ecclesiastes 7 studylight

ecclesiastes 7 studylight

9Power, p. 95. In fact, it is our version (American Standard Version) and the whole crop of current translations (which are not translations at all, but are the words of the translators) - it is these current renditions that are meaningless. Ling. Rather, take it to heart. Barthii ad Claudian. Ecclesiastes Chapter 2 Explained - Pagninus, Montanus; "quare desolationem tibi accerseres?" Be ready for death. The Targum is. ESV Study Bible, Hardcover. What does it say? ; consider from whence affliction comes; not out of the dust, nor by chance, but from God, and by his wise appointment; and for what it comes, that sin is the cause of it, and what that is; and also for what ends it is sent, to bring to a sense of sin, and confession of it, and humiliation for it; to take it away, and make good men more partakers of holiness: or, "look for the day of adversity"F20ראה "praecave", V. L. "praevide, aut provide ac prospice", Drusius; so Gussetius, p. 766. ; even in the day of prosperity it should be expected; for there is no firmness and stability in any state; there are continual vicissitudes and changes. Ecclesiastes 1:7. It is even more terrible to be the oppressor yourself. But the wise man makes a wise confession: “I said I will be wise; but it was far from me.” He owns his ignorance. "[2] Some renditions have attempted to duplicate the alliteration found in the Hebrew: "Better is name than nard;"[3] and, "Fair fame is better than fine perfume. 1. v. 14-21. makes mention of the nets of harlots: the same holds true of error and heresy, and of idolatry, which is spiritual adultery; the words used being in the plural number, shows the many ways the adulterous woman has to ensnare men, and the multitudes that are taken by her; see Revelation 13:3; whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her: or, "who is good before God", or "in his sight"F13טוב לפני האלהים "bonus coram Deo", Pagninus, Mercerus, Drusius, Amama, Rambachius; "qui bonus videtur coram Deo ipso", Junius & Tremellius. One's birth is the beginning of sorrows - … Ecclesiastes 7:13 in all English translations. Ecclesiastes 7. So the Targum interprets it of words concerning death, or discourses of mortality he there hears, which he takes notice of and lays to his heart, and lays up in it. What follows is the result. and observes that there are none but sin in thought, word, or deed. When his body is not; when it does not suit him to go thither in person, his mind is there, and his thoughts are employed on the useful subjects of the frailty and mortality of human nature, of death, a future judgment, and a world to come; which shows him to be a wise man, and concerned for the best things, even for his eternal happiness in another state; but the heart of fools is in the house of mirth; where jovial company is, merry songs are sung, and the cup or glass passes briskly round, and all is gay and brilliant: here the fool desires to be oftener than he is, and when he cannot; which shows the folly of his mind, what a vain taste he has, and how thoughtless he is of a future state, and of his eternal welfare. Some understand this of the name of God, which is God himself, who is the "summum bonum", and chief happiness of men, and take it to be an answer to the question Ecclesiastes 6:12; this and this only is what is a man's good, and is preferable to all outward enjoyments whatever; interest in him as a covenant God; knowledge of him in Christ, which has eternal life annexed to it; communion with him; the discoveries of his lovingkindness, which is better than little; and the enjoyment of him to all eternity. Against such extremes as before mentioned; it is a guard about him, as well as a guide unto him; it is a defence unto him, as before observed, Ecclesiastes 7:12; and is better than strength of body, or weapons of war, Ecclesiastes 9:16; and a wise man does greater things by it than a strong man with them, and is safer with it than he can be by them. Scripture: Hebrews 10:24-25, 1 Corinthians 13:7-8, Ecclesiastes 4:9-12. Also an evil man like Manasseh enjoyed one of the longest reigns in Israel's history. "[35] In this verse, however, he is speaking particularly of the wicked woman described repeatedly in the first seven chapters of Proverbs. 7:15-18 do so because they believe that the author is speaking as a mere "man under the sun." For the vast majority of mankind, when the medical expenses of the terminal illness and the funeral expenses are all paid, nothing is left. Modern man is still busily engaged in a frenzied attempt to out-sin his progenitors. ", "Who can make that straight which he (God) hath made crooked", "Man shall not find out anything that shall be after him", "There is a righteous man that perisheth in his righteousness", "Be not righteous overmuch ... be not overmuch wicked", "He that feareth God shall come forth from them all", "Wisdom is a strength ... more than ten rulers", "There is not a righteous man ... that sinneth not", "Take not heed unto all the words that are spoken", "My heart was set to search out ... and to know (find out) that wickedness is folly, etc. "He found out here that wisdom (derived from earthly experience) cannot answer the ultimate questions. Ecclesiastes 7:2 It is better to go to the house of mourning, than to go to the house of feasting: for that is the end of all men; and the living will lay it to his heart. Everything to come is meaningless. "[15] In fact Solomon gave two proverbs in which this is not true, namely, in Proverbs 5:4 and in Proverbs 23:32. 2. ", "And I find more bitter than death the woman whose heart is snares and nets and whose hands are bands: whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her. "The solemn and necessary thoughts that come to one at a funeral are far more uplifting and beneficial than those that result from attending any kind of a feast. Auson. The weakness of this passage was cited by Kidner. 2 Better to spend your time at funerals than at parties. "[33], "My heart was set to search out ... and to know (find out) that wickedness is folly, etc." This is dressed to those who thought the former days better than the present, and were ready to quarrel with the providence of God, Ecclesiastes 7:10; and are therefore advised to consider the work of God; not the work of creation, but of providence; which is the effect of divine sovereignty, and is conducted and directed according to the counsel of his will, and is always wisely done to answer the best ends and purposes: everything is beautiful in its season; contemplate, adore, and admire the wisdom, power, and goodness of God, displayed therein; it is such as cannot be made better, nor otherwise than it is; for who can make that straight which he hath made crooked? Hod. "What is the cause that the former days were better ...?" Again, the evil of bribes here reflects the teaching in one of Solomon's proverbs (Proverbs 15:27). Here again, there is a play on words in the Hebrew text, and this English rendition catches the spirit of it: "For like nettles crackling under kettles is the cackle of a fool. Here again we have a disputed verse. Here are denounced songs of fools (Ecclesiastes 7:5), the laughter of fools (Ecclesiastes 7:6) and the behavior of fools (Ecclesiastes 7:7). Riches are here today and gone tomorrow. Read our version here. "Sorrow is better than laughter" (Ecclesiastes 7:3). The senses are soon tired, yet still craving what is untried. Retail: $69.99. "This is always the plaint of an old man. On justice and wickedness (Ecclesiastes 7:15–24) 3. David Guzik :: Study Guide for Ecclesiastes 7 ← Back to David Guzik's Bio & Resources. "Extortion maketh the wise man foolish" (Ecclesiastes 7:7). Or, "is as good as an inheritance"F14עם נחלה "aeque ac haereditas", Gejerus, Schmidt. At least, this was one valid discovery that Solomon actually made. Behold, this have I found, saith the Preacher, laying one thing to another, to find out the account; which my soul still seeketh, but I have not found: one man among a thousand have I found; but a woman among all those have I not found. Wisdom - A good name is better than fine perfume, and the day of death better than the day of birth. Wisdom for Life. Like ראה and ירא, so שׁם and שׁמן stand to each other in the relation … This verse (Ecclesiastes 7:14b) simply means that God has mingled the good days and the bad days in such a manner that man's estate shall be exhausted by the time of his death; and the experience of millions of people corroborates this. "They sought out the inventions of the many", or "great things", or "of the mighty and great ones"F16חשבנות רבים "cogitationes magnatum", De Dieu; "ratiocina multarum, magnarumque rerum", so some in Rambachius; see Luke x. Prudence and the fear of God necessary in this world, Ecclesiastes 7:15-18. Particularly. Franz Delitzsch stated unequivocally that the literal translation here is, "That man may find nothing behind him," but added, "That is meaningless. I turned about, and my heart was set to know and to search out, and to seek wisdom and the reason of things, and to know that wickedness is folly, and that foolishness is madness. Rankin wrote that, "Experience does not support the view that God rewards the righteous and punishes the wicked. We believe the key is in the second clause (Ecclesiastes 7:7b). Perhaps they were intended to suggest that the harem was one of man's wicked contrivances. — Who can pursue them with more diligence, obtain them with more readiness, or embrace them with more greediness? "The suggestion that Ecclesiastes 7:17 is intended to advocate a middle course between sin and virtue is at variance with the tenor of the whole Book (the Bible). If it is to be understood of a mere man, I should think the sense was this; of all the men that have been ensnared and taken by an adulterous woman, but one of a thousand have I observed, and perhaps Solomon has respect to himself, that was ever recovered out of her hands; but a woman among all those have I not found; that is, among all the harlots and adulterous women I ever knew or heard of, I never knew nor heard of one that was ever reclaimed from her evil ways, and reformed or became a chaste and virtuous woman: he may have respect to the thousand women that were either his wives and concubines, and, among all these, he found not one that deserved the above character; for this is not to be understood of women in general, for Solomon must have known that there have been good women in all ages, and perhaps more than men; and that there were many in his days, though those with whom his more intimate acquaintance was were not such, which was his unhappiness; and his criminal conversation with them is what he lamented and repented of. Maxim. Light is sweet, and it is pleasant for the eyes to see the sun. Ecclesiastes Chapter 1 Questions. Jarchi's note is, "when evil comes upon the wicked, be among those that see, and not among those that are seen;'. Be not over much wicked,.... Not that a man should be wicked at all; but some, observing that wicked men prolong their days in wickedness, are encouraged to go into greater lengths in sin than they have yet done, and give up themselves to all iniquity; and run into excess of not, into the grossest and most scandalous enormities. Junius & Tremellius, Piscator, Gejerus. That God has set the days of prosperity and adversity side by side so that man cannot predict the future; but, of course, HE CAN PREDICT THE FUTURE. The first clause here probably refers to the hypocritical `righteousness' like that of the Pharisees who were so severely condemned by Jesus. , and is pleased with it. Or rather, by this one of a thousand, is meant the, Messiah, the Wisdom of God, he sought for, Ecclesiastes 7:25; and now says he found; to whom he looked for peace, pardon, and atonement, under a sense of his sins; who is the messenger, an interpreter, one among a thousand; yea, who is the chiefest among ten thousands, Job 33:23; who is superior to angels and men, in the dignity of his person; in the perfection, purity, and holiness of his nature; in the excellency of his names; in his offices and relations; and in his concern in the affairs of grace and salvation; and who is to be found by every truly wise and gracious soul that seeks him early and earnestly, in the word and ordinances, under the illumination and direction of the blessed Spirit. "It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hear the song of fools. Now Solomon, with all his diligent search and scrutiny, could not find out the infinity of sin, the boundless extent of it among mankind, the exceeding sinfulness of it, which he sought after, Ecclesiastes 7:25; yet this he "found" out, and this "only", the fountain of all sin, the origin of moral evil; namely, the corruption of human nature through the fall of Adam: this he found by reading the Scriptures, the three first chapters of Genesis; and by consulting human nature he found some remains of the image of God, and of the law that was in man's heart; whereby he perceived that man was once another man than he is now; and that this corruption is not owing to God, who is not the author of any thing sinful, he made man upright; but to himself, his own sin and folly: and this he found confirmed by sad experience; in himself and others, and by observing the history of all ages, from the times of the first man; and as this was notorious, it was worth knowing and observing, and therefore he calls upon others to take notice of it; lo, behold, consider it, as well as what follows; but they have sought out many inventions; that is, Adam and Eve, not content with their present knowledge and happiness, they sought out new ways and means of being wiser and happier than God made them, or it was his will they should be. WHY GOOD TIMES AND BAD TIMES ARE INTERMINGLED, "Consider the work of God: for who can make that straight which he hath made crooked? For who can eat, &c. — For the truth of this you may rely upon my experience: for who can more freely and fully enjoy the comforts of this life than I did? For as the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of the fool,.... As thorns are weak, useless, and unprofitable; yea, hurtful and pernicious, and only fit for burning; so are foolish and wicked men, 2 Samuel 23:6; and as the noise and sound of the one under a pot is very short, they make a blaze for a while, and is soon over; so though the laughter of a fool is loud and noisy, it makes no melody, no more than the noise of thorns; and is but for a moment, and will be soon changed for weeping and howling, which will last for ever; see Job 20:5; this also is vanity; the carnal mirth of wicked men. etc." But the day when you die will be better. "[8] "The warning here is for those who wanted only the parties and the good times, and who studiously avoided all sad and sorrowful occasions. If you have friends or colleagues who need similar resources, we encourage you to refer them to the FREE In Biblical times, funeral celebrations lasted several days; and the `house of mourning' here refers to such celebrations. This was the issue of his diligent studies and researches, and the observations he had made; this was what he found by sad and woeful experience, and which he chose to take particular notice of; that he might not only expose this vanity among others, and caution men against it, even the love of women, which at best is a bitter sweet, as the poetF11Musaeus, v. 166. ; See Gill on Ecclesiastes 2:26; to whom he gives his grace and is acceptable to him; such an one as Joseph was shall escape the snares and nets, the hands and bands, of such a woman; or if fallen into them, as Solomon fell, shall be delivered out of them, as it is observed by various interpreters: nothing but the grace of God, the true fear of God, the power of godliness and undefiled religion, can preserve a person from being ensnared and held by an impure woman; not a liberal nor religious education, not learning and good sense, nor any thing else; if a man is kept out of the hands of such creatures, he ought to esteem it a mercy, and ascribe it to the grace and goodness of God; but the sinner shall be taken by her; a hardened and impenitent sinner, that is destitute of the grace and fear of God; who is habitually a sinner, and gives up himself to commit iniquity; whose life is a continued series of sinning; who has no guard upon himself, but rushes into sin, as the horse into the battle; he becomes an easy prey to a harlot; he falls into her snares, and is caught and held by her; see Proverbs 22:14. However many years anyone may live, let them enjoy them all. Bacchides, Sc. If the thing is good, other ways the end of it is worse; as the end of wickedness and wicked men, whose beginning is sweet, but the end bitter; yea, are the ways of death, Proverbs 5:4; and so the end of carnal professors and apostates, who begin in the Spirit, and end in the flesh, Galatians 3:3; but the end of good things, and of good men, is better than the beginning; as the end of Job was, both with respect to things temporal and spiritual, Job 8:7; see Psalm 37:37; and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit; patience is a fruit of the Spirit of God; and is of great use in the Christian's life, and especially in bearing afflictions, and tends to make men more humble, meek, and quiet; and such are highly esteemed of God; on them he looks, with them he dwells, and to them he gives more grace; when such who are proud, and elated with themselves, their riches or righteousness, are abominable to him; see Luke 16:15. Cocceius; "qua teipsum stupidum facies?" Jarchi, by the woman, understands heresy; and so Jerom and others interpret it of heretics and idolaters: it may very well be applied to that Jezebel, the whore of Rome, the mother of harlots, that deceives men, and leads them into perdition with herself, Revelation 17:4; and who is intended by the harlot, and foolish and strange woman, in the book of Proverbs, as has been observed; whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as bands; all the schemes and contrivances of a harlot are to ensnare men by her wanton looks and lascivious gestures; which are like snares laid for the beasts, and likeness spread for fishes, to take them in; and when she has got them, she holds them fast; it is a very difficult thing and a very rare one, ever to get out of her hands; so PlautusF12Epidicus, Act. It is true in a number of ways, but not in others. The Targum is, "there is another thing which yet my soul seeketh, and I have not found; a man perfect and innocent, without corruption, from the days of Adam, till Abraham the righteous was born; who was found faithful and just among the thousand kings who were gathered together to build the tower of Babel; and a woman among all the wives of those kings, as Sarah, I found not. This is also exactly the same thing that Solomon said in 1 Kings 8:46. What is this? The wise man partakes of both. It is better to go to the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting: for that is the end of all men, and the living will lay it to heart. 5 n Guard your steps when you go to o the house of God. Ecclesiastes 7 is the seventh chapter of the Book of Ecclesiastes in the Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning; but the heart of fools is in the house of mirth.". 4. ; and SchultensF24De Defect. So the Targum here, "it is better to go to a mourning man to comfort him;', for at such times and places the conversation was serious and interesting, and turned upon the subjects of mortality and a future state, and preparation for it; from whence useful and instructive lessons are learned; and so it was much better to be there. When he was boy, now ever blaming youth .... From his own time and place, he loathes and scorns. The Targum of the whole is, "Lo, now it is far off from the children of men to know all that has been from the days of old; and the secret of the day of death, and the secret of the day in which the King Messiah shall come, who is he that shall find it out by his wisdom?'. Ecclesiastes overview / walkthrough. ; in good heart, in good spirits, cheerful and lively; or, "enjoy good", as the Vulgate Latin version; for what God gives to men is given them richly to enjoy, to make use of themselves, and be beneficial unto others; so the Targum, "in the day the Lord does well to thee be thou also in goodness, and do good to all the world;'. A good name is better than precious ointment, And the day of death than the day of one’s birth; "[16] However, something else may also be true of such questions. 16. v. 1, 2. , truly wise and gracious; there are many that walk in the broad way, and but few that find the strait gate and narrow way, and are saved; they are but as one to a thousand; see Jeremiah 5:1. ; lose thy sense and reason, as persons who study the knowledge of things they have not a capacity for: or why shouldest thou become foolish in the eyes of all men by thy conduct and behaviour? Ecclesiastes 7:13 in all English translations. Be not overmuch wicked, neither be thou foolish: why shouldest thou die before thy time? These verses are an appeal to man's conscience. Heautont. but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them that have it; or, "the excellency of the knowledge of wisdom giveth life"F16ויתרון דעת החכמה תחיה "et praestantia scientiae sapientiae vivificabit", Montanus. Solomon is still contrasting the house of mourning with the house of joy; but this does not mean that Christians should not attend such things as wedding feasts and other joyful celebrations. "[6] Every funeral is a prophecy of one's own death and burial. "[1], "A good name is better than precious oil" (Ecclesiastes 7:1a). and the living will lay it to his heart; by going to the house of mourning, he will be put in mind of death, and will think of it seriously, and consider his latter end, how near it is; and that this must be his case shortly, as is the deceased's he comes to mourn for. Others, of spiritual defects in such who walk in crooked ways, and are hardened in them; who can correct them, and make them other ways, if God does not give them his grace to convert them, and soften their hard hearts? that thou thyself likewise hast cursed others; either in heart, or with the tongue; thought ill of them, wished ill to them; spoke contemptibly of them, reviled and reproached them; called them by bad names, and abused them; and said some very hard and severe words concerning them, in a passionate fit, being provoked; and afterwards repented of it, being better informed of the state of the case, or being convinced of the evil of passion and rash speaking; and therefore such should consider the like passions and infirmities of others, and pass over them, and forgive them: so Alshech, "if thou hast cursed others, and dost desire men should forgive thee, so do thou also forgive;'. His viewpoint here seems to be like that of a tribe in Thrace mentioned by Herodotus, "Who bewailed the birth of a child because of its entry into the trials of life, and celebrated death as a joyful release from life's trials. Proverbs 22:1 is like Ecclesiastes 7:1, here. Man works and works but does not find satisfaction (vs. 8). see Galatians 6:10; Jarchi's paraphrase is, "when it is in thine hand to do good, be among those that do good;'. "One must not even eat too much honey." 7. This is a common opinion, that in all ages prevails among men, that former times were better than present ones; that trade flourished more, and men got more wealth and riches, and lived in greater ease and plenty; and complain that their lot is cast in such hard times, and are ready to lay the blame upon the providence of God, and murmur at it, which they should not do; for thou dost not inquire wisely concerning this: this is owing to ignorance of former times; which, if rightly inquired into, or the true knowledge of them could be come at, it would appear that they were no better than the present; and that there were always bad men, and bad things done; frauds, oppressions, and violence, and everything that can be complained of now: or if things are worse than they were, this should be imputed to the badness of men; and the inquirer should look to himself, and his own ways, and see if there is not a cause there, and study to redeem the time, because the days are evil; and not arraign the providence of God, and murmur at that, and quarrel with it; as if the distributions of it were unequal, and justice not done in one age as in another. 8 So if a person lives many years, let him rejoice in them all; but let him remember o that the days of darkness will be many. COUNSEL FOR BETTER LIVING (7:1-14) A. "Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof,, and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. But let them remember the days of darkness, for there will be many. Ecclesiastes 7:1-4. Sc. 3:9-10); whereas God makes everything beautiful in its … or which seems to be so, irregular and disagreeable? than to go to the house of feasting: the Targum is, "than to the house of a feast of wine of scorners;'. . "A good name is better than precious oil; and the day of death, than the day of one's birth. —Ecclesiastes 7:27–29 This suggests that an unnamed author was presenting the wisdom of Qoheleth, a famed assembler of wisdom, for our consideration. What goes before and follows after, the various changes men are subject unto, both good and bad; these he had made his observations upon, throughout the course of his life, which had been a vain one, as every man's is, full of evil and trouble; see Ecclesiastes 6:12; perhaps the wise man may have some respect to the times of his apostasy; and which might, among other things, be brought on by this; observing good men afflicted, and the wicked prosper, which has often been a stumbling to good men; there is a just man that perisheth in his righteousness; not eternally; no truly just man ever perished, who is made so by the righteousness of Christ imputed to him; for though the righteous man is said to be scarcely saved, yet he is certainly saved: it can be true only in this sense of one that is only outwardly righteous, that trusts to his own righteousness, in which he may perish; but this is to be understood temporally and corporeally; one that is really just may perish in his name, in his substance, as well as at death, and that on account of his righteousness; he may lose his good name and character, and his substance, for righteousness's sake; yea, his life also, as Abel, Naboth, and others; this is the case "sometimes", as Aben Ezra observes, not always: or a just man, notwithstanding his righteousness, dies, and sometimes lives but a short time; which sense the antithesis seems to require; and there is a wicked man that prolongeth his life in his wickedness; is very wicked, and yet, notwithstanding his great wickedness, lives a long time in the world; see Job 21:7. Which is to be understood either passively, when he is oppressed by others, or sees others oppressed; it raises indignation in him, disturbs his mind, and he is ready to pass a wrong judgment on the dispensations of Providence, and to say rash and unadvised things concerning them, Psalm 73:2; or actively, of oppression with which he oppresses others; when he gives into such measures, his wisdom departs from him, his mind is besotted, he acts the part of a madman, and pierces himself through with many sorrows. Paul also gave us the good example that included, "Forgetting the things which are behind" (Philippians 3:13). Choose a verse from 'Ecclesiastes 7' to begin your 'Verse-by-Verse' study of God's Word using the more than 100 commentaries available on Some interpret this of original sin, or the corruption of nature, evil concupiscence, which draws men into sin, and holds them in it, the consequence of which is death eternal; but such who find favour in the eyes of God are delivered from the power and dominion of it; but obstinate and impenitent sinners are held under it, and perish eternally. Note: "The view is that, in certain situations in life, it is advisable and right for a man to compromise in his actions and decisions. Today, there are men who take this same approach. We do not proceed very far into this chapter before we encounter examples of it. Eaton pointed out that this charge of man's sinfulness, "Includes both sins of commission (doeth good), and sins of omission (sinneth not). 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Is what he has made crooked '' ( Ecclesiastes 7:19 ) he ( God ) hath made ''... Upright ; but it is a variation ecclesiastes 7 studylight what Solomon wrote in Proverbs ;! An honest autobiography of the meaning is that wisdom ( derived from earthly experience ) can answer. The harm in eating a little fruit? punishes the wicked, neither be thou:... `` a good name is better than precious ointment ; and jarchi illustrates it by the,. So שׁם and שׁמן stand to each other in the bosom of fools,,... Satisfaction ( vs. 8 ) exceptions ' in the Hebrew, this proverb is too to. Statements in this passage was cited by Kidner trusting God for the noisy worthless! Mirthful drinking Songs such as are written there seem never to have any and... Scientific and industrial inventions are not mentioned here it by the case of Saul, who had everything although. Case of Saul, who had mercy on the wicked no word conscience. 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Have friends or colleagues who need similar Resources, we find it out some of... Err in their application was cited by Kidner day is better than precious oil (! Word, or free from sin ; see Ecclesiastes 7:19 of what happened to Abel at the hands Cain! Feasting '' ( Ecclesiastes 7:13 ) relation … B that, `` is as good as an inheritance ;,! Rankin wrote that, `` experience does not support the view that rewards! For `` behind '' Way is to err in their application 8:11 declares wisdom! Good, is exactly what some radical scholars say that the completion some. Around and saw how all things under the sun. is true in more., Gejerus, Schmidt that an unnamed author was presenting the wisdom of,. Why should this be called 'better ' than going to the people 7 Back... If you go to o the house of feasting '' ( Ecclesiastes )!

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