lost season 2 best episodes

lost season 2 best episodes

Who cares what the whispers are, or who was on the other outrigger, when you can hoot and holler with Hurley as he rips a DHARMA van through the jungle? Oscars Best Picture Winners Best Picture Winners Golden Globes Emmys STARmeter Awards San Diego Comic-Con New York Comic-Con Sundance Film Festival Toronto Int 'l Film Festival Awards Central Festival Central All Events. Celebs . Matthew Fox as Jack Shephard(23/24) 2. Evangeline Lilly as Kate Austen(21/24) 6. Awkward! Please, someone, hit pause — it's the blast door map! Oh, and Hurley rewrites "The Empire Strikes Back." Charlie's heroin withdrawal is rough, powerful stuff. Michael's best episode, and a blockbuster performance from Harold Perrineau during the "three minutes" he's allowed with Walt. As much as you don't want to see him go, it's so powerful watching him prepare to leave. There's a reason why the survivors of Oceanic 815 became such a pop culture phenomenon so early on. 6. The first sighting of Juliet Burke! Community. The weakest of the Locke episodes, and one of the weakest episodes of the series, full stop. When Lost premièred in September, 2004, it was the most watched TV pilot in television history (some 18.6 million viewers tuning in). The next two weeks are going to be very unpleasant! The jaw-dropper that Kate's off-Island son is actually Aaron added some serious sauce to the ongoing mystery of the flash-forwards, and Miles eating a grenade for breakfast is great. Maybe for some of you, but the Sideways story does not work for everybody — and for those people, an almost exclusively Sideways episode does not play well, even as a Desmond episode. (Spoiler alert: "Exposé" is the best of the best. But there is also a horse. Amazing. Celebs. Pierre Chang, "Shotgun Willie" and Daniel Faraday play us into the first episode of "the time-travel season," kicking off the show's weirdest, most experimental run of episodes in fantastic fashion. Get it now free for: iPhone or Android. A moving-the-ball episode that ends with Locke's declaration that he plans to kill Jacob. One of his finest hours. From The Others to The Oceanic 6 to the infamous flash-sideways, Lost is revolutionary. For Industry Professionals. Season two offered up a slew of good episodes and these are the best. Seriously, that lion's mane. Much. Jorge Garcia's hungry Hurley, and the final seconds of institutionalized Libby, are worthwhile stories. 100. Even 16 years after its premiere, the genre-bending Lost is still considered to be one of the best shows on television, despite its controversial final season. There's good stuff here. Batwoman: Camrus Johnson Explains Luke's Reaction to Bruce Wayne's Return, Daniel Dae Kim Announces He Is Now Coronavirus Free, Ant-Man's Evangeline Lilly Apologizes for Controversial Quarantine Stance, LOST's Maggie Grace Confronts Evangeline Lilly Over COVID-19 Behavior, IMDb Lands Lost, Boston Legal, Roswell & More Ad-Supported Streaming Rights, ABC, CBS, NBC & Lady Gaga Team for Television Event, The Simpsons' Sketchiest Character Is Basically Indiana Jones, Freaks and Geeks Lands on Hulu With Original Soundtrack, Fate: The Winx Saga - Netflix Releases Trailer for Winx Club Adaptation, Babylon 5 Creator JMS Eulogizes the Late Mira Furlan. ), feels like an old-school episode of "Lost," so late in the game. How's that for a reversal? Pilot (Season 1, Episodes 1-2) Jack Shepherd plans his first trek into the jungle. This happens while the original island timeline takes place at the temple and introduces Crazy Jungle Claire. Sawyer time-travels to the moment of Aaron's birth, mourning the loss of Kate all over again. Such an exciting return to "Lost" after a long summer away from "Exodus." Based on an illustrated novel, The Last Kids On Earth has proven quite popular since its arrival on Netflix, but what are the best and worst episodes? ABC Studios . It's the first episode after the writer's strike that plagued season four, and it jumps right back into action with adrenaline and bullets aplenty. Vol. The gang gets back together! It's still a weak episode — no getting around the Bai Ling of it all — but it's not the worst. With nearly twice as many episodes as in the first season, season two has more plot but also weaker episodes and less consequential arcs. It's one of Jack's best scenes, showing that the Man of Science and Faith has finally arrived. One of Josh Holloway's many brilliant moments in season five. "The Shape of Things to Come" (Season 4). Overall a great Sawyer-centric episode, but it's against a backdrop that focuses too much on setting the stage. Josh Holloway as James "Sawyer" Ford(23/24) 4. Butties." It's great! Avatar: The Last Airbender is one of the best Nickelodeon series of all time, and the show's second season was one of its highest points. The infamous "Jack's tattoos" flashback gave producers the juice they needed to end the show on their own terms. This episode is the opposite of unpleasant. In order of character appearances 1. 1. Oscars Best Picture Winners Best Picture Winners Golden Globes Emmys STARmeter Awards San Diego Comic-Con New York Comic-Con Sundance Film Festival Toronto Int'l Film Festival Awards Central Festival Central All Events. A legitimately touching moment between Ben and Ilana isn't enough to counteract the silliness of Sideways Ben's high school drama. Oceanic 815 landing in Los Angeles is a show-stopper, even if it only exists in an afterlife. Makes you feel good about the future of the Island in Hurley's hands, doesn't it? The real kicker: Michael threatening Jin with an axe. With more than 100 episodes of "Lost" after this one, "Walkabout" remains top-tier television. The episode's ending, in which Juliet reports back to Ben via tape recorder, and tells him she hates him while off-the-record, is an underrated moment. Both Richard Alpert and the Black Rock's origin stories were a long time coming. Ben murdering Locke is telegraphed pretty hard, but that doesn't make it any less gripping. Modern Family: Season 6, Episode 16 — "Connection Lost" ABC "Connection Lost" is the highest-rated episode … Except… what if he's not? The first season five episode on the board, because season five is the most consistent season of "Lost" by miles. The episode also moves away from the Temple, mercifully. Jack's first flashback episode establishes the show's foundational theme of coincidence versus fate. KEEP READING: ABC, CBS, NBC & Lady Gaga Team for Television Event, Alex is a Toronto-based writer/professional nerd. Is Jack losing his mind, or is he actually seeing a ghost? It's spectacular. The final hour of John Locke is an important episode, but a repetitive one, with Locke continually failing to bring people to his cause. Sawyer and Kate's breathtaking make-out sesh is the hotness. More like Suckshaft. Related: 42 Ways To Drive Any ‘Lost’ Fan Insane, Ten years after "Lost" began, and more than four years after it ended, here's how every single episode measures up today. The episode takes on enhanced meaning once you know what (and who) the Smoke Monster really is. This two part episode is a guarantee tearjerker with Charlie sacrificing his life to save his friends. The return of one of the show's most controversial characters finds Michael on the freighter off the coast, working undercover to kill everyone on board in order to protect the island. By Jonathan Meschutt Jan 06, 2021. The first sighting of Goodwin's corpse! Still, "there is no Sayid" is one of season six's best lines. Avatar: The Last Airbender: 10 Best Season 2 Episodes, Ranked By IMDb. It's so refreshing to see the whole gang back together this late into season six. I haven't been sleeping because I want everyone to feel safe — then he builds a golf course, and everyone feels safe." Good, rewarding stuff. If she isn't busy re-playing Breath of the Wild, she can be found writing YA novels in her spare time. The flash-sideways story finds an on-the-run Kate helping a pregnant Claire get to the hospital, mirroring her original role in Aaron's delivery. The unexplained mysteries matter much less now than the survivors of Oceanic 815 and the friends and foes they meet and beat along the way. 26. As a super fan of the show while it was on, I wanted to see how it all held up all these years later, especially as someone who did not love the ending. Best. RELATED: Ant-Man's Evangeline Lilly Apologizes for Controversial Quarantine Stance. But maybe? Often cited as the worst episode of "Lost." There's no time to catch your breath, just the way "Lost" likes it. When "Lost" premiered on September 22, ... from worst to best. It's a roller coaster. "Live Together, Die Alone" (Season 2). Sayid Jarrah, tied up to a tree in a jungle of mystery, getting tortured. Bad on-Island story, great flash-forward. What are your favorite episodes of "Lost"? "The Beginning of the End" (Season 4), The perfect follow-up to "Through the Looking Glass," honoring both Charlie's death and the weight of the flash-forward reveal. "Exodus" is three hours of perfection, full of emotion, full of wonderful weight. Meanwhile, on the island Rousseau and Karl are killed, so the whole hour is a giant emotional rollercoaster. "We're going to need to watch that again." The highlights are endless: Jack and Sawyer's emotional goodbye, all about Christian Shephard. "Whatever Happened, Happened" (Season 5). And then there's the crowning achievement... ...the raft launch, the king of all "Lost" sequences, scored to soaring heights by Michael Giacchino. Help Center Contributor Zone Polls. Interestingly, five of the top 10 highest-rated episodes are also from Season 2. Uh, I don't think he's bluffing. The double-homicide of Ana-Lucia and Libby, and Michael's self-inflicted gunshot, remains a top contender as far as "Lost" stunners are concerned. 3. The episode also makes sneaky use of flash-forwards, framing them so they appear to take place in an unspecified moment in time, before revealing they are from the future and that some of the survivors make it off the island. It shows. It's a joyride. It's often cited as the best episode of "Lost." 34. Hard, frickin', core. "The Man Behind the Curtain" (Season 3). Mr. Eko versus the Smoke Monster, round one. "All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues" (Season 1). So many things happen all at once, which is normally the kiss of death, but these episodes manage to be flawlessly executed. Producers rushed to replace a misfired Sawyer flashback with a last-minute Michael story. Eko and Locke's search for the Pearl Station is a genuine trip, with the two men of faith diverging down different paths for the remainder of the season. ", 25. Sure, on first watch, this is "Lost" literally spinning its wheels. It's an episode that demanded constant replay of its die-hard fans, and still does today. Ever. The events on the island in 1977 find Faraday returning to warning Dr. Chang of the impending incident. Michael and Jin versus the freighter bomb. First time we hear Mama Cass! Sayid blowing up Mikhail's spot, with a fresh bullet wound in his arm, is exactly why Sayid is the best. Share Share Tweet Email. It's a spiritual cousin of "Tricia Tanaka" in terms of wonderful whimsy, with an ambitious structure and a ton on the line. All. My thoughts on the third season of this show. Share Share Tweet Email. It takes a lot of guts to rest a season finale on the back of an essentially brand-new character, but Desmond rose to the occasion and blew the lid right off the Hatch, literally and figuratively. (By Miles! Just kidding. The on-island story also introduces possibly the most insufferable character of the show, Zoe, who works alongside Charles Widmore. CBS' Mike & Molly was never a show that dazzled in the ratings, only having one episode score higher than an 8.0 on IMDb, but it was … Everyone back-talking each other, scheming and double-dealing in an effort to ditch Not Locke (and Claire! Tightly-paced and emotionally dizzying. 0. These stories may have done well in their own, but paired together this episode is an hour-long eye roll. It's actually kind of important. Razzle dazzle! "It's all Hurley," says Jack. The show's first-ever time-travel episode, and it's a big one. "The Man from Tallahassee" (Season 3). Why introduce a character of such apparent importance, only to kill her off as a gag? It's ambitious at a time when "Lost" desperately needs ambition, but it doesn't totally work, thanks in large to Emmy winner Allison Janney's miscasting as the Island's ancient protector. The Best: Man of Science, Man of Faith (Season 2, Episode 1) As one of the two best reveals of the series, the episode begins with a man going about his day in a seemingly normal apartment, but the day gets a little strange with odd beeping, injections and finally the reveal of this all happening inside the hatch. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. It also sets up the rest of Desmond's great season three arc: "No matter what I try to do, you're gonna die, Charlie.". Desmond leads Charlie, Hurley and Jin on a camping trip through the jungle, during which Jin tells a ghost story, the gang whistles ala "Bridge on the River Kwai," and Charlie takes an arrow to the throat. It is "Lost" at its very best. "Man of Science, Man of Faith" (Season 2). Is there a better mirror to "Confidence Man" than this season five episode? The tiger changes his stripes, using his confidence schemes to keep himself and his fellow time-travelers safe. Highly underrated episode. Her Arztian exit is one of the greatest examples of "Lost" stumbling on its way to the end zone. Superman & Lois's Trailer May Reveal Why the Kents Move to Smallville, The Watch Finally Unleashes Its BLOODTHIRSTY Werewolf, HBO's 30 Coins FINALLY Reveals the Secret About Its Cult & Judas' Payment. The Smoke Monster makes an awesome appearance in all of his get-me-offa-this-stinking-Island ferocity, stealing the show from an otherwise strong showcase for Kate and Juliet. Born Today Most Popular Celebs Most Popular Celebs Celebrity News. The show's final sequence, focused on Jack's death and spiritual closure, is a terrific mirror of the show's first sequence. You got it wrong, John — you're next. How did Locke get in the wheelchair? All the main characters go off in pairs or alone and learn their own life lessons, from Toph to Zuko. Descending into the mysterious hatch will divide loyalties as it raises new questions about the island. Sayid versus Keamy. It includes two of the show's finest music-montages, too. Down the Hatch! Hurley and Libby's emotional flash-sideways story can't overcome Ilana's lame death. Using the image of Ben's dead daughter to strengthen his unending loyalty is a cruel trick, and exactly what one should expect from a dude known as "the Monster.". Daniel Dae Kim as Jin-Soo Kwon(21/24) 7. But the final scene with Jack saving Kate and Sawyer via radio is one of the most pulse-pounding moments of the show. For my tastes, it needs more of the Oceanic crowd to clinch that title, which goes to... From the minute Danielle Rousseau enters the Oceanic camp to the final cliffhanger descending into the Hatch, "Exodus" represents every single thing that's great about "Lost." Plus, Jack downward dragon-punches Locke, "Street Fighter" style. This episode from season 2 is famous among fans of Avatar: the Last Airbender. It's not. Ask, and you shall receive, in one of the most gutting episodes of the series. It's not. Bloodlust, 4. Darth Sayid and Not-Locke team up to lay waste to the Temple, ending one of the show's most maligned story lines in gloriously violent fashion. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Apology. Numbers you'll never, ever forget. The Thailand flashback also informs the season-ending flash-forward, allowing the viewer to accept that Jack might have hit his post-Island lows at some point in his past. Asadora! We did not need an episode about Sun losing her ability to speak English this late in the series. It yields a moving scene with Sun and Jack, in which she learns she can still communicate through writing, but that's not enough to justify the misfire. ("I'd have thought C's, actually.") For Industry Professionals. Help Center Contributor Zone Polls. 0. Terry O'Quinn as John Locke(23/24) 5. Ludicrous. Looking back on it now, it's amazing just how fully formed "Lost" feels on arrival. 0. The return of Harold Perrineau's murderous Michael is nothing short of a mess from a continuity perspective. One of the most controversial episodes of "Lost." The second episode of "Lost" gives us more on Kate right when we need it, but the big highlight is the ending: Joe Purdy's "Wash Away (Reprise)," playing on Hurley's CD player, fading out on John Locke's sinister stare. Y'all love the outrigger scene, don't you? Chekhov's nuclear warhead makes its first appearance, in an episode that lays crucial groundwork for all events to come, including Faraday's terrible fate. Season 2. A badass Kate episode, but ultimately filler. The flashback isn't fantastic, even with Nathan Fillion involved. Awesome show. Lost Season show reviews & Metacritic score: As Bernard attempts to spur the survivors into trying to get themselves rescued, Rose is surprisingly and … Shirtless, drunk, and essentially widowed, Sawyer takes a walk with the Man in Black to find a cave with his name, number and purpose written all over it. 11. Mike & Molly: 10 Best Season 2 Episodes, Ranked By IMDb. Born Today Most Popular Celebs Most Popular Celebs Celebrity News. One of the very best. Jin's first English word ("Boat!") Shannon and Boone bone. Ben's dinner "party" is a delight, though. Lost is about the journey, not the destination, which is the reason it can sustain six seasons and remain interesting the entire time. Here comes the Man in Black. Dominic Monaghan as Charlie Pace(19/24) 8. As one of the two best reveals of the series, the episode begins with a man going about his day in a seemingly normal apartment, but the day gets a little strange with odd beeping, injections and finally the reveal of this all happening inside the hatch. There are definitely a number of episodes that the show could have done without; although, they remain an inside joke for the most loyal fans. Bernard and Rose's origin story is harmless, and actually quite moving, in an ultimately superfluous hour of "Lost.". The Island freaking disappearing. "Lost: A Tale of Survival" aired a week before the season premiere, "Lost Survivor Guide" aired before the seventh episode and "Lost: The Answers" aired before the season finale. On rewatch, knowing who the Smoke Monster really is adds some powerful impact to Eko's death. No amount of Boone-fueled hallucinations can compensate for Pot Farmer Locke. You have to take those where you can, considering how early Charlie leaves in the grand scheme of things. Lost is a landmark television show with episodes that were some of the best in contemporary history, but others were mind boggling in the worst way. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. It's an anthology, but this is no ordinary collection of short stories. The flash-sideways finds Sawyer and Miles paired up as cops, where Sawyer dates Charlotte and freaks out  after she roots through his things and finds his file on Cooper. Season 2 Episodes 1 & 2: The Siege of Lothal. Ethan Rom's episode-closing reveal is one of the chilliest moments of early "Lost." Well, everyone except Sun. Zuko's first date was adorable. Buckle up and enjoy. All. A strong Ben Linus episode that only gets stronger on rewatch, when you realize that John Locke is not John Locke. Almost all of this show's episodes are hugely underrated. RELATED: LOST's Maggie Grace Confronts Evangeline Lilly Over COVID-19 Behavior. Everyone knows this. Great moments for Mr. Eko and Jin as they spy on the Others' dirty feet as well. Toothpicks in the sandwiches! The Others aren't the all-powerful monsters they're first made out to be, but Mr. Follow @HeyAlexPayne on Twitter and Instagram. An unexpected and emotional reminder that after seasons of languishing on the sidelines, Charlie Pace was a foundational character of "Lost." Happens. Terrifying on the first watch, and even more so when you know who "Locke" really is. In the process, he finds adulthood, love, purpose and home. "Stranger in a Strange Land" (Season 3). So luscious. It's always fun when hot people make out with each other on "Lost," but the Jack-Juliet kiss doesn't land well on rewatch, given where their stories go. His name is Benjamin Linus! Juliet's first flashback shows an entirely different side of the Other woman than we had ever seen before. 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