trampoline safety rules poster

trampoline safety rules poster

/Type /XObject reinforce safety rules, including only one person using the trampoline at a time ensure the trampoline meets the New Zealand or Australian safety standard. Trampoline for kids are highly beneficial, but care should be taken to avoid unfortunate injuries. Be sure to post the rules in a public place near the trampoline. �7.1H]q����1O@��SKS�c�֚�jE�S��" �4� ,M��.�9�Th���'��E�p9�Ri��g��z��8�J��v�07����C�S,,G`)�Tc�c��23� -�J9��b1�B~�on�1G7d!Xٿ��O0��)��H4͌N Never jump from the trampoline to … All trampoline posters are produced on-demand using archival inks, ship within 48 hours, and include a 30-day money-back guarantee. Covering the frame, bars, edges, springs, hooks, safety net poles, etc. << /Type /Annot stream Never go under the trampoline when someone else is jumping. /Height 730 If you do not have a net, look to have a safe zone of 2.5metres, clear of toys etc on the ground and objects such as trees, washing lines, poles, glass frames and other hard items. 15 0 R While installing the trampoline, ensure that you have a safety perimeter of at least 3 meters or more around your trampoline and it is away from trees, fences poles or walls. 601 601 601 601 601 601 955 521 596 596 596 596 274 274 274 274 You are about to leave the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) public website. Make sure there are no objects near to the trampoline… or above it – for example tables, chairs, branches, wires etc. Before getting onto the trampoline remove all footware and sharp objects from pockets. ] 100% weatherproof and solvent resistant sign products for all climates! /ModDate (D:20070408212946+01'00') /Producer (BCL easyPDF 4.30 \(0410\)) ] 7�)b;8�����@0ĉ- Linking to this external site does not constitute an endorsement of the site or the information it contains by CPSC or any of its employees. jͼ+#�p��*ڢ�N��jN�CQ����U�`��:� ʠes���CŸ�Φu4N�P0���Q�֠���d j�N;�J�|��G'ڜ'yJ�hQ���U��~�(5{�?�����%&�[�$�����ᯊuox��]�g�;�}�o]���Xw�9 ����j�Wk��4���$����Li7����qoqн���{ን��v ������A�甙?��+�K����ڴ�q�}k��O݅Go4��'B�����G�)�Z�B�X.dR�j�U&,����OpI�� ���2�k�ީs-��ԭ,���.�rO� Z���w9,I��s���)S���'')w�`Q�"��g��i�e�>�38�{�e�܏J�R�q5���8�M"�~����{`nx�U�w'A�Tx�4�����w��B3�֕�]#p3��0֚�O׷�D�ީE��Js�Ҙq� ֨��&���j"��ǵ7#�9��HX�s��7ך�[�f�7��>r¸9��β.�s�Y{�׊|S|�t�*5,�/�+ӥEskA�\DX��(�؃E9]Y�J��d�gSD�6j,4�5���.E�*v�L����?Z���BNEk藧;:W&2�6�����vgVbr8P�H@����8��X�i$���׎�$�G�X�zC �6��+*t�Z�w�ʃ����=ML��4�3ȫR)A����|��lZ{���V��K��L�y�9"����D�ȳo?=}*�R�a�*�Q�G�I����G,[)NF��N��:i7.7}�*�%y�%�\�^���9��ef%�'#�qb���s{�TT�h�0���U���k��|hu����"�v���c9#�x�M�N�洷���#�ͅ�!8�9�L�= �]TjB�S��ʪpvf[�x�TaF2O�Mdm��G���tr��0 �L}�������ݍ�\��.C�h�Ps�j2�֐�O4��Ǘ\u��_��F�'i� 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 278 278 564 564 564 444 Trampoline and pets. ���n�#+ۊ�q-OI#5帵��g��F}i� OBm�w�j���!�ѩ�"��1�v��I��r���Q�šRp��Z����ٷ���a����Sn��BpOCY" s�ǧ5�a=�gd���X�\�����Ϥ��8�����y��]�$�x���;� ��Հt�0�Q���n�[hnq�Pg~:�M�p���[H]���[��������`��]����qi 775 748 787 787 787 787 787 818 787 732 732 732 732 615 605 620 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 564 722 722 722 722 722 722 556 500 No smoking, eating or drinking on the trampoline. This A4 visual card aids an introduction to trampolining, focusing on the health and safety of trampolining during a lesson and some rules. You may wish to review the privacy policy of the external site as its information collection practices may differ from ours. [ 556 722 667 556 611 722 722 944 722 722 611 333 278 333 469 500 250 333 500 500 500 500 200 500 333 760 276 500 564 333 760 500 >> Trampoline Safety Rules Only one person on the trampoline at a time. /Border [0 0 0] 711 668 699 588 699 664 422 699 712 342 403 671 342 1058 712 687 250 333 408 500 500 833 778 180 333 333 500 564 250 333 250 278 /CreationDate (D:20070408212946+01'00') /MediaBox [ 0 0 595.276 841.89 ] 16 0 obj 7 0 obj endobj When more than one person is on the trampoline at the same time, they are destined to collide. Check out our trampoline poster selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our prints shops. The Trampoline Safety Poster should be printed onto a good quality paper or card and laminated for strength. Never place the trampoline on hard surfaces such as concrete, tarmac or hard packed mud without absorbent safety matting. /Font << ] Our trained staff perform daily safety and maintenance checks of all equipment and ensure jumpers adhere to all safety rules while in the jump park. 612 633 607 607 607 607 607 818 607 633 633 633 633 592 623 592 xڕS�r�0��{$+Bzk;�3�%ܚd#�:�I6��w�p�z�t�Hh��~vUQ�0Z��g�6�T�J(ۼ ��\���M(,/N?�������6�0�V!�N+ Trampoline parks have seen rapid growth over the past two years, with around 100 in operation across major towns and cities. Commercial quality Trampoline Rules disclaimer sign, made in the UK by professional sign makers. << However, if you truly want your children and guests to be safe, this is the first rule you need to enforce. Overlapping entry. This free poster is provided by Trampoline Central in the interest of promoting safe practice in trampolining environments from schools and clubs to leisure centres. yED�'�C�#��&�� ���� �W�� ~��MFC�u����)� c.K#z���i����1I�GD=\�5*�'�-�d+��g)�T�A��v����ُG��ed��-Ⱦ� ���tz�ŵy�`Nʁ�Q^j����-nZ��6�B��^(u�O���9��l�mӠ� ���U[�_P>��l�!T���Ċ�����2'��:�ZCݩ:j�V �ڇ�� Only allow one person on at a time. 623 623 427 521 394 633 592 818 592 592 525 635 454 635 818 1000 To keep the safety net and surface of your trampoline optimized for hazard-free jumping, set up the trampoline with safety accessories and position it in the best possible way. Describe or explain any safety rules that you can remember and have to follow. /Rect [90 266 290 256] TRAMPOLINE SAFETY RULES. Safety is our #1 priority at Launch Trampoline Park. 342 402 711 711 711 711 543 711 711 964 598 850 867 480 964 711 19 0 obj CPSC does not control this external site or its privacy policy and cannot attest to the accuracy of the information it contains. Posted on January 9, 2011 by Gymnastics Zone; in Articles; SAFETY FIRST! << /Subtype /Link /Annots [ Trampoline Mats/Beds Pads Springs Enclosure Parts Accessories You are here : Home > Articles > Trampoline Safety Tips Trampoline Safety Tips By David Jones Trampolines are safe for recreational use under proper adult guidance and supervision. The link you selected is for a destination outside of the Federal Government. Sun safety . Display prominently within the trampolining area and on notice boards to highlight safety rules and expected behaviours during trampolining sessions. /F16 11 0 R No one should ever use the trampoline unless the activity is under the direct supervision of a USA Gymnastics Trampoline & Tumbling registered coach. /Creator (easyPDF Printer Driver 4.3) Enclose your trampoline with a high safety net around the entire perimeter. Customize your trampoline poster with hundreds of different frame options, and get the exact look that you want for your wall! 603 787 695 684 616 732 684 989 685 615 685 454 454 454 818 636 733 850 782 710 682 812 764 1128 764 737 692 543 689 543 867 711 500 500 333 389 278 500 500 722 500 500 444 480 200 480 541 778 352 394 459 818 636 1076 727 269 454 454 636 818 364 454 364 454 “Parents need to make sure the equipment is safe and establish a few basic rules,” says Canada Safety Council president Jack Smith. Jewellery should be removed before climbing on the trampoline. Generally it is beneficial to provide safety mats at each end of the trampoline, supported where possible at trampoline level; this is the first priority for available safety mats (floor mats behind end-decks may be beneficial where high jumping takes place). << >i5;ߤ�X-���W9�A�{�>:c��ѯ5/��RT˃Uj�Q�o���,zu@����>�u;�=��Ԩ@c-�C���]_ 1000 332 332 587 587 711 711 1000 711 964 593 543 1068 1000 597 737 Getting on and off a trampoline should be simple and easy enough for young children to do themselves. The link you selected is for a destination outside of the Federal Government. 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 402 402 867 867 867 617 Enclose trampolines with high trampoline safety nets around the perimeter Do not use the trampoline without shock-absorbing trampoline safety pads that completely cover its springs, hooks and frame Place the trampoline away from other play areas, buildings and trees 12 0 obj Trampoline Rules. If you already have a trampoline, or your kids play on one away from home, insist on these safety guidelines: Only one person can jump at a time. 9 0 obj 684 684 684 684 684 684 984 698 632 632 632 632 421 421 421 421 stream Visuals included also aid understanding for SEND. You may also wish to include on your rules the penalties if the rules are not followed. �U�廂��}6�ա�/�S��O�p#^+F/y���&i=�K�ɜ�K�dpm�gة��dMs�G� �4��n���и������̫���岄ۑ��vL��9mFhm�k��x�q��:e Z ;�U When the employee handbook was badly written, the parent company was liable to the injured plaintiff. 778 333 333 444 444 350 500 1000 333 980 389 333 722 778 444 722 [ 921 722 667 667 722 611 556 722 722 333 389 722 611 889 722 722 /Rect [184 207 391 197] 3 0 obj ���� JFIF �� C ! Contact Us: 800-638-2772 (TTY 800-638-8270), Toll Free Consumer Hotline | Time: 8 a.m. - 5.30. p.m. According to the Canada Safety Council, backyard trampolining can be an enjoyable and healthy activity for children as long as a few precautions are in place. When getting on or off always use the supplied ladder Never No somersaults or flips. 15 0 obj [ /F15 8 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 778 778 14 0 obj Before Entry (all courts) Jumpers should not wear loose jewellery, studded belts, or anything that could damage the trampoline or hurt another jumper. Kids must be constantly, actively supervised by an adult. No student is permitted on the trampoline or in the pit without a gymnastics instructor present. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 1000 699 699 497 593 456 712 650 979 669 651 597 711 543 711 867 1000 Place the trampoline away from all hazardous components as addressed above. $4�%�&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz�������������������������������������������������������������������������� ? Use poster boards, markers, crayons, whatever is available to develop ownership in the rules with your children. Available in 3mm Aluminium, 3mm PVC or Self-Adhesive vinyl. Draw or explain some of the trampoline shapes that you like or have learnt about. endstream /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC] >> /Length 611 No one is allowed to do anything that will get themselves or anyone else hurt. Click on this PDF link to download and print the poster on 8 1/2 x 11 paper. is an official website of the United States government. Trampolines should be used in accordance with the prescribed trampoline safety rules and guidelines. 500 778 333 500 444 1000 500 500 333 1000 556 333 889 778 611 778 endobj >> 636 636 636 636 636 636 636 636 636 636 454 454 818 818 818 545 14 0 R Trampolines have for a long time received praise for the numerous benefits related to health that have placed them in a more favorable category when all the trampoline rules for safety are followed. 636 601 623 521 623 596 352 623 633 274 344 592 274 973 633 607 When children jump too high and fall off the trampoline, the presence of trees, fences, garden furniture, poles, walls etc. Usually, accidents are a result of jumpers' negligence, poor judgment, or disregard for safety rules. If you believe that the benefits of a backyard trampoline outweigh the risks, follow these rules from the safety experts. Choose a round trampoline rather than a rectangular one since a rectangular trampoline produces a dangerously high bounce. 587 867 598 598 711 721 711 361 711 598 598 850 1182 1182 1182 617 333 444 500 444 500 444 333 500 500 278 278 500 278 778 500 500 �Wl4DK����!� >T'�Jb?�4[��T��bנ�r�@�)�w=�I�7]������I��w19挞��*qt�N�p)�+����B���mkV�Uϊݠ��"b��3s3��@�=�q���0k�X=�O�-�4خ. 1. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 1000 1000 684 686 698 771 632 575 775 751 421 455 693 557 843 748 787 Click Ok if you wish to continue to the website; otherwise, click Cancel to return to our site. We have seen this before in Bad luck… The New Zealand standard is NZS 5855:1997 Consumer safety specification for components, assembly, and use of a trampoline . Trampoline Safety Features Explained BBB Rating. One at a Time – Yes, truly. >> >> 352 394 636 636 636 636 454 636 636 1000 545 645 818 454 1000 636 Trampoline Safety Guidelines. Trampoline Poster Design a poster to show or explain what trampolining you do in school. 1. Our premium quality sign products will far outlast the screen printed versions! may increase the severity of the injuries . >> Refer to the USA Gymnastics Safety Handbook, the Level 1 Coaches’ Course and the Trampoline Equipment Specifications. << endobj The poster should be displayed within the trampolining environment and notice boards/changing rooms so that participants are constantly reminded of … %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz��������������������������������������������������������������������������� Never use the trampoline in stormy weather (rain, hail, thunder, wind, snow). 830 847 850 850 850 850 850 867 850 812 812 812 812 737 735 713 D[�!�`��5.x�@�e]��M 342 402 587 867 711 1272 862 332 543 543 711 867 361 480 361 689 444 444 444 444 444 444 667 444 444 444 444 444 278 278 278 278 542 818 542 542 636 642 636 364 636 542 545 645 1000 1000 1000 545 �� � } !1AQa"q2���#B��R��$3br� /Length 113917 /Contents 16 0 R 776 776 776 776 776 776 1094 724 683 683 683 683 546 546 546 546 Cover the springs, hooks and frame with shock-absorbing safety pads. �� � w !1AQaq"2�B���� #3R�br� TRAMPOLINE RULES. 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 549 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Visit to learn more. /BitsPerComponent 8 4330 East West Highway Bethesda, MD 20814. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Please follow these rules in conjunction with the re-opening guidance here. This code is equally relevant to coaches, committee members, performers and parents of performers and all are strongly encourage to read it. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BERG has a … /Name /Im22 Trampoline Rules disclaimer sign. No eating or drinking should occur when on a trampoline. Trampoline parks - Information for managers of commercial centres. 2. /Filter /DCTDecode Trampoline Safety Rules. "$"$�� C�� ��" �� /A << /S /URI /URI ( >> Additional push-in … endobj Climb on and off the Berg trampoline, if necessary with the assistance of a ladder. Do not use the trampoline when under the influence of alcohol or drugs. /Border [0 0 0] 636 1000 269 636 459 818 636 636 636 1521 684 454 1070 1000 685 1000 This is safer than jumping off the trampoline onto the ground. Vuly strives to educate users on the common safety mistakes that users make. /Width 974 Use the trampoline under supervision of an adult. 668 668 668 668 668 668 1018 588 664 664 664 664 342 342 342 342 This page contains information for commercial centres, garden and home trampolines can be found here. The parent company knew the employee handbook, which contained safety rules, which was given to the companies operating trampoline parks would be used to keep the customers of the parks safe. Buy trampoline posters from the Getty Images collection of creative and editorial photos. 10 Essential Safe Trampoline Rules. /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB 22 0 obj ET, Office of Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Enterprise, Regulations, Mandatory Standards and Bans. >> All jewelry and hair clips must be removed prior to using the trampoline. It may sound like a buzz kill to let just one child on the trampoline at a time. endobj 1000 269 269 459 459 545 636 1000 636 977 521 454 981 1000 525 615 964 776 762 724 830 683 650 811 837 546 555 771 637 948 847 850 The Ultimate Kids Trampoline Safety Guide for Mum and Dad to ensure that your children and your children’s friends – cause we know it’s going to be a popular destination all year round for the children – are safe to play with and without your supervision.. endobj /Subtype /Link CPSC does not control this external site or its privacy policy and cannot attest to the accuracy of the information it contains. /Type /Page /Resources << endobj Stormy weather ( rain, hail, thunder, wind, snow ) packed without... Zone ; in Articles ; safety first usually, accidents are a result of jumpers ' negligence poor... The information it contains out our trampoline poster with hundreds of different frame options and. 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