electric blue jack dempsey fish for sale
best group of eb jacks ive had great color on all of them. When breeding, these colors will intensify. Although large, it is relatively easy to care for Cichlid. Above: a nice young Pink Jack Dempsey swimming in one of our aquariums, when one of us snapped this picture. Their eye-catching appearance makes it very attractive with cichlid enthuasiasts! The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey (Rocio octofasciata "Electric Blue"), also known as the Powder Blue Jack Dempsey, is an almost unbelievably bright blue color variant of its species. And even after 3", it can be challenging. They will often claim a cave first and be very aggressive to other tank mates that swim near its home. Out of stock. They are one of the easiest cichlids to get to spawn but as pairs they can become territorial, intolerant, and biters. This is one highly sought after strain …, Jack Dempsey Cichlid - Rocio octofasciata A distinctive feature of the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is loyalty to one partner throughout life. They look even better in person than in the picture! This pair will produce every color of jack Dempsey known to man. Very healthy and already quarantined, ready to go to its new home! Feed them a couple of small portions a day rather than one large portion. The fry that are born as Electric Blues are very fragile and slow growing. Please visit our site! They form a nuclear family. Regular Dempseys, on the other hand, are a hardy fish and alot more forgiving. If keeping more than one, it is easier and safer for them to keep them in large groups rather than in pairs. Electric Blue Ram, this listing is for one. They are one of the easiest cichlids to get to spawn but as pairs they can become territorial, intolerant, and biters. That being said, as this fish ages it can tend to become more territorial and aggressive, especially when it is time for them to spawn. Size is about 1 - 1.5 inch roughly. Common name: Blue dempsey, Blue Jack Dempsey, BJD, Electric blue Jack Dempsey, EBJD. Scientific name: Believed to be a form or hybrid of Rocio octofasciata (Regan, 1903), formerly "Cichlasoma" cf. With proper care, the life expectancy of Electric Blue Jack Dempsey … This pair is 8 months old and breeding regularly. -Enough that Jack Dempsey…..you know the electric blues live rather short lives, right?-Well the standard 8 to 10 years is able to get boring.. I’m good with a shorter span for a far more interesting and enjoyable fish.-This is precisely why I decided to go with the electric blue Acara, smaller, but also pretty. I plan to set up a few more tanks and plan on getting them from Petzonesd. Hope it … Overall good service and nice looking fish. FOR SALE - Los Angeles, CA - 2 to 3 inches electric powder blue jack Dempsey $16.99 each. Betta for Sale Male Betta Female Betta Crowntail Dumbo Ear Plakat Halfmoon WYSIWYG Betta Fish Bowl Wedding Bettas. Covid19 Lockdown Will Cause Some Delays With Online Orders. Facebook. The packaging is the best I had seen from a fish vendor, si far. Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is a rare and exotic freshwater fish that comes from South America. It has a base color of electric blue to gray, and displays many iridescent blue and green spots, giving this fish a spectacular look. The male may also have a round black spot in the center of the body and at the base of the tail. I have Jack Dempsey for sale as he is bullied by other fish and especially by our crayfish. Gorgeous fish and happy healthy and lively, Posted by Hernando Cardenas on 4th Dec 2019. 4160 Convoy St. The female will lay 500-800 eggs on carefully cleaned rocks. Gender: The male has a longer and more pointed dorsal fin than the female. This listing is for one Gold Jack Dempsey at about 1.5-2 inches roughly. Size is about 1 - 1.5 inch roughly. Important Please note that this advert has been closed and the pet is no longer available. Fish size around 3.5-4" (hard to measure as it moves all the time). Aequidens pulcher “electric blue” syn: Andinoacara pulcher (debate-able) Max Size: 5″ – 6″ Temp: 74 to 85 pH: 5.9 8.0. If keeping more than one, it is easier and safer for them to keep them in large groups rather than in pairs. Contact the Seller. Ordered 2 sets of fish with the same results. Comments: These are awesome fish that grow big and develop great rich colors. Beautiful Jack Dempsey Cichlids . Tweet. Check out the pictures below and see this "knock-out" fish's resemblance for yourself! But now they live in aquariums all over the world. Buy Electric Blue Jack Dempsey - Rocio octofasciata - Small at the lowest prices online & Free Shipping over $149 everyday with code FISHFREE. Origin: The ancestors of these Jack Dempseys lived along the east coast of Central America from the Río Actopan river in Mexico south to eastern Honduras. Electric Blue Jack Dempsey fish live in pairs that form at an early age. They often become food for the other “normal” Dempsey fry. Location: PEARBLOSSOM Price: $16 I was called before shipping and able to increase my order. They will go in their own aquarium for now. Powder Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlids, als…, Electric Blue Ram Thanks. $ 24.99 31/12/2020. a phone call? starting at $55.00 Feed your blue jack Dempsey’s this food. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey (Cichlasoma octofasciatum var) is also known as the Neon Blue Dempsey. Comments: These are awesome fish that grow big and develop great rich colors. Electric Blue Dempseys are perhaps not the best fish for beginners simply because they are extremely demanding and are not that hardy of a fish under 3". The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is a freshwater fish that originates in the murky warm waters of Central America. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey has demonstrated a tolerant attitude towards tankmates. Size is just under an inch roughly. Electric blue jack Dempsey Care Guide. Most people buy some of these black pipes that you put in the tank and they love them. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey (Rocio octofasciata "Electric Blue"), also known as the Powder Blue Jack Dempsey, is an almost unbelievably bright blue color variant of its species. Electric blue Jack Dempsey 2″in length. b'breeding pair Jack Dempsey for sale we will pick the best fish to send. £15 1X electric blue jack Dempsey 1X cobalt blue zebra having to rehome due to sale of the tank Call for pricing on larger sizes. Pin it. octofasciatum. Related products. The EBJD is known to be less aggressive than its counterpart and is smaller in size. A heavyweight cichlid from North and Central America, so named after the famous American boxer Jack Dempsey due to its thick lipped facial feature and pugnacity. The Platinum Rocio Octofaciata is also a natural occurring color morph. Origin: The ancestors Jack Dempseys lived along the east coast of Central America from the Río Actopan river in Mexico south to Eastern Honduras. This b'pair Jack Dempsey #1' is in need of a good home, I have only used once as I got it as a present and do not tend to use it. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is a carnivorous species that will eat most prepared and frozen foods, including high quality Cichlid pellets, bloodworms, brine shrimp, ghost shrimp, crickets, earthworms, tubifex, ocean plankton and other live or frozen foods, including any small fish they can fit into their mouths. The species was renamed in a revision by Schmitter-Soto in 2007. Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Features. The Internet is great for acronyms and this variety is often referred to online as the EBJD — Electric Blue Jack Dempsey. Oct 31, 2018 - Find Jack Dempsey Fish for Sale daily on our site. Jack Dempsey Cichlid - Rocio octofasciata Then only about 25% of your fry will be Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlids. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey cichlid Rocio octofasciata cf. Electric blue Jack dempsey $ 74.99 Electric blue Jack Dempsey 2.5-3″ in length these are a great looking cichlid they are not aggressive like the regular Jack Dempsey more semi aggressive. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is a carnivorous species that will eat most prepared and frozen foods, including high quality Cichlid pellets, bloodworms, brine shrimp, ghost shrimp, crickets, earthworms, tubifex, ocean plankton and other live or frozen foods, including any small fish they can fit into their mouths. This is not the regular form of the Blue Acara. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey (Rocio octofasciata "Electric Blue"), also known as the Powder Blue Jack Dempsey, is an almost unbelievably bright blue color variant of its species. These rare fish are the result of a double dose of the Electric Blue Gene and Gold Gene inside of the same fish. Tank is only 1 month old it is originally a turtle tank but works fine as a fish tank too sale includes filter, heater stones. The female has fewer spots than the male. How easy are they to care for? Share. Compatible Tank Mates: See Compatibility Chart. Its name refers to its strong nature and physical features like that of the famous 1920's boxer, Jack Dempsey. Part of the original species’ charm is in its subtle coloration and the challenge of conditioning it over years to create a stunning adult. This fish is also call an Electric Blue Acara, but since the color is not too much like other Electric Blue fish, Metallic Blue Acara seems like a better name than Electric Blue … I was interested in keeping one sometime in the future, but I have recently heard how the Electric Blue Jack Dempseys (EBJD) seem to die really quickly. Get more visibility! Electric blue Jack Dempsey 2″in length. 25% of each clutch will be “exotic” colors. Brilliant condition! The Dempsey fish are egg layers. As juveniles they have a black body with white spots though this changes a…, Freshwater Dolphin Fish - Mormyrus longirostris Give them a varied diet with lots of protein. They are about half an inch to 1.5" at the moment. Get the best deals for electric blue jack dempsey at eBay.com. Sale, Common Name: Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Fish, Habitat: North and Central America; Southern Mexico, Guatemala, Yucatan, and Honduras. Quick Links There is also a blue variant of this fish which commonly known as the blue Jack Dempsey or electric blue Jack Dempsey. These guys are colouring right up now, beautiful bright blues. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is a rewarding specimen for the aquarist as it is moderately easy to keep as long as the aquarium is maintained. They form a nuclear family. They are very small but definitely worth it! Jack Dempsey Cichlid Electric Blue Dempseys? Your Jack Dempsey fish will grow between 10-15 inches, with females growing a little shorter. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! Common Name: Electric Blue Jack Dempsey, EBJD Scientific Name: Nandopsis Octofasciatum Average Adult Fish Size: 10 inches / 25 cm Place of Origin: Wild Jack Dempsey cichlids can be found in North and Central America where they inhabit a region that stretches from the Papaloapán River in southern Mexico to the Hondurian Ulua River in Central America. - Territorial fish that needs areas designated by piles of rocks - Named after 20th Century Boxer with the same name, Jack Dempsey Platinum Blue Jack Dempsey. The young fish are often “packed” into a display tank at the aquarium shop. The Jack Dempsey Cichlid is a very beautiful fish an…, Tropheus Duboisi Cichlid If you have any questions, please call or email us, and we would be happy to assist you! Livebearers . $750 Proven blue gene/gold gene pair for sale! The Jack Dempsey Cichlid is a very beautiful fish and will make an awesome addition to those with semi-aggressive fish tanks. Report. around 6 or 7 inches,very healthy,pickup lowton near warrington. Definitely not 1.5-2 inches though. The main key with keeping cichlids together is to make sure you have enough hiding spots. Select Your Cookie Preferences. $750 Proven blue gene/gold gene pair for sale! The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is a freshwater fish that originates in the murky warm waters of Central America. Very gorgeous and active! *Awarded Answer Posted by Chris W: There are a lot of good fish to keep with electric blue Dempsey’s. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey grows up to 1 foot in length. (previously Cichlasoma octofasciatum) is considered to be one of the most beautiful freshwater aquarium fish.The adult displays a magnificent blue coloration, and is definitely one of the 'bluest' freshwater fish … Any live plants kept with Jack Dempsey should be thick-leafed, or naturally well-rooted into rock/driftwood as the Jack Dempsey will attempt to re-arrange the habitat. Showing some of our stock of E.B.Jacks Dempsey cichlids for sale at TFW. The recommended aquarium size for the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey should be 55 gallons or larger. Jack Dempsey and tank for sale. Just make sure your tank is cycled properly. I need fish that get alone with electric blue jack Dempsey’s. $10. At the 17-19 second mark of this video you can see existing fry from this pair. Electric blues, platinums, golds and regular jacks. Jack Dempsey cichlids can often appear shy, hiding away in cave work. There is a popular blue variety of this species known simply as the electric blue Jack Dempsey. Electric blue Jack dempsey $ 74.99 Electric blue Jack Dempsey 2.5-3″ in length these are a great looking cichlid they are not aggressive like the regular Jack Dempsey more semi aggressive. Very healthy and already quarantined, ready to go to its new home! We have now launched our new "Boost" feature. Out of stock. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is an amazingly colored cichlid that's full of personality! A Great fish with awesome blue color. Diet/Nutrition: Omnivore, will eat flakes, pellets, freeze dried and live foods. best group of eb jacks ive had great color on all of them. I should love these stunning fish but, I’m quite turned off. Jack Dempsey Habitat and Tank Conditions. Related products. The Dempsey fish are egg layers. Origin: The wild-type "C". Regular Dempseys, on the other hand, are a hardy fish and alot more forgiving. Crayfish cut a small part of tail as fish was coming to the same cave constantly. Thank you keep the good job. The fish are exactly what I have been looking for. This is one of the most beautiful brightly colored cichlids of the South American Cichlid family known as the Electric Blue Acara. Planted Freshwater Aquarium Supplies: Plant Tools, Electric Blue Jack Dempsey (EBJD) - Large, Dolphin Fish - Mormyrus longirostris (Eastern bottle-nosed mormyrid). Origin: The ancestors of these Jack Dempseys lived along the east coast of Central America from the Río Actopan river in Mexico south to eastern Honduras. have to cross a blue gene split with a. electric blue male (if you get a ebjd female the gene split with beat her up n kill her . Remarks: The "electric blue" gene has been selected for in these fish, making them more blue compared to the black and blue form. This pair will produce every color of jack Dempsey known to man. But the Electric Blue and Electric Pink variations do not grow as large and are not as ornery, so they are better aquarium fish in most cases. (previously Cichlasoma octofasciatum) is considered to be one of the most beautiful freshwater aquarium fish.The adult displays a magnificent blue coloration, and is definitely one of the 'bluest' freshwater fish in the hobby. Buy Pet's House Live Tropical Aquarium Fish for Sale - Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlid at Amazon UK. Also known as the eastern bottle-nosed…, Pet Zone Tropical Fish Electric Blue Jack Dempsey. Eats well and is very active. Crestmead, QLD. PHOTOS ARE OF ACTUAL FISH YOU ARE … My new Electric Blue Jack Dempsey fish have arrived in the mail. Premium Quality Metallic or Electric Blue Acara for Sale Just below, a Metallic Blue Blue Acara for sale in our online store. Even then the process is not over. not some crap e-mail! This fish is an Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Fish, which was swimming in one of our beautiful planted aquariums, when one of us took this picture. Just make sure your tank is cycled properly. I don't really hear much about them but I have occasionally seen them for sale at my LFS and they are stunning fish to say the least. Above: In this picture a young premium quality Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlid is swimming in one of our aquariums, when one of us snapped this picture . Comments: These are awesome fish that grow big and develop great rich colors. (See Convict and Jack Dempsey placed in new genera, News, 1 October, 2007). Blue diamond discus $ 69.99 Add to cart; Bushynose pleco $ 19.99 Add to cart; Yellow xanthic catfish short body $ 799.99 Add to cart; SHIPPING SCHEDULE: Overnight Orders Ship: Mon, Tues & Wed. Their eye-catching appearance makes it very attractive with cichlid enthuasiasts! Email Seller. The fish I have for sale are: Jack Dempsey, Paratilapia Polleni, Super Green Texas, Convict Cichlid, Plecostomus, Guppies, Mollies, Platies, Keyhole Cichlid, Catfish, Goldfish, Oscar, Red tailed shark, Rainbow Shark, Green Moss Barb, Bosemani Rainbow Fish, Blue Gourami, Gold Gourami, Kissing Gourami, Congo Tetra, Axolotols, Neon Tetra, Ember Tetra. Share. I will not only be coming back for future purchases but will recommend them to everyone! Electric Blue Dempseys are perhaps not the best fish for beginners simply because they are extremely demanding and are not that hardy of a fish under 3". Thanks guys keep it up, Posted by Brandon Wonderly on 23rd Jun 2017, Good shipping, little pricey. San Diego, CA 92111, © 2021 Pet Zone Tropical Fish - San Diego, California. she wont b strong enough to survive if he beats up on her) or two gene split jack dempsey's. Comments: These are awesome fish that grow big and develop great rich colors. We use cookies and similar tools to enhance your shopping experience, to provide our services, understand how customers use our services so we can make improvements, and display ads. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey grows up to 1 foot in length. When breeding, these colors will intensify. The customer service is also great. Scientific Name: Cichlasoma octofasciatum var Approximate purchase size: 2.5cm. Above: In this picture a young premium quality Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlid is swimming in one of our aquariums, when one of us snapped this picture . New to the fish market. Member since Mar 2020 n/a n/a. Powder Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlids, also known as the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey (EBJD), are very beautiful and will make an awesome addition to your tank! Blue-Jacks, Electric Blue Jack Dempsey, Nandopsis octofasciatum, Powder Blue Jack Dempsey. Everything from Blue Jack Dempsey and Gold jack Dempsey For Sale including fry to breeders and showfish. Here for sale is a EB Jack dempsey fish roughly 9/10 cm stunning and very colourful Its a female roughly 8 months old very nice clean healthy fish very active and hungry Only reason for selling is im emptying my tank for species that won't get along with her … Native to Mexico and Honduras, The Jack Dempsey Cichlid (Nandopsis octofasciatum) can span a variety of earth tones, bright blues and greens. And even after 3", it can be challenging. Betta Fish . The customer service was only outdone by the quality of the fish. Breeding: The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlid has been bred in captivity. Jack Dempsey Fish Size. At the 17-19 second mark of this video you can see existing fry from this pair. That being said, as this fish ages it can tend to become more territorial and aggressive, especially when it is time for them to spawn. But now they live in … The iFISH Store130-27 92nd AveRichmond Hill, NY 11418, Business Hours (On-Site):Mon-Wed: 7AM-4PM EST (Curbside Pick-Up Only)Thu: 7AM-4PM EST (In Facility Pick-Up)Fri: 7AM-2PM EST (In Facility Pick-Up)Sat, Sun: Closed, Customer Service Hours (Phone, Email, Text, Messenger Contact):Mon-Fri: 8AM-5PM ESTSat, Sun: Closed, South American Cichlid | Albino Red Tiger Oscar, The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey has demonstrated a tolerant attitude towards tankmates. The recommended aquarium size for the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey should be 55 gallons or larger. Very healthy …, Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlid - Nandopsis octofasciatum Most of the fish I have are quite big. Description. These fish are not only beautiful but the shipping was great and quick as the fish arrived in great condition. The quality of this Jack Dempsey is great, very nice color and looks healthy. £25. Congleton, Cheshire. It has a base color of electric blue to gray, and displays many iridescent blue and green spots, giving this fish a spectacular look. Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlid - Nandopsis octofasciatum. If they become too aggressive to co-habitat with the other members of the tank, it is recommended they be transferred to a species only tank. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey cichlid Rocio octofasciata cf. Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is a rare and exotic freshwater fish that comes from South America. GloFish for Sale GloFish Barb GloFish Danio GloFish Tetra GloFish Shark . SOLD! Can throw in light and big boat and other fish for extra $200Negotiable Temperament: Semi-aggressive. Their eye-catching... Electric Blue Ram, this listing is for one. Jack Dempsey Elelectric Blue. A large tank with plants, sand and several rocks is ideal for this particular cichlid. If they become too aggressive to co-habitat with the other members of the tank, it is recommended they be transferred to a species only tank. 1 month ago; For Sale; Fish; Cichlids; Congleton . The fry are kept in pits and are guarded by both the male and female in the manner of "monogamous cichlid" breeders. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is native to South America in slow-moving … Powder Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlids, also known as the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey (EBJD), are very beautiful and will make an awesome addition to your tank! The Jack Dempsey Cichlid is primarily a dark brown to gray color with luminous blue and green markings. Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is a rare and exotic freshwater fish that comes from South America. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey grows up to 1 foot in length. The EBJD is known to be less aggressive than its counterpart and is smaller in size. Categories: Freshwater fish, Oddball Semi aggressive, South american cichlids. About .75-1.0 inch. Breeding: The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlid has been bred in captivity. Jack Dempsey fish are frequently sold as juveniles, measuring 2 to 3 inches in length. electric blue jack dempsey . Fish that grows the same size and same temperament can be housed as tank mates. Electric blues, platinums, golds and regular jacks. Origin: The ancestors Jack Dempseys lived along the east coast of Central America from the Río Actopan river in Mexico south to Eastern Honduras. Could not hope for better. This variety is slightly smaller and less aggressive. Feed them a couple of small portions a day rather than one large portion. Electric Blue Jack Dempsey's! The dorsal fin is lined in red, and the female's overall coloration is subdued compared to the male. SOLD! Electric Blue Jack Dempsey's are a genetic morph, displaying extremely bright blue electric colouration covering the majority of their body. Very happy I got one! The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey has demonstrated a tolerant attitude towards tankmates. Newly arrived EBJD cichlids at petzonesd.com, I would definitely recommend ordering from here 5 times over. Above: a Jack Dempsey Fish for sale in our online store. That being said, as this fish ages it can tend to become more territorial and aggressive, especially when it is time for them to spawn. Tank Mate Options: Jack Dempsey Cichlid; Green Texas Cichlid; Cuban Cichlid *****Please review our Shipping and Handling FAQ prior to placing your order. It is recommended that the Jack Dempsey cichlid is provided with plenty of places to hide. Fish that grows the same size and same temperament can be housed as tank mates. Personal service That I have not received from any other vendor, Really? Cichlids for Sale Central American Flowerhorn Blood Parrot Jack Dempsey Firemouth Convict Cichlid Nicaraguensis Motaguensis Salvini Synspilus Peacock Bass. This is one highly sought after strain of the Ram Cichlid. Exotic Fish Shop 774-400-4598 Our goal is shipping exotic, high quality, live freshwater fish to aquarium hobbyists all over the USA. It takes an … Dead Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Fish - Worth Buying? Electric Blue Ram Call 1-877-367-4377 to order. If they become too aggressive to co-habitat with the other members of the tank, it is recommended they be transferred to a species only tank. to get a electric blue jack Dempsey you. Available- Polystigma Venustus Fusco Dragonblood Albino Blue Dolphin Electric Blue Hap Peacocks *Not pictured but also for sale: Adult Dragonbloods Adult Peacock Adult. Electric Blue Acara Freshwater Fish. 25% of each clutch will be “exotic” colors. Above: a nice young Pink Jack Dempsey swimming in one of our aquariums, when one of us snapped this picture. GloFish. Mum and Dad in the photos as well, perfect speimens. The female will lay 500-800 eggs on carefully cleaned rocks. Member. To breed Electric Blue Jack Dempsey you need to breed a regular Jack Dempsey with a Jack Dempsey that has the blue gene. Get great deals sent directly to your inbox! This leads novice aquarists to believe the fish will stay relatively … Small Jacks for sale. Approved third parties also use these tools in connection with our … Regular price The recommended aquarium size for the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey should be 55 gallons or larger. Categories: Freshwater fish, Oddball Semi aggressive, South american cichlids. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey should be kept in an aquarium of fifty gallons, or more. Size is just under an inch roughly. `` Cichlasoma '' cf Rocio octofasciata cf often appear shy, hiding away cave. Bowl Wedding Bettas blues, platinums, golds and regular jacks on many electric blue jack dempsey fish for sale we have now launched our ``. This picture that grow big and develop great rich colors of our stock of E.B.Jacks Dempsey cichlids for sale he. 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Shipping exotic, high quality, live freshwater fish, Oddball Semi aggressive, South american.... Result of a double dose of the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey should be 55 gallons or larger coming. Powder Blue Jack Dempsey cichlid Electric Blue Ram size is about 1 - 1.5 inch roughly vendor... Sale we will pick the best deals for Electric Blue Jack Dempsey cichlids month ago ; for sale - Blue! Variant of this fish which commonly known as the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey grows up to foot! Fish will grow between 10-15 inches, very healthy and already quarantined, ready to to! Or two gene split Jack Dempsey fish live in pairs become territorial, intolerant, and the is! Breeding: the male and female in the photos as well, perfect speimens only by... Swim near its electric blue jack dempsey fish for sale GloFish Shark ; cichlids ; Congleton hiding spots …....
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