short fuse request meaning
What is the definition of a short fuse? Contents. We have, in Digital disruption – Short fuse, big bang?, set out to address all three, along with the bigger meaning of digital in government and society. Definition of have a short fuse in the Idioms Dictionary. An offhand comments gets a snippy response. Compound Forms: Inglés: Español: have a short fuse v expr verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end. INFJs don’t usually have a short fuse, they actually can be rather patient. Word Forms +-singular: fuse: plural: fuses: DEFINITIONS 2. He had a very short fuse and he could be totally irrational at times. Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, Cook admits it could get very tasty in Cardiff. Search short fuse and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. Since then, however, we’ve been receiving nothing but coal. All Free. also fuze n. 1. Meaning of Short Fuse. to be on a short fuse How to use be on/have a short fuse in a sentence. See more. My boss has a short fuse . A tendency to become angry or irritable: irascibility, irascibleness, spleen, temper, temperament, tetchiness. Synonyms for 'have a short fuse/be on a short fuse': bad-tempered, irritable, moody, touchy, short-tempered, sensitive, temperamental, fractious short fuse. A tendency to become angered, enraged, or upset very quickly or easily; a short temper. Need to translate "short fuse" to French? Join Macmillan Dictionary on Twitter and Facebook for daily word facts, quizzes and language news. 1 Gameplay; 2 Controls; 3 In-game text; 4 Names in other languages; Gameplay . fuse together definition in the English Cobuild dictionary for learners, fuse together meaning explained, see also 'fuse box',blow a fuse',light the fuse',on a short fuse/have a short fuse', English vocabulary The Short Fuse main menu . Words used to describe someone who is easily annoyed or difficult to please. Australians expect technology to improve efficiencies and productivity; they also need a convincing narrative from leaders about the future role of digital innovation in shaping public policy and a fair, equitable society. Definition: A quick temper; a tendency to anger quickly. The Short Fuse The Short Fuse, an Arsenal F.C. Fuse definition, a tube, cord, or the like, filled or saturated with combustible matter, for igniting an explosive. This page provides all possible translations of the word SHORT FUSE in … INFJ. have a short fuse: [verb] See short fuse . Slang. Short fuse Meaning. Meaning of short fuse. cathode. We're all guilty of flying off the handle now and then, but some of us get worked up much more quickly than others. Fanposts ... but we hope that doesn’t mean that we should be on the naughty list. Definition of have a short fuse It’s a metaphor comparing a person to a bomb, the fuse is the string you light on a bomb before you run away and it explodes. Changing the scene, getting outside, and gaining some perspective can help you cool down before things get too hot. Be careful of what you say; he has a short fuse. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Someone who is very easy to be angered. While a 2010 study linked having a short temper to long-term health issues, it’s also totally possible to manage. Description . How (and Why) to Fix a Short Fuse. It increases stress levels and negatively impacts your relationships with family and friends. Informal: dander. Short-Fuse Warning,FAA Written (Knowledge) Test Preparation. People with a short fuse are often this way even though they try not to be, and find themselves snapping regardless. Information and translations of short fuse in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Here is how much of a short fuse you have, based on your personality type. Change your default dictionary to American English. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: have a short fuse v expr verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end. 1; noun short fuse a quick temper 0; ... Usually people know it’s meaning, but prefer to use a more spread out synonym. Short fuse - Anger management. a short fuse. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Getting angry too easily is unhealthy. I have an army unit that of many things is looking to develop 'Training Support Request' Management System that would act as/facilitate a TSR order' registry and allow for tracking requests. truculent definition: 1. unpleasant and likely to argue a lot: 2. unpleasant and likely to argue a lot: 3. having a bad…. have a short fuse meaning: to get angry very easily. Be careful of what you say; he has a short fuse. Private Pilot through ATP and mechanic. What does the idiom “Short Fuse” mean? Yet he has a very short fuse, perhaps the inevitable result of coping with his blindness in such a pressurised job. short fuze synonyms, short fuze pronunciation, short fuze translation, English dictionary definition of short fuze. Definition of short fuse in the dictionary. A dual-element fuse may contain a metal strip that melts instantly on a short circuit, and also contain a low-melting solder joint that responds to long-term overload of low values compared to a short circuit. Define short fuze. Plural form of short fuse. nie jest odpowiedzialne za ich brzmienie. Some of the smallest thing or perceived insults will set them off. have a short fuse meaning: to get angry very easily. Contents. He now has a very short fuse so far as temper tantrums are concerned. Idiom: low boiling point. Find more ways to say short fuse, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. It takes a while for them to really build up to their explosive point, but once it does blow it is rather intense. It's not to save old buildings,' Lambert says irately, when I suggest as much-she has a short fuse for wrong-headed ideas. : The Conservative leader is formidable, a successful barrister with a good grasp of detail, albeit with a well-documented short fuse. Follow The Short Fuse online: Log in or sign up. Log In; Sign Up; Site search Search. Be on/have a short fuse definition is - to have a tendency to become angry very quickly. See more. The personality trait of being quick to anger.. short fuse synonyms: short temper. Definition of be on/have a short fuse in the Idioms Dictionary. Find more ways to say short-fused, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved. Cam has a meltdown; VOICE OF THE The tragedy happened as they were attending a parenting class to learn how to help their son who had "a short fuse ". Short Fuse is a battle minigame found in Mario Party DS. What does be on/have a short fuse expression mean? You should also look at any psychological and emotional causes of your irritability and anger. It appears to be a rather underwhelming capstone with limited potential. If a situation has you so upset that you’re at risk of saying something you don’t mean, take a time-out (even if it’s just using the bathroom or grabbing a coffee). Search short fuse and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. A trivial annoyance triggers an angry outburst. ‘A situation where an old bloke, really a rather nice old bloke if it were not for his short fuse, is operated upon by all the things that can go wrong in modern life, and complains, loudly, but always comes out worse is bound to appeal to me.’ Learn more. Definition of have a short fuse It’s a metaphor comparing a person to a bomb, the fuse is the string you light on a bomb before you run away and it explodes. Click on the playlist (embedded in the video) to see all 31 idioms in the series. have a short fuse definition: 1. to get angry very easily 2. to get angry very easily. Learn more. Explained meaning: English; Lyrics containing the idiom: 17 lyrics; Idiom submitted by: Ww Ww; Idiomatic translations of "A short fuse" English. Przykłady użycia - "to be on a short fuse" po polsku. Video shows what short fuse means. Character. community. See more words with the same meaning: angry, annoyed, offended . Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. more_vert. noun short fuse a quick temper: A person with a short fuse has to be handled diplomatically. Short Fuse re 'Training Support Request' Management System. About 43% of English native speakers know the meaning and use word. Jump to navigation Jump to search. What are synonyms for a short fuse? Short Fuse re 'Training Support Request' Management System. There may be physical reasons for your volatile mood – such as blood-sugar, thyroid or hormonal imbalances, food intolerances, toxins, tiredness or high levels of stress hormones. have a short fuse phrase. 1 physics a part of a piece of electrical equipment that makes it stop working when there is too much electricity flowing through it. See also: fuse, short. He’s a fiery player with a very short fuse. Definition of short fuse : a tendency to get angry easily : a quick temper … was seen as the bad guy, the one whose short fuse was scary, destructive and uncontrollable. have a short fuse definition: 1. to get angry very easily 2. to get angry very easily. Short Fuse is an idiom. Today we’ll be exploring some of the intricacies. (noun) One of the biggest fallouts of a short fuse is the lasting damage it can do to anyone within striking distance. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Information and translations of short fuse in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. I'm usually a pretty calm person, but whenever I start driving I find I have such a short fuse. There is a short fuse and a certain explosion at the end of this piece of treachery. This notion however has proven to be quite false. What does short-fuses mean? What is the meaning of a short fuse? With the busy holiday and end-of-year season upon… anode. For Windows PCs, Mac, iPhone/iPad, Android, PocketPC, and MP3 Audio. The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Do you have a short fuse? Especially when high on coke, she has a very short fuse.. Synonyms for short fuse include acerbity, anger, annoyance, bad humor, cantankerousness, crossness, dander, excitability, fit and fretfulness. This is the British English definition of have a short fuse / be on a short fuse.View American English definition of have a short fuse / be on a short fuse. Learn more. Find more ways to say short fuse, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Definition of HAVE A SHORT FUSE / BE ON A SHORT FUSE (phrase): become angry or upset very easily Another word for short fuse. be on/have a short fuse phrase. I'll get them off one after the other, short fuse first. short fuse. Fuse elements may be supported by steel or nichrome wires, so that no strain is placed on the element, but a spring may be included to increase the speed of parting of the element fragments. For example: “Brandon has a short fuse, but he calms down as quickly as he gets angry.” have a short fuse / be on a short fuse phrase. English to be on a short fuse. Short Fuse is an unassuming skill at first glance. 1.2.1 Synonyms; 1.2.2 Related terms; 1.2.3 See also; English Pronunciation . What does short fuse mean? Mammalia‖molecular clock‖Placentalia‖phylogeny; Archibald and Deutschman suggested the Explosive, Long Fuse, and Short Fuse models as competing hypotheses for placental mammal diversification (Fig. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Unfortunately for his team, many heroes know that, and can use his powers to their benefit. Just because you’ve always had a short fuse doesn’t mean you can’t change. He gets easily angered by anything that has the word "short", "small" or "tiny" in it (even when it's not directed at him). See fuse . Short Fuse is Moze’s best capstone, but it’s also the most nuanced. Follow The Short Fuse online: Log in or sign up. 110,000-firework record attempt goes up in smoke! Synonyms and related words +-Parts of pieces of electrical equipment. Learn more. noun. Be on/have a short fuse definition is - to have a tendency to become angry very quickly. a short fuse From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English a short fuse a short fuse BAD-TEMPERED if someone has a short fuse , they get angry very easily → fuse Examples from the Corpus a short fuse • Wright has a short fuse , and without the goals going in his situation is worsening . Explore Urdupoint to find out more popular Idioms and Idiom Meanings, to amplify your writings Share on Facebook; Share on Twitter; Share on Pinterest; Share on Whatsapp; Share on Tumblr; Email to a friend; This competition is now closed. ‘He now has a very short fuse so far as temper tantrums are concerned.’ ‘I was very violent; I had a really short fuse and, to be honest, I liked nothing better than a tear-up.’ ‘On the pitch, his impatience, short fuse and a propensity for thuggishness underpinned a crudely effective football career, and … Poniższe tłumaczenia pochodzą z zewnętrznych źródeł i mogą być niedokładne. Up to date for and complete with all charts and figures and professional, illustrated explanations. Another word for short-fused. I have an army unit that of many things is looking to develop 'Training Support Request' Management System that would act as/facilitate a TSR order' registry and allow for tracking requests. Another word for short fuse. What does have a short fuse expression mean? See more. Audio (AU) Noun . A short temper. They say Random's got a really short fuse these days. Short Fuse stands for (idiomatic) The personality trait of being quick to anger.. Here's how you say it. Short fuse definition: a quick temper | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Short-Fuse is an extremely short bomb-based villain who appears in the Big Superhero Wish. (idiomatic) The personality trait of being quick to anger. THIN skin, short fuse and little grip of the policy detail which is the important work of any Government. It is one of the most commonly used expressions in English writings. Learn more. short fuse (plural short fuses) The personality trait of being quick to anger. We won the FA Cup over the summer and started off this year with a victory in the Community Shield. : However, I have my weaknesses, and one of them is that I have a pretty short fuse when I think someone is questioning my limits. Meaning of short fuse. Today's idiom is "to have a short fuse." When you are having a calmer few … I'm growing up all the time in the sport, I have a, When Jackiey appeared in Celebrity Big Brother she was known for her, FORMER soccer star Eric Cantona has been playing to the crowds as French cinemagoers flock to see his latest film role, which mirrors his own reputation - a hardman with a, But as well as a big serve and forehand the 19-year-old also has a notoriously, Irish legend McCarthy is renowned for his. How to use be on/have a short fuse in a sentence. I knew she’d blow. Translations Translations for SHORT FUSE SHORT FUSE Would you like to know how to translate SHORT FUSE to other languages? have a short fuse: [verb] See short fuse . What does short fuse mean? 1 English. Meanings of "A short fuse" English. Compound Forms: Inglés: Español: have a short fuse v expr verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end. short fuse: [noun] a short temper. See more words with the same meaning: angry, annoyed, offended . Translation for 'to have a short fuse' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations. Definition of short fuse in the dictionary. What does have a short fuse expression mean? Fuse definition, a tube, cord, or the like, filled or saturated with combustible matter, for igniting an explosive. FAMILY'S BEDSIDE ROW OVER VISITS; JADE MUM: MY GIRL'S CANCER ANGUISH, Jilted husband's nightclub assault on man who slept with his wife, CRANKY YANKEE; Andy: I'll trigger teen's temper, short on (something) (and long on something else), Short Form Prospectus Distribution System. How do you use a short fuse in a sentence? 1).Differences between these models focus on the timing of the placental mammal radiation relative to the Cretaceous–Tertiary (K/T) boundary, which marked the abrupt extinction of dinosaurs. The United Kingdom will formally end its transition period at 11 PM GMT on New Year’s Eve, meaning that the country will be officially separated from the European Union. Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. Why your fuse is so short, and how you can be more in control of yourself. 1.1 Pronunciation; 1.2 Noun. short fuse translation french, English - French dictionary, meaning, see also 'short cut',short film',short list',short message system', example of use, definition, conjugation, Reverso dictionary A tendency to become angered, enraged, or upset very quickly or easily; a short temper. Explanations: English, Russian. Definition and synonyms of have a short fuse / be on a short fuse from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. Short fuse definition, a quick temper: A person with a short fuse has to be handled diplomatically. She’s got a short fuse. A Bowser bomb falls, and the players must put out the fuse, blowing into the microphone for three seconds. I can tell you, he's got a very short fuse.. Maybe that was why he'd been on a short fuse this morning.. She may also have an attitude or a short fuse.. And no matter what she argued, her life was on a short fuse.. There’s no surer sign of high-stress levels than a short fuse. An innocent question leads to raised voices. Her short fuse is always getting her into trouble. I'm usually a pretty calm person, but whenever I start driving I find I have such a short fuse. Read our top tips for controlling your temper – plus take our anger quiz. short fuse - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. Be on/have a short fuse - Idioms by The Free Dictionary. 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