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Solusi Lengkap Download Aplikasi dan Games, Informasi Teknologi, Lifestyle dan Gadget, 7 Deleted Scenes Film Harry Potter yang Berpotensi Mengubah Plot, Silahkan masukan alamat email anda untuk Login. Para fans Harry Potter sebetulnya hampir saja mendapatkan momen balas dendam mereka terhadap Dolores Umbrage di dalam sebuah adegan, tetapi pada akhirnya adegan ini diputuskan untuk ditiadakan. Yes No. 8 The Sorcerer's Stone: Harry's Longing Menu. Tonks left the couple's son to be with her partner, saying: "It's you that needs me tonight." 7 Deleted Scenes Harry Potter yang Bisa Mengubah Plot Beberapa deleted scene di film Harry Potter ini sengaja dibuang oleh sang sutradara karena berpotensi untuk mengubah plot film secara keseluruhan, atau memberikan feel yang tidak relevan. 6 Gak Nyangka Banget! ! We can only wonder why this was cut from the final film. Hi, I am currently re-reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows for the first time since it has come out. Thanh Dat Roller Shutter Door. He also claims Voldemort probably wanted to kill Harry because he didn't want another "dark Lord" competing with him. Berikut informasi selengkapnya. Beberapa deleted scene di film Harry Potter ini sengaja dibuang oleh sang sutradara karena berpotensi untuk mengubah plot film secara keseluruhan, atau memberikan feel yang tidak relevan. [Deleted Scene] Harry Potter and the deathly hallows Part 1 : Harry & Petunia. But a slightly adult scene was cut from the film. While many Potterheads can't get enough of seeing Hagrid on the tube or of watching Dolores Umbridge finally get her comeuppance, there are plenty of other cut scenes that deserve your attention. 12 Film Action Terbaru dan Terbaik di Tahun 2020, Penuh Aksi Gila! A Glimpse Into the World of Harry Potter 7 Deleted Scenes Teaser Trailer 2 Theatrical Trailers 15 TV Spots Languages SPOKEN LANGUAGES English SUBTITLES English for the Hearing Impeared 2017 4K Ultra HD [edit | edit source] Menus Features Scene Selections 1. Cari tahu deleted scene Harry Potter paling berpengaruh. But the Harry Potter franchise has so many missed moments that could have made a difference to how you feel about certain characters. Adegan seperti dalam film komedi ini sebenarnya sudah dibuat di dalam film Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, tetapi tidak jadi untuk dimasukkan ke dalam film tersebut. The biggest open-mouthed reaction comes courtesy of the Deathly Hallows Part 2 when Draco Malfoy throws his wand to Harry right in front of You Know Who. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1: Deleted Scenes Keputusan untuk menghilangkan adegan ini bahkan ada yang sampai membuat fans kecewa karena berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan adegan tersebut. It's completely awkward and yet it'll bring a tear to your eye â especially when Harry, under his breath, mutters: "See ya, big D.". A slice of humanity. Di adegan ini akhirnya Dudley melihat Harry sebagai seseorang yang berharga, dan Harry pun merasakan hal yang sama dengan Dudley. Movies. Terlebih lagi, tingkah lakunya yang terkesan seperti anak manja dan sering berulah membuatnya jauh lebih dibenci lagi. Itu dia beberapa deteled scenes dari film Harry Potter yang berpotensi untuk mengubah plot, atau paling tidak mengubah feel dari film tersebut. Or how fans would have reacted if they'd been kept in? Professor Dumbledore dikenal sebagai sosok dengan pembawaan yang santai, dan bahkan terkesan kontras dengan perannya sebagai seorang kepala sekolah Hogwarts. 9 Answers. One boy certainly seems to think Harry's responsible for the petrifying problem, telling the others that only dark wizards can speak to snakes. Here's some of the most noteworthy deleted scenes in Harry Potter's glorious history. Harry warns her that she could be tortured if she stays, to which she replies: "Do you think I don't know what they're capable of? Draco Malfoy menjadi salah satu karakter dengan afiliasi yang membingungkan di film Harry Potter. As the Dursleys are forced to leave their home, Aunt Petunia reveals her sister's death did indeed affect her. Apa kalian tahu kalau adegan Malfoy membantu Harry melawan Voldermort dihapus di film terakhir? Additional / deleted scenes from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I'm talking about 3-8 because I have the extended edition of the first 2 already. Di sebuah deleted scene film Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix, Dolores Umbrage kepalanya berasap karena marah dan kesal atas kelakuan Fred dan George Weasley. I lost a sister." RELATED: Harry Potter: 5 Things We’d Change About The Deathly Hallows Part 1 (& 5 For Part 2) However, there is a deleted scene that makes the sequence even better. Thanks :) Answer Save. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 - Deleted Scenes As Harry rolls out of Hagrid's arms, much to Voldemort's disbelief, Draco runs in front of You Know Who and throws Harry his wand. Temukan Tips dan Berita menarik setiap harinya. Put the selector thingy on Gringotts, then press down selecting the key, click to get to the gringotts … ... (Harry and Hermione dance scene inside the shelter tent in a digtally created Malham Cove) 15 of 16 found this interesting Interesting? Hal ini pun berlaku untuk seri film legendaris, Harry Potter, di mana beberapa momen perlu dipotong dan tergolong ke dalam deleted scene padahal peran adegan ini cukup signifikan. By: LeQuin. Di film ini nasib seluruh dunia seluruhnya bergantung pada Harry dan kawan-kawan. While it's clear that he felt conflicted about his role in Voldemort's masterplan, the above few seconds are proof where his allegiance fell at the very end. Only Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End made more money at the box office that year, with Warner Bros' title beating the likes of Spider-Man 3 and Shrek the Third to take the silver medal. Harry Potter (film series) To help Potterheads visually revisit their favorite moments from the series, artist Katie Knudson is drawing Harry Potter scenes that didn't make the films, and probably even J.K. Rowling would be … Entah apa alasan sang sutradara tidak memasukkan adegan yang satu ini, padahal banyak fans yang ingin melihat adegan ini di film. Below you can check out the details of each of these editions, including the special features, deleted scenes, descriptions of special collections, and more. 0. Mungkin hal ini akan berbeda juga, jika adegan di mana Draco membantu Harry dalam pertarungan terakhir melawan Voldemort tidak dihapuskan. With every film comes a bunch of must-watch deleted scenes. Untuk memberikan kesan genting, awalnya ada sebuah adegan di mana Professor McGonagall mengumpulkan siswa asrama Gryffindor ketika mereka semua mengenakan piyama. But there's also the final known words between Professor Lupin and Tonks, the chilling moment before the Death Eaters take over Hogwarts, and the truce between Harry and cousin Dudley. Share Share Tweet Email. 52 minutes ago | 0 view. Password yang anda gunakan salah. Keepers of the Keys 0. When any beloved book becomes a movie, loyal readers feel something between exhilaration and fear. Vanishing Glass 3. Letters from No One 4. Harry Potter director recalls how Emma Watson perfected the torture scene in Deathly Hallow Part 1. Draco terlihat seperti tokoh jahat, tetapi terkadang juga mebantu Harry dan kawan-kawan dalam upaya mereka melawan Voldermort. If fanfics came with Director's Cuts, this would be the bonus material for Harry Potter and the Last Chance. I copied all of my Harry Potter dvd's to my computer and I'm trying to add deleted scenes back into the movie. In it, Harry discovers his partner holding a dead woman in a club, so he marches into a police station and beheads the man who did it, a dirty detective. The Yule Ball was one of the many highlights of the Goblet of Fire. Directed by Ian Hecox, Anthony Padilla. Thanks for watching With every film comes a bunch of must-watch deleted scenes. Alamat email yang anda masukkan belum terdaftar. Doorstep Delivery 2. (Further scenes show Harry himself isn't sure where his past truly lies.). Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone: All Deleted Scenes, Ranked. In the movie, I was horrified. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone was a faithful adaptation of the novel, but these seven deleted scenes could have added so much more. Often, deleted scenes don't leave much behind in terms of important details, but occasionally, a movie would have been better-served if a key scene hadn't gotten the ax. I OWN NOTHING!! GRATIS! Follow. It's kickstarted by Flitwick, who is conducting the school orchestra. 7 Cameo Paling Mengejutkan di Film Hollywood, No. Apapun hasilnya, wewenang ini harus tetap dihormati. Daftar Film Barat Terbaru dan Terbaik di Tahun 2021, Wajib Nonton! 2021 Bustle Digital Group. As would be expected for a huge magical universe, there are many DVD and Special Editions of the Potter films. There was the egg cracking scene in the beginning, and there was also another scene added to the potions class with Snape giving a monologue explaining the questions he asked Harry. Harry's strict moral code gets a further insight in a deleted scene, where a young version is played by Matt Smith. I have seen the movies a few times and I just wanted to share my opinion on Hermione's torture scene. So basically I've heard a rumour that Fred's death scene from the book was filmed but cut from the movie because it was 'too depressing' so anybody that actually has the new released the DVD, is it in there? It released in 2002, a year after The Sorcerer's Stone, and was a huge box office hit.It made more money than the likes of Spider-Man, Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, and Men in Black II, with only The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers making more. David Yates, who directed the last four Harry Potter movies complimented Emma Watson for being hardworking and a perfectionist. Mungkin banyak yang ketakutan dan memutuskan untuk pindah gerbong. 25+ Film Action Terbaik & Terbaru 2021, Penuh Adegan Menegangkan! Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is the second movie in the series. You didn't just lose a mother that night in Godric's Hollow, you know. (Or, quite simply, they'd have given you a good laugh.) See some of the deleted scenes in the gallery below! Pada akhirnya adegan ini diputuskan untuk dipotong karena satu dan lain hal, dan kita semua tidaqk bisa melihat Hermione kecil dengan piyamanya yang lucu. The worst part is Harry hears the entire thing and the look on his face is saddening. 7 Film yang Hanya Terdiri Dari 1 Adegan Panjang, Harus Fokus Nontonnya! A list of known and speculated deleted scenes are as follows, mainly taken from this list: List of Deleted Scenes by Film But their final words to each other make for some consolation. Adegan ini akhirnya dihapuskan karena dinilai tidak sejalan dengan feel di dalam film ini yang dipenuhi nuansa tegang dan mencekam. A stage coach is even seen rocking until Snape turns up and swiftly removes the couple. How to find the "7 Deleted Scenes : How to Get There" Easter Egg in Harry Potter: Special Edition. Either way, they're still worth a watch. Sepupu Hary yang satu ini dibuat menjadi sosok object of hatred bagi para penggemar seri film ini. Can anyone help me figure out where in the movies I would add them back in? The release of the movies’ many unreleased deleted scenes could supply Warner Bros. with many financial and creative benefits. Now we know why. Apakah anda yakin untuk meninggalkan website JalanTikus? Hal ini sengaja tidak disertakan ke dalam film untuk memberikan keleluasaan bagi para penggemar dalam menginterpretasikan karakter yang satu ini. Today we have some deleted scenes from Harry Potter movies that not only provide additional backstories but also reveal the hidden soft sides of some of the less-likable characters, like Dudley and Aunt Petunia. On the Opening screen on Disc two, select Diagon Alley (Hedwig) 2. Share Share Tweet Email. Pada film Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Sirius Black diceritakan menyelinap masuk ke dalam sekolah sihir Hogwarts, tepatnya ke asrama Gryffindor. Before the Death Eaters arrived at Hogwarts, the school is in a state of fright and anticipation. He then makes a big point of disobeying his dad by offering a hand to Harry, telling him: "I don't think you're a waste of space." Of all of the heart-wrenching moments in Harry Potter, the death of Dobby is one of the saddest.In one of the deleted scenes from Deathly Hallows: Part II, we see that Harry (like the viewers) is having trouble with Dobby's death and is meditating by his grave.He is then visited by Luna, who offers an old family phrase regarding the death of Dobby: “the sky has lost a star.” Here are some deleted scenes from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 hopefully I could prepare someone with it joy . Meskipun begitu, pembawaan santai dari sang professor masih dibatasi, jadi ketika sosok yang satu ini berubah menjadi serius atau bahkan marah para penonton masih bisa percaya. People say that the book is always better than the movie. 7 Artis Hollywood yang Merendahkan Film Marvel, Kesal Karena Gak Diajak Main? Baca juga artikel seputar Film atau artikel menarik lainnya dari Restu Wibowo. Sebuah detail di dalam film bisa berpengaruh sangat signifikan baik terhadap nuansa yang dibangun di dalam film tersebut, bahkan terhadap plot yang dikembangkan. Emma and Helena both did amazing in that scene. 21+ Daftar Film Romantis Indonesia Terbaik & Terbaru 2020, Awas Baper! Comment. Copyright Warner Bros and J.K. Rowling - 2006. Harry Potter Deleted Scenes That Could Change EVERYTHING _OSSA Movies. Follow/Fav Harry Potter and the Last Chance: Deleted Scenes. Is Fred Weasley's death scene in the deleted scenes of Harry Potter 7 part 2 DVD? Oleh karena itu, proses editing suatu film dapat memakan waktu yang lama sekaligus menjadi sumber perdebatan bagi orang-orang yang terlibat di dalamnya. In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, a cut scene shows students in Hogwarts' Great Hall discussing the likelihood of Harry being the heir of Slytherin. This is the scene that will change how you really feel about Draco Malfoy. Apa jadinya kalau kalian duduk satu gerbong dengan sosok tinggi besar seperti Hagrid? Film Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 merupakan film klimaks dari seri film Harrry Potter. Penasaran apa aja sih deleted scene di film harry Potter yang paling penting? The following deleted scenes are either available on Harry Potter DVDs/Blu-Rays or were in the movies' screenplays but never got filmed. Mostly because the movie leaves things out. All rights reserved. Di dalam sebuah deleted scene di film Harry Potter, ketika Harry dan Dudley harus berpisah, dua karakter ini berbagi momen bromance bersama. 1. The Harry Potter films are among the top grossing movie franchises of all time. Deleted Scenes Harry Potter yang Bisa Mengubah Plot, Dumbledore Mengajak Murid Hogwarts Menyanyi bersama, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. Mereka melempar batu berdua ditepi danau tersebut. With Anthony Padilla, Ian Hecox, Raul Delarosa, Patrick Egan. It shows Harry wandering into the courtyard where a couple of students are getting busy with their partners. The film with the most glaring case is 2007s Order of the Phoenix, which originally had a 3-hour cut but was cropped down to 130 minutes, and only roughly ten minutes of deleted footage can be found on the DVD. Comment. Awalnya, ada sebuah adegan di mana Ron dan Hermione bermesraan di tepi danau. Currently I'm watching Sorcerer's Stone, and there's been two scenes I've never noticed weren't on the disk version. Who knows why they ended up on the cutting room floor? 7 Adegan Film Horor yang Di-Cut Karena Terlalu Menjijikan, Auto Mual! Karakter yang satu ini mungkin menjadi karakter yang paling dibenci di sepanjang seri film Harry Potter, meskipun bukan seorang penjahat. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is the fifth movie in the series about the Boy Who Lived, and it was one of the standout blockbusters of 2007. Check out the Harry Potter scenes that were too disturbing, revealed terrible things, or so tragic that we still haven’t gotten over them. Cut from: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II OOPS: An earlier version of this post had listed an extended scene as a deleted scene. Perlakuan orangtua Dudley yang sangat kontras terhadap dirinya dan Harry membuatnya tidak disukai. Urutan Film Harry Potter dari Awal Hingga Akhir Plus Sinopsisnya, 7 Plot Hole Paling Membingungkan dari Franchise Film Harry Potter. Silahkan memasukkan password yang benar, atau tekan tombol di bawah untuk reset password. Try and hold back the tears. By Jack Otway Nov 07, 2020. Semoga informasi yang Jaka bagikan kali ini bisa menghibur kalian semua ya, dan sampai jumpa di artikel-artikel selanjutnya. When the death of Tonks and Lupin is revealed in part two of the Deathly Hallows, it's heartbreaking. Silahkan daftar sekarang dengan menekan tombol di bawah ini. Keputusan untuk menambahkan maupun mengurangi adegan tertentu ke dalam sebuah film memang keputusan sang sutradara. As the students hauntingly sing, the camera starts panning to McGonagall, Snape, and Draco separately. Other “Harry Potter” fans had a more grounded technical explanation, suggesting that the singalong was part of an extended version or a deleted scene that was added for TV syndication. By Wednesday Lee Friday Mar 22, 2017. So get ready to laugh, cry, and feel all the emotions under the sun with the barrage of deleted scenes you wish you knew about years ago. The following never-before-seen clips were removed from the theatrical release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. With a chilling choir singing in the background, it is Snape who looks particularly troubled. Hal ini yang membuat adegan Professor Dumbledore yang mengajak para muridnya untuk menyanyi dan menari bersama di film Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire sengaja dihilangkan. But the Harry Potter franchise has so many missed moments that could have made a … Shortly after Petunia's emotional reveal, Dudley questions why Harry isn't coming with them. Now that the (main) series has been completed, Warner Bros continues to find new ways to keep the magic of the films alive by releasing various products related to the property. Harry Potter Deleted Scenes That Could Change EVERYTHING _OSSA Movies. See more about. Dan harry potter 7 deleted scenes Harus berpisah, dua karakter ini berbagi momen bromance bersama yang berpotensi untuk mengubah,... Karena Terlalu Menjijikan, Auto Mual, awalnya ada sebuah adegan di mana Ron dan Hermione bermesraan tepi. 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