world record fish list
But have you even heard of a Lenok? The river has been kept quiet though it is know that it is a river in Sussex. Where’s All the Damn Ammo? How to join in. Catching this fish can prove to be somewhat of a doozy, mainly due to the location where one needs to fish. As of June 2009 Peter Dowdeswell (UK) has set and/or broken 313 world records of which over 100 are listed with Record Holders Republic. Weight: 990 pounds. Federal Premium’s President Has Some Answers. Animals. The IGFA maintains the World Records for all species of game fish. Your donation helps us to run this time and cost intensive website - and provide you with the high quality content you'd expect from us! Location: Ceduna, Australia. This page lists all barbel river records that have been validated and witnessed and listed as the official record for each UK river. At just 54.6 cm (21.5 in), Nepalese-born Chandra Bahadur Dangi was, at the time of his death in 2015, the world's shortest person ever verified. To make this task easier, here's a list of all the fishing challenges and where one can go to beat them. It measures 12,000 square feet and is located at the Canary Wharf … 3-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Check out some of the wildest world records you've ever set eyes upon. Peg 19 Boundary pool, Manor Farm Leisure. Human body. See IGFA “World Record Game Fish” book for more details.) (photo credit: Tom Schlichter) The fish in question include: Black bullhead Catfish (Ameiurus melas), Doctor fish (Garra rufa), Fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas),[205] Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), Smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu), Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii), Sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus), Topmouth gudgeon (Pseudorasbora parva), Sunbleak (Leucaspius delineatus),[205] Walleye (Sander vitreus). The Largest Fish… Copyright © 2021 Outdoor Life. Entry form. Those in-the-know on the European carp scene had tipped Euro Aqua to break the world carp record, although many UK carpers had never heard of the venue until that 101 lb giant. Location: North American rivers and Pacific estuaries. The time since last record fish was caught is 162 days. Anyone found introducing non indigenous (invasive) species to any external body of UK water will be breaching the Import of Live Fish (England and Wales) Act 1980 and will be prosecuted. Use the search form above to find fishing world records for freshwater fish, saltwater fish, and more. Identifying Feature: Flat,… UK Shore Caught Record Fish Please note: We endeavor to keep this list of UK shore caught record fish as accurate and up to date as possible. At one time, Dunaway actually held records for all nine billfish species simultaneously, a record that will never be duplicated, says Mike Leech. Peter Dowdeswell. ", "Commissioned Report No.284 - Vendace in Loch Earn", "Record-breaking goldfish caught in UEA lake", "Record Blue Trout, Pennine Fishey, Lancashire", "16.12.2011 - Fishery Record Broken - AGAIN! Are you thinking of making a record application (either as an individual or in a small team) in the next few months? But others delayed", "Video interview with new bream record holder Mark McKenna", "Bream Record Broken from Swithland Reservoir", "English Stillwaters (Archived by WebCite®)", "Mill Farm Fishery smashes silver bream record - again! A Bonnier Corporation Company. Many products featured on this site were editorially chosen. mahimahi and dorado) ever caught and approved as IGFA All-Tackle World Records. To obtain a form, call IGFA at 954/941-3474. Altai Osman This world record altai osman was caught in 2009 by Yuri Diachenko on Lake Khoton, Mongolia. Ashrita Furman - Most Guinness World Records titles held. Year Caught: 2005. Glassell initially set the world record in 1952, when he became the first … Article dated 24th September 1969", "Taxidermy fish trophy: Record eel goes up for sale", "All Ireland Species Action Plans - Pollan Coregonus autumnalis", "A Fisherman's Tale: The Monster Fish of the River Frome", "largest Sturgeon captured by Rod and Reel with a picture and published", "Did Sturgeon ever breed in British waters? There have been many ambiguous record claims over the years. The GREATEST Fish utilising Deeper Smart Sonar are ambitiously targeting a wish-list of IGFA All-Tackle World Record species from across the globe. Where Do We Draw the Line on New Hunting Technology? Official and informal world records of freshwater fishes. Below is a list of all 50 states with links to each state's DNR site to investigate current state records, lake records in some cases and even the top 10 catches for each species. Arawana This world record arawana was caught in 2008 in Brazil's Rio Camaiu by Johnny Hoffmann. 12 Arctic Grayling Salmon One of the two smallest fish in the fishing records that you need to catch is the Arctic Grayling Salmon. Scawsby Fisheries served 33lb (15kg) of battered cod alongside 64lb (29kg) of chips. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Tanyard Beck / Daking Brook / Cawthorne Dike. Most anglers are familiar with world record catches of popular species such as bass and walleyes, but our good friend Heinz Machacek at. It came in at 12 pounds, 13 ounces and 31 inches. But as time progressed, questions began swirling about the legitimacy of this record claim -- particularly the reported girth measurement of 29 inches. The Black Marlin is truly a… Since it’s not an actual fish, “Big booty Rosie Perez fish” was not counted. About GWR DAY. /", "Shaun captures world record mullet at Oulton Broad", "UK Rod caught record fish (updated spring 2013)", " /web/Lymm Angling", "Golden orfe British record equalled at day ticket venue", "Three new record fish claims provisionally accepted by British Record Fish Committee", "British Record Fish 20 May 2009 /", "Top Tench Captures (As at January 2012) /", "Huge Rainbow Trout 34lb 12oz Loch Earn this week", "Angling row after record-breaking catch rejected", "First Pacific Humpback Salmon caught in the UK", "Is this the last burbot caught in the UK? Anderson brought home a massive fish that weighed just under 150 pounds and was barely under five feet long. You’ll find more info on other record mahi at the end of this gallery. The sport anglers’ favorite, Marlin stands first in this list of the world’s largest fish. A Doncaster chip shop claims to have broken the world record for the largest portion of cod and chips. Once you have your pictures and line samples, fill out the official IGFA record form and send in your documents. Best Coffee Maker: How to Choose the Machine That’s Right for You, 5 Best Fly Tying Kits: A Buyer’s Guide to Fly Tying Supplies, Best Stainless Steel Water Bottle: Stay Hydrated on the Go, The 8 Best Modern Muzzleloaders (Plus a Totally New Ignition System), First Look: Benelli’s Super Black Eagle 3 Is Now Offered in 20-Gauge and 3-Inch 12-Gauge, How to Keep Your Hunting Truck Running This Winter (and Stay Safe During Cold Weather Travel), Get Inside a Buck’s Core Area Without Spooking It, 5 Old-School Snow Goose Tactics That Still Work Today, The New 6.8 Western is a Versatile Big-Game Hunting and Long-Range Shooting Cartridge from Browning and Winchester. The first database that includes all large freshwater fish worldwide! (Photo: If you are intested in catching a record fish in your state, you might want to check out the current records and regulations for getting your catch certified. 5 oz 8 dr Bleak caught by David Selley on the River Lark 2017. In the list of Top 10 Largest Freshwater Fish In The World, Alligator Gar is at no 3. This … Three men are seen holding this fish in the pictures. Harper's fish was submitted for record consideration, and was quickly approved by Field & Stream as the new world record walleye. GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS ATTRACTIONS. Outdoor Life may receive financial compensation for products purchased through this site. This list is of the heaviest European freshwater fish caught using the traditional angling method of rod and line. The first target species on the list is the Goonch Catfish (Bagarius Yarrelli), also going by the name “Giant Devil Catfish”. All rights reserved. Weight: 646 lbs (293 kg) Length: c. 9 ft (2.7 m) Location: Northern Thailand. Richard Anderson’s world-record blue catfish ©Photo from Dallas Weston. Records to include the angler, species, weight, date, venue, also referenced with a recognizable publication. Length: 20 feet. World Records: Most: 106. Fishing World Records. fishing records sorted by fish family. Guinness World Records Day. Anglers Mail secured the exclusive pictures of the fish, which was landed by specimen angler Scot Crook from Cambridgeshire’s Ferry Lagoon, a super-tough water that has been well known for a number of years for its record breaking potential.. Alfred Dean’s 1959 record is by far the biggest fish ever caught and… Alligator Gar. However, claims for new record fish are submitted on an ongoing basis and can take a long time to be processed and verified by the British Record Fish Committee. Well how about being a part of Guinness World Records' biggest event of the year, GWR Day? Congrats Robby 71-04", "Britains biggest carp denied official record", "Drennan Cup holder Neill Stephen's sensational 9lb 5oz Chub", "British Record Crucian carp - Full Story", "New British record crucian claim submitted – 4lb 11oz Dorset specimen", "Grass carp catch is the biggest made in Britain", "Grass carp catch is the biggest made in Britain/", "The British grayling record is smashed! The world's shortest verified man is Chandra Bahadur Dangi, while for women Pauline Musters holds the record. The current British barbel record was caught by Colin Smithson on 7th November 2019 weighing 21lb 2oz. However, claims for new record fish are submitted on a regular basis and the process of verifying a record is lengthy, requiring the British Record Fish Committee to meet in London to decide fish which have been submitted as British records. Records and photos of the 500 largest freshwater fishes worldwide. ", "Young angler nets biggest ever silver bream", "Angling: Burbot – little devils may be lurking in East Anglia", "69lb 13oz carp known as Big Rig smashes the current British record", "Wokingham angler Dean Fletcher claims new carp record", "New British Record – Dean Fletcher's Story! While all these three species are cartilaginous fishes, the largest bony fish is the ocean sunfish, and it comes in at number six on our list of the world's biggest fish. Venue for the capture of the 58 kg European record Huchen (hucho hucho) in 1938 The record for the largest blue catfish caught was claimed by a man in Virginia by the name of Richard Anderson. Testing must be done to ensure the class record of the fish. (Image credit: Angler's Mail) Water widely unheard of until 2012’s 101-pounder. New British Record Rod Caught Brownie", "Stock Photo of Stuffed trout in display cabinet caught 1900 at Caversham Lock", "British Record Rainbow Trout caught by R Walker, Avington", "Britain's heaviest freshwater fish – this 145-pounder! Oh, and in case you do, here’s the application for International Game Fish Association (IGFA) world record recognition. Here’s a list of the world record holders for nearly all recorded freshwater and saltwater fish. ", "Two Tone 67lb 14oz British Record Mirror Carp", "Where are they now, former carp record holder Roddy Porter", "Bluebell Lakes Official Record Fish "Benson, "River records for chub and perch fall October 20, 2009", "BRFC Announces new records and equal records 09.06.15", "Johnsons Club Records photo Steve Frapwell Crucian", "****club record**** Colin Hebb with a new club record Ide 6lb10oz from River Hull", "Colin Hebb - Hull & District Anglers Association", "The day the British record came for Mike Wilkinson", "Coarse Fishing in the South Wessex Area", "Cased Taxidermy stuffed Roach 'British Record Roach, 4lb 3oz, "Stop Press! Coarse Fish Records", "Historic - tench, bream and barbel records", "Tony Gibson has twice broken the British barbel record", "Fishing the river bank, Steve Curtain record barbel 2001", "Fishing the river bank, Ray Walton record barbel 1999", "Fishing the river bank, Martin Bowler record barbel Jan 1999", "The Predation Action Group – Predation Report 1", "New British records! Trout Cod This world record trout cod was taken in 2002 by Ryan Payne on the Talbingo Reservoir, Australia. Those fish were Atlantic and Pacific blue marlin, Atlantic and Pacific sailfish, swordfish, black marlin, white marlin, striped … The following are some the heaviest dolphin (a.k.a. Tiger Trout", "Biggest British ide turns up in major river - Anglers Mail 4th Aug 2017", "British Record Fish Committee. PRODUCTS GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS 2021. SHOWCASE. The fish wieghed 17 pounds and measured 26-inches long. By now, everyone has seen photographs of the world record largemouth bass caught in Japan last year. It weighed 25 pounds, 6 ounces and measured 47 inches. GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS … You can search all IGFA World Records for freshwater and saltwater fishes in All-TackleLine Class, All-Tackle Length for male, female and junior anglers. Here are a few of those that never made the record list, with the reason why in bold: These fish are classed as a significant risk to our native species and if caught must be removed immediately to protect the wider environment and should be reported to the Environment Agency (EA). Anthony Monica’s 25-pound tautog, caught out of Ocean City, New Jersey, has stood since 1998. Species: Mekong Giant… Black Marlin | 1,560 pounds. Search for the biggest fish in the International Game Fish Association's database of biggest fish for each species. Note that this does not apply to non indigenous fish which are included on the main record … If its IGFA application is approved, this massive blackfish will bump the current record of 25 pounds caught out of Ocean City, New Jersey by Anthony Monica in 1998. (Different rules apply for fly records. GWR DAY. Current records supported by photographic evidence, Current records not supported by any photographic evidence, Ambiguous record claims (no venue given /not accepted / expunged), Dangerous non-indigenous (invasive) alien species, 21 lb 2oz Barbel caught by Chris Mack on the Wensum 2008, 38 lb Ferox Brown Trout caught by old Willie Maule, 8 lb Burbot largest ever recorded in England, caught from the river Trent around 1700–1800, 83lb 4oz Mirror Carp "Big Plated" caught from Wingham syndicate carp lake in Kent, November 2017, 10 lb 8oz Chub caught from the River Annan in 1955 by Dr. J. Food and drink. Note that this does not apply to non indigenous fish which are included on the main record list which are, This page was last edited on 7 January 2021, at 00:10. Keep these numbers in the back of your mind the next time you hook a big one! A new British record bream has been caught at a weight of 22lb 12oz. ", "10 stone catfish thought to be UK's largest freshwater catch /", "Kevin Wyatt discusses his highlights of Fenland and Specimen Angling", "The Top 50 Rod Caught Zander in UK- Dated Jan 2013", "The Top 50 Rod Caught Zander in UK- Dated Jan 2013 (Archived by WebCite®)", "Alien fish continue to spread in UK rivers", Confédération Internationale de la Pêche Sportive,, Recreational fishing in the United Kingdom, Articles with dead external links from September 2019, Articles with permanently dead external links, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. His rap extended beyond 30 seconds, but only the fish mentioned in the :30 time limit were counted. Date: April 21, 1959. The world’s largest 3D painting. English carp Derek Fell had this 98-pounder in June 2014. A. Cameron, 4lb 14oz Crucian caught by Howard Reeve at Borwick Lakes Fishery, Carnforth, Lancs, April 2015, 1lb 6oz Dace caught from a Nene tributary Feb 2016, 13 lb 1oz Eel caught by Dave saunders at Idenwood Fishery, East Sussex in 2010, 9lb Golden Orfe (estimated) caught by Bob Roberts at Anglers Paradise, Devon in Feb 2009, 5 lb Grayling caught by Dave Williams from the River Severn near Newtown, Wales, in 2010, 6oz Gudgeon caught by Ashley Bennett from the River Wandle in 2016, 1lb 3oz 4dr Lamprey (river) caught by S.Clews from River Severn in May 1924, 6 lb 4oz Perch caught by angler known as "Bill" from River Thames in March 2014, Largest ever Pike found dead at River Endrick/Loch Lomond in 1934, 5 lb 2oz Rudd caught Adrian Cannon from a Fenland Drain 2012, Dean Fletcher's 68lb 1oz British record carp, Neill Stephen's 9lb 5oz British record-equaling chub of 2012 at the weigh in, courtesy of YouTube, Oz Holness's 67lb 8oz British record carp "Two Tone" being weighed in, 2008 courtesy of YouTube, Import of Live Fish (England and Wales) Act 1980, International Union for Conservation of Nature, "British Record Coarse Fish List January 1, 2020)", "Five new record fish claims ratified by British Record Fish Committee 2019", "Five new record fish claims ratified by British Record Fish Committee 03.12.2019", "Top 50 Biggest Fish Hall of Fame April 2015", "New Records ratified at Latest meeting of the BRFC 20.12.12", "New Records ratified at Latest meeting of the BRFC 20.12.12 (Archived)", "Biggest common carp ever caught in Britain "Tarka, "A short breakdown of the different carp species "Heather, "Steve banks Heather at 54lb 8oz /web/", "Big Rig the carp caught at British record weight of 71lb 4oz", "Big Rigs got bigger ! Validated and witnessed and listed as the official record for each UK.... To fish New world record by the name of Richard Anderson search form above to find fishing world records biggest... New Jersey, has stood since 1998 the second and third biggest fishes in the next time you a... 12 pounds, 6 ounces and measured 47 inches the International Game fish Association IGFA! World record trout cod was taken in 2002 by Ryan Payne on the river has been caught at weight! Claims over the years a river in Sussex a world record fish list fish that just! The record for the largest portion of cod and chips s 25-pound tautog, caught out of Ocean,... River has been caught at a weight of 22lb 12oz June 2014 record was caught Colin... Truly a… by now, everyone has seen photographs of the two smallest fish in the Game! Quiet world record fish list it is know that it is know that it is a river in Sussex recorded freshwater and fish... 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