what are the importance of girl child education
The importance of girls’ education is generational. Investing in girls’ education transforms communities, countries and the entire world. It is also a means to achieve gender equalityas the same courtesy is extended to the boy child in society. The importance of the girl child in India – the motivations behind Beti Zindabad! A young girl solves a math equation on a blackboard at Umbatah Basic School for Girls in Kadugli, Sudan. Below are the roles of girl- child education to Nation Building: Focuses teacher training and professional development on gender-responsive pedagogies. 3. Yes, even the girls carry the genes of her family and pass it on. The Unmatched Importance of Female Education Increased Literacy: Of the 163 million illiterate youth across the globe, nearly 63 percent are female. Our work: 1 in 3 adolescent girls from the poorest households has never been to school, Two thirds of the world’s school-age children have no internet access at home, new UNICEF-ITU report says. You educate a woman, you educate a generation.” Women are naturally more social and thus more inclined to help those around them. As a matter of fact, education is one of the most cost-effective strategies to mitigate carbon emissions and tackle climate change. Only 66 per cent of countries have achieved gender parity in primary education. Educating a child about sex is important and should start before the puberty stage. Promotes social protection measures, including cash transfers, to improve girls’ transition to and retention in secondary school. By ensuring a girl has equal access to education, employment and adequate healthcare, the benefits will pass on to her children, community and her country.’ This sums up the point perfectly. Girls do not have equal access to education and educational institutions as observed in low attendance rate, high drop-outs, low completion rates and repetition rates in schools and colleges. This report discusses persistent barriers girls face in the transition from education to the workforce, and how gender gaps in employment outcomes persist despite girls’ gains in education. This partnership site provides data and programming results for the only global fund solely dedicated to education in developing countries. Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Nowadays girl education is necessary and is also compulsory because girls are the future of the country. Schools must spread awareness against child sexual and physical abuse and help them to report these as well. It contributes to more stable, resilient societies that give all individuals – including boys and men – the opportunity to fulfil their potential. This is because girls with education are less likely to contract HIV and AIDS. This plan specifies how UNICEF will promote gender equality across the organization’s work, in alignment with the UNICEF Strategic Plan. Copyright © 2018. Success Inks is a leadership motivation, strategy, innovation, and personal development blog. If women all over the world had a secondary education, child deaths would be cut in half, saving millions of lives. In some places, schools do not meet the safety, hygiene or sanitation needs of girls. Education is a right – but it is still beyond the reach of many For all these reasons, girls’ education has long been recognised as a human right. Despite evidence demonstrating how central girls’ education is to development, gender disparities in education persist. Worldwide, 132 million girls are out of school. There are still many more reasons why a girl should be educated. A girl’s education changes everything. Importance of female education in developing countries We’ll make sure you never miss a thing, HOW CONSISTENCY CAN HELP YOU ACHIEVE 100% OF YOUR GOALS, GOING ABOVE AND BEYOND YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES, PUTTING THE PAST IN ITS PLACE, AND SETTING YOURSELF FREE, 33 PERSONAL MOTIVATION QUOTES THAT HAVE INSPIRED MY 2018 SO FAR, 10 SIGNS YOUR LIFE IS ABOUT TO CHANGE FOR GOOD, 10 OF THE 50 MOST IMPORTANT LESSONS I’VE LEARNED FROM LIFE, THE 7 VITAL CHARACTERS THAT DETERMINE GOAL SUCCESS, YOU ARE A STAR – the Importance of Self Awareness, POSITIONING YOURSELF FOR A SUCCESSFUL 2018, PROCRASTINATION – Overcoming Procrastination, EVERYTHING WRONG WITH TEMPLATE LEADERSHIP, HOW TO MAKE THINGS WORK IN A CHAOTIC ATMOSPHERE, THE THREE UNSKIPPABLE STEPS TO DELIVERING QUALITY RESULTS, HOW AFRICA CAN REPLICATE THE SUCCESS STORIES OF INDUSTRIALIZATION, HOW I KNOW I’M SUBTLY DISTRACTED AND HOW I COPE, HOW YOUR VOICE ADDS QUALITY TO YOUR IMAGE, HOW TAKING A DESERVED REST INSPIRES CREATIVITY, HOW LISTENING TO YOUR INNER ECHOES IMPROVE YOUR SHORT-TERM MEMORIES, 8 THINGS PROBLEM SOLVERS IMPRESSIVELY AND COMMITTEDLY DO, HOW I DARED MY FEARS AND BEAT MY NIGHTMARES, HOW ENTREPRENEURS DELIVER ON GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF ECONOMIES, WHY SOME BRAINS CAN’T PUT THE GRAINS TOGETHER, THE STATES OF MIND THAT DETERMINE QUALITY DECISION MAKING, WHAT WE SHOULD DO TO CREATE RESOUNDING BUZZES AROUND LOCAL BRANDS, 10 REASONS FOR READING PRODUCT REVIEWS BEFORE BUYING, PUSHNOVATION: a 2021 way to desired results, SUPERSTITION; SELF-ENSLAVEMENT SILENT VOICE, THE QUESTIONS BLACK PEOPLE MUST ASK THEMSELVES, 10 WAYS TO STAY AHEAD OF YOUR MAIN COMPETITORS, ILLUSTRATING AND BEATING THE BASIC SELF LIMITING BELIEFS, THE IMPORTANCE OF THE GIRL CHILD EDUCATION, 12 SIMPLE STEPS TO BECOMING A BETTER WRITER. They build one. Impact of online learning on school education Online education has gained immense popularity among working professionals and students pursuing higher education. At the secondary level, the gap widens: 45 per cent of countries have achieved gender parity in lower secondary education, and 25 per cent in upper secondary education. 25 years of uneven progress: Despite gains in education, world still a violent, highly discriminatory place for girls. These and many more are some of the valuable reasons why we should all support education for girls. WHAT 7 FACTORS CONSTITUTE VALUE FOR MONEY? Nollywood producers, radio presenters, professors, mechanics, drivers, politicians are always bringing up the issue to the public’s attention. Importance of Girl’s education 1. Sex education is the process of teaching the young ones, teenagers, and teens about sexuality, their body changes, relationship and all that they need to know to prepare them for the future. An outreach and awareness campaign to promote the importance of equal education, increase the available educational resources for females and reduce drop out rates among female students. An education free of negative gender norms has direct benefits for boys, too. 2. e-Toolkit on Gender Equality in Education, Fixing the Broken Promise of Education for All, GirlForce: Skills, Education and Training for Girls Now, United Nations Girls’ Education Initiative, The lifetime earnings of girls dramatically increase. Girl’s education puts them in a good position to chase after their dreams and therefore live fulfilled lives having achieved their dreams. Success Inks is into articles, video and audio podcasts, and will soon go into print publications. Investing in data is critical to understand girls’ ongoing and emerging challenges. By bringing up their daughter with the right values and education, parents can kick-start the change and create a change-maker. UNICEF works with communities, Governments and partners to remove barriers to girls’ education and promote gender equality in education – even in the most challenging settings. It Furthers Educated Generations: By sending a girl to school, she is more likely to send her children to school. Success Inks. She can help the nation in many ways which include: Economic progress; Women empowerment; Better health and hygiene of women Girls who receive an education are less likely to marry young and more likely to lead healthy, productive lives. Gender-equitable education systems can contribute to reductions in school-related gender-based violence and harmful practices, including child marriage and female genital mutilation. WHAT DEFINES A GREAT BRAND; BEAUTY OR THE BEAST? Drew Fuast says ‘We educate women because it is smart. Education is a universal right. It opens a whole world of opportunities for … The leaders of Feminist movements have insisted that men and women are equal and should be given equal opportunities including education. Education not only gives them the power to deal but also ensures them about feeling safe and complete regarding all levels of education. Removes gender stereotypes from learning materials. Helps schools and Governments use assessment data to eliminate gender gaps in learning. It’s also about girls feeling safe in classrooms and supported in the subjects and careers they choose to pursue – including those in which they are often under-represented. Education, and most recently, the girl child education is becoming a major part of discourses in academic and political spheres in Nigeria. 5. They earn higher incomes, participate in the decisions that most affect them, and build better futures for themselves and their families. Make your kids and children habitual of writing essays, participate in debates and discussion and many more skill enhancing activities in the sc… Because investing in girls’ secondary education is one of the most transformative development strategies, we prioritize efforts that enable all girls to complete secondary education and develop the knowledge and skills they need for life and work. Supports Governments to ensure that budgets are gender-responsive and that national education plans and policies prioritize gender equality. To conclude, Angelina Jolie said, ‘There is no greater pillar of stability than a strong, free and educated woman.’. But education for girls is about more than access to school. If you are a writer or video/audio podcaster, and would like to make a contribution, send an email to info@successinks.com. Michelle Obama said, ‘When girls are educated, their countries become stronger and more prosperous.’. It contains strategic development priority, women empowerment, ensuring quality education, development of skills, safety and the girl’s contribution to the society and economy together. THE MAJOR CHALLENGES, AND THE URGENT NEED OF RUNNING ONLINE SCHOOLS IN AFRICA, 10 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD CREATE YOUR OWN CONTENT, WHAT MOST PEOPLE DON’T KNOW ABOUT THE SOCIAL MEDIA, IDENTIFYING AND MANAGING SYCOPHANTS AND SUGAR-COATED TONGUES. Powered by Success Inks. The improvement in safety measures for girl children has improved the attendance rate by a large margin. This means less likely to pass it on to their children. CAMFED believes that every child is entitled to a quality education in a safe environment and a life as an independent adult. What is now remaining is to fully give effect to such laws and have the education to a girl child as being the same level with education for a boy child. They close skills gaps that perpetuate pay gaps, and build prosperity for entire countries. Girls’ education strengthens economies and … Barriers to girls’ education – like poverty, child marriage and gender-based violence – vary among countries and communities. Binds the family together This will only be achieved when the most disadvantaged girls are supported to enter and complete pre-primary and primary education. THE TANGIBLE LESSONS COVID-19 PANDEMIC SHOULD TEACH AFRICAN LEADERS, THE SEVEN PEOPLE YOU WILL ENCOUNTER IN 2019, 20 EFFECTIVE QUALITY LEADERSHIP DEFINITIONS, REALIZING THE BIGGEST SKILL THAT HELPS YOU STAND OUT, THE DEFINING MOMENTS IN A SUCCESSFUL TALENT, WHY DO ANTS MOVE IN A STRAIGHT LINE? 4. A child’s early years are the foundation for his or her future development, providing a strong base for lifelong learning and learning abilities, including cognitive and social development. Poor families often favour boys when investing in education. More and more girl children need to be sent to school, provided quality and holistic education. THE IMPORTANCE OF THE GIRL CHILD EDUCATION By Favour Nkemnacho 22/04/2019 Michelle Obama said, ‘When girls are educated, their countries become stronger and more prosperous.’ There has been significant progress in girls’ education, but still, not every girl is able to be educated especially more in LICs, which is upsetting. UNGEI promotes girls’ education and gender equality through policy advocacy and support to Governments and other development actors. Essay on Girl Education Girl Education Essay 1 (200 words) Girl Education in India is largely essential for the growth of the nation because girls can do most of the things better than the boys. Every girl that receives an education is more likely to make education a priority for her children. HOW TO DEAL WITH EXCUSE MENTALITY – 3 Easy Steps. Gender-equitable education systems help keep both girls and boys in school, building prosperity for entire countries. IMPROVE SOCIOECONOMIC GROWTH: Educated women have a greater chance of escaping poverty, leading healthier and more productive lives, and raising the standard of living for their children, families, and communities. The importance of school education in child development The children of today are gearing up to become adult citizens of tomorrow. They earn higher incomes, participate in the decisions that most affect them, and build better futures for themselves and their families. 2. Government policies that affect girl-child education since 1985 include: 1986: Blueprint on Women's Education. Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. It Narrows Pay Gap and Increases Chance of Entering the Workforce:Christina Taylor says ‘Girls’ education is about so much more than knowledge. The Importance of Girl Child Education; Summer Serve and Learn 2011: Girls' Empowerment; Voices: Lawrence Donkor June 2011 (7) May 2011 (5) April 2011 (2) March 2011 (3) February 2011 (6) January 2011 (3) 2010 (14) December 2010 (3) Girl’s educationrefers to the provision of the girl child in society to access education and the educational facilities she requires without any discrimination against them. 1. An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. Yet another discrimination faced by a girl is in the field of education. It is a powerful ‘equalizer’, opening doors to all to lift themselves out of poverty. Subscribe now. Gender-equitable education systems empower girls and boys and promote the development of life skills – like self-management, communication, negotiation and critical thinking – that young people need to succeed. In developing countries worldwide, the importance of girl’s education is given the great place of honor. Female literacy in Odisha continues to be very low. When a girl is educated, she is empowered. Policies and programmes initiated must be duty-bound to take into consideration the differing, yet critical, needs of the girl child in terms of physical protection from sexual and physical exploitation, discrimination in all forms including in the field of education, and increased awareness of the struggles being faced by girls today. In others, teaching practices are not gender-responsive and result in gender gaps in learning and skills development. PUSHING THE LIMITS TO ACHIEVE YOUR DREAMS. We educate women because it changes the world.’. It is also a matter of justice. In many countries, norms around masculinity can fuel disengagement from school, child labour, gang violence and recruitment into armed groups. We all want to see our kids going towards success which is only possible through the good and proper education. In 47 countries covered by the 2005-2008 World Values Survey, the higher a girl’s level of education, the more likely she was to express concern for the environment. She’ll decide when she’s ready for marriage and children. Past international commitments include addressing gender equality within the education system, the first step to eliminating all forms of discrimination against women (see Annex 2). Education doesn’t mean just getting your girl kid in school. Education has been held as a vital element to improve the status of girl child and woman. A girl child is equally important as a boy child. Offering all children education will prop up literacy rates, pushing forward development in struggling regions. Girls’ education strengthens economies and reduces inequality. Girls who receive an education are less likely to marry young and more likely to lead healthy, productive lives. An educated girl is more likely to grow up healthy, safe and empowered to determine the course of her life and future. Strengthening education systems and innovation. Female education is a catch-all term of a complex set of issues and debates surrounding education (primary education, secondary education, tertiary education, and health education in particular) for girls and women. 2. 1986: Nomadic Education Programme. She’ll likely send her children to school – and even live a longer life. 4. LESSONS ON ‘HOW TO BE A TEAM PLAYER’, THE 5 COMMON SENSE APPROACHES OF SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE. An educated girl making small steps in society can help open doors for future educated girls. There has been significant progress in girls’ education, but still, not every girl is able to be educated especially more in LICs, which is upsetting. Education is one of the most critical areas of empowerment for Women Education is central to development and improvement of the nation’s welfare. THE 10 PEOPLE YOU DON’T NEED IN YOUR DREAM TEAM, THE QUESTIONS YOU MUST ASK TO ASSESS YOUR YEARLY PROGRESS, BEFORE WRITING YOUR NEXT GOAL LIST, READ THIS, HOW DIFFERENT PEOPLE RESPOND TO OPPORTUNITIES. The role of education is extremely important here and goes a long way in empowering women. READ ALSO: 2018 WASSCE: NDC calls for resignation of education minister . Education is a must if we want to do away with the existing differences between different social classes and genders. Educating a girl child is much more than getting girls into schools. What now remains is to make these ambitions a reality. Around the world, 132 million girls are out of school, including 34.3 million of primary school age, 30 million of lower-secondary school age, and 67.4 million of upper-secondary school age. This report draws on national studies to examine why millions of children continue to be denied the fundamental right to primary education. “Girls are the future mothers of any society. The reasons are many. The African proverb (“If you educate a man, you educate an individual. It Increases Involvement in Political Processes:Educated women are more likely to participate in political discussions, meetings, and decision-making, which in turn promotes a more representative, effective government. This course aims to strengthen the capacity of UNICEF's education staff globally in gender equality applied to education programming. It Decreases Infant Mortality:Children of educated women are less likely to die before their first birthday. The boy and the girl have equal contribution towards the same. There’s Improvement in Socioeconomic Growth:Educated women have a greater chance in avoiding poverty as they lead a healthy life and have a good standard of living for their children, families and communities. It helps them become responsible and influential members of societyas th… Early education can be instrumental in shaping the society towards progress. Nelson Mandela. Education is not freely available to everyone - and in many parts of the world girls are the first to be excluded from it. All Rights reserved. Every parent tells their kids from childhood about the importance of education in the life and all the advantages of education to make their mind towards better study in the future. Census 2011 had indicated that the child sex ratio of girls to boys (0-6 years) had deteriorated to 919 girls per thousand Experience in scores of countries shows the importance, among other things, of: Parental and community involvement -- Families and communities must be important partners with schools in developing curriculum and managing children's education. An educated girl is actually an asset to a family and the society. In countries affected by conflict, girls are more than twice as likely to be out of school than girls living in non-affected countries. WHAT DETERMINES YOUR CONSISTENCY TOWARDS A SET GOAL? She can make decisions for herself, raise the standard of living for her family and children, generate more employment options and reform the society as a whole. Multi-taskers: Women are much better at multi-tasking. An African proverb says, ‘If you educate a man, you educate an individual, but if you educate a woman, you educate a nation.’. Addresses other obstacles, like distance-related barriers to education, re-entry policies for young mothers, and menstrual hygiene management in schools. We understand the importance of education for girl children. Numerous benefits come with educating girls the right way. These are reasons why a girl should be educated: 1. Most girls don't grow up in a world of opportunity. ‘To educate girls is to reduce poverty,’ says Kofi Annan. 3. Malcolm X. Low-cost and flexible timetables -- Basic education should be free or cost very little. Along with all the other rights, a woman is also denied her right to education. It includes areas of gender equality and access to education. A child’s education is vital as it gives them the knowledge and skills they require. It is frequently called girl's education or women's education. All these issues are strongly relevant when it comes to the debate of girl child education and the significance their education holds considering the worlds as a whole. The need or desire to earn an income also causes boys to drop out of secondary school, as many of them believe the curriculum is not relevant to work opportunities. For every boy that is educated, every girl should be educated too. It’s a ripple effect of positive change in the community and country.” Tariq Al Gurg, the chief executive officer of Dubai Cares, said. Benjamin Franklin. And the process of education has to begin early in life. 3. SELF EMPLOYED OR A BUSINESS OWNER – who are you? So if the girl child’s parents are concerned about not being able to carry forward their legacy, then they are wrong. A recent news report revealed that not a single girl was born in 132 villages in Uttarkashi district in Uttarakhand in the previous three months. It was launched in 2013 to help inspire individuals, communities, and entire societies make good decisions and take actions towards meaningful developments. With this, we can hope for a decent and egalitarian education to children throughout the country. And education, world still a violent, highly discriminatory place for girls help keep girls. Girl-Child education since 1985 include: 1986: Blueprint on women 's education girl has! Likely to lead healthy, safe and complete regarding all levels of education minister educated, their countries become and! Education doesn ’ t mean just getting your girl kid in school, provided quality and holistic education,! Can help open doors for future educated girls resilient societies that give all individuals – including and. 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