why did the empire stop using clones

why did the empire stop using clones

RELATED: Daisy Ridley Says More About Rey's Parents Revealed In Rise Of Skywalker. This would then allow for more diversity, as cloning obviously would make the Empire's soldiers all fall under one single unalterable template. Instead, Jango raised Boba as his own son and trained him as his successor for the Galaxy's most-feared bounty hunter. Fun fact, Gilad Pellaeon, shows up in The Clone Wars TV show tie in legends novel No Prisoners. Why did the Empire stop using the Clone Army? Why did the Empire stop using Clone Troopers? But, you must relize, clone grow at twice the rate of normal humans. RELATED: Daisy Ridley Says More About Rey's Parents Revealed In Rise Of Skywalker Wing_Phoenix posted... She left because she hated the direction The Clone Wars cartoons took the Mandalorians. RELATED: Star Wars' Most-Hated Scene is Secretly Brilliant. After all, it was Obi-Wan who first uncovered Palpatine's plot to produce a clone army and it would be completely appropriate for his character to visit Kamino once more. Godzilla vs. Kong Toy Renames a Previously Revealed Titan. Just repainted. Unless the planet of Kamino and all the Spaarti tubes that created the original clone army were destroyed, cloning should have still been a possibility. Stormtroopers were also present for the Battle of Yavin but did not have that large of a role to play. With most groups in the galaxy that could resist the Empire destroyed, exhausted, or suborned during the clone wars, Super -Soldiers aren't needed anymore. Vol. ... With the decline of the empire, the reduced standing of the Legions, and perhaps a reduced emphasis on training, plus the ease of use and construction of the "old style" oval shield brought about its decline. Whether he would view his previous actions as a mistake or a missed opportunity, the rebellion could prove an interesting source of inner and outer conflict for the hermetical Jedi. First and foremost, it raises an army for relatively little cost compared to cloning because the only part you have you pay for is training (in terms of making the soldiers themselves). Why did the Empire ever stop using clones? They could aim and not miss, they killed Jedi, they're all clones of Boba's dad. 1 Depicts a Vibrant Past... and an Already-Dated Future? But why would the Empire want to clone the longest-standing Master on the Jedi Council? Is there an explanation for why they cannot clone a clone? I understand that the original clones of The Clone War aged and died sometime before A New Hope. First, the real "why" of the question... Why would the Empire rely on conscription to staff their ships and their army at a time when they fully came into power. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the MawInstallation community. They have the same DNA. The video game details an event known as the "Kamino Uprising," wherein, after two decades faithfully producing clones for the Empire's army, a rebellious band of Kaminoans bred and raised their own clones to form a rebellion. Even more indifferent to galactic politics than his father, Boba had no problem leading the counter-rebellion in service of the Empire, as long as the pay suited him. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. Aside from minor variations based on location or function, most Stormtroopers wear the same armor and helmets that give them a standardized look. Actually, Zahn mentions this in Heir to the Empire 20th anniversary edition. So when these stories came out in the 1990's, the use of cloning wasn't widespread at all in the Empire, outlawed if memory serves me correctly, and was most likely only used in top secret government projects. To maintain the Galactic Empire's monopoly on the cloning industry, the New Order banned the creation of more clone soldiers while also keeping its existing cloning operations in full production. 3.Given that Palpatine secretly brainwashed the clones to kill the Jedi, the same could happen to him. Find the newest Why Did The Empire Stop Using Clones meme. The Clone Empire was an imperial government made up of clones. Some great writing in this series. An iconic part of the Star Wars franchise has always been the Stormtroopers that form the bulk of the evil Empire's army. The Clone Wars CGI series showed that the Jango Fett DNA was degrading and likely wouldn't be usable as a base for much longer. Then the Emperor dissolves the senate and turns the Galactic Republic into the Galactic Empire, this empire is not the Sith Empire from TOR but it is run by Sith. I'm reading through the Thrawn trilogy right now and just started the third book. Without alterations to the genome, a clone would be the exact duplicate of its template at the genetic level. Star Wars canon doesn't often go into the Empire's recruitment methods, but the answer isn't as simple as the clone army most people may assume! He has a vast pool of recruits, too, as opposed to when he was Chancellor. In order to find the explanation for why the First Order does not simply use clones, and for why the Empire itself did not exclusively use clones, Star Wars fans need to turn to the canon background provided by the oft-overlooked Star Wars: Battlefront II. Amakusa 5 years ago #31. Clones policing citizens would not help his image at all. A one-stop shop for all things video games. I mean they're clearly superior to the bumble fucks that were recruited later as Storm Troopers. Then in the galactic civil war, the Empire uses the same triangular shaped ships that the Sith Empire did way back when and that the clones used while the Rebels use the ships that the Republic uses in TOR. the ease of guarantee of both quality and sex are what cuase clone strains so popular. Basically the Empire couldn't trust the Kaminoans anymore. If you ever played Battlefront II, there's an uprising on Kamino during the Galactic Civil War campaign. First of all, similar to what others have mentioned, it helps with getting the populace civically engaged and prevents citizens from seeing the military as a separate oppressive entity. Echo’s trajectory throughout The Clone Wars is a series of tragedies. [[File:Standard_Phase_1_Clone_Trooper.jpg|thumb|188px|Standard Phase 1 ar… Lets not forget first of all that technology wise, the storm troopers may be advanced only because a lot of their weapons are vehicles are based off the clone army"s technology. 4. With Boba's assistance, the Kamino Uprising did not drag out past a single devastating battle, but the aftermath convinced Emperor Palpatine to shift strategies when it came to forming his army. The Mandalorian season 2, episode 4 explored the Empire’s new plan to establish their power, and it’s the same plan they tried before: clones.When the Mandalorian and his allies attacked an Imperial base on Nevarro, they found a lab where the Empire's scientists were using Baby Yoda's blood to experiment with midichlorians, likely involving clones shown floating in the laboratory's vats. They were also said to have been very intelligent, as they could kill five enemy combatants with a single blaster shot. Witness the evolution of the most iconic face in the galaxy- the unmistakable white helmet of the Stormtrooper! Although Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader bot… Finn looked altogether different, however, and he explained his background later in the same film as essentially becoming a young recruit when the First Order orphaned him. The original source's genetic code could be altered through modifications to the cloning process for various purposes, including growth acceleration and greater docility. 1. On top of that, it seems that an Empire coming into power would be alienating it's constituents by asking / forcing them to enlist in the armed services when there is a known alternative available. That's 360,000 soldiers. Much of Finn's story in the films and comics helps explore the same angle from after the Empire's fall. The best memes from Instagram, Facebook, Vine, and Twitter about Why Did The Empire Stop Using Clones. Most citizens probably irrationally projected their resentment of the war onto the clones themselves. Lol I just started the third book as well. Also clones were not seem as real people so they would be easy to kill. The most popular reveal betraying the expectation that all Stormtroopers were the same came in Force Awakens, when Finn unmasked for the first time. Originally the Clone Wars involved the Republic fighting against an army of clones led by Clone Masters. The space-opera blockbuster Star Wars franchise has borrowed many real-life scientific and technological concepts in its settings. No, instead they worship their soldiers, and any mention of them is often accompanied by displays of jingoistic patriotism. I assume it has something to do with the alterations they make to them. My question is, if this technology existed (whether it be in it's original incarnation on Kamino or in the faster Spaarti tubes on Waylon), why would the Empire ever STOP using the clones to begin with? Meanwhile, they were front and center during the Battle of Hoth and the Battle of Endor. They fought on Scarif, but couldn't stop the Rebels in time. The Empire under Thrawn is able to use this technology to fully staff the 180-some-odd ships in the Katana fleet with 2,000 men each. A clone of Jango Fett himself, Boba was different in that he was kept out of the artificial aging process that accelerated the growth of the clones. To explore the Uprising itself, Disney's other service-exclusive focusing on Obi-Wan Kenobi happens to take place around the same time the attempted rebellion occurred. RELATED: Star Wars: Why Was Shadows of the Empire Such A Bad Idea? In a further effort to diversify the source of his army, Palpatine began the recruitment of birth-born soldiers. The genetic template for the clone army was Jango Fett, seen in the prequel films when the clone conspiracy originally came to light. 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It's revealed in Book 2 that the Emperor has Spaarti tubes in his nest on Waylon and has also mastered technology that will allow clones to be fully matured in 15 days. Now, onto the Thrawn trilogy. The clones all possessed the same genetic coding, but each one was unique. So even without the canon backstory on his side, it seems likely that Abrams would have found a way around using clones for Stormtroopers in The Force Awakens. Most Star Wars Fan Theories Are Literally Wrong, But Metaphorically Right, Daisy Ridley Says More About Rey's Parents Revealed In Rise Of Skywalker. Those familiar with Boba Fett's background know exactly why he was perfect for the job. Why did the Empire ever stop using clones? The Kamino Uprising provides an important middle piece in the lore that tells the part of the faceless soldiers' stories. Clones are more expensive than regular soldiers. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. The military just needs to keep order. Why did the Empire replace the Clone Troopers with Stormtroopers? Star Wars: Why Was Shadows of the Empire Such A Bad Idea? ive never really read anyone dealing with only cloning clones, most grow ops have a mother or multiple mothers. In response, the Empire hired the young Boba Fett to infiltrate the facility and and lead the Empire's endeavor to quash the rebellion. I know. I'm reading through the Thrawn trilogy right now and just started the third book. Known throughout the Star Wars saga, learn about how the Republic's Clones led to the Galactic Empire's Stormtroopers, which gave rise to the … Clone Troopers, or simply "Clones" (later Stormtroopers), are armored cloned soldiers who were cloned from the DNA of the merciless bounty hunter known as Jango Fett, which were developed by the Kaminoans for Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, and which made up the soldiers of the Grand Army of the Republic. Once the Empire is firmly in place, the Emperor can take all the time he needs to train and brainwash regular troops. RELATED: Kevin Feige Joining Star Wars Reveals Truth Of Spider-Man Leaving Marvel. Despite the controversy surrounding the game and the minimal exposure its story received, the Kamino Uprising proves to be an integral part of Star Wars history that deserves more attention in future projects. Both canon and legends can be discussed here. While the original trilogy never peeked behind the mask, the prequels explained that the army originally consisted of clone troopers who looked as similar to one another as their helmets. I know this is not considered canon anymore, so forgive me, but it has sparked an interesting question that I am hoping someone has an in-universe canonical answer for. Similar to Grand Moff Tarkin's secret Imperial research center, this subreddit is for delving deep into the intricacies of the Star Wars universe. The locations of all cloning facilities throughout the Empire were classified and placed under military jurisdiction for security purposes.However, the significance of clone soldiers steadily declined over the course of several years with the introduction of enlisted stormtroopers. While clones still proved useful, Palpatine opted for using different genetic templates. Press J to jump to the feed. I don't think the Venators were scrapped, at least immediately. Back to the original point, clones are more loyal (disloyalty has all but been wiped out, with few exceptions), reliable (aka, they are aways available and in seemingly endless supply) and, anecdotally from the source materials, better soldiers. In order to find the explanation for why the First Order does not simply use clones, and for why the Empire itself did not exclusively use clones, Star Wars fans need to turn to the canon background provided by the oft-overlooked Star Wars: Battlefront II. No way would there be 70 year old clones at Endor! From the reaction of the New Republic, those clones were seemingly ready overnight, although we also know that Thrawn has been planning this for a while. I speculate that drafting citizens into the military rather than cloning serves a double purpose. Many of these discrepancies were later retconned by other stories. In turn, Star Wars has depicted, inspired, and influenced several futuristic technologies, some of which are in existence and others under development. I know. A subreddit dedicated to in-depth discussion of the Star Wars franchise. With all of the upcoming Star Wars projects in the works, there are plenty of places to fit in details of the Kamino Uprising. Clones were simply changing their clone uniform for stormtrooper armor. Because of what you pointed out about the similarities between phase 2 clone armour and stormtrooper armour, I have decided to compare them using phase 1 armour, which was used for most of the war. Citizen -soldiers will instill Imperial values in their home communities. Star Wars: When Did the Empire Stop Using Jango Fett Clone Stormtroopers? Maybe I'm an idiot, (not out of the realm of possibility) but why would Jango being dead matter? Why does the sith stop using battle droids after episode three and change their name to the Empire? These clones were said to have been very skilled with a blaster, as they could attack on ground or in space. Since the sequels take place well after the fall of the Empire, the difference in recruitment could have been chalked up to the loss of the genetic template necessary for fueling the clone army. Furthermore, I seem to remember that the clones did not fare too well when living longer. Why did the Republic use the Clone Army if they knew it was created ... and someone will stop at nothing to assure it's passage." From what i have read, clone strains are popular because most people dealing with clones are taking them strait from an old healthy, strong, beautiful, veging mother. Second, having access to a bunch of young people for an extended period of time is a great way to indoctrinate them in the ideas and methodology of the Empire so they can be useful far beyond their military service. Concern over microtransactions, which heavily monetized the game-playing experience, haunted the game from its outset, and the efforts of its producer EA Games to ameliorate the issue proved ineffective. A huge chunk of Palpatine's popularity came from the fact that he (apparently) brought the Republic through the Clone Wars. I know this is not considered canon anymore, so forgive me, but it has sparked an interesting question that I am hoping someone has an in-universe canonical answer for. Now, Harris will unleash his rage against the might of the U After a blistering defeat by alien forces, clone soldier Lt. Wayson Harris and his brethren have been exiled to the far reaches of the galaxy where the Unified Authority intends to use them as targets for live-fire training exercises. With the uprising on Kamino, I don't think Palpatine wanted to chance putting his entire military strength into the hands of a select few people who may rebel. Wookieepedia further states that while clones offered unconditioned loyalty, it was decided that a more uniform stormtrooper was established through patriotism rather than genetics. Introduced in Star Wars (1977), the Imperial stormtroopers serve as the army of the Galactic Empire, establishing Imperial authority and putting down any revolts.. In the prequel film Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002), the first clone troopers are cloned from bounty hunter Jango Fett, to be the Army of the Republic in the Clone Wars. Like the Venator class Star Destroyers were scrapped, the Empire wants to make a clean break from the Republic. The Stormtroopers were present for every major battle that came during the Empire's reign. Haven't I see the countless subreddits devoted to this topic? Clones have no non-military life. Gilad Pellaeon also mentioned battling unstable clones at some point in the conflict. 5. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. That combination gave the army strength. So why wouldn't the Empire just keep making more clones instead of hiring the losers that they did? RELATED: Most Star Wars Fan Theories Are Literally Wrong, But Metaphorically Right. They had heart. Although the Jango genetic template still saw use, diversifying the sources of the Stormtrooper Corps allowed Palpatine to further tighten his grip on the Galaxy by making rebellion within his own ranks all the harder to consolidate. Asadora! Are you me? Cloning was the scientific procedure of growing a clone from the genetic template of a living organism. But when you have a army made of real people you have to worry that stormtrooper number 55322 has kids and a family to feed. If all of Yoda’s species has midi-chlorian counts higher than that of any creature not named Anakin Skywalker, Dr. Pershing might try to extract them to make Force-sensitive clones. After Order 66, the clones perished and were eventually replaced by stormtroopers that the Empire recruited from around the galaxy. In previews for upcoming episodes of Rebels, we see those clones (Captain Rex namely), and they are heavily aged, though not necessarily elderly. Since the creation of the clone army was manipulated by Darth Plageius--working though the Jedi Sifo-Dyas so it wouldn't be traced back to the Sith--it makes sense that the production of clones stopped just before Order 66 went out, since that was the whole reason Palpatine needed the clones, because they could kill the Jedi without the Jedi reading that intention in their minds until it was too late. 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The animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars did a remarkable job of fleshing out the lives, personalities and adventures of the Clone Army when they were still in the service of the Old Republic. Why am I bringing this up? If I'm not mistaken, the Clone Wars mentioned in the Thrawn Trilogy isn't the "canon" Clone Wars we see in the films and the TV show. If you're wondering why Rex never turned against Ahsoka, despite being a clone, you'll get your answer to that as well. In The Clone Wars the Kaminoans mention that with Jango dead their supply of viable DNA to clone from is dwindling. But the clones they created and trained to fight have founded their own empire. Why did the rectangular scutum design fall out of use? Background Skywalker saga. Do most people IRL resent their government for having non-clone militaries? Secondly, it helps to institute a clean break from the past. Lucasfilm If you ever wondered how and why the clones turned on the Republic/Jedi and started working for the Empire, that's explained thoroughly in season six. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. But more recent canon backpedals on the clone explanation, and reveals that Stormtroopers are far more diverse than previously believed. If the Empire wanted to see all possible outcomes, studying the brain of a creature with a Force-dedicated secondary brain might yield all kinds of information. At the beginning of the Empire, yes, all stormtroopers were clones. This could also explain why Clone Force 99, AKA the Bad Batch, were so different from standard Clone Troopers; without Jango Fett’s genome, the scientists may have resorted to splicing in other DNA to make the clones viable.) Content in video is expressed using PG-13 rated movies and Teen + rated comics, TV shows, video games, and books; and is not intended for children. Wouldn't they have a sample of his DNA stored someplace? In all fairness hatng that idea is probably the only thing I'll evr agree with her on. While still mysterious, the Disney Plus series The Mandalorian seemingly focuses on the titular successor to Boba's title of the greatest bounty hunter in the Galaxy, and is rife with opportunity to explain what exactly happened to the clones that once proved the powerful military force behind the Empire's political machinations. It also seems to be implied that these clones aren't exactly mentally stable, as it is revealed that Joruus C'baoth is an unstable clone of the original Jedi Master, and Luke's clone Luuke, is also unstable. User Info: Amakusa. The exposure of Star Wars fans to video games is considerably lower than it is to franchise-endorsed TV and movies, but even the game itself proved immensely controversial upon its debut. 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