oxivir tb safety data sheet
Emergency telephone number: 1-800-851-7145 (U.S.); … PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name: Oxivir Tb Wipes MSDS #: MS0200061 Product code: 4444151 Recommended use: Disinfectant / Deodorizer / Sanitizer. / 946 mL Empty Spray Bottles D1222663 Safe handling Please make sure your employees read and understand the product label and Safety Data Sheet before using this product. >> Safety Reminder Please make sure your employees read and understand the product label and Safety Data Sheet before using this product. SAFETY DATA SHEET Oxivir TB Wipes Ready to Use Surface Cleaner & IntermediateLevel Disinfectant, General Virucide, Tuberculocide Revision: 2018-12-14 Version: 02.0 1. IDENTIFICATION Product name: Oxivir TB Wipes Ready to Use Surface Cleaner & IntermediateLevel Disinfectant, General Virucide, Tuberculocide Product Code: 101101517, 5144708 SDS #: MS0801265 … PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name: Oxivir Plus Disinfectant Cleaner Concentrate (CAN) SDS #: MS0301296 Product Code: 5919024, … Shipping . SAFETY DATA SHEET Oxivir® Tb Wipes *Virucidal • Bactericidal • Fungicidal • Tuberculocidal Revision: 2019-02-06 Version: 05.0 1. Specifications. Do not breathe dust or vapour. EcoLogo Certified: No. oz. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Oxivir Tb Wipes Version Number: 1 Preparation date: 2007-02-05 HMIS NFPA Personal protective equipment Reactivity 0 None / Aucune / Ninguno Health Fire Hazard 0 0 0 0 0 1. <> Color Finish Category: Whites. IDENTIFICATION Product name: Oxivir Tb (US) Product Code: 4277285 SDS #: MS0800255 Recommended use: • Disinfectant / Deodorizer / Sanitizer • This product is intended to be used neat. SAFETY DATA SHEET Oxivir® Tb Wipes Virucidal • Bactericidal • Fungicidal • Tuberculocidal Revision: 2019-01-11 Version: 03.0 1. SAFETY DATA SHEET Oxivir® 1 One Step Ready-To-Use Hospital Disinfectant Cleaner Revision: 2020-11-03 Version: 02.1 Product name: Oxivir® 1 One Step Ready-To-Use Hospital Disinfectant Cleaner SDS #: MS0800699 Recommended use: • Industrial/Institutional • Disinfectant / Deodorizer / Sanitizer • This product is intended to be used neat. 65 This product does not contain any chemicals … FIRST AID MEASURES Eye contact. SAFETY DATA SHEET OxivirÒ Tb (Canada) Ready to Use Surface Cleaner & Intermediate Level Disinfectant, General Virucide, Tuberculocide Version Number: 4 Preparation date: 2018-03-14 1. 4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed Inhalation: No known effects or symptoms in normal use. SAFETY DATA SHEET Oxivir Tb (US) General Virucide, Bactericide, Tuberculocide, Fungicide, Sanitizer Revision: 2020-03-17 Version: 03.0 1. This SDS was prepared in accordance with the HPR (WHMIS 2015) criteria, which may result with differences between the label and SDS language. Emergency telephone … FIRST AID MEASURES Eye contact. IDENTIFICATION Product name: Oxivir TB Wipes Ready to Use Surface Cleaner & IntermediateLevel Disinfectant, General Virucide, Tuberculocide Product Code: 101101517, 5144708 SDS #: MS0801265 Recommended use: • … IDENTIFICATION Product name: Oxivir Tb (US) Product Code: 4277285, 100898636, 100985179, 5242201 SDS #: MS0800255 Recommended use: • Industrial/Institutional • Disinfectant / Deodorizer / Sanitizer • This product is intended to be used neat. OXIVIR TB WIPES Revision: 2015-12-03 Version: 01.0 Safety Data Sheet According to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and supplier 1.1 Product identifier Product name: OXIVIR TB WIPES 1.2 Recommended use and restrictions on use Identified uses: Disinfectant cleaner Restrictions of use: Safety Data Sheets Safety Data Sheets (SDS) Click here to search for the SDS of our products. Oxivir® Five 16 Concentrate 2 x 1.5 gallon / 5.67 L Command Center® Units 1:16, 1:64, 1:128, 1:256 5271361 Oxivir® Five 16 Concentrate 12 x 32 oz. The label contains directions for use; and both the label and SDS contain hazard warnings, precautionary statements and first aid procedures. The hazard information required on the pesticide label is reproduced below. Registered One-Step Hospital Grade Disinfectant Cleaner. SAFETY DATA SHEET OxivirÒ Tb (Canada) Ready to Use Surface Cleaner & Intermediate Level Disinfectant, General Virucide, Tuberculocide Version Number: 4 Preparation date: 2018-03-14 1. FSC Certified: No. Safety Data Sheet Oxivir Excel® Foam available STOT-single exposure Ingredient(s) Affected organ(s) - No data available STOT-repeated exposure Ingredient(s) Affected organ(s) - No data available Aspiration hazard Substances with an aspiration hazard (H304), if any, are listed in section 3. DISINFECTANT OXIVIR TB 946ML. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name: Oxivir Tb Wipes MSDS #: MS0200097 Product Code: 4599516 Recommended use: Disinfectant / Deodorizer / Sanitizer. SAFETY DATA SHEET Oxivir® Tb Wipes *Virucidal • Bactericidal • Fungicidal • Tuberculocidal Revision: 2019-02-06 Version: 05.0 1. IDENTIFICATION Product name: Oxivir Tb (US) Product Code: 4277285 SDS #: MS0800255 Recommended use: • Disinfectant / Deodorizer / Sanitizer • This product is intended to be used neat. � SAFETY DATA SHEET Version Number: 2 Preparation date: 2015-04-08 1. Entire Collection. EPA Compliant: No. SAFETY DATA SHEET TB DISINFECTANT CLEANER READY-TO-USE 905252 7 / 8 SARA 302 : This material does not contain any components with a section 302 EHS TPQ. Length: 11 in. >> MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Oxivir Tb (CAN) HMIS NFPA Personal protective equipment Health 0 Flammability 0 Physical Hazard / Instability 0 0 0 0 Version Number: 3 Preparation date: 2016-11-01 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name: Oxivir Plus Disinfectant Cleaner Concentrate (CAN) SDS #: MS0301296 Product … SAFETY DATA SHEET Oxivir® Tb Wipes Revision: 2020-09-06 Version: 04.0 Product name: Oxivir® Tb Wipes Product Code: 100823906, 5627427 SDS #: MS0801329 Recommended use: • Disinfectant • Industrial/Institutional • This product is intended to be used neat. SAFETY DATA SHEET Oxivir Tb (US) Virucide, Bactericide, Tuberculocide, Fungicide, Sanitizer Revision: 2020-11-30 Version: 03.1 Product name: Oxivir Tb (US) Virucide, Bactericide, Tuberculocide, Fungicide, Sanitizer SDS #: MS0800255 Recommended use: • Industrial/Institutional • Disinfectant / Deodorizer / Sanitizer • This product is intended to be used neat. :���h��Z�n����h@��m0�9�h�=d�%����n�s6�\=���ڝ&�X����ܨaI�^8~����������h��ɞn��2�C�M�Q�s�nB���ct#�{� ��.G��@�S9�������J��*�f��dN0�:_p�����|��/8�G ��"��J�����! << SAFETY DATA SHEET Oxivir® Tb Wipes Ready to Use Surface Cleaner & Intermediate Level Disinfectant, General Virucide, Tuberculocide Revision: 2019-05-17 Version: 01.0 1. Emergency telephone number: 1-800 … The label contains directions for use, and both the label and SDS contain hazard warnings, precautionary statements and first aid procedures. Oxivir Tb (US) SAFETY DATA SHEET Version Number: 2 Preparation date: 2015-03-04 1. X��m��Ƒ��_�}T�R'We%��ϕ*Y�sQlk���{A���܊��\�ʇ�g�!��`���]ޫ��dg�䂘��~�ӝe����=,}�����Dz.�7����*3�v�f� م�}�v����*~�-��$������������&{�v��_-�O�>�6���� DIN No. Package Quantity: Count of 160. Specifications. SDSs are available on-line at www.sealedair.com or by calling 888 352 2249. Green Seal Certified: No. Get medical attention or advice if you feel unwell. Inhalation. Oxivir®Tb meets the requirements for ready biodegradability according to AS 4351. Emergency telephone number: 1-800-851-7145 (U.S.); 1-651-917-6133 (Int'l) 2. b��>�RUQ�����k���LH��SD"��kHcBG�s0]��|�^5��Ц�����HQȹ��1��s��z���iЏ��Rj3�Lv��x. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Oxivir Tb Wipes HMIS NFPA Personal protective equipment Version Number: 1 Preparation date: 2007-12-06 Reactivity 0 0 None / Aucune / Ninguno Health Fire Hazard 0 0 0 0 1. SDS are available online at www.diversey.com or by calling 888.352.2249. Avoid extremes of temperature. Shipping . If relevant, see section 9 for dynamic viscosity and relative density of the product. Safety Data Sheet OXIVIR TB 8.2 Exposure controls The following information applies for the uses indicated in subsection 1.2 of the Safety Data Sheet. SAFETY DATA SHEET Oxivir Tb (US) Revision: 2018-11-30 Version: 03.0 1. ��� ˆ�pY'J����p�@��&\GQ�!P�����(��t8 5!KMH MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Oxivir Tb 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name: Oxivir Tb Wipes (Can) MSDS #: MS0300350 Product Code: 5144708, 5627460, 100823907 Recommended use: Disinfectant / … Safety Data Sheet. Oxivir Tb (US) SAFETY DATA SHEET Version Number: 2 Preparation date: 2015-03-04 1. Skin contact. SAFETY DATA SHEET Oxivir TB Wipes Ready to Use Surface Cleaner & IntermediateLevel Disinfectant, General Virucide, Tuberculocide Revision: 2018-12-14 Version: 02.0 1. If available, please refer to the product information sheet for application and handling instructions. IDENTIFICATION Product name: OxivirÒ Tb (Canada) Ready to Use Surface Cleaner & Intermediate Level Disinfectant, General Virucide, Tuberculocide Product Code: 4277293, 5871690 SDS #: … / 946 mL Flip Top Bottles Plus Two Trigger Sprayers Ready-to-use 4277285 Oxivir® Tb 4 x 1 gal./3.78 L Containers Ready-to-use 100898636 Safe handling Please make sure your employees read and understand the product label and Safety Data Sheet before using this product. Product Compatibility Under recommended conditions of use, Diversey Oxivir Plus Spray is suitable for use on most materials commonly encountered. The label contains directions for use; and both the label and SDS contain hazard warnings, precautionary statements and first aid procedures. Skin contact. SAFETY DATA SHEET Oxivir Tb (US) Version Number: 2 Preparation date: 2015-03-04 1. Safety Data Sheets Safety Data Sheets (SDS) Click here to search for the SDS of our products. Product Name OXIVIR TB WIPES This document has been compiled by RMT on behalf of the manufacturer, importer or supplier of the product and serves as their Safety Data Sheet ('SDS'). Oxivir® Tb 4 x 1 gal./3.78 L Containers Ready-to-use 100898636 Safe handling Please make sure your employees read and understand the product label and Safety Data Sheet before using this product. IDENTIFICATION Product name: OxivirÒ Tb (Canada) Ready to Use Surface Cleaner & Intermediate Level Disinfectant, General Virucide, Tuberculocide Product Code: 4277293, 5871690 SDS #: MS0301086 … Green Seal Certified: No. Safe handling Please make sure your employees read and understand the product label and Safety Data Sheet before using this product. It is based on information concerning the product which has been provided to RMT by the Emergency … … %���� SAFETY DATA SHEET Oxivir Tb (US) General Virucide, Bactericide, Tuberculocide, Fungicide, Sanitizer Revision: 2019-04-26 Version: 03.0 1. … Type: D5627427. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Oxivir Plus Disinfectant Cleaner Concentrate (CAN) HMIS NFPA Personal protective equipment Health N/A Flammability N/A Physical Hazard / Instability N/A 3 0 0 Version Number: 4 Preparation date: 2017-01-06 1. Oxivir® Tb Wipes Kills SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19 virus) in 1 minute. If relevant, see section 9 for dynamic viscosity and relative density of the product. Type: D5627427. Web Price: $13.57 / EACH Compliance and Restrictions SDS View the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for this item. Skin contact. )���aE�{x�E��"�Q���K����>�&߰NW��@��:��������ϮO��(89���2��D�,�fU��_4�6) Web Price: $13.57 / EACH Compliance and Restrictions SDS View the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for this item. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Oxivir Tb Wipes HMIS NFPA Personal protective equipment Version Number: 1 Preparation date: 2007-12-06 Reactivity 0 0 None / Aucune / Ninguno Health Fire Hazard 0 0 0 0 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name: Oxivir Tb Wipes MSDS #: MS0200061 Product code: 4444151 Recommended use: Disinfectant / Deodorizer / Sanitizer. SAFETY DATA SHEET Oxivir ... requirements differ from the classification criteria and hazard information required for safety data sheets (SDS), and workplace labels of non-disinfectant products by the HPR (WHMIS 2015). Oxivir ® Tb as a ready to use product has almost 10 times the amount of detergent found in a typical diluted neutral detergent mix. t�8�+pW`T`T`�`�`�`�`�`�`�`�`�`�`�EH9�#&���`������brN2� SAFETY DATA SHEET Oxivir Tb (US) General Virucide, Bactericide, Tuberculocide, Fungicide, Sanitizer Revision: 2020-03-17 Version: 03.0 1. 1 0 obj Skin contact: No known effects or symptoms in normal use. SAFETY DATA SHEET Oxivir Tb (US) General Virucide, Bactericide, Tuberculocide, Fungicide, Sanitizer Revision: 2019-04-26 Version: 03.0 1. 9��O����Y��ӣ��o�30��y�;!#)z �Ḻva��3;,, b�,�@�k&R��L(�����``1��K��'$�j�M%6��?c=#��a�a�j.�W����\�*_�P�P-@�$4ۛF�2��u~���Q���ͦ�e�4� �xč�Qz�XW�m� o&k�h 5��!�b-]F39>o���Rf�z-˹�ö�jղQu�iY@i�s�K�)�K�Ȣ7�H+��(� ���r!3�MY!E��=�ؖ�ˁ���bi`�~E�A��Wc���T(c~���,+���vM���L*��1��wM? Based on proprietary AHP® technology to deliver fast, effective cleaning and disinfection. Width: 12 in. Uses advised against: Uses other than those identified are not recommended Emergency telephone … MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Oxivir Tb Wipes (Can) HMIS NFPA Personal protective equipment Health 0 Flammability 0 Physical Hazard / Instability 0 0 0 0 Version Number: 3 Preparation date: 2017-01-30 1. SAFETY DATA SHEET OxivirÒ Tb (Canada) Ready to Use Surface Cleaner & Intermediate Level Disinfectant, General Virucide, Tuberculocide Revision: 2020-06-26 Version: 07.0 Product name: OxivirÒ Tb (Canada) Ready to Use Surface Cleaner & Intermediate Level Disinfectant, General Virucide, Tuberculocide Product Code: 101104052, 101104054, 4277293, 5871690 SDS #: MS0301086 … Uses advised against: Uses other than those identified are not recommended Emergency telephone number: … DIVERSEY. SAFETY DATA SHEET Oxivir Plus Spray Sub-chronic dermal toxicity Sub-chronic inhalation toxicity Chronic toxicity STOT-single exposure STOT-repeated exposure Aspiration hazard Substances with an aspiration hazard (H304), if any, are listed in section 3. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Oxivir Tb (CAN) HMIS NFPA Personal protective equipment Health 0 Flammability 0 Physical Hazard / Instability 0 0 0 0 Version Number: 2 Preparation date: 2016-07-13 1. Length: 11 in. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name: Oxivir Tb Wipes MSDS #: MS0200097 Product Code: 4599516 Recommended use: Disinfectant / Deodorizer / Sanitizer. %PDF-1.4 Width: 12 in. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name: Oxivir Tb MSDS #: MS0200014 Product Code: 4277285, 4277293 Recommended use: Disinfectant / Deodorizer / Sanitizer. Uses advised against: Uses other than those identified are not recommended Emergency telephone … �A|ZAaC�a�t8Bu>-xPE���TTnv��k��-�+}>+h�� �D. Better Clean. Uses advised against: Uses other than those identified are not … Uses advised against: Uses other than those identified are not recommended Emergency … The label contains directions for use; and both the label and SDS contain hazard warnings, precautionary statements and first aid procedures. Full guidance on the handling and disposal of this product is provided in a separate Material Safety Data Sheet. Uses advised against: Uses other than those identified are not recommended Emergency … MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Oxivir Tb Wipes (Can) HMIS NFPA Personal protective equipment Health 0 Flammability 0 Physical Hazard / Instability 0 0 0 0 Version Number: 2 Preparation date: 2014-01-16 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name: Oxivir Tb (CAN) SDS #: MS0301086 Product Code: 4277293, 5871690 Recommended use: Disinfectant / Deodorizer / Sanitizer. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name: Oxivir Tb Wipes (Can) SDS #: MS0300350 Product Code: 5144708, 5627460, 100823907 Recommended use: Disinfectant / … The label contains directions for use, and both the label and SDS contain hazard warnings, precautionary statements and first aid procedures. IDENTIFICATION Product name: Oxivir Tb Wipes AHP Based Disinfectant Product Code: 4599516, 5388471, 5627427, 5871411, 100823906 SDS #: MS0800545 Recommended use: • Disinfectant • This product is intended to be used neat. DISINFECTANT OXIVIR TB 946ML. Safety Data Sheet OXIVIR TB WIPES 11.1 Information on toxicological effects Mixture data:. This product is … FIRST AID MEASURES Eye contact. Safety Reminder Please make sure your employees read and understand the product label and Safety Data Sheet before using this product. IDENTIFICATION Product name: Oxivir Tb (US) Product Code: 4277285, 100898636, 100985179, 5242201 SDS #: MS0800255 Recommended use: • Industrial/Institutional • Disinfectant / Deodorizer / Sanitizer • This product is intended to be used neat. Safety Data Sheet Oxivir Excel® Wipe 4.3 Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed No information available on clinical testing and medical monitoring. IDENTIFICATION Product name: Oxivir Tb (US) General Virucide, Bactericide, Tuberculocide, Fungicide, Sanitizer Product Code: 100898636, 100985179, 4277285, 5242201, 5871411 SDS #: MS0800255 Recommended use: • Industrial/Institutional • … ��bf3�]��/_n���A`�~Xo��_����[��dM��^��q��7�d������.�15L�D�/����j��vL�D����%�=�Oy0]u���6�����%�[��W�����h8�(�"���$���5c��:{��eU]���&{�|p�������=}��qv��ٳ�Y�Y���Y��;��a���h��1r � : 02403684 … IDENTIFICATION Product name: Oxivir 1 (US) Product Code: 100850916 SDS #: MS0800699 Recommended use: • Disinfectant / Deodorizer / Sanitizer • This product is intended to be used neat. IDENTIFICATION Product name: Oxivir Tb (US) Product Code: 4277285, 100898636, 5768705 SDS #: MS0800255 Recommended use: • Disinfectant / Deodorizer / Sanitizer • This product is intended to be used neat. /Producer(Sub Systems, Inc.)/CreationDate(D:20201103152842+05'00')/ModDate(D:20201103152842+05'00')/Creator(Sub Systems, Inc.) MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Oxivir Tb Wipes (Can) HMIS NFPA Personal protective equipment Health 0 Flammability 0 Physical Hazard / Instability 0 0 0 0 Version Number: 2 Preparation date: 2014-01-16 1. Oxivir® Tb 12 x 32 fl. 4 0 obj Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection. IDENTIFICATION Product name: Oxivir Plus Disinfectant Cleaner Concentrate (CAN) Product Code: 5919024, 5919032, 5919041, 5919059, 5919067 SDS #: MS0301296 Recommended use: • Disinfectant Cleaner • This product is intended to be diluted prior to use %PDF-1.4 Uses advised against: Uses other than those identified are not recommended Emergency telephone number: 1-800-851-7145; 1-651-917 … FSC Certified: No. Product Pack size Article code Country Oxivir®Tb 12 x 946mL 5242201 AU & NZ Oxivir®Tb Wipes 12 x 160 wipes (15.5 x 17.3cm) 5283530 AU & NZ Oxivir®Tb Wipes-Large, Tub 4 x 160 wipes (28 x 30cm) 100959102 AU Oxivir®Tb Wipes-Large, Refill 4 x 160 wipes (28 x 30cm) 100959104 AU Safe handling and storage information PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name: Oxivir Tb Wipes (Can) SDS #: MS0300350 Product Code: 5144708, 5627460, 100823907 Recommended use: Disinfectant / … Dilute with plenty of water. SAFETY DATA SHEET Oxivir Tb Wipes AHP Based Disinfectant Version Number: 2 Preparation date: 2015-04-08 1. SAFETY DATA SHEET Oxivir® Tb Wipes Virucidal • Bactericidal • Fungicidal • Tuberculocidal Revision: 2019-01-11 Version: 03.0 1. IDENTIFICATION Product name: Oxivir Tb (US) Product Code: 4277285, 100898636, 5768705 SDS #: MS0800255 Recommended use: • Disinfectant / Deodorizer / Sanitizer • This product is intended to be used neat. endobj These requirements differ from the classification criteria and hazard information required for safety data sheets (SDS), and for workplace labels of non-pesticide chemicals. Oxivir® Tb 12 x 32 fl. ]��^|��^l�?�������z�y/r����j�Y��*,��^ ��Jp�W�k� Collection: Oxivir® Color Finish: White. Do not allow to enter the ground/soil. Ingestion. Color Finish Category: Whites. Safety Data Sheet OXIVIR TB person. Uses advised against: Uses other than those identified are … Entire Collection. SAFETY DATA SHEET Oxivir® TB Wipes (US) *Virucidal • Bactericidal • Fungicidal • Tuberculocidal Revision: 2019-05-09 Version: 02.0 1. Collection: Oxivir® Color Finish: White. Safety Data Sheet. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET HMIS Oxivir Tb NFPA Personal protective equipment 0 Version Number:2 Health 0 Preparation date: 2011-11-04 Reactivity 0 0 0 Fire Hazard None / Aucune / Ninguno 0 801 2000 mg/kg 2 mg/L (4 h) MSDS #: MS0200014 Principal routes of exposure: 4. SDSs are available on-line at www.sealedair.com or by calling 888 352 2249. <> Uses advised against: Uses other than those identified are not recommended Emergency … IDENTIFICATION Product name: Oxivir® Tb Wipes *Virucidal • Bactericidal • Fungicidal • Tuberculocidal Product Code: 101101516, 101101886 SDS #: MS0801268 Recommended use: • Industrial/Institutional • Disinfectant • This product is intended to … Excel® Ensure adequate ventilation Tb contains a high load of both anionic and non- ionic surfactants which are good! 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