reddit dorian yates training
Hes a genetic freak that got nasty. I love Dorian though. Thanks steroids! Not for beginners. This is how I've been training for the last 6 months. Dorian Andrew Mientjez Yates aka Dorian Yates, was born on April 19, 1962. Plus you don't have to spend your whole life in the gym. The picture is also cropped and is close up, which will make him look more impressive. Dorian Yates knows how to stay fit. And splits with really Long breaks in between training days. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Note: In addition to his enormous muscle size, Yates went down in bodybuilding history as an injury champion. The following list, in no particular order, includes eight things that I learned training with Dorian Yates: 1. Thou it does get intense. 21? I think he really took those sets way past where you or me would go. Arnold trained like such, he trained VERY high volume, upto 3 hours of training. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Dorian Yates' Tips to Build Muscle Training for Mass and Maximum Growth I never set out to redefine the standards for muscle mass and density over the course of my six-year reign as Mr. Olympia. He was a skinny kid and despite lifting weights and training regularly, he struggled to put any real muscle mass on. what we know is we need failure to damage your muscles so they can recover bigger than before. Without Dorian Yates, high-intensity training (HIT) may have ended up as just another dusty relic of the ’70s like mood rings or beanbags. There’s many different bodybuilding training philosophies which you can read about online, but arguably two of the best were designed by Mike Mentzer and Dorian Yates. Alright now we're talkin'. Is this even doable with 9 months of juice? 1987-1992 Dorian Yates Training Style While Yates’ later training style (i.e. This was based off the work of Mike Mentzer, though Yates definitely made the program his own, … Lying tricep extensions 1 warm up set for 10 reps followed by 2 sets of 8-10 reps. One arm dumbbell extensions no warm up set just 2 sets of 8-10 reps. Day 2 Legs and Calves (for leg training, Dorian does his first leg day heavy for 8-12 reps and then, on the next day, Dorian would go for lighter poundages for reps in the 15-20 range). The 4 reasons why bodybuilders need to do cardio year-round, according to Dorian Yates 1. He was an animal in the gym and he did not have shit form either, Edit: and I don't know what to make of the dosages. Dorian Yates was greatly influenced by Mike Mentzer’s HIT training method and started following it from his early days in bodybuilding. News, articles, personal pictures, videos & advice on everything related to bodybuilding - nutrition, supplementation, training, contest preparation, and more. I would add there is a higher potential to get injured this way without proper form / disclipine. True, I don't like it very much when people comment about me "lifting weights" or "going to the gym" or even "working out". Watching those Dorian Yates videos leads me to believe the intensity of his training was the biggest factor. News, articles, personal pictures, videos & advice on everything related to bodybuilding - nutrition, supplementation, training, contest preparation, and more. They train high volume, and high frequency. My only guess is that it is capable of achieving the same results as high volume high frequency training as long as it is executed correctly. DAY 3: Dorian Yates: Blood and Guts – Deltoids and Triceps DB Shoulder Press: 1 Warm-Up Set x 10-12 Reps, 1 Warm-Up Set x 8-10 Reps, 1 Working Set x 6-8 Reps Side Lateral Raises: 1 Warm-Up Set x 10-12 Reps, 1 Dorian Yates used an unconventional training style to become the undisputed greatest bodybuilder of the 1990s. Dudes one of those scientist/bodybuilders . Hello, this is the personal trainer for the guy in the pic. I use Dorian's body part split and train 2 on/1 off. I copied the leg and He's doing a set of barbell curls and going to failure and he's half dying from it, it's really motivating but idk how that will work for me, might try it out tbh. This is exactly the case. Bodybuilders say they train different amounts all of the time. I mean you can't really say it's all genetics. Active warm-ups are better than static stretching: Dorian explained that static stretching isn't beneficial in terms of a warm up. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Dude looks like he’s fucking 45. I wish I had access to Mike Mentzer's Heavy Duty books. He also claims to have run only 300mg of nandrolone so take what he says with a grain of salt, He's a fucking liar. At our mission is to educate and inform you about the latest in professional bodybuilding, fitness, and sports-related content. Failure training with huge weights breaks the triceps and biceps and also gives him a quadriceps gap. He also claimed that squats never … Yates in 1986 Known as ‘The Shadow’ in bodybuilding circles, Dorian Yates was the goliath of early 1990s bodybuilding. I hate these guys who say they only took baby sized dosages more than fake nattys. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the bodybuilding community. if you look at his training program posted on he talks a lot about spotter and negatives. But whatever he did worked well for him and it's hard to argue with that. He is a six-time Mr Olympia, and at his peak he was one of the best bodybuilders of all time and probably the only physique in existence that could have stood toe to toe with a prime Ronnie Coleman and done some real damage. Blood n Guts style training) utilized just 1 intense working set, his training … 1st set would be around 4-8 reps to warmup then rest of the sets would be till failure. Winning the Mr. Olympia six straight years in a row from 1992 to 1997, Yates was famed for his intense approach to training. Dorian still regularly does strength training, but focuses on cardio, does static core muscle exercises, and is active in yoga. More like 4 years after 9 months of training. Dorian Yates may not be known for having a huge chest or bulging biceps, but that is only because his other body parts such as his back and triceps were so unbelievable! Put simply; he is the greatest British bodybuilder there ever will be. He had been lifting since his teens and when he was in prison and had already built a base, this picture was taken after 9 months of serious, dedicated training. TBH I think HIT died out because Arthur Jones never put to paper the true HIT style as he advocated it was something like 12-15 full body exercises, 2-3 days a week, little to no rest (I read people take rests after a few sets), every set to failure, incorporating negatives, pre-exhaustion, breakdown sets and not to failure workouts. Didn't supposedly Casey Viator use low volume spread out across several short workouts per day though? Only been training properly 1 year, I work really hard”. Added some of Dante Trudel's extreme stretches and Mentzer's rest-pause techniques. Related - 4 Day Strength I have You can tell even here his waist was on the thicker side. This is completely anecdotal but people who trained like Dorian always talk about the need to take that last set to complete failure. I watched videos of Dorian explaining how real training is done. And failure meant the bar was on the safety rails, not me going "I don't know if I could get another out", Never made better progress. He trains like a fucking beast. It took me six years and countless micro-injuries to realize this. It … if i did/could do my sets that way then i dont think id need to do so many. Looks like a 40 year old woman in the face in this pic lol. The Internet introduced me to Dorian Yates’s HIT training. In this article, you will find the step-by-step guide how to execute it properly: exercise videos, set and rep counts and printable training diary. Dorian Yates’ workout The Age of Intensity is a super intense bodybuilding plan. This picture is posted to this subreddit literally every month and this comment is also posted every single time. Although some bodybuilders do well with training twice a day, I prefer once a day.That is due to the way I train. Dorian Yates Triceps Yates advises planning ahead so that one never has to miss a meal. BEFORE YOU GO, CHECK THIS OUT! He claims he didn't take too much and there's no way we will know. Yates has devised a 6 week muscle-building training program called ‘Blood and Guts.’ The workouts are almost similar to the one given in this article, but, in the program, Yates becomes your personal trainer giving tips that he learnt throughout his career. In this helpful guide I am going to teach you everything you need to know about the exact training split Dorian used during the prime of his career. I love when this pic gets posted tho. Dorian had a knee injury early in his training career which made squatting heavy loads impossible. So did Casey Viator, Boyer Coe, Lee Labrada and others. His training philosophy involves doing different exercises for each body part with maximum intensity for only one set to failure, excluding warm-up sets. It’s amazing that he got smaller as time went on. Dorian Yates may be a six time Mr. Olympia champion. Dorian never ever performs squats for his legs! Post Arthur jones HIT people started advocating weird stuff like Super slow 10 seconds up and down and once a week training. Dorian's training is great and definitely does work. He actually was training for around 7 months when this picture was taken but the article was written at 9 months. i dont think it goes against everything we know. I get confused when he says stuff like that bc then he also says that he took a gram and a half precontest. is one of the … But did he do low volume to originally build his physique or switch to it later while he "maintained" ? Dorian Yates Dislocates Shoulder After Brutal Bike Accident After losing control of his bicycle, bodybuilding legend Dorian Yates has dislocated his shoulder Dorian Yates is one of the most legendary bodybuilders to ever step on stage. He actually was training for around 7 months when this picture was taken but the article was written at 9 months. Dorian Yates, the master of high intensity training, has 5 back-busting exercises for you to build powerhouse lats! Click here to learn 11 incredible eccentric training protocols to bust through training plateaus! In the past I have Even if you were to do a 5-6 day split with higher volume, applying the intensity principles from his training would still be … Mike Metzler used low volume high intensity training. Legs 7 days push 7 days rest pull 7 days rest. Lee Labrada did a modified version of HIT in the ’80s, but he was celebrated for his aesthetics, not his warlike workouts. He started bodybuilding seriously at the age of 21 and has won numerous championships such as Night of Champions , Spanish Grand Prix , and many more. Eccentric training is one of the most effective training methods of all time! How the hell did this work for him, anybody have any explanation? Dorian has an EXTREMELY unconventional approach to training legs. Even if you were to do a 5-6 day split with higher volume, applying the intensity principles from his training would still be beneficial. Those were closer to true blue HIT, he then started confusing the shit out of everyone by telling them to do splits that comprise of 2-3 exercises with 4-7 days of rest. It was meant to be controversial and the definition of h-a-r-d-c-o-r-e muscle construction. Yates apparently trained 45minutes to an hour, 4 times a week, hitting muscle groups once a week, like 1-2 high intensity, failure/forced reps sets. This complete guide has all the information on his workout and diet. Sounds like some meathead douchebag shit. Definitely not 9 months of lifting...9 months of dedicated training to BBing for sure. Mike Mentzer and Dorian Yates Mike Mentzer was a world class bodybuilder who won the Mr Universe with a … It was all due to my expert meal planning and training program. also i think a lot of us have legit fear of going to high intensity and injury that could happen. Come gets yours today for only 119 dollars, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the bodybuilding community. r/bb never change lmao, More like started juicing 9 months prior lmao. Hello, this is the personal trainer for the guy in the pic. The word "training" fits bodybuilding better. Work up to a max effort set of 6-8 reps. Added some of Dante Trudel's extreme stretches and Mentzer's rest-pause techniques. Anyone using this method with success is know. I highly doubt Yates trained that little but I guess he usually went for quality/intensity over quantity. Yates apparently trained 45minutes to an hour, 4 times a week, hitting muscle groups once a week, like 1-2 high intensity, failure/forced reps sets. It works. Press J to jump to the feed. Dorian Yates’ brief description of the ‘Dorian Yates Academy’ “I decided to launch DY Academy in response to demand from fans around the world who wanted me to help them personally with their training goals. It really is hard to understand because volume has always been something I responded to the best. When I go into my gym, I’m committed to investing everything I have, physically and mentally, in the most intense workout I can muster, and I won’t stop until I know there’s no way I can generate another maximum-strength rep for the next 24 hours. Like you would quit and he would get 4 more reps somehow. Today, most top bodybuilders train twice a day, upto 6 times a week. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. A strong cardiovascular system – cardio keeps your heart and lungs healthy Cardio activity improves your overall fitness, especially your heart and lungs.s, especially your heart and lungs. Mike mentzer also followed the same type of training and he also had an amazing physique. Not for beginners. Shit I've started getting into HIT and training HIT way, this thread so relevant. It’s also a pseudo flex you see from Youtubers, instagramers and celebrities, “I don’t have good genetics, I work 40 hour weeks, I get 6 hours sleep - 7 if I’m lucky. Not sure if this is the case, but a lot of guys refer to “training” as when they started bodybuilding, not when they started lifting weights. Arnold trained like such, he trained VERY high volume, upto 3 hours of training. Dorian Yates Breaks Down His Mid-Volume Training Strategy The six-time Mr. Olympia winner shares his equation for success. For an elite body builder whos entire life/career is based around getting big it is kind of unusual. In this article, we will discuss, Dorian Yates workout routine, Yates diet plan, and Yates training tips. I've seen Arnold say he'd train 2 hours, eat a meal and then train 2 more hours. It's actually amusing how he keeps relatively good form while failing and doing forced reps and negatives. It was all due to my expert meal planning and training program. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If you don’t follow bodybuilding, then you may be unaware of the name Dorian Yates. He won 6 times MR Olympia from 1992-1997. most of us do high volume because we dont have this. 9 months of juice? Dorian’s training style was very different to any o ther bodybuilder at the time, prioritising short, high intensity sessions rather than long high-volume sessions. Didn't his routine have 4 or 5 sets gradually working up to that "1 set" idea? It was crazy, ive read about him training Sergio Olivia, where he'd make him do 480 lb leg presses to failure, followed by 430lb squats to failure. for yates he was able to get it in one set. They train high volume, and high frequency. Today, most top bodybuilders train twice a day, upto 6 times a week. for most of us that requires lots sets and reps, ie high volume. Dorian Yates is an English retired professional bodybuilder best known for winning Mr. Olympia 6 years in a row from 1992 to 1997. Dorian Yates taught me that if someone is truly training hard, they can't recover from training more than four training days per week. He was nicknamed ‘The Shadow’ and as a teen, he found himself in and out of trouble with the law. However, he does not use his bodybuilding training to stay in shape at age 57. This is getting pretty fucking close to my goal physique, I'm wondering if I should just tren hard for a year and be done with it. 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