fruit that tastes like chocolate
Chocolate Pudding Fruit, Caca-poule . Behold the Black Sapote, a.k.a “the Chocolate Pudding Fruit”. This Raw Food Blogger will blow your Junk Food-Loving Mind, Fancy Junk Food prepared by Chef Jacques La Merde, Get in the Mood for Lurve with the Best Cookbook to Come out of the 80s, The Restaurant where you Dine as if you were an actual Guest at the Fawlty Towers, So, you can Buy an old Soviet Fighter Jet or a Boeing 747 just like a Used Car on the Internet. And it is extremely important that you don’t try to pick it too early or eat it right off the tree. However, there is more to it. Young shoots are used in salads or for salt … [8][9], 'Maher' has very large, flattened fruit of good to very good quality with few seeds. February 11, 2016. What other items do customers buy after viewing this item? 2019 - 13 THINGS LTD. All rights reserved. [4], The range in size of tree and hairiness of leaves; size, shape, seediness, flesh color and sweetness of fruit; and time of fruiting suggest that considerable genetic variability exists. [4][6][8][9], 'Mossman' has very large, round fruit of medium flavor with high pulp content and few seeds, and is capable of producing up to 450 kg per tree. The Chocolate Pudding is called Black Sapote and is a delicious fruit native to eastern Mexico and Central America. Yellow "fingers" are … Some trees bear only male flowers. And did I mention it tastes like chocolate pudding?!! Found across Latin America, from Mexico, to the Caribbean, to Columbia, the black sapote has been a traditional ingredient in regional cooking for generations - prized for its distinctive flavour. (Image credit: Yahoo! Made with spinach, mango, peanut butter and oats but taste like white chocolate; Rochelle Humes, Millie Mackinstosh, and Frankie Bridge are all fans of the shake; By Bridie Pearson-jones For Mailonline. The fruit’s shell is thin and smooth, but the ripe fruits are left with the … The fruit contains organic sulfur which explains its odor, but it tastes like nuts and cheese with tints of different fruits. although it looks a lot like it doesn't taste like chocolate at all and the slightest no connection. A blend of Monk Fruit sweetener with Erythritol, Splenda® Monk Fruit Sweetener bakes and tastes like sugar. The Black Sapote is also known as the chocolate pudding fruit, because it looks and tastes like chocolate when it's ripe. The Chocolate Pudding is called Black Sapote and is a delicious fruit native to eastern Mexico and Central America. . Overnight it turns dark green and later brown-black, and from hard to soft and mushy. A usually large, green-skinned fruit about the size of an apple. Welcome to Sweet Cheat. The fruit are left to finish ripening in one’s home over three to six days, much like avocados. Native to Central America, Black Sapote is a culinary delight in Mexico, Guatemala, Caribbean, Colombia and Central America. The texture has been likened to that of a papaya. Published: 16:11 BST, 9 April 2020 | Updated: 00:52 BST, 10 April 2020 . Flesh turns dark brown/black when ripe. One of the pleasures of visiting a foreign country is trying the fruits of their labor—the literal fruits, that is. When it is at that stage, the fruit can be challenging to eat, but one approach is to simply create a hole in the skin and suck out both the seeds and the flesh through that hole. It is frost sensitive but can tolerate light frosts. Description. redsoxfan325 Answer has 3 votes redsoxfan325 14 year member 105 replies Answer has 3 votes. I found this Etsy seller based in California selling seeds and if you have an adventurous local fruit vendor, be sure to ask for the exotic chocolatey fruit. Plus, chocolate is a sweet treat that pairs up well with a variety of flavors. Fruits usually contain seeds, up to a maximum of 12. The most important part of using a flavor wheel when you’re tasting is that it makes you pause and really experience what you’re tasting. Celeb-approved morning shake packed with spinach, mango and oat milk tastes like WHITE CHOCOLATE – and you need just six ingredients to make it at home . Not only is it low in fat, it’s also a great source of vitamin C and calcium. It’s a highly unusual citrus fruit and have become more popular in recent times, because it’s … The fruit is about 2-4 inches in diameter and soft when ripe. Black sapote is a green-skinned fruit with black, sticky pulp. One fan is Rochelle Humes, who tried the drink with her daughter Alaia-Mai, six. Our Mexico beat reporter explores the bountiful produce of the country's capital, from fruit that tastes like chocolate pudding and sweet-potato pie, to others that require hamster-like eating techniques. Taste When fully ripe the flesh tastes like chocolate. Well if you like chocolate we are here to tell you there is and it is called the Black Sapote or more commonly the “Chocolate Pudding Fruit” because of it close resemblance. Enter your email and I’ll send you my latest stories. In New England prior to the 18th century American Revolution, a "chocolate wine" was popular. This porter-style chocolate beer from Meantime Brewing Company leans more toward the sweet than the bitter taste, so if you're a milk chocolate lover, this may be the chocolate beer for you. The fruit that tastes like chocolate pudding. Please enter your email address. This fruit is valued for its fragrant skin with an aroma of violets. When this happens, the formerly white pulp turns a deep brown and develops a distinctive taste that, together with its papaya-like texture, have caused many to compare it to chocolate pudding (hence the nickname, “chocolate pudding fruit.”) As for tasting like chocolate – you’d be very confused if that’s what you’re expecting. The leaves are elliptic-oblong, tapered at both ends, dark green, glossy and 10–30 cm (3.9–11.8 in) long. A … In Mexico the pulp is mashed with orange juice or brandy and served with cream. Selections have been made and propagated in the Philippines, Australia, and Florida, USA. The info provided at Tropical Fruit World stated it was best eaten with ice cream. Anyone who has tried this fruit will tell you that it really does taste very much like chocolate pudding (not like some other sorry excuses for gluten free substitutes) and even has the same consistency too. During ripening, visual changes to the fruit are dramatic. The best time to eat medlar is when the fruit has become extremely soft. Black sapote trees are normally found below 600 meters, but are not particular about soil, and can tolerate light frosts. The Fruit That Tastes Like Chocolate. The fruits are bright green at first and not edible at this stage. It is much knows for chocolate pudding that people refer as “the chocolate pudding fruit” , not only does it taste very much like chocolate, but it also has the same consistency. ↑ I’m guessing this baby probably represents your current state of mind right about now. The tropical fruit tree is native to Mexico, Central America, and Colombia. It is much knows for chocolate pudding that people refer as “the chocolate pudding fruit” , not only does it taste very much like chocolate, but it also has the same consistency. Others have both male and female flowers, though some of these are self-incompatible. The Fruit That Tastes Like Chocolate Pudding. I'm talking about everything from salty to savory. Seeds are now available at our seed store. Do not … Check out this video with some tips about using the Black Sapote from a cultivator in Australia which also sells the fruit trees online. We combine the sweetness of Monk Fruit extract and … The Fruit That Tastes Like Chocolate. Seed Availability. [4] The texture has been likened to that of a papaya. This year, I’m thinking charcuterie, chocolate-covered strawberries and of course, some festive drinks! and love of course! Another thing is that it causes a sharp increase in blood pressure. Chocolate liqueur is a liqueur that tastes like chocolate. Trees should be spaced 10-12m apart. Rich, dark colored, and super-smooth, Chocolate Beer offers a blend of four dark malts and real chocolate that combine to make a drink that's like a mouthful of liquid chocolate. That fruit eating lark just got a whole lot more attractive: Behold the Black Sapote, a.k.a “the Chocolate Pudding Fruit”. In case you’re not familiar with it, and we’re guessing you aren’t, this is the black sapote. 23. An exotic fruit with flesh that looks like caviar… The Australian finger lime is often referred to as caviar lime because of the flesh inside that consists of round pulpy bits. It is commonly called chocolate pudding fruit. 15 There is a fruit that tastes like chocolate pudding. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1 . When it's fully ripe, the flavor (and consistency) has been described as a dead ringer for chocolate pudding. The biggest peculiarity of durian is its awful smell combined with delicious taste. The dark, creamy flesh is utterly unique in that has a smell, texture and taste identical to a batch of cold chocolate pudding. Andre "the Giant" Roussimoff once drank 119 beers in 6 hours He passed out in a hotel lobby but was too large … In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to … View All Products. Posted on May 20, 2017 by Thoughty2 in The Universe and Everything | 0 Comments. Whether it's tangy dried cranberries or apricots, tart dried cherries, or sweet and chewy dried raisins or figs, these favorite dried fruit candies perfectly showcase dried fruits along with other ingredients like chocolate, nuts, and spices. The crown on top of the fruit should be raised, indicating the fruit is mature. It also measures like sugar, 1:1. Here are a few more recipes to tempt you…. Picked at the right time, though, the black sapote will ripen within about 3 to 6 days after harvest. Cloudberry. [8], 'Mérida' (also 'Reineke' or 'Reinecke') is named after the origin of its seed. Grown in the Amazon basin, which includes Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil, it was eaten by pre-Ice Age beasts like mastodons and giant sloths, and then cultivated by local tribes. 1 See answer jaipeter is … Tropical Black Sapote Pudding, Mexican “Unchocolate” Bread and Black Sapote Pie – recipes here. 37. Pulp both looks and tastes somewhat like chocolate pudding. The fruit has no relation whatsoever with cocoa tree and looks like a green tomato when unripe and turns yellow-green when ripe. Instagram users are going wild for a healthy smoothie that taste just like white chocolate. It tastes delicious. Of course they’re a much healthier alternative to the real deal, lower in fat and contain about four times as much vitamin C as your average orange. Propagation is usually from seed, which can retain viability for several months and require around 30 days for germination. On the tree, the fruit sort-of resembles a green tomato when ready for picking. Anyone who has tried this fruit will tell you that it really does taste like chocolate pudding and even has the same consistency too! Black Sapote, also called Chocolate pudding fruit (Diospyros nigra), is a tropical plant cultivated for its tasty, chocolate-like flavor fruits. Lost your password? There’s a Fruit That Tastes Like Chocolate Pudding. No if you look at it it definitely click chocolate because this has a beautiful smooth period texture and has about the same level of sweetness as a very right banana I think this would be perfect for say like a quick bread like a banana bread … … I recently had 72% Cacao Ghirardelli chocolate and while letting it melt in my mouth, I tasted sort of a fruity taste (like a cherry-ish flavor), … in Florida, Australia, the Philippines, the Dominican Republic, Cuba and Hawaii. It has a slight coconut milk flavor. Diospyros nigra, the black sapote, is a species of persimmon. Some Black sapote trees in the tropics can grow up to 8 meters in height, but there are several variants, including smaller domestic-sized trees that grow to a maximum of four meters. Unripe black sapotes not only don’t taste like chocolate, but are quite gag-worthy. a.k.a. Many praise its chocolate pudding consistency and taste (take note, gluten eaters) and its low-fat, high vitamin C benefits. Vote for this answer. Native to the coastal regions in and around Central America, black sapote is a fruit, related to the persimmon, that tastes like chocolate pudding. It is more commonly known as the "chocolate pudding fruit," due to the flavor, consistency, and color of the inside. It doesn't have that slightly bitter coffee roasted flavor of chocolate at all. Does the Black Sapote really taste like chocolate pudding? News) And to answer your first question: Yes, it’s good for you too. The smooth, soft brown inside is a ready-to-eat dessert, or the perfect healthy addition to recipes that call for chocolate. It is uniquely known among cultivars for being a small, yet prolific tree (up to 4 meters). Chocolate Sapote Cake with Kumquat Orange Marmalade, recipe here. Black Sapote, a tropical fruit found in Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, and Colombia tastes like delectable chocolate pudding. By Melissa. This fruit found in the Amazon forest tastes almost like chocolate, almost. Those in despair over the news can take heart, however, as substitutes are … Black Sapote Chocolate Pudding with banana, honey and coconut milk – recipe here. Scarlett Lindeman. Its ingredients included … Fruits usually contain seeds, up to a maximum of 12. The texture has been likened to that of a papaya. Black sapote fruits typically contain nearly four times the amount of vitamin C contained in an orange and are also full of other essential nutrients like calcium, potassium and vitamin A. Anyone who has tried this fruit will tell you that it really does taste like chocolate pudding and even has the same consistency too! Buying and Storing Similar to avocado, the fruits are usually purchased mature green. Black sapote's make a wonderful dessert fruit. If y. The fruit gradually becomes olive-green or dark green as it slowly ripens. Finally, the prayers of reluctant fruit eaters appear to have been answered. Cardamom is a spice native to India, Nepal and Bhutan and belongs to the ginger household, Zingiberaceae. RIF 7. The info provided at Tropical Fruit World stated it was best eaten with ice cream. Recent headlines that chocolate supplies could fall short of demand by as much as a million tonnes by 2020 have been alarming. 06 of 10. Tamarillo. Unripe black sapotes not only don’t taste like chocolate, but are quite gag-worthy. Black Sapote fruit are tomato-like and measure 5-10 cm (2.0-3.9 in) in diameter, with an inedible skin that turns from olive to a deep yellow-green when ripe and a pulp which is white and inedible when unripe but assumes a flavor, color and texture often likened to chocolate pudding when ripe. Share Tweet. If you are wondering you can … Splenda® Monk Fruit Sweetener is 100% natural and zero calories. ... Chiko fruit-o-licious chocolate 400 gm (Pack of 2). By Melissa. There are so many cute Valentine’s Day cocktails to choose from since red is such a common color for fruity alcoholic … I was typically informed how a lot youthful i look for my age and I bear in mind my grandmother telling me how matcha can hold us from premature … Black sapote is a tropical fruit that resembles an unripe persimmon from the outside, but holds a seriously dark, delicious secret on the inside. O'Fallon Cherry Chocolate Beer … The smooth, soft brown inside is a ready-to-eat dessert, or the perfect healthy addition to recipes that call for chocolate. The Black Sapote is a real, delicious fruit native to eastern Mexico and Central America. Black sapote has another irresistible name: the chocolate pudding fruit. Celebrity stylist Angie Smith shared her recipe for a ‘fraud shake’ on Instagram; Made with spinach, mango, peanut … Forbidden Fruit Tastes the Sweetest—A Study of Norwegians’ Consumption Pattern of Chocolate, Sweets, Salty Snacks, Soft Drinks and the Like () Annechen Bahr Bugge , Randi Lavik National Institute for Consumer Research (SIFO), Oslo, Norway. Further, if it’s picked too early, the fruit won’t ever ripen and will simply rot, which one imagines doesn’t improve the flavor over the non-rotted, unripe version. [1] The common name sapote refers to any soft, edible fruit. The mild, viscous pulp of the soft fruit is eaten raw with lemons juice or pureed and made into a cream or a drink. Fruits usually contain seeds, up to a maximum of 12. Instagram users are going wild for a healthy smoothie that taste just like white chocolate. It produces 70 kg or more of very sweet, small to medium-sized fruit of very good quality with 5-10 seeds, beginning 6–8 weeks earlier than other varieties (November in Florida). Anyone who has tried this fruit will tell you that it really does taste very much like chocolate pudding (not like some other sorry excuses for gluten free substitutes) and even has the same consistency too. Tamarillo is a relative of the tomato, eggplant, and chili pepper. The morning shake packed with fruit and veggies that tastes like WHITE CHOCOLATE. Boning (2006) describes the ripe fruit as having "the taste and consistency of chocolate pudding. A black sapote is a type of persimmon native to Mexico and Central America. Mum & Dad named me Vanessa, but you can call me Nessy. It is more commonly known as the "chocolate pudding fruit," due to the flavor, consistency, and color of the inside. Mature trees can grow to over 25 m (82 ft) in height and are evergreen. and only that. Common names include chocolate pudding fruit, black soapapple and (in Spanish) zapote prieto. The Black Sapote is also known as the chocolate pudding fruit, because it looks and tastes like chocolate when it's ripe. The flavor wheel is more art than science. Zapote negro is one of them: a baseball-sized, round fruit known as the “chocolate pudding fruit” for its meaty, black flesh that sweetens and softens before collapsing into itself as it ripens. They are sensitive to drought, requiring irrigation in dry areas, but are quite tolerant of flooding. [6][8][10], 'Manilla' and 'Valesca' have few seeds. When ripe, the Black Sapote is delicious eaten fresh or used as, The lost romance of Dance Cards! The verdict is in. The tropical fruit is a species of persimmon that is grown from an evergreen tree native to eastern Mexico, Guatemala and Colombia but is currently also cultivated in Florida, Australia, the Philippines, the Dominican Republic, Cuba and Hawaii. Sometimes a chocolate will taste of one fruit, sometimes it will taste like a fruit salad! Native to the coastal regions in and around Central America, black sapote is a fruit, related to the persimmon, that tastes like chocolate pudding. By Qrius. [8][9], 'Cocktail' is described as having excellent flavor. Black Sapote, a tropical fruit found in Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, and Colombia tastes like delectable chocolate pudding. I am an enormous fan of matcha since I was little and have definitely benefits enormously fdrom it. Picked at the right time, though, the black sapote will ripen within about 3 to 6 days after harvest. It resembles sour -sweet tomatoes and passion fruit. When this happens, the formerly white pulp turns a deep brown and develops a … This fruit actually tastes like chocolate pudding. Splenda® Monk Fruit Sweetener Jar. Behold the Black Sapote, a.k.a "the Choc. Scroll To See More Images With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, I’m already planning my menu for the big night. Buddha's hand. Would you like to tell us about a lower price? Cardamom is a spice native to India, Nepal and Bhutan and belongs to the ginger household, Zingiberaceae. [3] Later however it grows much more rapidly. Try it and taste the difference! It's suitable both for dessert and garnish. Upon discovering that there’s a fruit that tastes like pudding, the next natural question is of course, “is it healthy?” The answer, even more welcomingly, is yes. Zero Calorie Sweetener, 100% Natural, Tastes Like Sugar! Black Sapote is a wonderful tropical tree famous for its fruits that look like bright-green tomatoes, but taste like chocolate. [3][4] Fruiting takes about 3–4 years from seed and the trees are heavy bearers. Black sapote fruit are tomato-like and measure 5–10 cm (2.0–3.9 in) in diameter, with an inedible skin that turns from olive to a deep yellow-green when ripe and a pulp which is white and inedible when unripe but assumes a flavor, color and texture often likened to chocolate pudding when ripe. When you start your day with Sweet Cheat Spoonable Monk Fruit in your coffee, make a Sweet Cheat Hot Chocolate for your kids, or try one the desserts from my recipe collection, you can feel good about having made a healthier choice and taken another step towards a sugar-free lifestyle.. At Sweet Cheat, our primary goal is to create treats … Chocolate Pudding Fruit Like Chocolate Weird … The fruit is about 2-4 inches in diameter and soft when ripe. Feb 19 2009, 3:02 PM. There is mention, in French, of producing and selling chocolate en liqueur as early as 1666. Black sapote is a tropical fruit that resembles an unripe persimmon from the outside, but holds a seriously dark, delicious secret on the inside. History. [6], Diospyros digyna in the AgroForestryTree Database,,, Taxonbars using multiple manual Wikidata items, Taxonbars with automatically added basionyms, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 4 January 2021, at 00:16. [8][9], 'Superb' is a selection from North Queensland that bears large quantities of superb quality, small fruits that may be completely seedless if not cross pollinated. Unripened it can be slightly bitter. When this happens, the flesh of the fruit feels and tastes like a form of fruit butter (which is more appealing than it sounds). From the Nahuatl “tzapotl,” zapote is a term for a whole cast of soft, edible fruits. The Black … Hey Thoughty2 here, there is a tree called the "Fruit Salad Tree" that can grow up to 7 different kinds of fruit on the same tree Welcome to RIF. [7], 'Bernicker' (also 'Bernecker') is a prolific producer of nearly spherical, medium to large fruit with few seeds and of superior quality. … April 9, 2020 Express Informer. It might seem like mankind has come up with most of the deliciously devilish flavours and midnight snacks for us to indulge in, but if you look a little harder, in many cases I think you’ll find that nature was there first, waiting to tempt us all along…. It is popular in Central America, and it is found mainly in Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Cuba and Guatemala. Home» Healthy Lifestyle» The Fruit That Tastes Like Chocolate Cupuaçu(coo-poo-asoo) tastes little like a pineapple and a pear, with some hints of banana in it. Trees can be kept small and will fully bear fruits at just a … Most references are quick to say the Chocolate Vine produces an edible fruit but it doesn’t fruit often and isn’t interesting, as if to discredit any possible benefit this “invasive” might have. This fruit actually tastes like chocolate pudding. The bright green drink is made of spinach, peanut butter, honey, water, oat milk and mango and has been made and shared online by dozens of Instagram users who are getting creative in the kitchen amid the coronavirus lockdown. It’s the sweet treat that only tastes like a cheat! Boning (2006) describes the ripe fruit as having "the taste and consistency of chocolate pudding." Response last updated by LadyNym on Aug 25 2016. The ripe fruit tastes like a mix of cucumber, kiwi fruit, and banana. A pure dark chocolate should not have any fruit flavoring. Context suggests this is a chocolate liqueur, not a chocolate liquor or cocoa bean extract nor any other chocolate flavored beverage. [6], Seedless cultivars exist, such as 'Cuevas'. A black sapote is a type of persimmon native to Mexico and Central America. According to Good Morning America, the fruit—native to Central and South America—tastes like sweet custard with a hint of chocolate. The recipe, which was first … Customers also viewed these products. Dried fruit is the perfect candy addition: bold and flavorful, it contains the natural sweetness, tang, and flavor of fruit in a small, chewy package. The awesome thing about covering different foods in chocolate is that it's basically like creating an entirely new treat. There's precious little pulp in it, so it's barely edible and tastes like lemon skin. [3] Some trees are seedless however, and can be propagated by air-layering or shield budding. Of course they’re a much healthier alternative to the real deal, lower in fat and … You will receive mail with link to set new password. Note that the flesh doesn’t actually taste like chocolate at all, which may be disappointing if that’s what the expectation was. I am an enormous fan of matcha since I was little and have definitely benefits enormously fdrom it. As the capital and core metropolis of Mexico, Mexico City is a destination for the … Article by MessyNessyChic. Black sapote fruit are tomato-like and measure 5–10 cm (2.0–3.9 in) in diameter, with an inedible skin that turns from olive to a deep yellow-green when ripe and a pulp which is white and inedible when unripe but assumes a flavor, color and texture often likened to chocolate pudding when ripe. Recent headlines that chocolate supplies could fall short of demand by as much as a million tonnes by 2020 have been alarming. Behold the Black Sapote, a.k.a “the Chocolate Pudding Fruit”. Ever wish there was a healthier food that tasted as good as your favorite cheat food? By Qrius. This shopping feature will continue to load items when the Enter key is pressed. February 11, 2016. In fact, it tastes so much like chocolate pudding, people … [4][6][8][9], 'Ricks Late' originated in NSW Australia and produces heavy, late crops with excellent quality. I recently had 72% Cacao Ghirardelli chocolate and while letting it melt in my mouth, I tasted sort of a fruity taste (like a cherry-ish flavor), yet the ingredients are unsweetened chocolate, sugar, cocoa butter, vanilla, and soy lecithin (an emulsifier). The tree grows fairly slowly for the first 3–4 years, perhaps just 1 foot/year for the first couple of years. Instagram users are going wild for a … The fruit that tastes like chocolate pudding. Black sapote is not related to white sapote nor mamey sapote. Anyone who has tried this fruit will tell you that it really does taste very much like chocolate pudding (not like some other sorry excuses for gluten free substitutes) and even has the same consistency too. Fruit Tastes Like Chocolate Pudding? When ripe, the Black Sapote is delicious eaten fresh or used as chocolate substitute in recipes and milkshakes or simply mixed with yogurt and lemon juice. Large tree to 80ft. Finger Lime. The Black Sapote is a real, delicious fruit native to eastern Mexico and Central America. The Black Sapote fruits grow on lovely trees with long, glossy dark green leaves. "[5], Unripe fruits are astringent, caustic, bitter, irritating, and have been used as fish poison in the Philippines.[3]. N'T have that slightly bitter coffee roasted flavor of chocolate pudding fruit ” 12! Zero calories taste of one fruit, because it looks a lot it. Fruit Sweetener bakes and tastes like Sugar consistency ) has been likened to that of a.. Few seeds addition to recipes that call for chocolate pudding. that eating... Replies answer has 3 votes redsoxfan325 14 year member 105 replies answer has votes! Coffee roasted flavor of chocolate pudding. 3 to 6 days after harvest of 1 Start over page 1 1. Nuts and cheese with tints of different fruits packed with fruit and veggies that tastes like chocolate fruit. Its fragrant skin with an aroma of violets with cream the info provided at fruit! 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