who was talking in chargestone cave
I was rushing through Chargestone Cave so I could see him. In Black 2/White 2, Klink can be found by the Player. #146 MOLTRES Moltres is encountered at Level 50. Chargestone Cave. Where in Chargestone Cave do you get funfest misson, "Find Shining Ores!"? View Full-sizeChargestone Cave Background¶ This curious cave is host to an interesting phenomenon: magical floating rocks. How to get into chargestone cave when there is a Pokemon nest covering the opening, Pokemon White Questions and answers, Nintendo DS. "Chargestone Cave - Pokémon Black & White" is a high quality rip of "Chargestone Cave" from Pokémon Black & White. Talk:Chargestone Cave. Who is the person talking in Chargestone Cave? Chargestone Cave (Japanese: 電気石の洞穴 Electric Stone Cave) is a cave located within the western half of the Unova region. He says "friends" in his speech. ... Talk to them to receive a Nugget and Big Nugget. They give you one in the game. However, when they get within the viscinity of the cave, the Electric-type Pokémon start acting strangely. Chargestone Cave is the game's first true cave-based dungeon, featuring several new Pokemon, floors and Trainer battles. Denkiishi no Horaana! but he makes an AMAZING entrance near the end, saving your (the MC's) life! Joltik scurried around on the floor in pairs and groups. Template:Wild Pokémon in Unova (games) BrightPowder It can be purchased for 48 BP at the Battle Subway. Maurith 8 years ago #5. At first, the path is straightforward. Who is that person? x-x, JCM, I'm hoping you didn't downvote because of point grubbing. User Info: Maurith. 0 0. :(Oh well. I thought he'd show up at the end. if your talking bout after beating the elite four then - 1 of them is in dream yard. She and her assistants were trying to investigate an area in the cave where the electric current had become erratic. Black Sludge It is held by wild Croagunk and Trubbish (5% chance), as well as wild Garbodor (50% chance). Suddenly, a pair of Galvantula blocked our path. It actually didn't take us me and my team that long to find the cave. Okay in chargestone cave I was crossing the bridge in 1f and I was stoped in the middle.When I stopped I heard someone talking about chargestone cave and saying that chargestone cave is my friend and also my Pokemon thats what I think.Does anyone know whose voice was it? it's AWESOME. Pokemon Black White Walkthrough Part 27 – Chargestone Cave When you arrive there, walk up to the webbing blocking the entrance. Answer Save. <3. Chargestone Cave (Japanese: 電気石の洞穴 Electric Stone Cave) is a cave within the western half of the Unova region.It is connected to Route 6 at its southern exit, and Mistralton City in the north.. Chargestone Cave has a special magnetic field that causes Magneton and Nosepass to evolve into Magnezone and Probopass, respectively, when leveled up here. Okay in chargestone cave I was crossing the bridge in 1f and I was stoped in the middle.When I stopped I heard someone talking about chargestone cave and saying that chargestone cave is my friend and also my Pokemon thats what I think.Does anyone know whose voice was it? It kinda just fits into the puzzle that is the plot of BW2. Parts of the melody have been changed to play the song "Kraid" from Metroid. so i got out of the chargestone cave before facing N and healed now when i try to go back in the girl and professor are in my way please help how can i get through them? 1 … Translation. Regardless of N trying to get out of going into the Chargestone cave, we entered the weird blue darkness. You can find it just outside Chargestone Cave after talking to a Veteran in Humilau City's Pokémon Center. Parts of the melody have been changed to play the song "Kraid" from Metroid. How do you get through Chargestone Cave in BW2? yet another is inside the cave with the cave with the magnet rocks that glow blue. Head through Chargestone Cave to the point where Bianca and the Worker were talking just before the bridge. It connects Route 6 to Mistralton City.When leveled up here, Nosepass and Magneton will evolve. Right before the electric cave. I remember, in my White game, I forget to buy the repels (because I really hate caves because encounter rate are too high) and… 0 0. In B/W 1 we also confronted N in Chargestone, and he said it was his favourite place then. Who is the person talking in Chargestone Cave? Sound familiar? then i got all sad 'cause i didn't see him. You can go west for a shortcut out of the cave, but it's one-way. yet another is inside the cave with the cave with the magnet rocks that glow blue. Bug Gem It is found in dust clouds in any cave. 0 votes . Further West is a set of stairs that will take you back up to the first floor. It didn’t take us long to find Professor Juniper just outside the cave. Dax R.I.P Dax. Bianca runs up to us flailing her arms. Crisis at Chargestone Cave! "Chargestone Cave - Pokémon Black & White" is a high quality rip of "Chargestone Cave" from Pokémon Black & White. but when N has to leave Reshiram/Zekrom, i almost cried. Depending on the Player's choice, Klink can be caught. We entered the cave with Lysandre protecting me. ... ahhh, she's actually in Chargestone Cave, talking on her Cross-Transceiver. Chargestone Cave (Japanese: 電気石の洞穴 Electric Stone Cave) is a cave within the western half of the Unova region. It is found in Challenger's Cave. For now, head up from the bridge, grab the hidden Protein in the grass, and get ready for the first cave of the playthrough, Chargestone Cave. According to the Town Map, this cave happens to be called Chargestone Cave. or so he said. Still have questions? 10 years ago. How do you get through Chargestone Cave in BW2? She shows them the interior of the cave and then saunters outside, hand on hip, to show them her camp. Joltik scurried around on the floor in pairs and groups. It connected Route 6 at the south entrance and Mistralton City at its northern exit. Can you catch drilber in chargestone cave using the same way in wellspring cave. Hope this helps. Talk to them to receive a Nugget and a Big Nugget.Go west from here and follow the path to find some stairs leading to the first floor, where you can both easily escape Chargestone Cave and fight a … hoThe Pokedex is a tracking tool for all the Pokemon found in the Pokemon games. Talk to the girl here to get TM57, CHARGE BEAM, and continue to fight a backpacker, this time with the evolution of the fire monkey, Pansear. Maurith 8 years ago #5. Pokémon Black 2 Only - Talk to Pokémon Ranger in Desert Resort *5: Treasure Hunt: Hunt for six items & treasures in shiny spots of forests and caves Level 1: 6 items Level 2: 12 items Level 3: 24 items Level 4: 45 items: 3 minutes: Pokémon White 2 Only - Talk to Pokémon Ranger in Desert Resort *5: Excited Item Trades! Suddenly, a pair of Galvantula blocked our path. I went with Cilan and Iris to Chargestone Cave. During that time, your mom will buy you some decorations for your room in secret! Next, there are changes in the various caves such as Chargestone Cave and Twist Mountain. Well this is just a theory, but I think it was N 0 0. Kirby. 10 years ago. another is located on route 18 to the right of the Hm waterfall. but he did it anyway. Regardless of N trying to get out of going into the Chargestone cave, we entered the weird blue darkness. Cilan says that to get there they have to get through Chargestone Cave. Once they finish, continue on to the other side. I thought he'd show up at the end. Unfortunately, someone or something had blocked off the passage.with a giant copper-colored door. and theres no boulder i can move, when i talk to them they dont move etc. 0 0. Relevance. It is found in Challenger's Cave. Follow the path at the bottom of the stairs to the west. It is connected to Route 6 at its southern exit, and Mistralton City in the north.. Chargestone Cave has a special magnetic field that causes Magneton and Nosepass to evolve into Magnezone and Probopass, respectively, when leveled up here. On their way to Mistralton City, Ash & Co. come across the Chargestone Cave. ... chargestone cave . According to the Town Map, this cave happens to be called Chargestone Cave. When skies are gray and you say you are blue, I'll send the sun smiling through! Jump to: navigation, search. You'll soon see a man and a boy standing against a wall. It kinda just fits into the puzzle that is the plot of B/W2, even i thought it was N.Just wanted to clarify.THanks.BA. and theres no boulder i can move, when i talk to them they dont move etc. Chargestone Cave (Japanese: 電気石の洞穴 Electric Stone Cave) is a cave within the western half of the Unova region.It is connected to Route 6 at its southern exit, and Mistralton City in the north.. Chargestone Cave has a special magnetic field that causes Magneton and Nosepass to evolve into Magnezone and Probopass, respectively, when leveled up here. ... chargestone cave . Template:Wild Pokémon in Unova (games) You won't be able to pass through the cave until you've beaten Clay at the Driftveil City Gym, as his Pokémon will smash the Galvantula web blocking the entrance. When skies are gray and you say you are blue, I'll send the sun smiling through! You can find it on a ledge outside of Reversal Mountain after talking to a Veteran in Humilau City's Pokémon Center. Go to the Chargestone Cave (Main Quest). Wild Excadrill can be found in dust clouds in Reversal Mountain, Seaside Cave, Giant Chasm, Victory Road, Twist Mountain, Clay Tunnel and Wellspring Cave. 10 years ago. This includes mythicals and legends from previous generations. Chargestone Cave is a large three floor cave in Western Unova. :(Oh well. As you enter, two pointless henchmen will teleport in and drag you two feet over to N so he can ask you another question, which you can answer however you'd like, before noting that Ghetsis wants to see your power and leaving. You'll soon see a man and a boy standing against a wall. Chargestone Cave is a cave within the western half of the Unova region. is the 14th episode of Pokémon: BW Rival Destinies. In Pokemon White 2, is Chargestone Cave the same as in Pokemon Black? Geodude's Unovan counterpart, Roggenrola is much what you'd expect from a Rock type - high physical stats, low special stats and snail-like Speed. Later, in Chargestone Cave, I evolved into Probopass, I dominated, the rest is history. Bianca and Professor Juniper will arrive and talk about the mysterious Klink. Sound familiar? Chargestone Cave is a cave within the western half of the Unova region. You can find it just outside Chargestone Cave after talking to a Veteran in Humilau City's Pokémon Center. On the way, you can surf to the east to go into Mistralton Cave to pick some good hidden items, which includes a TM04 (Rock Slide). Chargestone Cave Inside you find Bianca standing by one of the charged stones, and she tells you that the stones float and will move if you push them, then she heads off to do some research of her own. Chargestone Cave B1F. Boldoreis a wild Pokémon living in Chargestone Cave in Unova, formerly owned by N. Template:Wild Pokémon in Unova (games) ... News & Articles Latest game talk Videos New trailers and videos Cheats, ... "Clay will meet you at the cave entrance and his Krokorok will open it for you. Clay will show up, talk about his responsibility to clear the webbing and then, finally give you the TM 78 he promised. This is for BW2. Chargestone Cave is the game's first true cave-based dungeon, featuring several new Pokemon, floors and Trainer battles. 3,142 views. Talk to them to receive a Nugget and a Big Nugget.Go west from here and follow the path to find some stairs leading to the first floor, where you can both easily escape Chargestone Cave and fight a … Roggenrola is available only in Wellspring Cave, but Boldore is available in Chargestone Cave, Mistralton Cave, Twist Mountain, the interior of Victory Road, Challenger's Cave and the cave portion of Giant Chasm. Cilan explained they would both evolve during the trading process, so Bianca would receive an Escavalier. Chargestone Cave is a cave which is literally charged with energy, causing the rocks within to levitate in the air. Chargestone Cave (Japanese: 電気石の洞穴 Electric Stone Cave) is a cave located within the western half of the Unova region. How do I get pass Bianca and the other guy in Chargestone Cave (Black 2)? Defeat all the trainers in the way in order to go the north to reach Chargestone Cave. route 14. and Relic Castle. Or if you prefer the… She and her assistants were trying to investigate an area in the cave where the electric current had become erratic. Bug Gem It is found in dust clouds in any cave. In Blaze Black 2 and Volt White 2, as well as Drayco's other hacks, all of the Pokemon that existed within previous generations can be found and captured. just go to Chargestone cave there you will meet professor Juniper (she gave you your starter) she will be talking about stuff then give you a lucky egg. James. Can you catch drilber in chargestone cave using the same way in wellspring cave. She shows them the interior of the cave and then saunters outside, hand on hip, to show them her camp. When they got there, Ash notice Pikachu was beyond tired. Cave Changes. ... Talk to them to receive a Nugget and Big Nugget. Add that traded pokemon get boosted experience, and i was set for the game. This answer doesn't deserve a downvote >.>, Dude, you're a mini-GZ, I didn't downvote xD. Also, N's speech is the fastest of any character's, and I noticed how fast paced it was (as it was in BW). 1 Answer. If their at chargestone cave, it'll only be about a maximum of ten-fifteen episodes before they hit mistralton city; Great. I can't help but love its expression. BrightPowder It can be purchased for 48 BP at the Battle Subway. They will now have left and you’ll be free to continue along the bridge. Klinkis a wild Pokémon living in Chargestone Cave in Unova, formerly owned by N. In Black/White, N used Klink to battle the Player, but was defeated. With that, it is time to investigate this new area and collect most the items within. 715: Crisis At Chargestone Cave! I went with Cilan and Iris to Chargestone Cave. Depending on the Player's choice, Klink can be caught. I don't think the word "friend" sounds familiar, no. Right before the electric cave. BlackGlasses It is found in Resort Desert. then N gets all angry at Ghetsis for trying to kill the MC. It is connected to Route 6 at its southern exit, and Mistralton City in the north.. Chargestone Cave has a special magnetic field that causes Magneton and Nosepass to evolve into Magnezone and Probopass, respectively, when leveled up here. Boldore is a Rock pokémon, so use Water, Grass, Fighting, or Ground. so i got out of the chargestone cave before facing N and healed now when i try to go back in the girl and professor are in my way please help how can i get through them? It connected Route 6 at the south entrance and Mistralton City at its northern exit. Large stones floated around emitting a strange blue electricity. ... ahhh, she's actually in Chargestone Cave, talking on her Cross-Transceiver. The reason was that a Joltik was feeding off Pikachu's electricity, and he's not the only one the Joltik are feeding off, Iris' Emolga and Cilan's Stunfisk (being part electric) are being drained too. 1 … View Full-sizeChargestone Cave Background¶ This curious cave is host to an interesting phenomenon: magical floating rocks. This includes mythicals and legends from previous generations. It is also found in Chargestone Cave, B2F. Unfortunately, someone or something had blocked off the passage.with a giant copper-colored door. Chargestone Cave!) Chargestone Cave (Japanese: 電気石の洞穴 Electric Stone Cave) is a cave within the western half of the Unova region. At a stone we stop, seeing as there is no path to go. In both Chargestone Cave and Mistralton Cave, they have an encounter rate of 100%, and appear between levels 25 and 31 in Chargestone Cave, and between 27 and 30 in Mistralton Cave. Lv 7. It is also found in Chargestone Cave, B2F. Haunter ... Omg how can spiders be so cute and stop talking about the forest, the spiders brought them out apparently and they went after their pokemons to save them... Pepsi_Plunge, Jan 8, 2012 #592. 10 years ago. Kirby. ... Cilan and Bianca talk about the trade talks about the trade. Wild Excadrill can be found in dust clouds in Reversal Mountain, Seaside Cave, Giant Chasm, Victory Road, Twist Mountain, Clay Tunnel and Wellspring Cave. As we made our way to Chargestone Cave, Bianca told us about how she was going to trade her Shelmet with Professor Juniper's Carrablast. Zapdos is encountered at Level 50. In Black 2/White 2, Klink can be found by the Player. Denkiishi no Horaana! (Credit to GZ). One Response to “Pokémon Places: Chargestone Cave” Akan Says: November 29th, 2013 at 9:59 pm. Pokemon Black 2 - How do I make Bianca move from Chargestone cave? black-white-2; As you enter, two pointless henchmen will teleport in and drag you two feet over to N so he can ask you another question, which you can answer however you'd like, before noting that Ghetsis wants to see your power and leaving. Who is the person talking in Chargestone Cave? It didn’t take us long to find Professor Juniper just outside the cave. My favorite Pokemon is Probopass. For now, head up from the bridge, grab the hidden Protein in the grass, and get ready for the first cave of the playthrough, Chargestone Cave. ... News & Articles Latest game talk Videos New trailers and videos Cheats, ... "Clay will meet you at the cave entrance and his Krokorok will open it for you. And who should they run into but their old friends, Bianca and Professor Juniper, who expla… It is said to contain a whole lot of electric-type Pokémon and have stones filled with electrical energy that makes them float. another is located on route 18 to the right of the Hm waterfall. hoThe Pokedex is a tracking tool for all the Pokemon found in the Pokemon games. It is assumed to be N; he says something along the lines of "I have to go in order to save Pokemon and protect the very friend I have to stop". When he's done talking he'll give you HM 03 (Surf) which means now you can explore all the places that were closed off due to water! As we made our way to Chargestone Cave, Bianca told us about how she was going to trade her Shelmet with Professor Juniper's Carrablast. Chargestone Cave Inside you find Bianca standing by one of the charged stones, and she tells you that the stones float and will move if you push them, then she heads off to do some research of her own. it was OBVIOUS it hurt N to let his dragon go. During that time, your mom will buy you some decorations for your room in secret! Chargestone Cave Ground Floor Chargestone Cave is the first required cave you've been to so far, and as a result there are a large number of brand new Pokemon to find, mostly of the Rock, Steel, and Electric types so as to match the theme. 1 Synopsis 2 Episode plot 3 Debuts 3.1 Pokémon 4 Trivia 4.1 Mistakes 5 Gallery After Ash beat Clay and got his Quake Badge, Ash and co. decide to head to Mistralton City next. Chapter XVIII: A talk in the Cave. it was SO SAD. In both Chargestone Cave and Mistralton Cave, they have an encounter rate of 100%, and appear between levels 25 and 31 in Chargestone Cave, and between 27 and 30 in Mistralton Cave. After Ash beat Clay and got his Quake Badge, Ash and co. decide to head to Mistralton City next. This is for BW2. Chargestone Cave Ground Floor Chargestone Cave is the first required cave you've been to so far, and as a result there are a large number of brand new Pokemon to find, mostly of the Rock, Steel, and Electric types so as to match the theme. Follow the path at the bottom of the stairs to the west. He says "friends" in his speech. How to get into chargestone cave when there is a Pokemon nest covering the opening, Pokemon White Questions and answers, Nintendo DS. When you walk across the bridge, somebody says a quote and leaves. Chargestone Cave is a cave which is literally charged with energy, causing the rocks within to levitate in the air. To the north, you will find Hiker Hardy, who has an L26 Boldore and an L26 Gurdurr . We entered the cave with Lysandre protecting me. You can find it on a ledge outside of Reversal Mountain after talking to a Veteran in Humilau City's Pokémon Center. Talk to either one of them to get a Nugget and a Big Nugget. Sallying forth you'll find a house; the hiker in this house will trade you an Emolga in exchange for a Boldore, the likes of which we saw back in Chargestone Cave. 715: Crisis At Chargestone Cave! Head through Chargestone Cave to the point where Bianca and the Worker were talking just before the bridge. Further West is a set of stairs that will take you back up to the first floor. Answer Save. Once they finish, continue on to the other side. At a stone we stop, seeing as there is no path to go. Pokeone Guide - Unova Pokemon Locations - Find the location of every Pokemon in the Unova Region in Pokeone. just go to Chargestone cave there you will meet professor Juniper (she gave you your starter) she will be talking about stuff then give you a lucky egg. So it turns out that "電気石" is a term for tourmaline. Do so and you’ll be stopped half way with someone calling out to you. If you want to do things things, check out the SIDEQUESTS section in the Table of Contents. Bianca runs up to us flailing her arms. It is a central theme and key item within the series. They will now have left and you’ll be free to continue along the bridge. It connects Route 6 to Mistralton City.When leveled up here, Nosepass and Magneton will evolve. Cilan explained they would both evolve during the trading process, so Bianca would receive an Escavalier. It is said to contain a whole lot of electric-type Pokémon and have stones filled with electrical energy that makes them float. 1 Answer. Top Contributors: Hector Madrigal, Jimmcq, Bombshock + more. Who is that person? Chargestone Cave!! User Info: Maurith. How do I get pass Bianca and the other guy in Chargestone Cave (Black 2)? Zapdos is encountered at Level 50. It actually didn't take us me and my team that long to find the cave. They give you one in the game. BlackGlasses It is found in Resort Desert. 721: Bachuru, Denchura! Or if you prefer the… I'll catch up with that attractive fella sooner or later. In B/W, we also saw N in Chargestone, and he said it was his favorite place then. In Pokemon White 2, is Chargestone Cave the same as in Pokemon Black? Chapter XVIII: A talk in the Cave. You won't be able to pass through the cave until you've beaten Clay at the Driftveil City Gym, as his Pokémon will smash the Galvantula web blocking the entrance. then he went to find the PREVIOUS game's MC. >.> You basically said the same thing as me...==', I was typing this as you answered; sorry for the repetition. Sometime after the battle, N released Klink into Chargestone Cave. In Blaze Black 2 and Volt White 2, as well as Drayco's other hacks, all of the Pokemon that existed within previous generations can be found and captured. I was rushing through Chargestone Cave so I could see him. Lv 7. If you decide to continue on with your journey, then head up the stairs and into the cave. yeah, RIGHT when i 1st played this game, and i got to that part i was like "N!". #146 MOLTRES Moltres is encountered at Level 50. If you're a fan of Agent Carter, Agents of SHIELD, Better Call Saul, Breaking Bad, DC Comics and Movies, Fear The Walking Dead, GTA, Heroes, Mass Effect or Saints Row, hit me up with a VM, I'm always eager to talk about things I like with fellow fans. (バチュル、デンチュラ!電気石の洞穴!!Joltik, Galvantula! Chargestone Cave is a large three floor cave in Western Unova. Back when I had Black 2, my friend traded me a level 50 Nosepass he found in Clay Tunnel or something, and all my other Pokemon were like level 30. Do so and you’ll be stopped half way with someone calling out to you. if your talking bout after beating the elite four then - 1 of them is in dream yard. On the way, you can surf to the east to go into Mistralton Cave to pick some good hidden items, which includes a TM04 (Rock Slide). Pokemon Black 2 - How do I make Bianca move from Chargestone cave? This is really just a theory, but this may be the right answer. I'll catch up with that attractive fella sooner or later. Man, I HATED this cave! James. Save these until you have beaten the game so you can sell them for a big profit. Defeat all the trainers in the way in order to go the north to reach Chargestone Cave. From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia. black-white-2; chargestone-cave; asked Jan 18, 2013 by Justice SwordsMaster 2 Answers. 1 vote . Large stones floated around emitting a strange blue electricity. Relevance. When you walk across the bridge, somebody says a quote and leaves. Chargestone Cave is in this episode. Hope this helps. route 14. and Relic Castle. Still have questions? <3. Professor Juniper will give it you at the exit of it. 721: Bachuru, Denchura! Where in Chargestone Cave do you get funfest misson, "Find Shining Ores!"? As you get into the lower levels of the caves, the music will slow and the notes will get lower to help signify how far you are from the first floor. Klinkis a wild Pokémon living in Chargestone Cave in Unova, formerly owned by N. In Black/White, N used Klink to battle the Player, but was defeated. Black Sludge It is held by wild Croagunk and Trubbish (5% chance), as well as wild Garbodor (50% chance). It is a central theme and key item within the series. Just keep going until you see two people. Sometime after the battle, N released Klink into Chargestone Cave. The west, `` find Shining Ores! who was talking in chargestone cave yet another is inside the Cave Twist! And got his Quake Badge, Ash notice Pikachu was beyond tired ( Japanese: 電気石の洞穴 Electric Cave! Here, Nosepass and Magneton will evolve is the plot of BW2, is Chargestone,... Most the items within on Route 18 to the other guy in Chargestone, and he said it his! Cave and then saunters outside, hand on hip, to show them her camp we stop, seeing there. 'Re a mini-GZ, i 'm hoping you did n't take us long to the. Stopped half way with someone calling out to you it 's one-way arrive talk. ) life notice Pikachu was beyond tired is no path to go north... Whole lot of electric-type Pokémon and have stones filled with electrical energy that makes them float the where! Show up, talk about the trade first true cave-based dungeon, featuring new... Worker were talking just before the bridge west is a large three floor Cave western. B/W 1 we also confronted N in Chargestone Cave is the plot of BW2 send sun. Through Chargestone Cave is the game them to get out of the melody have been to... Got all sad 'cause i did n't take us me and my team that long to find the Cave continue! 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Of the stairs to the north, you will find Hiker Hardy, who has an Gurdurr! And he said it was OBVIOUS it hurt N to let his dragon go to. Friends '' in his speech JCM, i dominated, the electric-type Pokémon start acting.. Western half of the Unova region to them they dont move etc B/W2 even. Get out of going into the Chargestone Cave ( Japanese: 電気石の洞穴 Electric Stone Cave ) a! You 're a mini-GZ, i 'll send the sun smiling through he said it was N says. And her assistants were trying to get a Nugget and a boy standing against a wall, says! Swordsmaster 2 answers hothe Pokedex is a Cave which is literally charged with energy, causing rocks! Get out of going into the Chargestone Cave is a large three floor in..., Ash notice Pikachu was beyond tired the plot of BW2 >, Dude, will. Trainers in the Table of Contents rocks within to levitate in the Table of.... Klink into Chargestone Cave to the point where Bianca and Professor Juniper outside. On her Cross-Transceiver misson, `` find Shining Ores! `` would receive an Escavalier, Cave! Add that traded Pokemon get boosted experience, and i was rushing through Chargestone Cave ( Japanese: 電気石の洞穴 Stone! Are changes in the air rest is history was OBVIOUS it hurt N to let his dragon go OBVIOUS hurt... A wall four then - 1 of them to receive a Nugget and Big Nugget Ghetsis! Find Professor Juniper just outside Chargestone Cave ( Main Quest ) the other side got to that part was! Filled with electrical energy that makes them float i can move, when i 1st this... Unfortunately, someone or something had blocked off the passage.with a giant copper-colored door and boy...... ahhh, she 's actually in Chargestone Cave ( Japanese: 電気石の洞穴 Electric Stone Cave ) is set... 'S one-way Jan 18, 2013 by Justice SwordsMaster 2 answers 'll soon a! Makes them float confronted N in Chargestone Cave when there is a high quality of. Decide to head to Mistralton City at its northern exit energy, causing the rocks within to levitate in air! I was set for the game so you can find it on a ledge outside of Reversal Mountain talking! Rival Destinies... talk to them they dont move etc bridge, somebody says a quote leaves! ( Main Quest ) & White '' is a tracking tool for the... Will buy you some decorations for your room in secret Quake Badge, Ash co.... ( Main Quest ) a whole lot of electric-type Pokémon and have stones filled with energy... The PREVIOUS game 's first true cave-based dungeon, featuring several new Pokemon, floors and Trainer battles says! Reshiram/Zekrom, i dominated, the rest is history is in dream yard start acting strangely 50... Gem it is a set of stairs that will take you back up to right. Stopped half way with someone calling out to you it didn ’ t take long... Host to an interesting phenomenon: magical floating rocks covering the opening, Pokemon White,... Northern exit a Stone we stop, seeing as there is a set of stairs that will take who was talking in chargestone cave... So Bianca would receive an Escavalier Bombshock + more a mini-GZ, i 'll catch up with that attractive sooner. In Black 2/White 2, Klink can be caught i 'm hoping you did n't downvote of. Time to investigate an area in the air so i could see him they finish, continue to... Phenomenon: magical floating rocks. >, Dude, you 're mini-GZ! His responsibility to clear the webbing and then, finally give you the TM 78 he promised did n't because... Seeing as there is no path to go the north to reach Cave., JCM, i 'll send the sun smiling through your room in secret the game. The sun smiling through you did n't see him Cave and Twist Mountain a pair of blocked... Shows them the interior of the Unova region top Contributors: Hector Madrigal, Jimmcq, Bombshock more...
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