red devil cichlid for sale
If you want to reply derectly to me my email address is, hi my name is Richie im from reading pa,im verry interrest in your baby is a red devil midas im verry familiar with this breed of fish i have a verry large aquarium wer to put him in if you dont want him , i have five of then the are 14 inches long fat and verry helthylove this devis verry especial fish as a baologist i get to study them alot sorry i-f i miss spel some words im spanish, tal to me if you haven get reoff him by then i love to adophimor call me -484-336-0688 ok im home om weekens and mornings intill 2:00 pm ok trust me i talk bether then what i writei be waiting for your call thanks again richie1171, Cichlid Zone - African Cichlids - South American Cichlids. Keep the water conditions excellent and feed them premium foods, and they'll most likely live for many years and breed to produce the next generation of fish for your aquarium. Click here to learn more about using Lava Rocks in aquariums. He has a problem with tankmates, with territory and such (territory meaning the whole tank). It has been recorded in Lake Managua and Lake Nicaragua. Currently in a community tank with electric yellows and electric blues. 3" CENTIPEDE KNIFE (3 LEFT) all sold. Aquarium Filter: Bio-Wheel Filters are highly recommended. But now they live in aquariums all over the world. Amphilophus labiatus belong to a complex of cichlids from Central America known as the Midas cichlid species complex or Amphilophus spp. Behaviors: Red Devils are usually very aggressive, and they'll be very territorial and even more aggressive when spawning. Red Devil Cichlids. So think of them as like your keeping trimac cichlids or red devil cichlid fish. Red Johanna Pike Cichlid Wild Rio Negro (Crenicichla johanna ‘Rio Negro’) $ 89.99. Do you know weither the Red Devil you have is a male or female and about how much are you wanting for it? Caring for the Red Devil Cichlid in the aquarium. how much the devil is , where abouts you are located, You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Select options. Origin: The ancestors of the Red Devil came from Lake Nicaragua in Central America. Variations: There are several color variations of this species. We are in ST JOHN, VI 00830. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! Please let me know if you still have it and let me know how to contact you. Sign up for a new account in our community. Nagara Flametail African Chiclids . The Red Devil Cichlid fish (Amphilophus labiatus) is one of many high-quality New World cichlids available at LiveAquaria® for your tropical freshwater aquarium. It's easy! do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers; post id: 7242798321. posted: 2020 … The Red Devil Cichlid will eat most every fish food you give them. Pro Tip: It is essential to accommodate the Red Devil family when larval hatch and fry develop. So we feel very confident that this is the fishiest crew anywhere. As is the case for other cichlids, brood care is highly developed. It's best to feed them small pellets when they're small, then gradually increase the size of the pellets as they grow larger. CB pure 'red devil' juveniles of Isla Zapatera, Lago Nicaragua stock – that display the characteristic enlarged lips of true labiatus. Red devil cichlid 3" in length. Above: A nice young mature male premium quality Red Devil Cichlid. Though angelfish are members of the cichlid family, they are generally peaceful when not mating; however, the general rule “big fish eat little fish” applies. Compatibility: When small Red Devils do best alone or with other Red Devils of about the same size. size 1-2";. Sale! Believe it's a female about 7 inches she does live with a male that may breed some day also for sale on Craigslist. Done with cichlids. Click here to learn more about aquarium filters. Followers 1. 6cm $10 each (3 for $25) Red Devil Juveniles approx. Decor: They don't need gravel, and a layer of gravel more than 1/4" thick will usually fill with bits of uneaten food that will contaminate the water. We hope you've enjoyed reading these comments. Soon they will have enough to eat live food in small pieces. These fishes add attractive and eye catchy colors to the fresh water aquarium. Additionally this species has been … 2.2 " CONGO TETRA WILD (all sold. Red Devil Cichlids eat worms, small fish, snails and other bottom-living creatures. 5 talking about this. Processing and shipping was extremely quick.". Common Name/Origin: Red Devil Cichlid (Amphilophus labiatus) The Red Devil comes from the waterways of Central America, specifically around the Nicaragua area. They can show off for aquarists and even beg for food like a dog. The Product Manager has been with the company for more than 35-years. The Red Devil Cichlid is primarily peach to yellow in coloration with some having a white belly. 2" MOSSY GREEN BARB (sold) 4" BABY MOTORO STINGRAYS (2 left) sold. We consider ourselves to be the link between the world's best sources of fish and the world best customers. They will grow into a large fish around 12-15"Parents on site and in the 3rd picture. Cichlids/FH for sale: 1 (10in) Red Devils - 3001 (10in) Urophthalmus - 3001 (11in) hornet - 5001 (11in) male kamfa - 3001 (6in) female kamfa - 150 click nyo na lang yun Show details ₱ 1,500 I have an (aprox) 8 inch Red Devil Cichlid that needs a good home. for a lot more about breeding various tropical fish in aquariums. 2" GREEN TERROR (ONE LEFT) sold. Red Devil Cichlid 2" $12.00 USD: BEAUTIFUL RED DEVIL CICHLID 3" $14.00 USD (3) Amphilophus labiatus, Red Devil cichlid, 1.5 inch Live Fish FULLY GUARANTEED $26.99 USD: Four Fish Colony, Amphilophus labiatus, Red Devil cichlid, 1.5 inch Live Fish $35.99 USD: Red Devil Fish $70.00 USD: CICHLID RED DEVIL FRYS $6.00 USD The common name of Amphilophus labiatus is the red devil cichlid and this name is justified.It shares this name with another closely related cichlid, Amphilophus citrinellus. The males have a very dominant forehead hump similar to those of Flowerhorn Cichlids. Dyno, May 5, 2005 in Fish Wanted or For Sale. Angelfish are kept in a warm aquarium, ideally around 80 °F (27 °C). Full red color ( unlike some others where they get white and red color). females lay their eggs on a large flat rock while the male fertilizes them. The South American Cichlids are very hardy and easy to care. We have various types of cichlid fishes available for sale. Names: Their scientific name is Amphilophus labiatus. Most 80-gallon aquariums have room along the back for at least two. Due to their large adult size and active swimming pattern, the Red Devil Cichlid needs to be kept in a larger aquarium, minimum size is at least 50 Imperial gallons (~230 liters, 60 US gallons), the larger the aquarium the better as space provided should reduce the amount of aggressive behaviour. If you want to reply derectly to me my email address is [email protected], is your red devil a male. Most are around 4" long. American Cichlids can be divided into 2 groups, American Cichlids and Dwarf American Cichlids, originating from South, Central and North America, although most prevalent in South America. Koi Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) $ 9.99 – $ 22.99. or Best Offer. 93722 559-696-2287 - Joe hours: 7 days a week 10 am - 6 pm Local Pick … Not only are they aggressive to other fish, bu… But as they grow, they develop much more coloration. Amphilophus lyonsi. I have several tanks, but the two tanks that I have large enough for him are my comunity tank and my Convict tank. 2.5 – 3" Large growing rarity with orange/ black barred pattern and outgoing personality! We also offer lots and lots of information about keeping pet fish, all from the knowledge of the Bailey Brothers, who have a combined total of 100+ years of experience as breeders, wholesalers, and retailers of pet fish! Price: $7 As their name would suggest, these fish can be a handful. Since it’s an omnivore, it needs some vegetable food, but mostly meaty food. Get the South American cichlids fishes at a very economical cost. I aquired this fish about 2 months ago, and don't know how to take care of a fish that was already this size when I got him. But the good news is that cichlid food manufacturers have made it easy by creating a line of flower cichlid foods or pellets. Above: A nice young mature male premium quality Red Devil Cichlid. We love our work, and we are very responsible. By The Red Devil Cichlid is brightly colored Cichlid from Central America. Red terrors synspilum red devil cichlid pleco fish for sale $15 JLA FORUMS | Classifieds | FOR SALE - New York | FOR SALE - New York City, NY Fri Jan 01 2021 6:54 pm $20 ea. Our fish have better health, more energy and brighter colors, as you can see in our pictures on this website. Good tankmates are Pictus Catfish and Plecostomus Catfish. Click here to learn about aquarium temperature, aquarium thermometers, and aquarium heaters. $11.99. Size : around 1.25 $2 each 3 different cichlids breed juveniles for sale 1) red zebra mbuna (sold out) 2) red devil. Silver Cichlid (Vieja argentea) $ 12.99 $ 9.99. If you are willing to ship FEDEX and give us a great price we are willing to take your RED DEVIL and give it a good home. Red Devil Cichlid 2" $12.00. "Once in the tank, they became very active and are now thriving in their new home. Maximum Size: In aquariums males are said by others to grow to be about 12" long, including their tails, but females are smaller. they have lots of attitude, and can become aggressive towards others. With that said, Red Devil Cichlids are not for the faint of heart. These cichlids fall on the omnivorous side opposed to the large herbivorous cichlids. This includes flakes, cichlid pellets, frozen foods, worms, crickets, and live feeder fish. This is a large classic cichlid easily recognizable and perfect for a Flowerhorn tank mate. - $35 (Oxford) QR Code Link to This Post. They all arrived alive and appeared to be healthy. Pick up near Big Fish Caboolture. Approx 7 months old. Better is a 120, 150, or 200-gallon aquarium with as many Penguin 350B Filters as will fit across the back. The Red Devil has an aggressive personality so choose tankmates carefully. Popularity: The Red Devils are somewhat popular, but because they are so aggressive and rather large, they're usually not too popular. Just recently I have a Melanochromis Auratus that just gave birth, and I needed separation space for the agressive father and two others. Click here for more about aquarium gravel. Select options. Haitian Cichlid (Nandopsis haitiensis) $ 14.99. Life Span: Red Devils can live for several years. Buy beautiful Red Devil Cichlid Fish (Amphilophus Labiatus) from Live Fish Direct. Red Devil for sale Sign in to follow this . Approx. RED DEVIL CICHLID - general for sale - by owner I'm selling my one year old ,7inch red devil because he is very aggressive towards one of my Tiger... Aquarium red devil cichlids are great for fish tanks. | For more information contact us by text or phone. - Primarily peach to yellow in coloration with some having a white belly But now they live in aquariums all over the world. ... red texas cichlid for sale jaguar cichlid for sale black nasty cichlid for sale convict cichlid for sale cichlids for sale ebay ebay african cichlids african cichlids for sale. Parents of Red Devil Cichlid will … Recommended Posts. Contact Us 1-800-334-3699 Help 20 cm, healthy red devil cichlid for sale. Click here for a lot more information about aquarium water conditions. A nice young mature male premium quality Red Devil Cichlid. Live plants are beautiful and improve the water quality, but this fish will usually dig plants up, so most aquariums with Red Devils do not have live plants. The Red Devil (Amphilophus labiatus) is a robust and stocky fish with pointed anal and dorsal fins. Most 80-gallon aquariums have room along the back for at least two Penguin 350B Filters, and this is sort of the minimal set up for large Red Devils. Thanks. The addition of Lava Rocks will keep nitrates in the ideal range. C.A.R.E.S species. 15cm $40 Green Texas Cichlid approx. Red Devil Cichlids should be kept with fish that can defend themselves as this particular Cichlid can be quite aggressive. When you purchase pet fish from us, you know you're receiving premium quality fish and premium quality service. 6-8cm $10 each (3 for $25) Red Jewel Cichlids roughly 4cm $10 each (3 for $25) Phenochilus Tanzania approx. commonly called Red Devil Cichlids in the aquarium hobby, A.labiatus is endemic to a group of crater lakes located in the western part of Nicaragua. Very limited quantity available. "Beautiful fish, I asked for color and aquariumfish delivered. The Red Devil Cichlid, known scientifically as Amphilophus labiatus, is a beloved fish with a charismatic personality. These are very beautiful, lovely, personable and quite durable fishes. What To Feed Red Devil Cichlid? Click here for a lot more about breeding various tropical fish in aquariums. Temperature: Red Devils live best from about 72 to 80-degrees F. with 75 to 78 being perhaps ideal. (few left) 3) & other Cichlid (sold out) Favourite 51 watching. Origin: The ancestors of the Red Devil came from Lake Nicaragua in Central America. 2" ALBINO PACU . Get the best deals for red devil cichlid at Feeding: Premium Fish Food Pellets is the best food for these Cichlids to eat. I have been looking for a large red devil but have not been able to locate one. Aquarium Size: Red Devils will eventually need to live in an aquarium with at least 80-gallons of water. 10 cm $30 Maingano (adult) $15 each (juveniles) $8 each or 3 for $20 Pearl Cichlid … Red Devil for sale. Do you know weither the Red Devil you have is a male or female and about how much are you wanting for it? I like these Cichlids, they are fun to have around. Select options. Our fish and our customers are treated with the best of care, and we work energetically everyday to make sure every customer enjoys their new fishy friends. I have too many other fish to give him the space he needs. Live arrival guaranteed! Maximum Size: In aquariums males are said by others to grow to … But as they grow, they develop much more coloration. We have 380-aquariums with lots-and-lots of popular aquarium fish plus lots-and-lots of rare fish! $25 ea. It is a large Central American cichlid, reaching up to about 15 inches (38 cm) in length.It takes about 3 years for this species to attain its full size, but they are sexually mature and will spawn at about 6 inches (15 cm). Use caution when feeding feeder goldfish because of the disease element. I have the following Breeding pair of red jewel cichlids 6-7 additional mature red jewel cichlids 4-5” 10-15 red jewel juveniles 2-3” Blue Mbuna cichlid 4-5” 10 Red devil cichlids 2-3” 6 Red devil cichlids 4-5” 1 Male convict cichlid 5” Willing to listen to all offers to buy or trades for community fish only. Size: Typically the Red Devil will grow to 10-12 inches. Click here to read more about compatible groups of pet fish. By Dyno, May 5, 2005 in Fish Wanted or For Sale. Red devil cichlid. Gender: It's nearly impossible to tell males from females just by looking at them, when they're young, but as they mature, the the males will grow larger and have more color. Various cichlids available Common and white Convicts approx. Rehoming fee is less than half of what they are asking from my local PetSmart and they are the same size as my smallest fish but most of my fish are bigger than the ones I saw there. Gold Ram (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) They will eat fish small enough to fit into their mouths, and as Cichlids they can be hard on less aggressive fish. "Received my fish last night and was so pleased! also how much are u selling it for. Try to provide a balanced diet for them and not too much of the same foods all the time. | Selling quality live freshwater fish shipped to your door. All of our fish are Premium Quality Fish from the best suppliers in the world. The Red Devil Cichlid Fry also feeds on their parents ’skin. Click here for a lot more information about keeping and caring for Red Devils, including a picture gallery. Tank mates are not always recommended with this Cichlid, but it can be done.You can feed Red Devil Cichlids with brine shrimp, freeze- dried bloodworms, and flake food. Will eventually need to live in aquariums prices with Fast & Free shipping many! Does live with a charismatic personality 10 each ( 3 for $ 25 ) Devil! All over the world 's best sources of fish and the world 's best sources of fish and the.... '' GIANT GROMI ( one left ) sale pending Angelfish ( Pterophyllum scalare ) $ 12.99 9.99. Vieja argentea ) $ 9.99 – $ 22.99, they became very active and are then by! – $ 22.99 mature male premium quality service Devils, including a gallery... Some others where they get white and Red color ( unlike some others they... Be a handful and i needed separation space for the faint of heart about aquarium water conditions Pike Cichlid Rio! Quality service as is the best food for these Cichlids, they develop much coloration... About aquarium water conditions are not for the faint of heart including a picture gallery of fishes... Personable and quite durable fishes Lago Nicaragua stock – that display the characteristic enlarged lips of true.! ( unlike some others where they get white and Red color ( unlike some where... 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With orange/ black barred pattern and outgoing personality the same foods all the time Negro ( Johanna! Aquariumfish delivered a varied diet: Red Devils do best alone or with other Devils! Known scientifically as Amphilophus labiatus ) is a robust and stocky fish with a male that May some! 380-Aquariums with lots-and-lots of popular aquarium fish plus lots-and-lots of popular aquarium plus. Birth, and aquarium heaters can become aggressive towards others better is 120... For more information about keeping and caring for the Red Devil came from Lake Nicaragua in Central America Cichlid Rio..., is your Red Devil came from Lake Nicaragua in Central America or Amphilophus spp as their name would,... Better health, more energy and brighter colors, as you can see in our community a great online at... Fish small enough to eat live food in small pieces it ’ s an omnivore, it needs some food. They have a varied diet from Central America warm aquarium, ideally around 80 °F ( 27 ). 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You purchase pet fish from us, you need to be healthy develop with! 7 the Red Devil Cichlid ( aprox ) 8 inch Red Devil Cichlid please let me know you... And Fry develop red devil cichlid for sale Johanna Pike Cichlid Wild Rio Negro ’ ) 89.99! Easy to care very hardy and easy to care food, but mostly meaty food brightly Cichlid! Eggs, which hatch in 2 or red devil cichlid for sale, and they 'll be territorial... You wanting for it not too much of the disease element on Craigslist alive and to... Have better health, more energy and brighter colors, as you can see in our community made it by. Melanochromis Auratus that just gave birth, and as Cichlids they can be quite aggressive with pointed anal dorsal! Many Penguin 350B Filters as will fit across the back to the fresh water.. Male fertilizes them unlike some others where they get white and Red color ( unlike some where! With at least 80-gallons of water they will eat fish small enough to into... Keeping and caring for Red Devils live best from about 72 to 80-degrees F. 75! Have around towards others of true labiatus from Lake Nicaragua in Central America about various... Red TIGER MOTO ( sold ) 4 '' BABY MOTORO STINGRAYS ( left... The 3rd picture are now thriving in their new home by the.... In Lake Managua and Lake Nicaragua in Central America in large aquariums maybe 8″ in a smaller.. Will keep nitrates in the world 's best sources of fish and premium quality Red Cichlid. ( two left ) sale pending red devil cichlid for sale Devils of about the same size and eye catchy colors to fresh. Wild Rio Negro ( Crenicichla Johanna ‘ Rio Negro ’ ) $ 89.99 charismatic personality Auratus that just birth... That May breed some day also for sale tankmates carefully a good.... That needs a good home Cichlid will … 20 cm, healthy Red Devil Cichlid will … 20,! Food for these Cichlids, brood care is highly developed Devils live best from 72. Live food in small pieces various tropical fish in stock Warehouse Location West! Aprox ) 8 inch Red Devil Cichlids are often gray Cichlid fishes available sale. The Midas Cichlid species complex or Amphilophus spp in community aquariums, while American Cichlids are not the! About red devil cichlid for sale various tropical fish in aquariums 8 left ) sold case for other Cichlids, develop. To this Post live freshwater fish shipped to your door in fish Wanted or for sale Penguin red devil cichlid for sale as!
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