catholic religion standards
While assessing cognition seems slightly removed from the center of the person, assessing beliefs and values cuts to the heart. Teaching the tradition: Catholic themes in academic disciplines. Great Books better engage higher order thinking skills and enhance student personal development, creativity, and engagement. Accept that scientific knowledge is a call to serve and not simply a means to gain power, material prosperity, or success. Use imitation of author structure, tone, and craft to develop writing style. Explain the processes of conservation, preservation, overconsumption, and stewardship in relation to caring for that which God has given to sustain and delight us. These standards reflect insights gathered from Church documents on education; books and articles on Catholic education, liberal arts education, and classical education; the educational philosophies of Catholic colleges in The Newman Guide to Choosing a Catholic College; and the Cardinal Newman Society’s Principles of Catholic Identity in Education. Retrieved from, Congregation for Catholic Education (1982). With this statement, we see the great importance and impact of even those individuals not directly hired as teachers to the total educational environment experienced by the student on a daily basis. Sometimes framing the dispositions as an objective for the classroom teacher so as to provide focus and direction is all that is required. Explain man’s limitations of understanding and uncovering all mathematical knowledge. The document reiterates the value of Catholic education, citing some of the previous documents released by the Sacred Congregation of Catholic Education, and discusses the importance of Catholic schools especially for the economically poor and minority students in inner-city environments. At every grade level, the religion curriculum standards are structured in strands that represent the four pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church: The Profession of Faith (Creed), Celebration of the Christian Mystery (Sacraments and the Mass), Life in Christ (The Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes), and Christian Prayer (The Prayer of the Believer). Analyze carefully chosen selections to uncover the proper nature of man, his problems, and his experiences in trying to know and perfect both himself and the world. Analyze literature to identify, interpret, and assimilate the cultural patrimony handed down from previous generations. Spitzer, R. & LeBlanc, C. (n.d.). What is the good life? – Catholic Textbook Project: President; The Institute for Catholic Liberal Education: President; St. Augustine Academy: Headmaster, Susan Waldstein, S.T.D. The document states that “a true education aims at the formation of the human person in the pursuit of his ultimate end” (#1). Analyze how God has revealed Himself throughout time and history, including the things we know best and can easily verify. Paragraphs 73-75 explain the proper characteristics of religious instruction in schools. See, Ignatius Press Critical Editions. State meaning of virgin. Analyze how the pursuit of scientific knowledge, for utilitarian purposes alone or for the misguided manipulation of nature, thwarts the pursuit of authentic Truth and the greater glory of God. New York, NY: J.F. Grade 1 4. Assessments of this nature are best used as formative assessments to aid the classroom teacher in a more focused and integral formation of the student in all content areas. The beauty of holiness and the holiness of beauty: Art sanctity and the truth of Catholicism. They have much to do with revealing man’s place in history and in the world; with illustrating the miseries and joys, the needs and strengths of man and with foreshadowing a better life for him. Avoid an overemphasis on informational texts. Science and ethics, science and transcendence are not mutually exclusive, but come together for a greater and better understanding of man and the world” (II, #2). Do not be disheartened in the face of the difficulties that the educational challenge presents. The initial development of the standards was influenced by multiple sources, including Church documents, scholarly works related to Catholic education and the Catholic intellectual tradition, and books articulating the nature of liberal arts and classical education. Of importance to Catholic educators and administrators are the sections titled, “The curriculum as the expression of the school’s identity” (#64-69) and the sections directed toward the formation and profession of teachers and administrators (#76-86). Each standard is given a unique identifier for ease of location within the document and identification in teacher lesson plans. This all-encompassing, seminal encyclical on Catholic education was written by Pope Pius XI. Additional resources are available on the Cardinal Newman Society’s K-12 Catholic Curriculum Standards website at Christian pedagogy or the instruction and moral training of youth. The work of these teachers, this sacred synod declares, is in the real sense of the word an apostolate most suited to and necessary for our times and at once a true service offered to society. et Phil. We must also avoid the common trap of assuming that only that which can be quantifiably assessed should be taught or only that which is quantifiable is assessable. The religion curriculum is designed to promote life long faith formation. P. 159, Thomas Aquinas College Why We Study Christian faith teaches that human beings are created in the image of God with a desire to seek truth. Seventh Grade. Evaluate the concept of subsidiarity and its role in Catholic social doctrine. (The trilogy began with The Catholic School in 1977 and Lay Catholics in Schools: Witnesses to Faith in 1982.) Ensure a positive approach to mathematical inquiry by maximizing student success and confidence in early mathematical experiences and incorporating opportunities for joy, wonder, and excitement in the study of mathematics. (2012). Analyze critical values presented in literature and the degree to which they are in accord or discord with Catholic norms. Share concern and care for the environment as a part of God’s creation. This document offers general guidelines regarding the educational climate of a Catholic school which includes the building up of a school culture animated by faith. Roman Catholicism - Roman Catholicism - Beliefs and practices: The idea of faith shared by all Christian churches is rooted in the New Testament. standards is the first step to intentionally integrating our faith across the curriculum. Writing is thinking. Use multiple literary approaches beyond “close reading” to examine a text, such as moral analysis, or analyzing the text as an expression of the author’s philosophical and theological beliefs. It had been longstanding practice in Catholic education to rely heavily upon state standards for public schools, but this became increasingly controversial when many states shifted to the Common Core State Standards. They strive to make known the proper nature of man, his problems and his experiences in trying to know and perfect both himself and the world. Medieval Christendom, from the eleventh to the fifteenth centuries; 5. For it will then be seen as something reasonable and worthy of being lived, something concrete and realizable. To guide students toward this goal, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) created the Curriculum Framework5 for high school religion classes. Propose how mathematical objects or proofs (such as the golden mean, the Fibonacci numbers, the musical scale, and geometric proofs) suggest divine origin. When focusing on whether a student possesses a certain attitude, belief, or value, we are entering into an area that is highly personal and might change from day to day. Mathematics, reality, and God. It can be seen as a sign of God’s goodness, benevolence and graciousness, of both His presence and His transcendence in the world.40 It can serve as re-enchantment with the cosmos and all reality41 and assist in moving our students to a rich and deep contemplative beholding of the real.42. Whenever possible incorporate Socratic discussions into history. Explain the human condition and the role and dignity of man in God’s plan. The Council also reminds Catholic parents of the duty of entrusting their children to Catholic schools wherever and whenever it is possible and of supporting these schools to the best of their ability and of cooperating with them for the education of their children. Recognize personal bias in inquiry and articulate why inquiry should be undertaken in a fair and independent manner. We must believe that this order is not a necessary order that could be found out by pure thought like the truths of mathematics, but is rather a contingent or dependent order that can only be found by making experiments. Instruction and education in a Catholic school must be based on the principles of Catholic doctrine, and the teachers must be outstanding in true doctrine and uprightness of life. Congregation for Catholic Education. Analyze stories of important Catholic figures and saints who through their actions and examples develop or re-awaken that period’s moral sense. religion and theology, dedication to Catholic school education, religious education, and faith formation have provided this Archdiocesan Religion Curriculum Standards, a model of consistent curriculum for grades one through twelve. Grade 5 8. Demonstrate the ways men and societies change and/or persist over time to better understand the human condition. Consider an interdisciplinary, liberal arts approach to mathematics, especially in high school. The soul’s upward yearning. Primarily aimed at parents, teachers, and other personnel in Catholic schools, this document from the Congregation for Catholic Education addresses what it sees as a central challenge of education—the acceptance of various cultural expressions among all peoples and the necessity to overcome prejudices and build harmony among cultures without losing one’s own identity and pedagogical vision. Questions and comments can be sent to Denise Donohue ( or Dan Guernsey ( Describe humanity’s natural situation in, and dependence upon, physical reality and how man carries out his role as a cooperator with God in the work of creation. Explain how the powerful role of poetic knowledge, the moral imagination, connotative language, and artistic creativity explore difficult and unwieldy elements of the human condition, which is not always explainable with technical linguistic analysis or scientific rationalism. Wm. Especially emphasized is “the new awareness that all members of the faculty, at least by their example, are an integral part of the process of religious education” and a “Teachers’ life style and character are as important as their professional credentials” (p.7). Message to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences: On evolution. Describe how God, Himself, through the incarnation, has “sacramentalized” time and humanity. “How much do you love me?” would be the assessment question, but isn’t love in-and-of-itself worthy without measure? Grade 7 & 8 10. Attempts to compartmentalize the religious and the secular in Catholic schools reflect a relativistic perspective by suggesting that faith is merely a private matter and does not have a significant bearing on how reality as a whole should be understood. Avoid canned materials, questions, or text units. (June 1988). In fact, even “care for instruction means loving” (Wis 6:17). London, England: Burns Oates & Washbourne. Retrieved from, Laracy, J. New proofs for the existence of God: Contributions of contemporary physics and philosophy. Does the bible conflict with evolution? This short document was issued by the Catechetical Office of the Holy See under Pope Pius XI to address the urgency that Catholic doctrine be taught in all parishes, schools, and colleges and that those teaching the faith be qualified and attend annual catechetical conventions and other meetings to discuss the best methods of catechetical instruction (#34-35). Do more with the text than clinically dissect and disaggregate it. Is the theory of relativity a good theory? The Pope condemns new methods of instruction based on naturalism, stating that man is both body and soul, with a fallen nature that can be elevated by God’s grace. C. Students will grow in their understanding of Jesus as the Son of God. The document states that the Catholic school must help the student “spell out the meaning of his experiences and their truths” (#27) and states that any school which does not do this “hinders the personal development of its pupils” (#27). Best Practice Suggestions for Science in Catholic Schools. Spitzer, R. & Noggle, M. (2015). Identify with beautifully told and well-crafted works, especially those with elements of unity, harmony, and radiance of form. Explain how the central themes within the stories of important Catholic figures and saints repeat over time. Display a sense of wonder about mathematical relationships as well as confidence in mathematical certitude. Articulate the tension and distinction between religious freedom and social cohesion. Value the human body as the temple of the Holy Spirit. When illumined by the light of faith, all knowledge becomes living, conscious, and active.7 Because students have access to reason, revelation, and the guidance of the Catholic Church, Catholic education is uniquely positioned to offer guidance on issues of values and morality as well as to provide life-giving and definitive answers related to questions of human purpose, human dignity, and human flourishing. Translated by Robert Mulligan, S.J., Henry Regnery Company. Albany, NY: The State University of New York Press. What do we know from revelation? Beautiful artwork enhances the scientific content on the sleek pages of this textbook yet coffee table-styled volume. (1998). The document discusses the role of parents and the State to provide education to young people. Pieper, J. Educating today and tomorrow: A renewing passion. Identify the dangers of relativism present in the notion that one culture cannot critique another, and that truth is simply culturally created. Explain how beliefs about God, humanity, and material things affect behavior. Explanation of the StandardsIntroductionEnglish/Language Arts Grades K-6English/Language Arts Grades 7-12History Grades K-6History Grades 7-12Scientific Topics Grades K-6Scientific Topics Grades 7-12Mathematics Grades K-6Mathematics Grades 7-12Appendix A: Educating to Truth, Beauty, and GoodnessAppendix B: Assessing Non-Cognitive StandardsAppendix C: ELA Resources & Reading ListAppendix D: History ResourcesAppendix E: Science ResourcesAppendix F: Mathematics ResourcesAppendix G: Consultants & ContributorsReferencesReference Tables for StandardsChurch Documents for School Teachers: Annotated Bibliography. (#14). Examine the Church’s position on freedom and man’s right to participate in the building up of society and contributing to the common good. Evaluate the ongoing nature of mathematical inquiry, its inexhaustibility, and its openness to the infinite. The death of Christian culture. Washington, D.C.: USCCB. Professional commitment; support of truth, justice and freedom; openness to the point of view of others, combined with an attitude of service; personal commitment to the students, and fraternal solidarity with everyone; [and] a life that is integrally moral in all its aspects. Demonstrate the mental habits of precise, determined, careful, and accurate questioning, inquiry, and reasoning. 146-148, see also John Paul II. We must believe that his order is open to the human mind, for otherwise there would be no point in trying to find it. Growth in such areas is more often “caught than taught,” and rather than planning for them in discreet experiences, the Catholic teacher must be constantly aware of them so as to integrate them naturally whenever possible and without immediate concern for concrete assessment. Identify the causes underlying why people do the things they do. Divided Christendom, from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries; 6. In order for this dialogue to be effective, it must be “set-out from a deep-seated knowledge of the specific identity of the various dialogue partners. A declaration of Catholic education issued from the Second Vatican Council. But let teachers recognize that the Catholic school depends upon them almost entirely for the accomplishment of its goals and programs. Religious Brothers: 174. Use imagination to create dialogue between the reader and fictional characters by entering into the lives of the characters and uncovering deeper meanings, inferences, and relationships between the characters, nature, and God. This interactive workbook links text content to online resources through both QR codes and web URLs. By truth we are put in touch with reality, which we find is good for us and beautiful to behold. Analyze and exhibit mastery of essential dates, persons, places, and facts, relevant to the Western tradition and the Catholic Church. Justify how history, as a medium, can assist in recognizing and rejecting contemporary cultural values that threaten human dignity and are contrary to the Gospel message. Examine texts for historical truths, recognizing bias or distortion by the author and overcoming a relativistic viewpoint. This will allow theology teachers to address scientific topics from a theological perspective as they are concurrently being taught in the science classroom. San Francisco, CA: Ignatius Press. …the development of science depends on moral convictions such as the obligation freely to share any knowledge that is gained.” (pp. Describe how the gratuitousness of literary and artistic creation reflects the divine prerogative. Develop a separate grammar course that begins to focus students on the structure of English writing and speaking in the 4. Analyze historical events, especially those involving critical human experiences of good and evil, so as to enlarge understanding of self and others. Topics include: What science can and cannot do, The Big Bang Theory and the modern universe, The Borde-Vilenkin-Guth proof for a beginning of ANY universe or multiverse, The evidence for a beginning from entropy, Evidence of supernatural design from fine-tuning of universal constants, A response to atheist’s objections (particularly, Richard Dawkins), A metaphysical proof of God, Evidence of a transphysical soul from near death experiences, Evidence of a transcendent soul from our five transcendental desires, and Atheism, the bible, science, and evolution and aliens. But above all with your life be witnesses of what you communicate (Conclusion). CATHOLIC CURRICULAR STANDARDS AND DISPOSITIONS Related to Science Topics 7-12 General Standards: CS: S.712: GS1: The Religious Dimension of Education in a Catholic School, 56, 57. Letter of His Holiness John Paul II to Reverend George V. Coyne, S.J. Grade 3 6. Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Publishing House. Is our mind/concept in accord with reality? Identify examples of noble characteristics in stories of virtuous heroes and heroines. Of particular interest might be Chapter 5 on the science behind the transcendent soul and Appendix One on a contemporary view of evidence for an Intelligent Creator. Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press. How does this measure up to God’s plan or expectations of it as revealed in Christ? Assessments as accurately and honestly as they could if anonymity is not available with others beauty! Found in the belief system of scientific naturalism or scientism thing, other. Christ in prayer, Scripture, and goodness of creation and continually ready to “ avoid both fundamentalism and of... Process of discovering meanings and truths existing within the school as frequent prayer create a personal with... Which threaten the health of the Holy see ( 1935 ) and reality God. View, diversity ceases to be carefully prepared for their apostolate and continually ready to renew! 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