pirate names one piece
105. Yarr matey! His crew consists mostly of his former army. Orochi was later killed by Kaido to further his goals, Baroque Works (バロック・ワークス, Barokku Wākusu) is a secret organization of more than two thousand members whose aim is to stage a coup d'état in the Alabasta Kingdom. Of course, pirates were just people with fairly normal names, so you'll find regular names in this generator as well. 434] Eventually, after being badly wounded while fighting to save Ace from execution, he is killed by the Blackbeard Pirates just before Blackbeard uses an unknown method to steal his Devil Fruit power.[ch. After defeating Ace and turning him in to the World Government, he is appointed Crocodile's replacement as one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, a position he promptly abuses to expand his crew with prisoners from Impel Down and resigns once he is finished. [68] His colleague Bryce Coulter comments that "One Piece's bizarre character designs will keep your attention as they can be very random and often memorable. Officer positions are filled by the majority of Linlin's sons and daughters. In the 4Kids English adaptation, he was voiced by Dan Green, and in the Funimation English version of the series, he is voiced by Bryan Massey. Monkey D. Luffy. Among those are: Linlin's 1st son, Perospero (ペロスペロー, Perosuperō), who has the ability to generate candy; Linlin's 3rd son, Daifuku (ダイフク, Daifuku), who can summon a genie from his body by rubbing himself; Linlin's 4th son, Oven (オーブン, Ōbun), who has the power to generate heat; Linlin's 5th son, Opera (オペラ, Opera), who has the ability to generate cream; Linlin's 8th daughter, Brulee (ブリュレ, Buryure), who has the power of mirrors and can create reflections of people or trap them inside mirrors while gaining access to the Mirro-World; Linlin's 19th son, Montd'Or (モンドール, Mondōru), who can control the books and catch the people inside them; Linlin's 35th daughter; Pudding (プリン, Purin), who is a descendant of the Three-Eyed People; and Linlin's 36th daughter, Flampe (フランペ, Furanpe), who is a great admirer of Katakuri. It is made up of Baby 5 (ベビー5, Bebī Faibu), a girl who can change any part of her body into any kind of weapon; Buffalo (バッファロー, Baffarō), whose ability allows him to turn into a rotating man; and Gladius (グラディウス, Guradiusu), a man who can make his own body or any inorganic object he touches rupture and explode. 432] Also unknown to the public are his family ties until the Battle of Marineford; he is the son of Garp and father of Luffy.[ch. The members of the Arlong Pirates and Macro Pirates were also part of the crew, until the group eventually disbands when Jimbei joins the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Boa Hancock (ボア・ハンコック, Boa Hankokku) is a member of the all-female Kuja Tribe from the island of Amazon Lily.[ch. You're free to use names on this site to name anything in any of your own works, assuming they aren't already trademarked by others of course.All background images part of the generators are part of the public domain and thus free to be used by anybody, with the exception of user submitted backgrounds, images part of existing, copyrighted works, and the pet name generator images. 9] Eventually his involvement in the first mass breakout of Impel Down, and the Paramount War, earns him a sizable following of escapees and worldwide infamy as "The Genius Jester" (千両道化, Senryō Dōke), and a seat among the Seven Warlords of the Sea.[ch. 137, 179] While adept at sword fighting, she is unusually clumsy.[ch. Other inhabitants include Vivi's childhood friend and later rebel leader, Koza (コーザ, Kōza), his father Toh-Toh (トト, Toto), and Eyelashes (マツゲ, Matsuge), a camel that accompanies the protagonists during their journey through the kingdom. He possesses the power... 2. "Purple Tiger"), is one of the Navy admirals who joined during the timeskip. West Blue: Thriller Bark Pirates • Fire Tank Pirates • Happo Navy. Bellamy "the Hyena" (ハイエナのベラミー, Haiena no Beramī), is the captain of the Bellamy Pirates, a blonde-haired man with the power of the Paramecia-type Boing-Boing Fruit (バネバネの実, Bane Bane no Mi), which allows him to turn his legs into springs to bounce off surfaces and gain momentum for his attacks.[ch. 73] Being half octopus, he can spit large quantities of black ink and use suction pads to stick to walls.[ch. [citation needed], Kuzan (クザン), better known as Admiral Aokiji (青雉, lit. CP9 also had a new member in Nero (ネロ), a man with weasel whiskers who had not fully mastered all the Rokushiki skills and was killed by Lucci for his failure.[ch. [51] In the Funimation English adaptation, his voice is initially supplied by Bob Carter, later by Jason Douglas. The red colored Poneglyph belongs to the Mink Tribe, which proves to be a very useful information to find Laugh Tale. In the Japanese anime television series, he is voiced by Koichi Yamadera. 156, 532] He has a flamboyant attitude which includes singing and performing ballet moves. [citation needed] In the English versions of the series, he is voiced by Tom Souhrada in the 4Kids dub,[38] and by Duncan Brannan in the Funimation dub. Buggy's Band of Pirates (バギー海賊団, Bagī Kaizokudan) is a circus-themed group of pirates led by Buggy the Clown, one of the Seven Warlords after the 2-year timeskip. The family's youngest child is Neptune's daughter, the smelt-witing-type mermaid Shirahoshi (しらほし, Shirahoshi), who became good friends with Luffy when she met him. He is voiced by Tōru Furuya while he is voiced as a child by Junko Takeuchi. Also living in Skypiea are the Shandorians, the original inhabitants of Jaya, led by Wyper (ワイパー, Waipā), an extremely violent man who is initially distrustful of outsiders, and descendant of the warrior and hero Kalgara (カルガラ, Karugara). [16], Being raised in Ohara (オハラ), home of the world's oldest and largest library, Nico Robin (ニコ・ロビン, Niko Robin) becomes an archaeologist at the age of eight.[ch. More 157] the third division commander "Diamond" Jozu (ダイヤモンド・ジョズ, Daiyamondo Jozu), who can turn parts of his body into diamond;[ch. In the 4Kids English version, he is voiced by Oliver Wyman. Somehow, she managed to escape, showing herself wandering the streets incognito after the two year timeskip. Pirate Names. 1, 506, 550] It is said after Roger's death that only Whitebeard could match him in a fight and that he had the ability to hear "the voice of all things", which allowed him and his crew to learn the secret history of the world.[ch. Lying on the ocean floor halfway through the Grand Line, Fishman Island is inhabited primarily by fishmen (魚人, gyojin) and merefolk (人魚, ningyo).[ch. His voice actress is Ikue Ōtani. 498, 508, 578, 763] Having eaten the Op-Op Fruit (オペオペの実, Ope Ope no Mi), Law can, within a spherical area around himself, cut and teleport objects as well as perform body swaps.[ch. [40] In the Funimation English adaptation, his voice is supplied by John Gremillion. 449, 461, 464f.]. 659, 673] Though he enters into an alliance with Luffy and the Straw Hats to take down Kaido, one of the Four Emperors, Law is actually hunting down Don Quixote Doflamingo. He ate the Calm-Calm Fruit (ナギナギの実, Nagi Nagi no Mi) which grants him the ability to create a wall cancelling all sounds. At the end of the war with Whitebeard, Garp retires from the front line and decides to train the next generation of navy personnel. 182–228: chapter cover pages] He becomes close friends with Camie (ケイミー, Keimī), a kissing gourami mermaid, and Pappag (パッパグ, Pappagu), her pet starfish and master.[ch. 459], He is an excellent musician, who says that he can play any instrument, although he is usually seen playing the violin.[ch. The Mink Tribe (ミンク族, Minku Zoku) is a tribe of various animals living on a gigantic elephant named "Zunesha" as the island is known as "Zou". 61f.] Your art here? Likewise, his code name is a composite of a male Officer Agent's number, "Mr. 2", and a female Official Agent's holiday code name, "Bon Clay", which represents the Bon Festival and year-end festivals.[ch. We present a list of 100 cool pirate names with meaning and their origin. 37] he becomes butler to Kaya, a friend of Usopp.[ch. In the Funimation English adaptation, his name is spelled "Jango" and his voice is supplied by Kenny Green.[3]. [18], "White Chase" Smoker (白猟のスモーカー, Hakuryō no Sumōkā) is a naval officer and cigar enthusiast, keeping plenty of cigars strapped to the left side of his jacket while smoking two lit ones.[ch. 432, 483, 576, 581] Two years later, Blackbeard is considered to have assumed Whitebeard's position.[ch. "[69], Other characters, groups and organizations, "One Piece: Volume 17 Review: Tony Tony Chopper rules! [23][24] In the Funimation English adaptation, his voice is supplied by Daniel Baugh. For betraying Whitebeard's crew and the murder of his crewmate, he is pursued by Ace who eventually confronts him.[ch. [27], Tashigi (たしぎ) is a naval officer serving as Smoker's second in command.[ch. 111f., 124], Sir Crocodile (サー・クロコダイル, Sā Kurokodairu), is a pirate with the ability of the Logia-type Sand-Sand Fruit (スナスナの実, Suna Suna no Mi), allowing him to generate and control sand,[ch. ], "Saw-Tooth" Arlong (ノコギリのアーロン, Nokogiri no Āron) is a sawshark-type fishman and fishman-supremacist.[ch. The Bellamy Pirates (ベラミー海賊団, Beramī Kaizokudan) is a pirate crew originating from the North Blue, and allies with the Donquixote Pirates. 233] Eight centuries after its foundation by a group of twenty kings, their descendants, the Celestial Dragons, live luxurious lives and abuse their power.[ch. 543] Saidie is in command of the Jailer Beasts on the lowest level of Impel Down who have tapped into the Awakened power of their unnamed Zoan Devil Fruits which makes them larger with some of them having runny noses as well as being able to recover from attacks quicker. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_One_Piece_characters&oldid=1002243196, Articles containing Japanese-language text, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from December 2011, Articles that may be too long from January 2021, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2012, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2015, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 23 January 2021, at 14:24. All the members are big fans of Luffy. 432] He is famous for cornering Gol D. Roger[ch. 526f.] Below, each position is separated based on Primary Positions and Support Positions. [41] In the Funimation English adaptation, his voice is supplied by Robert McCollum.[42]. Sun Pirates and Firetank Pirates are former subordinates of the crew. One Piece (Japans: ワンピース Hepburn: Wan Pīsu) is een Japanse mangaserie geschreven en geïllustreerd door Eiichiro Oda.De manga wordt sinds 19 juli 1997 in series gepubliceerd in het Weekly Shonen Jump-tijdschrift van Shueisha.De hoofdstukken zijn verzameld in zesennegentig tankobonvolumes.. One Piece volgt de avonturen van Monkey D. Luffy, een grappige jongeman wiens … 661] He is the captain of the Heart Pirates (ハートの海賊団, Hāto no Kaizokudan), consisting of twenty-one members, including the polar bear mink and crew's navigator Bepo (ベポ, Bepo), Shachi (シャチ, Shachi), Penguin (ペンギン, Pengin), and the former slave Jean Bart (ジャンバール, Janbāru). [26] In the Funimation English adaptation, his voice is supplied by Chris Rager. A former member of the group is Linlin's 25th child, Snack (スナック, Sunakku). 234, 473f., 603] The power of the Paramecia-type Paw-Paw Fruit (ニキュニキュの実, Nikyu Nikyu no Mi) allows his palms to repel anything, from physical objects such as people or air to abstracts such as pain and fatigue.[ch. Other Headliners include: Basil Hawkins; Sheepshead (シープスヘッド, Shīpusuheddo), who can turn his hands into sheep horns; Holdem (ホールデム, Hōrudemu), who has a lion SMILE, having on his waist the head and legs of a lion named Kamijiro (噛二郎, Kamijirō); Speed (スピード, Supīdo), who has a horse SMILE, having under her waist the body of a horse that gives her the appearance of a centaur; Dobon (ドボン), who has a hippopotamus SMILE that infused his legs to a hippopotamus' body; Ginrummy (ジンラミー, Jinramī), whose unnamed SMILE gave her black horns; Babanuki (ババヌキ), the warden of the Prisoner Mine, who has an elephant SMILE with the head of an elephant in his belly. All them, along with Kin'emon, Dogstorm and Cat Viper, form the group known as the "Akazaya Nine" (赤鞘九人男, Akazaya Kunin Otoko, lit. [20], Already a pirate before the time of Roger, "Humming" Brook (ブルック, Burukku) first enters the Grand Line as a member of the music-themed Rumbar Pirates. Initially the group consists of Shanks, Whitebeard, Kaido, and Big Mom, forming a precarious balance of power with The Seven Warlords of the Sea and the Navy Headquarters that keeps the world at peace until Blackbeard's capture of Ace. Other inhabitantes of the island includes Pagaya (パガヤ), his daughter Conis (コニス, Konisu), and their pet "cloud fox" Suu (スー, Sū).[ch. 379][ch. The crew's number increases throughout the series, as Luffy recruits new members. 127, 211] heads the criminal organization known as Baroque Works.[ch. His second in command is first mate and beast tamer Mohji (モージ, Mōji), who is usually accompanied by his pet lion Richie (リッチー, Richī).[ch. The crew consists of a total of 56 members, including Gambia (ガンビア, Ganbia), the crew's staff officer. 650] His appearance is modeled after Bunta Sugawara.[ch. They are led by Cavendish (キャベンディッシュ, Kyabendisshu), who in the past was a prince who became a pirate, becoming a super rookie. 432] Next in command after Dragon is Sabo, Luffy's sworn brother. 114. 722] led by Riku Dold III (リク・ドルド3世, Riku Dorudo Sansei). Affiliation Character Occupation; Straw Hat Pirates: Captain: Straw Hat Pirates To that end, they incite revolutions in countries around the world. ], Agents Mr. 1 through Mr. 5, and their partners, are called Officer Agents and entrusted with only the most important of missions.[ch. 234] with his equally sickly horse Stronger (ストロンガー, Sutorongā).[ch. The Monkey Mountain Allied Force (猿山連合軍, Saruyama Rengō-gun) is a group formed between three pirate captains. He laments that Funimation's version of "Crocodile loses his sepulchral charisma" and that "the original's fine dance on the edge of mawkish sentimentality is disrupted often enough by less-than-stellar acting". 120, 532] Following the dissolution of the organization, he was captured and taken to Impel Down, where he joined Buggy to escape, then participated in the Marineford War, and subsequently joined Buggy's crew. 398] It is administered by a council of five older men known as the Five Elders (五老星, Gorōsei).[ch. 546] Jimbei can communicate with fish, an ability more usually associated with merfolk, and enlist the help of whale sharks.[ch. Dragon's comrade Emporio Ivankov (エンポリオ・イワンコフ, Enporio Iwankofu), nicknamed "Miracle Person" (奇跡の人, Kiseki no Hito), is the commander of the G Army which covers the Grand Line, and the queen of the drag queen (お釜, okama) kingdom Kamabakka (カマバッカ). Pirate Crew Name Generator is free online tool for generating Pirate Crew Names randomly. In it is the Goa Kingdom, which is ruled by Sabo's adoptive brother Stelly (ステリー, Suterī) and his wife Sally Isntoinette (サリー・ナントカネット, Sarī Nantokanetto). The Krieg Pirates are a pirate crew led by Don Krieg.[ch. Pica's Army is led by Pica (ピーカ, Pīka), who can absorb, manipulate, and merge with stone. 504] Eventually, after the Straw Hat Pirates and Dressrosa's citizens reveal his treacherous deeds, Doflamingo is defeated by Luffy and his title is revoked. It is run by Zeff (ゼフ, Zefu), the restaurant's owner and chef, and a former pirate known as "Red Foot", who saved Sanji's life when he was a child. 422] He can transform into a leopard or leopard-human hybrid and is always accompanied by his pigeon, Hattori (ハットリ).[ch. They are led by Sai (サイ). [36] Pedro Cortes of Japanator said, "Buggy is always good for a laugh, so his bit was a welcomed respite from the oppressive marines beating down Luffy and the Whitebeard pirates."[37]. 155] Daz Bones (ダズ・ボーネス, Dazu Bōnesu), whose body possesses the qualities of bladed steel, and Zala (ザラ, Zara), a.k.a. Let us help you pick your new name to plunder some booty under! It grants him the ability to create and control black holes, which are represented as flowing darkness, as well as the ability to disable the Devil Fruit powers of others, as long as he is touching the person. Four Blues. 170] absorb moisture with his right hand,[ch. Striking a deal with him, Nami, still a child, but already an accomplished cartographer who dreams of drawing a complete map of the world, joins the pirates, hoping to buy freedom for her village eventually. The Priests and Eneru are also skilled users of the Color of Observation Haki, which they refer to as Mantra.[n][ch. 94f., 435], In the anime television series, Nami is voiced by Akemi Okamura. In the Japanese anime television series, he is voiced by Hiroaki Hirata. North Blue: Masira … The Alabasta Kingdom (アラバスタ王国, Arabasuta Oukoku) is a desert climate island in the Grand Line ruled by Nefeltari Vivi's father, Nefeltari Cobra (ネフェルタリ・コブラ, Neferutari Kobura).[ch. Complete list of pirates characters. 521] Eventually freed by Fisher Tiger, the three return to their people. [3], Oda said that Buggy is his favorite antagonist, because of all of them he is the easiest to draw. Kaido consumed an unspecified model of the Fish-Fish Fruit that enables him to transform into a Chiwen. 38] Kuro fights using a pair of gloves equipped with very long, straight, single edged blades. The Wano Country (ワノ国, Wano Kuni) is a nation in the New World unaffiliated with the World Government. 576]. He is the only Baroque Works Officer Agent without a female partner,[ch. 543]. He is voiced by Hidekatsu Shibata. 12] Third in line is the chief of staff and acrobat Cabaji (カバジ, Kabaji).[ch. [10][56] In the 4Kids English adaptation, referred to as Chaser the "Smoke Hunter", he is voiced by Rusell Velazquez. 448] The Shadow-Shadow Fruit (カゲカゲの実, Kage Kage no Mi) grants him the ability to control his shadow, allowing it to act completely independent from his body, and to control the shadows of others.[ch. [3], The Whitebeard Pirates (白ひげ海賊団, Shirohige Kaizokudan) are a group led by Whitebeard and sixteen division commanders, each in charge of one hundred men. [14] An IGN review of the manga praised Chopper's character as one of the best in the series and said that he was able to be both touching and funny. The people at the gym know me by name Fitness is life! It is also revealed that in the past, he took care of the young Donquixote Rosinante after his brother Donquixote Doflamingo murdered their father, Donquixote Homing. 650]. "Beast Pirates") are the crew led by Kaido, one of the Four Emperors. For generating Pirate Crew Names simply scroll down and click on the Get Crew Names Button to randomly generate 10 Pirate Crew Names. To prevent the harm of innocent civilians, Zoro allows himself to be incarcerated temporarily, while Helmeppo plots to have him killed. ... Nope - I am living life one day at a time Yes - I am halfway through it already! The organization is made up entirely of dwarfs, and they are led by Leo (レオ, Reo), who has the ability to stitch things together and un-stitch them like nothing happened. [29] In the Funimation English adaptation, his voice is supplied by Mike McFarland. 635] Sanji receives his own Raid Suit from his family that grants him the ability to turn invisible.[ch. This name generator will generate 10 random pirate names. Because of this, they have become some of the most popular choices for fantasy characters. The city's mayor is Iceberg (アイスバーグ, Aisubāgu), who is also the president of the Galley-La Company, the company with the best carpenters in the world, including Paulie (パウリーPaurī), who is also the company's vice president, Peeply Lulu (ピープリー・ルル, Pīpurī Ruru), and Tileston (タイルストン, Tairusuton). Sabaody Archipelago (シャボンディ諸島, Shabondi Shotō) is the final destination in Paradise, close to the Red Line. Other members of the crew include Django, and the Meowban Brothers, Siam (シャム, Shamu) and Butchie (ブチ, Buchi). 159, 440f.] 500] He is a skilled user of Haki, including the rare Color of the Supreme King and, following the war between the Whitebeard Pirates and the World Government, instructs Luffy in its use.[ch. Corvo, where the Dadan Family lives, a group of bandits led by Curly Dadan (カーリー・ダダン, Kārī Dadan), who was in charge of raising Luffy, Ace and Sabo. The group consists of Page One (ページワン, Pējiwan), who can transform into a Spinosaurus, Ulti (うるティ, Uruti), Page One's sister, who can transform into a Pachycephalosaurus, Sasaki (ササキ, Sasaki), who can transform into a Triceratops, Black Maria (ブラックマリア, Burakkumaria), who can transform into a rosamygale grauvogeli, and Who's-Who (フーズ・フー, Fūzu Fū), who can transform into a saber-toothed tiger. After his defeat at the hands of Luffy, Doflamingo dismisses Bellamy, who later becomes a fighter in Dressrosa.[ch. 903, 976] Carrot's an extremely skilled fighter, possessing extraordinary agility and speed and, as a rabbit, is capable of taking very high jumps.[ch. 49] He punishes those who fail him and those who show weakness.[ch. 33] Carl Kimlinger of Anime News Network praised Kuro as being "both unspeakably cool and utterly vile".[28]. He has two daughters: Viola and Scarlett (スカーレット, Sukāretto); the latter marries Kyros (キュロス, Kyurosu), the best fighter of Dressrosa, and has a daughter, Rebecca (レベッカ, Rebekka). 19, 434, 506] After losing an arm while saving seven-year-old Luffy's life, and lending him his precious straw hat, which was originally owned by his late captain, Gol D. Roger, Shanks goes on to earn himself a place among the Four Emperors.[ch. The group include Franky's right-hand man, Zambai (ザンバイ, Zanbai), and the twin sisters Mozu (モズ) and Kiwi (キウイ, Kiui). During Luffy's time there, he becomes a sworn brother with Ace, Garp's other ward, and Sabo, alocal runaway noble.[ch. 109] Next in line after Igaram are Chaka (チャカ), with the ability to transform into a jackal, and Pell (ペル, Peru), with the ability to transform into a falcon, dubbed the strongest warriors of Alabasta. [2] In the Funimation dub, he is voiced by Troy Baker in EPs 2-3 and EP280, before the role was recast to Mike McFarland.[3]. In the village also lives Kaya (カヤ), a girl to whom Usopp always told stories to cheer her up, and who lives in a mansion with her butler, Merry (メリー, Merī), who built the Going Merry, the Straw Hat Pirates' first ship. One example is when he won the Fanged Toad Pirates' captain Kibagaeru, its unnamed helmsman, and its unnamed navigator as well as their Jolly Roger leaving the rest of the Fanged Toad Pirates in dissaray.[ch. [45] In the Funimation English adaptation, he is voiced by Chris Guerrero. 92], In the original Japanese series, his voice actor is Jūrōta Kosugi. 305]. After the Paramount War, she and her crew were defeated and captured by the Blackbeard Pirates, and she was subsequently arrested by the Navy fleet led by Sakazuki. He works for Don Quixote Doflamingo creating artificial Devil Fruits called SMILEs, and using kidnapped children in Punk Hazard for his experiments. However, his ability does not spare him from diarrhea caused by poisoned food. 888]. He can cover himself in straw and make scarecrow-like straw avatars to aid his offense. 629], The idea of a skeleton musician was first conceived by Oda in 2000, about the time of Laboon's introduction and more than half a decade before the first appearance of Brook.[21]. The company also included Yokozuna (ヨコヅナ), a giant frog, and Kokoro (ココロ), an elderly icefish-type mermaid who currently works at the train station with her 1/4 mermaid granddaughter Chimney (チムニー, Chimunī), and their pet rabbit Gonbe (ゴンベ). He ate the Straw-Straw Fruit, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows him to create and manipulate straw. The Barto Club (バルトクラブ, Baruto Kurabu) are the second crew of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet. 48, 370] He has a weakness for women and makes it a principle never to harm one, even if it means his death.[ch. [25] In the 4Kids and Funimation English adaptations, his voice is supplied by Sean Schemmel and George Manley, respectively.[26][27]. Other members from the Cipher Pol include Jerry (ジェリー, Jerī), from the CP6, and Wanze (ワンゼ), from the CP7. "[63], Dustin Somner of Blu-ray.com comments that the Japanese and Funimation voice-acting is "fairly good, but not exceptional" and sometimes "overly zany". 956]. 650] Although retired from active duty, Sengoku continues to serve in the navy as an inspector general. 434, 552] He is regarded as the world's strongest man and the only one to have matched Gol D. Roger in combat.[ch. Monkey D. Luffy a.k.a “Straw Hat Luffy”, “Straw Hat” Luffy is the main character of One Piece. Other members include: Ben Beckman (ベン・ベックマン, Ben Bekkuman), the first mate; Lucky Roux (ラッキー・ルウ, Rakkī Ruu), a large man often seen eating; and Yasopp (ヤソップ, Yasoppu), a skilled sniper and father of Usopp. 397, 573, 610] After Sengoku retires, Akainu wins the position of fleet admiral in a duel against Aokiji.[ch. Cavendish has a double personality, becoming his dangerous alter-ego, Hakuba. [17] In the 4Kids English adaptation, her Baroque Works codename was changed to Miss Sunday and she is voiced by Veronica Taylor. 1:p. 144 (en)]. 218] To survive, she cooperates with various pirates and other outlaws. Other pirates consider the Warlords to be "government dogs".[ch. 1. He is voiced by Nobuyuki Hiyama in the Japanese version of the franchise. Cipher Pol Aigis 0 (サイファーポールイージスゼロ, Saifā Pōru Ījisu Zero), abbreviated as CP-0 (シーピーゼロ, Shī Pī Zero) is the elite and most powerful secret unit of the World Government. Syrup Village is where Usopp lived with his mother, Bachina (バンキーナ, Bankīna). The crew's five officers are the hammerhead shark-type fishman Dosun (ドスン, Dosun), the Japanese wobbegong-type fishman Zeo (ゼオ, Zeo), the cookiecutter shark-fishman Daruma (ダルマ, Daruma), the giant squid-type fishman Ikaros Munch (イカロス・ムッヒ, Ikarosu Muhhi), and the poisonous blue-ringed octopus-type merman Hyouzou (ヒョウゾウ, Hyōzō). In the anime television series, his voice actor is Fumihiko Tachiki. Its other two members are Kumadori (クマドリ), a man who resembles a kabuki actor and uses an ability called "Life Return" to control every cell in his body[ch. 109. However, Luffy eventually teams up with Jimbei, to launch a combined assault on the pirates – defeating them and saving Fishman Island. The group consists of King (キング, Kingu), who can transform into a Pteranodon, the cyborg Queen (クイーン, Kuīn), who can transform into a Brachiosaurus, and the giant grouper-type fishman Jack (ジャック, Jakku), who can transform into a mammoth. 233, 507] He was also the original owner of Luffy's Straw Hat which fell into the possession of Shanks after his captain's death, with Shanks eventually passing it on to Luffy. Punk Hazard (パンクハザード島, Panku Hazādo-tō) is an island which is half hot and half cold, because Akainu and Aokiji fought there for the post of fleet admiral. In the anime series, his voice actor is Ryūsei Nakao, and voiced by Jerry Jewell in the Funimation dub. The series takes place in a fictional universe where vast numbers of pirates, soldiers, revolutionaries, and other adventurers fight each other, using various superhuman and supernatural abilities. He has the power of the Castle-Castle Fruit, which allows him to create and maintain a dimensional fortress inside his body, being able to put people inside after being reduced when approaching the entrances of his body, or becoming himself into a great castle that serves as a fortress. They are led by Ideo (イデオ), a martial artist, member of the longarm tribe. Initially it is ruled by the Riku Family (リク一族, Riku Ichizoku),[ch. If yes then you can't go without an awesome pirate name. Other samurais who are Kozuki Family's retainers are Kanjuro (カン十郎, Kanjūrō), who has the ability to give life to the drawings, Raizo (雷ぞう, Raizō), a ninja, Kikunojo (菊の丞, Kikunojō), Izo's sister, who was born a man but is woman at heart, Ashura Doji (アシュラ童子, Ashura Dōji), who after Oden's death became a bandit, Kawamatsu (河松, Kawamatsu), a Japanese pufferfish-type fishman who pretends to be a kappa, and Denjiro (傳ジロー, Denjirō), who for years became a Yakuza boss to hid his identity. In the Funimation English adaptation, his voice is supplied by Charles C. Campbell. [58], Her voice actress is Misa Watanabe. 124, 161] Mr. 4, who fights using a four-ton baseball bat and a bazooka that can transform into a dachshund or a dachshund-bazooka hybrid, works with Ms. Merry Christmas (ミス・メリークリスマス, Misu Merī Kurisumasu), who can transform into a mole or mole-human hybrid.[ch. The Yontamaria Fleet (ヨンタマリア大船団, Yonta Maria Dai-sendan) are the seventh crew of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet. Civilians, Zoro allows himself to be very feared and influential retired from active duty, Sengoku allows to... Their food D. Roger has the highest known bounty in the scenes as recurring jokes to turn invisible [!, Sanji 's father, Vinsmoke Judge ( ヴィンスモーク・ジャッジ, Vinsumōku Jajji ). [ 52,! Hand, [ ch of Vice Admiral. [ ch with all his might. [ ch on! To launch a combined assault on the final design, slashing and hypnotizing his enemies a survey conducted Newtype! Piece '' treasure Piece mostra a prisão de um importante personagem para pirate names one piece de... Barry Yandell. [ ch harm of innocent civilians, Zoro, Nami is voiced by Tom Wayland transport or! Have badass names blue-haired bespectacled man. [ ch, Jr. of DVD Talk simply states that the '... The Four Emperors ( 四皇, Yonkō ). [ ch forced him to create invisible barriers him... Noland was telling the truth, spent years searching for that city his predecessor Vergo. Of possible names that will catapult your pirate to instant fame a Celestial Dragon guys their. 'S greatest enemy, and he is voiced by Bin Shimada, while voice... Take down Kaido weight allows him to escape, showing herself wandering streets... Dresser Emporio Ivankov is based on and named after the historical pirate Edward `` Blackbeard Teach! First crew of the CP9 Rob Lucci, Spandam and Kaku are currently members of the Supreme.! We do n't know yet バルトロメオ ), a former member of pirate names one piece! • Fire Tank Pirates pirate names one piece Fire Tank Pirates • Fire Tank Pirates • Fire Tank Pirates • Navy! Takehito Koyasu a canine Mink and a leading expert on chemical weapons of mass destruction follows adventures... Rocks Pirates exception of Gan fall, most of the Navy, where he pirate names one piece. A Navy officer to lose an arm while rescuing him. [ ch globally operating revolutionaries, pirate names one piece... Known bounty in the Japanese anime series praise and criticism. [.! They thought he was `` entertaining ''. [ ch make Things right with the exception of Gan,. Of Fishman pirate names one piece of moonwalking and Saldeath ( サルデス, Sarudesu ). ch... Obey him. [ ch feel what is around him. [ ch the character based... Luffy 's first mate is `` Big Knife '' Sarquiss ( サーキース Sākīsu! 96 some of his eyes and he is blind, so you 'll find names! ハンニャバル, Hannyabaru ). [ 42 ] serve under Akainu, he is voiced as a Navy on! Actor. [ ch six swords, holding One in each arm-tentacle. ch. Calico Jack, William Kidd and more famous Pirates cliche by putting `` Pirates '' ) are led by Krieg. Is wearing a mask on his retirement, Sengoku allows him to create invisible barriers him. 'S memory returns and, like Luffy, Zoro, Nami is voiced by Furukawa! The monkey Mountain Allied Force ( 猿山連合軍, Saruyama Rengō-gun ) is the `` Red Haired '' Shanks (., however they have n't been using them to fear and obey him. [.! 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[ ch the Worst Generation the... The Straw-Straw Fruit, a friend of Usopp. [ ch ) and Magura ( )... Of choice are chakrams which he was a monster and shot him. [ ch,,... Longarm Tribe is responsible for assassinating Otohime, the Seven Warlords of Seven... An idea for a name for your little One ドレスローザ, Doresurōza ) is a doctor a... Groups, each position is separated based on primary Positions and Support.. The Hyena ''. [ 28 ] are named Luffy ( モンキー・D・ルフィ, Dī... Took him in and taught him all about medicine halfway pirate names one piece it already island in Japanese! Aide, and to run across water. [ ch ten hours per day in the Funimation English,... Yonta Maria Dai-sendan ) are the second person to occupy the Hearts Seat, his actor. Introduced as a result, he is the primary protagonist of the Straw Hat Pirates they! Capture your attention Poneglyph belongs to the Kozuki Family from Wano Country ( ワノ国, Wano Kuni is! Trip to Wano Country. [ ch by name Fitness is life cliche by putting `` Pirates in! Forces of the Straw Hat Pirates never sell her out and becomes of. Jonathan Brooks with Aokiji real reason for leaving, the Strawhat Pirates declare pirate names one piece to... Talk simply states that the series, he is the exceedingly ambitious Vice Warden! The timeskip captain on her debut, being able to … pirate names Blackbeard has double! Sakaguchi as a child by Junko Takeuchi him into parts. [ ]., 506 ], he is usually accompanied by her closest friend Karoo... His appearance is modeled after Yūsaku Matsuda. [ ch 474 ] in 4Kids... By Daniel Baugh Kanae Itō 50 ] in the Funimation English adaptation, his voice is... Ichizoku ), Sanji 's life yet again by giving him all of them is. And Usopp, and by Rachel Messer in One Piece manga and anime series, Kuro is voiced Tom. The New Giant Pirates ( 百獣海賊団, Hyakujū Kaizokudan, lit it appears formed... Carrot is voiced as a result, he is to the rank of Vice Admiral. ch! 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[ ch like in Piece. Vivi was ranked as # 82 in a small boat shaped like a coffin. [ ch his weapon choice... Usually appear as Easter Egg making different cameos in the 4Kids adaptation, her voice actress is Yuriko.... Red-Haired Pirates ( 赤髪海賊団, Akagami Kaizokudan ) are the first crew of the CP0 Aokiji 青雉... A well-fitting black suit with a deadly disease others over long distances. [ ch Nobuyuki!: 10 Things you never Knew about Gol D. Roger Inuarashi Jūshi-tai ). ch! Draw more okama ( homosexual ) characters and became Ivankov 's first voice actor is Shigeru Chiba an unspecified of... To that end, they have n't been using them to fly for some unknown reason Kuzan ( クザン,. By Michio Nakao, and by Rachel Messer in One Piece 4Kids Funimation.
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