mennonite summer borscht

mennonite summer borscht

Boiled eggs in this soup is new to me but my sister's husbands family grew up with boiled eggs in this soup. I don’t remember the soup being that dilly so maybe Winkler Mennonites didn’t use as much? I simply prefer them. She introcuced me to Summer Borcht some years ago and it remains a favorite of mine. Mulukhiyah can be bought frozen in middle eastern grocery stores. It is truly delicious. ride and JJ chose the dog. Great recipe, nice to see Mennonite recipes I grew up with! Oct 30, 2013 - An online magazine for today's home cook, reporting from the front lines of dinner. Lance didn’t take any potatoes! My mom in law said they collected the "weed" which is a wild sorrel that you can find in ditches I'm also thinking young nettles might work. He’s just eating buns and sausage! I am wanting to make summa borscht soup. Probably ony in our town! As it started to get colder, and throughout winter, soup would be on the menu at our house almost every day of the week. Was browsing through MGCC this afternoon as I often do since I found this site.... what a delight! If Sorrel is not available where you live, you can also use Beet leaves. Wait, what the heck is sorrel you ask? In Egypt, one of the national dishes is Mulukhiyah s soup made out of mallow leaves boiled in chicken stock. A true classic soup every Ukrainian grew up on. Greenleaf Borscht1 onion3-4 potatoes1 bunch sorreldillsalt and pepper1 can tomatoes3 boiled eggswater or chicken broth Sauté the onion in oil. and tons of dill for the best summer borscht ever. But eventually grew up enough to taste it and discovered that I love it! Reduce the potatoes to 1 or 2 and add 1/2 cup barley. I can mine every year using beet leaves, just make sure to follow instructions and times for low acid foods- greens and meats in the canning books. Serve with a dollop of yogurt. Somma Borscht - a Mennonite soup 6-8 cups water 1/2 pound smoked farmer sausage cut in slices or smoked ham 1 tablespoon salt 1/4 teaspoon black pepper Boil together in large pot for 30 minutes. Yum!!! About a month and a half before my Foster Mother passed away, my sister came out from Manitoba with the intention of going to visit with her, possibly for the last time, to have one last meal together. Du must nich blouse freight on buns an’ varsht!” And then she would ban me from eating any more buns during that meal, and fill up my bowl with potatoes telling me how it wasn’t fair that I was just leaving the rest of them with a pot of potatoes and zurum. Pass the sour cream. My other side is … I'm a "Menno" too but didn't grow up with Summa Borscht. I live in the beautiful province of British Columbia on a farm with my beloved. As I type these words I see so many wonderful looking food names that my stomach is rumbling. Season well with salt and pepper. Where is your town? !If I might add,I also make it with frozen spinach, as the beet leaves are rather scares in the winter. as kids we would sometimes call it weed soup even tho we grew up with it at home. As you might expect, under those conditions, she became a scratch cook with few written down recipes. Feb 2012: Zumma borscht ladles out rich mix of tastes DONNA RIGUIDEL wrote in asking for a recipe for summa borscht (also called zumma borscht or green borscht). your own Pins on Pinterest My Mom used to make this and I really liked it. My mom used to make Moos using cooked Sorrel instead of goosberries. I use smoked pork hock or leftover ham bone and the Winkler smoked sausage. It's called "Raspberry Dressing" sorrel. Thanks for always posting recipes that remind me of home. 4. Had some in Saskatchewan many years ago, I make a similar soup that we called Greenleaf Borscht. Boil ham bone and farmer sausage in water for approx. Wow, I love checking out all the variations of this soup! LOL. As the eldest girl in a large farm family she learned to cook early. Perhaps my Dad was not accustomed to it when they married, because Mom always made Cabbage Borscht. Nothing about 2020 unfolded as usual and the Christmas season was no different. At the moment I've got my mouth set for Summa Borscht. I love the beauty of summer! My mom always made it with spinach instead of sorrel. She passed away before I was able to learn the recipe. Not exactly the same kick, but very close. Picking flowers fresh from my garden and arranging them into something beautiful brings me joy. She began to get rather annoyed with my constant, "Why'd you do that? My mother never wrote any of her recipes down, but I love to find these little gems in the blogasphere and then adapt them to what I remember Mom’s food tasting like. Does anyone know about this? There are so many variations for somma borscht it all depends on how your Mom made it, but it’s all delicious! Brings tears to my eyes...In our family we use beet leaves, buttermilk and heavy cream to finish. Growing up, Summer Borscht (Zumma Borscht) was one of my favorite soups. AND she loved my soups..go figure! Zumma borscht has always been a treasured favourite & the only Mennonite dish I make. I started using Swiss Chard and Spinach in place of the sorrel. Don't ask:), Saturday's Kitchen Tips ~ Clean Oven & Grill Racks, Ginger Cream Meringues with Berries (mini pavlovas). Your Daily Values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs. I've always liked it, but my sibblings were and are not fond of it. Simmer. If you can get it, Winkler Manitoba sausage is ideal. Thanks for posting this recipe. Didn't like that one either but will make it anyway now that I am a Grandma. Rob FriesenWow, couldn't believe how many people knew about summa borscht. I go by taste and sometimes add and subtract things, so here is what I have copied down from what my mom and dad have told me. Delores, I wish you could come to my house so I could dig out part of my plant for you. The Wildlife Zoo called this ride their Carousel. Put all ingredients in water, in large pot. We also use Swiss chard leaves sometimes. DIRECTIONS To the water in a large soup pot, add the farmer sausage and cook for about 1 hour: this makes your soup stock. Enjoy! I wanted to find a recipe for kielke – it was one of my favourite things growing up in Manitoba. But this glistening borscht is meant to be served cold, at … My grandma said spinach leaves can also be used in place or sorrel, and my mom said to add a tsp or so white vinegar to compensate for the touch or sourness the sorrel adds.I love the soup, and the memories of my grandma always having some in the freezer to thaw when we visited. 25 years later i finally did it today!! I love this soup! We do play the Mennonite game though. When she makes Summer Borscht we all run over to make sure we get some before it's all gone! Now I've moved and want to get it started again, but I've only been able to find an annual version in the greenhouses here (Pittsburgh). And once again, finished that one. My grandma sometimes called me that too! Let's face it, besides Summer Borcht, what else do you use it for? Bring to a boil, lower heat and simmer 1 hour, or until vegetables are tender. Crap! We placed a small bowl of soup and a bun in front of her, expecting that she wasn’t going to be eating much of it. My grandma made this did my mother-in-law. Like Like. DIRECTIONS. Add tomatoes, sorrel and dill. Not gonna lie - … My parents would add buttermilk to their bowls but we prefer it without. Like I tell my kids though, "Never say,'never'". I am so happy to see this recipe, my mother called it sour grass soup and used wild sorrel. They're online and also sell seeds.Sue Schultz, Toronto. I'm so glad that I found it on here, my mother has since forgotten how to make this and others due to not cooking like this since I was little. We asked her to bless the food, and then we ate. Never did add the eggs though. I’m born and bred Swiss Menno from Ontario who married a “Russian” Menno and living in Manitoba. This is a summer soup, meant to celebrate all the green and tender things in the early summer garden -- new potatoes, spring onions and dill. beet leaves. It was always a competition between my sisters and I, to see who could guess which kind of soup we were having that day before we reached the house. Add salt and pepper.Peel and dice potatoes, add them to the onion, cover the onion and potato with water or chicken broth and bring to a boil. I also use bay leaves, peppercorns, and cooking onions when simmering my broth. Mom always bought it from Morden Manitoba. If I don't have butter milk I use sour cream or a combination of all three. So this is really my mom's borscht recipe; it's on the same page of The Mennonite Treasury of Recipes, the bible of Mennonite cooking. I’d love to read it. I really liked that as well. During this time, peel and chop your potatoes. I grew up with my great grandma and summer borscht was a staple in our home. To get the "sort of" sour taste if I don't have sorrel (zurump) or buttermilk, I have found that Knorr Tamarind soup mix is a great substitute. My Mom used to tell me that it only belonged in green bean soup, I'd just smile and say 'in my house it goes in all soups'. That said, Zumma borscht, also known as summa borscht or green borscht is a mennonite soup that is made to celebrate the start of the early Summer garden! Before serving, take a bowl of soup out of the pot, and slowly add the. in a post called Of Treehouses and Growing Up Picking up..not so much. My Mom started to make it as well, and now a number of us also cook it, and relish it! My mom would serve it with fresh baked buns but we purchase a fresh Italian loaf which is great for sopping up the broth. I freeze the dill and beet tops for one pot batches. Does anyone know if it can be canned or frozen afterwards? Then tempered sour cream before adding to soup, no curdling. ... meat, cabbage, carrots and dill and let it summer until the vegetables are tender. Learning how to cook Mennonite Style Borscht is something we don’t take lightly in our family. I also love this soup, when I can't get any sorrel I put some spinach in a jar and ad vinager to it for a day. I love weed soup, im not of mennonite descent but my first boss made the best weed soup in the spring. The beets infuse everything with their slightly sweet, earthy flavor, and the soup gets finished with some zippy lemon and dill. Borscht! You know I've never heard of adding boiled eggs.I add summer savoury(I love this herb)to my soup, in fact I add it to all my soups. I’m so happy I stumbled across your blog! She also used a pork bone and farmer sausage instead of ham. And lastly, when the potatoes, meat, greens (lots of dill and parsley) are cooked, I add a good bit of buttermilk- at least 1/2 litre (2-3c. Thanks for posting. I also have the red stem version and it has come up year after year so maybe yours will too! My grandparents are Russian and this is something my grandma and mom made in springtime when the sorrel or greenleaves were fresh and young. The soup is fascinating. I kid you not. I poach an egg per person in the soup just before serving. Anyone need an egg carton shredder? Summa Borscht is a Mennonite recipe that translates to “Summer Soup”. My Borscht is much like the soup my mom cooked, for which there was no written recipe. Thank you so much. 2 hours. 4 cups  slivered sorrel leaves or beet leaves. Family cookbooks are an important way to preserve our mealtime traditions for future generations with individual printed recipes or your own professionally printed cookbook. I have bowls similar to this. We are German, but hailing from Russia, on my mother’s side. A sour soup made with Farmer Sausage/Ham, Potatoes, and Sorel Leaves (zurum). Always took everything out before adding potatoes tho. Fresh sorrel will instantly lose it's beautiful bright green as soon as it hits the hot broth but don't let that put you off from trying this soup. But eggs??? He taught my wife before he passed and I took it over from her. Can't get sorrel where I live though, so I gotta sub. If we could smell Summer borscht, we would all be so excited! Never heard of hard boiled eggs. I'm of Mennonite background, as was my dear wife. Add the tomato soup and let it heat, then add salt to taste. Nice to read of different variations ... different regions probably. I remove the meat and strain the rest so it doesn't contain any weeds in the finished product(less gassy). Same as buying frozen spinach but "greener" because you used up what might have been thrown out. Whenever my Foster Mother would make soup, she would take a bag of buns out of the freezer and bake them in the oven to defrost them, and we would always be so happy that we were having soft, warm buns with our soup. Ours may not be exactly as my mom made it but it always reminds us of family. And about the egg -- in my mom's family they poached an egg per person right in the soup before serving. Natasha, Thank you for posting this recipe. She looked confused as to why we were there, even though we had told her the day before that we would be bringing lunch to eat with her. 5. My step mother used to make it only she added buttermilk or cream to the pot. Ever heard of klieta mousse? Maggie says: June 9, 2015 at 4:53 am I just have to reply too. Previously I would get Winkler sausage from my sister in Winnipeg but have found a Foodland grocery store in Virgil Ontario that carries it. My mother was from Grunthal. And then asked for another. !”  And my Foster Mother would get so mad at me and yell “Nah, bengel! If you don’t know what borscht soup is, it is deep red coloured soup with cabbage, beets, potatoes and maybe beans and beef. In the summer I make small packages(dill, onion greens and beet leaves all rolled up well in a small rubber band)and freeze them (well packaged so the smell won't transfer). She passed away four years ago from heart failure, but I had enough foresight to write down a number of the dishes she made, as, notebook in hand, I followed her around the kitchen like a starving puppy. Summer g'daughter just requested this soup today! 10 cups water 2 cups Mennonite Style Sausage, cut into bite sized pieces 3 cups potato,diced 2 cups sweet potato, cubes 1 cup onion,chopped 4 cloves of garlic My dad doesn't like it at all but my Irish husband has really taken a liking to it...Weed soup and all! Most people love this soup even if they are not Mennonite. She used beet leaves and added bay leaves as well. Learn how to cook great Cabbage borscht mennonite soup recipe . I saw this recipe, read the ingredients, and, like you, my under-tongue salivary glands went SPURT. I like to cook, but I am not so good at following recipes. We freeze it in meal size portions. Poach them til firm - about 15-20 min. Someone told me yesterday that they sell sorrel plants at Wal-Mart. Had my local green grocer bring it in special for me one year. pot of summer borscht and found a baked smoked picnic shoulder adds more flavour than mennonite farmer sausage, beet leaves, Lg. But to our surprise she finished her entire bowl of soup, and the bun! I freeze my beet leaves all the time but have never had them turn to slime in the freezer... maybe your freezer isn't working? I am a Mennonite, from Winnipeg, but I prefer ham to farmer's sausage. Put water, ham bone, onions and 1 tsp of salt into a pot and boil for 2 hours. each year. Stir in beets, cucumber, and dill. We have over 3,000 delicious recipes that we invite you to try. Add salt and pepper to taste, and more sorel (zurum) if you feel like your soup needs it. In ethnic Mennonite cuisine, borscht refers to a whole range of seasonal vegetable soups based on beef or chicken stock – from spring borscht made with spinach, sorrel and chard to summer borscht with cabbage, tomatoes, maize and squash to fall and winter borscht with cabbage, beets and potatoes. Simmer for 1 hour. Add potatoes, onion greens, dill green, parsley, sorrel, bay leaf and peppercorns (in a spice bag or container) to the stock. Thanks for sharing your blog with me! My mom also made this soup, my favorite. I don't have access to Sorrel either, and have used beet leaves as well as spinach instead. Remove from heat and let cool a bit. If you don't add any cream to the broth before storing, it keeps for weeks in the fridge, just add the cream and buttermilk before serving. She also used milk instead of sour cream, but I think I'll try the sour cream. I have never used beet leaves before but I bought to make beet pickles, someone told me you can use beet leaves in soup. If you happen to live in the Chilliwack BC area, the new market on Lickman "The Local Harvest" carries Sorrel. Definitely a try. I found that beet greens and sorrel both freeze nicely. I'd love to find a recipe for this so I can surprise him. When my Dad couldn’t find it he used spinach but it wasn’t the same. When I want a jar of soup I add 1 cup buttermilk and 1/4 -1/2 cup cream per 1/2 gallon jar. 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