logan city council rates

logan city council rates

Customers with annually recurring periods of seasonal use, where service is discontinued during part of a year may be contracted under this schedule. Additional requirements and options for this particular schedule are outlined in the Logan City Light and Power Distributed Generation Metering Policy. The City will install and maintain 100-watt high-pressure sodium lighting on the customer’s property for a monthly charge providing that the customer requesting such service guarantees at least one (1) year of use. Refer to the current Logan City Light and Power Fees Schedule for current pricing information pertaining to fees, service charges and re-read fees. Council would not provide details on what the average rates figure was for the city or a suburb breakdown of rates. Logan City is a local government area situated within the south of the Brisbane metropolitan area in South East Queensland, Australia.Situated between the City of Brisbane to the north and the City of Gold Coast to the south, the City also borders the Scenic Rim Region, the City of Ipswich, and Redland City LGAs. Your information may be accessed by business partners, employees, contractors and/or Councillors of Logan City Council and other government agencies for Council business related activities only. This schedule is for single phase alternating current Area Lighting electric service at approximately 120 or 240 volts at an approved point of delivery for lighting service required on the premises for commercial and residential purposes only. The Customer will be billed for electric energy in kilowatt-hours delivered by the City to the Customer during the billing period, as shown by or computed from the readings of the City’s energy meters. We've offered deferral of rates, a freeze on increases for the first half of 2020-21 and a $250 JobSeeker Rebate for eligible ratepayers.. To help the city recover, ratepayers will also receive a one-off rebate of the savings declared as a result of Council's Kingsford Smith Drive upgrade project. This service is not available as a seasonal service. document _recordid 247 ... Logan City School District 100 South Proposal. Learn more - … ENERGY RATE: $0.0304 per kWh for all kWh’s. Refer to the current Logan City Light and Power Electrical Fees Schedule for current pricing information pertaining to fees, service charges. The exact type of meter will be determined by the Logan City Light and Power Department. DEMAND AND ENERGY CHARGES: Demand Rate: $16.86 per kW for all kW Energy Rate: $0.0384 per kWh for all kWh’s. Learn more - Reconciliation Action Plan (PDF 2182 KB), 2021 Copyright Logan City Council City Council, Toggle submenu for "Building and development", Toggle submenu for "Business and regulations", Rates and charges information brochure (PDF 149 KB). Logan City Council's official App. The customers total coincidized load must be one megawatt or greater at least 7 months of the previous 12 months, through multiple points of delivery for all service required on the premises. The Power Factor adjustment applies only to customers with three phase service. Logan City Council today delivered a $944.2 million back-to-basics 2020/2021 Budget to signal a new era for the City of Logan. This is Logan City Council's official Facebook page. Supplemental power will be delivered at any point on the City’s interconnected system where there are facilities of adequate capacity. document _recordid 246 WORKSHOP Res 15-44 Budget Adjustment. Both the weighted average wholesale cost and installed solar capacity will be published and communicated to the public once every 12 months. General Service – Distribution Voltage (Rate Schedule 6). This schedule is for alternating current, three-phase electric service supplied at approximately 46,000 volts and for supplemental service loads of 5 megawatts or greater, through up to two (2) points of delivery for all service required on the premises. This rate is for customers with permanent operations and installations. Government Service emergency faults. When City Temporary Service units are provided, the customer is responsible for any costs incurred to said units due to alterations, damage or misuse. At the customer’s request and expense an additional meter may be installed for the customer’s purposes. There will be no additional charges for net meter customers that would not be applied to any other equal customer. However, Logan residents' net rates and charges bill will still be about $1144 a year, below the average net rates and charges bill for either Brisbane at $1180.93, or the Gold Coast City Council, $1363.96. This schedule is intended for customers that generate electric energy from renewable sources that they would otherwise purchase from the utility. Logan City Council Agendas share Info link. The customer shall also install a production meter that is capable of measuring the flow of produced energy coming from the distributed generation source. Step kW’s are total installed residential kW’s of solar within Logan City’s service area. The Customer’s CRSP Energy shall be the applicable Monthly Energy (as defined in the Customer’s contract with Western) that the Customer is entitled to receive and that is scheduled during a billing period pursuant to the Customer’s contract with Western for Firm Electric Service, plus additional surplus hydro energy that the Customer may purchase from Western and have scheduled; provided that the Customer shall not purchase such additional surplus hydro energy, if after doing so, the Customer’s total purchases of energy from Western in any month would exceed 12% of the Customer’s energy purchased from the City; and further provided that the amount of such energy shall be reduced by 0.4% to account for transformer and line losses on the City’s electric system. DEMAND AND ENERGY CHARGES: DEMAND RATE: $12.54 per kW for all kW. Refer to the current Logan City Light and Power Fees Schedule for current pricing information pertaining to connection fees, service charges and re-read fees. If you have an existing payment plan in place, no further action is required from you and your payment plan will continue as normal. This figure includes the five per cent “early payment” discount. Each meter that is coincidized into the total load must have at least 200 kilowatts of monthly 15-minute peak demand for at least 7 months of the previous 12 months in order to maintain this rate schedule. Logan City Council’s responsibilities also include the establishment of local laws. 2,410 were here. Logan City Council respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the lands across the City of Logan. The purchase schedule will begin at the weighted average retail rate. be applicable under this Schedule shall be waived and Customer will have no liability for service charges until such time as Customer is reasonably able to resume service. For energy purchased from the utility, residential customers will be charged the current Rate Schedule 1. Should any of the foregoing occur, the minimum billing demands that would otherwise be applicable under this Schedule shall be waived and Customer will have no liability for service charges until such time as Customer is reasonably able to resume service. The geothermal, ground-source, or geo-exchange heat pump system shall be the only source of space heating & cooling for the residence. In the event of natural disasters or acts of God such as earthquakes, floods, or severe storms, neither party shall be liable for damages due to lack of ability for operations which affect the other party economically. At this time the solar rate portion will be re-evaluated. High Volume Industrial Service (Rate Schedule 7). This schedule is for electric service applications for customers that have alternate renewable electric power generation on the customer side of the electric meter. Gazza In the event of natural disasters or acts of God such as earthquakes, floods, or severe storms, neither party shall be liable for damages due to lack of ability for operations which affect the other party economically or in any other way. Each time a Customer, eligible to receive electric service under this schedule, begins to receive electric service at a point of delivery not previously used, or at a point of delivery which has been used previously by another Customer, or each time a customer changes his point of delivery or reconnects after voluntary disconnection to the same point of delivery, that Customer shall be responsible for such costs of moving and purchasing the necessary equipment and fixtures required to make such connection. The City shall deliver the Customer’s CRSP power from the Green Canyon Substation, or other agreed upon point of delivery, to the Customer’s 46 kV points of delivery. The Kilowatt Demand is based on 15-minute period of Customer’s greatest use during the month determined to the nearest kW. Striking another blow to Edgewood High School's efforts to make upgrades at its athletic field, the Madison City Council denied early Wednesday morning a bid by the school to install lights. Logan City Council respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the lands across the City of Logan. This schedule is for alternating current electric service at approximately 120 or 240 volts through one Kilowatt-hour meter at a single point of delivery for all service required on the premises for residential purposes. In the event the Customer reduces or ceases operation or receipt of service for periods of one month or longer, the Customer will be required to pay for at least 65% of the maximum demand as measured during the previous twelve months along with Customer Service charges through the balance of the Contract Term. Eligible pensioners can receive a subsidy of 20 per cent (up to a maximum amount of $200 each year) of the gross rates and charges levied by your local council. Monthly Bill Service Calculators residential bill calculator, commercial bill calculator. Other requirements are outlined in the Logan City Light and Power Distributed Energy Metering Policy. However, if the wiring is so arranged that the service for residential purposes can be metered separately this schedule will be applied to such service. The cost to the customer for this meter is set forth in the Logan City Light and Power Electrical Fee Schedule. For customers with more than one meter, the sum of the kilowatt hours for each meter shall be used to determine the total kilowatt-hours used. Logan City Council are great to work for as they have the best work/life balance. The management is great, they cover every year professional development of the previous 12 months being in that role. Excess production will be purchased back from the customer at the price listed in the schedule below. The City of Logan is a statutory city regulated by the Ohio Revised Code. Rates relief. FORCE MAJEURE:Neither the City nor Customer shall be subject to any liability or damages due to the inability of the City to serve the Customer’s load due to lack of available power and energy or other conditions beyond the City's control. You can pay your rates by mail by sending the bottom section of your rates statement with a cheque or money order to: Brisbane City Council GPO Box 1090 Brisbane Qld 4001. Shanan Ballam Logan City Poet Laureate Events Record August 2019 through Nov 14 2020.pdf document seq 0.00 DRAFT Minutes 20November17.pdf At any point on the City’s interconnected system where there are facilities of adequate capacity, and where there are available shares at Logan City Light and Power’s community photovoltaic installation. Logan City is a local government area situated within the south of the Brisbane. Logan City Summary Rate Schedule This Summary Rate Schedule is a summary of the rate information for the city. ie if Rateable Value was $250,000 Then Rates would be $0.003602 x $250,000 = $900.50 pa. As the City of Logan’s legislative body, City Council approves and oversees the City’s annual budget and expenditures. Should any of the foregoing occur, the minimum billing demands that would otherwise. We extend that respect to the Elders, past, present and emerging for they hold the memories, traditions, cultures and hopes of Australia’s First Peoples. It is the responsibility of the Customer to have its CRSP power delivered to the City’s interconnected electric system at the Logan City Green Canyon Substation, or to another point acceptable to the City. The minimum term for this rate is one year. If the Power Factor at the time of the monthly peak demand is found to be less than 95% lagging or leading, the monthly kilowatt demand, as recorded by the City's meter, will be increased by 3/4 of 1% for every 1% that the Power Factor is less than 95%. Neither the City nor Customer shall be subject to any liability or damages due to the inability of the City to serve the Customer’s load due to lack of available power and energy or other conditions beyond the City's control. All of the rate schedules may be changed from time to time. All Electric Residential - Rate Schedule 2, CITY OF LOGAN LIGHT & POWERRATE SCHEDULE #2, ALL ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL, GEOTHERMAL, GROUND-SOURCE, OR GEO-EXCHANGE HEATING AND COOLING. As the installed residential solar power in the City reaches certain installed solar capacity thresholds, the rate will be adjusted. Refer to the current Logan City Light and Power Fees Schedule for current pricing information pertaining fees, service charges and re-read fees. Compare pay for popular roles and read about the team’s work-life balance. All meters for this rate will require remote telephone line access supplied by the Customer. In the event of natural disasters or acts of God such as earthquakes, floods, or severe storms, neither party shall be liable for damages due to lack of ability for operations which affect the other party economically. Since April 2020, Council has worked hard to support our city through the pandemic. Should any of the foregoing occur, no minimum billing fees shall be added to the customers’ bill during the time the customer cannot accept service. The City shall be responsible for the hourly scheduling of the Customer’s CRSP power and will arrange for hourly deliveries in the same manner and under the same constraints as may be imposed on hourly deliveries of the City’s own allocation of CRSP power. If you are registered to Logan City Council's rates portal, please enter your email address below. Contact Logan City Council. Electric Vehicle Charging - Rate Schedule 4. Get the inside scoop on jobs, salaries, top office locations, and CEO insights. CITY OF LOGAN LIGHT & POWER DEPARTMENT RATE SCHEDULE #5 TEMPORARY / SEASONAL SERVICE. Refer to the current Logan City Light and Power Electrical Fees Schedule for current pricing information pertaining to fees, service charges and re-read fees. Where more than one meter is coincidized into the total aggregate load, the demand will be based on the total coincidized 15-minute demand. Seasonal service is not available under this rate. If you need help with the payment of your rates and other charges, please fill in our Financial Hardship online form. Commercial customers will be charged under the applicable current Commercial Rate Schedule which they qualify for based on criteria in the electric rate schedules and connection fee schedules. Buyback price will equal the previous year’s weighted wholesale average plus 1.5 cents. The applicant must agree to a home inspection of the heat pump system by the city, or by the city’s agent, to qualify for this reduced rate schedule. Rates subsidy. Residential Community Solar - Rate Schedule 1A. SEASONAL SERVICE:This schedule is not available as a seasonal service. The customer must have at least a 50 percent monthly coincidized load factor. This schedule is not available as a seasonal service. At any electric customer’s property at points agreed upon by both customer and the City of Logan Light & Power Department and based upon the terms and policies listed below. Monthly Bill Service Calculators If an extension of the existing lines and additional equipment will be required, the Customer will be responsible for such line extension costs, easements and/or Right of Ways and any additional equipment costs. A new customer will be eligible for this rate at the time they meet the total load of one megawatt and the individual 200 kilowatt per meter load requirements above. Menu Open the sidebar navigation menu Online Services Council Home HomeGovernmentDepartments   Light & Power  Rates, CITY OF LOGAN LIGHT & POWER RATE SCHEDULE #1. Power will be delivered at any point on the City’s interconnected system where there are facilities of adequate capacity. In addition, the Customer shall promptly provide the City with copies of all electric schedules and billings between the Customer and Western. APPLICATION FOR SPACE HEATING AND COOLING:This rate is for permanently-installed geothermal, ground-source, or geo-exchange heat pump systems used for both heating and cooling conditioned space in residences that do not utilize any electric thermal resistive elements. Share this page on your favorite Social network, parks & recreation, library, services/utilities, © Copyright 2019 Logan City all rights reserved    •    290 N 100 W Logan, UT 84321 (435) 716-9000. The Customer’s CRSP Demand shall be the applicable Monthly Capacity (as defined in the Customer’s contract with Western) that the Customer is entitled to receive and that is scheduled during a billing period pursuant to the Customer’s contract with Western for Firm Electric Service, plus additional excess capacity that the Customer may purchase from Western and have scheduled; provided that the Customer shall not purchase such additional excess capacity if, after doing so, the Customer’s total purchases of capacity from Western in any month would exceed 12% of the Customer’s demand purchased from the City; and further provided that the amount of such capacity shall be reduced by 0.4% to account for transformer and line losses on the City’s electric system. circuit breakers. The line or lines must be made available to Logan City Light and Power for meter reading and monitoring prior to being served under this rate schedule and during the term of service under this rate schedule. The customer shall adhere to all service and billing requirements. Contact Logan City Council General enquiries (07) 3412 3412. If you receive rate accounts online: you will no longer receive paper rate accounts; tip vouchers (if eligible) will be posted to you in July or August. Any applicable fees shall resume at the time the customer is able to accept service. The January to March 2021 rates notices will be issued on 15 January 2021 and will be due 19 February 2021. Today’s budget announcement means the minimum total annual rates and charges a Logan ratepayer will fork out to live in the city is $2,575.37. This rate will be based on the Customer maintaining at all times a power factor between 95% lagging and 95% leading, or higher, as determined by measurement. document seq 0.00 ... Rate Schedule and Electric Fees 2.pdf. ACTION Ord 17-09 LMC 5.20 Mobile Food Vendors.pdf. The Customer will be billed for electric energy in kilowatt-hours delivered by the City to the Customer during the billing period, as shown by or computed from the readings of the City’s energy meters, less the customer’s CRSP Energy. Step 1 will be adjusted for any future retail rate adjustments if necessary. AVAILABILITY:At any point on the City’s interconnected system where the City installs and operates an electric vehicle charging station that is open and available to the public. Logan Council funds adult swimming program to combat high rate of migrant drownings By Holly Richardson Posted Fri Friday 4 Dec December 2020 at 10:17pm Fri Friday 4 … High Volume Supplemental Service - Rate Schedule 8, CITY OF LOGAN LIGHT & POWER DEPARTMENT RATE SCHEDULE #8, HIGH VOLTAGE SUPPLEMENTAL SERVICE FOR CUSTOMERS WITH CRSP ALLOCATIONS. Rates fund our essential services and community facilities like: We understand that our city is facing unprecedented times and that our community may be experiencing financial challenges. Any units found, at time of application or during the course of service use, to be defective or in violation of NEC and city requirements will be disconnected promptly until which time that necessary corrections are made. document seq 0.00 October 3 10 documents. Uncover why Logan City Council is the best company for you. Should any of the foregoing occur, the minimum billing demands that would otherwise be applicable under this Schedule shall be waived and Customer will have no liability for service charges until such time as Customer is reasonably able to resume service. We extend that respect to the Elders, past, present and emerging for they hold the memories, traditions, cultures and hopes of Australia’s First Peoples. All the jobs are secure and you can go up a level depending on the job. Seasonal Service will be determined by actual monthly energy and demand charges. The City of Brisbane Act 2010 sets out similar powers for Brisbane City Council. In the event that Customer metering equipment is installed on the secondary side of the Customer’s equipment, appropriate additional losses will be applied to the CRSP Demand delivered to the Customer. In the event that Customer metering equipment is installed on the secondary side of the Customer’s equipment, appropriate additional losses will be applied to the CRSP Energy delivered to the Customer. Customers who qualify for this rate schedule are subject to all of the same provisions, requirements, obligations, fees, minimum charges, and regulations as annotated in Logan City’s Electric Service Rate Schedule #1 “Residential Service”, except qualified customers under this rate schedule shall have a “flat”energy rate charged throughout the entire month with a 10% discount below the minimum tier as designated in the current applicable Rate Schedule #1. They also give good benefits/salary according to the award wage. Enjoy a more convenient way to get active in Logan, source property details, be informed on Rates issue periods and have a handy way to pay them, and be a proud citizen by reporting council related maintenance issues that arise in your neighbourhood. Copy and paste this code into your website. The devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, lower than forecast growth, and a run of low rate increases over the years have compounded to create one of the most challenging budgets in Council’s history. All temporary service units are to meet all current National Electric Code requirements including the use of G.F.I. ... Rates: Pay your Rates: Accounts Receivable Payment Type Description; The exact type of meter will be determined by the Logan City Light and Power Department. Neither the City nor Customer shall be subject to any liability or damages due to the inability of the City to serve the Customer’s load due to lack of available power and energy or other conditions beyond the City's control. In the event of natural disasters or acts of God such as earthquakes, floods, or severe storms, neither party shall be liable for damages due to lack of ability for operations which affect the other party economically. General Service - Distribution Voltage - Rate Schedule 6, CITY OF LOGAN LIGHT & POWER DEPARTMENT RATE SCHEDULE #6. High Volume Industrial Service - Rate Schedule 7, CITY OF LOGAN LIGHT & POWER RATE SCHEDULE #7. All costs for the installation of metering equipment will be the responsibility of the Customer. The monthly charge will be $14.17 for each light furnished. This rate will be based on the Customer maintaining at all times a power factor between 95% lagging and 95% leading, or higher, as determined by measurement. According to Logan Council website rates are calculated at $0.003602 x Rateable value. CUSTOMER SERVICE CHARGE: $326.00 per month. Council offers a partial rate rebate of 50% of general rates to certain not-for-profit organisations that provide or support essential welfare or community services to … The kilowatt demand is based on the maximum 15-minute period of Customer’s greatest use during the month measured to the nearest kW, less the Customer’s CRSP Demand. While our housing crisis has been brewing for decades, it is now at a boiling point. Metering for this type of service will require an electronic meter capable of measuring 15-minute demand intervals, hourly and 15-minute energy usage, monthly totals, and previous months totals for several quantities, including but not limited to, kilowatts, kilovars, kilo-volt-amperes and kilowatt-hours. Council Rates; Logan City Council Biller code 0459. The billing demand is based on the highest 15-minute average kilowatt demand for the billing period. CUSTOMER SERVICE CHARGE:Not applicable at present, ENERGY RATE: 1st Hour: FreeNext Four (4) Hours: $1.00/hourAll additional Hours:  $3.00/hour. Eligibility. Neither the City nor Customer shall be subject to any liability or damages due to the inability of the City to serve the Customer’s load due to lack of available power and energy or other conditions beyond the City's control. Distributed Generation Metering Policy - Rate Schedule 10, CITY OF LOGAN LIGHT & POWERRATE SCHEDULE #10DISTRIBUTED GENERATION NET METERING. Support hours. Learn more - … If the Power Factor at the time of the monthly peak demand is found to be less than 95% lagging or leading, the monthly kilowatt demand, as recorded by the City’s meter, will be increased by ¾ of 1% for every 1% that the Power Factor is less than 95%. To see how we calculate rates, please download the Rates and charges information brochure (PDF 149 KB). A customer’s generating facility used for distributed energy generation metering shall be equipped with metering equipment that can measure the flow of electricity in both directions. We extend that respect to the Elders, past, present and emerging for they hold the memories, traditions, cultures and hopes of Australia’s First Peoples. visiting Council; mail to: Brisbane City Council GPO Box 1434 Brisbane Qld 4000. The city will install a meter capable of measuring bi-directional energy flow. Mailing address. The customer must also maintain a 95 percent power factor leading or lagging at the time of the monthly coincidized peak kW, or be subject to power factor penalties as described below. MINIMUM BILLING: The monthly Customer Service Charges plus appropriate demand and energy charges. The Customer shall provide the City with approved monthly schedules for CRSP power on a seasonal basis, at the same time it provides such schedules to Western. Not-for-profit general rate rebate. This schedule is for alternating current, single, or three-phase electric service supplied at the City’s available voltage through one kilowatt-hour meter at a single point of delivery for all service required on the premises, except by written permission of the Director of the Light & Power Department, or his assigned representative. Step 1: Up to 2500 kW installed:             $0.098 (weighted average retail rate), Step 2: 2500 kW installed:          Weighted average wholesale cost + $0.035, Step 3: 3000 kW installed:         Weighted average wholesale cost + $0.025, Step 4: 3500+ kW installed:       Weighted average wholesale cost + $0.015. Eventually the buyback price will equal the previous year’s weighted wholesale average plus 1.5 cents. The purchase may show up as a credit on the City monthly utility bill. At any point on the City’s interconnected system where there are facilities of adequate capacity. $3.80 for single-phase service with customer supplied temporary service unit. All meters served under this rate will require appropriate remote telephone line access supplied by, paid for, and maintained by the Customer. You can receive your Brisbane City Council rate accounts online through the secure environment of your internet banking provider, using BPAY View. The charge for such service is included in the Demand and Energy Charges associated with the Rate Schedule. Council must receive payment on or before the due date to allow your early payment discount. The Customer shall adhere to all service and billing requirements including the installation of approved metering equipment as per Logan City Electric Service Requirements. For such service is discontinued during part of a year may be installed for the City ’ s system... Oversees the City monthly utility bill to support our City through the secure environment of your rates and information... And read about the team ’ s all meters will be applied to any other equal.. Information pertaining to fees, service charges early payment ” discount first kWh! Light and Power fees Schedule for current Rental rates to be otherwise multiple meters will be issued 15. April 2020, Council has worked hard to support our City through the secure environment of your rates charges. 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