shot put technique spin

shot put technique spin

The torso inclination can vary, however most beginners have only a little forward lean. The athlete executes the first half of the throw, but the left leg remains in the back of the circle. Laboratory of Czechoslovak Athletic Federation Prague Czechoslovakia The best aFd the rost driuatical competition in all histmy of rhot prt was beld at fh Soul Olympics. me gold was von by Ulf TDQEWW vitb a throv of 22.47 … Now keep your weight back over your right foot and pull your left arm into your body. The shot-putter focuses on turning then lifting with the feet, which is the opposite of the glide technique. The athlete has to be … No matter what movements are made to get there, getting into this proper position is the key to success for any thrower. Now that you have entered the middle always remember to keep your left arm pointed directly in front of you to create wrap with the shot put. Advertisements. With both putting techniques, the aim is to drive the shot up and out of the circle at an angle of 40 degrees, the optimum trajectory for producing the greatest distances. Spin in Shot Put For track and field athletes who are dedicated to the sport of shot put, often question about throwing techniques. Basic Technique for the Shot Put - Mark Harsha 13. This type of positioning of the shot is necessary to counteract the centrifugal force that tries to pull the shot away from the neck of the thrower. For example, take Adam Nelson or Reese Hoffa, two of the top shot putters in the world. Shot should be placed on the upper pad of the hand. The shot is then placed on the neck, most spinners hold the shot closer to the ear then the chin, and the ball is further back on the neck when compared to elite gliders. Proper attention should be given to the following points − Learning how to throw the Shot Put with the Rotational technique or "spin" is much easier when you understand the phases or 6 Pillars of the throw. As you turn into the middle keep your upper body pointed towards the front of the ring to create wrap with the shot put. KINEMATIC ANALYSIS OF GLIDE AND SPIN SHOT PUT TECHNIQUE (TIMHERMANN versus BARNES at the Olympic Games in Seoul 1988) STEPANEX, J. As the right foot makes contact, it should land just past the centerline and land between 7 o’clock and 9 o’clock and the left leg will be airborne near the 3 o’clock position. Shot putting requires strength and sound footwork during the approach. The glide and the spin models each have their positives and negatives, which are important to understand when … With its linear movement through the throwing circle, the glide technique is easier for … Positioning of the shot is generally maintained behind the point of the jaw and below the ear by the spinners. Mike Turk in his article “Building a Technical Model for the Shot Put“ states “As soon as the thrower is facing 3 o’clock, I want him to sink on the left leg and drive the right leg ahead by lifting the right hip and knee over the left side to the middle”. An athlete can have picture-perfect technique getting across the circle, but if that fails to get him into the power position, the approach is … By: Jason Aberdeene . In the shot put spin the ring is one foot shorter than the discus (8 ft diameter) so the thrower must spin tighter by driving their knee more up than across when moving across the circle. Stand throw-Spin In the stand throw for the spin shot, the thrower gets into the power position with a narrow base; usually the feet are within the front half of the circle. Without a wind the thrower steps out with the right leg, tapping it on the ground at the 3 o’clock position. Due to the extensive steps and techniques that go into properly throwing a shot put, it is necessary to learn in steps … As the thrower develops, a deeper squat at the start and more upper body slant may be adopted. The power throw is made up of four parts: the gather, the explosion, the … Usage. The athlete executes the full technique but a slower pace focusing on body positions, usually with lighter implements. Both athletes in this case study are using the glide technique. The athlete should go into a slight squat straddling in the center of the ring at the rear of the circle, with the flat feet about shoulder width apart. The emphasis is on balance and landing in a good throwing position with most of the body weight over the right leg. In the stand throw for the spin shot, the thrower gets into the power position with a narrow base; usually the feet are within the front half of the circle. Now keep your weight back over your right foot and pull your left arm into your body, Start to extend your arm with the shot put, At the very end of the throw remember to flick the shot put with your wrist, Now switch your feet (this is not a jump, this will happen because your right foot turns so violently that your foot turns off the ground and you have to switch your feet). I would recommend getting tape or a wrist wrap before throwing shot put to save your wrist and of course a shot put to throw. A loss of balance can cause deterioration in the acceleration and reduce the application force on the ball. Once you have the basic throwing technique down, and some practice under your belt, you can move on to heavier shot puts. The wind from the full throw can added after the drill is mastered. Begin to grind your foot into the ground while keeping your head back. Holding the shot The shot is held at the base of the fingers not the palm The fingers are slightly spread apart with the thumb for support. With this technique, a right-hand thrower begins facing the rear of the circle and kicks to … For those who are just beginning to lean how to throw a shot put, the key is to develop proper technique in the throw itself. The talk then pretty much said that you should slide backward into the power position and put the shot. To analyse the shot put technique of two Olympic level female heptathletes; Introduction. Others use the “spin” or “rotational” method in which they spin as they move forward, to generate momentum for the throw. Today there are two main techniques used, a linear movement which is a backwards shift across the circle and the non-linear or rotational technique. Once the right foot touches down the main acceleration phase of the throw begins. Until 2016, a woman has never made an Olympic final (top 8) using the spin technique. The rotational shot put does have similarities to the discus throw, but if you try and throw the shot with the same technique as the discus it will no be as effective. The glide and spin techniques are both means of moving across the shot put circle to get into the power position. If proper balance cannot be maintained, it will hamper the final result. *The rotational technique is the same as the discus spin but tighter, so those same terms & equations apply here for the spin. Currently, most top male shot putters use the spin. The spin technique is more effective for shorter athletes with good footwork and quickness. It looks like you are caring a pizza. Shot Put Spin Vs. Glide ; Home Yoga Stretching. It is more common today to see a minimal wind up with little to no weight shift in the back of the circle. The left side should point at 3 o’clock with the shoulders level, the left leg will support most of the body weight (90%+). Shot Put Techniques - glide and spin technique 1. Glide and Spin Technique for Shot Put. Shots are available in different sizes and weights and are generally made from brass or iron. However, athletes at all levels have found success implementing either method. The more complex method is the spin or rotational technique, spinning as you move forward to generate momentum for the throw. Published: 08 July, 2011 . Shot put progression drills are designed to help you improve your form and technique while shot putting. Braheme Day’s Bio Braheme Days Jr. is a red-shirt freshman who threw the HS shot put 21.53m in 2012, his junior year of high school. The shot put event originates from heavy stone throwing competitions in England and Scotland during the 15th century and was included in the first modern Olympiad of 1896 in Athens. At the very end of the throw remember to flick the shot put with your wrist. Advanced competitors use techniques such as the glide, slide and spin to increase their distance, but beginners should focus only on the power throw, which many refer to as fronting out. As the right leg is picked, the thrower sinks or drops onto the left leg. For beginning throwers, a wind up can cause problems with balance and consistency; therefore, a static start is recommended for novice throwers in the spin technique. The thrower’s body weight is evenly distributed or has slightly more weight on the left side. In this chapter, we will learn the most fundamental aspects of Shot Put throw. Spin Shot Put Drills. He threw the 6k … In addition, the knees are brought close together in the middle of the circle to help speed up the throw and help create more torque in the power position. The winner of the shot put Olympic gold medal in 1896 was Bob Garrett of the USA with a throw of 11.22 m. The current men’s shot put world record holder is Randy Barnes of the USA, who had an outdoor throw of 23.12 m. His success as a thrower is attributed to the rotational style of throwing known as the "spin," which was first introduced in 1976 by American shot putter Brian … The athlete executes the wind up with the feet flat or slightly up on the toes. Think of all throws having three phases, a … Now pull your left foot through until it touches down in the front of the ring with the left toe in line with your right instep (right handers). Once the right foot has made contact just past the middle of the circle, the right foot must continue to rotate and the shot should remain behind the right hip until the left foot touches in the front of the ring, with the same heel to toe relationship as in the glide technique. Spin method was also introduced later. The Spin Shot Put Technique: An Evaluation of Top Collegiate Throwers John Frazier UCLA Head Men’s Track and Field Coach . • Glide - The thrower and Shot Put are accelerated across the circle and prepared for delivery. The left arm is straightened and held out near the mid-line of the body. Anaerobic Track and Field Training For Runners. Begin to grind your foot into the ground while keeping your head back. The Shuffle technique is actually the style invented in 1973 by the Spanish athletics coach Emilio Campra Bonillo (RIP) . The drill should simulate the actual body position in the full throw, keeping very little weight on the right leg on the step out. He also won a silver medal in 1960 and is credited with developing the glide technique, sometimes known as the O’Brien technique, which involves the putter facing backwards at the rear of the ring and then rotating through 180 degrees before releasing the shot Initiate the rotation/spin by   pushing your weight over form right foot to left foot and swinging your extended left are (if right handed) at a controlled pace. The spin, introduced by the Russian shot putter Aleksandr Baryshnikov in 1972, is a more technically challenging technique and stems from discuss throwing. The thrower performs a step out, and then works on sprinting from the 3 o’clock position, landing in the power position. • Delivery - Additional velocity is applied to the Shot by a sequenced vigorous action of the body before release. During the early development of the spin, a big wind up was used by many of the top throwers, similar to the discus wind up in the 1970’s when the spin shot put technique was starting to evolve. Shot putters have a choice between two techniques, the glide and the rotational (or spin) style. Now with your right foot (right-handers) rotating around your left side begin to shift your body (like the picture) and allow your hip to drop towards the middle of the ring as shown in the picture. Previous Page. Is the glide or spin more efficient? Most world-class male throwers, including 2009 World champion Christian Cantwell, employ the rotational shot put technique. Shot Put Progression Drills. Apart from traditional styles, new rotational styles were introduced in the sport due to increasing popularity. Young competitors, other than beginning shot putters, will naturally gravitate to the more direct glide technique. Glide techniques also became a part of this and soon became quite popular. The left arm is straightened and held out near the mid-line of the body. Start to extend your arm with the shot put. The first woman to enter a final and win a medal at the Olympics was Anita Márton. At the back of the circle the thrower’s weight is shifted to left leg, then the right leg is picked up. Now that you have landed with the shot put back your are ready to hit a big finish. Shot Put Techniques - glide and spin technique
Rules and Regulations of Shot Put
The metal ball which is to be thrown in this game is known as 'shot'. Last year as a college freshman he threw the indoor shotput 18.87m and the outdoor 18.99m. Goal One: Shot grip and placement 1. The shot-putter focuses on turning then lifting with the feet, which is the opposite of the glide technique. This was invented in the United States in 1876. Some shot putters use the “glide” technique, moving forward in a straight line from the back of the throwing circle before releasing the shot. Balance. The torso inclination can vary, however most beginners have only a little forward lean. Athletes rotate across the circle at high speeds to generate momentum before putting the shot. But the rotational technique is not for everyone. Until 1951, the movement in the shot-put circle was characterised by the thrower standing sideways, and only a quick shuffle and hop of the legs … Two putting styles are in current general use by shot put competitors: the glide and the spin. Fingers should be placed all close to the shot. The glide technique is more commonly used. Comstock/Comstock/Getty Images. However the glide remains popular since the technique … Next Page . Turn your feet in unison while transferring more weight over form your right to your left foot and swing your arm till your left elbow is directly over your left knee, Now turn your feet till they are pointed at 9 O’clock and push off your right foot like your kicking off a skateboard and shift your weight all onto your right foot in the process and begin the turn into the middle. The shot is raised over the head; the wrist is bent facing upward, the ball rest at the base of the fingers. Believe me, there is a little more to it than that. Some advanced throwers wrap the left arm across the body as the right feet lands, creating additional separation. The right foot leads the sprint to the middle and an active push from the left leg helps to speed up the lower body. Once this fast speed is achieved the shot is released, transferring the energy into the shot put. Now as your right foot touches the ring remember to pull your left leg through to the front of the ring and keep the shot put back and left arm wrapped around you body. The main thing to master in this is the placement of the grip. August 07, 2015 The effectiveness of the glide versus spin/rotational technique is an age-old debate in the track and field world. As a track coach, I have spent several years researching the topic and have discovered that technique is dependent upon each individual athlete. The shot is then placed on the neck, most spinners hold the shot closer to the ear then the chin, and the ball is further back on the neck when compared to elite gliders. Shot Put - Glide Techniques. Comment faire la Shot Put Spin Technique Putters Tir debout dans un cercle qui est de sept pieds de diamètre et de jeter, ou "mettre," une boule de métal lourd. For the approach, you can choose between two basic methods for throwing the shot put, spin or glide. The rotational technique is an outstanding way to propel a shot put a great distance. The Spaniards invented the style Erausquin in javelin throw (which was banned ) and the Campra Style in shot put. • Now that your hip has dropped bring your right leg around and start to think about SPRINTING off your left foot, • Now directly after the sprint out of the back drive your right knee towards the center of the circle while keeping a bend in that knee. The shot is raised over the head; the wrist is bent facing upward, the ball rest at the base of the fingers. As the thrower develops, a deeper squat … Begin the rotation/spin with a small wind up to build rhythm. The wind up should be with the upper body turning to the right, with little weight shift of the lower body. Comment faire la Shot Put Spin Technique Putters Tir debout dans un cercle qui est de sept pieds de diamètre et de jeter, ou "mettre," une boule de métal lourd. The athlete executes the initial throwing motion, landing in the power position. The spin is the most popular putting st… The shoulders and left arm face the center of the sector (12 o’clock) and the right foot lands at 9 o’clock near the middle of the circle. • Recovery - The thrower reverses feet position to avoid fouling. Which technique will help me throw farther? Beginners should start with a light shot, between 4 and 8 pounds (1.8–3.6 kilograms), since this lowers the risk of injury if the wrong throwing form is used. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Discus Technique: How to South African Throw, Press shot firmly against the neck and keep your elbow up, have a slightly bent over posture similar to the picture, You should keep your right foot turning through the whole throw, but when your left foot lands you should throw your left arm to initiate the throw. Also, here the thrower has more rotational speed & acceleration … Gripping Mechanism . The hand will be bent back in the cocked position when holding the shot. With a small wind up with little weight shift in the power.... Opposite of the circle 8 ) using the spin 1988 ) STEPANEX,.! Wrist is bent facing upward, the ball is an age-old debate the. Forward lean, including 2009 world champion Christian Cantwell, employ the rotational technique, spinning as you move to! Circle to get there, getting into this proper position is the opposite of the.! The mid-line of the fingers a deeper squat at the start and more body. 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