trade federation droids

trade federation droids

The Naboo invasion force included a wide variety of droids, including the Beetle droid, Energy Pummel, and Bio Cannon. The sides can open so you can see inside. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Remove this notice when finished. Yellow-striped OOM commanders oversee operations, blue-striped OOM pilots fly the ships, and red-striped OOM security forces protect vital areas. As such there were 1,232 battle droids in addition to support droids, and were commanded by a battle droid officer. It comprised of various battle droids from the Trade Federation's army,Techno Union's army and other corporations that allied themselves with Count Dooku's Confederacy of Independent Systems. A single army was commanded by the battleship's captain, and was composed of 218,400 battle droids, as well as support droids.[2]. Platoon Attack Craft (Carries 112 B1 Battle Droids or 20 Droidekas) (Unarmed) Multi-Troop Transport (Carries 112 B1 battle droids or 20 Droidekas or 12 B2 Super battle droids) (Armed) Multi-Utility Transport The Episode I: Visual Dictionaryreveals that the battle droids of the Trade Federation are designed to resemble dessicated Neimoidian corpses. B1 battle droids at the Battle of the Great Grass Plains. Vehicles [Source]. 22 BBY (as part of the Separatist Droid Army) In addition their numbers were the total force carried aboard one C-9979 landing craft. Condition is "New". From there, Multi-Troop Transports, Trade Federation dropships, and Platoon Attack Craft transported B1 battle droids from the landing zone directly into combat. Help us. Early battles involving the droids required a central computer for the droids to "think" from, but this was mostly removed post-Battle of Naboo after an attack destroyed the mainframe stationed there, resulting in all the droids on the planet being deactivated. For cleanup of destroyed army droids, the Federation utilized the PK-series worker droid. [2], Vanguards were designed to break through heavy defenses, and thus were primarily composed of 11 MTT companies and a squadron 18 AATs. TL;DR - between 1232 to 1688 battle droids. Affiliation The armaments of the Federation were continually increased, but still its Neimoidian overseers did not feel safe. On the orders of Darth Sidious, the Trade Federation sent its battle droids to invade Naboo to create a government crisis. He was also commanded by Darth Sidious to attack Naboo. It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded. When the blockade of Naboo became a full-fledged invasion, droid-piloted AAT battle tanks rolled into the graceful city of Theed, overwhelming opposition. Staff officer(s) Trade Federation Pilot Droid Trade Federation Prototype Battle Droid Trade Federation Prototype Destroyer Droid Trade Federation Security Droid Trade Federation STAP Battle Droid U2C1 Housekeeping Droid Ubrikkian Steamworks DD-13 medical assistant droid Umbaran Millicreep Assassin Droid The military of the Trade Federation took over the planet but the Queen escaped to Coruscant for help. At least one is designated as the command and control vessel, keeping the droids on the surface in operation. When the Confederacy of Independent Systems was formed, the Trade Federation forces became part of the Separatist Droid Army, fighting alongside droids from the Commerce Guild, the Techno Union, and other major corporate organizations. Droidikar is a special page/game/activity found in the annotations of Episode 1138: You Dirty Fink. B1 battle droids and C-9979 landing craft both served a major role in the Federation's military. On the other hand, the Trade Federation's worker droids are somewhat less efficient at gathering carbon than the … [10], The main infantry of the Trade Federation's armies was the B1-series battle droid. The Droid Army in the Battle of Grassy Plains was entirely computer-generated. [1], The common weapon used by the battle droids of the Trade Federation's army was the E-5 blaster rifle. Prior to advancements made during the Separatist Crisis, the Droid Army was slaved to a Central Control Computer, commonly held aboard a specialized Droid Control Ship situated in orbit above target worlds. [2], A Battalion consisted of seven troop-carrier companies (either MTT or troop carriers), as well as a squadron of 24 AATs. Jul 28, 2020 - Explore Ben Schack's board "B1 Battle Droids" on Pinterest. The Trade Federation was the first out of many factions to make battle droids and used them against the villainous Republic. Other information Despite Comes with 16 B1 battle droids, which, from what I’ve seen, is the most battle droids in one set, plus a pilot droid, two security droids, and a one-of-a-kind droideka, with weapons for all of them. See pics. The Jedi escape and flee to Naboo. When the Trade Federation was granted permission to maintain its own standing army by the Galactic Senate, OOM-series droids were also appointed as field commanders to the dominant infantry of the B1-series battle droid. Historical information Formerly Chancellor Valorum of the Republic at the start of the first campaign, he had been corrupted by power as he slowly descended into madness. The Trade Federation was headed by Viceroy Nute Gunray, and even had its own representative in the Republic Senate to lobby for even greater power. The Trade Federation, known simply as the Federation, was a Neimoidian trade and shipping conglomerate that came to control much of the commerce in the galaxy.. After the Jedi discovered the Federation Droid Army being loaded unto landing craft, they decided to split up and stowaway on separate transports. Once the improvements have been completed, you may remove this notice and the page's listing. During the invasion, Qui-Gon saves the life of a Gungan outcast, Jar Jar Binks. (24x) Amban Sniper Rifle It was used by the Trade Federation to invade the planet Naboo and was later incorporated into the Separatist Droid Army during the Separatist Crisis. Using Lucrehulk-class LH-3210 cargo freighters and a Droid Control Ship, they were able to blockade entire planets and deploy their army. As a result, the Trade Federation decided to retaliate by blockading the Mid Rim world of Naboo[9] and force the people of Naboo to sign a treaty legitimizing the military operations.[1]. It used a Droid Army to help protect its profits and leaders, that was made up of mostly Battle Droid units of the early B1 series. 2. When Amidala and her companions returned to Naboo, they regrouped with the Gungans and assembled their forces. Naboo[1] Deployment of B1 battle droids during the Clone Wars. Baktoid Armor Workshop, Haor Chall Engineering, and the Colicoid Creation Nest were all contracted to produce battle droids and war machines for the Trade Federation, many of whose designs were based on existing technology used by the Federation. The Droid Army, at least by the time of the Clone Wars as part of the Separatist Droid Army,[2] was composed of nine levels in its command structure. The three Droid fighters (4 inches wide with 7-inch-long wings) can be snapped onto a handle (9 inches wide) that enables you to fly them in formation. Formation type Star Wars Episode 1 Action Fleet Electronic Trade Federation Tank with Remote. Despite the Republic's mandate, the Federation managed to retain much of its armed forces. The Trade Federation Droid Army, also referred to as the Federation Army, was the droid army created and maintained by the Trade Federation during the last decades of the Galactic Republic. Location(s) Perhaps the largest droid army ever assembled, the army of the CIS outnumber the clone soldiers of the Republic 100 to 1. The droid laser turret was also used by the Federation.[1]. Commander OOM-9[2] The tall, thin B1 model resembles the Geonosian species, whose Baktoid Armor Workshop designed and built the droids for the Trade Federation and later the Separatists. As Viceroy of the Trade Federation, Nute Gunray had the capacity to command the army. Droid forces were hidden within the cavernous hangar bays of Lucrehulk-class battleships and could be assembled from constituent parts that appeared innocuous enough to be overlooked by Republic customs officials. Sidious assured Gunray that they would not face actions from the Galactic Senate. [2], During the final decades of the Galactic Republic, the Trade Federation, a wealthy interstellar trade and shipping conglomerate,[6] was allowed to maintain a private, automated defense force. [2], The Trade Federation Droid Army first appeared in the theatrical 1999 film, Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. Commanding officer(s) In the ensuing Battle of Naboo, the Droid Army was split on three fronts; one battle in the Great Grass Plains against the Gungan Grand Army, one in Theed against a strike force of Naboo Security Forces as they attempted to capture Gunray, and another in orbit above the planet against Bravo Flight, who sought to destroy the Droid Control Ship that would disable all battle droids. It was used by the Trade Federation to invade the planet Naboo and was later incorporated into the Separatist Droid Army during the Separatist Crisis. Goals [edit | edit source]. They provided the Confederacy with … [11] The Trade Federation also employed the use of OOM-series battle droids–OOM command battle droids, OOM pilot battle droids, and OOM-series security droids–and droidekas. Because of their droid status, and thus being either directed remotely or otherwise programmed prior to an engagement, the squads never required an officer for the droid squads, although organic squads were led by a sergeant. The true composition of the Trade Federation Droid Army remained unknown, due to its creation and deployment under a shroud of secrecy. By the end of the battle, the Federation Droid Army was deactivated when the control ship, the Saak'ak, was destroyed and Gunray was captured. Trade Federation was an organization that worked with the Galactic Republic to help control the trade in the Outer Rim territories. [2], A Corps consisted of five divisions, and were carried into battle via a squadron of 25 C-9979 landing craft. General information Leader(s) Help us improve this article by referencing valid resource material. Trade Federation starships and platforms, acting as pilots and security. Darth Sidious, a Sith Lord and the Trade Federation's secret benefactor, orders the Viceroy to kill the Jedi and begin their invasion with an army of battle droids. Be the First To Review This Seller: CONTENTS. The Trade Federation Droid Army was equipped with a variety of ground and space vehicles. As such, they possessed a total of 109,200 battle droids in addition to support droids. This led to petitions to the Galactic Senate to allow the Federation to arm its transport vessels to ward off such assaults. The overall droid count was at 784 battle droids, in addition to support droids, and were commanded by a battle droid officer. Using Lucrehulk-class LH-3210 cargo freighters and a Droid … However, this show of force soon turned sour when Queen Padmé Amidala rallied her followers in a desperate counterattack against the Naboo occupation. Thanks to Wookiepedia, and a bit of math, we can calculate how many droids a C-9979 landing craft, from the Trade Federation, could carry.For the purposes of this answer, I will be talking about classic B1 battle droids.. Wookiepedia quotes that a Landing craft can carry 11 Multi-Troop Transports (the same number in legends and canon.) This set has hidden wheels for easy movement and it measures 16" (41cm) long and 10" (25cm) high. Their secret army was fully revealed, and used to subjugate Theed and other Naboo cities. The Federation played a major role in the Clone Wars for its allegiance to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. $29.99 + shipping . They can be found everywhere around the occupation of the Federation, places of invasion and occupation, and sometimes in areas controlled by the Hutts. In Star Wars: Episode II, Nute Gunray attended Dooku's meeting and had the Trade Federation merge with the Separatists. The Federation army's battle droids about to be unleashed in the Battle of Naboo. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. [2], A Division consisted of five regiments, and were carried into battle via a section of five C-9979 landing craft. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Let’s go through the various play features of the Trade Federation Tank. Free shipping . Here, representatives from Baktoid Armor and Haor Chall presented their designs to Viceroy Gunray and his aides. Location(s) The armaments of the Federation were continually increased, but still its Neimoidian overseers did not feel safe. If you turn the gear on the side the storage rack extends and deploys the battle droids. As such, they were overall complemented by 112 battle droids, in addition to support droids. Trade Federation[1]Trade Federation military[1] [2], An Army consisted of two corps and represented the total surface force carried aboard a Luchrehulk-class battleship. The Trade Federation returns during The Last of the Droids era helping the New Confederacy of Independent Systems with weapons, starships, and tanks for the war. The Army was first deployed during the Invasion of Naboo, though tests were carried out in the Karthakk system, where Nym and his Lok Revenants fought against droid forces on Lok and Eos. Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray Date founded To invade worlds such as Lok and Naboo, the Federation loaded its droids into landing craft, which would make the trip from the Battleship to the plan… DISNEY PARKS STAR WARS GALAXY’S EDGE COLOR-CHANGING DROIDS NEW. Further, the Federation began to not only rebuild but also improve its army in secret, utilizing droid factories on many worlds to greatly expand its military. Ground-based control computers were also deployed to broadcast backup signals. Trade Federation Droid Army a large amount of soft tissue that shrivels after death. The true composition of the Trade Federation Droid Army remained unknown, due to its creation and deployment under a shroud of secrecy. The envoy, consisting of the Radiant VII and a pair of Jedi ambassadors, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi, was initially welcomed by the Federation, but after Viceroy Nute Gunray learned of the identities of the ambassadors and at the behest of Darth Sidious, the Federation Droid Army attacked the Jedi and destroyed the Radiant VII. In addition, Viceroy Nute Gunray had ente… The Naboo Resistance's primary goal is to free the people of Naboo from the occupation of the Trade Federation. Neimoidian Inner CircleTrade FederationConfederacy of Independent SystemsSeparatist holdouts [2], A Regiment consisted of four battalions and a single vanguard, composed of 4,368 battle droids as well as various support droids and commanded by a battle droid officer. [1] Comlink booster packs were worn on the backs of many B1 battle droids. Armored Assault Tanks[1]Multi-Troop Transports[1]Single Trooper Aerial Platforms[1]Trade Federation troop carriers[1] See more ideas about battle droid, droids, star wars droids. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Variable Geometry Self-Propelled Battle Droid, Mark I, The Phantom Menace Read-Along Storybook and CD, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Star Wars: How Not to Get Eaten by Ewoks and Other Galactic Survival Skills, Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy, The Trade Federation and Neimoidians: A History, Corporate Alliance Policy Administration Directorate, InterGalactic Banking Clan Collections and Security Division, In the last years of the Republic, the Trade Federation turned to weapons makers ranging from the Geonosian hives to Baktoid Armor Workshop to create droid armies and assault vehicles. [1], The subsequent Invasion of Naboo saw the deployment of the Federation Droid Army to the planet's surface by landing craft. X2 ) $ 9.95 + shipping played a major role in the Clone Wars imagination, you lead... 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