fate/stay night route differences

fate/stay night route differences

He later wakes up in his room being cared for by Saber. People say Fate and UBW are similar because of the similar tone and themes, but it is still completely different. Taking Saber back home, Shirou learns from Rin that Saber has almost used up all of her magical energy and she is in danger of disappearing. Having been rescued from a great fire that ravaged Fuyuki City by Kiritsugu 10 years ago, Shirou secretly trains alone in reinforcement magic, with little success. Kirei also explains the history of the Holy Grail to Shirou, revealing that Illya possesses the vessel of the Grail. Reaching the rooftop first, Saber continues her fight with Rider, who reveals and attacks with her mount, Pegasus, forcing Saber to a standstill. Rin, grateful to Shirou for sparing her life, offers to take Shirou and Saber to the church where he can learn about the Holy Grail War. However, before they can continue the fight, Caster is suddenly attacked, and brutally killed by a rain of Noble Phantasms from a new arrival - a Servant in golden armor. Sakura informs Shirou that she will not be able to help for the weekend on a personal errand, but discovers a strange welt developing on his hand. The Fate route was overall good except for the whole "Seiba is gurl and gurls dunt fite" phase that Shirou was going through. The remake will adapt the second route (Unlimited Blade Works) which have completely different scene from the Fate route and hopefully will succeed. Still suspicious, Shirou declines, and asks if Sakura knows about the War, wishing to keep her safe. In the visual novel Fate/stay night, Saber is accidentally summoned by a young mage named Shirou Emiya, stopping the servant Lancer in the process.. However, she rebuffed and punched him to drive him away, much to Shirou's horror. RELATED: Fate/Stay Night: Servants, Ranked According To Power. Shirou learns of a gas leak incident in the neighboring district, Shinto, leaving many victims comatose. Fate is one of the routes in Fate/stay night.. He recognises the sword as a gift he had given to Rin, before dying. Saber prepares to use the last of her energy to use Excalibur, but Shirou stops her with a Command Spell. As dawn rises, with the Holy Grail War over, Saber confesses her love to Shirou before disappearing. When Bedivere's task is complete, she passes away, finally obtaining the peace she had long sought. With Saber rejuvenated somewhat, the trio plan to ambush Berserker with a decisive attack; Shirou and Saber providing a distraction for a hidden Rin to deliver her surprise attack. So what important details are established in Fate route that supplement UBW. No, I'm not asking about the difference between Deen's F/SN and Ufotable's F/SN: UBW. It is further revealed that she will become a Heroic Spirit sent to eternally serve the World if her wish is granted in exchange. Wishing to answer his questions, Shirou goes to the church to consult Kirei. Why do the character personalities and actions differ and etc. Fate/Zero, Fate/hollow ataraxia, Fate/Extra, Fate/EXTELLA, Fate/Grand Order, Fate/Apocrypha, Fate/Strange Fake, The Case Files of Lord El-Melloi II, Fate/Requiem, Fate/type Redline, etc., discuss all of these and more on this subreddit! Rin Tohsaka, young magus and successor to the Tohsaka family, reminisces of her late father, who had entrusted Rin with obtaining the Holy Grail ten years ago, before leaving to participate in the Fourth Holy Grail War, and dying during its events. Encountering Shinji after school, he tasks Shirou with staying to clean the school's archery dojo in his place as a favor, despite no longer being a member. Rin reveals that Shirou had mysteriously healed on his own, and believes it is a power granted by his Servant Saber. While falling, Shirou uses a Command Spell to summon Saber, who rescues him. Fate/Zero, Fate/hollow ataraxia, Fate/Extra, Fate/EXTELLA, Fate/Grand Order, Fate/Apocrypha, Fate/Strange Fake, The Case Files of Lord El-Melloi II, Fate/Requiem, Fate/type Redline, etc., discuss all of these and more on this subreddit! Even after kissing her, she continues to reject him to keep to her duty. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. They reconcile, and begin to head home. Outside, happy that she was able to save Shirou's life, Saber admits that her wish to change her past was selfish. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The pair proceed to Ryuudou Temple for the final battle, where the corrupted Holy Grail, a dark hole from which mud made of pure curses endlessly pours, is being summoned from Illya's body. Completing his day at school and after-school work, he encounters a white-haired girl on his way home, who leaves him an ominous warning before leaving. The following morning, Illya and Berserker set out in pursuit of the trio after defeating Archer, who had managed to kill Berserker six times before falling. To save Shirou, Saber is forced to reveal her own Noble Phantasm, and annihilates Rider with a single blow with the golden sword Excalibur, revealing her true identity as King Arthur. However, on their way back, the two are confronted by the Archer in golden armor, who has come to take Saber for his own. As he walks home, Shirou finally realizes he had fallen in love with Saber since he first met her, and vows to protect her and make her happy. Continuing their daily routine, Rin notes that the Master at the Ryuudou Temple has ceased activity, and is investigating the cause. Later, Shirou wakes up fully healed inside his home, learning that Rin had taken him home and cared for him through the night as he recovered. Rin chats in the archery dojo, and greets club member Sakura Matou. I have read on various forums that each route has it’s own plot and differs but how/why do the series of events diverge? Defeated, Shinji tells Rider to remove the bounded field over the school. Suffering a nightmare of the incident at school, and angry at himself for being unable to prevent it, Shirou resolves to immediately track down Shinji with Saber to prevent a repeat of the incident from happening. At the front of the temple, she encounters the Servant Assassin, guarding the gate, and the two duel to a standstill. [6 ] The events of Fate/hollow ataraxia can be considered none of the three routes’ endings in Fate/stay night . Feeling betrayed, Illya leaves to kill Saber and Rin, admitting she had killed Shinji as he tried to flee the day before. Archer is one of the main protagonists of the visual novel and anime series Fate/Stay Night. Shirou arrives to confront Shinji, and Rider unleashes her Noble Phantasm, Bellerophon, as her final blow. However, she soon senses Shirou is in mortal danger at the church and rushes off to save him. Managing to free himself from Illya's restraints, Shirou is fortunately met with Saber, Rin and Archer, who had come to his rescue, sneaking into the castle without resistance. há 4 anos | 109 visualizações. With Saber's help, they use it to destroy all of Berserker's remaining lives in a single blow, granting him a final moment of lucidity before disappearing. However, Berserker regenerates - it is revealed that Berserker's Noble Phantasm is his own body, God Hand, which grants him near-immortality and the capability to resurrect up to 12 times. However, Shirou receives a sudden call from Shinji, who tells him to come to school alone. Illya, now out of the War, suddenly collapses; feeling responsible, and convinced Illya is not truly evil, Shirou decides to take her as they leave the forest. Furthermore, Archer would still want to kill Shiro, no matter what route they on since that was his goal from the beginning. They discuss Rin's wish for the Holy Grail, and she reveals she has no wish, only seeking victory in obtaining the Grail, to Archer's surprise. Lancer denies being the source of the field, and attacks Rin, who escapes down to the school courtyard. However, both Shirou and Saber overcome their opponents by using Avalon simultaneously: Saber summons the true Avalon, completely blocking Enuma Elish and providing her an opening. Saber prepares to kill the Master, but Shirou, confused by the situation, stops Saber - and discovers the other Master to be none other than Rin Tohsaka. Enraged, Rin wastes one of her three Command Spells, the marks of a Master that can force up to three absolute orders of their Servant, to force Archer into obedience with a vague order. Illya, distraught after seeing the golden Servant, mysteriously faints. Gilgamesh aims to force Saber to drink the Grail's mud to gain a body as he did, so he can claim her as his own. Playing on his guilt for abandoning and not saving the orphans and others lost in the fire, Shirou is tempted to curse the fire and use the Grail to erase it from his history. Illya intends to preserve and make Shirou her Servant, keeping his soul for her own, but he refuses. Saber goes to Avalon after her death and waits several centuries to see Shirou again. 6 years ago. He is quickly ambushed again by Lancer, who had returned to finish the job. After school and work, he spots who he believes to be Rin Tohsaka, in Shinto, watching the landscape from a skyscraper. With Berserker gone, they return to their daily life, with the addition of Illya now living in the household (to Rin and Saber's dismay), Shirou distrustful of leaving her with Kirei. They're different variations on the story based on player choices. I have also read comments saying that other routes spoil the others but aren't they supposed to be standalone? Shirou heads to the church to ask for Kirei's advice regarding Gilgamesh. However, as Saber begins to unleash her own Noble Phantasm, Shirou arrives following Saber, and is attacked by a third enemy in hiding. Rin explores the city, from the residential district, Miyama Town, to the newer district, Shinto, that had suffered a great fire ten years before. Shirou wakes to find that Rin has sent Sakura away, with the deal that Rin would leave if Sakura remained away from Shirou's house for a week. Rin prepares to erase the source to slow down the field's progress, but is stopped by the sudden appearance of another Servant: Lancer. In doing so, he reveals his own wish for entertainment - via the suffering of humans at their moment of death. Freed, Shirou is able to close in on the surprised Kirei, and stab him with the Azoth Sword. The route emphasizes plot and world building, and the main theme is "oneself as an ideal".1. After recovering, a frustrated Shirou again beckons Saber to be happy for herself, and that he loves her. Casting aside her humanity to isolate herself as an unreachable paragon, she had remained steadfast on her lone rule even as she alienated her own trusted knights. At home, Rin informs priest Kirei Kotomine, her mentor, former apprentice of her father and supervisor of the current Holy Grail War, of her summoning of Archer as the sixth Master. She performs the summoning ritual without a catalyst, only to discover too late she had missed the optimal time due to her mis-timed clocks. Learning of another gas leak incident on the news, Rin deduces that their cause is from another, much stronger Master, sapping energy from innocents from afar for their Servant. He finds her still at the bridge, still saddened and lost, with nowhere to go. The first Fate/stay night tried to adapt the Fate route but failed miserably. However, Saber is steadfast in keeping to what she believes is her oath and king's duty to her country, and refuses to abandon her quest for the Holy Grail. Fate/stay night OP (2004) - “THIS ILLUSION” by NUMBER 201 feat. Shirou and Saber head outside to confront her, while Rin protects Illya. Rin and Archer hurry to stop him, but find the student already mortally wounded, and Lancer gone. At school, while aiding his friend Issei Ryuudou in repairs, he passes by classmate and honor student Rin Tohsaka. Archer battles Lancer in the courtyard in close combat. Shirou and Saber return home to discover to their horror that Kirei has already acted - kidnapping Illya and severely wounding Rin. The two argue, and Rin passes by fellow student Shirou Emiya, who is helping Issei with repairs. Unwilling to accept the unfairness of her past, Shirou resolves to save Saber, and to repay her for her life well-fought. They learn from Rin that Illya was kidnapped because she herself is the vessel of the Holy Grail — the embodiment of its power, and that Kirei will be summoning the Grail at Ryuudou Temple. However, Lancer, no longer able to stand with Kirei, instead turns on Gilgamesh and allows Saber and Shirou to escape at the cost of his life. Assassin stops Saber, sensing the hidden foe trying to see Saber's Noble Phantasm, and allows her to leave. Distraught at seeing Saber near-mortally wounded, Shirou jumps into Berserker's path as he delivers the final blow, shielding Saber and taking the fatal strike. Kirei explains the Grail's nature as corrupted, filled with curses that will flow without end and consume the world. Lancer pursues the fleeing student, to uphold the rule of eliminating any non-magus witnesses of the War. But, as the title gives away, a duel between Archer and Gilgamesh is simply not counted among Fate/stay night's many epic battles. Fate is one of the routes in Fate/stay night. Not one route is best, it's all based on his or her own opinion, so respect that. Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel is a Japanese anime film trilogy produced by Ufotable, directed by Tomonori Sudō, written by Akira Hiyama, and featuring music by Yuki Kajiura. Having decoded her late father's will, she finds her family's greatest jewel and heirloom - a jewel pendant, containing a vast amount of magical energy. Slowly dying, Shirou overhears a familiar voice over him. Zero is set several years before Stay Night and chronicles the Fourth Holy Grail War. The heroine and love interest of this route is Rin Tohsaka, with her servant Archer being the servant deuteragonist of the route. They converse and bond in a nearby park, where Illya tells Shirou about herself and the castle she lives in on the outskirts of the city. For everything related to Fate/stay night or its spin-offs. Though reluctant to let Shirou do so, Saber agrees to his proposal to have him fight alongside her. Unlike Stay Night, Zero is mostly an ensembl… Berserker and Illya arrive, and Saber duels Berserker on more equal footing. The day proceeds normally (with a second possible meeting with Illya at the shopping district) aside from a surprise visit from Issei and gifts from Taiga. Rin continues to train and teach Shirou in magic, and feeds him a jewel that forces his Magic Circuit to switch on, allowing him to properly switch it on at will. Disappointed, Kirei then reveals the full extent of his betrayal, as Gilgamesh suddenly walks in: he is the Master of both Lancer and Gilgamesh, to the surprise of Saber, Shirou and Lancer. Outside, Shirou meets Archer, guarding the house. She then reveals her wish to redo the selection of the king to undo her rule, believing that will save her country from destruction, and erase her past existence. At Rin's urging, Shirou and Saber have sex in order to replenish Saber's low magical energy / perform a ritual to transplant part of Shirou's Magic Circuit into Saber (Réalta Nua). It focuses on Shirou Emiya and Sakura Matou who are affected by a conflict between mages known as the Holy Grail War. When night falls, realising Saber has not returned, Shirou heads out to bring her home. Rin spots a familiar face below, but brushes him off. At a stalemate, Lancer prepares to use his Noble Phantasm, a Servant's ultimate secret weapon, to finish the battle, but is interrupted after he notices a student who had witnessed the fight. Just two weeks after opening in October, more than 650,000 fans had been to see it, earning the movie over 1 billion yen.Even though the original game was released 13 years ago, the series is still very popular. Still steadfastly following his ideals to become a Hero of Justice, he meets with Rin on his way to school, and reminisce about Saber. Iniciar sessão. To her horror, Rin recognises the student. They confront their respective enemies; Saber against Gilgamesh, and Shirou against Kirei. 15th-June 15th, fate stay night realta nua differences, and is a full-time appointment (40 hours per week), with the opportunity for a 6 month extension. Concerned about Saber's wish, he explains her situation to him, and asks if a way exists to allow Saber a normal life. Despite this, he swears to bring Rin victory. Meeting Sakura, she asks about the unknown foreigner, but she brushes the matter off as someone who was lost and asking directions. Shiro said that he had always had feelings for Rin before they started hanging out. Do they tie into each other? Shirou attempts to escape, only to be wounded by Lancer, revealing the supposedly neutral Kirei as Lancer's Master. In the Fate route of Fate/stay night, Shirou and Saber often clash because of their methods of fighting.Despite this, Shirou tries to persuade Saber that the past cannot be changed and that trying to change it is foolish. With their opponents defeated, Illya is freed and Shirou uses his final Command Spell to have Saber destroy the Holy Grail and its contents, ensuring the evil within it will never be used again. Saber easily overpowers and badly wounds Archer, forcing his Master to return him to spirit form using a Command Spell. After Saber recovers, she and Shirou argue, with Shirou not wishing to see her be injured and wanting to fight in her place, and Saber being incredulous that he, a weak Master, would want to fight Servants to protect his own, more powerful Servant. Upon first starting the novel, a Prologue is shown, depicting the first three days of the Fate route from the perspective of Rin Tohsaka. Seeing Shirou's resolve, however, she realises her own folly, and rethinks her life, ultimately accepting her past and rejecting the Grail. All these routes have completely different events and outcomes (especially Heaven's Feel from the other two.) Leaving, she encounters her brother and archery club vice-captain, Shinji Matou, and rebuffs his advances. No spoiler tags are required. Kirei arrives, and confirms that they are the fellow orphans who had also survived the fire alongside Shirou, kept alive for years to provide magical energy to his Servant. Meanwhile, back at the house, Saber learns from Rin's investigation that Lancer's contract was stolen by someone else very early in the war; Saber then quickly realizes who Lancer's Master must be. Archer, at Rin's reluctant behest, remains behind to hold off Berserker while they escape, and gives Shirou a final piece of advice before they leave. Unconsciously projecting swords to heal his body, Shirou gets up to fight Gilgamesh again, projecting Caliburn. Shirou, concerned due to the visions of her past, asks Saber about her wish. Shirou decides to return Avalon to Saber, its rightful owner. Shirou awakens to find himself bound in Illya's room in the Einzbern Castle. In heaven's feel, the tone and themes are significantly darker. Newbie Here. Shirou attempts to defend himself with reinforcement, revealing himself to Lancer as a magus, but is quickly overpowered. Anime studio ufotable has posted an English version of their blog post explaining the differences that will be seen between the broadcast and Blu-ray versions of Fate/stay night… To experience strange events, including an odd feeling in the Einzbern.... I have also read comments saying that other routes spoil the others but are they... Lancer, revealing his identity as Sasaki Kojirou, and the final battle imminent, Shirou warns Kirei of golden! For her own Master, and greets club member Sakura Matou Deen 's F/SN and Ufotable 's F/SN:.... Curses that will flow without end and consume the world if her wish is granted exchange... Discovers that a bounded field over the school courtyard Lancer gone Servant in her destroyed room. You and never stops believing that he will find Saber the source of the visual novel anime! Like a new Fate/stay night film was also created by Studio Deen and was released in Japanese theaters January! 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