cao fei, nova
}; Cao Fei : “HX” | du 6 juin au 26 août 2019 dans la Galerie 4 du Centre Pompidou (Place Georges-Pompidou, 75004 Paris) | 11-14€ | Billetterie ici | Toutes les infos sur le site ici. Cao Fei saisit les évolutions de ce quartier mouvant, entre architecture industrielle datant des années 50 et espaces en cours de réhabilitation. Once named Central Prison, it was the first ever prison since Hong Kong was established as a British colony. Cao Fei has been nominated for her exhibition Blueprints at Serpentine Gallery, London (4 March—17 May 2020 and reopened after lockdown 4 August—13 September 2020).. The South Gallery has been turned into a replica of Cao Fei’s Beijing studio, which is located in a former cinema and community space called the Hongxia Theatre — a historically significant space throughout the transformation of the neighborhood it resides in, Jiuxianqiao, and the socialist industrialization of China. CAO FEI: The site of Tai Kwun Contemporary was previously Victoria Prison of Hong Kong, dating back to some 170 years ago. We're working hard to be accurate. The Art World Works From Home: Artist Cao Fei Is Stuck in Singapore Watching Zombie Thrillers and Teaching Art Students Over Zoom Here's how the artist is … Beijing-based artist Cao Fei’s first virtual reality work, produced by Acute Art, is entitled The Eternal Wave. HX takes Cao Fei’s studio, the former Hongxia Theatre, as a starting point, and expands out into neighbouring Jiuxianqiao and Dashanzi Districts. #2 Cao Fei The famous Chinese artist has adopted VR tools for good as she has already been involved in creating the RMB City in the virtual world of Second Life. Cao Fei (chinois : 曹斐 ; pinyin : cáo fěi), née en 1978, est une plasticienne chinoise utilisant des supports multimédia. Cao Fei, Director: Haze and Fog. This site-specific installation brought together collected archival material and furniture based on elements of Cao Fei ’s Beijing studio; and her latest film, Nova. Courtesy of the artist, Vitamin Creative Space and Sprüth Magers Cao Fei Blueprints Serpentine Galleries, London August 4–September 13, 2020. Quoi ? Cao Fei has been nominated for her exhibition Blueprints at Serpentine Gallery, London (4 March—17 May 2020 and reopened after lockdown 4 August—13 September 2020).. £300 (incl. close. VAT) On the occasion of her solo exhibition Blueprints, at the Serpentine Galleries, Chinese artist Cao Fei has produced two new limited edition artworks. 1978, Guangzhou) is one of the most innovative Chinese artists to have emerged on the international scene. Cao Fei The Eternal Wave A new virtual reality artwork to debut at Serpentine Galleries Instagram / Facebook / Twitter. Cao Fei, Nova, 2019, video still. Cao Fei: Blueprints. Cao Fei is a multi-media artist and filmmaker based in Beijing. After 10 years of preservation and re-development, Tai Kwun opened to the public in 2018. She brings with her testimonies from her home district, which speak of a time and a style that have all but disappeared in a Beijing now transformed on various fronts into RMB City, but also with the presentation of an extraordinary film. When Cao Fei’s Beijing studio was demolished in … Now Cao Fei is the one who’s coming to Paris, to the Centre Pompidou. Read more + Live. The two limited editions Nova 15a and Nova 18a are two film stills from Cao Fei's new video work Nova, a ‘retro-Sci-Fi’, produced as part of the ‘HX’ research project. Currently living in Beijing, she mixes social commentary, popular aesthetics, references to Surrealism, and documentary conventions in her films and installations. Cao Fei (born 1978, Guangzhou) is a multi-media artist and filmmaker based in Beijing. Marquant les débuts internationaux de “Hongxia”, projet de recherche d’un ensemble d’oeuvres inédites, elle comprend, un long métrage, une collection de vidéos, des photographies et documents d’archive, mais aussi des installations créées à partir d’objets… Live ← → Exhibition. Cao Fei's RMB City was a fictional Chinese city constructed in the online virtual world Second Life.RMB City opened to the public in 2009 and remained active until 2011, when Cao Fei ended the project. La rédac Nova, Publié le 17 juin 2019 à 0 h 00 min Mis à jour Working with film, digital media, photography, sculpture and performance, Chinese artist Cao Fei (b. Jouez juste en dessous avec le mot de passe de la page Nova Aime pour en gagner ! Cao Fei est une observatrice du changement social, qui se fait le témoin des transformations en Chine à travers la vidéo, la photographie, et les univers en ligne. Cao Fei, Nova, 2019, video still. Acute Art is delighted to announce its collaboration with artist and filmaker Cao Fei. She was the nominator of the Rolls-Royce Art Programme Muse (2019). sur le TrAnSmEtTeUr », épisode 16 avec White Chocolate, Politique de confidentialité x données personnelles. The South Gallery has been turned into a replica of Cao Fei’s Beijing studio, which is located in a former cinema and community space called the Hongxia Theatre — a historically significant space throughout the transformation of the neighborhood it resides in, Jiuxianqiao, and the socialist industrialization of China. This is "Cao Fei - Nova (2019) - Excerpt 2'13" by Sprüth Magers on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. Courtesy the artist and Centre Pompidou, Paris. Cao Fei, Nova, 2019, Video, 109’. The Prize. Marquant les débuts internationaux de “Hongxia”, projet de recherche d’un ensemble d’oeuvres inédites, elle comprend, un long métrage, une collection de vidéos, des photographies et documents d’archive, mais aussi des installations créées à partir d’objets trouvés lors de recherches. }; Cao Fei : “HX” | du 6 juin au 26 août 2019 dans la Galerie 4 du Centre Pompidou (Place Georges-Pompidou, 75004 Paris) | 11-14€ | Billetterie ici | Toutes les infos sur le site ici. It is now officially declared a site of cultural heritage. Cao Fei’s projects often revolve around the effects of automation, virtual realities and hyper urbanisation on the human condition, while further addressing issues of memory, history, consumerism and societal structures – particularly in her native China. Friendly warning! Her works reflect on the rapid and chaotic changes that are occurring in Chinese society today. }); Working with film, digital media, photography, sculpture and performance, Chinese artist Cao Fei (b. Cao Fei; Nova 11, 2019; 110 x 150 cm. Les modèles Nova et Nova Plus ont ainsi été dévoilés lors de l' IFA 2016. The film tells the story of a computer scientist working on a secret international project that attempts to turn humans into digital mediums. Live ← → Exhibition. The Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize is an annual award established by The Photographers’ Gallery, London, in 1997 and in partnership with the Deutsche Börse Group since 2005 to identify and support talent, excellence and innovation. Il transpose des éléments empruntés à la culture populaire et aux jeux vidéo afin de produire une œuvre pop et attrayante qui reflète notre condition contemporaine en constant mouvement. Il transpose des éléments empruntés à la culture populaire et aux jeux vidéo afin de produire une œuvre pop et attrayante qui reflète notre condition contemporaine en constant mouvement. Projet ambitieux, “HX” révèle les riches et complexes strates d’un cinéma de quartier désaffecté, situé à proximité du désormais célèbre 798 Art Disctrict. Son langage artistique se situe dans un entre-deux, à mi-chemin entre réalité et imaginaire. Les radios en qualité supérieure AAC 256, des bons plans exclusifs, bibliothèque personnalisée…, Jazmine Sullivan, Four Tet, Mica Levi et des disques qui réchauffent, « Saku », « Sundial » : deux nouveaux titres pour Bicep, Martin Dust porte un Toast au 42ème jour de décembre 2020, Les Nouvelles Nova, new film. For millions of lives, the novel coronavirus currently rocking the globe has induced a secession from “real” to virtual space, where ubiquitous “social distancing” mandates are simultaneously heeded and safely transgressed. RMB City is a virtual metropolis where the artist’s own virtual utopia is experienced through the identity of an avatar, called China Tracy, who functions as a guide into her world. ⠀⠀ Parmi les galeries ayant répondu présentes, on retrouvera notamment Victoria Miro, Sadie Coles, High Art, mais aussi les françaises Perrotin, Kamel Mennour ou encore Chantal Crousel. Projet ambitieux, “HX” révèle les riches et complexes strates d’un cinéma de quartier désaffecté, situé à proximité du désormais célèbre 798 Art Disctrict. account: "58d55762a3721b77fa08e526" Cao Fei was on the Jury of The Selection Committee for the Curatorship of the 8th Berlin Biennale (2014), the jury of The Bonnefanten Award for Contemporary (2016), and the jury of Hugo Boss Asia Art Prize (2019). close. sur le TrAnSmEtTeUr », épisode 16 avec White Chocolate, Politique de confidentialité x données personnelles. The two limited editions Nova 15a and Nova 18a are two film stills from Cao Fei's new video work Nova, a ‘retro-Sci-Fi’, produced as part of the ‘HX’ research project. Available for sale from Serpentine Galleries, Cao Fei, Nova 15a (2020), C-print, 36.02 × 46.88 cm £300 (incl. Vous ne faites pas partie de la Nova Family ? “I want to use augmented reality to shape emotional connections with humans,” she tells AnOther. Read more + Live. She brings with her testimonies from her home district, which speak of a time and a style that have all but disappeared in a Beijing now transformed on various fronts into RMB City, but also with the presentation of an extraordinary film. Cao Fei’s work deals with parallels: parallel universes, parallel lives, and parallel dreams. Cao Fei, “Nova 17” (2019) chez Vitamin Creative Space. Son langage artistique se situe dans un entre-deux, à mi-chemin entre réalité et imaginaire. Cao Fei is a multi-media artist and filmmaker based in Beijing. Recevez les trésors de la rédac. Marquant les débuts internationaux de “Hongxia”, projet de recherche d’un ensemble d’oeuvres inédites, elle comprend, un long métrage, une collection de vidéos, des photographies et documents d’archive, mais aussi des installations créées à partir d’objets trouvés lors de recherches. In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, Acute Art developed an augmented reality version of … par , , Like many of Cao’s works, fiction and reality merge in Nova. ... which focuses on the story of an underground CPC telegrapher- a key reference within Nova. L’artiste pékinoise Cao Fei sera présente au Centre Pompidou pour une exposition personnelle intitulée “HX”. Nova, new film. Cao Fei: Blueprints Cao Fei’s first major institutional show in the UK, Blueprints features work from 2006–2020 and includes the premiere of her first virtual reality work, The Eternal Wave, produced in collaboration with Acute Art, and the UK premiere of new film Nova. }); Cao Fei 'Nova' (2019) Video. (43.3 x 59.1 in.) Two great loves sit at the heart of Cao Fei’s feature-length film Nova from last year: a romance between two computer scientists – one Russian, one … Cao Fei «Je ne suis qu’une âme électronique solitaire», «je ne suis qu’un cobaye», se lamente le fils abandonné. VAT) On the occasion of her solo exhibition Blueprints, at the Serpentine Galleries, Chinese artist Cao Fei has produced two new limited edition artworks. Cao Fei, Nova, 2019, Video, 109’. Cao Fei Nova 15a C-print 36.02 x 46.88cm Edition of 60 + 15 APs Signed and numbered by the artist. 4 out of 5 stars. Nova vous offre des places pour cette exposition. Vous ne faites pas partie de la Nova Family ? Courtesy: the artist, Vitamin Creative Space and Sprüth Magers, London, Berlin and Los Angeles ‘Blueprints’ is billed as a survey but, in fact, hangs off a suite of works that centre on the Hongxia Theatre, whose lobby is uncannily re-created in the first room. Cao Fei, Nova, 2019, Video, 109’. Due to be completed in early 2020, The Eternal Wave continues the narratives central to the artist’s previous works, such as, Whose Utopia? Time Out says. 4 out of 5 stars. Cao Fei, Nova, 2019, Video, 109’. Elle (ré)écrit et (ré)imagine le passé, le présent et le futur d’une communauté en pleine mutation, dans un pays en proie à une modernisation sans frein. Expressed in over three-and-a-half hours of film, a virtual reality (VR) installation, and collected ephemera, the artist’s perseverance in engaging viewers with her concerns is laudable. le 17 juin 2019 à 0 h 00 min. The film tells the story of a computer scientist working on a secret international project that … Les radios en qualité supérieure AAC 256, des bons plans exclusifs, bibliothèque personnalisée…, Jazmine Sullivan, Four Tet, Mica Levi et des disques qui réchauffent, « Saku », « Sundial » : deux nouveaux titres pour Bicep, Martin Dust porte un Toast au 42ème jour de décembre 2020, Les Nouvelles window.beOpinionAsyncInit = function() { Image courtesy of the artist and Vitamin Creative Space. Serpentine Gallery 4 Aug — 13 Sep 2020 Free. La rédac Nova, Publié le 17 juin 2019 à 0 h 00 min Mis à jour Certaines facettes des pratiques artistiques de Cao Fei sont clairement influencées par les évolutions radicales survenues en Chine durant les trois dernières décennies. Cao Fei; Nova 11, 2019; 110 x 150 cm. Cao Fei (b. Cao Fei: Blueprints. This is "Cao Fei - Nova (2019) - Excerpt 2'13" by Sprüth Magers on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. Cao Fei – the acclaimed Beijing-born multimedia artist dissecting daily life in contemporary China – will be also be involved, showcasing her 2019 digital sculpture, Nova. Quoi ? Cao Fei, Nova, 2019, still from video, 109 minutes. Cependant, des sujets transnationaux tels que la mondialisation de la société et de la main-d’œuvre sont également abordés. Editions Indépendantes, La selecta de Rémi, du Vinyl Truck de Montpellier, Nova Classic : « Motor Launch For Hire » de Back To Earth, Il était 1997, Lord Zeljko sur les ondes de Radio Nova, Kelly Finnigan a sorti des très belles chansons de Noël, « Get a room! Image courtesy of the artist and Vitamin Creative Space. Born in 1978 in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China, Cao Fei earned a BFA from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 2001. Cao Fei, Nova, video, 109 min. Courtesy the artist. Editions Indépendantes, La selecta de Rémi, du Vinyl Truck de Montpellier, Nova Classic : « Motor Launch For Hire » de Back To Earth, Il était 1997, Lord Zeljko sur les ondes de Radio Nova, Kelly Finnigan a sorti des très belles chansons de Noël, « Get a room! Cao Fei, Nova, 2019, Video, 109’. Courtesy the artist. Ifa 2016 most innovative Chinese artists to have emerged on the factories of 1950s Hong.. Vitamin Creative Space and Sprüth Magers ce contenu est génial, je veux le mettre au chaud London August 13... Humans, ” she tells AnOther en gagner innovative Chinese artists to have emerged on the factories of Hong... A secret international project that attempts to turn humans into digital mediums légions de de... Work deals with parallels: parallel universes, parallel lives, and Sprüth cao. Avec le mot de passe de la société et de la Nova?... 2019 ( film still ), Video, 109 min Plus ont ainsi été dévoilés lors de '. 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