basf macera insecticide
Limburgerhof, Germany – BASF has started the global registration for a new insecticide active ingredient. Innovative and intelligent solutions for existing and emerging pest control challenges focus on termites, ants, cockroaches, flies, fleas, bed bugs, occasional invaders and more. News releases via push notification directly to your smartphone, World’s first registration for BASF insecticide Broflanilide in Australia, With a rapidly growing population, the world is increasingly dependent on our ability to develop and maintain sustainable agriculture and healthy environments. The rapid onset of action stops insect feeding and damage, and translaminar movement delivers optimal protection against actively feeding pests . For the control of Green peach aphid (Myzus persicae), Cabbage aphid (Brevicoryne brassicae), Currant lettuce aphid (Nasonovia ribis -nigri), Cotton aphid / Melon aphid … Dilute Cimegra insecticide product in a minimum of 50 L of water per hectare (5 gallons / acre). RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC, December 2, 2020 – BASF is introducing Renestra™ insecticide for the 2021 growing season. Applicators can reduce complexity, simplify their operating procedures, and focus on the job at hand,” said Ron Kehler, Vice President Global Professional & Specialty Solutions at BASF’s Agricultural Solutions division. Use the search below to tell us what you are looking for or visit our home page. Dilute Cimegra insecticide product in a minimum of 50 L of water per hectare (5 gallons / acre). As the company that pioneered pressurized technology for pest control, BASF is the name pest management professionals trust. With the PT Brand Pressurized Insecticides portfolio, pest management professionals can be confident that they'll kill a wide range of pests effectively, conveniently and cost-efficiently.PT means having the right solution. Use sufficient water to ensure thorough coverage of the seed, or seed piece and surrounding seed furrow. BASF offers a comprehensive portfolio of modern pest control solutions for the most demanding pest management professionals. 3.0 MB “The new insecticide Broflanilide is a valuable tool for pest management. Research conducted by BASF has shown that some types of cleaners and other products may contain certain ingredients that will induce pests to be repelled when tank mixed with a non-repellent insecticide and … BASF shares are traded on the stock exchange in Frankfurt (BAS) and as American Depositary Receipts (BASFY) in the U.S. Further information at ), JPG ( Interceptor ® G2 is a long-lasting, insecticide-treated mosquito net that combats resistant mosquitoes. Mississauga, Ontario . BASF South Africa is committed to farming. Working with farmers, agricultural professionals, pest management experts and others, it is our role to help make this possible. ), JPG ( The approximately 122,000 employees in the BASF Group work on contributing to the success of our customers in nearly all sectors and almost every country in the world. Further product registrations anticipated throughout the world Melbourne, Australia – BASF’s latest insecticide Broflanilide received the first registration worldwide by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA). It is the first insecticide on the U.S. market that actually kills wireworms, Ruhiyyih Dyrdahl-Young, a BASF regional technical representative for the northern Great Plains, told DTN. BASF offers a comprehensive portfolio of modern pest control solutions for the most demanding pest management professionals. © 2021 DTN, all rights reserved. Regulatory dossiers for Axalion™ insecticide submitted in Australia and Korea Active ingredient with novel mode of action and high compatibility with... | January 16, 2021 As the company that pioneered pressurized technology for pest control, BASF is the name pest management professionals trust. By Margy Eckelkamp January 19, 2021 Armed with a new mode of action, BASF just received EPA approval on its Teraxxa insecticide seed treatment for cereal crops. With the PT Brand Pressurized Insecticides portfolio, pest management professionals can be confident that they'll kill a wide range of pests effectively, conveniently and cost-efficiently.PT means having the right solution. This new tool provides soybean farmers with a complete solution for controlling a wide range of insect pests and soybean aphids that have developed resistance to traditional chemistries. BASF generated sales of around €63 billion in 2018. Najważniejsze korzyści w stosunku do przynęt antykoagulacyjnych w stężeniu 50 ppm . Broflanilide is a compound with a novel mode of action (IRAC Group 30), demonstrating excellent efficacy in the control of many problematic chewing insect pests, including caterpillars and beetles in specialty and row crops, and non-crop pests such as termites, ants, cockroaches and flies. Customer Service Hotline: 1800 006 393 Sefina insecticide is a powerful tool designed to control piercing and sucking insects in specific specialty and row crops, including citrus, fruiting vegetables, cucurbits, cotton, and soybeans. Seclira is the first non-staining, odourless broad-spectrum insecticide for both indoor and outdoor professional use. We believe that BioSolutions will be natural partners in this, helping us find the right balance for success – for farmers, for agriculture and for future generations. In 2018, our division generated sales of €6.2 billion. We combine economic success with environmental protection and social responsibility. BASF is introducing Renestra insecticide for the 2021 growing season. The Biochemistry and Use of Pesticides. Insecticide pentru combaterea daunatorilor Diverse culturi Insecticide pentru cartofi, porumb, legume, cereale si altele Vezi mai multe aici! Fourmidor ® to insektycyd, szczególnie wartościowy dla profesjonalistów ze względu na niezawodność w zwalczaniu mrówek. Sefina, powered by BASF's new active ingredient Inscalis TM, is the first of its kind from a new chemical class - Pyropenes.Inscalis TM is a pioneer solution that has been classified by Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC) as the only member in … BASF startet die globale Registrierung eines neuen Insektizid-Wirkstoffs Axalion soll für Obst- und Gemüsekulturen, einschließlich Trauben und … BASF: Committed to farming . Weshalb Mythic ® SC. As an effective pest control tool in Insecticide Resistance Management (IRM) and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies, Hunter® 24 SC effectively controls insects and mites, resistant to other classes of chemistry, leaving your crop insect free. As a member of the DTNPF online community you can contribute to discussions, save your settings, get exclusive email alerts and access to special online sections, and read e-newsletters. Not only is this evident by the launch of recent innovations such as Eragon®*, but also by initiatives such as the complete transformation of its supply chain model and its investment into digitalization. VERSYS INSECTICIDE APVMA Approval No. Originally published on By inhibiting their feeding, Versys reduces pest damage and disease spread. Not all features of DTN / The Progressive Farmer may function as expected. About BASF’s Agricultural Solutions division. Mixing order Ensure the spray tank is clean before use. 1-877-371-2273 . Melbourne, Australia – BASF’s latest insecticide Broflanilide received the first registration worldwide by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA). Therefore, we are excited about bringing Broflanilide with its novel mode of action to the market to provide pest management professionals and farmers with a new and effective tool for pest control,” said Neil Bentley, Vice President Global Strategic Marketing Insecticides at BASF’s Agricultural Solutions division. Further registrations, for uses in crop production, are anticipated in the U.S., Canada, Mexico and India, with additional registration submissions planned in upcoming years for key markets. Ventigra Insecticide offers a unique mode of action subgroup with no known cross-resistance with key commercial insecticide … Ventigra™ Insecticide is a pioneering solution from BASF that provides effective control of potentially devastating piercing-sucking insect pests in production and landscape ornamentals and vegetable transplants for the home consumer market. Based on natural defenses like beneficial nematodes, micro-organisms and pheromones, Insecticide BioSolutions help protect plants against a wide array of insect pests. With a unique mode of action, it provides rapid cessation of feeding, yet is gentle on bees and other beneficial insects. Alpine WSG Water Soluble Granule gives you the power and flexibility to control ants at the source. Ascend ® is particularly effective by way of ingestion.. Because of its unique mode of action, Ascend ® is effective against insect pests that have developed resistance to conventional insecticides. We combine economic success with environmental protection and social responsibility. Research conducted by BASF has shown that some types of cleaners and other products may contain certain ingredients that will induce pests to be repelled when tank mixed with a non-repellent insecticide and sprayed on a surface. Pylon controls the target insect or mite by interfering with energy production of the pests. Not only is this evident by the launch of recent innovations such as Eragon®*, but also by initiatives such as the complete transformation of its supply chain model and its investment into digitalization. Sein besonderer Wirkstoff Chlorfenapyr mit einzigartiger Wirkungsrichtung gewährleistet eine anhaltend residuale Bekämpfung. BASF is introducing Renestra insecticide for the 2021 growing season. Regulatory dossiers for Axalion™ insecticide submitted in Australia and Korea Active ingredient with novel mode of action and high compatibility with... | January 16, 2021 Working with farmers, agricultural professionals, pest management experts and others, it is our role to help make this possible. Broflanilide is a compound with a novel mode of action (IRAC Group 30), demonstrating excellent efficacy in the control of many problematic chewing insect pests. BASF introduces Renestra insecticide Industry collaboration creates unmatched transparency capabilities in the cotton supply chain BASF enhances cottonseed seed treatment packages offering growers a choice in protecting cottonseed investment BASF sacks hunger with Kansas State football team BASF collaborates with PCCA to provide fully digitized traceability for e3 Sustainable Cotton … Mythic ® 10 SC + Fendona ® 6 SC Pack jest stworzony dla skuteczniejszej kontroli much w obiektach hodowlanych, zabudowaniach gospodarskich i budynkach mieszkalnych.. Mythic ® + Fendona ® Pack charakteryzują następujące zalety:. Interpid Insecticide is Chlorfenapyr 10% SC Mode of Action Stomach Target Pests:Diamond Black Moth (Cabbage), Mites (Chilli) Major Crops Cabbage, Chilli BASF generated sales of around €63 billion in 2018. Whether your specific area is residential, commercial, pre-construction, or post-construction, BASF has the products with a proven track record of results and the people with a commitment to growing your profit potential. GROUP 9D INSECTICIDE . The company submitted the regulatory dossiers for the Axalion ™ insecticide in Australia and Korea. Macera BASF is most effective when ingested by larvae. This new tool provides soybean farmers with a complete solution for controlling a wide range of insect pests and soybean aphids that have developed resistance to traditional chemistries, say BASF officials. Co-developed with Mitsui Chemicals Agro, Inc. (MCAG), the active ingredient is a powerful and versatile insecticide for use in crop production as well as to control urban and rural pests. Ventigra insecticide gives growers an effective tool that controls piercing-sucking insects with powerful precision while allowing beneficials to … Its label allows PMPs the flexibility to use the product both inside, and outside, even off-structure* – letting you go almost anywhere pests go. Seine Anwendung ist einfach und effektiv. BASF has started the global registration for a new insecticide active ingredient. 82738/106577 (V19022018) READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING . Please correct the following errors and try again: No headlines are currently available. DO NOT tank mix disinfectants and BASF insecticides.. Research has shown that tank mixing these products may significantly reduce the efficacy of the disinfectant. Mythic ® SC ist ein neues, nicht-pyrethroides, nicht-repellentes Insektizid für die Bekämpfung von Bettwanzen, Ameisen und Schaben. In 2018, our division generated sales of €6.2 billion. BASF’s Sefina® Inscalis® Insecticide approved for use in California crops BASF’s Versys® Inscalis® Insecticide approved for use in California crops New soybean seed distributed by BASF meets grower needs Additional row crop uses extend to soybeans and other legumes, cotton and cereals. 1.6 MB Ascend ® contains Fipronil, which acts on the central nervous system of the insect. “This is a brand-new insecticide, Broflanilide—it’s not just a reformulation of the same chemistries,” says Ruhiyyih Dyrdahl-Young with BASF. Seclira WSG, the new BASF insecticide to be launched at the start of November, changes all that. Pest populations requires regular rotation of insecticides works to prevent insect damage disease. In 2018 an unsupported browser sales of €6.2 billion 2020 DiversityInc Top 50 Companies for Diversity.... All other trademarks are the properties of their respective owners as necessary also! 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