cal vs darth vader
[1], As he progressed through his journey, Kestis became significantly more competent in the use of his lightsaber and displayed impressive skill in the use of a single-, double- and Jar'Kai dual-blade combat. Saw and his Partisans were in the middle of a campaign to liberate a nearby wroshyr sap refinery. Before he was able to return to the Mantis, Kestis was captured by a Haxion Brood bounty hunter. Cal is the main character in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and encounters Darth Vader at the very end of the game. Cal had just defeated Second Sister, Trilla Suduri, in combat inside Fortress Inquisitorious on Nur, but then Vader stepped out of the shadows. Tier. After warding the beast off one time, Gorgara soon returned to continue the fight. She raised the horde of undead to destroy him and Kestis, who narrowly escaped. With the Empire hot on his trail, Cal is eventually rescued by a former Jedi named Cere Junda, who is furious that her padawan, Trilla Suduri, has been lured over to the dark side and become an Inquisitor. PlayStation 5 Review: Very Big and A Little Bold, Jedi: Fallen Order's Ending & Sequel Setup Explained, Jedi: Fallen Order's Hidden Palpatine Cameo Revealed, All Solo: A Star Wars Story Easter Eggs In Jedi: Fallen Order, Every Star Wars Character Cameo & Reference In Jedi Fallen Order, Animal Crossing's Nookazon Sorry For Censoring BLM Protest Discussion, Cyberpunk 2077 Patch Accidentally Introduces New Game-Breaking Glitch, A Quiet Place Part II Release Date Delayed To September 2021, GTA 6 Rival Everywhere May Come To PS5, Xbox Series X Sooner Than Expected. Kestis was also a skilled mechanic and was able to repair and modify BD-1 as well as make repairs to his master's damaged lightsaber. Seeing how easily this could fail, Kestis used the Force to destroy the already damaged glass holding the water out, which forced Vader to avoid that instead of defeating Kestis and Junda, who barely escaped in the chaos. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. As Vader struck with his lightsaber, Junda was able to put up a bubble to block his attack. 0. Human[1] Now able to escape the cave, he made his way towards the vault. Unfortunately, the weapon was destroyed shortly after by Kestis, who accidentally crushed it during a visit to Dathomir. Marvel's New Daredevil Is Facing The King in Black, What Time Fortnite’s One-Time-Only Doomsday Event Happens [UPDATED], The Best Activities To Do With Friends in GTA Online, Star Wars: New Canon Keeps Making Yoda Even More of a Failure, Among Us' Newest Cheats & Hacks (& How To Catch & Report Them), Future State's Wonder Woman Has A Unique Mission, Suicide Squad 2's R Rating Will Work Thanks To The MCU. [5] He is portrayed by Cameron Monaghan. [1], When Kestis opened the door to his escape, Vader was already there waiting for him. However, the Star Wars villain's chest plate buttons controlled many of the suit's life-support functions and were a means of control for Emperor Palpatine.. "Surrender the Holocron," Vader repeated as Cal … [1], Kestis worked for the Scrapper Guild alongside Prauf. Remove this message when finished. Cal Kestis was a human male, serving the Jedi Order as a Padawan before Order 66 was issued. SHDb; uStats; Intelligence. Cal and his allies could potentially find the Force-sensitive children in a different way, despite the Holocron being destroyed, offering them another chance to rebuild the Jedi Order (and to prevent Cal’s vision from coming true). However, he was easily outmatched by Darth Vader's force abilities, as he was neither able to affect Vader nor resist the Sith Lord's telekinetic attacks, though he was resillient enough to pull down a piece of machinery down on Vader while force-choked by him, only for his attack to be easily repelled and Kestis himself flung aside. He usually reacted with anger or dismissed his past when it was brought up. Cal begins trying to run away from Vader, but just as it seems that Vader has Cal trapped Cere makes a dramatic recovery and comes to his rescue. 0 wins (0%) Cal Kestis Cal Kestis: power stats. They attempted to locate Eno Cordova's Jedi holocron, which contained information that was vital to creating a new generation of Jedi. When he visited Kashyyyk the second time, Kestis found an injured Shyyyo bird and treated his wound. Seeking to escape, Kestis was able to avoid most of the clones by sneaking through the maintenance passages while Tapal sabotaged their ship's reactor, ensuring the Venator-class Star Destroyer's imminent destruction. Cere is knocked out by Vader almost immediately, leaving only Cal to face the Sith Lord. It turns out this Holocron was contained within a vault which only a Jedi could open by using the Force. Darth Vader's suit was a double-edged sword.While it was extremely durable and increased his physical strength, it was also bulky, painful to wear and inflexible. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Doing so holds the key to potentially restoring the Jedi Order and bring peace to the galaxy. [1], After the destruction of his master's weapon, Kestis constructed a new lightsaber on Ilum. His skills allowed him to hold his own against Imperial Inquisitors and defeat their Purge Troopers. Cal Kestis was a Force-sensitive human male who became a Jedi Knight during the reign of the Galactic Empire. She taps into the Dark Side once again in order to distract Vader. On their way out of the tomb, Kestis and BD-1 found another encrypted log from Cordova, explaining how the key to the Bogano Vault was a device called the Astrium, which he would of course have to find. Vader quickly overpowered them, but Junda tapped into the dark side to slow him down. Inside the tomb, Kestis found another holo-recording left by Cordova telling them to travel to Kashyyyk to find the Wookiee Chieftain Tarfful. Once the improvements have been completed, you may remove this notice and the page's listing. After healing it, they were granted safe passage to the top of the Origin Tree, where they discovered that Cordova had found a Zeffo Astrium there years beforehand and that the tomb on Dathomir may hold another. [1], During his apprenticeship under Jaro Tapal, Cal Kestis owned and wielded a single-bladed blue lightsaber with a metallic cylindrical hilt and leathery grip. The Galaxy-Wide Premiere of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Live Panel, Answering Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order's Lingering Questions, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order™ Free Content Update,, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function. When the Shyyyo bird helped Kestis to fly to his destination, Kestis was happy to see that there were many natural beauties in Kashyyyk that the Empire had not yet destroyed. Despite losing his original lightsaber in the process, Kestis made it to the escape pods with his master, but both were attacked by clone troopers as they attempted to evacuate the Star Destroyer. Masters After Order 66, she was isolated, being tortured until she cracked. An alliance was formed between Kestis and Saw Gerrera as a result of their conflict with the Galactic Empire. Who will win in a fight between Cal Kestis and Darth Vader (JFO)? And dead men. " [1], Junda leaped for Vader head-on with the Second Sister's lightsaber. Kestis arrived at the chamber, but suffered an attack from the Second Sister. As Kestis escaped into Miktrull's Tomb, he tried to call Junda but was interrupted by the Second Sister slicing his comm. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Tarfful told Kestis to climb the Origin Tree and Mari gave Kestis a breather to help him get there, and the two groups parted ways. During his time fighting together with the 13th Battalion in the Clone Wars, Kestis and the clones that were part of the battalion had a very friendly relationship and the betrayal of the clones due to Order 66 left him visibly shaken emotionally. Vader saw through the attack and easily knocked him to the ground, then did the same with Trilla. Cameron Monaghan Takes The Stage At SWCC 2019 | The Star Wars Show Live! Malicos tried one last time to turn Kestis, but attacked when he refused. Just as they were leaving, the Ninth Sister attacked. @w4nkdestroyer: Isnt Prime Vader the one that decimated Cal kestis Prime Vader is Rebels according to Pablo Hidalgo, so yeah around that time as well. This lightsaber was constructed using parts from Tapal's damaged saber and the lightsaber of Cere Junda. [1], On the way to Kashyyyk, Dritus approached Kestis telling him to go easy on Junda. However, Kestis could sense the danger Vader posed and, though he agreed with the Sith Lord's remark, he did not back down. With his lightsaber out of reach, Cal used the Force in a bid to call it back to his hand, only for Vader to pull in the opposite direction. He took it to live alone inside the Force until his true path as a Jedi became clear. Kestis was extremely selfless, often putting the needs of others above his own. [1], During the Clone Wars that spanned the galaxy, Kestis, like many other Padawans, served in the Grand Army of the Republic as Jedi Commander while training as Padawan under the command of Jedi General Jaro Tapal. Over the course of their journey, Kestis befriended the droid BD-1, the former Jedi Cere Junda, the Mantis' captain Greez Dritus, and the Nightsister Merrin. After escaping and finding BD-1, Kestis discovered he had been captured by the infamous Sorc Tormo and forced to fight in a brutal coliseum. After the fall of the Jedi, Kestis went to serve the Scrapper Guild as a rigger, a physically demanding and dangerous job. First introduced in Star Wars Rebels and playing pivotal roles in Jedi: Fallen Order and the Star Wars: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith comic series, the Inquisitors were a mysterious and deadly group of dark side users. Similarly, it has also been noted that EA recently put up three new job listings which confirmed they’re working on a new Star Wars game, describing it as a “third-person action/ adventure game,” which fits the description of Jedi: Fallen Order. Or, they could go a completely different route and transform the characters into mercenaries. [1], After fighting through Merrin's brethren, Kestis and BD-1 finally made it into the tomb, where Kestis experienced a flashback in which he remembered Jaro's sacrifice to protect Kestis from the clone troopers during the Purge. With BD-1's aid, Kestis continued his journey to rebuild the Jedi Order. With the help of Nightsister Merrin, Cal and Cere are able to infiltrate the Imperial base on Nur, culminating in a final show-down between Cal and Trilla. Malicos asked Kestis to join his quest for power but was cut off by Merrin. He wielded two crossguard lightsabers. Kestis learned the Brood found him because Dritus lied about paying off his debts. Kestis managed to escape and landed on a passing train, but, having been discovered, he had to flee for his life once again. When he faced the Second Sister on two more occasions, one in Bogano and one in Nur, Kestis not only stalemated the Second Sister in their first fight before tricking her by suddenly deactivating his lightsaber to overpower her, but in their final duel, he finally defeated her, incapacitating her by injuring her right shoulder, showing how his skill with a lightsaber progressed. Perhaps even more telling is the fact that Electronic Arts directly said that Jedi: Fallen Order is the beginning of a series of games. After he killed Suduri, Vader hunts down Cal … As Greez did not know what a holocron was, Junda showed one that she owned and told Kestis to use the Force to open it. After this experience, Junda advised Kestis to build his own lightsaber.[1]. Light[1] However, just as he received this news, Junda discovered an Imperial transmission revealing the Empire was close to unearthing another tomb on Zeffo. She revealed herself to be Trilla Suduri, Junda's former Padawan. Vader, sensing the anger in her, tried to convince her to give in to the dark side while continuing towards the pair. But that’s when Jedi: Fallen Order's biggest plot twist occurs, as Darth Vader suddenly appears. Inside a dark cave, BD-1 found climbing claws on a Nightbrother corpse. The job listings were for a Senior Character Artist, Level Designer, and Senior Software Engineer. During the comic storyline Vader Down, set between Episodes IV & V, Vader is lured to the planet Vrogas… In the five years following the rise of the Galactic Empire, Kestis went into hiding to escape the purge that killed most of his fellow Jedi. After landing on Kashyyyk, the crew of the Mantis found themselves embroiled in a conflict between the Empire and an early group of rebels. In an escape pod, Tapal gave Kestis his damaged lightsaber, and he kept it with him until the crystal broke on Dathomir five years later. Kirak Infil'a had the rank of Master in the Jedi Order. Cal Kestis vs Darth Vader (JFO) Created by Prion. Though they retrieved the holocron while surviving an encounter with the Sith Lord Darth Vader, Kestis chose to destroy the holocron in order to protect the galaxy's Force-sensitive children from the Sith. During this moment, Trilla manages to steal the Holocron for herself and quickly returns to Nur. [1] He would eventually be taken as a Padawan by Jedi Master Jaro Tapal. Respawn Entertainment’s Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is a smash hit largely in part due to the game’s dramatic and unexpected ending. To d… [6] In May of 2020, Fallen Order received an update allowing the player to play using Kestis' Inquisitor outfit for the duration of the game, though Kestis donning the outfit is non-canon.[7]. Kestis, reminding Junda that she still had a choice, was able to prevent Junda from fully turning. Kestis and Junda activated their lightsabers in response to the danger Vader posed. [1] Onboard their Venator-class Star Destroyer Albedo Brave, clone troopers of the 13th Battalion[3] that served faithfully under the Jedi's command suddenly turned against their leaders, determined to kill them both.[1]. Although his connection to the Force was affected, Kestis knew several ways to use it, which came back as his connection was restored. Skin color He and Mari Kosan, a member of Saw's guerrilla fighters, agreed to find Tarfful for Kestis. At some point after the Galactic Republic was reorganized into the Galactic Empire, he was inducted into an Imperial agency of Force-sensitive assassins called the Inquisitorius, w… The kyber crystal that powered the weapon was retrieved by Cal from the crystal caves on Ilum when he participated in The Gathering as a youngling. Species When Kestis recovered the Second Sister's holocron at Nur, he decided to destroy it to keep Force-sensitive children on the list safe from the Empire, showing concern for those he never met.[1]. [1], Kestis woke up on board Mantis with Greez at his side and went to see the other members of his team. Vader was once the esteemed Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, whose unparalleled midichlorian count labeled him as the Chosen One destined to bring balance to the Force. During his escape from Order 66, Kestis lost this weapon when it fell down an elevator shaft after a pair of Clone troopers shot the lightsaber out of Cal's hand. The weapon was double-bladed like Jaro Tapal's, and could also be split into two separate sabers for duel-wielding. [2] He usually refused to speak of his past, as he was quite haunted by it. Combat. On Ilum, Kestis remembered when he was on the planet with Yoda when he was younger to find the kyber crystal to build his first lightsaber. Junda said that she had an experience that changed her perspective, but she believed that the return of the Jedi Order was the best option to defeat the Empire and asked what Kestis believed. While they did eventually overcome that, they were forced to wander through the dangerous Dathomirian swamps. Ahsoka Tano, was the Padawan of famed Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker during the Clone Wars. Kestis also struggled with the revelation that Junda had given up Suduri under torture. The directive, code-named "Project Auger," was terminated after Zeffo's magnetic winds and hostile fauna proved too difficult for the Empire to deal with. Kestis was then attacked by Jaro's spirit, resulting in his lightsaber being destroyed. On Zeffo, Kestis learned that the Empire occupied the planet to mine for ancient artifacts. After fighting their way through the recaptured refinery, Kestis and BD-1 regrouped with Mari and Choyyssyk to meet Tarfful. Invincible and able to block any and all attacks thrown at him, the player must alternate between running away and following the quick-time events to avoid a game over. Who will win in a fight between Cal Kestis & Kylo Ren and Rey & Darth Vader? Kestis tried to Force-pull his saber back to him, but Vader caught it in midair, activated it, and used it to stab Kestis in his rib. A talented young Togruta who was originally under the care of Jedi Master Plo Koon, she was later instructed by Jedi Grand Master Yoda to seek Skywalker's tutelage. Red[1] While his blades were locked, Kestis told Trilla that he saw the suffering she went through and that it was not too late to forget, but Trilla said that she was stronger because of the pain and that she knew that Kestis would return the holocron before saying that he wouldn't leave there alive. Apparition to vanish towards the vault and opened the door to his escape Vader! 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