why did hamlet kill polonius

why did hamlet kill polonius

Top subjects are Literature, History, and Social Sciences. Face Masks, Stickers, Tote Bags, and other Accessories, Giveaway! You have my father much offended. Hamlet. You are your husband’s brother’s wife. Hamlet. 0 0. Click to see full answer Then, why did Hamlet kill Laertes? Log in here. 30 [Lifts up the arras and discovers POLONIUS] Thou wretched, rash, intruding fool, farewell! When he hears the noise and movement coming from behind the curtain, he thinks it is his uncle, the king. It is the story of a prince named Hamlet, who lost his father. Top subjects are Literature, Law and Politics, and History. New questions in English. His subsequent disrespectful banter “fits right in” as a reason for buying some time with such an unfortunately disrespectful act. Why didn't Hamlet kill Claudius when he had the chance at the end of act 3, scene 3? When Hamlet came close to killing Claudius, it appeared to him that Claudius was seeking forgiveness, and that if he killed him then Claudius would go to heaven. Hamlet actually kills Polonius by mistake. 5) Why doesn’t Hamlet kill Claudius right away? HAMLET: Ay, lady, 'twas my word. 2. Act 4 scenes 2 and 3 are actually devoted entirely to the search for Polonius’ body: Rosencrantz. in the play Hamlet by william shakespeare? Hamlet storms into the room and asks his mother why she has sent for him. Gertrude is not prepared for Hamlet to put his hands on her. Both ‘rat’ and ‘ducat’ can also be said about a person, which makes Polonius’ death somehow necessary. Despite having the perfect opportunity to kill him, he did not want to go through with it while Claudius was praying. When he hears the noise and movement coming from behind the curtain, he thinks it is his uncle, the king. So, Polonius’ death was an accident. [behind] What, ho! He stabs blindly through the arras: Hamlet. Is this part of his crazy act? Yorrick- Dies of (presumably) old age, years before the play. [Makes a pass through the arras and] kills Polonius. Lv 4. He lives by his Christian faith, including the command­ment "Thou shalt not kill." 1 decade ago. Hamlet is a Shakespearean tragedy about Hamlet, the prince of Denmark, who discovers that his father was murdered and seeks revenge on Claudius, the one who killed him to become the king of Denmark. none other than Hamlet himself. In the previous scene, on his way to his mother’s bedchamber, Hamlet had already passed Claudius at prayer. Played by the right actor, self-absorbed, long-winded, and dull becomes completely hilarious. “I did not intend to imply that he hides the body expressly to prevent Polonius’ proper burial.”, Your sentence–as written–“Hamlet hides Polonius body, refusing to let him have a proper burial.”. But I do think also, Hamlet thought it was Claudius behind the tapestry. Two, he decides to hide it–WHY? He has an opportunity there to kill him, but chooses not to take it. Fortinbras Sr. - Before the play begins, King Hamlet kills him. Explain the significance of Hamlet's soliloquy in act 2, scene 2 of William Shakespeare's. His mother saw what he did. Shakespeare's drama Hamlet has become a central piece of literature of Western culture. you are my mother. Hamlet why does Hamlet kill Polonius . find him not within this month, you shall nose him as you go up Like I said, confusing. How has this conclusion been drawn? And bear it to the chapel. 4 years ago. Laertes is the son of Polonius and the brother of Ophelia. Polonius also screams for help from behind the carpet trying to save the queen. First, his corpse leads Hamlet to discuss in detail with Claudius the mortality and bodily (and spiritual) corruption of all mankind: ‘A certain convocation of politic worms are e'en at him.' No time to check the blog regularly? Leave wringing of your hands: peace! Sign up now, Latest answer posted July 21, 2019 at 4:56:06 PM, Latest answer posted July 19, 2019 at 1:14:35 AM, Latest answer posted February 10, 2014 at 10:42:22 PM, Latest answer posted November 19, 2020 at 1:33:52 PM, Latest answer posted December 26, 2014 at 11:45:21 PM. “Hamlet hides Polonius body, refusing to let him have a proper burial.”. But because of this murder, it triggers Polonius' son to come back to avenge his father's death, leading to the highly dramatic ending of the play. Gertrude. Gertrude. Thou wilt not murther me? Hamlet’s delay in killing Claudius represents another of Hamlet’s great mysteries. What makes Hamlet finally kill Claudius after so long? Because Gertrude is the object of Hamlet’s desire, and she has now died, Hamlet’s desire for his mother has also died. Thanks to everyone for participating. He also cuts in at their use of the words "mobledqueen" to say "Oh, that's good; 'mobled queen' is good." Gertrude agrees, and Polonius hides behind an arras, or tapestry. Claudius reaction has, as Hamlet anticipated, “caught the conscience of the king.” Gertrude, upset with her son for angering her husband, has requested Hamlet come to her bedchamber so she might speak with him. what is the context. If Hamlet were to deliberately kill Polonius it would be murder but Hamlet is not a murderer. But indeed, if you Hamlet hides Polonius body, refusing to let him have a proper burial. Polonius’s death occurs as a result of him being in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Soon after that he has to confront multiple obstacles and devises a series of situations to defend the new king's royalty. Hamlet’s mood at this point is pretty obvious. The timing here is subject to some debate. there, seek him i’ th’ other place yourself. Yes, Hamlet appears to think that it was the king hiding behind the curtain. Why Hamlet took to long to kill Claudius? Hamlet, believing that the figure behind the curtain is Claudius, stabs at it wildly. 0 0. apolito. Compounded it with dust, whereto ’tis kin. Rosencrantz. Hamlet Why did Hamlet kill Polonius? Hamlet actually kills Polonius by mistake. You are the Queen, your husband’s brother’s wife, What wilt thou do? Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. Polonius. The story so far: Hamlet has sprung his mouse trap, playing out Claudius’ crime in front of him with the help of the actors. Polonius helped Claudius to the throne, and was thus complicit in King Hamlet’s death. It’s possible that Hamlet took his time getting to his mother’s room eventually. Instead, Gertrude stands up and says, “I don’t have to take this!” and Hamlet shoves his mother back down, because he’s not done with her yet: Gertrude. His daughter, Ophelia, commits suicide under the extreme pressure placed on her by three powerful men – Claudius, Hamlet and Polonius, led by Polonius, who uses her as bait to prove his theory about Hamlet’s madness. help, help, help! Shakespeare Geek, The Original Shakespeare Blog. Hamlet himself offers several reasons throughout the play. Free Copies of “If We Were Villains” by M.L. will help you with any book or any question. A case of mistaken identify, if you will. It was an accident. a rat? could be ‘refusing”? Hamlet is finally able to kill Claudius because Gertrude has now died. Or that castles do tend to have secret passages and if there was a shortcut to Gertrude’s room, Claudius knew it. Once he is dead Polonius does not disappear from the play. (3. Polonius’ traits are proven through the relationships with the King, Ophelia, Leartes and Hamlet. Polonius was spying on hamlet, hamlet thought he was the king so he killed him. sit you down, Hamlet, as Brutus, will kill Polonius as Julius. Hamlet accidentally kills Polonius because he thought that he was Claudius, listening in on he and his mother's private conversation behind the curtain. But he could not: he was very excited – even on the brink of insanity … Nay, then I’ll set those to you that can speak. It was an accident. Go, go, you question with a wicked tongue. You question with a wicked tongue. Answered by jill d #170087 on 4/1/2015 7:50 PM 2. Hamlet annoys the king with his philosophical talks; King orders Hamlet to leave for England that very night; Claudius sends a letter to English king with a request to kill Hamlet. Hamlet, realizing he has killed Polonius says: Thou wretched, rash, intruding fool, farewell. Why does Hamlet kill Polonius? What is the importance of the gravedigger scene in the story of, What literary devices are used in the "To be or not to be" soliloquy in Shakespeare's. Mother, you have my father much offended. However, it is important to consider that regicide, in Elizabethan times, would certainly lead to Hamlet’s death. Dead for a ducat, dead! Polonius does not accept the facts but rather wants to discover the truth on his own. Claudius is … He’s been unhappy with his mother and is letting it all out. Hamlet. Basically, this is SNL-type humor: … In heaven. When one of the players delivers a heart-wrenching speech about Priam's death, Polonius interrupts to say (and we are not making this up), "This is too long" (2.2.523) (Admit it: you were thinking it, too.) She says that he has offended his father, meaning his stepfather, Claudius. Why Did Hamlet Kill Polonius ? To what end? Answered by jill d #170087 on 2/19/2015 3:33 PM Polonious is killed because Hamlet mistakenly identifies him as the King. Hamlet thought Claudius was hiding behind the arras! So it’s hardly unexpected when she yells to Polonius for help: Gertrude. In this sense, he stands in the way of Polonius’ body getting any burial at all. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. Or at this point does he truly care so little about such things that he doesn’t think twice about defiling a corpse? The title character of Shakespeare's classic tragedy Hamlet is the son of the late King Hamlet and Queen Gertrude. Why Did Hamlet Kill Polonius ? O, what a rash and bloody deed is this! "Brutus killed me." Hamlet didn’t know someone else was in the room. But Hamlet obviously knows that the thing you do with dead bodies is that you bury them, you don’t hide them. I actually like the word-play in this scene: “How now? Overwhelmed with emotions, he killed Polonius, who was hiding behind the curtain. He’s asked multiple times where he hid the body, so that they can give it a proper burial (“tell us, that we may take it thence and bear it to the chapel”). He was still hanging around the castle, it’s not like he tried to flee. Start your 48-hour free trial and unlock all the summaries, Q&A, and analyses you need to get better grades now. As kill a king, and marry with his brother. Similarly, Hamlet acted on adrenaline in Act 1, Scene 2, when he faced his mother’s death and felt the poison taking over his body. So, then, does Hamlet think that Claudius somehow beat him to the same destination? What have you done, my lord, with the dead body? Hamlet had no control over *how* and with what rites Polonius was buried. Answer Save. Hamlet. However Polonius is portrayed on the stage, he is thoroughly nasty. Help, help, ho! In the final scene, he kills Hamlet with a poisoned sword to avenge the deaths of his father and sister, for which he blamed Hamlet.While dying of … Who? Remember that the whole castle believes Hamlet to have lost his mind. At first, Hamlet thinks that it was the king behind the carpet. Asked by Erin B #424480 on 2/19/2015 3:28 PM Last updated by jill d #170087 on 2/19/2015 3:33 PM Answers 1 Add Yours. Winners will …. Gertrude, believing that Hamlet is going to harm her, calls out for help, causing Polonius to give himself away. Even more importantly, Polonius is now a murdered father, and his son, who has vanished from the action after Act I scene iii, returns as an avenger, to be set beside Hamlet in the audience's awareness of the problem of r… Through the death of Polonius, Hamlet has committed the very crime which he was seeking to punish; the son of a father murdered has himself murdered a father. Just as Hamlet had no scruples in arranging the deaths of Rosencrantz … Come, come, and sit you down. It also turned Ophelia against Hamlet and precipitated her suicide, which in turn led to Laertes, her brother fighting and mortally wounding Hamlet st the end. If your messenger find him not If that happens to dovetail with his ‘antics’ so much the better. Hamlet Kills Polonius. If Hamlet were to deliberately kill Polonius it would be murder but Hamlet is not a murderer. You shall not budge; I took thee for my better. It seems he was stalling for time. One, he took it from his mother’s room–the right thing to do. What just happened? While Gertrude and Hamlet are arguing heatedly, Polonius is spying from behind a tapestry. Rio. He avoids the question. In many ways, he becomes more significant: 1. Hamlet went to his mother’s closet, to discuss her marriage to Claudius, and how Hamlet believed her to … UPDATE:  Contest over! Hamlet is rude in his words, the queen gets scared that he is going to kill her and calls for help. Part of this rash action could be attributed to Hamlet sparing Claudius earlier. Favorite Answer. Hence when he sees that it’s Polonius who’s died he says ‘Thou wretched, rash, intruding fool, farewell; / I took thee for thy better’ (3.4.29-30), where ‘better’ means ‘social superior’. See answer rettdangeorgirl is waiting for your help. >”In this sense, he stands in the way of Polonius’ body getting any burial at all.”, >”I honestly don’t think he was stalling for time…He was still hanging around the castle, it’s not like he tried to flee.”. Hamlet killing Polonius gives Claudius a perfect opportunity to banish the ‘crazed’ nephew he had grown so tired of. Check out the scene where Hamlet's directing the players (actors). Add your answer and earn points. If Hamlet had stormed off at this moment, having made his point, the play would have gone differently. I took thee for thy better: take thy fortune; Thou find'st to be too busy is some danger. What happens next is not. 3 Answers. Are you a teacher? At a point in the play where the line between Hamlet's performative madness and an actual madness that may be brewing beneath the surface is becoming increasingly blurred, Hamlet kills Polonius by complete accident. I think he just decided to keep up his antic disposition (or, perhaps, it had no overtaken him for real), and needed to put forward the idea that Polonius’ death meant absolutely nothing to him. Send thither to see. 4. There’s a short and easy answer to the question of why Hamlet killed Polonius. When researching Julius Caesar, it is introduced that Brutus is a very loyal friend to Julius, but ends up killing him. Right now the audience is thinking the same thing that Gertrude is. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Shakespeare's Hamlet. Kill it! And (would it were not so!) Up to this point in the play he hasn’t really done anything. 2 thoughts on “ Did Hamlet Intend to Kill Polonius? [draws] How now? King Hamlet - Before the play begins, he was dead. Dead for a ducat, dead!” Stubborn “I have found / the very cause of Hamlet’s lunacy” (II.ii.48-49). unfortunately did. Polonius is a character in William Shakespeare's Hamlet.He is chief counsellor of the play's villain, Claudius, and the father of Laertes and Ophelia.Generally regarded as wrong in every judgment he makes over the course of the play, Polonius is described by William Hazlitt as a "sincere" father, but also "a busy-body, [who] is accordingly officious, garrulous, and impertinent". This is *the* reason, or even *a* reason, Hamlet hid the body? You done, my lord, with the dead body of his girlfriend ’ s right! Have lost his father to your inbox killed Polonius he tells Claudius where it is that. Free trial and unlock all the summaries, Q & a, and marry with his antics! 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