examples of cultural differences in health care
Some Example Cultural Issues The Islamic culture has specific norms and preferences practiced by its members. More and more medical schools have integrated “cultural competency” into their curricula, reports the New York Times. Cultural differences can impact a healthcare provider's approach to care. In multicultural and minority populations, the issue of communication may play an even larger role because of behavioral, cognitive, linguistic, contextual, and … A patient’s cultural background can have a profound impact on health care, and doctors need to be aware of this. It is important, when speaking to people of western culture, to respect their desire for privacy. For example, Asians and Pacific Islanders rely heavily on their extended family. . From a patient perspective culture is important because it effects how they ar… A male health care provider would take this into consideration when treating a … For instance, among Asians/Pacific Islanders — a large ethnic group in the U.S. — the oldest male in the family is often the decision-maker and spokesperson, reports the web site EuroMed Info in an article titled “Impact of Culture on Patient Education.” In many Asian cultures, maintaining harmony is an important value, and conflict and confrontation are avoided. 1989). Also, although using hand gestures when speaking is common practise in Western societies, Chinese people may become annoyed by this, as they do not tend to do this. But beyond that, it is the exposure to racism itself that has … This sample of an academic paper on Culture In Health And Social Care reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. The American “melting pot” metaphor has never been more appropriate, as racial and ethnic diversity continue to increase in our country. Nurses will need to work hard at becoming aware of cultural differences and providing culturally competent care. All the content of this paper is just her opinion on Culture In Health And Social Care and should not be seen as the way of presenting the arguments. but differences in cultural and ethnic identities between doctors and patients alter the quality of care because of preexisting stereotypes, health disparities, and linguistic gaps. For example, a woman should not be touched by a man who isn’t a member of her immediate family. These patients often have very specific privacy, modesty, and dietary requirements, including the need to avoid medication that contains alcohol. Don't Miss a Chance to Connect With Experts. Culture In Health And Social Care. Want to get a price estimate for your Essay? If two female work colleagues who had recently both started working in a care home for the elderly, and one of them was Chinese and the other was English had just become friends, and the Chinese one kept holding the others hand, as a sign of friendliness in their culture, this could make the other care worker feel very uncomfortable in this situation, and feel like the Chinese care worker Is invading their personal space. spaced), Paper type: Essay , But being culturally sensitive is not limited to providing an interpreter for patients who require one. But being culturally sensitive is not limited to providing an interpreter for patients who require one. THC offers a number of tools and resources, including “A Physician’s Practical Guide to Culturally Competent Care,” a self-directed online training course that qualifies for CME credits. The occurrence of many diseases, injuries, and other public health problems is disproportionately higher in some groups; access to health care may be more restricted, and the overall quality of health care is deemed inferior, for people from certain racial, ethnic, and cultural populations. Doctors need to realize that they also bring their own cultural context to patient relationships, even if they don’t realize it. “And that is completely dependent on the cultural competence of the provider.”. In Western societies it is polite to simply say “hello, how are you? Learning to nurture cultural respect and inclusion is vital to reducing health disparities and to facilitate and improve access to high-quality healthcare that is directly responsive to a patient’s needs. (2019, Dec 06). The concept of cultural Respect has a positive effect on patient care delivery by enabling providers to deliver services that are respectful of and responsive to the health beliefs, practices and cultural and linguistic needs of diverse patients. The communication gap can prevent some seniors and families from getting the health information they need to make informed decisions. According to the most recent. These patients often have very specific privacy, modesty, and dietary requirements, including the need to avoid medication that contains alcohol. George Rimalower is president of ISI Translation Services ( www.ISItrans.com ), a language services company specializing in healthcare and other industries. If you need this or any other sample, we can send it to you via email. It is considered polite to give your full name with a simple greeting. “What you don’t want is doctors carrying around plastic cards listing the five things you need to think about when you see, for example, an Asian-American patient,” Dr. Kleinman tells the New York Times. So patients may not voice their concerns or disagreement to their doctors; however, that does not mean that they will follow treatment recommendations. “And that is completely dependent on the cultural competence of the provider.”. A recent article in the Nursing Times outlines key considerations of working with Muslim populations. “What you want is the ability to inquire, to ask questions.”. For health care experts like Patricia Prelock, Ph.D., dean of the College of Nursing and Health Sciences at the University of Vermont, these changing demographics underscore the importance of cultural diversity in a profession where the patient-provider relationship is key to determining the quality of care. However, cultural competency shouldn’t be boiled down to a checklist. Awareness is the first step to achieving cultural competency in your practice. In health care organizations and physician practices, dynamic relationship issues and concerns among family members and their physicians often provide an endless source of cultural challenges. It may even be used to invite someone over, in a beckoning motion. In Asia, female friends often hold hands and men casually embrace one another as they walk down the street. Hospitals, medical centers, even doctor’s offices and insurance companies have a culture, whether it is formal and defined or more informal. 1. Some Hispanic patients may have fatalistic views, believing that illness is God’s will, notes EuroMed Info, which advises doctors to learn about the cultural traditions of the patients they care for and remain nonjudgmental when patients’ values differ from theirs. In a group meeting with a group of care workers from a day care centre for adults with learning disabilities, if the most senior member is Chinese and he/she Is not acknowledged first, he/she may feel offended, leading to awkwardness in the meeting. When a Chinese teacher is having a one-to-one meeting at a school with an English parent of a child having problems in the school, the parent may be taken aback or surprised if the Chinese teacher started asking questions about his/her personal life, as this is normal in China, whereas in Britain it is not. Here are three examples from my career that show how deeply culture impacts medical care: I once had a patient from Morocco who had to be hospitalized for pneumonia. Every step of the care process, from getting an accurate medical history to developing a treatment plan that the patient understands and is motivated to follow, requires trust and a good relationship between the provider and the patient, she says. Asians typically use their entire hand to point to someone or something. Family and Community. Click to learn more https://goo.gl/CYf83b. Many aspects of communication are non-verbal, and culture plays a huge role in medical interactions. Organizational culture is a term that is used to describe many different aspects of how a company or group operates and the qualities or philosophies that dictate the behaviors of individuals within the group. Read on to find out more about how culture influences health beliefs, decision-making, and patient education. Minorities in California consist of those other than non-Hispanic whites, and with their growing presence, they are becoming further underrepresented in the medical field. Hispanics make up a large percentage of the U.S. Catholic population. More and more, have integrated “cultural competency” into their curricula, reports the. In a Doctors surgery, if an English doctor was talking to a Chinese patient they would expect to have eye contact while explaining their treatment as a sign of attentiveness. Cultural Values And Health Care 1108 Words | 5 Pages. This may be misread by Western people, who consider eye contact as polite and confident, and misunderstanding may occur. Cultural differences may become an obstruction to effective communication. Sorry, but downloading is forbidden on this website. Fully one-third of U.S. Catholic adults are Hispanics. Western people like a certain amount of personal space, and may feel uncomfortable with such public behaviour. is of utmost importance, and that literacy and language barriers can factor in. How about make it original at only $13.9/page? Cultural differences are a source and can impact care delivery. Cultural competency is required to provide quality comprehensive health care. For more strategies on improving doctor-patient communication, see, For instance, among Asians/Pacific Islanders — a large ethnic group in the U.S. — the oldest male in the family is often the decision-maker and spokesperson, reports the web site EuroMed Info in an article titled “, .” In many Asian cultures, maintaining harmony is an important value, and conflict and confrontation are avoided. Awareness of one’s own cultural values •Are you attentive to your own preconceived notions of other cultural groups? In today’s changing cultural climate, it’s no longer a choice to become culturally sensitive, it’s a necessity. However patting someone’s head, like Western people sometimes do to praise them, as a friendly gesture, is seen as strictly taboo in Asia. Literacy and language barriers may play a role in poor communication between doctors and patients from different cultures. Effective provider-patient communication leads to an increase in patient satisfaction, better compliance, and improved outcomes. However, Chinese people tend to greet one another by asking questions such as “have you had dinner” or “where are you going” which would very likely confuse Westerners as they would see these ‘greetings’ as general questions. It is defined as a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies that permit a system and its professionals to incorporate the importance of culture at all levels and adapt to cultural differences (Cross et al. “What you don’t want is doctors carrying around plastic cards listing the five things you need to think about when you see, for example, an Asian-American patient,” Dr. Kleinman tells the, . Read this essay’s introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below. Patient Communication That Makes a Difference. The term is often used to describe companies, and that includes healthcare companies. They expect their doctor to tell them what to do rather than viewing themselves as partners in the health care decision-making process. One example of such cultural differences are those between Westerns culture (UK/USA) and Asia. Many cultures have special dietary considerations that should be noted. The number of Muslims and Hindus has inched up, rising from 4.7 percent in 2007 to 5.9 percent in 2014, reports, What does this mean for healthcare providers? This would be a more formal occasion so both people would address each other as Mr/Mrs/Dr. Don't use plagiarized sources. The Doctors Company’s closed claims studies have shown that inadequate provider-patient communication is a frequent contributing factor to patient noncompliance, poor patient outcomes, and litigation. MINORITY MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS Minorities remain less likely to receive diagnosis and treatment … Karyn is passionate about education and believes that learning happens everywhere. For example, clients who view illness as a punishment or curse may delay medical treatment or seek medical treatment only as a last resort. Pointing with one finger is also considered to be rude in some cultures and Asians typically use their entire hand to point to something. Sorry, but copying text is forbidden on this website. It is also highly appreciated when meeting Chinese people to show that an effort has been made to learn some words and phrases in their language, and possibly some of their history and culture, too. Hi there, would you like to get such a paper? She studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. In American culture, a lack of eye contact can be considered rude or an indicator of depression. Religious diversity is increasing as well. Over the past couple of decades, the demographics of the U.S. population have changed considerably. Such expectations have frequently created barriers to care that have been compounded by differences in language and education between patients and providers from different backgrounds. Our customer support team is available Monday-Friday 9am-5pm EST. Hispanic populations also tend to respect and consult older family members when it comes to health decisions. After graduating from The University of Notre Dame, she began working at Rendia to enhance the customer experience through improved systems. In Asia, female friends often old hands, and men casually embrace one another as they meet in the street. Let Professionals Help You, Leave your email and we will send you an example after 24 hours 23:59:59, Let us edit for you at only $13.9/page to make it 100% original. The number of Muslims and Hindus has inched up, rising from 4.7 percent in 2007 to 5.9 percent in 2014, reports Pew Research Center. ACCREDITATION STANDARDS THAT ADDRESS CULTURAL COMPETENCE IN MEDICAL SCHOOLS HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO REACH MANY FUTURE PHYSICIANS No problem! in general, may have a more authoritative view of healthcare professionals. Respect and tolerance for cultural differences Acceptance of the responsibility to combat racism, classism, ageism, sexism, homophobia, and other kinds of biases and discrimination that occur in health care settings. Get Your Custom Essay on Culture In Health And Social Care Just from $13,9/Page, We will write a custom essay sample on Culture In Health And Social Care specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page. 550 , including “A Physician’s Practical Guide to Culturally Competent Care,” a self-directed online training course that qualifies for CME credits. “Culture works at all levels,” says Dr. Arthur Kleinman, professor of medical anthropology and, .” “It affects health disparities, communication and interactions in the doctor-patient relationship, the illness experience, and health care outcomes.”. For example, in modern medicine, sometimes the focus can be more on the disease than the person with the illness. In my career, one of the situations I experienced was similar to the following example. “There is a growing body of research to connect racism to poor health outcomes,” says Dr. Neil Maniar, professor of practice and director of the Master of Public Health programat Northeastern University. If this was done in an Asian society it would be associated with the gesture used to beckon dogs, and deemed very offensive. In Asian societies however, eye contact is thought to be disrespectful or rude, and lack of eye contact doesn’t mean that a person is not paying attention. . In western societies it is taught from a young age that looking someone in the eye when talking/being talked to is polite. 2. Some Hispanic patients may have fatalistic views, believing that illness is God’s will, notes EuroMed Info, which advises doctors to learn about the cultural traditions of the patients they care for and remain nonjudgmental when patients’ values differ from theirs. In fact, by definition, cultural awareness is the recognition of the nuances of one’s own and other cultures. Health Disparities in the Contemporary U.S. Language and cultural misunderstandings directly affect quality of care, and have a direct impact on your bottom line. Another example is in Chinese culture, where a Chinese patient may be showing respect to a physician by avoiding eye contact. And the development of culturally sensitive programs can help bridge differences, positively impact care, and lead to increased satisfaction. EuroMed Info advises doctors to ask patients open-ended questions and follow their lead about “appropriate ways to facilitate communication within families and between families and other health care providers.”. Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-cultural-differences-health-social-care-communication/, Is Your Deadline Too Short? Let's look at some of the issues impacting cultural sensitivity in long-term care. Cultural and Diversity Considerations 2 Four Elements for Cross-Cultural Communication 1. This sample essay is completed by Harper, a Social Sciences student. By clicking "Send Message", you agree to our, Formal Communication Health And Social Care, Interpersonal Skills In Health And Social Care, Barriers To Communication In Health And Social Care, Covert Abuse Of Power In Health And Social Care, Evaluate The Influence Of Two Major Theories Of Ageing On Health And Social Care Provision, Effective Communication In Health And Social Care Essay, Working Practices In Health And Social Care, referral Introduction to Health and Social Care, Identifying Needs research in health and social care uses, Examples Of Multi Agency Working In Health And Social Care, Explain Potential Hazards And The Harm That May Arise From Each In A Health Or Social Care Setting, https://paperap.com/paper-on-cultural-differences-health-social-care-communication/, terms When working with cross-cultural situations there can be many problems due to the cultural differences of the people involved in the communication, such as language barriers, differences in what is considered polite, and/or the way in which people perceive each other’s body language and gestures, possibly leading to misunderstandings and offence. For example the most senior member of the group should be acknowledged first, and the host should be introduced to the guest first. in the health care decision-making process. Everything from eye contact to whom to address in the exam room can be affected by patients’ cultural backgrounds. Subject: Health. ” or “nice to see/meet you. Both cultures find it polite to shake hands, so for example, if an English doctor in a hospital was meeting a new Chinese patient, they would shake hands and both would find it polite. Women are supposed to adhere to the long established tradition of “three obediences and four virtues for women”, meaning that women are inclined to avoid direct eye contact, to avoid the possibility of coming across aggressive. Cultural Competence in Healthcare Examples Dietary considerations: Healthcare staff should be trained in the dietary and religious needs of their patients. 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