cao fei 2020
Available for sale from Serpentine Galleries, Cao Fei, Nova 18a (2020), C-print, 36.02 × 46.88 cm Fei widmet sich in ihrem 42-minütigen Film La Town (2014) zum wiederholten Mal dem Phänomen Stadt in all seinen gesellschaftlichen und architektonischen Dimensionen. In her installations, videos, and photographs, fantastical qualities come in contrast with a discouraging and urban modern Chinese backdrop. Isle of Instability (2020), commissioned by Audemars Piguet Contemporary for its space at the fair, is a multimedia work that explores the psychological effects of leading lives in isolation. Questionnaire. 9—14 SEP 2020 Time Present. Watch: Why are Chinese People “Inhaling Cats”? Cao Fei, The Eternal Wave, 2020, virtual reality. The first chapter of Cao Fei’s Serpentine exhibition was dedicated to this project, encompassing a site-specific installation, her feature-length film, Nova (2019), and a virtual reality experience, The Eternal Wave (2020). Photo Gautier Deblonde. v oN 2020. Artist Cao Fei on Why We’re “Drifting in the Virtual World Without an Exit”. On Friday, November 20, 2020, RADII hosted a live chat on our Instagram between RADII Culture Editor Bryan Grogan and digital artist Cao Fei. Cao Fei‘s work is underpinned by an ongoing exploration of virtuality, how it has radically altered our perception of self and changed the way we understand reality.This slippage between the physical and the virtual is always present in her work; from the utopic and dystopic potentials of our modern-day cities, the escapism of users via the virtual platform, Second Life, to the … In 2021, Cao Fei will have her first major retrospective in mainland China at UCCA Center for Contemporary Art in Beijing, and a solo exhibition at MAXXI in Rome. CAO FEI CLEMENT COGITOR E OMER FAST TUAN ANDREW NGUYEN LAURE PROUVOST ISAAC JULIEN U.V.A. Januar 2020 wird im Kulturforum die Gruppenausstellung „Micro Era. Cao Fei’s ‘Blueprints’ finds freedom in fantasy By Rebecca Liu. Foto: Margareta von Oswald Noah Klink . We cannot handle or control ourselves when it comes to this issue. Sticky with time, our lives, having nothing special during these difficult times. A renowned multi-media artist, Cao combines photography, video and digital media with social commentary, popular aesthetics and references to Surrealism. Reviews. That is my feeling about why people have this strong addiction to the internet. Four newly commissioned works also respond to 2020’s role in our technological lives. Courtesy of the artist and Acute Art. Courtesy Serpentine Galleries. You might also like this. Even when you go outside, on the streets or on the subway, everyone is always on their phones. Cao Fei’s documentary film, '11.11', depicts the landscape of production and consumption within China. You can watch the full video embedded here: Cao Fei: I have two children and they are always on their iPads and computers. I feel the intimate experience is quite important […] because when I have my VR headset on, I’m in my own world. Anlässlich der Berlin Art Week wird der Film, zu dem diese Fotoarbeiten entstanden sind: Whose Utopia? There’s so much that stimulates children nowadays and there are distractions everywhere. Wed 4 Mar 2020 12.42 EST. VR is easy to be shared online and on virtual platforms, especially when we’ve lost our physical spaces. March 15, 2020 • Cao Fei on the limits of truth and virtuality Cao Fei, Nova , 2019, video, color, sound, 109 minutes. It’s very different to the old generation’s use of paintings, sculptures, and conceptual art. Cross x Talk Recap: Artist Cao Fei on the Future of the World, Feng Li’s Paris Street Photography is a Rare Bright Spot Amid a Dark Winter for the City of Lights, Listeners of the World, Unite! Literarische Fernreisen mit Uslar & Rai. Cao Fei, The Eternal Wave, 2020, virtual reality. Cao Fei, The Eternal Wave, 2020 Courtesy of the artist and Acute Art Beijing artist Cao Fei discusses her contribution to Unreal City, a new augmented reality exhibition which includes work from Olafur Eliasson, Bjarne Melgaard and more December 01, 2020 Video, digital media, photography and objects all play a role in the artist's engagement with an age of rapid technological development. 2020 has been a difficult year for everyone — but especially for those working in the arts. “Being away from home for so long, the foreign culture became familiar, the exotic cuisine became my go-to delicacy, the labyrinth of alleys became my daily routine, the strangers next door became my friendly neighbours, and I, once a guest of this country, became a resident. The process of adapting to a new situation alongside the artist is also what distinguishes this Audemars Piguet Contemporary commission. 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Standing on top of National Gallery’s Ng Teng Fong Roof Garden is the kinetic installation, ‘Fu Cha’, a 5-metre tall structure of a hanging wooden boat created by the artist Cao Fei. Cao Fei, “Blueprints”. Medium: C-print Size: 36.02 x 46.88cm Edition of 60 + 15 AP Signed and numbered Price: £300 Cao Fei - Nova 18a - 2020. Cao Fei’s work deals with parallels: parallel universes, parallel lives, and parallel dreams. The artist’s infinite curiosity for documenting our present reality will be shared and felt above all.”, said Denis Pernet, Art Curator, Audemars Piguet Contemporary. Header image: “Nova.” Courtesy of the artist, Vitamin Creative Space and Sprüth Magers. Last modified on Fri 6 Nov 2020 08.59 EST. Fei’s work, titled Isle of Instability, will premiere in Shanghai at West Bund Art & Design from 11 to 15 November 2020. It’s very sad, I see a lot of artists and curators in the US or UK facing their second lockdown, and I can’t imagine how they will have had almost a year of lockdown. Lost in transition, certainty has become a luxury.” Cao Fei. They had just started exhibiting The Eternal Wave, a virtual reality experience by multimedia artist Cao Fei. The installation is the culmination of the artist’s five-year research project into the building’s history and the surrounding neighbourhood, where the first Chinese computer was developed with support from the Soviet Union. The background of the city of Guangzhou, with dilapidated buildings crumbling next to modern high-rise buildings, implies the shifting tides of China’s economy and where protagonists will have to grow up. Her works reflect on the rapid and muddled changes that are occurring in Chinese society today and often deal with themes of anticipation, questioning the possible collapse of our future while proposing an escape, or a solution, through the potential of humanity: its dreams, imagination, creativity and the individual in relation to the collective. Image courtesy of National Gallery Singapore. It’s hard to say whether to worry or not because we, including me, are all in this wave. Seite 2 Unternehmenskommunikation Pressevorführung: Donnerstag 22. To find out more about our available positions, please visit our Careers page. Cao Fei’s Science Fiction Fever Dreams In "Blueprints", Cao works primarily as an anthropologist of sorts, creating a space where the past and the future are not so easily demarcated. Photography from the Deutsche Bank Collection 10 JUN 2020—8 FEB 2021 Christo and Jeanne-Claude: Projects 1963—2020 6 MAY—14 SEP 2020. Vorschau von Blueprints von Cao Fei, einem chinesischen Multimedia-Künstler und Filmemacher mit Sitz in Peking. Cao Fei, Asia One, 2018, Video, 63’20”. Cao Fei: Whose Utopia? March 15, 2020 • Cao Fei on the limits of truth and virtuality Cao Fei, Nova, 2019, video, color, sound, 109 minutes. Courtesy: the artist and Acute Art. I think this is quite symbolic for me of the new generation — it’s like slime. In March this year, on the cusp of the UK’s much delayed lockdown, the foyer of London’s Serpentine was transformed into Cao Fei’s Beijing cinema turned studio for her exhibition Blueprints, complete with a ticketdesk, salesperson, red curtains, and screening room. The World in 2021 Cao Fei, a Chinese multimedia artist, gets a career retrospective Her work explores the Chinese dream and those affected by it I N 2006 CAO FEI … Cao Fei: I just feel that everything is sped up. Oktober 2020, 10.00 Uhr Interview mit Matthew Barney (aufgezeichnet) und Filmvorführung von „Redoubt“ (Europapremiere) Ort: Theatinerfilm, Theatinerstr. Felicity Hammond. We can see that nowadays virtual experiences are becoming more popular, and more artists are using this method. “All of the artists and projects that have come to life under the auspices of Audemars Piguet share certain common characteristics. She has also explored the lure of the virtual with a city on Second Life, in which she Cao Fei Fú Chá Ng Teng Fong Roof Garden Commission January 17, 2020 National Gallery Singapore 1 St. Andrew's Rd Singapore 178957 Hours: Monday–Sunday 10am–7pm, Friday–Saturday 10am–10pm T +65 6271 7000 Instagram / Facebook / Twitter / YouTube In the years since, Audemars Piguet has commissioned a series of memorable contemporary artworks, fostering a global community of creators. Cao Fei - Nova 15a - 2020. Fei’s work, titled Isle of Instability, will premiere in Shanghai at West Bund Art & Design from 11 to 15 November 2020. On Friday, November 20, 2020, RADII hosted a live chat on our Instagram between RADII Culture Editor Bryan Grogan and digital artist Cao Fei. On Friday, November 20, 2020, RADII hosted a live chat on our Instagram between RADII Culture Editor Bryan Grogan and digital artist Cao Fei. Text Dominique Sisley. Cao Fei, The Eternal Wave, 2020, virtual reality still. Installation view at Serpentine Galleries, London, 2020. Künstler: Cao Fei. RADII (rā'dē-ī') is an independent platform of artists, writers and creators dedicated to sharing vibrant stories from the rarely explored sides of new China. When Cao Fei’s Beijing studio was demolished in 2015, the artist relocated to the disused Hongxia Theater: a mid-twentieth-century movie … Produced by Acute Art, it is – surprisingly – Cao’s first foray into the medium. Trademark Introduction: LEORANGE TRADEMARK INFORMATION : CAO FEI: Updated January 8, 2021: Sponsored Links. Cao Fei: Whose Utopia? Fei’s work, titled Isle of Instability, will premiere in Shanghai at West Bund Art & Design from 11 to 15 November 2020. It is very challenging though. Dieses Stockfoto: London, Großbritannien. Cao Fei, still from The Eternal Wave, 2020, virtual reality. Für ihren Film baute Cao Fei auf nur zweieinhalb Quadratmetern das Modell einer faszinierenden Miniaturwelt, das ihr als alleiniger Drehort diente. Cao Fei posiert mit ihrer Installation RMB City: A Second Life City Planning, 2008. Veranstalter & Ort: Museum PalaisPopulaire 10117 Berlin Unter den Linden 5. This interplay between fantasy and reality, connection and isolation and utopia and dystopia have remained important themes across Cao’s diverse body of work. Exhibition space will change, as will the connection of people to the artwork. Between dreams and reality, the real and the virtual, Cao Fei’s videos examine the dilemmas of contemporary life, exploring the transformations in China, the … Bd. Initially emerging quite naturally out of the 40th anniversary celebrations of the Royal Oak – whereby Audemars Piguet commissioned a series of works inspired by the Vallée de Joux – the program has evolved into something much more substantial. One of the most influential Chinese multimedia artists, Cao Fei exhibited a new work at West Bund Art & Design in Shanghai last month. Isle of Instability draws on these themes, while exploring the limitations and emotions felt in isolation. To read more of ArtAsiaPacific’s articles, visit our Digital Library. Sunday, March 08, 2020, 17:57 By China Daily Lifestyle Premium Contemporary Chinese art star Cao Fei stages her first solo show at London’s Serpentine Galleries Still from Asia One, (2018, video, 63’20”) Last year, she became the first Chinese artist to hold a solo exhibition at the prestigious Centre Pompidou in Paris. Now we have local visitors only. Cao Fei’s work speaks to the persistence of the human spirit within the contemporary metropolis. Lots of places have also invited me to show my works online. Like my children, for example, they say, “oh it’s just a year, it isn’t that long,” but when I was a kid I thought that every day was so long. Since 2012, the Audemars Piguet contemporary art program has been instrumental in strengthening the bond between the watch industry and the art industry. Audemars Piguet recently commissioned contemporary artist Cao Fei (曹斐) to create an installation reflecting the realities of living through a global pandemic. Photography by Gautier Deblonde. Cao Fei zeigt nun bald ihr neues, im Auftrag von Audemars Piguet entstandenes Kunstwerk. Oktober 2020 Thema KINO DER KUNST 2020 mit BMW Art Car Künstlerin Cao Fei. Enter Your Email Below for News, Stories & Insider Interviews, I agree to the collection and use of my personal data by The Hour Glass Group. We criticize it but also enjoy it, so we cannot criticize but continue using these gadgets constantly — there’s going to be a conflict. Image by Cao Fei in quarantine with her family in Singapore, preparing Isle of Instability, 2020, commissioned by Audemars Piguet Contemporary. Courtesy of Serpentine Galleries, London. Rezensionen zu den gelesenen Büchern. Cao Fei: Blueprints takes place from 4 March to 17 May, 2020 at Serpentine Galleries, Kensington Gardens, London, England. 20 Sek., Courtesy: die Künstlerin, Vitamin Creative Space und Sprüth Magers Bd. Questionnaire. Cao Fei’s “Blueprints” was scheduled to be on view at Serpentine Gallery, London, until May 17, 2020. Advance watchmaking culture as a contributor with one of the leading specialist watch retailer. November 2020 bei der "West Bund Art & Design" in Shanghai. 9—14 SEP 2020 Time Present. Dieses Stockfoto: London, Großbritannien. Cao Fei’s ‘Blueprints’ finds freedom in fantasy By Rebecca Liu. 58 Sek., Courtesy: die Künstlerin, Vitamin Creative Space und Sprüth Magers Bd. 270 Cao Fei, La Town, 2014, Video, 41 Min. In March this year, on the cusp of the UK’s much delayed lockdown, the foyer of London’s Serpentine was transformed into Cao Fei’s Beijing cinema turned studio for her exhibition Blueprints, complete with a ticketdesk, salesperson, red curtains, and screening room. Cao Fei ist ein Multimedia-Künstler und Filmemacher mit Sitz in Peking bringt Sie in neue virtuelle Realität muss ein bisschen anders sehen Western Creation Reality alte und neue Technologie in virtuellen und sich verändernden Landschaften von Städten in China und darüber hinaus am 3. Activities and Societies: University of Michigan Dota2 Collegiate Team ... Xiaolin Cao Software Development Engineer Intern at Amazon ... Fei … It’ll be important to develop things in the future to support this. Cao Fei - Nova 15a - 2020. 270 Cao Fei, Nova, 2019, Video, 109 Min., Courtesy: die Künstlerin, Vitamin Creative Space und Sprüth Magers Bd. For millions of lives, the novel coronavirus currently rocking the globe has induced a secession from “real” to virtual space, where ubiquitous “social distancing” mandates are simultaneously heeded and safely transgressed. And Acute Art, it is – surprisingly – cao ’ s different to watching a film the... 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