fallen order walkthrough zeffo

fallen order walkthrough zeffo

There’s one chest here, and you can get it after you unleash … You'll be dropped down, so wallrun across the panels to get back. Once the room is clear, look to the right to find another series of wall grates you can climb around and up further still to get to a high platform with another shortcut rope you can send down to the meditation circle below. From here, swim back to the rear of the lake under the main wreck itself, and you can find a chest in the back alcove that contains the Elemental Nature Lightsaber Emitter. Due to the nature of the area, it's recommended that you fully explore it once you have obtained the Underwater Breathing upgrade and Double Jump from your return to Kashyyyk in Chapter 4, as you won't be able to enter the main wreckage site without them. After defeating it, have BD-1 charge the panel to open the far door - but it will also electrify the moat. Back outside, you're going to want to dive back into the water to find a wealth of hidden chests using the Water Breathing upgrade. The ball will … Cross the blades, … Since you can wallrun on the panels, but not the walls, you need to wallrun on the left series of panels - but on their right side. Walkthrough for Crash Site zone with Crash Site Map on planet Zeffo in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order with location of Puzzles, Secrets, Chests, Databank Force Echoes, Stim Canisters, Encrypted Logs, Force Essence, Life Essence and Terrarium Seeds, Enemies and Legendary Beasts to Scan for Tactical Guide. Fortunately, you shouldn't have huge problems avoiding them. Disable the panel for a moment and swim across to the far side, and cut the large wires to disable the electricity flow. Here you can inspect the Clone Trooper to find the Force Essence Upgrade: Transmission Force Echo. There’s a big water-cooled engine that you need to turn on in order to open a door. This is the first planet you will reach after the prologue of the game. He attacks fast, so be patient in deflecting his multiple hits and wait to sidestep his unblockable hits and take him out. The strongest attack of this type is the red one - while in the air, the Second Sister strikes the ground with great force. Use Mantis spacecraft to visit the planetZeffo again. You can also have BD-1 activate a moving platform, and stop it when it forms a bridge leading to a tunnel on the far side. With most of the Crash Site explored, head for the other smaller shore of the Broken Wing. Kill them, and then look left to climb up to a small alcove hiding a Force Echo: The Padawan. On the main shore, a small starfighter has crashed down, near a small circular area with a patrolling Jotaz creature, and a handful of Scazz will also burrow out to attack. Familiar Locales The first proper puzzle section in Star Wars Fallen Order comes on Zeffo, the second planet you’ll explore. Again, this is not a fully-fledged fight. Once you're through the hall, you can force push the door open into another room with a moat - and a Security Droid that will try to ambush you. The fight begins shortly after using the small elevator. She attacks in a straight line meaning that you can evade it by dodging to the side at the right moment. !Follow/ Like My Facebook Gaming Page! This page will guide you through the entire area, including all secrets, collectibles, and enemies you'll face along the way. After killing it, look for a broken section of the hull you can break into using the Force, and head inside. When you do, the water that cools it will become electrified, preventing you from reaching said door. Our guide will tell you about the benefits and challenges of visiting each planet first. At the end of the hall, push in the floor grate to drop to a lower level full of Skungus and Scazz. It's an entrance to a tower with a statue that can be shattered with aFo… You'll also need to avoid a few electrified pillars, push wreckage out of the way, and steer clear of any floating Probe Droids, or at least prepare to deflect their blaster fire. After they have all fallen, you can find a mound of earth that holds the Force Echo: Jedi Grave. Look to the right for a fallen pillar, behind which you should see an opening. It can get confusing, as the cart will slide all the way to the left wall, but you don't want to get on it then. The main area of the Venator Wreckage is easily missed, as the path to the Tomb of Miktrull and Imperial Excavation Site will lead you to the left of the wreck through a large exhaust port. Copyright © 2000 - 2021 GRY-Online S.A. for, unofficial game guides, walkthroughs, secrets, game tips, maps & strategies for top games. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Maps & Walkthrough. Alternatively, you can reach it by way of the large Imperial Headquarters, via a large ice slide past a Purge Trooper. Welcome to our complete walkthrough guide for Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order. On this page of our Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order game guide we have described all the secrets available on the Zeffo planet. Aboard the Mantis, pick Zeffo as your destination. This Walkthrough covers the main game path, and will only cover a few optional objectives. Once you arrive at the spot, locate the passage shown on the holomap. However, if you drop down into the water, you can swim under to find the one chest in this area containing the Orichalc Lightsaber Material. It's guarded by two ram-like Phillaks, and near them you can slice open a chest to find the Swoop BD-1 Skin. To reach the main crash site, you'll need to take the passage through the circular Ice Caves beneath Zeffo. Wait for the tunnel to stop lighting up with electricity to pass through, and enter the next dark room that's full of Scazz. Blast out the wall at ground level and follow the path round watching out for the Skungus and Scazz. All logos and images are copyrighted by their respective owners. The duel will end prematurely. We'll navigate you through this first visit to the Zeffo homeworld with the Jedi: Fallen Order Zeffo Walkthrough. Blast them apart by pushing the explosive plants into the creatures, and then look for a panel by the windows. Now swim over to the left into the waters between the shore of the Broken Wing and the main Venator Wreck, and look for a deep crevice in the back - below a shortcut rope to the wreck - to find yet another chest that holds the Elemental Nature Lightsaber Switch. Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Guide by The Ventator Wreckage is the ruins of a large starship that has crashed onto the planet Zeffo in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Watch out for the Scazz that will crawl out, and then get the Force Echo: Hiding. Continue swimming underwater through the wreckage until you come to a pillar sticking out of the water with a mediation platform you can rest at. Take some time to learn the Second Sister's lightsaber attacks. There’s only one path into the tomb, so we’ll start with your first puzzle. You need to be able to stop the panels from raising up when the block goes down, so charge the pad to leave the panels up on the right side, then push the cart to the right, and double jump up on top of the panels. Be sure to swim up to the surface and get onto a small stretch of land here. When you regain control of Cal aboard the Mantis, walk to the front of the ship and talk to Cere. The next room can be tricky, as its a prime spot for two Bounty Hunters to appear. Back on the ropes ,swing into the far opening with the red lights to reach a new room you can carefully cross and slice an opening - but beware of a Rocket Trooper waiting for you, and push his rockets back at him. Return back across the ropes and this time Wall Run to the platform on the left. Once he's out of the way, look for a rope to climb to the left, and take it all the way up to the top floor. If you watch it spin, look on the left side to spy a small alcove, and stop the charge to also stop the gear while the alcove is visible, and climb up to find the Force Echo: The Attack. This will be your first trek through Zeffo, which is … Head into the opening to find a Chest (Lightsaber Sleeve: Duty and Resolve II [1/2]). No worries, there are a few spots on Zeffo where we’ll be able to use it. You can now run up above the previous room into yet another tight squeeze leading further into the wing. The Ventator Wreckage is the ruins of a large starship that has crashed onto the planet Zeffo in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. At the end of the passage blast out the floor. This page of the guide to Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order describes the next duel with the Second Sister, which happens in the third chapter - after returning on Zeffo.Again, this is not a fully-fledged fight. In this darkened interior, you'll come into a room with a high ceiling, and a power source in the corner. As always, attack the Second Sister after her every unsuccessful move. Slow them in turn to use them as platforms, and you can reach the Life Essence Upgrade: Zeffonian Cranium Force Echo on a high ledge. Before trying to climb up, keep swimming to the far left corner of the room, and dive down to find a hidden area with a chest holding the Elemental Nature II Lightsaber Switch. The main character will return to the Mantis spaceship - after all things have been done on Bogano. You are not permitted to copy any image, text or info from this page. This guide / walkthrough will show you how to escape from the Underground Prison that you find yourself locked in after the events on Zeffo and the Tomb of Miktrull. Escaping it involves solving a few puzzles and a lengthy battle in the end on Sorc Tormo’s Arena before you are safe and away. Overcharge the panel with BD-1 to open a door on the far side of the next room across the moat, and head inside. Select a Zeffo planet from it and hold down the start button to travel to that location. However, once you have the ability to double jump, and you can proceed straight up through the wreckage from the shore and enter the main exhaust port, to find a large icy slide leading down into the wreck. Leaving the interior, climb up onto the platform above, and make a right, using the wall to run across to a small ledge with a chest holding the Hyper Shell Poncho Material. You won't be able to stop the charge and fan - as the doors will lock you in, so instead leave the room and use Force Slow to cross the moving fan on the left side, and return back to the Crash Site. Looking ahead, you can spot two yellow ropes you can pull towards you and swing across. (Tactical Guide - Zeffo #6: Rabid Jotaz [6/6]). You head back to Zeffo pretty quickly in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Head forward and through the blast doors to the left of the now sealed hangar. Once the hero is pushed back, the game will show a cut-scene during which you learn the Second Sister's true identity. The current destination is the Weathered Monumentregion, where holomap displays a large green passageway that can be unlocked. You can have BD-1 check out the Databank Scan: Electricity Conduits here, and then look left for a fan you can slow to step into a small room with a dead Clone Trooper. Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order guide, walkthrough. To exit, you'll need to charge the panel to open the doors, which will also power the broken fan. However, you have to try harder than during the fight from the prologue. This guide will show you how to solve Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Broken Wing electricity puzzle. Part of the Star Wars saga, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is a 3rd person action game-adventure game project by Respawn Entertainment. Follow the path round to the Abandoned Village. Another Meditation circle waits for you here, letting you rest up before the you find a Force Echo: Reunited in the next room. Pretty early in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, you’ll have choose between exploring Zeffo or Dathomir next. Strafe as much as you can and take your time to avoid getting hit too much, and you should be able to take it down. This site is not associated with and/or endorsed by the Electronic Arts Inc. or Respawn Entertainment. There’s an indent in the fence next to the lowest point. The area is comprised of the Crash Site, Broken Wing, and Venator Wreckage - and while you will only need to traverse a fraction of it during the main story, a large portion of the area is completely optional, and easily missed. If you look against the cliff wall, you can find a rope leading into a cave where industrial equipment has been stored. This will expose the Second Sister to more attacks. This duel with the Second Sister isn't difficult if you know what to do. Once you've arrived, you'll find the massive ruins of the crashed ship looming before you, a large lake, and two shores - one leading to the Broken Wing, and the other providing platforms to lead to the wreck itself. Look for an outstretched piece of metal to leap across the gap to the other side of the hull, where a platform has a shortcut you can drop to the meditation circle below. This page of the guide to Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order describes the next duel with the Second Sister, which happens in the third chapter - after returning on Zeffo. The battle ends when the Sister uses Force to stop Cal. Exit, cross the canal and head through the newly opened door defeating more Scazz. Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 - FIRST 1.5 Hours!! In the next phase, the Second Sister will begin to strike from the air. Usually, she performs several consecutive swings or a "spin attack". Dive down below where the ice slide led to the meditation circle, and you can locate a chest in an alcove holding the Elemental Nature Lightsaber Sleeve. Walkthrough Return to Zeffo. You can't defeat the Second Sister, even if you manage to deplete her health bar. Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order walkthrough - Stim location, Zeffo To the right of the Force Echo is a beam that will lead around to some Climbable … You'll also find three different chests to slice into here! Look for another door on the right to open a shortcut back to where the moving platform was, and you'll be attacked by another Purge Trooper with a staff weapon. Watch for Probe Droids, and then hop across to grating you can climb up on the far side to take you over and up. However at the second rope, stop swinging and angle yourself to the far wall above the Purge Trooper to find an alcove you can swing to, and you'll find a Force Essence: Order 66 Executed Force Echo. In General, you can collect 43 boxes and 14 secrets here. There are three lifts back up to the surface - look for the one beyond the spinning gears that you can slow to cross, and then fight off two Stormtroopers to take the lift up. Take out the weaker opponent first so that you can focus all your abilities and attacks on the faster and stronger opponent last. Once here, you can safely climb up to the other side of the room and continue on. A cutscene will be displayed which depicts the landing on Zeffo. However, you have to try harder than during the fight from the prologue. Cut through the tangle of wires and watch out for the Skungus on the ground - use Force Push to clear the area, and push them into any waiting Scazz you encounter. Finally, head outside of the wreck to find a series of ledges leading to the Stim Pack Crate that's been taunting you from its perch overlooking the Imperial Excavation Site. Another Purge Trooper waits for you here, with a Stormtrooper waiting around the corner to ambush you as you engage. They hold the Starfighter Poncho Material, Cantonica BD-1 Skin, and Chromium Lightsaber Material. You’ll encounter it on Zeffo, in the Broken Wing area. As you slide, look ahead for multiple pathways - some will be electrified, and you'll want to take the other path. You may also notice the spinning gear on the left side of the moat that turns when your charge the panel. Back at the Meditation site, jump to the nearby wall and climb up, and get ready to deal with a few Scazz climbing out of holes in the walls. Start to the right of the stairs. Ancient Catacombs chest location map. The second confrontation with the Second Sister takes place during exploration of the Imperial Dig Site, that is, on the way to the Tomb of Miktrull on Zeffo. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. You can also use the Force to deplete the boss' stamina bar. Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Gameplay Walkthrough Zeffo Tomb Part 4! If they don't, expect a few Storm Troopers and Purge Trooper to take up position in the room full of conduits. Through the door is a large puzzle area that's more confusing that it needs to be. The final room here will pit a Jotaz against a few Stormtroopers, so feel free to let them duke it out before ambushing the winners with your strongest attacks. You can charge things up to move the block and panels, but its not clear what needs to be manipulated for you to cross. The only new ability that you acquired on Kashyyyk was the Overcharge, and there’s no use for it on Bogano. The last panel has a large wire you can cut with your lightsaber, dropping the panels down to their vertical positions. The Second Sister also has a "red attack" - the first variant is a lightsaber thrust. Once you land in the flooded hull of the ship, dive down and swim through openings in the wreck, and look for a small starfighter to get the Databank Scan: ARC-170. Finally, jump back into the water and swim to the far side of the Crash Site, opposite where you enter the area, and look below a large black and red cylinder to find a chest in the water holding the Polished Bronzium Lightsaber Material. Now when you restart the charge, the elevator door on the far side will open without the flood of electrified water, allowing you to cross and take the lift up to the previously inaccessible room above the large fan. Here, Cal will find himself in the Tomb of Eilram to prove himself as a Jedi. Several optional activities have been unlocked on board, but the only mandatory step is to interact with the map of galaxy. Jump down and climb up the opposite wall to find a long ledge leading out over the flooded area below. Have BD-1 overcharge the panel to activate a row of rock crushers. Thankfully, you can use the conduits to your advantage, as they not only provide cover, but can be used to electrify enemies if they got knocked back into them. Walkthrough for Venator Wreckage zone with Venator Wreckage Map on planet Zeffo in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order with location of Puzzles, Secrets, Chests, Databank Force Echoes, Stim Canisters, Encrypted Logs, Force Essence, Life Essence and Terrarium Seeds, Enemies and Legendary Beasts to Scan for Tactical Guide. A series of panels are on both the left and right, with a large block in the middle of a pit, and a moveable cart on your side of the room. The best way to get there is by going through the Abandoned Village (village with Stormtroopers), Turbine Facility (caves) and Gusty Bluffs (sliding down through icy ledges). 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Despite living a long time ago in the galaxy, the ancient Zeffo constructed sophisticated mausoleums for their sages. On the shores of the Broken Wing area, a lone Jotaz creature stalks around. Now swim over to the circular area where the Jotaz was wandering to look into the water around the edge of the wreckage, and you can spot a chest holding the Fjord Poncho Material on one side, and another chest containing the Grungio BD-1 Skin on the other side. When you’re ready, pick the planet Zeffo as your next destination from the Holotable. Inside, you'll find a large room with a broken fan on your level leading to several platforms, and a rare Rabid Jotaz on the lower level. Note that there's not a lot of room to maneuver here, which you can use to your advantage by using quick Force Push bursts when your enemy is on a ledge to drop them into the abyss. There is also a fallen pillar here BD-1 wants to scan for Databank entry [Zeffo: Zeffo Culture #7]. In this Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order guide, we’ll help you through your first big puzzle: the Tomb of Eilram on Zeffo. Once it's dead, you'll find that you can't access the far room on the upper level, so instead look for a piece of the wall that can be pushed out using the Force, and step into the dark hallway. Since rare beasts are much stronger than their regular counterparts, you'll want to engage it cautiously - use an attack while falling from above to seriously wound it, and then keep your distance to wait out or dodge its unblockable attacks - keeping a watch out for the lunging kick. From here, wall run across a gap to ambush two Stormtroopers led by a Purge Trooper armed with batons. Instead, pull the cart towards the wall from the middle, but use Force Slow so that you can get on and jump to the right side of the panels before it hits the left wall, then wall run to jump to the block in the middle of the pit. Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Chapter 2 Zeffo To rebuild the Jedi order you need to find this ancient tomb in Zeffo but keep your eyes open as Empire is already here before you. Return across to the first platform and find another panel to have BD-1 deactivate the red forcefield, and slip inside. Avoid the Skungus and kill the lone Scazz, and you'll find a flooded hall with a pole above you can use to cross the hall. Have BD-1 overcharge the panel to activate a message from a Clone Trooper, and get the Standing Together Databank Scan. Defeat the Scazz and overcharge the panel opening the door. On subsequent visits, a Bounty Hunter may appear in both the room where the, Beginner's Guide: 14 Tips and Tricks for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Wall run across this room and climb up the far wall to reach his position, and then wall run to the next area by timing the electricity bursts that block your path. Go to the Captain's Bridge and wait until Greez asks you to sit on the right seat. 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