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Goats should have some form of grooming periodically, not just before a show. Leading: Lead the goat from the left side with the right hand when possible. Here are some hints for preparing your goats for showing. But if you want to show your goats, then you can do clipping at anytime. Which goat in the class best examplifies the breed. If you have a boer goat buck, shave him all down 3 weeks before show to let his hair grow back some, and brush it every day. ♦ Select goats in their natural environment if possible. primary show. If you have a boer goat doe, just trim up all the tuffs of hair that are sticking up. Use sharp blades for clipping depending on the season, length and texture of your goat’s hair. A correct show stance is one where the animal’s legs are placed squarely underneath it. The mature Boer Goat bucks weighs between 110-135 kg and does between 90 and 100 kg. Other wise it could be harmful to the breed. Boer goats are horned breed with lop ears, with a colour pattern of white and brown/red. You will want your market goat to weigh anywhere from 80-100 pounds at his final show to be competitive, depending on frame size. The narrowness you are referring to doesn't have anything to do with the belly. Set up the end of the goat nearest the judge first, meaning, if the judge is standing at the head of the line, looking at the front of your goat, then set up the front legs first. Showing can be a good way to promote the Fainting goat breed IF the judges are knowledgeable about the breed and IF the champions chosen to represent the breed match the breed standard. It's the body structure. Showing can allow others to see the accomplishments you have made in your herd. You want to make sure the goat’s front feet don’t end up in the low spots. 5Groom your goat. Try to watch them move around with This is healthier for them, and makes them easier to groom when you are getting them ready for a show. Once in the class, you and your goat are judged the entire time. Why Should You Show Your Goat? Buy a goat that will be 10-12 months old by the final show to realize maximum genetic potential. Try to learn more about clipping from an experienced person, if you have never clipped a goat before. One or two weeks before show, you need to trim your goat up. To a show your goat, you need to pretty it up a bit by washing, clipping, and trimming hooves. • A balanced calcium-phosphorus ratio along with ammonium chloride to reduce the incidence of urinary calculi. Raising show goats, breeding stock and slaughtering meat goats are three different goals for raising goats. Characteristics to look at when selecting a goat (Boer) for show The does The does must be judged starting from the head; which should be feminine. Pick your main focus because you'll need to … Judges judging a dairy goat show aren't going to go with the goat that looks most like their breed. Goats love to be brushed, which keeps their fur healthy and shiny and helps them shed their winter under coat, which gets in the way when you are bathing and clipping. When leading your goat, stay about 4 feet behind the goat. You always want to set the goat going uphill . Pelleted ration for goats above 70 lbs in the finishing or holding phase of feeding. Before the Show: Evaluate the show ring prior to showmanship, paying close attention to where low spots are located. Clip your goats two weeks before a show to allow any mistakes […] They're going to take the breed standard and compare it to the goats in the class. On show day, ask permission to take your goat into the ring prior to the class, because the footing may differ from that at home. Start by trimming its feet, and giving it baths. Not all goat shows have the same grooming requirements, so check before you clip. • Feed to goats in the final phase of finishing to firm up condition while maximizing muscle shape on goats being conditioned for show.

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