how to thin shellac without denatured alcohol
Its used to remove oil from metal without having to wash the residue off it. Shellac can be used over any stain except alcohol-base types and over any filler. Denatured alcohol has been banned here for some time as a solvent. You can always thin out pre-made shellac by adding denatured alcohol. * Denatured Alcohol (DNA) is ethanol with toxins mixed in. Methanol evaporates the quickest. Yes, it is too thick for furniture purposes, and yes, you can thin it to any consistency you like with DNA. Try to find an inconspicuous spot. Explaining The Cut When mixing shellac, the cut refers to the amount of shellac flakes to a gallon of denatured alcohol. Was my first time using shellac at all I have been a lot of woodworking but always use urethane or lacquer finishes recently got into using oil instead of stain and I used the French polishing method (a wad of cheese cloth wrapped tightly in a peicee of old tee-shirt) and I cut it half denatured alcohol … And the beauty of it is if you screw it up, you can get it all off with alcohol and start over. I tried a general Google search and the only thing I could come up with was arguments about whether or not isopropyl alcohol is a suitable thinner for shellac … Turbinaire Compatible Parts & Accessories. the finishing store • The alcohol is both the carrier and solvent for the finish and so by applying it, the existing finish begins to dissolve and scratches can be spotlessly fixed … You can easily pull it off without disturbing the finish on your … * I live in Southern California. Cleaning and repairing a handplane - Ep 3, Complete Illustrated Guide to Woodworking USB, Editor's letter: Finding sanctuary in the shop. Traditionally, shellac was applied by a process known as French polishing. The alcohol will eventually soften the finish until it becomes sticky. Prop 65 notwithstanding, it arrived after about a week without trouble. The dry shellac will be "cut," or mixed with a ratio of denatured alcohol. If you have access to 95-to-100 percent pure propanol or isopropyl alcohol, you could use it for thinning without a problem. Simply dab the surface with some denatured alcohol. You want to use Zinsser SealCoat, which is a de-waxed shellac. Shellac is an extremely easy finish to repair due to the fact that, like lacquer, it can be touched up by rubbing the damaged area with a cloth dampened with the carrier, which in the case of shellac is denatured alcohol. Heavier liquid cuts can be used however it is best to apply several thin shellac coats rather than a few heavy ones. Shellac doesn't go down like varnish - it seems to be going down like varnish and then it "suddenly" turns to goo as you attempt to brush it out. For best brushing, you should cut it to 2# - 1 1/2#. This is the SealCoat: When I want a thicker finish, one that I'll sand and ultimately polish to gloss, I mix it a bit thicker. You can remove shellac with a variety of solvents, including denatured alcohol. ("What's that smell?" All you need is a good brush to apply it and denatured alcohol for cleaning up. If nothing happens, then the surface is probably lacquer and you will need to use a thinner to remove it. The regulating agencies responsible for this removal are the Air Quality Management District (AQMD) and the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), the five counties around Los Angeles. Buy just enough for the job, and junk any leftover shellac. If you have never worked with shellac before it is recommended that you start with a light consistency, preferably about a 1 lb. Problem is 99.9% technical grade (or 200 proof) is only sold at laboratory supply, and 95% pure grade called 190 proof grain alcohol is hard to find at many liqueur stores. A result of softening without dissolving suggests there is shellac present but that it has been mixed with lacquer as well. But it is made poisonous so it can be sold without liquor taxes. liquor • Obviously not too much protection, but it has a really close to the wood look and looks hand rubbed. As someone else stated, the pure stuff doesn't stay pure anyway. Thinned shellac is recommended for sealer coats. To remove shellac, start by brushing denatured alcohol onto the wood surface and leaving it for a few minutes to start the stripping process. If it’s a varnish, the spot will react more slowly. Copyright © var year = new Date();document.write(year.getFullYear()); Apollo Sprayers International, Inc. All rights reserved. The best part is that you never have to clean them; just re-dissolve the brush in alcohol or shellac. In liquid state, shellac has a shelf life, so mix only the amount you will use within a few weeks. Can I thin it with denatured alcohol? For sealer, thin 1 part of 3- or 4-pound-cut white shellac with 4 parts denatured alcohol. If, however, it starts to cloud and soften, you need to mix your denatured alcohol with an equal part of lacquer thinner. I am applying Zinsser Bullseye amber shellac on a cedar chest. cut liquid shellac use approximately a 2:16 ratio of shellac flakes to alcohol (2 oz. I'm sure that pure alcohol works best but I've been making shellac for years for both french polishing and airbrush spraying without needing the pure form. UNLIMITED membership - Get access to it all. Shellac has a very short shelf life; old shellac does not dry properly. In canada Methyl hydrate is the name of denatured alcohol. Newer Post →. of alcohol). Denatured alcohol softens shellac so you can scrape it off the wood without using commercial chemical strippers. Denatured alcohol will dissolve the shellac so the more alcohol you apply the thinner the finish. I certainly don't have anything against having a couple of drinks after work, (ask anybody) but I … cut so you don't need to add alcohol unless you plan to use it for french polishing. When Not to Use Denatured Alcohol Denatured alcohol on paint can be a problem. cut (3 lbs shellac flakes to one gallon of denatured alcohol). If the sprayer's performance is not the best, add some denatured alcohol to assist in fine spraying. That’s just not an option for me. Shall I go to DefCon III? To lighten the amber shellac, mix clear shellac to it. Older finishes are not always shellac… cut de-waxed shellac applied by rag. The other alternative is to buy shellac flakes, some alcohol and mix your own. Alternatives are Isopropyl Alcohol (isopropanol or rubbing alcohol, the 99% pure version), Methyl Hydrate (methanol or wood alcohol), Ethyl Alcohol (ethanol or grain alcohol), or in a pinch, Mineral Spirits. CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Denatured alcohol can be used to strip floors and make shellac, but don’t put it in your homemade hand sanitizer to fight the COVID-19 coronavirus. Denatured alcohol is critical for dissolving shellac flakes and for thinning liquid shellac to reduce brush marks and orange peel. Shellac must usually be thinned or cut with denatured alcohol before application, as directed by the manufacturer. I couldn’t find any 99% denaturated alcohol. Wood to be finished with shellac must be properly prepared, sanded, and sealed. Shellac has a very short shelf life; old shellac does not dry properly. And propanol and isopropyl alcohol are the slowest. Thinned shellac is recommended for sealer coats. Making shellac is a simple process whereby we dissolve the flakes of shellac we buy into 190-proof denatured alcohol which we either buy through license here in the UK or we use Methylated spirits, which is denatured alcohol with an added violet colouring and any of a number of other additives that make the Meths undrinkable and even poisonous to prevent the misuse … Some manufacturers even shelf-date shellac. Need to carefully check the MSDS/SDS on denatured alcohol (DNA) when you buy it. denatured • Any paint store will have methyl hydrate. If it is shellac finish, it will liquefy and dissolve. Thanks for the input to all. Unlike shellac, they also darken with age.) propanol • woodfinishing • Buy 250 grams of shellac flakes, dewaxed and mix with 1 litre of meths (denatured alcohol). To make the homemade mixture, you'll buy a container of dry shellac in the form of flakes or buttons. You wont find denatured in Canada. woodwork • I saw your question and used the answers below and the results were fabulous! The product is popular due to its ease of application, low odor, and all-natural origin. Make no mistake about it. A more general cut is a 1# cut. ← Older Post It’s also cheaper than denatured alcohol. Enter now for your chance to win more than $2,000 worth of woodworking equipment from Woodpeckers. cut, it will flow out a little better. Sometimes you’ll see methanol (methyl alcohol) sold in paint stores. All of these alcohols except rubbing alcohol will thin and clean up shellac. Shellac is sold in several cuts, or concentrations. Denatured alcohol is next. Good brushes help. Zinnser Shellac is a 3 lb. Dab a little denatured alcohol on one section of the wood finish. Simply moisten a rag with denatured alcohol and rub it into the surface in a circular motion. Here is Kleen strip DNA ingredients, with 50-55% methanol:. It's good for you."). It's already been thinned to a 2 lb. Shellac can really be mixed to any thickness you want, but if you’re just getting started then a thinner mix is easier to apply flawlessly. Instead of "denatured alcohol", there are two readily available options that should be available at your local hardware store. To mix 1 pint of 1 Lb. I don't think it's very common for gasoline to be used as an additive, at least in the USA. But mineral spirit would not do so. To darken the clear shellac, mix the amber shellac to it. Rollie Johnson gets his hands dirty in this episode, flattening the mating surfaces of the frog, and the sole of a vintage handplane. Paint a thick layer of alcohol thinner onto the wood. Edited by - Shawn Hoover on 04/23/2013 … On the contrary, the mineral spirit would only dissolve wax and thin varnish. It should work for shellac. The regulating agencies responsible for this removal are the Air Quality Management District (AQMD) and the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), the five counties around Los Angeles. I recommend cutting it by AT LEAST a third, and maybe more, depending. If it gets sticky, then you’re dealing with shellac. The preferred alcohol to use is ethyl alcohol (ethanol), the same stuff booze is made from. Furthermore, can you mix shellac and linseed oil? I find it satisfactory to make a heavier mix and thin down as needed but a 1# cut is good for padding on and a 2# cut is good for brushing on. The difference among them is evaporation rate. simply add as many coats as you want. This is ethanol, the same alcohol that is included in beer, wine and liquors. And please don’t say drive to a neighboring state and buy some there. Just a quick comparison between denatured alcohol and Everclear in mixing up shellac. More alcohol doesn't really change the dry time, btw. A one pound cut is (1 lb. Sometimes that varies according to the finish I want to get. Instead, look at Peter Gedrys' excellent articles on the subject here in Fine Woodworking. Confirming the Finish Older finishes are not always shellac… Alternatively, you can use a sprayer to spray on shellac. Whether you make your own or buy it ready mixed, shellac can be thick or thin and this depends on the ratio of denatured alcohol to the pound weight of shellac used. Question and used the answers below and the results were fabulous alcohol solvent shellac. The finish to answer your woodworking questions and connect with the online.! As shellac thinner type of alcohol to a paintbrush and use it to your. A few heavy ones the meths is coloured purple but that evaporates as the best part is that is. Liquid cuts can be used as an additive, at least in the interest of sharing our experiences ; have! 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