victory vs imperial star destroyer
Victory I-class Star Destroyers were 900 meters long, just over half the size of the later Imperial-class Star Destroyer. It was also armed with ten forward-mounted twin medium turbolasers, ten dorsal-mounted twin medium turbolasers, twenty assault concussion missile launchers, and ten hull-mounted heavy tractor beam projectors. Armament Manufacturer. Available in both the Core Set and the Victory-class Star Destroyer Expansion Pack, the Victory-class Star Destroyer can be fielded as either of two subclasses. It was later damaged by Nantex-class starfighters. [1] It previously first appeared in Star Wars Legends in Mission to Lianna.[2]. Others, like the Harrow and the Protector, had two main thrusters and two auxiliary thrusters wedged in-between. 900 meters[3] Kuat Drive Yards. 1,600 stormtroopers[1] The Victory II program sought to fix the many issues of the Victory-class, but it did not put an end to several flaws. It could hold consumable for one year, and had a complement of twenty-four starfighters along with shuttles, landing craft, and AT-series walkers. The Victory-class Star Destroyer were the predecessor of the bigger and better armed Imperial-class Star Destroyer designed for the Galactic Republic but built by the Galactic Empire. Availability 2,040 (troops)[4] [17] Refitted with new ion engines by Hoersch-Kessel Drive to replace the underpowered LF9s, and trading the concussion missiles for ion cannons and extra turbolasers; this variant was designed with an emphasis on space combat. Manufacturer Both classes are 900 meters long and have very similar hull design just like the ISD I and ISD II have only minor differences appearance-wise. This article needs appropriate citations. Star Destroyers of this kind fought in the Operation Shadow Hand, notably in the Battle of Balmorra. Summary. Hull Fleet command ship[1]Patrol ship[1]Planetary defense[1]System defense[1] Crew Equipped[1] Some of these new vessels were fitted with large turrets on the upper hull, each housing a huge asteroid-tug tractor beam sold to the Galactic Alliance Defense Force by Lando Calrissian. After that, Imperial tacticians necessitated assigning support ships, such as Interdictors, Strike cruisers, and Carrack cruisers, to make up for the shortcomings.[18]. Within the Imperial Navy, Victory-class Star Destroyers were considered second only to Imperial-class Star Destroyers for most operations in the Outer Rim Territories against pirates and Rebels. Click to up-date. The Victory-class Star Destroyer was first mentioned by name in Brian Daley's novel Han Solo's Revenge used by the Corporate Sector Authority Territorial Manager Odumin. Very few Victory II's were built, as they were introduced not long before the Imperial-class, which essentially supplanted it in the space combat role. Like later Star Destroyer designs, the Victory possessed the ability to enter the upper levels of a planetary atmosphere. The powerful sublight drive units of a Kuat Drive Yards Star Destroyer. Victory I-class Star Destroyer schematics. Victory I-class Star Destroyer[3] A subclass known as the Victory II was introduced later in the Clone Wars. Allegiance-class battlecruiser. Star Destroyer[1] Despite the rebuilds, the Victory II was not able to c… Docking bays Armament LEGO MOC MOC-17208 UCS Victory-class Star Destroyer - building instructions and parts list I mean its almoust Venator siced right? Navigation system The Victory-1 Star Destroyer was the product of Rendili StarDrive and Kuat Drive Yards, but how this partnership happened is pretty interesting. Rendili StarDrive[1][2]Kuat Drive Yards[1] [7] This was called the "Victor Initiative Project", which resulted in the Victory-class. When Grand Admiral Thrawn took control of the Empire, this saw a return of the Victory-class to frontline duties, because of a lack of larger and more powerful ships such as the Imperial-class. Sublight Drives. This article or section is in need of referencing per Wookieepedia's, This article needs appropriate citations. They also served as system defense and as a fleet command ship. Equipped[1] TIE Series starfighters (24)[4][2][7]Dropships[2][7]Troop transports[2][7]AT-AT walkers[2][7]Juggernauts[2][7]HAVr A9 Floating Fortresses[2][7] Minimum crew Equipped[1] Daily Up-dates. 4 years[4] Victory I-class Star Destroyer Historically, the one who can hit the hardest the fastest usually wins. Victory-class Star Destroyer[1] You're my only hope. [1], At one point during the Imperial Era, an Imperial commander who had a level of failure was exiled to command a Victory II at the edge of the Outer Rim Territories. Equipped[3] Death Star II (Battlestation) 2 Battlecruisers - Ilthmar's Fist (5 km long) and Pride of Tarlandia (5 km long) 33 Imperial Class Star Destroyers 3 Tector Class Star Destroyers 1 Victory Class Star Destroyer 3 Carrack Class Light Cruisers 3 Vindicator Class Heavy Cruisers 3 Immobilizer 418 Cruisers 4 EF76 Nebulon-B Escort Frigates The Victory II-class Star Destroyer was a class of Star Destroyer that was manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards as a successor to the original Victory-class Star Destroyer. 8,100 metric tons[4] Basically a bigger version of the Imperial and Victory Star Destroyers. Initially a life extension program, it became the Victory II program which introduced the Victory II-class, and sought to fix many problems from the previous model including increasing combat performance and longevity. Gladiator-class Star Destroyer. Most notably, the Bombard and the Crusader all but wiped out the notorious Eyttyrmin Batiiv pirates during the Battle of Khuiumin; the pirates were aware of the impending Imperial attack but were overconfident in their ability to defeat a pair of "antiquated" Victory Star Destroyers. [1], Many Victory IIs were relegated to serve as defense for a planetary garrison and light patrol duties on the edges of the Galactic Empire's authority. A small (500 meters) Star Destroyer that was originally developed as an escort craft for the Victory Star Destroyer, but later repurposed as a long-range patrol vessel. The Executor is about 19,000 meters in length and holds more than 5,000 weapon emplacements. It is more than twice the size of a standard Victory-class Imperial Star Destroyer. These flaws required that constant maintenance be given to the Victory-class by its crew for combat readiness, and it became known as a space coffin and unlucky ship. The Victory I-class Star Destroyer was developed from a prototype Star Destroyer model created by Colin Cantwell for Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope.[19]. Galactic Republic[8]Galactic Empire[4]Corporate Sector Authority[9]New RepublicGalactic Federation of Free AlliancesImperial RemnantConfederation The Victory appears very similar in appearance to the Imperial-class which succeeded it; albeit the Victory being considerably smaller in scale (900 meters in length versus 1600 meters), adds atmospheric maneuvering "wings" on the port and starboard sides (according to Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game sourcebooks, the Victory I-class can enter a planetary atmosphere which is a unique attribute not found in the Victory II and Imperial-class … Crew. ... and weapons make the VIC IV the most modern ship in the Imperial navy. Complement I'm making this discussion so everyone who has experience could give examples of Imperial Navy in tech 4, for raiding force and defending force. It carries an armament of 40/4 Turbolasers, 20/4 Dual Heavy Turbolasers, and 20/2 Ion Cannons. There are several examples which can be used to explore the performance characteristics of Imperial sublight drives: ANH: Battle of Yavin In the new canon we have seen Imperials operating in atmosphere so if Victory class SD's are re-introduced ( Tarkin canonized Victory's) they likely only differ for the reasons /u/Xephon7 gave. [Source], The Victory I-class Star Destroyer, also known as the Victory I-class Destroyer and Victoria I-class Star Destroyer, was a warship designed for planetary defense, planetary assault, ground troop support, and ship-to-ship combat. These massive dagger-shaped warships were the mainstay capital ships of the Imperial navy and one of the most recognizable symbols of the Galactic Empire’s military might. In addition, the Victory could also pursue other vessels hoping to escape by diving towards a planet. 1,785[4] How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Star Wars Missions 9: Revolt of the Battle Droids, Star Wars Missions 10: Showdown in Mos Eisley, Star Wars Missions 11: Bounty Hunters vs. Battle Droids, Star Wars Missions 12: The Vactooine Disaster, Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption, The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide I: Onslaught, Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook, The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels, Star Wars: The Official Figurine Collection 1, Star Wars: Rebellion: Prima's Official Strategy Guide, Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance: Prima's Official Strategy Guide, The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels, Star Wars: Empire at War: Prima Official Game Guide, Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 32, The Imperial Warlords: Despoilers of an Empire, Part 2, Star Wars: Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide, Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Battleground: Tatooine, Star Wars: Attack of the Clones Incredible Cross-Sections, Bavos-I heavy-duty military space platform, Bavos-II heavy-duty military space platform,, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function. Due to being clad in 9095-T8511 grade durasteel,[2] a Victory-class vessel was said to be capable of fighting a Dreadnaught-class cruiser to a stand-still.[13]. Designation. It was used by the Galactic Republic during the mid-Clone Wars,[8] the Galactic Empire and the Corporate Sector during the Galactic Civil War[10] and the Confederation during the Second Galactic Civil War.[11]. Escape craft The Victory II-class, which saw various improvements to the Victory I-class, such as much more powerful engines and greater specialization for anti-capital combat, entered into service with the Republic Navy … The Victory-class Star Destroyer was a line of capital ships manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards for the Galactic Republic. In addition, the Victory could also pursue other vessels hoping to escape by diving towards a planet. Such as in the Battle of Ciutric, while other Star Destroyers used their turbolasers to strip the shields and armor of enemy capital ships, Victory Destroyers were called upon to deliver devastating barrages of concussion missiles against their now-unprotected hulls. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Victory I-class saw use with the Republic Navy throughout the Clone Wars. [2], Some variants of the Victory-class were designed with three main thrusters and four auxiliary thrusters, like the larger Imperial-class. The Star Destroyer was rushed into production and service after many delays and politics, which resulted in a vast array of design flaws. Cargo capacity Help us. The order of battle considered one Victory-class Star Destroyer the equivalent of two Strike-class cruisers. Therefore, the presence of the cannons on the Victory-class in-game model is likely an unforeseen side-effect of it simply being a scaled down and modified version of the Imperial I-class model. Passengers It carries an armament of 60/6 Turbolasers, 20/4 Dual Heavy Turbolasers, and 40/4 Ion Cannons. This gave the ship a decided advantage of added precision when engaging in the ground attack operations the class was designed to carry out. [1], The Victory-class Star Destroyer was introduced at the height of the Clone Wars and served as an all-purpose heavy line-of-battle starship. Victory I-class Star Destroyers were 900 meters long, just over half the size of the later Imperial-class Star Destroyer. During the Battle of Denab, the Rebel commander was able to defeat each Imperial squadron separately before they could come to each others aid, otherwise the greater firepower of the Victory ships would have prevailed. Venator Class Star Destroyer Vs Imperial Star Destroyer; Venator Class Star Destroyer Model; Look 2Legends Any information drawn from non-canonical resources (Tales) should end up being shown in this section. Heavy squadrons often featured Victory-class Star Destroyers; at the systems force level and above, they accompanied larger Star Destroyers, Star Cruisers, and Star Dreadnoughts in major assaults. This design by Walex Blissex became a direct challenge to Kuat's Venator-class. The Victory-class Star Destroyer is the predecessor of the vastly famous and successful Imperial Star Destroyerand Super Star Destroyers, like some of the past republic attack cruisers it has the now iconic dagger shape that allows for concentrated fire as well as a larger firing arc. Model At least 1[1] Role(s) The Victory IV-class uses most of the modifications of the Vic III. On the surface the Imperial-class has more advantages over the Victory-class, with an ISD I in particular looking like a very favorable carrier due to its double offensive retrofits, but its higher cost could force some lists to go with the Victory.That, plus the lack of Corruptor could be a more serious issue than I may realize, which may make the Victory a more common carrier. Star Destroyer Cruiser. A third Victory Star Destroyer variant at the Battle of Balmorra. The Victory-class Star Destroyer is a 900 meter long warship from the Star Wars universe. The Victory II-class Star Destroyer, abbreviated VSD II, is a heavy frigate available to Imperial Remnant, Eriadu Authority and Zsinj's Empire in Eras 1–5. [10], At the start of the Clone Wars and the introduction of the Acclamator-class assault ship, the Arch-Provost of Rendili ordered industrial spies and ship-designers to come up with a way to curb Kuat's lead on new contracts with the Galactic Republic. Unsubscribe ... Is the Victory SD realy that smaller than the Imperial SD ? This article or section is in need of referencing per Wookieepedia's sourcing guidelines. [2] Some Victory variants dispensed with the atmospheric maneuvering surfaces altogether. 57,000,000 credits[3] Despite the rebuilds, the Victory II was not able to correct all of the issues of its predecessor. 6,107 officers, pilots, and enlisted crew operated a vessel, while 1,600 soldiers were stationed onboard. The New Essential Chronology mentioned that the Victory-class was the product of a "Victor Initiative Project". Is a 900 meter long warship from the Star Destroyer and TIE starfighters. Invaluable part of many Imperial squadrons the Executor is about 19,000 meters in length and holds more than twice size... Three main thrusters and two auxiliary thrusters, like the larger Imperial-class Imperial?. ’ d do the Venator eventually but only when the current projects and commissions are.! 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