zebrafish as screening model for detecting toxicity and drugs efficacy

zebrafish as screening model for detecting toxicity and drugs efficacy

Initially, in the early 1970s, the interest on zebrafish was as a model system, when it was selected to develop the first vertebrate assay enabling forward genetic screening[1]. According to the United States government, rodent and rabbit toxicity testing has been the standard for assessing acute toxicity since the 1950s. This may be due to rodents’ ability to compensate loss of myocytes by recruiting alternative mechanisms. Heart regeneration in zebrafish. While larger animals such as mice, rats, rabbits and dogs are generally appropriate models to use; they present significant limitations, particularly with respect to cost, time, ethical concerns and sample size. However, has been described the inconvenient to work with the larvae, arguing that the CYP system, which plays an essential role in drug metabolism, is not yet fully developed in larvae and suggesting that some CYPs appear to be lacking in the early zebrafish life[101]. Holmgren G, Synnergren J, Bogestål Y, Améen C, Åkesson K, Holmgren S, Lindahl A, Sartipy P. Identification of novel biomarkers for doxorubicin-induced toxicity in human cardiomyocytes derived from pluripotent stem cells. Zebrafish are increasingly being used as a model organism to assess compound toxicity, safety, and efficacy of drugs; numerous studies confirm that mammalian and zebrafish toxicity profiles are strikingly similar. Sedmera D, Reckova M, deAlmeida A, Sedmerova M, Biermann M, Volejnik J, Sarre A, Raddatz E, McCarthy RA, Gourdie RG, Thompson RP. This review surveys recent studies employing zebrafish as experimental model, comparing it with other, models, presenting zebrafish as a potent vertebrate tool to evaluate drug toxicity and efficacy in order to. Further experimentation indicated that the green callus with the highest AZA was found to be non-toxic (LC50 at 4606 µg mL−1) to the zebrafish animal model. 102. In vivo zebrafish assays for analyzing drug toxicity. Andersen ND, Ramachandran KV, Bao MM, Kirby ML, Pitt GS, Hutson MR. Calcium signaling regulates ventricular hypertrophy during development independent of contraction or blood flow. Those events are linked to a higher risk of torsade, , presenting some limitations. It permits the independent analysis of cardio-, neuro-, and hepatotoxicity effects in the same animal. 21. In that line, cardio-, neuro-, and hepatotoxicities are among the main reasons behind the retirement of drugs in clinical phases and post market withdrawal. On the other hand, adult zebrafish can exhibit the amazing regenerative heart muscle capacity, while adult mammalian hearts lack this potential. Advantages of the zebrafish embryo as a model. In this article, we’ll explore fluorescent transgenic zebrafish lines in particular, and how they can be used in Drug Discovery and development. The reporting frequency of many drugs was gender-dependent (e.g., antiviral and anti-cancer drugs for males and antibacterial drugs for females) as well as age-dependent (e.g., antiviral and anti-cancer drugs for the middle age group of 20-29, 30-39, and 40-49). Thus, in many respects, the use of the zebrafish as a model for studies of cardio- behavior, genotoxicity or hepatotoxicity would allow the researcher to overcome many of the challenges presented by using other animals models, including limitations on sample size and higher monetary and time costs[66,69,74,82]. J Appl Toxicol 2013;33:466-70. Therefore, we discuss here the role of sirtuin 1 modulation in hepatoprotection. Thus, the use of the zebrafish as a model in these studies will facilitate more extensive, easy and comprehensive knowledge of drugs cardiotoxicity, generating a deeper understanding of that process. Eur J Pharmacol 2008;592:123-7. 62. 53. The decrement of melanin production and tyrosinase activity were correlated with the mRNA suppression of Mitf which in turn down-regulate Tyr, Trp-1 and Trp-2. Nevertheless, ECG is widely used for heartbeat detection in adult zebrafish since ECG waveforms' similarity between zebrafish and humans is prominent. Zebrafish are amenable small teleost, incessantly used for drug screening, efficacy studies and toxicity testing[65,68,69,86]. Parameters such as apoptosis, liver opacity or size, can be evaluated in the zebrafish. Since hepatotoxicity is derived from metabolic processes, zebrafish are useful to study DILI with in vivo models. Due to the limited number of transgenic zebrafish leukemia models, we explored human leukemic cell xenograft in zebrafish embryos. As it has been described, toxicity testing of drugs in recent years has employed various animal models[104,105]. The emergence of zebrafish as a model for assessing cardio- neuro- or geno- toxicity of drugs is reflective of its advantages over other animal models with respect to the principles of the 3Rs (replacement, reduction and refinement). Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor treatment improves left ventricular function and mortality in a murine model of doxorubicin-induced heart failure. 17. Zebrafish are a menable small teleost, incessantly used for drug screening, eff icacy studies and toxicity testing [65,68,69,8 6] . Although the zebrafish heart is two-chambered, its fundamental electrical properties are remarkably similar to those of humans. In silico prediction of drug-induced liver injury based on adverse drug reaction reports. Wnt11 patterns a myocardial electrical gradient through regulation of the L-type Ca(2+) channel. 1 Transgenic fish provide excellent models of transplantable T-cell acute lymphoid leukemia 2 that could be used for assessing drug efficacy. Normal anatomy and histology of the adult zebrafish. Timing of new black box warnings and withdrawals for prescription medications. Development 1996;123:285-92. This fact is one of the most important outcomes of cardiotoxicity assessment of new molecules[9], together with the reduction in human ether-a-go-go-related gene (hERG), the alpha subunit of potassium ion channel that mediates the repolarizing current, an effect that can evolve into life-threatening pro-arrhythmic episodes. 54. Chang C, Wu SL, Zhao XD, Zhao CT, Li YH. Devaux A, Pesonen M, Monod G. Alkaline comet assay in rainbow trout hepatocytes. Antipsychotics are a class of medications primarily used to manage psychosis (including delusions, hallucinations, or disordered thought), particularly in schizophrenia and bipolar disorders, by alleviating such symptoms as hallucinations, both visual and auditory, and paranoid thoughts[56]. Thus, the close resemblance of the genetic cascade governing heart development in zebrafish to that of humans has propelled the zebrafish system as a cost-effective model to conduct pharmacological screens on developing embryos and larvae as well as to provide data to generate computational models to evaluate in silico drugs studies[79,81]. Despite superior animals have been for many year models of excellence used to evaluate drugs toxicity, population's pressure seeks, theirs reduction. To face this flow of novel genetic information, it is important to have suitable animal models to study the mechanisms regulating thyroid development and thyroid hormone availability and activity. In the past decades, the type of chemicals has gradually increased all over the world, and many of these chemicals may have a potentially toxic effect on human health. Cellular impedance assays for predictive preclinical drug screening of kinase inhibitor cardiovascular toxicity. Clozapine-induced myocarditis: role of catecholamines in a murine model. The zebrafish reference genome sequence and its relationship to the human genome. For TST, the major human metabolite could not be detected and MDZ was not metabolized. Rennekamp AJ, Peterson RT. The toxicity effect of FLA and FLB on zebrafish model may be influenced by factors including absorption and exposure time [26]. Fischer PW, Salloum F, Das A, Hyder H, Kukreja RC. J Mol Cell Cardiol 2015;80:1-9. Zhang X, Li C, Gong Z. Earlier zebrafish have been used for evaluating the toxicity of agrochemical agents[3] but more recently, their use for toxicity assessment of pharmaceutical compounds has been greatly increased[4]. Approximately 84% of total cases were reported during the first 6 months of administration. Most of the studied extracts were polar, such as ethanol, methanol, and aqueous solutions, which were used to detect the toxicity and bioactivity. Lipid uptake, metabolism, and transport in the larval zebrafish. Cardiotoxicological effects of aripiprazole, clozapine, olanzapine, quetiapine, risperidone and ziprasidone were documented[56]. Zon LI, Peterson RT. Hill AJ, Teraoka H, Heideman W, Peterson RE. The small size and the high number of the zebrafish progeny allow the parallel and reproducible testing of several drugs and dosages in simple multiwell plates. The zebrafish presents itself as a reliable vertebrate model to evaluate, developmental toxicity, general toxicity and to make an initial drug screening. The study reveals genotoxic pressure by genotoxic agents. Higher doxorubicin doses had lethal effects, whereas lower concentrations resulted in sub-lethal effects and malformations, as well as changes in the heart rate[52]. Zebrafish toxicity studies range from assessing the toxicity of bioactive compounds or crude extracts from plants to determining the optimal process. Fang M, Guo J, Chen D, Li A, Hinton DE, Dong W. Halogenated carbazoles induce cardiotoxicity in developing zebrafish embryos (Danio rerio). Bartman T, Walsh EC, Wen KK, McKane M, Ren J, Alexander J, Rubenstein PA, Stainier D. Early myocardial function affects endocardial cushion development in zebrafish. The syntenic relationship of the zebrafish and human genomes. For centuries, Azadirachta indica or neem has been utilized as a primary source of medicine due to its antimicrobial, larvacidal, antimalarial and antifungal properties. Pharmaceuticals, illicit drugs, and toxins can significantly contribute to the overall cardiovascular burden and thus deserve attention. Structural analysis showed pyrimidine derivatives, purine derivatives, and halogenated hydrocarbon were critical for drugs' hepatotoxicity. 16. PLoS One 2014;9:e91874. 31. 70. Because of these limitations, the need for use of other alternative animal, . doi. Abdel-Wahab BA, Metwally ME, El-khawanki MM, Hashim AM. Leon C, Gerretsen P, Uchida H, Suzuki T, Rajji T, Mamo DC. Using genomic editing approaches as CRISPR/Cas9[82], or artificial site-specific nucleases such as zinc-finger nucleases, and transcription activator-like nucleases[83,84], genes can be inactivated in vivo, mimicking human phenotypes, and obtaining information about human diseases with genetic background[81,85,86]. The zebrafish model is a bridge between in vitro assays and mammalian in vivo studies. Adv Neurol 2005;95:71-102. 77. 50. Finally, zebrafish can be used to detect undesirable adverse effects, developmental neurotoxicity or to screen for neuroactive compounds 25-26 and these are just a few examples of the numerous possibilities of how zebrafish embryos and larvae can be successfully utilised in early drug … Preclinical screening with animal models is an important initial step in clinical translation of new drug delivery systems. This model is powerful in its breadth of application and tractability for research. Hein SJ, Lehmann LH, Kossack M, Juergensen L, Fuchs D, Katus HA, Hassel D. Advanced echocardiography in adult zebrafish reveals delayed recovery of heart function after myocardial cryoinjury. A genetic syndrome called Dravet syndrome (DS), is linked to more than 300 de novo mutations present in a neuronal voltage-gated sodium channel. Cardiovasc Toxicol 2016;16:46-53. Comput Biol Med 2014;47:20-6. The zebrafish (Danio rerio) is used as an embryonic and larval model to perform in vitro experiments and developmental toxicity studies. It was evaluated lethal and sub-lethal doses of doxorubicin in embryo-larva at different time points, 4 and 120 h post fertilization (hpf)[52]. The comet assay was employed to evaluate the presence of micronuclei in gonad, liver, or gild[68,69]. Sewing S, Boess F, Moisan A, Bertinetti-Lapatki C, Minz T, Hedtjaern M, Tessier Y, Schuler F, Singer T, Roth AB. Flavokawain A (FLA) and flavokawain B (FLB) have been reported with anti-melanogenic activity, but their melanogenic inhibition and toxicity effects on the vertebrate model of zebrafish are still unknown. Zebrafish as a Model for Translational Research. Peer D, Karp JM, Omid SH, Farokhzad C, Margalit R, Langer R. Nanocarriers as an emerging platform for cancer therapy. Toxicity assessment and melanogenesis inhibition on zebrafish model was further observed. The highest callus weight and accumulation of AZA was recorded in green callus (214.53 ± 33.63 mg g−1 dry weight (DW)) induced using TDZ. (2019) A zebrafish drug screening platform boosts the discovery of novel therapeutics for spinal cord injury in mammals. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2016;100:371-9. imprint. Finally, it might allow the Replacement of classical species, such as rodents and larger mammals, thanks to its high predictivity (Specificity: 89%, Sensitivity: 68% and Accuracy: 78%). Lancet 1996;347:1432-8. Schug SA, Saunders D, Kurowski I, Paech MJ. Cornet C, Calzolari S, Miñana-Prieto R, Dyballa S, van Doornmalen E, Rutjes H, Savy T, D'Amico D, Terriente J. ZeGlobalTox: an innovative approach to address organ drug toxicity using zebrafish. eNeuro 2015;2:ENEURO.0068-15.2015. 46. Zebrafish may be used to determine the toxicity of samples in early screening assays, often in a high-throughput manner. FLA and FLB significantly reduced the specific cellular melanin content by 4.3-fold and 9.6-fold decrement, respectively in α-MSH-induced B16/F10 cells. Nord J Psychiatry 2008;62:342-5. 2 and Haffter et al. Thomas D, Karle CA, Kiehn J. . Curr Psychiatry Rep 2010;12:28-33. 90. To date, almost all of the components of the zebrafish thyroid axis have been characterized and are structurally and functionally comparable with those of higher vertebrates. On the other hand, toxic effects observed under exposure to effluents treated by microalgae were alike to those determined for acetaminophen experimental solutions with equivalent concentration. 72. Particular emphasis is given to clinically relevant topics including the cardiovascular toxicity of illicit sympathomimetic drugs (e.g., cocaine, amphetamines, cathinones), drugs that prolong the QT interval, antidysrhythmic drugs, digoxin and other cardioactive steroids, beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, female hormones, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, and anticancer compounds encompassing anthracyclines and novel targeted therapy interfering with the HER2 or the vascular endothelial growth factor pathway. The higher toxicity effect of FLB as compared to FLA was in line with other reports [62,63], and zebrafish has become a more powerful approach as toxicological model with high genetic homology to mammals. In both lines, endothelial cells and cardiomyocytes were affected, in a similar manner similar to familial phenotype presented with DCM in human[90]. Doxorubicin: an update on anticancer molecular action, toxicity and novel drug delivery systems. Cardiotoxicity in rabbits after long-term nandrolone decanoate administration. For instance, clozapine has been found to induce myocarditis in rats, which exhibited inflammatory response, myocyte vacuolar degradation, myofiber necrosis and interstitial fibrosis[61,62]. The present study investigated the effect of the plant growth regulators (PGRs) thiadiazuron (TDZ) and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) on the induction of colored callus formation and subsequent accumulation of azadirachtin (AZA) in A. indica. In this sense, despite higher animals have been for many year models of excellence used to evaluate drugs toxicity, the zebrafish presents itself as a reliable vertebrate model to determine, developmental toxicity, general toxicity and to perform an initial drug screening (Caballero and Candiracci, 2018), their use for toxicity assessment of pharmaceutical compounds has been greatly increased … Concomitantly, FLA significantly reduced the specific cellular tyrosinase activity by 7-fold whilst FLB by 9-fold. This model is powerful in its breadth of application and tractability for research. Our zebrafish model provides an ideal platform for the simultaneous evaluation in vivo of LSC proliferation, angiogenesis, and metastasis (migration) as well as drug-related side effects. J Unexplored Med Data 2018;3:4. Zhu XW, Li SJ. A systematic genome-wide analysis of zebrafish protein-coding gene function. Derived from its use, have been reported comparable results to the data obtained with higher models[14-16]. As cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYPs) play an essential role in this process, in vitro drug metabolism of four human CYP-specific substrates, i.e. Pott A, Rottbauer W, Just S. Functional genomics in zebrafish as a tool to identify novel antiarrhythmic targets. 39. Zebrafish are a menable small teleost, incessantly used for drug screening, eff icacy studies and toxicity testing [65,68,69,8 6] . 78. As such, it represents a route to the identification of novel drugs[91]. 8. Vacaru AM, Unlu G, Spitzner M, Mione M, Knapik EW, Sadler KC. DCM syndrome has been studied with two particul, blood stream of zebrash embryos led to a severe cardiom, Thus, the use of this model is uniquely positioned among v, pathways, with the purpose to treat human diseases. 51. Zebrafish 2014;11:379-83. 23. In vivo drug discovery in the zebrafish. Toxicol Sci 2017;158:391-400. Lamore SD, Kamendi HW, Scott CW, Dragan YP, Peters MF. It can be assessed by advancing conventional echocardiograph, and changes in cardiac performance, and enables highly sensitive assessment of regional myocardial motion, cardiotoxicity test has been reported very reliable, describing the poten, DETECTION OF DOXORUBICIN TOXICITY USING DIFFERENT ANIMAL MODELS, broad anti-cancer drug to treat leukemia, lymphoma, br, hypertension, thromboembolism, angina pectoris, myocardial infa, dose of anthracycline-doxorubicin of 500 mg/m, children safety, where its pharmacokinetics has been assessed. For instance, roden, . The zebrafish embryo developmental toxicology assay is an emerging test used to screen the teratogenic potential of chemicals and it is proposed as a promising test to replace teratogenic assays with animals. Potential approaches to overcoming the hurdles to drug discovery in the face of complex biology including in vivoscreening of zebrafish genetic disease models. 74. Zebrafish embryo is a commonly used animal model to investigate the teratogenic effects of the drugs. New school in liver development: lessons from zebrafish. Fifteen BKIs with promising in vitro efficacy against Neospora caninum tachyzoites, low cytotoxicity in mammalian cells, and no toxic effects in non-pregnant BALB/c mice, were assessed in pregnant mice. Novel cardiovascular gene functions revealed via systematic phenotype prediction in zebrafish. Nat Nanotechnol 2007;2:751-60. Cardiovascular risk assessment of atypical antipsychotic drugs in a zebrafish model. Scientific Reports . The present article is a systematic overview of drugs that may induce distinct cardiovascular toxicity. The zebrafish embryo offers an inexpensive system that combines many features that are desirable for the development of new approaches to drug development (Bowman and Zon, 2010).As a vertebrate, the zebrafish shares a high degree of conservation with mammalian systems: the genomes of zebrafish and humans are highly related and contain … No sex-related differences were detected, except for the higher TST depletion rate in adult females. Zebrafish models represent an alternative for preclinical studies for nanoscale drug delivery systems. Jing L, Durand EM, Ezzio C, Pagliuca SM, Zon LI. Aripiprazole, clozapine, olanzapine, quetiapine, risperidone and ziprasidone (first-generation antipsychotics) were assessed using the zebrafish larvae. Toxicology 2015;328:102-11. Large-scale phenotype-based antiepileptic drug screening in a zebrafish model of dravet syndrome. The goal of this review was to develop a link to ethnopharmacological zebrafish studies that can be used by other researchers to conduct future research. The dysfunction of the cardioregulatory system may also be associated with functional and medication-related mechanisms rather than structural changes[60]. As a toxicology model, zebrafish has the potential to reveal the pathways of developmental toxicity due to their similarity with those of mammals. Though, in spite of the pharmacological advantage associated with its use, . As a result, most studies about the cadiotoxicity of these drugs in rats have relied on histological determination, which yields a poor understanding of their cardiotoxological effects[63,64]. 3. Representation of different biological system and animal model used to test cardiotoxicity drugs, classified in function of face validity, costs and throughput efficiency. In the process of drug discovery, one of the main concerns is to evaluate drug hepatotoxicity, which is assessed using preclinical cell culture, animal models and clinical trials. Over the last years, due to the versatility and power of the model, the zebrafish has emerged as the main vertebrate model system for high-throughput and high-content chemical screening experiments and large-scale phenotypic scoring (12, 13). Zebrafish models represent an alternative for preclinical studies for nanoscale drug delivery systems. Epilepsia 2012;53:1131-9. The availability of specific transgenic lines labeling the liver, such as fabp10:RFP, allows liver damage visualization after the treatment. Exploiting the transparency of the embryo has permitted detailed optical mapping and the characterization of the cardiac conduction system[53]. During the subsequent 30 years, zebrafish was almost used to study organ development. 27. Zebrafish larvae represent a powerful model in biomedical research due to their clinically relevant disease models, optical properties, ex‐uterodevelopment, and cost‐efficient husbandry. In the past decades, the type of chemicals has gradually increased all over the world, and many of these chemicals may have a potentially toxic effect on human health. PLoS One 2015;10:e0122665. The last decade’s large animals, such as mice, rats and rabbits, have been widely used to study cardiotoxicity after drug administration[22-24], presenting some limitations. Exhibited non-toxic effects on the heart, blood vessels, or gild [ ]... Fla significantly reduced the specific cellular melanin content by 4.3-fold and 9.6-fold decrement, respectively in... Except for the study of development and disease proinflammatory cytokines and DNA damage other alternative animal.... Early stages of zebrafish: an animal model for the first generation of precisely. 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