ecclesiastes 2 nkjv

ecclesiastes 2 nkjv

Better to go to the house of mourning. Paragraph. King James Version (KJV) Bible Book List. Listen to the Bible. 19 And who knows whether he will be wise or a fool? 2 I said (B)in my heart, “Come now, I will test you with (C)mirth; [a]therefore enjoy pleasure”; but surely, (D)this also was vanity. 1 The words of a the Preacher, 1 the son of David, b king in Jerusalem. 6 I made myself water pools from which to [c]water the growing trees of the grove. (F) 5 I made gardens and parks and planted all kinds of fruit trees in them. Powered by Tengine 2 I said in my heart, “Come now, I will test you with mirth; [] therefore enjoy pleasure”; but surely, this also was vanity. I acquired male and female singers, the delights of the sons of men, and [e]musical instruments of all kinds. Ecclesiastes 2 New King James Version (NKJV) The Vanity of Pleasure. 2 I said (B)in my heart, “Come now, I will test you with (C)mirth; [a]therefore enjoy pleasure”; but surely, (D)this also was vanity. everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; “The fate of the fool will overtake me also. Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Ecc 2:26 For God gives wisdom and knowledge and joy to a man who is good in His sight; but to the sinner He gives the work of gathering and collecting, that he may give to him who is good before God. 9 (I)So I became great and [f]excelled (J)more than all who were before me in Jerusalem. Red Letter. 8 (H)I also gathered for myself silver and gold and the special treasures of kings and of the provinces. 12 Then I turned myself to consider wisdom (M)and madness and folly;For what can the man do who succeeds the king?—Only what he has already (N)done.13 Then I saw that wisdom (O)excels follyAs light excels darkness.14 (P)The wise man’s eyes are in his head,But the fool walks in darkness.Yet I myself perceivedThat (Q)the same event happens to them all. 2 I said of laughter - "Madness! "; and of mirth, "What does it accomplish?" This also, I saw, was from the hand of God. 25 For who can eat, or who can have enjoyment, [i]more than I? I also owned more herds and flocks than anyone in Jerusalem before me. All rights reserved. 9 I became greater by far than anyone in Jerusalem(K) before me. 3 What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun? (X) 18 I hated all the things I had toiled for under the sun, because I must leave them to the one who comes after me. 56:12; Luke 12:19; 1 Cor. The next step is to choose a monthly or yearly subscription, an Ecclesiastes 2. This also is vanity. 8 (H)I also gathered for myself silver and gold and the special treasures of kings and of the provinces. 301 Moved Permanently. Ecclesiastes 2 King James Version << Ecclesiastes 1 | Ecclesiastes 2 | Ecclesiastes 3 >> 2 1 I said in mine heart, Go to now, I will prove thee with mirth, therefore enjoy pleasure: and, … 2 I said in my heart, “Come now, I will test you with mirth; [] therefore enjoy pleasure”; but surely, this also was vanity. This also is vanity and grasping for the wind. Verse. NKJV 1 I said in my heart, "Come now, I will test you with mirth; therefore enjoy pleasure"; but surely, this also was vanity. 17 Therefore I hated life because the work that was done under the sun was distressing to me, for all is vanity and grasping for the wind. Read verse in New King James Version 3 I sought in mine heart to give myself unto wine, yet acquainting mine heart with wisdom; and to lay hold on folly, till I might see what was that good for the sons of men, which they should do under the heaven all the days of their life. (Z) Yet they will have control over all the fruit of my toil into which I have poured my effort and skill under the sun. All rights reserved worldwide. Eccl. Ecclesiastes 2:11 NKJV Then I looked on all the works that my hands had done And on the labor in which I had toiled; And indeed all was vanity and grasping for the wind. Ecclesiastes 2 - NKJV Audio Bible PLUS Text This is from the New King James Version of The Bible. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. 23 For all his days are (U)sorrowful, and his work burdensome; even in the night his heart takes no rest. So with MT, Tg., Vg. Copyright © 2019 by Zondervan. 1 The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem. Listen to the Bible. 14:13; (Eccl. Ecclesiastes 2 The Vanity of Self-Indulgence. Paragraph. 21 For there is a man whose labor is with wisdom, knowledge, and skill; yet he must leave his [h]heritage to a man who has not labored for it. New King James Version (NKJV). Ecclesiastes 1:2 Context. 5 I made myself gardens and orchards, and I planted all kinds of fruit trees in them. 1 For I considered all this in my heart, so that I could declare it all: that the righteous and the wise and their works are in the hand of God. Font Size. Ecclesiastes 2:13-14 Then I saw that wisdom excels folly As light excels darkness. Ecclesiastes 2:18–23 18 Then I hated all my labor in which I had toiled under the sun, because r I must leave it to the man who will come after me. This summary of the book of Ecclesiastes provides information about the title, author(s), date of writing, chronology, theme, theology, outline, a brief overview, and the chapters of the Book of Ecclesiastes. (P)13 I saw that wisdom(Q) is better than folly,(R)    just as light is better than darkness.14 The wise have eyes in their heads,    while the fool walks in the darkness;but I came to realize    that the same fate overtakes them both. (N), 12 Then I turned my thoughts to consider wisdom,    and also madness and folly. Than to go to the house of feasting, For that is the end of all … Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. (L) In all this my wisdom stayed with me. ; some Heb. Yet he will rule over all my labor in which I toiled and in which I have shown myself wise under the sun. Bible > NKJV > Ecclesiastes 9 Ecclesiastes 9 New King James Version: Par Death Comes to All. This also is vanity and a great evil. 17 Therefore I hated life because the work that was done under the sun was distressing to me, for all is vanity and grasping for the wind. The requested resource has been assigned a new permanent URI. King James Version Update. 26 For God gives (W)wisdom and knowledge and joy to a man who is good in His sight; but to the sinner He gives the work of gathering and collecting, that (X)he may give to him who is good before God. 3:12, 13, 22; Is. I did not withhold my heart from any pleasure. Whatsoever is brought upon thee take cheerfully, and be patient when thou art changed to a low … Yet he will rule over all my labor in which I toiled and in which I have shown myself wise under the sun. This also is vanity. 6 I made reservoirs to water groves of flourishing trees. Starting your free trial of Bible Gateway Plus is easy. This also, I saw, was from the hand of God. NIV 1 I said to myself, “Come now, I will test you with pleasure to find out what is good.” But that also proved to be meaningless. 18 Then I hated all my labor in which I had toiled under the sun, because (S)I must leave it to the man who will come after me. (AC) This too is meaningless. 2 I said of laughter, It is mad: and of mirth, What doeth it? 7 I acquired male and female servants, and had [d]servants born in my house. Red Letter. 7 I acquired male and female servants, and had [d]servants born in my house. (AG) 26 To the person who pleases him, God gives wisdom,(AH) knowledge and happiness, but to the sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth(AI) to hand it over to the one who pleases God. 2 I said of laughter--"Madness! This also is vanity and a great evil. 26 For God gives (W)wisdom and knowledge and joy to a man who is good in His sight; but to the sinner He gives the work of gathering and collecting, that (X)he may give to him who is good before God. This also is vanity. 20 Therefore I turned my heart and despaired of all the labor in which I had toiled under the sun. 1:2 this also was vanity. 12 Then I turned myself to consider wisdom (M)and madness and folly;For what can the man do who succeeds the king?—Only what he has already (N)done.13 Then I saw that wisdom (O)excels follyAs light excels darkness.14 (P)The wise man’s eyes are in his head,But the fool walks in darkness.Yet I myself perceivedThat (Q)the same event happens to them all. 2 I said to myself, “Come now, I will test you with pleasure(A) to find out what is good.” But that also proved to be meaningless. (O)What more can the king’s successor do    than what has already been done? (I) I acquired male and female singers,(J) and a harem[a] as well—the delights of a man’s heart. For all his days are sorrowful, and his work burdensome; even in the night his heart takes no rest. 20 Therefore I turned my heart and despaired of all the labor in which I had toiled under the sun. 21 For a person may labor with wisdom, knowledge and skill, and then they must leave all they own to another who has not toiled for it. 1 I said a in my heart, "Come now, I will test you with b mirth; 1 therefore enjoy pleasure"; but surely, c this also was vanity. 7 I bought male and female slaves and had other slaves(G) who were born in my house. 24 (V)Nothing is better for a man than that he should eat and drink, and that his soul should enjoy good in his labor. Ecclesiastes All Is Vanity. 20 So my heart began to despair over all my toilsome labor under the sun. mss., LXX, Syr. (S), “The fate of the fool will overtake me also. 24 A person can do nothing better than to eat and drink(AD) and find satisfaction in their own toil. 3 I sought in mine heart to give myself unto wine, yet acquainting mine heart with wisdom; and to lay hold on folly, till I might see what was that good for the sons of men, which they should do under the heaven all the days of their life. This also is vanity and grasping for the wind. 6 I made myself water pools from which to [c]water the growing trees of the grove. at which he toils under the sun? This too is meaningless and a great misfortune. Also my wisdom remained with me. ; some Heb. The wise man's eyes are in his head, But the fool walks in darkness. # to give…: Heb. 4 I made my works great, I built myself (G)houses, and planted myself vineyards. (V)Like the fool, the wise too must die!(W). 21 For there is a man whose labor is with wisdom, knowledge, and skill; yet he must leave his [h]heritage to a man who has not labored for it. I said in my heart, "Come now, I will test you with mirth; therefore enjoy pleasure"; but surely, this … 18 Then I hated all my labor in which I had toiled under the sun, because (S)I must leave it to the man who will come after me. 7:4; 8:15) mirth; therefore enjoy pleasure”; but surely, # Eccl. Also my wisdom remained with me. 3:12, 13, 22; Is. All of it is meaningless, a chasing after the wind. Ecclesiastes 2:18–24 18 Then I hated all my labor in which I had toiled under the sun, because r I must leave it to the man who will come after me. Ecclesiastes 2. 17 So I hated life, because the work that is done under the sun was grievous to me. 2 I said of laughter—“Madness!”; and of mirth, “What does it accomplish?” 3 (E)I searched in my heart how [b]to gratify my flesh with wine, while guiding my heart with wisdom, and how to lay hold on folly, till I might see what was (F)good for the sons of men to do under heaven all the days of their lives. NIV Reverse Interlinear Bible: English to Hebrew and English to Greek. 15 So I said in my heart,“As it happens to the fool,It also happens to me,And why was I then more wise?”Then I said in my heart,“This also is vanity.”16 For there is (R)no more remembrance of the wise than of the fool forever,Since all that now is will be forgotten in the days to come.And how does a wise man die?As the fool! Bible > NKJV > Ecclesiastes 2 Ecclesiastes 2 New King James Version: Par The Vanity of Pleasure. 15:32; [1 Tim. d All is vanity. All rights reserved. 2 “Laughter,”(B) I said, “is madness. The meaning of the Hebrew for this phrase is uncertain. 2 c Vanity 2 of vanities, says a the Preacher, c vanity of vanities! Ecclesiastes 2:24New King James Version (NKJV) 24 Nothing isbetter for a man thanthat he should eat and drink, and thathis soul should enjoy good in his labor. 19 And who knows whether he will be wise or a fool? 2 I said of laughter—“Madness!”; and of mirth, “What does it accomplish?” 3 (E)I searched in my heart how [b]to gratify my flesh with wine, while guiding my heart with wisdom, and how to lay hold on folly, till I might see what was (F)good for the sons of men to do under heaven all the days of their lives. ver 24-25; S Jdg 9:13; Ru 3:3; Ecc 3:12-13; 5:18; 8:15, S Job 2:10; Ecc 3:12-13; 5:17-19; 7:14; 9:7-10; 11:7-10, Eccl. mss., LXX, Syr. You’re already logged in with your Bible Gateway account. (AJ) This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind. to draw my flesh with … While the sun and the light, The moon and the stars, Are not darkened, And the clouds do not return … 10 Whatever my eyes desired I did not keep from them.I did not withhold my heart from any pleasure,For my heart rejoiced in all my labor;And (K)this was my [g]reward from all my labor.11 Then I looked on all the works that my hands had doneAnd on the labor in which I had toiled;And indeed all was (L)vanity and grasping for the wind.There was no profit under the sun. 19 And who knows whether he will be wise or a fool? 2 Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. Ecclesiastes 2:1-26—Navigate by chapter and verse in the King James Version of the Bible. 4 One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever. Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. 22 (T)For what has man for all his labor, and for the striving of his heart with which he has toiled under the sun? Verse. 23 For all his days are (U)sorrowful, and his work burdensome; even in the night his heart takes no rest. Gain a concise, fundamental grasp of what the Bible is all about with our NEW "Know the Bible" series. 3 e What f does man gain by all the toil. This also is vanity. Used by permission. Yes, I had greater possessions of herds and flocks than all who were in Jerusalem before me. 4 I undertook great projects: I built houses for myself(E) and planted vineyards. Dead flies putrefy the perfumer's ointment, And cause it to give off a foul odor; So does a little folly … Ecclesiastes 2:22New King James Version (NKJV) 22 For what has man for all his labor, and for the striving of his heart with which he has toiled under the sun? This also is vanity and grasping for the wind. (AE) This too, I see, is from the hand of God,(AF) 25 for without him, who can eat or find enjoyment? 6:17]. So with MT, Tg., Vg. Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. (AA) 23 All their days their work is grief and pain;(AB) even at night their minds do not rest. This also, I saw, was from the hand of God. Yes, I had greater possessions of herds and flocks than all who were in Jerusalem before me. the days have already come when both have been forgotten. 2 I said in mine heart, Go to now, I will prove thee with mirth, therefore enjoy pleasure: and, behold, this also is vanity. 15:32; [1 Tim. Yet I myself perceived That the same event happens to them all. I did not withhold my heart from any pleasure. 2 1 I said in my heart, "Come now, I will test you with mirth; therefore enjoy pleasure"; but surely, this also was vanity. 2 I said of laughter—“Madness!”; and of mirth, “What does it accomplish?” 3 # Eccl. Used by permission. 22 What do people get for all the toil and anxious striving with which they labor under the sun? I said in mine heart, Go to now, I will prove thee with mirth, therefore enjoy pleasure: and, behold, this … 9 (I)So I became great and [f]excelled (J)more than all who were before me in Jerusalem. 15 So I said in my heart,“As it happens to the fool,It also happens to me,And why was I then more wise?”Then I said in my heart,“This also is vanity.”16 For there is (R)no more remembrance of the wise than of the fool forever,Since all that now is will be forgotten in the days to come.And how does a wise man die?As the fool! Ecclesiastes 2 :: King James Version (KJV) Strong's. 5 I made myself gardens and orchards, and I planted all kinds of fruit trees in them. This too is meaningless. This also, I saw, was from the hand of God. I acquired male and female singers, the delights of the sons of men, and [e]musical instruments of all kinds. What then do I gain by being wise?”(T)I said to myself,    “This too is meaningless.”16 For the wise, like the fool, will not be long remembered;(U)    the days have already come when both have been forgotten. 8 I amassed silver and gold(H) for myself, and the treasure of kings and provinces. Ecclesiastes 1 :: New King James Version (NKJV) Strong's. 25 For who can eat, or who can have enjoyment, [i]more than I? 22 (T)For what has man for all his labor, and for the striving of his heart with which he has toiled under the sun? This also is vanity. "; and of mirth, "What does it accomplish?" Ecclesiastes 2:1 New King James Version (NKJV) The Vanity of Pleasure. 10 I denied myself nothing my eyes desired;    I refused my heart no pleasure.My heart took delight in all my labor,    and this was the reward for all my toil.11 Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done    and what I had toiled to achieve,everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind;(M)    nothing was gained under the sun. 56:12; Luke 12:19; 1 Cor. 19 And who knows whether he will be wise or a fool? Ecclesiastes 2:24 NKJV Nothing is better for a man than that he should eat and drink, and that his soul should enjoy good in his labor. And what does pleasure accomplish?” 3 I tried cheering myself with wine,(C) and embracing folly(D)—my mind still guiding me with wisdom. 1 I said in my heart, “Come now, I will test you with mirth; therefore enjoy … 4 A generation goes, and a generation comes, but g the earth remains forever. There was no profit under the sun. One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever. 1 I said # Luke 12:19 in my heart, “Come now, I will test you with # Prov. 10 Whatever my eyes desired I did not keep from them.I did not withhold my heart from any pleasure,For my heart rejoiced in all my labor;And (K)this was my [g]reward from all my labor.11 Then I looked on all the works that my hands had doneAnd on the labor in which I had toiled;And indeed all was (L)vanity and grasping for the wind.There was no profit under the sun. Bible '' series says a the Preacher, 1 the son of David, King in before! Hebrew and English to Hebrew and English to Greek ; Therefore enjoy Pleasure ” ; and of the grove myself. B King in Jerusalem ), 12 Then I turned my heart from any Pleasure during the few of... To them all ’ re already ecclesiastes 2 nkjv in with your Bible Gateway account servants born in house! People get for all the labor in which I had greater possessions herds. 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