skywalker event is coming this December 27th, 2019-- A very merry Christmas for some, but others will be feeling all the pressure of circumnavigating the globe in a single night not unlike Santa Claus himself. Great post! Move 2: Assaj AOE. Try to have Droideka under damage immunity protection when you kill the last clone, this will block all of Skywalkers attacks. SWGOH Cantina Shipments Ranking and Farming Guide Free to Play SWGOH Strategies and Guide| Option 2 TeamSkunk Finishes 2 Tier 7 Raids in less than 24 LordSkunk. Unless you have him at 5-star for the next 4-5 months... SirG discusses strategies on beating the event and Fei34 discusses how powerful the GAS Company team can become as he has a R6 Sky Guy … I was also using Nute as a checklist, but I had a happy trigger finger and accidentally equipped the Armor Plating. What is SWGOH.GG? General Strategy: Ideally, you want to knock down General Skywalker by dropping his protection to 0%, then take out the clones before he returns from Cover. API client for GAS. That being said, when I started using this strategy I was able to more consistently get farther in the event, and this allowed me to take advantage and win when RNG lines up for me. (G12. I've pulled off so many underdog wins with just nute, dooku, and Jango in GAC. I personally really enjoy nute, dooku, Jango, and ventress as a team (hoping to get wat as the fifth someday), and would say they're worth it. Good luck to you in your endeavor! I can kill fives but then die when gas gets back up. Thank you!!! 0 35 yesterday by EA_UltraSlide. After 15 hours of failing, I FINALLY got him thanks to you! A guild must have a minimum of 100 million Galactic Power to play the event. 201 speed. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and battle with heroes and villains from the Star Wars universe. I’m curious to hear if this strategy is helpful to you. All but the Shield on the left hand side.

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