what are the terminologies used in cattle

what are the terminologies used in cattle

But at the beginning of the 20th century, more people began to … COWMAN: A ranch owner that makes a living raising cattle. Horses are considered livestock in the United States. Takes into account carcass weight, ribeye size and fat thickness. Mortality: Death The term cow puncher or "puncher" is more commonly used in the southwest. DROVER: Term commonly used in the 1870s and 80s for a working cowboy engaged in trailing longhorns to market or a new range. Just for example, the term Triphala is mentioned wherever group of 3 fruits – Haritaki, Vibhitaki and Amla are used, the term Trikatu is used wherever, ginger, pepper and long pepper are used … This term is used also as a generic reference to cattle. Beef promotion and Research Act established in October 1986. Weaning: Process of separating a calf from its mother. PI3: (Parainfluenza –3): Respiratory disease caused by a virus seen in cattle and dogs, and type B can occur in horses. Placenta: The organ that connects the calf to the uterus during pregnancy. Antemortem- Before death. Replacement Heifer: Young female that is raised with the intention of entering the cow herd. Calf: baby cow. Cattle were first imported into the New World by the Spanish in 1541. Neuromuscular junction--The location in which the nerve fiber attaches to the muscle fiber. The average mature Ayrshire cow weighs 1,000-1,300 pounds and has red markings that can vary in color from orange to brown. A slaughterhouse. Anterior Pituitary. Camelid: Any two-toed ruminant of the family Camelidae, including the camels, llamas and vicunas. Endemic disease refers to a disease that occurs with a predictable frequency with minor fluctuations in a population . Every continent except for Antarctica raises at least one breed of cattle. Calf is used to describe cattle (male or female) that are less than a year old. Terminology Used in Livestock Production. The verb, graze, should be used in the active form with the animal as the subject. dimension used to estimate current and future body size, is discussed in the Extension publication L-5176, “Frame Score and Weight of Cattle.” An important irregularity in Bos indicusoccurs in body size relationships. Post-Partum Interval: The time between calving and the next pregnancy. Crop Residue: Plant parts remaining in a field after a crop has been harvested that can be grazed or harvested for a different use. Urea: Inorganic (non-plant) material fed to cattle that allows rumen bacteria to produce protein. Cattegat, Cattell, Catterick, cattery, cattish, cattle, cattle-cake, cattle call, cattle car, cattle class, cattle dog Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, … Nerve impulse--The movement of an action potential down a nerve fiber to a muscle to signal the contraction process. In agriculture, the process involves creating or modifying DNA to impart beneficial genetic traits. A breed of dairy cattle that originated from the County of Ayr in Scotland. Large frames are desirable in pigs. Checkoff: Program that collects $1 per head each time a beef animal is sold. Clean - (adjective) You'll find the barn is clean and ready for the livestock. TERMINOLOGIES USED IN PARASITIC DISEASES. 3.2.2 Harvest (n.). Stocking Rate: Number of animals relative to the size of area where the animals are contained. Often refers to the number of animals on an acre of pasture. All types of botulinum toxin produce the same disease; however, the toxin type is important if anti-toxin is used for treatment. Livestock is commonly defined as domesticated animals raised in an agricultural setting to produce labor and commodities such as meat, eggs, milk, fur, leather, and wool.The term is sometimes used to refer solely to those that are bred for consumption, while other times it refers only to farmed ruminants, such as cattle, sheep and goats. Examples: Smoking is bad for you; I hate getting up early. Legume: Type of plant that produces pods. Antibiotics. In general, the same words are used in different parts of the world but with minor differences in the definitions. The verb should not be used in the passive voice so as to imply that a person is the subject or actor; i.e., cattle graze; people do not graze cattle. Host parasite relationship. Contemporary group - A group of cattle … Chemicals - (noun plural) We promise not to use chemicals in our fertilizer. The exchange sets the months for each contract with input from the underlying industry. Bluetongue: Viral disease that is spread by a specific type of gnat. – B – Biotechnology: A technology based on biology that is used for agricultural, food science or medicinal purposes. Sometimes the term is mistakenly applied to a brucellosis-free herd. Brucellosis: Highly contagious disease that causes profuse sweating and join and muscle pain. Artificial insemination (AI) - The technique of placing semen from the male into the reproductive tract of the female by means other than natural service. Corn Silage: The entire corn plant is chopped when it is still green, and then stored in an airtight manner in order for the forage to preserve itself through fermentation. Microgram: One millionth of a gram or one thousandth of a milligram. Navel Ill: Infection in the navel in young calves soon after birth. In Nigeria (West Africa), commercial beef cattle farming is very common especially in the Northern part of the country. Antagonist. "Cattle" can only be used in the plural and not in the singular: it is a plurale tantum. – B – Biotechnology: A technology based on biology that is used for agricultural, food science or medicinal purposes. This term is used from the time of birth up until about 6 to 10 months of age when the animal is weaned. We created the ultimate glossary of terms about cattle chutes. Cryptorchid: Male animal with only one testicle or no testicles descended into the scrotum. Marbling: Fat flecks within the lean portion of meat. Month is used in promotion, research, and education. Choice: Quality grade that identifies a particular amount of fat flecks in the ribeye of a carcass between the 12th and 13th rib. Frame Size: Method of describing skeletal size (height) in livestock. Compensatory Gain: Faster than normal weight gain following a period of feed restriction. Mastitis: Inflammation/infection in the udder. Libido: Sexual drive of a male animal. Calf is a young bovine. Examples: he; she; it; who; which. Subject:- Livestock. Our primary objective is to list the common terms used when discussing animal feeding. Concentrate: Type of feed that is high in energy. Ranch-to-Rail. Maintenance: Feeding to maintain a constant weight. Terminal Cross: Breeding a female with a bull whose major characteristics focus on weight production. Over the last 100 years, advances in the genetics, nutrition and management of U.S. dairy cows have resulted in a greater than four-fold increase in milk production per cow and a three-fold improvement in production efficiency. 1 Agriculture Terms & Definitions Adapted from the USDA Acid Soil: A soil with an acid reaction, a pH less than 7.0. That year, they were brought to the Plymouth Colony (which is Massachusetts today). There are some controversies in naming certain species of cow, but here we are concerned with the terminologies used in cattle farming. milk, meat wool or work. Animal Unit (AU): Unit used to describe 1,000 lbs. 8 May - 14 May. A compilation of cattle terms and definitions from words commonly used to describe cattle. Estrus Cycle: Approximately 21 days for beef cattle. acaricide - A substance that kills mites or ticks.. accredited herd - A herd of dairy cattle certified by two successive tests to be free of tuberculosis. 1.Terminology of Poultry . USDA: United States Department of Agriculture How to use terminology in a sentence. Month is used in promotion, research, and education. Acidosis: Below normal pH in the rumen caused by rapid fermentation of grain and other concentrate feeds. Abattoir. Terminologies in Cattle Production Bang’s Disease: Another name for brucellosis. Agriculture: The utilization of biological processes on farms to produce food and other products useful and necessary to man. Store cattle are growing animals that are usually up to 2 years old that are bought... More cattle terminology. Bred- Applies to the female definitely safe in calf, or pregnant; also used to refer to the mating process. Cattle terms & terminology Young cattle terms. Creep feeder: Area that allows calves access supplemental grain and/or hay, but excludes cows. Synchronization: Process of manipulating the estrus cycle so that females in the herd are exhibiting estrous at a specified period time. Cattle Terminology: Bulls, Springers, Freemartins. Quality Grade: Meat evaluation score that estimates tenderness, juiciness and flavor of meat. Feed Bunk: Long trough for feeding livestock Self-feeder: Feeder that holds large amount of feed to provide for cattle to eat as much as they want. Yield grade: Scoring system that estimates amount of closely trimmed retail cuts that will be produced by a carcass. Peel: High grain price impacts on the cattle industry, Aporreadillo Con Salsa Verde (Shredded Steak & Eggs with Green Salsa), The Gun Barrel Steak & Game House: Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Ad lib feeding - No limit placed on amount of feed intake. Anorexia nervosa. 24 April - 30 April. Pedigree: A record of the ancestors of an animal. Layers in poultry are the type of chicken that are bread and kept for purposes of egg production. Material used to absorb moisture and provide a … This glossary of pig terms should help you understand the most commonly used … Contract Month . Usually standardized to 205 days of age. The toxins come from a variety of sources. 1. Quiz. Weaning Weight: The amount that a calf weighs when it is separated from its mother. Since the contract size of a live cattle futures contract is 40,000 pounds once a contract value moves by $1,200 in a day trading stops. Backgrounding: A phase of feeder cattle production after weaning and prior to entering a feedlot. CATTLE HIDE – A hide is animal skin which is treated for human use, for example, to make leather. Cattle hide is the skin that comes from cattle/cows. Amarillo TX, 79109, Phone: 1.800.381.4848 Ruminant Terminologies 2. Generally higher in protein than grasses. Browse the most popular brands and models at the best prices on Machinery Pete. Boxed beef: Consistently sized retail cuts of beef that are packaged and sold by the “box.” Linebreeding: Form of inbreeding to emphasize desirable traits. usually refers to size of cattle (large, medium or small). Acre: A parcel of land, containing 4,840 square yards or 43,560 square feet. The term is also incorporated into the names of other species, such as the musk ox and "grunting ox" , and is used in some areas to describe certain cattle products such as ox-hide and oxtail. BVD (Bovine Viral Diarrhea): Viral disease that decreases performance and increases death losses. Self-feeding or allowing cattle to consume feed on a free-choice basis. Androgen. cattle have 30 pairs of chromosomes. Adjusted weaning weight (WW): An unshrunk, off-the-cow weight adjusted to 205 days of age and to a mature dam age equivalence. Crossbreeding: Combining multiple breeds of cattle in a planned mating system. COW-PUNCHER: Also called Buckaroo, Cow Poke, Waddie, Cowboy, and in Spanish a "Vaquero". Bloat: Condition where the stomach becomes overly full of gas which is produced during the fermentation process. Epidemiology is the study of a disease in relation to the population, aspects of disease such as incidence, prevalence and transmission in a population . A branded name, “value added” program, created by the research done at Texas A&M University involving the vaccinations of calves pre-weaning and then again post-weaning against pathogens. Breed: It is groups of animal that are result of breeding & selection have certain distinguishable characteristics. Calving: the act of giving birth in cattle and buffaloes. Type: It is a commonly accepted standard that combines those characteristics essential in adopting an animal for a particular purpose e.g. Terminologies used in parasitic diseases. Neatsfoot oil--A pale yellow oil extracted from bones of cattle and used as a leather dressing. Bloom- An inclusive term used to describe the general look of a healthy, clean, lustrous hair coat. Bovine: Refers to cattle. Veal. BRD (Bovine Respiratory Disease): Several respiratory diseases in cattle that decrease performance and increase death losses. Dairy Cattle History. Genetics now play a very large part in the cattle breeding process and understanding the terminology that you may come across is key to ensuring that you are buying or breeding the best animals that you can. Conformation - The form of an animal as determined by structure, shape and muscling. Term: Definition: Chick: A newly hatched or a very young chicken: Broilers: A chicken that is six to 13 weeks of age used for meat production: Pullet: FAX: 1.806.356.9164, Antemortem. Buffalo bullock: Adult male buffalo that is castrated and used for work. Antemortem- Before death. Classified Ads - Trailers, Trucks, Hay, Pasture, etc. Dry Lot: Refers to feeding cattle in an open lot rather than on pasture. Tankage. Used to promote the marketing of beef. Carcass grade: There are two grading systems used for carcasses that relate to consumer acceptability (quality grade) and expected amount of meat that a carcass will produce (yield grade). In this regard, bovine embryos have many characteristics that make them a good model for the human. The term is used for cattle of either sex from birth to weaning. Between 1 and 2... Other commonly used cattle terms. Self-feeding or allowing cattle to consume feed on a free-choice basis. Scrotal Circumference: Measurement of size of testicles. Mothering Ability: Ability and willingness of a cow to take care of her calf. G : Gaunt: Used to identify cattle on market reports that are emaciated (expressing the lack of fill). Rate of Gain: Weight that is gained over a period of time, and typically reported on a per day basis. EPD: Expected Progeny Difference is an estimate of how future offspring are expected to perform as compared to their parents relative to a specific trait. 27 March - 2 April. Term. Corpus Luteum: A structure that forms on the ovary following ovulation that secretes the hormone progesterone. Following is used by feed lots and cattle ranches. Urinary Calculi: Mineral deposits in the urinary tract. Calves from damscontaining Bos indi-cusinheritance are relatively small at birth, usually causing few difficulties in calving. Each time cattle are marketed, $1 per head is paid by the seller to the Beef Industry Council (BIC). Micro-ingredient: Any ration component normally measured in milligrams or micrograms per kilogram or in parts per million. Most bull tests are 140 or 160 days in length. They turn pigs out to basically clean up any left overs found in the feed lots after the cows have been moved. Terminology is a general word for the group of specialized words or meanings relating to a particular field, and also the study of such terms and their use. UGA Cooperative Extension Bulletin 1367 • Common Terms Used in Animal Feeding and Nutrition 3 The largest operating cost in a livestock production enterprise is the feed bill. Anthelmintics: Products that are used to prevent and control internal parasites. Type G rarely causes disease, although a few cases have been seen in humans. Scours: Infectious disease that causes diarrhea in young calves. Gestation period: Length of time that a cow is pregnant. Cattle domesticated mammals of the genus Bos. Cattleman's Guide to Feedyard Terminology of animal weight. Testicles are retained in body cavity of animal. Steer: Adult male cattle that is castrated and used for meat purpose. Performance: Measure of various economic parameters such as growth, feed efficiency, and milk production. Blackleg: Fatal disease of young cattle caused by a Clostridial bacteria. BCS (Body Condition Score): System used to classify the amount (or lack) of fat on an animal. 6910 SW 45th Avenue, Suite 4 Backgrounders/Stockers are terms sometimes used synonymously. Blackleg: Fatal disease of young cattle caused by a Clostridial bacteria. Double Muscling: Inherited condition of extreme muscling. 17 April - 23 April. Typically gaunt cattle … Anaplasmosis. Common terms used in identification of domestic farm animals. Also, this list is not meant to be all-inclusive but presents many of the terms commonly used in the cattle feeding industry. (This term may also be used … The purpose of this publication is to serve as an educational reference and resource to those who are interested in animal feeding and nutrition. Grafting: Process of getting a cow to accept a calf that she did not give birth to. Terms for cowboy vary with the region. Generates approximately $70 million per year. Weekly Current & Projected Feedyard Closeouts. Others are: Carabeef Meat Loaf Corned Beef Breaded Carabeef Carabeef Meat Balls Stroganoff style Carabeef … OR. Start studying Cattle Terminology and Breeds. (Read more about the various breeds of dairy cattle.) May also refer to how acceptable beef as a meat is to the consumer. Futures trade for a variety of months. Cattle feed on grasses, legumes, roughage, etc. Dystocia: Abnormal or difficult calf delivery during the calving process. *These terms can be used from 8 months of age in cattle and buffaloes, 6 months of age in sheep and goats, 3 months of age in pigs and 12 months of age in horses. 2. BSE occurs in adult animals in both sexes, typically in four and five year olds. Typically used in assessing the number of animals to place on an acre of pasture. Bull is an in-tact male bovine. Important Terminology of Livestock. Find used cattle equipment for sale near you. That is why they are called herbivores and they are also known as ruminants (because they have one stomach with four compartments). IBR (Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis): Acute, contagious viral disease that is often known as red nose. Further, based on these advances, cattle are often used as a model to study ovarian function and embryogenesis. This listing will also be helpful when reading articles on animal feeding and nutrition, feed analysis reports or tags associated with feeds sold in the market. Some cattle '' boar instead of natural mating and increases death losses Highly contagious that... Cow is pregnant -- the movement of an animal in small amounts of the... 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