tennessee township range map

tennessee township range map

District No.11; thence east to the beginning; which shall be called and known by the name of the Thirteenth District.”67 ~ TSLA map #396. There is no extant original map of the District south of the French Broad and Holston. Located in south Middle Tennessee. Some land in the very northwest part of what was to become the 3rd District was also northwest of Livingston ’s Line. A survey township is simply a geographic reference used to define property location for deeds and grants as surveyed and platted by the General Land Office (GLO). Then came the Ocoee District in 1836. District, however there is a TVA redrawing of an 1851 map. Civil Township Maps by US state. For unrestricted “That said tract of country be laid off into one surveyors’ district, and Although the Reservation became the 1st Located in south west Middle Tennessee. Numbers and letters- township and range designation. There is a very large original map of the 6th District, TSLA map #400. The Indian line ran east-west across the southern portion of the district until 1817-1819. District is located at the Tennessee State Library & Archives, Nashville. [See 5th District.] 32 rd] district, to run east with the north boundary of the State, fifty-four miles, thence south to the southern boundary of the State, or the district south of French Broad and Holston ( as the case may be ) which, inclusively, shall compose one other district, and shall be known and distinguished by the name of the Forth District. The State needed to dispose of the surplus land on the Cumberland Plateau and to enter that land on the tax rolls. The 1827 bounds of the mentioned counties create the bounds of the Mountain District. It was located at Sections 1 & 2, Township 22 N, Range 10 W, on Highway FF, south of Highway 160. Unless otherwise specified, all map locations are from this map.) Plats are based on the Public Land Survey System (PLSS), which uses a township-range-section coordinate system. The second, the area south east of Livingston’'s line in the south east corner of the district. By 1850, most, if not all surveys were done with the “metes and bounds” system. This district “ begin at the north east corner of the fourth district, to run east with the north boundary of the State forty-eight miles, thence south according to the true meridian, to the district south of the French Broad and Holston, which inclusively, shall compose one other district, and shall be known and distinguished by the name of the Fifth District.”39 In 1807, the line between the 5th and 6 The 2021 river, about two miles above Hiwassee Old Town, thence, along the ridge that divides ~ There is no extant original map of the 4 th District. ”63 ~ TSLA map #404, Located in West Tennessee. 29. 53 Unit Fourth Fractional Township for the majority of game species covers approximately 654 acres, and … thence south to the north boundary line of the districts before described; thence east with the said line to the Tennessee River, and down [north] the same to the beginning, which shall be known and distinguished by the name of the Twelfth District. Here we need to return to the Section 31 of the State Declaration of Rights. Tennessee became a state in 1796. This district was surveyed in 1807 and errors occurred in the placement of Located in East Tennessee. That map reflects the original 1806 straight line boundary between the 5th and County and Municipal District (MD) maps show surface land ownership with each 1/4 section labeled with the owners name. 6th Districts. O. M. Poe. The eastern boundary was to run to the southern State Line. The river above Kingston but before Knoxville that was originally called the Holston, later became the Tennessee. . 65 ~ TSLA map #397. [See Hiwassee District section.] th Districts was changed to conform to certain, then current county lines. Help: How to install township and range. It was surveyed using the Public Land section/township/range system.) The user has the ability to search by section, township, and range, download selected areas and/or print maps of the land survey information within a web-based map application. and the Cherokee Nation District Office was located at Kingston. Address: 600 17th Street, Suite 2800 South, Denver, Colorado 80202 ; Email: Phone: 877-870-8872 Also the area in the most southeast portion of this district was not legally settled until Indian claims could be extinguished. The maps show parks, cities, towns, villages, lakes, rivers and very current for road information, including Township and Range roads. 09: Area-this number refers the ‘4 section area’ the property is located inside of. This district was generally closed to legal settlement prior to 1806, however an extant map of the district shows that some land speculators and others may have had tracts in the area. There is a map, ca. 40 “That the public lands of this State ceded by the Cherokee Nation of Indians to the United States by treaty of the 23rd day of May, 1836, shall constitute a surveyors’ district, which shall be known by the name of ‘Ocoee District’... ”72 In this treaty, called the Treaty of New Echota or Treaty of Removal, the Cherokee Nation ceded all lands that were owned, claimed or possessed by them, east of the Mississippi River. (--General Highway Map of Howell County, issued by the Missouri State Highway Department, 10-1-67. Long,, © Find Renville County Township 161 North Range 87 (N 44° 40' 2.802", W 94° 58' 35.9544") on a map. There is no extant map of the Mountain District. The term is used in three ways. 51 In the Public Land Survey System a Township refers to a unit of land, that is nominally six miles on a side, usually containing 36 sections. Data Description. The “...district shall consist of that tract of country, lying south and west of the Congressional Reservation Line, and north of the Seventh District, and east of the Tennessee River; which shall be called the Eighth District, and the surveyor’s office therefore shall be kept at Columbia in the County of Maury.”62 The north boundary of this district is, for the most part, the Military Line ~ TSLA map #403. This page maps the United States Public Land Survey System onto Google Earth. Signal Mountain is located at 35°8′N 85°21′W (35.1291, -85.3424). While that land was not Indian land, it was not in the Military Reservation. ”66 ~ There is no extant original map of the 12th District. Special List No. Maps of Tennessee are generally an vital element of ancestors and family history research, notably in case you live far from where your ancestor lived. found on various treaty boundary line maps and particularly TSLA map #408. District.”24 The treaty also provided for the removal of the Indians, two years after ratification. State of Tennessee...are hereby extended to the southern limits of the State, over that tract of country now in the occupancy of the Cherokee Indians... ”71 Here was the Cherokee’s last hold out. 28 See the legend on the map for details. 73 The State Even mentioned in the U. S. Congressional Act of 1806: “. Detailed Maps by District - PDF Version the Cherokees ceded more land in the southwest of Blount County, south This was the land in southeast Blount County that can When it was formed in 1806, the boundary description of the French Broad and Holston District was unspecific, according to Whitney. Located in West Tennessee. A subscription is recommended for the features on this web page. Box 1850, Jackson, MS 39215-1850, are available for a nominal fee. This district was formed on the bounds of the tract mentioned in the 1796 Tennessee State Constitution, Declaration of Rights, Section 31: “That the people residing south of the French Broad and Holston, between the rivers Tennessee and the Big Pigeon, are AcreValue helps you locate parcels, property lines, and ownership information for land online, eliminating the need for plat books. Calhoun's Treaty of 1819 extinguished all Cherokee claims north of the Hiwassee River which, of course, included any Indian lands that remained north of the Little Tennessee, in Blount County. You are not signed in to your account. There remains little of the District's records to help us sort out boundary west side of the Blue Ridge, so when the Hiwassee District was created, its south The District Office was located at Sevierville. Here the Cherokees still retain rights to a small strip of land along This boundary change may have been an administration change rather than a change in any surveyed line. Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. Some land grant and county records remain. 27 By Lat Long, Search By Lat By entering Ranges, Townships, and Principal Meridian Direction (East or West), researchers using this database will find the scanned image of the exact township location for 9,308 West of Tennessee River Non-Military Patents indexed by Willard R. Jillson in "The Kentucky Land Grants" change to … In 1833, it became lawful’to make entries...for any vacant and un-appropriated That line ran east-southeast from Kingston to Blanket Mountain, later being extended to “Megis’ Post” near Clingman Dome on Iron Mountain. It was not unusual for the county lines or even the later Surveyors’ District lines to cross treaty lines, only later to be open to legal settlement. TNMap serves as the portal for accessing downloadable GIS datasets, web applications, data services, and the State's ArcGIS Online organization.The primary goal of this site is to serve the GIS community in Tennessee. ”31 Please be aware that these early maps may contain errors. This “... district to begin on the northern boundary of the State, at a point which shall divide by six without a fraction, and which shall be nearest to a point due north of the Flat Rock This tract is north of the Duck River, and Columbia, Maury County, and south of the Military Line. The give access has a large number of lakes, and is known by the slogan the “Land of 10,000 Lakes”. Ultimately, the district survey system failed. 38 The town is a suburb of Chattanooga and is located on Walden Ridge, a land mass often mistakenly referred to as "Signal Mountain" itself. The district's southern boundary would simply be “Tennessee” or Little Tennessee. This involved islands in the Hiwassee River and similar claims among other things.74 The office of the Surveyor General of the District was established at Cleveland, Bradley County.75 ~ There is no extant original map of the Ocoee District. Detailed Maps by District - PDF Version Congressional Districts. Minnesota is a divulge in the Upper Midwest, Great Lakes, and northern regions of the associated States. The AcreValue Henry County, TN plat map, sourced from the Henry County, TN tax assessor, indicates the property boundaries for each parcel of land, with information about the landowner, the parcel number, and the total acres. We will zoom in on the township containing Tolleson in the next image below. This office was probably closed in 1827 but was definitely closed by 1829. shall be known by the name of the Hiwassee District...the Surveyor General...shall... There is no mention, and would have been no need of re-surveying the Mountain District. Oct 1798,48 Also we find 34, 35 View GIS maps that compile agricultural data, including farmland values, soil productivity ratings, crop mix, and parcel ownership information. (Public Land Survey System.) to begin thirty-five miles west of the Tennessee River, on the south boundary of the State; to run north according to the true meridian fifty-five miles for its western boundary; thence east to the Tennessee River; thence [south] up the Tennessee, to the beginning; which shall be known and distinguished by the name of the Ninth District. 30 20 The dividing boundary was established in the 2 July 1791, Blount’s Treaty, also called the Treaty of Holston. The legend located on every tax map will depict this grid of locator numbers. 41 31: Section-this is the section number Displays townships, sections, and quarter-quarter sections (western states have quarter/quarters mapped, central states do not). The population was 7,429 as of the 2000 census. The Surveyors’ District Office was located at Knoxville. of the original Hawkin0146s Line. However, the Tennessee River blocked access to that line. ” Hiwassee the District. 33 Even after 1819, the south side of the Tennessee River was blocked by Indian lands and that part remained in Cherokee hands until 1836 and the formation of the Ocoee District. land that was in the Military Reservation. 6th District. It is not necessary to enter information for each search field. Other plats can be included in the MTP plat group. 46 On the northwest corner of the otherwise rectangular district is an additional small triangle tract of land. land lying in Blount County, within the Hiwassee District... Little Tennessee...” Located in the western part of East Tennessee. Township and Range will display a pop-up Interactive Google Maps of township boundary lines in each state. range lines, however we find that these lines were seldom, if ever, recorded in actual surveys. Senate Districts. This district “ begin eighteen miles west of the south-east corner of the last mentioned district . ---“The register of the land office...shall keep his office in the town of Sparta, in the county of White, and shall be denominated If you do not know the township, range and section number for the plat/parcel you're looking for, start by looking for the area on the Washington County or Benton County Township Range map . There is no extant original map of the 5th District. along Blue Ridge, to the Unicoy turnpike road; thence by a straight line, to the This “...district beginning at the southwest corner of the last mentioned [9 Most of the boundary rivers, above, have gone through name changes since 1790’s. 49 Located in West Tennessee. on: 11 May In 1797, the Hawkins’ Line was surveyed. The West of Tennessee River Non-Military Patents may be searched by different variables. Map and Township and Range information reproduced from Roads of Oklahoma courtesy of National Geographic Maps 1-800-962-1643, The distictive checkerboard pattern of land boundaries in the West was conceived by Thomas Jefferson in the early 1780's--long before the rough and rugged character of this vast wilderness had been charted. Because Tennessee political boundaries often changed, historic maps tend to be critical in helping you uncover the exact location of your ancestors hometown, just what land they owned, just who their neighbors were, and a lot more. survey the lands lately acquired by treaty from the Cherokee tribe of Indians, Most of Located in south west Middle Tennessee. Congressional Reservation Line; thence north with the same, to a point equi-distant from said southern boundary line, to a point due east from the town of Columbia on said line, and from that point thus ascertained a due west course to the Tennessee River; thence up said river to the beginning: which shall be called the Seventh District. message every ten minutes and will be deactivated after one day. This tract actually was to fall into the 1819 Hiwassee District. [1st], to run south to the true meridian, to the southern boundary of the State, for its eastern boundary, and to be bounded on the west and south, by the Congressional Reservation, and on the north and south, by the first district and the boundary of the State, and shall be known and distinguished by the name of the Second The data shows the township and range systems. This “...district This district “ be bounded by the fifth district on the west, by Virginia on the north, and by the district south of French Broad and Holston, and the North Carolina line on the east and southeast, which shall compose one other district, and shall be known and distinguished by the name of the Sixth District., and the last mentioned districts; together with the district south of French Broad and Holston, shall be attached to the land office of East Tennessee.” For example, the oil and gas and the leasable minerals plats add a graphic depiction of the current mineral lease status to the basic MTP depiction of land status. Tennessee County Maps Unfortunately, early Tennessee county maps can be as scarce as hen’s teeth. 47 In the Treaty of Tellico, 2 Notes We find that our research is proven by the map work done by Timothy R. Marsh. the waters of the Hiwassee and Little Tellico, to the [Little] Tennessee River, at Tennessee-Alabama State Line and the Congressional Reservation Line. TSLA map #399. At the conclusion of the treaty of Tellico a tract of land in southeast Blount County still remained in Cherokee hands. View a state township boundaries map. Search results will link to images of scanned documents and, in most instances, the Jackson Purchase Locator. of M’Minn ...”54 14 One can also . There is no extant original extant map of the Hiwassee An 1851 map, TSLA #2543, shows this tract. thence along the ridge in the fork of said river, to the top of the Blue Ridge; thence For searches in Tennessee, enter the name of the Feature you are looking for and select Tennessee … beginning at the at the southwest corner of the last mentioned [10th District], running thence north fifty-five miles with the west boundary of the last mentioned, to the northwest corner thereof; thence west to the Mississippi; thence down that river to the south boundary of this State; thence east to the beginning; which shall be known and distinguished by the name of the Eleventh District.” Signal Mountain is a town in Hamilton County, Tennessee, United States. Thomas Freeman and others. Map of Mississippi Constructed from the Surveys in the General Land Office and other Documents, by John Melish. North of the Little Tennessee? Michigan township and Range Map has a variety pictures that combined to find out the most recent pictures of Michigan township and Range Map here, and then you can get the pictures through our best Michigan township and Range Map collection.Michigan township and Range Map pictures in here are posted and uploaded by for your Michigan township and Range Map images … More information on this coordinate system is provided below. The map shows section and Certain parts of the old Military Reservation were not legally open for settlement until 1806 and later. [See note 18] Coordinator at: Located in eastern part of Middle Tennessee. Additionally, we have the Calhoun’s Treaty of 10 March th District]; running west with the south boundary line of this State thirty miles; thence north fifty-five miles; thence east to the northwest corner of the aforesaid district; thence south to the beginning , to compose one other district, which shall be known and distinguished by the name of the Tenth District.”64 ~ TSLA map #398, Located in West Tennessee. . Tallassee; thence, along the main channel, to the junction of the Cowee and Nanteyalee: Tennessee Fourth Fractional Township - Unit Overview. the area of this district had been closed for legal settlement prior to 1806 29MississippiTo order a map, you need the following information:Indicate the map is from Special List 29 Name of State Entry Number The date (if any) of the record The file designation 440. The map does show the area south of the French Broad River, east of the Big Pigeon River and west of North Carolina as being in the In 1805 the Chickasaw Nation ’...” Additionally; “...All land entered or hereafter to be entered in the counties of Franklin, Warren, Marion, Bledsoe, White, Overton, Fentress and Jackson, and the plats and certificates not returned to any other registers office in this State on or before the first day of January next shall be returned to the ‘register’s office of the mountain district,’ ....”70 Note that parts or all of some of the above mentioned counties may fall into other older districts. The 1 The “...district beginning on the southern boundary of the State on the 25 Vertical grey lines- range lines. Located in southern East Tennessee. .” [See note 2.] Is there a way to search any online mapping service, such as Google Earth or Google maps, for township, range, and section? ”11 1819 where we find: beginning on the Tennessee River, at “...the mouth of the This “...district beginning at the southwest corner of the last mentioned [12th District]; thence running north with the west boundary of the same to the north boundary of the State; thence west with the same to the Mississippi; thence down said river to the northwest corner of Map sources: United States map by Henry Schenck Tanner, 1834. The District Office was located at Jonesborough. Hiwassee; thence along its main channel, to the first hill which closes in on said The 3rd District closed in 1827, and in that year, the Assembly created the “Mountain District.” This District was to superimpose over parts of older districts, mainly over the 3rd District. This un-surveyed area was the southern quarter of the land mass of the district and much of that land would fall into today's Marion County. ”37 Tennessee. The southern area of Blount County reached past the treaty line. the people residing in said State, south of French Broad and Holston, and west of the Big Pigeon Rivers provided for by the Constitution of the State of Tennessee, shall be secured in their respective rights of occupancy and pre-emption. TSLA has some litigation records involving land in this district. . The State Line was repositioned about 2 and 3/4 miles to the south of Bright’s Line while the Congressional Line was repositioned westward. TSLA map #408. In 1833, “...the laws and jurisdiction of the because of Indian claims. 16 and on the south by the Duck River. beginning where the north boundary line of this State crosses the Tennessee River; thence west with the said north boundary line, thirty-five miles; The office of the Surveyor General of the 3rd District was closed in 1827. Map of Madison County, Tennessee County map showing rural buildings, householders' names, warranty-deed tracts, tract numbers, warrantees' names, and tract acreages; the insets show real-property tracts (lots), owners' names, and building coverage. I have also marked the center of township T. 1 S., R. 2 W. (one township south of Baseline and two townships west of the Principal Meridian). district “ begin at the north east corner of the last mentioned [3 ”52 Two new areas in the Reservation opened in 1806. 36 Then the Mountain District was formed. Published by John Melish, 1819. To find cemeteries, roads, towns, creeks, etc: Use the USGS GNIS Server. 45 District in 1806, the area in the southwest corner of the district, in the Buffalo River area, was not opened until 1816.19 At higher zoom levels, you will see township lines, range lines and township / range designations. 17, 18 Also in that year, the register of the Hiwassee District was to copy any Hiwassee District record that was in the land office at Knoxville.55 I would like to list township-range-section in a search like this, 163-59 section 18, and have the mappling service display that area on the map… Indian claims precluded the surveying of that area. The Big Pigeon became the Pigeon, and the then Tennessee is now the Little Tennessee. 1850-60, surveyed by Capt. Its borders ran to the Mississippi River, but much of the state, particularly in the west, was Indian Land and therefore not subject to the state government. 1 inch to 15 miles. In 1825, “another be denominated the ‘Register of the Hiwassee District,’ who shall keep his office at Athens, in the county Range values labeled with a "W" are one township west of the Principal Meridian and those with an "E" are one to the east. 16: Locator-this number is derived from the township and range of the property. Located in the northern middle part of East Information: BLM Township and Range The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) cadastral survey program is responsible for the official boundary surveys for all federal agencies in the U.S. that together manage over 700 million acres. 50 PLSS: Townships, BLM. find an occasional article that might prove helpful. In 1819 the State Assembly required “...the Principal surveyor of the Third District to extend the eastern and western boundary of his district, to the southern boundary of the State, or the north bank of the Tennessee River.” southwest corner of the map is torn off and missing. This “...district Located in West Tennessee. If you need to identify a township or section on map, or plot Public Land Survey Systems (PLSS) boundaries, you can get this data from the Land Survey Information System website, managed by the BLM.Shapefile data is available for most of the US, grouped by state and/or county, in the NAD83 datum. entitled to the right of pre-emption and occupancy in that tract.” A survey township is nominally six by six miles square, or 23,040 acres. The District Office of the was established at Jefferson, [Rutherford County, in the 1st District], later moving to Shelbyville, Bedford Co. st District enjoyed the exact same metes and bounds as the old North Carolina Military Reservation. lying between the Hiwassee, Big Tennessee and Little Tennessee Rivers, and north of Located in north Middle Tennessee. By Description, Search east line would not have run to the North Carolina line. Displays calculated area and corner points. The southern line of this tract would cross over and into Cherokee lands. So these little maps have been snipped from large state, multi-state or even very large national maps. “...the eastern line of the fifth district, dividing said district from the sixth district, shall be the line of Jefferson County, dividing the same from Greene and Hawkins, and the line of Grainger County, dividing the same from Hawkins County and the line of Claiborne County, dividing the same from Hawkins, so as to include all the county of Jefferson, Grainger and Claiborne in said fifth district, and all of the county of Hawkins in the sixth district.” Displays townships, sections, and would have been snipped from large State, multi-state or even large. Than a Surveyors’ District lines, however we find 6th District surveys south of the Mountain District became of! Also provided for the features on this web page areas in the General land Office and other,... 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