brooke shaden : textures
So, my challenge here was to figure out how to draw attention to my subject in a space that was already really busy to work around. Kenny Howerton - I’m glad I’m not the only one that runs around shooting textures. Thankyou for being you.ReplyCancel, Sheryl - Thanks for making all these textures available – and for free. Save Cancel. I am a portrait photographer and excited to challenge myself in this new way. I can’t wait to try them!!! God Bless!ReplyCancel. So it was like this, when I started, and I simply took it down to be as dark as the background. I am still glowing from your inspiration and honoring your offerings. She began creating self-portraits for their ease and to have full control over the images. It’s not just your wonderful photography, but you have such a loving, humble, and giving spirit that just amazes me.ReplyCancel, Robert - Thank you so much for these textures and your amazing and inspiring work!ReplyCancel. Available with seamless streaming across your devices. Thanks a lot! And what I did was I thought, okay, I want there to be separation between the cool unground and the warm above ground and so I simply gave it that color by painting on a new layer and then blending it in to the image. Not now anyhow. I wish you all the best! Thanks for sharing, but is it me do something wrong, can’t download the e-book. ), even going so far as to research the specific species of elephant featured in the film (which if […]ReplyCancel. Having been raised under the mantra "follow your dreams" and being told they were special, … Someone else has found another way to do something. Thank you.ReplyCancel, How to create a fantasy boudoir image • - […] The last step is when I add texture to the overall image, which occasionally will include color as well. Everything you need to know about fine art photography super well explained and super easy to get. Brooke Shaden is a conceptual fine art photographer specializing in self-portraiture, and a Sony Artisan of Imagery. Feb 17, 2014 - Brooke Shaden : Textures of Home – Free Download! Brooke Shaden was born and raised in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, near the Amish Country. And then changing the direction of light, changing how we see our subject in this space, which I think is really important to put the focus where you want it. I adore your work and am often deeply moved by your honesty and kindness.ReplyCancel, Kimberly Wynn - You are an amazing person!! When not creating personal work, Brooke is a dedicated philanthropist, teaching self-expression workshops for survivors of human trafficking. Tell us a little about yourself: I grew up in Lancaster, PA, USA. http://www.textures4photoshop.comReplyCancel, Davy - Thank you very much for your free textures and video tutorial.ReplyCancel, Dave - Thankyou so much for making your textures available for download so much appreciated, god blessReplyCancel, Photoshop Tutorial: How to Use Texture – How to - […] […]ReplyCancel, Natalia - I recently enjoyed your workshop on Creative Live. She holds two degrees from Temple University, one in film and another in English. Do you have any downloads on your backgrounds i.e landscapes,sky, terrain that you use? Here the google translator is helping me … Your work is beyond amazing and your heart seems to be golden. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème photographie, surréalisme, photos. More importantly you are one of the finest beings, living, radiating and sharing love all around you, thus sharing again that there are ways to live a honest , passiaonate, lovefull life for everyone possible to live. Yeah? It's going to be worth it to just make sure that what the viewer is seeing is going to be seen, especially given how quickly people are going to look at an image online and move right past it, if they don't what they want to see. Not because I didn't like Brooke but I really didn't think I was into fine art photography nor did I think I cared about the business side of things much. The muted, “impressionistic” feel is what I have been searching for. Su Hall - Excellent tutorial! I'm not going to think about it anymore. Best regards,ReplyCancel, Cynthia - Thanks so much for the free textures and your tutorials! It was pretty awesome! I am learning from you! by brookeshaden 146 comments April 23, 2015 - 3:09 pm. Your generosity is wonderful and I will definitely pay it forward some how.ReplyCancel, Gene Wick - Very kind and really great textures. Just making sure that I had roots isolated that could go in that space. On that same page you can also find my texture available for a totally free […]ReplyCancel, Lenny Nguyen - Thanks for sharing your textures, Brooke. Photographer Brooke Shaden’s work reflects a fascination with painterly photography and redefining its place today in the world of contemporary art. But, in general I like to use Replace Color when I can, it's much faster, yeah. I needed this spiral shape to be able to create more believability here. Over the […]ReplyCancel, Monica Melgar - Thank you so much Brooke for the wonderful textures and tutorial. Thank you again your work is so fantastic. I used blending modes to blend these into […]ReplyCancel, Free Textures – Erin Applebee is a Fine-art Photographer & Digital Designer - […] textures that I found on the internet (particularly ones by Brooke Shaden, you can find her’s here), but I was inspired by a couple of my favourite photographers to start taking my own. A bit because of you an a bit because of who I am. I can’t wait to see what I can do with them :)!ReplyCancel, Philip Radley - Thank you Brooke, you are inspiration.ReplyCancel, How to Create Your Own Textures » Promoting Passion - […] to learn how to edit with textures? Brooke Shaden has participated in the youtube channel “Framed Show: The Concept” with the Fashion Photographer Lindsay Adler. that’s why I love to give, whenever I give to another I feel how it does me good laguna beach // 949.510.5481 // 346 n coast highway, laguna beach, ca 92651 open wed-sun from 11-5 and by appointment. I have no words that would illustrate adequately how i feel about finding you and your work.. Love Donna V.ReplyCancel, Head in the Clouds - Anna D Bruce - […] BIG thank you to Brooke Shaden for sharing her free textures with the world! You can see more of her work at, and on Instagram @brookeshaden. It was very knowledgeable and I learned a lot of new techniques that I look forward to executing. You rock girl! I’m in love with your art and enjoy watching your videos. I’m not interested in shooting in a studio or any sort of location that is “unspecific.” It’s so generous from you and I appreciate such a gesture, what I can promise is to create from heart with them. So that's one way that you could do it. Brooke was photographically born in December 2008 after graduating from Temple with bachelor degrees in film and English. I mean, I was hoping that I would get lucky and I went specifically to a spot where the trees were, a lot of them were disconnected from the ground because I knew that I would need roots on their own, separate roots, so I was looking for a couple of things. Peace, JudiReplyCancel, Fallen Angel – Work Process – Erin Applebee – is a Fine-art Photographer & Designer - […] that the textures I’ve been using on this image and Regal Red were from Brooke Shaden’s Promoting Passion website, she has quite a few on there which are great for practicing like this. You’ve got yourself a new subscriber!ReplyCancel, Patty - excellent… so happy I found you!ReplyCancel, David Palmer - Thank you SO much Brooke for being so generous and sharing so much!ReplyCancel, Linda Harding - Thank You for all you do! I found them quickly and easily, each accompanied by a note saying “Free for use” and “Enjoy”. I have very recently started working with textures. By sharing in these ways you also heal and show how to heal the world and our lifes around us. Brooke sparked a deep interest in me to delve into fine art photography, to consider creating images for myself, from my imagination. If I go up, there's my, another image from the same smoke shots that I had showed you before. Been a long time follower of your work.ReplyCancel, Your email is never published or shared. I appreciate your willingness to share.ReplyCancel, Justin Ryan - Thank you Brooke, I love your art and your teaching- I have taken your Creative Live classes. I should have, but I was embarrassed 'cause there were lots of hikers and I was in a nude leotard and I decided not to do it there. Thank you so muchReplyCancel, Dale - Thank you so much for the beautiful textures xxReplyCancel, Sheryl - Thank you so much for the beautiful textures and all your inpiring videos. Her square format and heavy texture are intended to create a painterly aesthetic that defeats certain boundaries of photography. Brooke Shaden. One of my goals for […]ReplyCancel, Christy Bell - TY so much for being YOU. Shaden reiterates that everyone is creative, and despite what some people may say, you don’t have to be born with the "it" factor. Really appreciate the texture lesson and the free textures. it is a super recommendation! Thank you!ReplyCancel, Patricia - Thank you so much for the textures and the tutorial! Brooke Shaden was born in March of 1987 in Lancaster, PA, USA. You’ll learn creative exercises to find and develop your ideas, how to create an original narrative, how to produce your own photo series, post production techniques and skills for compositing and retouching, how to write about your work, ways to pitch to galleries and agents, and how to print your pieces so they look like art. Your art is amazing.ReplyCancel, Laura Zuniga - Thank you so much for this! Oct 28, 2013 - Brooke Shaden : Textures of White Hill Mansion – Free Download. © 2008-2021 Brooke Shaden - All Rights Reserved This site contains affiliate links which earn a fee per purchase. Brooke Shaden was born in March 1987 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA. Saved from Many of them have lives filled with fantasy, magic and wonder. This is my rainbow layer, where I went through my normal process of just painting over the picture, but I did so at a very low opacity. 900 likes. Thank you so much from the deep of my soul!! Your photography is continuously amazing! I love your work!ReplyCancel, Donna Venables - Hi Brooke, Thanks for the textures, i will share mine too. One, walls of dirt, like where you could look at a wall, and there would be maybe some roots, and maybe some dirt spilling down, and just flat spaces, so that there would be a good background to my subject in this picture. Part of me regrets not just totally going for it with this picture and creating those vibrant colors, so there are things that I would choose to do differently. […]ReplyCancel, Tricia Floyd - Thank you Brooke for these wonderful textures! She grew up near the “Amish Country” until attending Temple University. Brooke will demonstrate how creating texture on both skin and costumes can create a more dynamic look in the final image. Texture and we'll see how that comes together just by changing the light and bring our focus in. Uh, I can't get away from it. Her square format and heavy texture are intended to create a painterly aesthetic that defeats certain boundaries of photography. I won't say that it looks totally realistic, 'cause we're not finished yet and then we have more. So we'll just zoom through these. I have been only able to download three folders…Home, Hearst Castle and White Hill Mansion. Thank you! I don’t have anything interesting to tell you really, I just wanted to say Hello and that you are a huge inspiration to me , I love your work and it touches me, the words, the images, the person you are. So this is 100% opacity of just painting over the image with different colors. Moon_harpy - Thank you for being such a wonderful soul and one of a kind inspiration. Thanks. Okay, so here's the smoke, which is totally normal white smoke that I photographed on a black backdrop, that I inverted the colors of, so that the smoke was black, the background was white, and then I didn't have to cut the smoke out, I simply blended the edges of it into the background there, which is much easier. I used one texture here:, ambar das - Thank you so much.ReplyCancel, Leslie Schrader-Fagnan - Thank you so much for these textures!ReplyCancel, Carlton - Loving your work Brooke..ReplyCancel, J.D. Included with purchase is exclusive access to bonus material that gives exercises and downloads for all of the lessons. Wow! Jo - Fabulous! It's as though we are all her friends, not students, as she shares her heart and passion with us. Please follow […]ReplyCancel, Trevor - Awesome work….Inspired. May I use them in artwork that I’m going to sell? Brooke was photographically born in December 2008 after graduating from Temple with bachelor degrees in film and English. How did you, with the smoke on the white background, how did you match the gray that was in the image from the gray on the background? I love your white wall Wednesday! Brooke Shaden brookeshaden. Brooke Shaden is a self-portrait artist who explores the darkness and light in people. So we've got this layer, right? !ReplyCancel, Lucrezia - Thank you so much Brooke! Dao - I love your imagination & work! Okay, when you were out in the forest taking all your shots, did you know exactly what you needed, were you just wandering around, I was really wrong. Latest Post. Happy day! I didn't like that tree enough. . Thank you! Awesome work.ReplyCancel, Lael - Thank you! Thank you for sharing your light, art, and kindness with others. Thank you for the free textures and be blessed!ReplyCancel, Nina - Thank you, Brooke, for tutorial and texture downloads. They are mystical, intuitive, creative, romantic, compassionate, sensitive. This image was really fun to do because I was able to go on location but it didn't quite look right when I went on location, so this was just field that I found and you can see houses in the background and things like that, it's a little bit busy, I don't really stand out in this field, especially with these bushes and stuff like that. I thought I had tried about everything with textures! Oct 28, 2013 - Brooke Shaden : Textures of White Hill Mansion – Free Download. Capturing her subjects with vulnerability in their poses, Shaden’s portraits are unusual, emotional, and transformed, exposing … There we go. Millennials is a generation who grew up with computers, internet and social networks. Brooke Shaden was born in March 1987 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA. You are an amazing person with a genius body of work, you inspire me each and every day. Thanks for sharing.ReplyCancel, Aida Selenica - Thank you so much Brook. If you do it right, you’ll be shooting what you love all the time. We can talk about compositing all day and we can talk about how things blends together, but at the end of the day, if you're not choosing the right images to go into a picture then it doesn't matter, you know? !ReplyCancel, Jenny Sarabia - Thank you! Brooke will share ideas of how to create sculptural elements in your images, like using wire, paper mache, and more. Small - This was the best texture tutorial I have ever seen. I cannot wait to try some new creative photography and editing techniques. So, we're going to take a look at the start of this image, which, was not under a tree but I did have a tree. They’re gorgeous!ReplyCancel, Jim Gorum - Thank You for sharing, look forward to watching more, very informative and nice to follow.ReplyCancel. Best regardsReplyCancel, Debbie - Thankyou! And this was a lucky find, there's a tree, and there are roots coming underground in this sort of little alcove. Thank you so much and keep up the amazing work!ReplyCancel, Karen - Thanks for paying it forward. I really love your passion it has given me an extra creative boost something I needed. Okay, now we're going to open the very last one here, and I wanted to open this because we actually have an image that we're going to be creating where there's going to be a very similar scenario for my series, for this class. Thanks for inspiration from India.ReplyCancel, Julie - How generous of you Brooke! Here are more, so I decided I didn't like part of that, and I put more in, oh, there I am. {{ $root.user._data | prettyUsername: ' ': false: false: true }}. And then we've got some extra pieces of ground and that's a lot of what you're going to see here, is the ground transforming to cradle the subject in the end. I am very grateful. Keep on creating amazing stuff!ReplyCancel, Barbara - Thank you for being such an inspiration!ReplyCancel, Dan - Thank you! Nov 9, 2013 - Explore Brooke Shaden's 786 photos on Flickr! She grew up near the "Amish Country" until attending Temple University. I learned SO much! Using these tools, she creates new worlds through her images. I write to you while I download your textures! 6 quotes from Brooke Shaden: 'There’s something about the hunt for the place, the exploration, that’s always been the most important to me; the photography is almost second. Brooke had to discover what methods worked best when inspiration wasn’t necessarily flowing in, and began developing exercises that allowed that inspiration to explode. ReplyCancel, Crackle - Hey Brooke, Miss you!! CheersReplyCancel, Vivian - I have started working with textures only recently and your generosity in sharing these textures is deeply appreciated. I really enjoyed your Finding Inspiration video. Her painterly approach imbues her photographs with mystery and atmosphere, and her studio work appears touched by nature, albeit in a surreal and otherworldly sense. 243.3k Followers, 824 Following, 812 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Brooke Shaden | creative soul (@brookeshaden) Thank you for sharing your work, talent and knowledge!ReplyCancel, Janice Rucinski - Thanks for sharing, these are beautiful textures.ReplyCancel, Lisa - Thank you for the textures! laguna beach // 949.510.5481 // 326 n coast highway, laguna beach, ca 92651 open wed-sun from 11-5 and by appointment. That's one way that you could do it. Remi - Thank you so much for your generosity…..ReplyCancel, Merabet - Thank you so much gréât jobReplyCancel, Natasha Rooney - Thank you so much for sharing and being such an inspiration to many. And what a clear, unambiguous command of her subject. and I think that everything you give comes back! finding different things. Hermelinda Romero - Thank you for sharing these textures! Using Paint and Clay as Texture in an Image. thank you for your kind sprit and your being and the way you choose to live. Brooke Shaden is part of a Millennial Generation (also known as Generation Y). Ver más ideas sobre fotografía conceptual, fotografia, surrealismo fotografia. Tipu Ahmed - Great Thx for ur Texture as well as ur awesome Youtube Video.Badly waiting for ur Greattttttttttttttt Class on “Creative Live”. How to Make Money from Your Target Audience, How to Utilize Costumes, Props & Locations, Props, Wardrobe & Time Period for Set Design, View Photo Series for Cohesion & Advanced Compositing. I love your work, although it has nothing to do with what I do … I love learning from who just does something so different … that’s how I get inspired and believe without copying anyone … I still look for my identity in photography I still have a long way to go .. but finding people like you, so generous they help to continue not to decay … I am the same .. Aside from that, just lots of bramble, lots of little sticks to fill in the spaces that looked awkward, where there's just flat dirt, you know, 'cause that's not really believable. – Erin Applebee is a Fine-art Photographer & Digital Designer - […] I added some texture to the image using some of Brooke Shaden‘s Textures because this was created before I started taking my own. Your talent is beyond compare, and thank you so much for sharing it!ReplyCancel, Siri Brandshoi - Thank you for sharing Love your work.ReplyCancel, Fallen Angel – Work Process – Trendy Kitten Graphics (Erin Applebee Photography) - […] that the textures I’ve been using on this image and Regal Red were from Brooke Shaden’s Promoting Passion website, she has quite a few on there which are great for practicing like this. 786 Photos. One of my goals for […]ReplyCancel, Angie Lambert - Much thanks for sharing your generous spirit with us. Sébastien - Thank you very much for these all amazing free texture ! Hayley - Thank you kindly for sharing and promoting your passion for others to be inspired and motivated by. Her easy-going, friendly, down-to-earth, somewhat quirky manner cannot be mistaken for unprofessional. Oh, there it is. Har även tittat på en en tutorial för att lägga på lite dramatik […]ReplyCancel, Stacy Godfrey - Thank you so much for sharing these Brook! – Erin Applebee is a Fine-art Photographer & Digital Designer, Free Textures – Erin Applebee is a Fine-art Photographer & Digital Designer,,, Photoshop Tutorial: How to Use Texture – How to, Photoshop Tutorial: How to Use Texture | Nikkies Tutorials, How to Create Your Own Textures » Promoting Passion. This is exactly what I was just asking about this morning , so appreciate the generosity and I plan to pay it forward, And I thought it would be really go to take a look at how I've worked with this concept in the past and how it came together. People usually think I’m crazy…lol.ReplyCancel, Argu Sagturk - Hi Brooke, Damali Conceptuals - Thank you very much for sharing your textures, I literally downloaded all of them. Brooke Shaden Interview. Ever since I experienced that kind of generosity I wanted to pay it forward, so each time I shoot a new texture pack I like to release them. Oh by the way I have just ordered your book from Amazon. *Here's a video of Brooke's 10th anniversary on Flickr, which is really cool and well worth the watch! Have full control over the [ … ] ReplyCancel, Cynthia - Thanks for the textures, could. 'M not going to think about it anymore all Rights Reserved this site contains affiliate which! As slate as possible, and there 's my, another image from the same Smoke shots I! /Creplycancel, new work – running from the wolf this world and it is something that I looked! Tint to the textures you have any downloads on your backgrounds i.e landscapes sky. Leblanc - Thanks so much Brooke for really putting together an excellent course I create more here... The free textures and your tutorials free for use ” and “ enjoy ” 's a video of Brooke lessons. 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