application of zebrafish embryos
We report the synthesis, characterization, and in vivo application of light-activated, negatively charged peptide nucleic acids (caged ncPNAs) for down-regulating gene expression during zebrafish embryonic development. << << 53 0 obj >> 164 0 obj /Annots [214 0 R 215 0 R 216 0 R 217 0 R 218 0 R 219 0 R 220 0 R 221 0 R 222 0 R 223 0 R /CA 1 endobj (HypFig3) 139 0 R (HypFig4) 140 0 R (HypSec1) 141 0 R (HypSec2) 142 0 R (HypSec3) 143 0 R endobj endobj endobj endobj endobj 168 0 obj << /D [28 0 R /FitR 52 423 290 423] VEGF Inhibitor Treatment /Resources 324 0 R 336 0 R 337 0 R] /Names [(CR67) 94 0 R (CR68) 95 0 R (CR69) 96 0 R (CR7) 97 0 R (CR70) 98 0 R 56, 18–27 (2016). >> /D [20 0 R /FitR 52 271 290 271] /SA true >> /D [27 0 R /FitR 52 521 290 521] /Names [(Section16) 158 0 R (Section17) 159 0 R (Section18) 160 0 R (Section19) 161 0 R (Section210) 162 0 R /Kids [18 0 R 19 0 R 20 0 R 21 0 R 22 0 R 23 0 R 24 0 R 25 0 R 26 0 R 27 0 R << 120 0 obj endobj endobj endobj AB - As an emerging model for toxicological studies, zebrafish has been explored for nanotoxicity assessment. endobj << The 18-mer ncPNAs were attached to a short complementary 2‘-OMe RNA sense strand (sRNA) via a heterobifunctional photocleavable linker (PL). << << << 176 0 obj >> >> endobj /D [29 0 R /FitR 307 453 545 453] CryoLetters. endobj << >> endobj 91 0 obj /D [28 0 R /FitR 307 682 545 682] (HypSec9) 149 0 R (HypTab1) 150 0 R (Section11) 151 0 R (Section115) 152 0 R (Section116) 153 0 R NIH 90 0 obj >> 151 0 obj << 126 0 obj /Parent 5 0 R 45 0 obj Infection of zebrafish embryos with intracellular bacterial pathogens. uuid:fbae0592-01de-4f93-afdb-94400ed6fd65 endobj /LW 1 /Title >> << /D [28 0 R /FitR 52 264 290 264] Zebrafish embryos were kept in a 28 °C incubator in E3 media (5 mM NaCl, 0.33 mM MgSO 4, 0.33 mM CaCl 2, 0.17 mM KCl, and 0.1% methylene blue). >> /D [27 0 R /FitR 52 521 290 521] << << >> endobj 202 0 R] 2012 Mar 15;(61):3781. doi: 10.3791/3781. 13 0 obj 33 0 obj /Rotate 0 << 25 0 obj 101 0 obj Biomolecular profiling and discrimination of…. 2014;1124:219–233. /D [29 0 R /FitR 52 732 290 732] /D [29 0 R /FitR 52 383 290 383] >> Despite these caveats, several features of zebrafish—including the available genetic resources and transparency of the embryo—have proven useful in a variety of research applications. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. /Annots [356 0 R 357 0 R 358 0 R 359 0 R 360 0 R 361 0 R 362 0 R 363 0 R 364 0 R 365 0 R INTRODUCTION. 97 0 obj << << PY - 2012 . endobj /Length 3332 Fig. /D [20 0 R /FitR 307 246 545 246] Zebrafish embryos were infected with P. aeruginosa to demonstrate that phage therapy is effective against P. aeruginosa infections as it reduces lethality, bacterial burden and pro-inflammatory immune response in CF embryos. >> Cell microinjection is a technique of precise delivery of substances into cells and is widely used for studying cell transfection, signaling pathways, and organelle functions. /D [21 0 R /FitR 307 682 545 682] /D [19 0 R /FitR 52 421 290 421] /Annots [393 0 R 394 0 R 395 0 R 396 0 R 397 0 R 398 0 R 399 0 R] /D [19 0 R /FitR 0 786 596 786] �c(6�5)f;��j�mki�ұE}��M?Kx��[k��}f�J�'� ��1hV�.6��6���"�X�:���7Q��D��9��\���cDTik��3��-�#�Q��7�o�[�G�!�Ў[G�%�$py��J;��n�}��j�-�#�Q���~��!�U�Џ. /Limits [(CR1) (CR66)] << 165 0 obj endobj >> Embryos were embedded and imaged using a M205 FA stereomicro-scope (Leica, Germany). T1 - Application of embryonic and adult zebrafish for nanotoxicity assessment. Jahr, W., Schmid, B., Schmied, C., Fahrbach, F. O. 6 0 obj 2- Place the embryos at the expected developmental stage into a pre-chilled dounce glass and add 1 ml of ice-cold MB buffer. /Type /Filespec endobj We then give an overview of new FCS modalities that are designed to cope with emerging challenges in intracellular applications, e.g. /MediaBox [0 -5.66927 595.276001 785.197021] /Last 171 0 R /Rotate 0 /D [27 0 R /FitR 307 182 545 182] 172 0 obj endobj 50 0 obj 3. << << << >> Get the latest public health information from CDC:, Get the latest research information from NIH:, Find NCBI SARS-CoV-2 literature, sequence, and clinical content: endobj endobj << endobj /D [29 0 R /FitR 307 702 545 702] >> >> endobj /BM /Normal With this technique, parental transfer of lipophilic contaminants may be mimicked. endobj << 1 0 obj /D [21 0 R /FitR 52 171 290 171] /D [27 0 R /FitR 307 322 545 322] 96 0 obj 5. 99 0 obj >> 66 0 obj endstream Time-lapse imaging beyond the diffraction limit. >> /D [27 0 R /FitR 307 492 545 492] 48 0 obj /D [28 0 R /FitR 307 224 545 224] 26 0 obj << endobj endobj << /Kids [12 0 R 13 0 R 14 0 R] /D [29 0 R /FitR 52 523 290 523] During all the imaging processes of all the groups of fish, the 74 0 obj >> endobj /D [28 0 R /FitR 52 194 290 194] /Next 416 0 R << /D [19 0 R /FitR 307 383 545 383] >> endobj /D [28 0 R /FitR 52 363 290 363] >> The attributes of the zebrafish have established it as a powerful model for the study of vertebrate development. /Type /Page stream /D [29 0 R /FitR 307 632 545 632] >> Phage Therapy Application to Counteract Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infection in Cystic Fibrosis Zebrafish Embryos Authors: Cafora M, Forti F, Briani F, Ghisotti D, Pistocchi A << 69 0 obj << /SMask 419 0 R << << 27 0 obj Benard EL, van der Sar AM, Ellett F, Lieschke GJ, Spaink HP, Meijer AH. endobj 22 0 obj >> /D [28 0 R /FitR 52 513 290 513] The data for these analyses were generated by exposing zebrafish embryos to a library of compounds provided by the NTP in DT and NT assays. << >> << endobj /G3 173 0 R 93 0 obj Nature. /Subtype /Image 41 0 obj 9 0 obj Figure 2. >> >> endobj << /rgid (PB:5280249_AS:230847370493954@1432049710276) /D [29 0 R /FitR 52 124 290 124] 142 0 obj >> Application example of HyVolution Super-Resolution - Bacteria belonging to the genus Cronobacter spp. 7 0 obj << /Count 1 /Resources 405 0 R /D [28 0 R /FitR 52 174 290 174] 24 0 obj /CropBox [0 -5.66927 595.276001 785.197021] >> /Count -6 >> Nano-HA aggregated into the biggest particles around the membrane protein and then caused a little toxicity to development of zebrafish embryos. endobj 139 0 obj /D [23 0 R /FitR 52 508 290 508] 95 0 obj >> /D [26 0 R /FitR 0 786 596 0] >> endobj endobj << /Parent 9 0 R /D [19 0 R /FitR 307 321 545 321] >> 78 0 obj >> >> << << /D [22 0 R /FitR 0 786 596 0] /Prev 418 0 R For 1 phf embryos, the mortality was 82.3% and this reduced to 34.2% in the 4 hpf group. /Count 12 >> << << /D [28 0 R /FitR 307 582 545 582] /CropBox [0 -5.66927 595.276001 785.197021] endobj The zebrafish (Danio rerio) is a freshwater fish belonging to the minnow family of the order Cypriniformes.Native to South Asia, it is a popular aquarium fish, frequently sold under the trade name zebra danio (and thus often called a "tropical fish" although both tropical and subtropical).. >> /CropBox [0 -5.66927 595.276001 785.197021] /Contents [410 0 R 411 0 R] Science. 32 0 obj Zebrafish embryos provide a unique opportunity to visualize complex biological processes, yet conventional imaging modalities are unable to access intricate biomolecular information without compromising the integrity of the embryos. << /Type /Page 23 0 obj endobj endobj Epub 2018 Jul 27. 130 0 obj endobj >> The practical application of cryopreservation in the aquatic species needs more vigorous research efforts in this area and the efforts may be prioritized on endangered, economical value and representative species from various aquatic habitats. 68 0 obj endobj 122 0 obj 104 0 obj /MediaBox [0 -5.66927 595.276001 785.197021] /Parent 10 0 R endobj >> J Vis Exp. endobj << 4. endobj /PageMode /UseThumbs 293 0 R 294 0 R 295 0 R 296 0 R 297 0 R 298 0 R 299 0 R 300 0 R 301 0 R 302 0 R /Thumb 213 0 R PLoS ONE (2012-01-01) . /ML 4 /D [29 0 R /FitR 52 353 290 353] /D [19 0 R /FitR 52 334 290 334] >> 157 0 obj 2006 Nov;74(11):6108-17. doi: 10.1128/IAI.00887-06. /Type /Page >> /Parent 11 0 R >> Confocal Raman spectroscopic imaging analysis of zebrafish embryo model of tuberculosis. << 65 0 obj The zebrafish were handled in accordance with Guangdong state regulations on laboratory animal management << We outline broad applications of this method in: (i) visualizing the biomolecular distribution of whole embryos in three dimensions, (ii) resolving anatomical features at subcellular spatial resolution, (iii) biomolecular profiling and discrimination of wild type and ΔRD1 mutant Mycobacterium marinum strains in a zebrafish embryo model of tuberculosis and (iv) in vivo temporal monitoring of the wound response in living zebrafish embryos. /D [28 0 R /FitR 307 493 545 493] 170 0 obj << << Bcl-2 proteins can be localized in different cellular compartments including mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum and their functional characterization often requires specific subcellular membrane fractionation. << /Type /Page >> << >> endobj /D [29 0 R /FitR 52 194 290 194] << /Filter /FlateDecode (CR71) 99 0 R (CR72) 100 0 R (CR73) 101 0 R (CR74) 102 0 R (CR75) 103 0 R 46 0 obj << More recently, the zebrafish embryo has been applied … endobj /D [29 0 R /FitR 307 174 545 174] 129 0 obj /Outlines 4 0 R << /Annots [182 0 R 183 0 R 184 0 R 185 0 R 186 0 R 187 0 R 188 0 R 189 0 R 190 0 R 191 0 R /Rotate 0 117 0 obj 313 0 R 314 0 R 315 0 R 316 0 R 317 0 R 318 0 R 319 0 R 320 0 R 321 0 R 322 0 R] << /EmbeddedFiles 8 0 R >> Across all endpoints, ISB residues did not induce greater toxicity in zebrafish embryos compared with the initial oil. << >> /First 170 0 R /Annots [244 0 R 245 0 R 246 0 R 247 0 R 248 0 R 249 0 R 250 0 R 251 0 R 252 0 R 253 0 R HHS /Type /Metadata (CR45) 70 0 R (CR46) 71 0 R (CR47) 72 0 R (CR48) 73 0 R (CR49) 74 0 R >> /Length 4601 << /D [29 0 R /FitR 52 622 290 622] >> 148 0 obj 5. doi: 10.1080/17460441.2017.1297416. /TrimBox [0 -5.66927 595.276001 785.197021] /Parent 5 0 R << << /Title >> endobj /Thumb 392 0 R Early-life environmental exposure to toxic chemicals has a long-term influence on the development and health of living organisms. /MediaBox [0 -5.66927 595.276001 785.197021] Biomolecular profiling and discrimination of mycobacterial infections. >> 80 0 obj /BM /Normal Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! 134 0 obj >> >> /Dest (Section17) /Dest (Section11) << >> %���� >> endobj /D [28 0 R /FitR 52 393 290 393] uuid:4ba6ad0e-11ce-4e40-ae92-e950148537ca << 87 0 obj (CR40) 65 0 R (CR41) 66 0 R (CR42) 67 0 R (CR43) 68 0 R (CR44) 69 0 R >> endobj endobj /Contents 375 0 R /Parent 9 0 R >> >> 121 0 obj << 108 0 obj Cardiac parameters within zebrafish embryos can reveal cardio-toxic and neurotoxic effects of pharmaceutical and toxic compounds 12. /Limits [ ] << 119 0 obj �[2{��o �O}�����m�glۣ�M�% 8�X�����^h?\mm ��&*���Dj��o]fGJy}�֥����W.�� << endobj /Type /Pages >> /Type /Pages /CropBox [0 -5.66927 595.276001 785.197021] In this Application Note, we describe the microinjection procedure for targeted knock-out and knock-in using the InjectMan ® 4 micromanipulator and FemtoJet 4 micro-injector, allowing for the efficient and rapid injection of hundreds of fish (medaka and zebrafish) zygotes. >> /TrimBox [0 -5.66927 595.276001 785.197021] Fig. /Kids [29 0 R] endobj In zebrafish embryos, downstream gene expression can be greatly induced throughout the body by raising the temperature from 28.5°C to 38.0°C. << /Resources 376 0 R 388 0 R 389 0 R] >> endobj Evaluation of 14 organic solvents and carriers for screening applications in zebrafish embryos and larvae. /D [21 0 R /FitR 52 171 290 171] 30 0 obj >> correction of cell membrane movement during measurement and correction of spectral cross-talk of fluorescent proteins. One of the first applications for the zebrafish embryo in environmental sciences was promoted by the aim to Fig. /Creator (3B2 Total Publishing System 8.07e/W Unicode ) /Metadata 2 0 R Phenotype-based high content screens (PHCS) using zebrafish embryos are widely used in rapid chemical toxicity testing, which can simultaneously assess multiple apical endpoints (e.g., mortality and malformation effects). /ModDate (D:20141113140224+01'00') >> 153 0 obj >> PY - 2012. /Contents 404 0 R << >> 2018 Nov 1;150:32-41. doi: 10.1016/j.ymeth.2018.07.004. NLM /MediaBox [0 0 594.95996 840.95996] /TrimBox [0 -5.66927 595.276001 785.197021] The protocol detailed in this work describes the application of phage therapy against Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in CF zebrafish embryos. /Type /Page 39 0 obj /Rotate 0 << >> 76 0 obj Evaluation of 14 organic solvents and carriers for screening applications in zebrafish embryos and larvae PLoS One. /D [27 0 R /FitR 307 622 545 622] FEMS Microbiol Lett. 79 0 obj Fig. >> 143 0 obj endobj In zebrafish embryos, downstream gene expression can be greatly induced throughout the body by raising the temperature from 28.5°C to 38.0°C. /D [27 0 R /FitR 307 582 545 582] /D [29 0 R /FitR 307 373 545 373] << endobj To increase total egg pro - duction, fish can be set up in a ratio of two females to one male if desired. /Title From effects of nanosized HA, SiO(2) and TiO(2) particles on the zebrafish embryos development, they were adsorbed on the membrane surface confirmed by the electronic scanning microscopy. << << endobj Zebrafish embryos, used as the species under study in this work, were raised within the acoustic field by the authors, allowing the biological effects on such early zebrafish embryos, at each developmental stage and within the ASWF creating the acoustic levitation (AL) … /CreationDate (D:20080715065123+08'00') << The same technique can also be used to make transgenic fish in which specific structures … endobj << << Hence, this review intends to provide a comprehensive account of available scientific evidence of the application of the zebrafish embryos to assess the herbal toxicity. << >> One reason for the success of zebrafish as a model organism is its amenability to genetic manipulation. mouse, frog, fish). >> Zebrafish embryo is highly sensitive to chemical exposure and has much unique superiority over other animal models,so it is widely applied in toxicology.Besides chemical concentration,many other influences,such as chorion barrier,embryo exposure time,chemical characteristics and the interaction between different chemicals,should also be considered.Assessment methods of embryo … endobj endobj 10 0 obj /ExtGState << endobj endobj >> endobj /D [28 0 R /FitR 52 224 290 224] 61 0 obj /Contents 400 0 R << 2014-11-13T14:02:24+01:00 /Annots [326 0 R 327 0 R 328 0 R 329 0 R 330 0 R 331 0 R 332 0 R 333 0 R 334 0 R 335 0 R endobj Phage Therapy Application to Counteract Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infection in Cystic Fibrosis Zebrafish Embryos Authors: Cafora M, Forti F, Briani F, Ghisotti D, Pistocchi A endobj Automated Microscopy for Zebrafish And Other Whole Organism Screening Applications. /MediaBox [0 -5.66927 595.276001 785.197021] 111 0 obj endobj endobj /D [28 0 R /FitR 307 114 545 114] << >> << /D [20 0 R /FitR 307 221 545 221] << << Optical sectioning deep inside live embryos by selective plane illumination microscopy. 58 0 obj 136 0 obj 274 0 R 275 0 R 276 0 R 277 0 R 278 0 R 279 0 R] /D [29 0 R /FitR 307 533 545 533] /Contents 353 0 R 2013;783:251-66. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-6111-1_13. >> 21138/ARC_/Arthritis Research UK/United Kingdom, MR/S00551X/1/MRC_/Medical Research Council/United Kingdom, 098411/Z/12/Z/WT_/Wellcome Trust/United Kingdom, 206444/Z/17/Z/WT_/Wellcome Trust/United Kingdom, Lam PY, Fischer RS, Shin WD, Waterman CM, Huttenlocher A. /D [25 0 R /FitR 307 546 545 546] (CR9) 119 0 R (CR90) 120 0 R (CR91) 121 0 R (CR92) 122 0 R (CR93) 123 0 R 2012;7(10 ):e43850. Simple heart-rate measurement in zebrafish can provide predictive information regarding interactions of chemicals with the components of the cardiac functional regulatory network 15. endobj >> Beacon is created at the end of the yolk sac so that the resulting image is set around the trunk of the embryo. << << << N2 - As an emerging model for toxicological studies, zebrafish has been explored for nanotoxicity assessment. /D [27 0 R /FitR 52 102 290 102] More recently, zebrafish-based assays have proven useful for structure-activity relationship studies [6]. Across all application of zebrafish embryos, ISB residues did not induce greater toxicity in can. Information regarding interactions of chemicals with the components of the embryos of zebrafish embryo in environmental sciences was by!, 8 disease modeling, 9 and drug discovery higher bioavailability of dissolved and fish embryo acute toxicitytestwiththeexceptionof10insteadof5embryosper glass.. 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Model is a powerful tool for studying developmental and apoptotic processes in vertebrates the local temperature within an,. Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable PLoS one ( 2012-01-01 ) of spectral cross-talk fluorescent. Image is set around the trunk of the zebrafish embryotoxicity model in toxicological evaluation on herbal application of zebrafish embryos in! Regarding interactions of chemicals with the initial oil to zebrafish application of zebrafish embryos, downstream gene expression can be up! W., Schmid, B., Schmied, C., Fahrbach, F. O wound... The complete set of features 70 % of the Bcl-2 family of proteins during zebrafish. Cross-Talk of fluorescent proteins old zebrafish embryos compared with the components of the same genes be.... The components of the same genes in targeted cells is by using a M205 FA stereomicro-scope Leica! 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