lessons from rebekah

lessons from rebekah

After all – for God’s plan to mankind to work, why was Eve … The servant refuses, because God’s hand is in this matter and he wants to return to his master. 27 Mar 2009 Leave a comment. There were instructions, and the servant followed them to the letter. Nineteen years later, Rebekah and Isaac do not yet have any children. His servant is sent to find a wife for Isaac. Life Lessons from Rebekah . We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. We are not told of her death. Rebekah’s focus was upon the physical – Esau’s looks and the hope that Jacob would prevail. Rebekah's deception caused strife between Esau and Jacob. In walks Rebekah. Abimelech makes certain that no one approaches Rebekah (memories of what happened in the past I wonder). Rebekah found herself in a dilemma that no human wisdom could explain. Here the scripture diverts our attention because of a famine that hits the area (Gen.26:1). Naturally, the family expected to have some time with Rebekah to prepare her for the trip and to say their good-byes. Would you forget so easily the loss of a full inheritance of a wealthy father like Isaac? Jacob buys Esau’s birthright, and Esau sells it freely, over a bowl of red stew. Hebrew Word of the Day November 23, 2016 — The Right Kind of Girl. Married couples in the Bible offer many lessons to married Christian couples today. He sends his oldest and most trusted servant (Gen. 24:2) back to Abraham’s brother’s family to seek a wife for Isaac. Isaac has grown old and he could not see well. He says, “Perhaps my father will feel me, then I will be as a deceiver in his sight, and I bring upon myself a curse and not a blessing.” (Gen. 26:12). The implication is that Isaac and Rebekah enjoyed each other! Her purity was something noticeable! The pregnancy is a difficult one. The second baby is delivered holding on to Esau’s heel, so they named him Jacob, which means “supplanter”. As such, we will do well to study their lives and marriages. The servant had TEN camels (Gen. 24:10). Yet, she responds ready to be of help to him. In fact, the family is there carried down just so far as is necessary in order to introduce this woman, for whose subsequent appearance and role the genealogy is obviously intended as a preparation. Abraham sent his servant to his father’s people to find a wife for Rebekah. Hannah in 1 Samuel, for example, prayed for herself that she be able to conceive, but her husband did not. This time around though, the couple is found out because the king looks out his window and he sees Isaac caressing Rebekah in what was obviously not a brotherly manner! As we saw in both lessons – standing alone, they did not work out for good. So what can we take away from Rebekah that we might do better ourselves? Sharing is caring! Impulsive Esau ended up selling his birthright for a bowl of stew, demonstrating that he didn’t value the promise of God (Hebrews 12:16). Welcome back! I want to have a relationship with my husband that is obviously one of a loving married couple and not just two friends who fill the spaces in each other’s lives. That he would be the one to inherit the birthright instead of his older brother Esau. They would throw the pots and pans out of the cupboard and then climb in and shut the doors while giggling ‘Come and find us!!’. Esau marries two Hittite women, and this brings grief to Isaac and Rebekah. God is able to provide life partners in unexpected and quick ways, when His timing is fulfilled. 2:6-13)! About this pro. Well, not by blood, by as my therapist tells me, family is more than just the people you’re related to. The servant stops her in the middle of her work. She was not offering to put a bowl of water out for a thirsty puppy dog! She does not know him. Abraham and Sarah were there before Isaac was conceived! Rebekah knew she could trust God with all her needs and desires. A young woman who will become the wife of Isaac and the mother of a great nation. Interesting how he worded it, “as a deceiver” rather being a deceiver, which he most certainly was. It should. Lessons from Rebekah: The Cost Of Dishonoring Your Spouse. She is aware of her family’s ability to share with others, and she has obviously been taught to freely do so. Abimelech was the king of Gerar. He warmly welcomes the man to stay. After the long trip back from Mesopotamia (Gen. 24:10), the party comes near to where Isaac is staying in the Negev. The servant inquires of God for help to know the right girl when she comes. What are the lessons I’m supposed to learn from Rebekah? Before jumping in, read Genesis 24 with your students. Water needed to be drawn up from the well. She instructs Jacob to go get two goats and so she can prepare them in the way that Isaac prefers. Rebekah Main Points to Remember . She was just a woman who had been given a word from the Lord about her younger son, Jacob. Rebekah prays to God to learn what is going on, because she fears this is not right. Note that this is the very first time the Bible talks about someone making inquiries from the Lord. Prayerfully study: Genesis 24:1–6—Abraham commands Isaac not to marry a Canaanite. 5.0 (1) 1 years in business. This mother of grown twin boys is still seen as beautiful. Add God to the mix and He worked them out to the benefit of His plan. Abraham wishes to see Isaac settled. Happily Ever After . Sunday School Lesson: “God Leads The Way” Sunday School Lesson Materials: – two different types of candy bar – one box of raisins The Scripture Writing Club gives you just that - monthly themed studies, with a plan for every day delivered right to your Inbox for only $19 a month! He explains why he is there and how he encountered Rebekah. Then she went above and beyond – she also cared for his camels “until they have finished drinking”. She then turns and lies to Isaac, telling him that she is so weary of Esau’s wives her life will be worthless if Jacob too marries a Canaanite girl (Gen. 27:46). So it had been ten years since the death of his mother. Rebekah volunteered to WORK. It ended with Rebekah taking advantage of Isaac’s age and deteriorating health to elevate her favorite son. Rebekah finds out about this, warns Jacob, and send him away to her brother Laban. Lessons from Rebekah! Rebekah prepares the food. I will be teaching a Sunday school lesson and I chose part of Rebecca’s story. All physical and financial shows of blessing are gone. Rebekah is first mentioned in the genealogy of the descendants of Nahor, brother of Abraham (Genesis 22:20-24). Yet, she responds ready to be of help to him. Rebekah would be a blessing in Isaac’s wife at a time when he needed her most. Rebekah had a personal relationship with God, and He responded to her.Rebekah had a personal relationship with God, and He responded to her: “Two nations are in your womb, two peoples shall be separated from your body; one people shall be stronger than the other, and the older shall serve the younger” (verse 23). Apr 3, 2013 - I love the story of Isaac takes a wife, how it's love at first sight and the kids love acting it out with these popsicle stick figures With this in mind, there is no doubt that we can learn a lot from His life. Isaac sends Jacob away. In both of the first two lessons – Eve and Sarah – We talked about the fact that God worked through their circumstances to achieve His ends. He had a plan for dealing with that all ready to go (Eph. Their first twenty years together, they did not have children, but they had love for one another. They were playing, snuggling, caressing, touching – I do not know exactly what. My teaching is based on encouraging others to be a willing servant, Hospitality. Abimelech was the king of Gerar. When considering others’ needs, let’s try to see the world from their perspective. If it has dimmed, do your part to reawaken it! The servant is convinced that this is the woman God wants him to choose for Isaac. But most of all, it is a reminder of just how trustworthy our God is. I agree! I have tutored from the 1st grade level to the doctorate level. This post is part of a larger series called “Let There Be Light.” She did not make a lot of inquiries. God’s plan was not hurt in any way even though Rebekah manipulated her husband for the sake of her favored son. She did not make a lot of inquiries. Previous Post: « Lessons from Leah. Rebekah is listening at the door. Thanks for visiting! She is heading to the well to get water for her family’s animals. She simply met his need. Rebekah is a Mom who started out with a heart to love and follow the Lord, but ended up loving one child more than another along with lying to and manipulating her husband. Ultimately she attempted to control God’s plan to get what she wanted. Often in wealthy and royal families the virgin daughters were given garments that distinguished them as such (2 Sam. This is the. Hi! I really enjoyed both the positive and negative looks into her life. Isaac prayed on her behalf that she be able to conceive a child. After a time they go back home. We saw both Eve and Sarah naming their children to reference God’s part in those children being there. She does not know him. 13:18). Trust is the one word which comes to mind throughout Rebekah’s story. The story of Isaac started in Genesis 21 and continued on until chapter 27. Jul 7, 2020 - Day Three of the 31 Days of Women from Scripture takes us to meet Rebekah. He knows he will die soon, so he asks a favor of Esau. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Her goal, “that he may bless you before his death”. They bless her and send her on her way with her servants. There is no hesitancy to be hospitable to this man. Isaac had told the lie that she was his sister because he was afraid they men of the area would kill them over her “for she is beautiful” (Gen. 26:6). Contact. Family Lessons from Rebekah. Laban, her brother, RUNS out to meet the man at the spring. This is the family they have come to be. She was looking ahead! Her legacy is the scheming against Esau and Isaac. Apparently it was a story told far and wide, because Esau was known by a new name, Edom meaning “red”, because of it. Lessons Learned from Rebekah. I am always impressed with the fact that she did so “quickly” (Gen. 24:18). I thank you for the lesson. Quick to do what can be done for a visitor is an admirable trait. Isaac’s story must teach us lessons about how to be a man of God and a man for his family. Then she dresses Jacob in Esau’s clothes and puts the skins of the goats she cooked for Isaac on Jacob’s hands and neck. According to, Here the scripture diverts our attention because of a famine that hits the area (Gen.26:1). As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Rebekah tells him not to worry about it and to just go do what she said. He later married Rebekah and had two sons, Esau and Jacob. Rebekah showed a good work ethic, a kind heart, and a servant’s attitude. He has every intention of killing Jacob once Isaac is dead (Gen. 27:41). One nation will be stronger than the other. (There is that “running” again! Your email address will not be published. Contact this Pro. Here are 4 critical lessons from the story of Isaac and Rebekah (Rebecca). I was also a PASS Peer for two English professors at Sierra College in Rocklin in 2019. The Diligent Woman is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. He wants some good to meat to eat. So different from today! His brother, Nahor, had a son, Bethuel, who had a daughter named Rebekah (Gen. 22:20-23) and a son named Laban (Gen. 24:29). We should learn two big lessons from Rebekah. Rebekah’s knowledge of this will affect the family from here on out. She is bearing twins and they are constantly moving, “struggling within her”. Esau does not value his birthright very highly, and Jacob does not value his relationship with his brother very highly. It seems to be a family trait – Laban “ran” and Rachel “ran” to care for things in their turn. How does Cain murdering Abel fit into things? It should. The Christian devotional for the day today. She trusted God when He said the older will serve the younger. I can see why he was such in Abraham’s employ for so long, can’t you? Keep that spark alive. Rebekah Lessons. The party arrives, Isaac is filled in on all that has happened. The story of Isaac and Rebekah is one of faith, courage, and true love. God really had promised her this truth. According to National Geographic, camels can drink about 30 gallons of water in 13 minutes. This is the promise that was made to Abraham, and God is now making it to Isaac (Gen. 26:2-5). The Story of Isaac and Rebekah (Rebecca) in the Bible (Genesis 24) is a beautiful love story that is sandwiched between the life of the patriarch Abraham and the adventures of his grandson Jacob. As such, Abraham became quite aware of his own mortality and, like any responsible father, was keen to put things in order before he died too. Rebekah loved Jacob and Issac favored Esau, Rebekah is willing to leave everything (her family and homeland) to follow God’s call (, Life is not as she expected and instead of her calling out to the Lord for help –  Issac calls out on her behalf (. He loved her deeply, and she was a special comfort to him after the death of his mother.” -Genesis 24:67 NLT. This online devotional and bible study tool for women and men discusses life lessons from Rebekah. This family did not sit back and wait for life to come to them, they went after it!) Her response is, “I will go.” No indecisiveness, no coyness. Making it Simple – Isaac and Rebekah have Twins, To Be a Handmaid of the Lord – Lessons from Rebekah, Rachel and Leah; Jochebed and Miriam, Making it Simple – Jacob Deceives His Father, Making it Simple – Abraham Finds a Wife for Isaac. Then we, too, will be worthy of being part of Abraham’s family. Beautiful enough that her husband is afraid someone will take her from him! I am always impressed with the fact that she did so “quickly” (Gen. 24:18). The hopeful early days of her marriage however, and her eager spirit to do for others are definitely something I can take away and grow in! A desperate attempt to find approval from a mother who does not care for him, and his father who can only give him approval now. Is it okay to hoodwink your husband to get what you want for your beloved son? Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site. How does Sarah making impatient decisions work out for good? Rebekah’s coming was the first thing that gave him comfort. Aug 19, 2017 - Day Three of the 31 Days of Women from Scripture takes us to meet Rebekah. That birthright included the covenant promises his father Isaac had inherited from Abraham. You can check it out right here -- Scripture Writing Club. Lessons from Rebekah on Striking a Balance between Faith and Works We are first introduced to Rebekah in Genesis 24. Filed Under: Diligent SPIRITUAL LIFE, 31 Days of Women from Scripture. We also saw that this does not always make sense to our way of thinking. She therefore chose to seek for divine direction from the Lord. Does Gerar sound familiar to you? Andrew Robertson speaking about Rebekah, February 19th, 2011 in Chatham, Ontario. Laban agrees quickly that Rebekah may go. We should learn two big lessons from Rebekah. Rebekah found herself in a dilemma that no human wisdom could explain. She was just doing her daily tasks when suddenly, God arranged a marriage for her. Though not perfect, the life of Isaac will certainly teach us many lessons. Isaac takes Rebekah into Sarah’s tent and she becomes his wife. Purpose. This mother of grown twin boys is still seen as beautiful. Click here to get your FREE copy of this lesson: Opt-In | 31 Days of Women Lesson 3 | Rebekah, Use the Bible to Teach the Hard Lessons to Your…. Isaac preferred Esau and Rebekah preferred Jacob. As a family legacy, I think Rebekah’s is one that should be avoided. She is ready to put a plan into place. Genesis 25:20 tells us that Isaac was 40 years old when Rebekah became his wife. I do not know if this Abimelech who is king of the Philistines is the same Abimelech or a descendent, but he has a similar issue with Isaac and Rebekah that was had with Abraham and Sarah. When it is time to deliver, the first baby is born and they call him Esau, which means “hairy”. “Lesson 12: Isaac and Rebekah,” Primary 6: Old Testament (1996), 47–51. Just Like Us . Various Scriptures “And Isaac brought Rebekah into his mother Sarah’s tent, and she became his wife. Here are a few important things we can learn from them. As we saw with Adam and Eve, a wife completes what is missing from the life of a man. . Esau tries to improve his circumstances with his parents by marrying another girl, but one from Ishmael’s family. The older will serve the younger. This favoritism plays right into the order of things for prophecy to be fulfilled. Even though Rebekah and Isaac were having issues in regards to their children, they still played together. Are you looking to be more consistent about daily Bible study? It was about the appearances and being caught that was his concern. Note that this is the very first time the Bible talks about someone making enquiries from the Lord. Laban suggests that she stay for ten days, and then head back with him to Abraham. Lessons from Her Life: Chapter 24 – Rebekah was not looking for a husband, as far as we know. The servant stops her in the middle of her work. Download Printable Notes. We also saw that this does not always make sense to our way of thinking. To teach the children that the same eternal blessings promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob can be theirs if they make and honor temple marriage covenants. She set a great example. Laugh together; cuddle together; go on dates together – even when you cannot afford to do more than a picnic on the living room floor. Rebekah wasn’t necessarily a bad person. The short answer to “why?”, is that we needed to recognize our need for a Savior. Thank you for sharing! The next morning the servant is ready to go. I have been a private tutor for 9 years to ages ranging from 5-44. 1 Timothy 2:15 says that through bearing children, if she continues in FAITH, LOVE, and SELF-RESTRAINT, a woman will be preserved. Jacob does not blink at the deception – his only concern is that he will be found out because his skin is smooth while Esau’s is hairy. Just a simple, “I will go.” They do not hinder her. I do not know if this Abimelech who is king of the Philistines is the same Abimelech or a descendent, but he has a similar issue with Isaac and Rebekah that was had with Abraham and Sarah. December 18, 2019 November 9, 2018 by Gertrude? When Rebekah died, she was buried in the family tomb, a cave near Mamre in Canaan, the resting place of Abraham and Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, and her daughter-in-law Leah. I read Rebekah and I want to work to keep my marriage as hers was in the beginning. No, I don’t think so. Sermon Only; Full Service; Sermon Notes. He sees camels coming, she sees a man in the distance. So often we only remember one or the other and don’t look at what we can truly learn from these women. A young woman who will become the wife of Isaac and the mother of a great nation. YAEL'S HOLY LAND REFLECTIONS. Facebook; Twitter; Pinterest; Email; Related Posts: Opt-In | 31 Days of Women Lesson 6 | Jochebed; Use the Bible to Teach the Hard Lessons to Your… Filed Under: Diligent SPIRITUAL LIFE, 31 Days of Women from Scripture. As a wife, never lose your ability to “frolic” with your man. She assures him that they have plenty of room and then she RUNS to let the family know what has happened. But Rebekah is the object of our lesson today, because she took her affection for Jacob too far. She did so until all of his camels were watered. He asks who she is and if it is possible for him and his group to lodge within her father’s household. At the same time, God told Rebekah that two nations were fighting within her womb and that the older would serve the younger. Isaac goes down to Gerar, obviously intending to go to Egypt because God appears to him and tells him to stay in the land that God will give him. I’m an aunt again! In Rebekah’s story, we will see more of this. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. 2:9-10; 1 Pet. This time around though, the couple is found out because the king looks out his window and he sees Isaac caressing Rebekah in what was obviously not a brotherly manner! I believe it helps us to remember that we are going to have good and bad days too. Then she went above and beyond – she also cared for his camels “until they have finished drinking”. In the aftermath of Jacob stealing Esau’s blessing (in addition to the before purchased birthright), Esau is unhappy, to put it mildly. Her inward character was reflected in her outward appearance (1 Tim. I cannot imagine what all the servants were thinking watching these things go on, surely someone saw it! Grab our Diligent Prayer Planner & Journal ebook for only $10! We do not see Rebekah calling on the Lord for help after the boys have been born. Abraham and Sarah were there before Isaac was conceived! Let’s take a lesson from Rebekah. A spouse that serves God is a great blessing and worth searching for. February 10, 2019. 3:3-4). She is described as “very beautiful, a virgin, and no man had had relations with her”. The Lord explains to her that two nations are in her womb. Rebekah’s story started with her being a benefit to her husband. This chapter begins just after the death and burial of Sarah, Abraham's first wife. The Blessing. Divided over the boys, and she is focused upon getting that blessing and fulfilling that prophecy for HER boy. Rebekah is called beautiful – but the only we know that defines her beauty is the fact that she has kept herself a virgin. She therefore chose to seek for divine direction from the Lord. 1 Timothy 5:14 tells younger widows to marry again, have children, and keep house to “give the enemy no occasion for reproach.” Raising children can either grow your spiritual life or break it – depending upon your focus. I want to watch myself with our five daughters and be sure that I am not showing favoritism among them. In this article we'll talk about a couple who started out so well, but had their relationship sour over time: Isaac and Rebekah. I do love how quickly she moved to care for Abraham’s servant. Sarah has died. She is very thorough! Getting a curse instead of nothing was a worry. At 17 months apart Rebekah and Caleb were the best of friends and the worst of enemies. Isaac played an emotional, spiritual, and physical role in creating a family with Rebekah. Many years later, however, Esau forgave Jacob. When the boys grow up, Esau was a skillful hunter and Jacob stayed near the tents. Her quick actions will make it easier for others to prepare food for these men and for sleeping arrangements to be made. Preparation. They chased each other through the house as soon as she could crawl. Does Gerar sound familiar to you? We see a path laid out, and because of the favoritism and things that happen later – I suspect Rebekah filled Jacob’s head with the fact that HE was to be the greater of the two boys. 1:3-14; 1 Cor. We first come upon Rebekah in Genesis 24:15-16. Isaac prayed for her, and the Lord healed her so that she could conceive (Gen. 25:21-26). After all – for God’s plan to mankind to work, why was Eve allowed to sin? God is faithful even when we are not. She had one jar that she had carried out on her shoulder. In verse 20 we see the word “quickly” again, and she “ran back to the well to draw”. Encouragement and Confidence in Being A Woman of God. The love story of Isaac and Rebekah had the beautiful beginning of an arranged marriage. I’m sure your lesson will be very encouraging! Food is prepared and brought to him, but the man will not eat until he has completed the business that brought him. She tells what she must know is another lie – that Esau will get over this in a few days and forget what has been taken from him (Gen. 27:45). Lessons from Rebekah In both of the first two lessons – Eve and Sarah – We talked about the fact that God worked through their circumstances to achieve His ends. Isaac goes down to Gerar, obviously intending to go to Egypt because God appears to him and tells him to stay in the land that God will give him. So this is where Rebekah and Jacob have come to in their old age. She simply met his need. She may have fooled Issac but maybe that was how God intended the blessing of Jacob to happen. No matter how large her jar was, it certainly did not hold 300 gallons of water. She trusted God for a husband and for children. Beautiful enough that her husband is afraid someone will take her from him! He wants a wife from within the family, but he does not want Isaac to go back to the country from which Abraham came. 1996 ), 47–51 – standing alone, they went after it! qualifying purchases servant,.! Day Five – lessons from her life others to be a man his. Because God ’ s people to find a wife for Rebekah deceiver ” rather being deceiver. Family legacy, i think Rebekah ’ s family nothing was a worry upon the physical – Esau s! So he asks who she is focused upon getting that blessing and worth searching for in this and... This link or you will be very encouraging serves God is now it. Divided over the boys, and she was just a simple, “ struggling her! 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